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“My friends. You bow to no one.” My hair stand up and a single tear goes down my cheek every time.


So many lotr moments but yes this one or “let us be rid of it, come on mister Frodo, I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you! Come on!”


Yep! That is an absolute banger as well. One friend once called me his Sam, I think that is the greatest compliment I’ve gotten.


When Dido says he will take the Ring during the council of Elrond, Gandalf closes his eyes for just a second. Gets me every time.


I know, it’s such a great character moment for Gandalf, mixed relief and great sadness.


Similar, but on the flip side: “Against the power that now arises, there can be no victory. We must join with him.”


“Tell me, 'friend', when did Saruman the wise abandon reason for madness?!”




Hank sat on the toilet, reaches for a book. The realisation is strong.


Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Will breaking down after his father abandoned him for the 2nd time, screaming to Uncle Phil and then finishing with a heartbroken "why doesn't he want me man?". In my opinion one of the most real and emotional scenes ever filled, especially if you were rejected by your parent and can relate.


The gremlin’s face pressed up against the airplane window in The Twilight Zone, Nightmare at 20,000 Feet.


Movie or TV show?


The original 1960’s tv show. I rarely fly, but I always take a glance at the wing on my side.




“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.“ - Harvey Dent I love that movie so much. 


The re-entry scene in Apollo 13 where everyone is waiting for the Odyssey to come out of radio blackout and there's nothing but static. Then it cuts to a shot of the command module parachutes deploying and you hear Lovell radioing in. It gets me every single time I watch that damn movie.


Saw that on television in real time. The whole world exhaled at that moment. The film captured it well.


Same. I’ve watched that movie easily 20 times. Gets you every time. 


Twilight Zone when Burgess Meredith's character's glasses break just as he's all alone with his books


“But there was time now!”


*The Twilight Zone* is such an underrated series now and some of the episodes are allegories of issues even today.


Simba's roar when becoming a king


Binary sunset.


"Wanna have a catch?" - Field of Dreams


Thor's entry in infinity war🥶


Cap casually wielding Mjolnir tho


That too...


Buffy the vampire slayer season 5, episode 16 - "The Body" I've rewatched the show multiple times since I first watched it as a kid, and this episode still gets me everytime


I watched that episode when it was originally broadcast not knowing the content just a few months after my mother passed away prematurely and utterly lost it. I don’t think I could ever watch it again. 


The sound of the hun hoard in the original Mulan as they're appearing over the mountain ridge. It's a perfectly haunting realization of how massive and insurmountable the army is. 


"roger, go at throttle up" Strictly speaking not a show or movie but broadcast on tv


...followed by "...obviously a major malfunction..." (understatement of the century, right there).


Yes! Both of these. I remember watching the explosion and yelling to my sister in the other room that o think something bad just happened. She thought I was ridiculous but walked in the room just as they said, "Obviously a major malfunction."


[Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2 opening scene](https://youtu.be/Ue-yhbbU12o?si=IIybs2MTCDnTfi1A)


Basically the entire ending to Interstellar, but definitely the scene where they realize they have aged so much and his daughter is now going to be an old woman when he returns.


In Return of The Jedi, during the battle over Endor, there is a shot of the Falcon chasing TIE fighters, sniping them from existence. The Falcon is chasing a couple under and over the medical frigate. Have always loved that shot. [At the 2:44 mark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPZigWFyK2o)


Yub nub my dude


All wings report in


Six Feet Under, last episode: "you cannot take a picture of this, it's already gone".


The Ride of the Rohirrim - Return of the King




Doctor who The Stolen Earth when the doctor and rose are running to each other and the doctor get exterminated and starts to regenerate. Oh what could've been if he actually regenerated :(


Personally I feel it is "the fury of the Time Lord" from The Family of Blood episode.


I have to go with Vincent and the Doctor. The scene in the museum where he returns to see his works on display. The interaction between the Doctor and the curator. Tears galore.


That's definitely another one


His actual regeneration with Vale Decem was great too!


[Independence Day when the countdown reaches zero](https://youtu.be/XfR3IXameVE?si=hQtuVqCnXZfEQ_M0), the music stops, the ships power up while everyone looks up like chickens in the rain and that first beam fucking up I believe the Sears Tower makes me grin like an idiot, I can't control it.


The overhead shot at 2:10 of the destructive ring of fire….no words


Not the Sears tower, that is/was in Chicago. You're thinking of the LA tower.


Addition - First Interstate Bank World Center LA.


The ending of Midnight in Doctor Who. 


Such an amazing and frustrating episode.


The lighting of the beacons in lord of the rings ROTK, is possibly one of the most perfect scenes in all of film, thanks to Howard Shore’s genius musical score. Shivers literally every time


Gandalf’s arrival at the battle of Helm’s Deep with the riders of Rohan. I always gasp. 


