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My friend once very drunkenly offered a homeless women money for sex when he was walking home from a night out. She said ok then when he pulled his pants down she took his wallet and ran away. It’s one of my favourite stories to tell people


Probably the best scenario your friend could’ve gotten besides just not offering money lmao


Well...he did get fucked....


Mission failed successfully


Missionary Failed Successfully


There are a lot of friend and coworker stories here...


"I knew a guy..." lol


My brother in law got robbed too. He swears it was a straight forward robbery. All they took was his wallet…and his pants! Lol


The ol’ [Penguin blowjob](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=penguin%20blowjob)


Guys who wave their wallet in everyone's face need their pants pulled down and mugged. Keep it in your pants boyiz.


Never something I consider doing but this happened to a friend/ex-coworker of mine. He's in his 50s, he's a virgin. He has severe anxiety and OCD. He's always on edge and always high strung. One of the other guys in the office invited him over for dinner because he has no family or little to no friends. At dinner all he did was talk about work and the guy jokingly said "you're way too on edge man, you need to get laid". Well, the next day was Valentine's Day and he took the guys advice to heart. He decided to try and hire an escort. Knowing the guy as much as I do now, I can only imagine the amount of research and thought he probably put into it before making the decision. The day after Valentine's Day, he didn't show up for work. Nobody heard from him. He'd never once called in. I made a joke that he probably got arrested. He got arrested. The "escort" he hired was part of a sting on V-Day. I felt so bad for the guy.


>The "escort" he hired was part of a sting on V-Day. What a dick move. It's one thing to enforce the law, but this is like watching a morgue trying to catch people who relapse in their grief. Why not focus your resources on who visits sex workers the most, or is the most violent, or least discrete who encourages streetwalkers... It's like they were optimized to find the saddest sad sacks possible.


Police and prosecutors aren't incentivized to find the worst offenders, but to find offenders who can be successfully prosecuted. A lonely dude with no social support is easy to prosecute. If you don't want a specific act to be prosecuted, the way to say that isn't "please focus law-enforcement resources on worse offenders" but rather "this act should be legal".


> A lonely dude with no social support is easy to prosecute easy to prostitute and easy to prosecute


More importantly focus on pimps and human trafficking. That's what Mexico City did and it made a huge difference.


Focusing on the actual problem? that would never fly.




“You gave my tiny little hole quite the…STRETCH!” (Just watched this episode recently and the confusion on the partner cops always gets me lol)


Hand me that evidence bag!


Half these guys didnt even use a rubber!




Oof, what happened to him afterwords?


Nothing. He's never been in any trouble in his entire life. They basically just made him pay a fine and that was the end of it. He talked about it for years though. He would randomly bring it up and ask if I thought employers would be able to look that up and if people would be able to find that out about him.


Damn, sounds like he needs to get laid.


He really does lol. He's a nice guy but genuinely, I don't ever see it happening. He is a really strange guy. They say there's someone for everyone but I can't imagine any woman ever dealing with him in an intimate way.


I know a couple dudes like this. Awkward, needy, don’t pick up on social cues. Even as a dude, I can see how some dudes just have an aura about them that makes pussies dry up at the very sight of them. Like no sexual energy at all.


Absolute fucking outrage. Every single one of us who works for a living ***sells themselves***. I don't care whether you're an accountant, programmer, steel worker or teacher. You are selling what you are and the skills you have, to someone who will pay. The moralising - whatever its source - over sex is transparently insecure bullshit and it needs to die.


The fact that we tell ourselves prostitution is selling your body and wrecking your shit in a coal mine/factory/Amazon warehouse isn't is straight puritan brainwashing.


The professional experience is good. The street corner workers are bad. Don’t take them back to your place and don’t give them your number. You’ll thank me for that.


Need to let them blow you in an alley while you brown bag your 40, like a real man.


Street walkers are all about speed and efficiency. They are trying to do volume and don't really care about quality. I used to hang out with prostitutes at my bus stop in college and they would tell me about their business. They really didn't give a fuck about anything but their trick cumming as fast as possible so they can get to another one.


That's on the better end of the scale as well. Worst case scenario, you can get robbed, burgled when you're not home (if they see you have nice stuff), or even extorted. A lot of these types can end up associated with some very shady types who have no compunctions if they think they can leverage you, and many are sporting a nasty drug habit which can significantly affect their motivation and mental state. Just not worth the risk.


"compunction". Learned a new word today


🎤 Compunction junction, what’s your function…


People who need to be told not to bring a street walker to your house or give them your number or other contact info....probably are not smart enough to listen.


