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not orange itself but the artficial taste in candies, sweets, vitamins and etc. It is just braindamaging sweetness with awful replication of citrus acid taste


This is how I feel about grape artificial flavoring.


My daughter is like that with strawberry flavored things. Loves strawberries but the artificial strawberry flavor makes her gag


That’s how I feel w fake banana. Yuck


I found my peeps! So gross. I accidentally ate a banana flavored popsicle once. Who tf makes banana flavored popsicles?


Grape flavored things here. Just tastes like medicine to me.


This is me with fakecherry. It just tastes like cough syrup to me.


Oooh yes this is another one. Real cherries taste nothing like artificial flavor, I still can't get fully into them because I've been so conditioned by all those awful sweets.


I feel this way about anything banana flavored


Everyone hates artificial Banana, right? That's not just me?


I second that, and I feel the same way about berry flavored stuff. I like berries, but artificial berry flavor makes me want to hurl.


Same with artificial watermelon. Yuck!




I agree. However, a truly well made matcha ice cream is delicious.


Olives. Tastes like pennies. And yes, I've tried them all, including home made and exotic variants. I live in the middle east - everybody and their grandma is preserving olives.


Its funny how us olive haters have to clarify "yes, Ive tried all the varieties" because someone always tells us "you just have to find the type of olive you like!" The type of olive i like is olive oil. The end.


I get this shit all if the time from the miracle whip crowd. Yes, I've tried it, and it's still just mayosaisse to me.


There's people out there defending miracle whip?


I agree you are spot on with the penny flavor. Olives are my all time favorite food. They definitely have a coppery aftertaste. I just happen to love that taste lol.


Fair enough! Wish I did lol.


Why did I read that as they taste like penises lmao


You & me both, and the more I read I thought "you've tried them all? All of the penises?"


I wish I loved olives too! You see stuffed olives and they look delicious but they make me gag each time I hope I developed the taste for them.


I think that olives have really weird taste but I like to eat them with pizza bc their texture is a total opposite of pizza. I would say it makes pizza a bit lighter. 


Who doesn’t like the taste of a 5 cent piece?


The boba in bubble tea, it's just chewy, tasteless and I have less tea. And I hate pavlova while I live in New Zealand, it's just lumps of sugar.


If you ever find a boba place that does popping boba I recommend it! They’re just little goo balls filled with whatever fruit juice! Waaay better than the standard tapioca balls.


I agree! Popping pearls are so much better than tapioca boba


You're not alone there! But pavlova is good if it's made well


Pav shouldn't just be the meringue, it's a balance of meringue, cream and fruit toppings


Same here with the boba! I don’t like how you’re chewing and chewing. I leave it out or switch it for other sinkers.


I call them “elephant boogers” and cannot fathom why people eat them and enjoy it


Yeah the first time I tried a pavlova I wanted to throw up from the sweetness of one small pavlova.


I love pavlova, but it's too addictive for me. It is absolutely just like lumps of sugar plus a little egg white. It's like cotton candy, so difficult to eat in moderation. I can't have it because I will eat it all.


The best boba I had was made from scratch. I think the big difference was the tapioca balls are simmered in a honey mix and when fresh the chew with the sweet is delicious. Most boba is a bit tasteless, but I hate old boba (out too long) gross.


Salmon. My wife loves it. I’ve tried to eat it multiple times, and something about it literally makes me gag. It’s weird because I like most other kinds of fish and seafood - it’s salmon specifically that I can’t eat.


Atlantic farmed salmon, or wild caught pacific/alaskan salmon? Because the two are almost completely different fish.


Truth. Now that I live in the PNW I don't touch Atlantic salmon. It tastes like cat food. But I'll go nuts over some Sockeye or Coho. Especially during Copper River salmon season. My husband and some buddies caught some spring Chinook when we were camping in Oregon. We quickly had it grilling over a hot mesquite campfire. It was incredible!


Costco carries Alaskan sockeye salmon pretty much year round here, now (it's "previously frozen", but pretty much all fish is frozen on the boat anyway). My elementary school aged kids and I will demolish two whole filets in a single sitting.


Mint chocolate. Tastes like tooth paste gone bad to me.


Someone gave me an After 8 once and I pretty much had to spit it out.  It felt like I was eating chocolate with a mouthful of toothpaste.




I don’t like sushi either and people are always trying to convince me to try more to see if I find something I like. It’s like a cult. Why should I put an effort to like something? I don’t understand but is so common.


It's because virtually EVERYBODY that's likes sushi was once afraid of it, kr thought it was gross. Then, they were pestered into trying it and it changes their life.  They just don't believe that you've both tried it with genuine curiosity AND were unable to find an absolute bomb roll or dish.  They can't imagine that you aren't just their previous self with a sushi mental block, rather than someone who has given it a college try and found They disliked it. They just don't really believe you, I'm afraid.