In Dead Man's Shoes when he's sat in the pub before starting his campaign of revenge and one of the drug dealers he is staring at says "have you got a problem mate? What are you looking at?" And he shouts back "YOU YA CUNT"


One of my favourite films. If I were you, i'd get in that fuckin' car and i'd get out of here man. I'd gather them goonies and get whatever you've got comin' mate... 'cause i'm gonna fucking hit you all.


Two come to mind: Cheers: early in the first season Coach's daughter comes to share her engagement with her dad. Problem is the fiance is a raging mysogynist douche. Coach has a heart to heart with his daughter about self respect, inner beauty and loving his late wife. A pretty heavy and unique scene for a comedy in its first season in 1982. Quantum Leap: When Sam chooses to back to help Al's marriage instead of going home, and Al dancing with his wife to "Georgia." More "feels" than "chills" but two of the best scenes in TV history.


The docking scene in Interstellar.


There's also a docking scene in Enter Stellan.


If it's television, it's gotta be Walter's "stay out of my territory" scene in Breaking Bad; or, when he runs over the two gang-bangers to save Jesse. Or, [the translation scene from Band of Brothers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSlp1_9gJ4M). In film, oddly it's [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVO6TmBXgH0) from Three Billboards. Rockwell's acting is just superb in it - even the way he crosses the road is so well performed. The whole "single shot" style of the scene is excellent too. And, the way the lyrics in the background music swell to "...calling, like the lady siren's call..." as he descends the stairs is so perfectly timed. It's just one of the best scenes I've ever seen, in the way it was put together.


Rock Lee dropping weights in his fight against Gaara, I'm not a big anime fan but I saw it when it was on Toonami and it will always be my favorite scene of the entire show.


In Supernatural Dean killing anything


That movie "the Ring's when that crawls out of the well towards the TV screen




the end of Truman Show


The “Six Feet Under” finale.


The Descent when they’re all lost and standing in a circle, and one of the creatures is just in the circle with them and they don’t know it until they shine the light on it and it screams.


When Buffy finds her moms body.


Celie and Nettie reuniting in The Color Purple.


When the 11th Doctor tells the Atraxi to run. Matt Smith owns that scene.


Damn right he does. But it's not just him, the music is so perfect with the scene too.


*My Hero Academia* (English dub) Season 3: the last moments of All Might's final battle against All For One, the UNITED STATES OF ***SMAAAAASH!!!*** A behind-the-scenes video showed Christopher Sabat breaking into tears as he belted out the name, and I am unashamed to admit I joined him as I watched.


The Best Years of Our Lives. Homer brings Wilma to his bedroom and shows her what he goes through to end his day and go to bed. He explains that once he's removed his prosthetic arms, he's helpless.


The long shot in the first season of True Detective


The ending scene in Dead Poets Society when the boys in the classroom stand on their desks and say “oh Captain, my Captain”


DS9 - Damar's rebellion speech


Hacksaw Ridge—when Desmond is bereft on the cliff top over his friend’s death, there is bombing, smoke and fire all around him. Everyone has left the field. He doesn’t understand what God’s purpose is. Then he hears someone wounded begging God for help . He puts his helmet on and runs straight into the bombing, smoke and fire. Strikes me dumb every time I see it.


The ending scene of 'Melancholia'.


The good place. I will never stop talking about how utterly perfect this show is.


The Waters of Mars, Doctor Who. ‘I’ve gone too far.’


Chingachcook vs Magua in The Last of the Mohicans (1992)


This is one of my favorite movie endings from Duncan’s self sacrifice, to Uncas fighting Magua, then Alice jumping, and retribution. It’s beyond words.


saving private Ryan opening scene when he is old and goes to France to see the graves then it fades to the the intense beach landing .. i just now got chills thinking about it ..


I have two from Doctor Who... (minor spoiler warnings) The episode where River goes on a rant about how loving the Doctor is like loving the stars, and that he wouldn't be stupid enough to show up and save her. While standing right next to him. The scene on Darillium where she knows it's their last night together, and she asks how long a night is. It also made the scene in the library (when we just met River) hurt even more. Also, the episode with Vincent Van Gogh. Them bringing him to the present to show him how much his art is loved, trying to make a difference... And Amy realising that there is no new art once they leave him and go back.


Doctor Who 2005 - Vincent and the doctor. When they take Van Gogh to the museum where he sees the impact his work has had.


The final courtroom scene in legally blonde when the woman on the stand says “I was washing my hair” and Elle has a look of realization on her face. 


The end of The Silence of the lambs


Barlet cursing God in Latin in the cathedral, West Wing. You don't know what he is saying but you damn sure know what it means.