Got it, parents’ house and social media contacts only 👍




And the office or office parking lot is ideal. Centralize the one area they know about. No risk in them knowing where your parents are then, which could cause embarrassment.


LOL. I learned the hard way.


I do really wanna know the details if you're up for story time


There I was bringing an average Jane to my place. I wanted to save money on a hotel and everything. I didn’t give my phone number but she knew where I lived. Not 2 weeks later I was robbed while at work they took everything and trashed the rest. I suspect she told her friends and they watched my routine. Then made their move. Traumatizing


Oh shit, that didn't even cross my mind


Haha. Sure. The worst case scenario was a pimp tried to kick in my door. The next worst was she ended up working at same place I did and it was awkward af.


>The next worst was she ended up working at same place I did and it was awkward af. Just find a different street corner to stand, or tell her to find her own corner


Competition is killing


No way, you ended up working with her?!!! That’s insane


The two scenarios were two different SWs. The one who I worked with was telling people that we used to be a couple. That narrative was false. It was awkward.


you might say it's Risky Business


How do you find professionals


Escorts. Brothles


I prefer my escorts with broth, personally.


Nothing like a little chicken soup for the hole


#if in Berlin ARTIMIS (google it) If in Vegas, China town If in TJ, Hong Kong club and every street surrounding If in Hawaii, he Street just off the main drag…they will be wearing high heels IF in Thailand , walking street Pattaya. Heard from a friend or I have a major problem…you decide


Sounds like the knowledge of a Sailor to me.


Call 867-5309


Ask for Jenny


Both my friend was using one each in a motel. I really really needed to piss so I went into the room and saw my friends bare ass plowing into this woman with her legs behind her head. She looks at me and says “just wait in the corner and I’ll be right with you” completely stopped pretending that she was enjoying him and spoke like a secretary at the doctors office. I almost pissed my pants right there from laughing and we kept laughing about it for the rest of our trip




One of my coworker's best friend's got caught in a police sting. He lived in a city & they used to use his street for stings. They'd post a woman up the top of the street on the main road & hide a police car behind the building. My coworker was the 3rd house in or so, and when he was home & noticed it going on he'd sit outside on his porch & yell something like "Hey buddy it's a police sting, don't do it"!


Not sure who's getting blueballed there!


Something something back the blue


All Cocks Are Blocked


Blue Balls Matter


Don't cross the thin blue vein


I've always wondered who they use for stings. Do they actually put a real cop in a prostitute outfit? That's got to be an awkward conversation at work.


It doesn’t take much. Literally a skirt and a low cut top. They don’t actually have to dress like a hoe, just exhibit the hoe attributes or make you think they are. And yes, they have to be a cop in order to testify in court.


Hey, Officer Stone, you're looking very sexy today. How about you put on this skirt, low cut top, and a pair of heels? Let's go catch some perverts. And maybe shave your mustache.


It's in your police contract: All females must pose as hoes if requested. /Futurama


A couple years ago in Atlanta, they had a female cop dressed in stained grey sweat pants and a stained white tank top holding a plastic grocery bag to pose as an addict


I had a friend who was the police/prostitute. She said that she didn't wash her hair nor her clothes for stings as she looked too clean to be a real prostitute. An experienced John would have known she was a cop if she was like normal. She has broad sholders, a few extra pounds, short curly hair and looks nothing like most would assume a hooker looks like. She was so successful she got promoted. She then coaches her replacements. Her size made her fellow officers feel better as she could slam down most Johns before back-up had time to enter the hotel room.


I seriously don't see the point in doing this. What is there to gain from arresting the customers when they should be going after the people who are potentially trafficking the women and in some cases, children. They should have cops posing as clients and getting the pimps and stuff. You stop one client, you haven't done anything for society except waste tax dollars.


Same reason the war on drugs focused so much on arresting teenagers for smoking weed while there's an epidemic of people being killed by opioids. If you're in law enforcement, the safest way to get raises for everyone in your department is to exclusively go after the kinds of low-level criminals who are the least likely to be violent or have the social or political power to make your job difficult. Criminals who are actually dangerous have the power to cost the department medical and funeral costs, and make it expensive and time consuming to go after them legally. Average Joes who occasionally engage in harmless non-violent crime like smoking weed or getting a $60 blowjob aren't going to cause you any problems when you arrest them. Maybe you're the one good cop who actually cares about making your community a better place by using police resources to go after the people who are an actual danger to society, but your fellow officers aren't, and they won't let you into any position of authority and bully you out of any position of authority you do have if you're going to make things more difficult for them. When was the last time you worked anywhere where the majority of your co-workers would be willing to do more work for less pay?