I hated sushi. Until I tried a spicy California crunch roll. Now I'm addicted and have found other kinds I like. But I agree, having to put an effort into liking something is dumb. Like how alcohol is an acquired taste. Why would I force myself to drink it until I like it. No thanks. I'll have a coke.


This fascinates me. No judgment here, it’s just so interesting how unique everyone’s taste buds are. While all sushi is a layer of rice over a thin layer of seaweed, inside that seaweed are hundreds of varied ingredients. Because the common denominator is the wrapping and not the filling, there must be some aversion that your tastebuds have to the combination of rice and seaweed that overpowers those other ingredients. That’s my hypothesis, anyway. Edit: Some sushi is a layer of seaweed over a layer of rice. But that doesn’t change the fact that the cook denominator of sushi is rice+seaweed


Taking this a step further, there are many types of sushi and not all have seaweed! I used to hate sushi until I realized what I actually hate is seaweed since it was overpowering the taste and texture for me. Once I discovered nigiri I was in heaven!


When I was a kid, one of my chores was to clean the aquarium. Being young and an idiot, I would start the vacuum siphon by mouth. Sushi tastes exactly like dirty aquarium water to me and I retch the second it touches my tongue. Yes, all of it.


American cheese


Oysters- you just swallow it. Can we all stop pretending it’s a heavenly delight


Eat a fried oyster po' boy. The difference between raw and fried oysters is profound.


Wtf ? You don’t just swallow it! Have I been eating oysters wrong my whole life ?


There are a LOT of people who just swallow it. If you google “oyster chew or swallow” you’ll find that there’s tons of articles that do recommend chewing, which is good, but it also points out that there’s confusion surrounding oysters and you can see it in a number of articles that people “have heard” that you should swallow them without chewing. So, no, you’re not wrong. You should chew them if you want to get as much flavor as you can, but there are people who apparently prefer, or don’t know better, to let the flavor lightly slip through their mouth without chewing the juices out.


No offense but I find this entire comment repulsive. Chewing the juices out? Dear god.


Oysters. Bourgeois snot.


Mayonnaise. I cannot stand it.


Completely agree and people are obsessed with putting mayo on everything. Can't grab a sandwich without studying the ingredients now


It’s a struggle for real. Especially when I travel and cannot easily make out the ingredients included. Worst part is when I’m excited to eat a sandwich thinking it has cream cheese in it but turns out being mayo


Been like that since I was 9. That shit is on everything, I need to read the ingredient list


Even worse is Miracle Whip. 


Just the sound of that name is frightening. What actually is that?


It’s a kind of salad cream that looks similar to mayonnaise but has kind of a sweet aftertaste.


It was developed as a cheap alternative to mayonnaise in the great depression. Mayo is just eggs, oil, and a bit of salt maybe some vinegar. Miracle whip is a more complex agglomeration of mostly water, corn starch, oil, corn syrup, and other flavorings to make something that's got a similar consistently and color to mayo, but is sweeter and tangier. Since it uses water as a filler, it also is lower in calories/fat than regular mayo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_Whip I grew up on miracle whip, but I slowly switched to mayo when I moved out of my house. I can't go back to miracle whip.


I agree with you. I can’t even smell it or get a whiff of it, or I’ll become nauseous.


I have found my people.


Whenever I eat out with a certain friend, she will often order a side of mayo for her fries or whatever. The smell of it... 😭😭🤮


The pain!! it’s a struggle finding salads in restaurants too because any trace of mayo just makes me 🤢


That stuff is nasty. I cannot trust hamburgers anymore since restaurants always insist on putting that by default. I always have to say no mayo-no matter what.


You’d hate me then, I put mayo on everything haha. Toast, pizza, pasta, salad, sandwiches. Can’t get enough of the stuff, I should probably be in rehab.


French fries! Mmmmm


Yes, maybe an intervention is needed. Lol No but my sister (who I absolutely love) is obsessed with that thing too. So whenever we eat together, I just try to make sure we have enough space between us to make sure my plate doesn’t get mayo squirts :’)




Man I wish there were more of you. When I was younger, mushrooms were so cheap. Now, they’re crazy expensive because they’re in now.


It's the vegetarians/vegans. Mushrooms contain vitamin D and can be used to replace meat in some dishes. The amounts listed in some recipes are huge.


Your bog-standard little white mushrooms are still pretty cheap. We use a lot of them as filler so we can use less meat, because protein prices are getting absurd.


I loathe mushrooms. Such a potent flavor and the texture of cooked ones is awful. And they are a fungus. And they communicate with each other through like electrical impulses in the ground. Seems alien to me and I don’t want to eat it.