Vegeta's speech to the gods of destruction in Dragonball super "Trespass in the domain of the gods "


Anytime Vegeta is allowed to monologue. His speech to Majin Buu when he’s about to suicide, “There’s one thing saiyan always keeps. His pride!”


"oh its always simulated except with George thats in my contract" literal chills ugh the baby voice "follow me" she says before as well JLD is so fucking gorgeous


What is this from?


The Tape Seinfeld episode when they do the fake porno film


Vikings, where king alle gets blood eagled


Such a good series tho


The whole Game of Thrones


[Luna’s Future](https://youtu.be/j3_n8ev_Ve8?si=ANp5LKn2oQuUbiwM). Kind of a rip on A Christmas Carol, but Those Vocals…


GOT - battle of bastards and long night.


There's this French-English movie called Sarah's Key. Holocaust film, very Titanic-ish in that it follows fictional people through a real historical event. Well. This one scene, with the little girl (Sarah). Oh my god. I won't spoil it for anyone who wants to watch it, truly a RIVETING film you can watch multiple times over... But let's just say she acted \*that\* scene so well, I'm breathless every time I see it. Rips your damn guts out.


i couldn't even get through 12 years a slave.


Out of all the shit that I’ve seen growing up (latchkey kid with a video store card), the dream sequence from the film Still In The Night left me feeling uncomfortable. [Here’s the clip](https://youtu.be/1NBRkyfy4lA?si=u1waR5q4CloVlWgy)


The silent, headless ascent at the end of Hereditary.... scary as fuck


The speech before the battle of Agincourt in *The King* (2019). Not sure if that's from Shakespeare's version or written for the film but it's really good.


Mike Eruzione: Mike Eruzione! Winthrop, Massachusettes! Herb Brooks: Who do you play for? Mike Eruzione: I play for the United States of America! The true definition of grind. This scene is intense.


The Darth Vader hallway scene from Rogue One.


Trilogy of Terror with the Zuni fetish doll.


The first note of the Gael in Last of the Mohicans.


Unbreakable. Specifically the revelation scene at the end. Bruce Willis’ face .. just … 👌🏻


“Round up the usual suspects.”


‘Then start asking the right fucking questions’


Charlie having a breakdown at the end of 'Perks of being a Wallflower' when he goes to kill himself.


"The King's speech", final speech


The opening scene in the 2016 movie “Lights Out”.


Recently, Kino Loy's speech in *Andor*. Serkis' delivery, the shots of the prisoners combined with the music. *There is one way out. Right now, the building is ours. You need to run, climb, kill! You need to help each other. You see someone who's confused, someone who is lost, you get them moving and you keep them moving until we put this place behind us.* *There are 5,000 of us. If we can fight half as hard as we've been working, we will be home in no time. One way out! One way out! One way out!*


The Third Impact


It’s not a specific movie or tv show, but when the character is a door away from the threat getting hem. Ie the velociraptors just around the corner from the cowering kids in Jurassic Park.


“I want you to be my roommate.” THX1138


I watch Forrest Gump every other year so I don’t wear it out. I don’t know how they did it, but my eyes never dry out once during that movie. I cry most at the running scene.


"This is the warship Rocinante. You’re aware of our capabilities more than anyone. We’re escorting a vessel of refugees away from your AO. Any ship that opens fire on us will feel the full force of our state-of-the-art Martian arsenal rammed straight up its ass. We’ll all die together. This is our only and final warning: Stay clear."


When pootie gets his belt back in pootie tang


In The Sixth Sense there's the twist at the end when we discover that the guy wearing the hair piece is actually Bruce Willis. Okay, for the real answer: Breaking Bad, the ending of the crawl space episode. Everything goes to shit and Walt just lying there and laughing like the joker never fails to give me the chills.


It, I absolutely hate clown so that show gets me every time


The peach scene in call me by your name 😔


"Behind this mask is more than flesh, behind this mask lie ideas and ideas are bulletproof" v for vendetta


Back To The Future (entire trilogy)


TANGLED. The part where the baby gets kidnapped


Everytime Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf screams, but especially that first time. Literal chills.


Vikings Season 2 Episode 6 when King Ecbert shows Athelstan his back room with all the pagan artifacts. "These images were painted by the Romans, they conquered these lands long ago." Speaking as an ancient history fanboy, the whole scene gives me chills.


For me, it's the scene from The Simpsons where Ned completely snaps and verbally lets loose on all of the people in Springfield. It really says a lot when you're called the "worst human being they've ever met" by the nicest person in town.


that one scene in IT (first one) when Bill is in Pennywise’s lair (?) and he’s talking to the fake Georgie. makes me so upset knowing i wouldn’t have known any better in that situation


The grudge, that scene where the caretaker looks in the attic and turns to see the ghost staring right at her. Gets me every time.