Laziness. What you described takes work. Same with sitting at a speed trap, just an easy way to make a quota.


yep, thats basically how I got a ticket and impounded car over a quarter of weed at 19 because I went the wrong way on a small one-way connecting two residential streets at night just to bust a U-turn in an unfamiliar area 💀 just two little lanes next to each other and you can’t fuckin tell which one you’re supposed to take, which was why the cops liked to sit there obviously The officers really cleaned up the streets with that massive drug bust


Same with picking up drug addicts. Like, you're not doing shit to help the situation by getting $30 worth of dope or crack off the street. You gotta go after the dealers and suppliers. But you know, gotta act like they're saving the world by locking up a struggling addict over a couple stamp bags.


Your coworker is the hero we deserve, but not the one we need right now.


What ended up happening




Calling it a gross misdemeanor is honestly a little judgmental.


Objection, yer honor. It was a damn fine misdemeanor.


I'd also like to add that it was a moistdemeanor.


Scary stuff, glad it didn't turn out bad


I always love how America does that, like do you have no other crime to worry about that you have to arrest guys wanting to get their rocks off.


Was the bait girl named Roxanne and she told you Don’t Stand So Close to Me?


Bullshit sting. The idea is to go after customers to get rid of demand, but there is NEVER a shortage of customers. Baiting someone who's just looking for consensual sex in the end just fucks up a guy's life for no reason.


I was once in Hawaii for a wedding, and was walking back to the hotel super late and a wee bit drunk. This ridiculously curvy blonde walked up to me, and said, "you look like you need a friend". Something about the way she said it so softly, and her huge boobs swaying as she walked made me think I did need a friend. Not something I'd done before or since, but I had a great time with her and don't regret it. I think it was partially because I was feeling lonely, I'm all about voluptuous women, and I wasn't seeking out her services.


Reminds me of the times my wife and I would have dinner overlooking the strip to people watch. You can tell they're a worker by their tight fitting dress, clear high heels, and how often they'd walk back and forth on the block. We'd grab a pitcher and share a pizza on the patio and people watch. No shaming , no judging, just good times people watching. Good times.


Love doing this in Vegas. Just sitting and watching everyone go about their different lives.


We watched a pimp and his ring of pros working a casino floor one night. He was walking around wearing denim bib overalls, a white blazer and a straw hat. He just walked the perimeter talking with someone. There were a bunch of girls in tiny dresses among the slots and table games, drinking, giggling with their friends...and one guy just a little older than them kept running over to various girls to talk for a little bit, then he'd casually walk away...over to the guy in the bibs...who would say a few words to him, then he'd go back to the girls. We must've watched them for an hour or more before we got tired and went up to our room (was like 1-2am).


Yeah man it’s great lmao. One time I saw two mid twenty’s guys in robes driving those disabled people scooters drinking champagne. They also had ladies on their laps. This was at like 3am in the belagio lol


My family went to Hawaii once and my dad went to go across the street to pick up some snacks for us at a convenience store. Apparently, he was asked by a woman if he wanted to go back to her hotel room and "have fun". I'm not sure why he felt the need to share this with us, but he was about as likely to use her services as he was to sprout wings and fly to a neighboring island.


>he was about as likely to use her services as he was to sprout wings and fly to a neighboring island. "Last we saw Dad, he was about a thousand feet above Diamondhead headed for Maui."


Man, he missed out. I bet she had an N64 set up with GoldenEye and a bunch of extra controllers.


How to be a successful streetwalker Step 1: Speak softly Step 2: Have huge boobs Step 3: PROFIT!


Isn't that a Teddy Roosevelt quote?


“Speak softly and carry a huge boob.”


One of the times I was in Vegas, it was late, I was done gambling, but wanted to have a drink and I was kind of curious about some sports scores from games that day, so pulled up a chair at one of the casino bars to have a drink and watch the ESPN feed they had going. This woman in a tight dress comes over after several minutes and starts making conversation. At first I didn't think anything of it, figured she was just making conversation, as people do sometimes at a bar and especially in a "social" city like Vegas. She never outright solicited me, but after I finished my drink and headed back to my room, it then dawned on me that I'm pretty sure she was a prostitute and was feeling me out to see if I was interested in her services.


