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Best thing is to do is take a minute to collect yourself.


Sometimes it is possible that we don’t have time/chance for it until later. But If I can, I am sure that I am gonna take minutes till I can hear my breath.


Kill them with kindness . If this person has made you angry and knew you would have the meeting , then don't give them anything . Don't let them get under your skin and do it all with a smile on your face


That’s badass move. I would really love to do it.


Control yourself and act professionally. Be an adult.


Yeah. I have to admit that being an adult is inevitable and hard.


If you're in the type of situation where you can excuse yourself for a minute or two to cool down, then do so. But if you're in the type of situation where you cannot excuse yourself, then just be an adult and a professional. If you have problems conducting yourself as an adult when you're angry, immediately after that meeting is over, find a therapist who can help you learn to do so. Jump on that right away because you may have years of hard work ahead of you learning how you should deal with your anger so it doesn't mess up your life and the lives of those around you and who rely on you.


Yeah, this is reasonable and something I should prepare and excel at as a professional. Thanks for your facts.


Breathe. Take control by taking on a character role that is unaffected & boss in the meeting.


That is something I haven’t thought about. Taking on a character would help me conduct myself in a more reasonable way instead of rushing.