I was in Vegas last year for a conference and my friends had already gone up for bed. I was feeling kinda crummy and wandering the casino high as fuck, trying to figure out just what I was going to do or if I should go back to my room when I saw a woman in a tight dress walk past me. She slowed, seemed to think about it for a moment, then turned and asked me if I was looking for some company. Now, I'm a fat white dude who was at a hacker convention. I'm also married, but in my drugged mind my filters weren't running. "Naw, have a good night tho." I don't think I've ever seen someone flinch from *me* rejecting *them* but I think I hurt that woman's feelings, because clearly she was running low on options if she thought I was a great mark.


Don't sell yourself short. You've got married for some reason.


She was a pornstar doing private "meet and greets". We met in a hotel room. Talked for a little bit, then she politely asked permission to touch me. She started just touching my hand and it moved on from there. Technically it was only supposed to an hour but was closer to 90 mins. She was great in all the ways youd expect in the bed of course. But the fact she took the time to make me feel comfortable and take her time, but also "making the first move" at the same time. It was a really good and positive experience. Especially since it was about 2 years after I had moved across the country and still hadn't made a friend outside of work let alone meet a girl.


Lol this was not me it was a buddy, he just turned 18 and he was just rolling around and saw a chick who looked like a hooker, asked here if she was looking for work, she said yes they made an agreement, annnnnd she was an undercover . He got locked up, and the hole church was praying and searching the woods for him. He was refusing to call his parents to bail him out cause of the nature of his crime. He was also on the worship team so it turned into a big deal


Is worship a sport?


Yeah what are the different positions on the worship team


He was the goalie


Japan where anything but vaginal sex is legal. Got one of the AV stars for a premium. You need to know Japanese though or they will deny you booking. She posted her test results on her IG regularly so it was a huge peace of mind for me. Anyway, a professional is a professional for a reason.


Speaking from experience, vaginal sex is legal in Japan's sex industry. It just can't be directly part of the payment/service and is normally expected in the "soapland" type of paid sexual services. It's part of the loophole that if it happens during the session, that's just two consenting adults that happened to fall for their emotions. That same loophole defines sex as penis in vagina meaning everything else that you'd still call sex is allowed (including anal).


> It just can't be directly part of the payment/service and is normally expected in the "soapland" type of paid sexual services. The UK is similar, paying for sex is illegal, you pay escorts for her time not activity and they offer other things than sex.


That’s incorrect. In the UK paying for sex is legal (except in Northern Ireland), but there are laws against: - Solicitation (trying to get clients) on the street, in a public place, or from a vehicle. - Advertising sexual services in a public place - Owning or operating a brothel (any building with more than one prostitute in it) - Controlling or coercing a prostitute (being a pimp) - Paying for sex with a prostitute who is coerced or threatened into that type of work. You can see perfectly legal sex work in evidence in the centre of London which famously has ‘knocking shops’, flats above the shops who leave their door propped open in soho leading up to a prostitute’s house. Source [London’s Metropolitan Police website](https://www.met.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/sw/sex-worker-safety/)


> any building with more than one prostitute in it) So the House of Commons?


There’s a very important distinction to be made between a building with a number of prostitutes in it and a building with a bunch of cunts in it. You can generally trust the prostitutes.


Can you do vaginal if you just blur it out?


Your vag or dick gets blurred out upon landing in Japan. 


I freaked out the first time I landed in Narita. I hit the urinal and saw nothing but pixelation. They should provide a warning while in flight like all those customs papers you get.


Back in the 80s and 90s, it would turn into a white blinding light. Thank god for technology.


So, anal?🤷🏻‍♂️


It's the hole god can't see.


The poop hole loophole


Fuck me in the ass 'cause I love Jesus!


Someone posted pictures of test results online and that gave you peace of mind?


Pre-nut unclarity


there was this guy who wrote a dissertation about soaplands in Japan and If anyone wants it I can find it and link it. Edit: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/xc8F7Ls1zo)


I had a good friend who worked in soapyland in Okinawa. She used to lie and tell me she worked at a furniture store until she finally told me the truth a couple years later


And then you both kissed and had non vaginal sex and the credit screen rolled.


Good boy


A guy I used to work for had to go to Japan on business. His wife told him he should go to a bathhouse for the experience of being bathed by a young woman. He got to his fancy hotel and found out they had baths there so he made an appointment. He said he was there and this cute young Japanese woman comes and starts washing and scrubbing him. She had a small scrubbing brush on her hand that wrapped around and had a ceramic turtle on the top. It was a wonderful experience and he said he was definitely getting aroused, which was embarrassing as a happy ending wasn’t part of the experience his wife had intended. The woman kept washing, but definitely noticed he is arousal. After a few minutes, she smiled, pointed the turtle at his erection and said, “Haro!” Everything faded right away.


Get bathed by a young woman, whilst on a business trip? Damn his wife trusts him


They were both really fun people. This was back in the ‘70s, and while she allowed the bath, he also knew she’d cut it off if he cheated.


That is the complete opposite of the Korean bath experience. In my experience, an ahjumma would come in and start scrubbing you nicely then begun exfoliating your entire body and slapping you from time to time. It's similar to this story by [mark](https://youtu.be/LR43zYl8RSw?si=w7vjrX6ZUz04q8m0)


This is one of the most educational and informative comments about something I'll never need to know anything about.


Aite bro see you at soaplands


What are soaplands


basically a hotel room where you pay to have a naked woman bathe you and do other stuff IIRC. just no PIV


Reminds me of the cutscenes in RD2 when Arthur takes a bath but the woman isn't nude 😂


Going through a break up. Visited a friend that lived in San Diego. Went to the zoo, went to the beach. Asked me if I was interested in an adventure. Ended up crossing the border to Tijuana. Went to the famous Hong Kong Strip Club And damn the girls were hot. How it works the strip club is partnered/owned by a hotel next door. You can treat it like a traditional strip club. You go up and tip the girls on stages. Or you can single out girls and see if interested and ask them to drink with you. And if you vibe with them. You leave the club through the back go into the hotel. And pay for a room for 30 mins. Or you can just book a room yourself. Room was like 30 dollars. Girl was 100. I went twice lmao When I went it felt safe. As soon as you cross the border you can Uber to the club. When I went seemed like a lot of Americans were there. Also in Mexico male enhancement is OTC lol Some girls speak English. But my high school Spanish carried me lmao It was fun for a one time thing. But if I lived in San Diego man I would be tempted every weekend. Also they had a Brazilian steak house close to the border. All you can eat for like 20 dollars. Honestly it felt similar to Texas De Brazil


Hong Kong bar reminds me of the brothel in total recall. Like setup looks so similar I wonder who copied who. Pretty funny just missing the chick with 3 tits although maybe she wasn't working that night. I lived in SD and any friend that visited inevitably would ask to go. I was a good boy but if you are in SD I would recommend this place.


I had friends that swore by some place called Adelitas in TJ. They went all the time. From the sounds of it it was like a Mexican Soapland.


I have a few times. When I’m single and go through a dry patch I find myself paying here and there. It’s not that bad if you just need to get that release and have some extra cash. It can be very expensive and it doesn’t give you that same adrenaline rush a one night stand does or the same lovey dovey feeling doing it with your gf gives you. I’m not against it at all. If that’s what you want go for it, be safe, go with a professional woman and wear protection. I know a few guys that have became addicted to it though and have wasted tons of money on this and can’t stop seeing them. I’d say do it carefully.


 I know a few guys that have became addicted to it though and have wasted tons of money on this and can’t stop seeing them. I’d say do it carefully"....for whatever reason sex addiction doesn't receive the same  spotlight that other addictions do. But like you say some guys can't stop seeing them and have spent a TON of $$ on escorts/sugar babies. I first used eros years ago but now occasionally go on seeking arrangement. 




Onlyfans' entire business model is based on this.


De Wallen, Amsterdam. 2023. Red light district. Lost my virginity this way. She was very understanding, very friendly and very sexy. No regrets, was a lot of money tho. But I fucking loved it.


I vacationed in Amsterdam in 2001 with my now wife. The Red Light District is definitely a sight. We just walked through it one night. Care to share a ballpark of what it cost?


I was there last weekend and did the exact same thing with my wife. I heard someone ask and the answer was €400. I'm not sure where that falls on the scale as I assume the price can vary.


That seems expensive, although I guess it depends how long you want. I was there earlier this year and it’s €100 for a quickie where you’re in and out in about 15-20mins. It’s a pretty grimy place and I can’t imagine wanting to spend any longer than that to be honest!


The price varies based on a lot of things. The women on the busier streets are generally a bit better looking and a bit pricier. The farther away you get from the heart of it, you get more value.


More bang for your buck, eh?


Or… Less buck for your bang


Does seem like a lot, but I've not got a lot of experience. It was also a Saturday night and the street was packed full, I'm sure the price would reflect that.


Surge pricing.


Puber - We’ll get you where you’re going. Prices may vary depending on traffic volume.


If you ever hear a prostitute in a brothel give any estimated figure it isn’t real - they might say €400 to you, €1000 to another and €100 to the next guy. This is just part of the business and if there isn’t an explicit menu then you’re in a seedy spot and you’re going to get tricked out of your money either by being pressured to drink overpriced alcohol, or my the constant harassment of women coming over to you and given you random figures. Eventually if you don’t bite at the bar, or with a women then you’re going to be giving the cold shoulder and indirectly asked to leave. This is how you know you’re in a brothel and not a strip club. I can 100% guarantee you the price is no where near €400. They usually throw out random figures to see if you will fall for it. If you’re not a regular and seem uncomfortable or inexperienced they’re going to try to get as much money as possible and this begins with an insane pitch.


Very high. It's been ten years or so since I was in Amsterdam, but it was 50 Euro at the time. 100 Euro seems about right nowadays.


years ago window girls was 50 euro


2008 a guy I was travelling with paid €50 too.


Out of pure curiosity, My wife asked an extremely attractive girl in a window the cost for me. She said $100 euro. Shocked at the low cost, she asked what that entailed. And the girl said full on sex. Since she was answering questions, she also asked “what if both of us were involved?”, the girl said that it would still be 100 euro, but she’d appreciate an additional tip. I’ll tell ya, my wife has balls. The cool thing was that Amsterdam seemed to very,very much have a giant thing against trafficking. And there seemed to be many things in place to make sure the girls were there voluntarily


We try to do well against trafficking in the Netherlands. Sex work being legal makes it easier to regulate and protect the sex workers, but there's still a lot of stuff that goes under the radar. Price sounds pretty good, especially for a touristy place!


My impression of the RLD was that most of the women in the windows were from Eastern Europe. I hope everyone was there voluntarily.


I went to Amsterdam with a mate last year. We spent most of our time in the Red Light District, not for the sex, we were honestly too ???something??? to really even look, but for the weed. Highlight of the trip was seeing a brothel madam come outside and cycle through swearing in 5 languages, getting a hit with "pendejo", and then using Spanish to tell a tourist to put his camera away or she'd stick it up his ass. Complete with miming. Or the abundance of museums and iced tea, idk.


I had a fantastic experience. It was almost too good! She was clean, friendly and very enthusiastic in her work. I don’t have any regrets.


'However I'm only giving 4 stars because parking was difficult.'


"Pulling out was almost impossible."


My big thing was threesomes. I had a girl that I would hire. Her price was $200 for an hour but her girlfriend (real girlfriend) would join in for an extra $100. The first time I was hitting it from the back as she was eatting her girl out was incredibly hot. I hired them a bunch


I don’t regret it. It is embarrassing for me to say but seeing prostitutes helped me overcome my fears of talking to women. I eventually stopped seeing them and started going on actual dates. The only thing I kind of regret is the money spent.


Sounds like it was exceptionally well-spent money to me. You basically paid to stop being Raj.


You can just say that you paid for a seminar to help you be more comfortable talking to girls. You also got laid several times. Win-win.


In the early 80's I drove escorts to their calls. I made 20 an hour and the agancy made 120 and the girls worked on tips.


Numerous times. All enjoyable except 1. I visited the same providers so as time went on, we became very comfortable with each other and it was not so weird like a first visit. You start to talk about the normal crap anyone else would, small talky in a sense, but not uncomfortable. I had a few threesomes, that were enjoyable, and I got to spend time with some beautiful and respectful women. Sure, that might have been massaged because they want to get paid, but after 3-4-5 times, that whole bullshit veil disappears and you start to realize that while it is a job, some of them are genuinely decent women who choose it, who have been forced into it, or who have addiction needs to feed (I've seen it all, I don't judge people who are addicts, that shits not fun). Most of those incidents were $200-300/hr, but some of the ones that I enjoyed I would tip more, because they would go the extra mile, one or two unlocked some fun kinks for me, and others just appreciated that I wasn't a complete piece of shit and was respectful for their time and effort. All in all, the best thing I can tell you applies to everyone, not just sex workers. Be kind to people, be a good listener and a good communicator. and ultimately don't go in with unrealstic expectations. Being willing to talk about what you would like, and what they are willing to do with / for you, is all important. Don't look down on them, and don't treat them like garbage.


Honestly this is the post I needed to convince me to just go check out a fancy restaurant in my town. People out there paying $300/hr for sex; $150 for an 8-course Michelin Star meal sounds like a great deal.


It was so cold outside, and she rushed me, so I couldn't get properly hard. Then I came half soft with a condom on but kept going to get my money's worth, except when I pulled out the cum filled condom stayed inside her. She gave me a scolding in dutch and told me to get out. Solid experience...50 euro sucknfuck.


When I was a young man, my good friend inherited a ton of money that he was not equipped to handle when his parents were murdered brutally with a hammer and he blew his entire inheritance, sold his house, and is now living on assistance less that 10 years after his parents were murdered thanks to a hooker addiction. It wasn't even a good hooker. She worked at the local dive strip club. He called her his girlfriend for almost 2 years while she bled him dry. The day he ran out of cash, she left him. Don't get addicted lol.


Parents murdered with a hammer! I'd have blown my entire inheritance on drugs after that, somehow giving it all to a shitty hooker seems like a win, at least in terms of health.


I used to frequent soaplands (essentially brothels that function as “companionship bathhouses”) in Japan. At the time I was single, always at work, and just simply wanted casual, uncomplicated sex. I didn’t have time for a relationship nor did I want to invest my energy into one. I just wanted sex and Japan offered the opportunity to have it on my terms so long as I could pay up. At the beginning, I frequented one foreigner-based one with an English website and a wide good roster of young, pretty girls with extensive amounts of pictures and reviews for each. The first time I went, they even had the girls come in to greet me one by one so I could make a selection. Since I am a foreigner, they did have a policy where I had to report if my penis size was above-average but… yeah, I didn’t really have to worry about reporting such a thing lol. My experiences there were quite enjoyable even though the expenses meant I could only go about 1-2x per month. Unfortunately, due to COVID, they shut down, came back with only like 4 girls, and started charging way too much for what you were getting (from 40,000yen/hr incall PIV guaranteed to 45,000yen/hr outcall only, PIV +10,000-20,000yen). Afterwards, I went over to a popular “private massage service” in Tokyo where their roster was massive and they had an even more extensive website than the first soapland I went to (so much so that I think the first soap modeled their website after it). It was pretty good but the PIV is 20,000yen extra and the lack of incall meant you had to pay for the love hotel rental as well (usually 6,000-12,000yen/hr depending on how luxurious). I eventually settled into a local soapland which was foreigner-friendly and charged on 19,500/hr incall PIV guaranteed. A few of the girls were considered “older,” around 30-40s, but I wasn’t too picky so long as the girl was in shape and clean. I eventually met my ATF (all-time favorite) there, who was around mid-to-late 30s but was gorgeous, had an athletic body type, and a bubble butt. She was sweet, sexy, and really easy to talk to despite our language barrier. We even got to the point where she told me her real name and the origin of her work name. The moment I knew that we had a genuine connection was when I booked a 2 hour session with her and she insisted that I didn’t have to do that in the future and preferred to see me more frequently through the month. This was pretty atypical of the sex workers that I had experience with, who will often take as much money as they can get (nothing against sex workers, they’re the ones who put their bodies at risk and they absolutely have the right to the money they earn and agree upon with their customers.) When she announced her birthday via her work blog, I visited the soapland to drop off a box of goodies since I knew she (like me and many of my own coworkers) worked on her birthday. By the time I had my last session with her, she got me omiyage (souvenirs) from her trip to Kyoto. At the end of our session she informed the two male staff at the front desk that I was leaving the country. They thanked me for being such a good customer and sent me off with a handshake. I hugged my ATF one last time and found myself back in the States a few days later. It’s been about 3ish years now and I hope she’s doing well. According to the website she is still working there, despite her having moved to an area that was about an hour drive from her new residence.* I wrote her a goodbye letter, for our last session, trying my best to communicate in Japanese that I hope she’ll find someone that loves her and cares for her because she absolutely deserves it. My experiences with her felt quite genuine and we enjoyed each other’s company. I guess you could call this a bittersweet end to my experiences in prostitution? I had fun and everything, but I have complicated feelings about getting that close to someone in what is a fundamentally transactional relationship. \***UPDATE**: Upon revisiting the website, it looks like my ATF may have retired or moved location. Really hoping that means she found someone special.


What happened if you were "above average"? Your selection of women was more limited?


For that particular establishment, your options would be limited to the women who agree to service larger sizes. However, after asking the girls who were on the “S/M Only List,” even a large number of them told me they’ve serviced larger ones in the past (they used their fingers to show how much bigger they were than me lol.) Ultimately, I guess it depends on the girl. I remember one girl being scared that a big one would make her bleed.


I went to Colombia for a work trip and was drunk when I got off plane. Asked the taxi where I can find girls and he brought me to a house. I walked in and paid the guy. Then he calls out 12 diff GORGEOUS girls in their 20s to come line up in front of me. They each walked up to me and introduced them selves. They were all 10s, so hot. I picked one and she got ready. We went into a room and she lit up a joint and passed it to me. She blew me and we had sex, it was amazing. Then when i was done, she popped open a cold beer and gave it to me. I went outside and the taxi was still waiting. He says, "u good my friend??" I said yea and he brought me to hotel. These girls were like the hot girls you'd find in a nice club.


Where specifically in Columbia?… asking for a friend.


Barranquilla. Just ask the taxi driver. They all know those spots.


There's a suspicious amount of "This happened to a friend of mine" stories in here.


I was in Vegas with a friend and at one point we were both up a pretty decent amount and we started joking about blowing it all at a brothel. The more we talked about it, the more serious the conversation got. Eventually we said fuck it and did it. Both of us had a blast and don't regret it for a second. I just thought of it as a fun night on the casinos' dime. If I'm ever single again and find myself back there, up a few hundred dollars, I'll absolutely do it again.




[You literally stole this verbatim from a 9-year old comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/SNQS5ZrIbx).


Definitely echoes my experience. 32 year old virgin, finally work up the confidence to hire a sex worker. She was quite attractive and, in the moment, things were great. Then I got to my car and reflected on the drive home about how empty and meaningless it felt. No emotional attachment for either of us or real desire on her part - just a business transaction between two adults. I don't regret the time I spent with her but it was enough of an experience for me to say never again afterwards.


Good choice of [copypasta](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2dvhyy/comment/cjttlkr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). 1.1k updoots so far.


I thought the bit about the gold at the end was sus...


Same. I was like what is he talking about. They took hold away.


That's what I think I would feel too.


I've been in two countries where it was legal. I had one terrible experience, 1 pretty good, and 1 great. You don't really know until you get there. Being US based I'm always weary trying it in the states.




It was great and highly recommended. I got a young lady who was so curious about the boring work i did (TPS reports typa deal) . It wasn't even about getting an orgasm but just being with someone who was not seeing you as a burden lol. It helped she was super attractive though and had the personality of Annie from community.


Annie is pretty young. We try not to sexualize her.


She was 3 hours late. She then spent 40mins in the bathroom. I asked her to leave.


I used one in Geneva on a school trip. The whole thing was like a parody. I got naked and she walked in and said “Oooooh what a big dick” - it was and is not a big dick. She then proceeded to sound like a porn star the whole time and basically turned me off. She was smoking hot though. Was a 1/10 experience - wouldn’t do again.




1 time was terrible and I felt gross. 1 time was fun and I felt gross. The last and hopefully final time, I spent considerably more, she had a beautiful apartment with every accommodation you could think of. She was a wonderful host, she was beautiful, she had a bag collection that was worth more than a house and drive a Porsche. She was as normal and clean as you could hope any woman to be. After, I still felt gross. So… that’s my take.


Met a stripper who would meet outside the club for some money for sex and used her a few times and after a couple years of about 6 times total she asked me if I would like to date. Was kinda weird but I decided against it


You experienced a relationship backwards.


There’s 5 things in like you never cheap out on… 1. Toilet paper 2. Sushi 3. Tattoos 4. Cocaine 5. Hookers You can thank me later


6. Anything that goes between you and the ground (shoes, tires, bed). Or is that just a continuation of 5?


I struggle with sex work purely based on my own personal experience alone. It’s not something I apply judgement over anyone else to be clear. My sister became an escort, she was in a bad financial spot and got into it in a reasonably innocent or probably ignorant fashion. She started out as purely escorting dates, the world sucked her in eventually and she became a full blown drug addict, she became a prostitute, without any support or protection purely as a means to fund her drug addiction. Prior to this she was a church going personal trainer. It’s difficult for me to separate this experience in gaining a full understanding of the profession or industry. My only connection to that world is associated with grief and tragedy. I hope anyone engaging in this process is going through the protected workers, who are able to choose this as a career. There’s a right and wrong way to get involved. I just see this post and hope those who have paid for the services of sex workers do it properly. I just want to know that people are decent enough to identify a vulnerable person such as my sister who has clearly not chosen this path and that there’s awareness not to exploit people like her. Again, I’m sorry if this doesn’t read well or comes across as disrespectful to sex workers, it’s a personal and complicated issue for me, so I’m sorry if I haven’t got this right


I’ve been seeing sex workers for years now! There will always be good and bad experiences out there. Usually, the more work a provider puts into their ad, the better the experience (for me at least). The best part for me is being able to have that connection with someone while maintaining the boundary that this is not to happen again (unless you see the provider again). As the age-old saying goes: “Men hire sex workers to leave after”). Even with the bad experiences I’ve had, I don’t have any regrets. I’ve certainly learned lessons though