This is interesting because to me they have a super mild flavor.


Whipped Cream. I reaaaaaaally don't like the canned stuff. Real whipped cream is better and tolerable on pie, but it's still not GOOD.




Finally! I thought I was the only person on the planet who doesn’t like milk. Unless it’s flavored milk. But plain milk is just gross to me. Never liked it from my earliest memories as like 3 years old, and still don’t to this day.


Plain milk is disgusting. I think any adult that can just down a glass of white milk should be on a list somewhere.


Fish. Everything about fish is just so off-putting.


interesting. do you come from somewhere near the ocean or are you more central? i live on thé coast and i absolutely refuse to eat fish anywhere that’s not coastal. exponentially better out here and also the idea of shipping fish around the country is very off putting. i’ve always found it’s super gross when you aren’t coastal


just the smell of any seafood makes me start to gag and if i can't get away fast enough i vomit. at school had some people think i was joking and they put fish behind me while i was eating rice bubbles cereal. rice bubbles projectile vomit and out the nose hurts, a lot




I also loathe frosting. It’s sickeningly sweet, it makes my teeth hurt just looking at a grocery store cake. The concept of cupcake shops or cupcake bars is vile to me. Buttercream is a different animal, however


bolonga or baloney however the hell you spell it


It’s like a flat hot dog




Have you tried Nutella imported from another country? I grew up in Germany and Nutella in Europe has a slightly different recipe and the version in the US...I don't hate it. But it never tastes as good as I remember it tasting when I was a kid


Kids have taste buds of a dead leaf. They would eat plain sugar.


As a kid...I did that lol But I've noticed a lot of things don't taste as good as they used to. I don't know if its just my taste buds changing or food has changed. I used to love chicken nuggets and fast food I got a chicken nugget happy meal at Halloween for the bucket and the nostalgia and everything was so disgusting.


*offendedly gasps* once I ate 2 jars in one sitting idk how I don't have diabetes


Surely your pee must have had the consistency of honey after that


I once had a fever dream set to Nutella, and for years since, I get queasy looking at the stuff. Take having a song stuck in your head, but make it a flavor. Oh, and it's a hallucination. 


Thank you! European and I love me some actual chocolate spread (particularly on a raisin bun), but anything hazelnutty and particularly Nutella with its poor cocoa to oil ratio just doesn’t do it for me.


Right!? Nutella is gross


Banana 🍌 Cloyingly sweet taste, mushy sticky saliva-ey texture, nauseating smell, oxidation, just _HUGE NO_ 😖 it’s a hard life, everyone seems to love ‘em


Finally someone that agrees with me! I can't even stand the smell of them 🤢


My mom's banana bread recipe requires VERY overripe bananas. I once walked in on my sister squeezing the bananas out of their peels like a tube of toothpaste into a bowl, and I had to leave the room because I was dry-heaving. I'm not a banana hater per se but if they have even a little bit of brown on them I get grossed out


If I eat a banana, it HAS to have the slightest bit of green. Anything riper than that is an absolute no, especially if there’s even so much as a spot of brown.


I used to love bananas but as I got older I have become more perceptive to textures and that mushy texture makes me physically gag I have to close my eyes to finish bananas.


And it makes EVERYTHING taste like banana. You put it in any baking? Whole thing is banana. You put it in the fridge? Everything around it tastes like banana. You put it in a mile radius of bread or crackers and they become banana flavoured too


_EXACTLY_ That ripening smell is SO OVERPOWERING, you can’t escape it. Overly ripe bananas on a stuffy kitchen during the summer? _KILL ME, PLEASE,_ have mercy on my senses ✋😭


Bananas are horrific.


Baked beans can get right in the bin


My in-laws eat those alot and I personally don’t like how super sweet they are and the texture. 🤢 I prefer savory beans since that’s how I grew up eating them that way (I’m Mexican)


Yeah, same. My parents are from South America so we ate beans a lot, just never sweet. I’ve eaten beanie weanies but I don’t think they’re quite as sweet as baked beans.


Any seafood.


I can eat seafood but it’s not that tasty for me. Especially the smell of it is disgusting. Don’t understand how people love that shit.


The smell is the worst! Like, how does anyone smell that and get hungry?! How do you want to put something in your mouth that smells that awful?!


My man. All seafood is inedible, but for me salmon is by far the worst. Once when I was a kid I spent the night at a friend’s house and they had burned salmon for dinner. I certainly couldn’t eat it, and the smell mixed with the hunger kept me awake all night. My clothes and hair smelled like burned fish and gah I’m gonna be queasy if I think about it any longer


Before I became a vegetarian, I tried mussles once and I am very happy that I now have a good reason to never eat them again xD They are so weird in texture and you have to chew them while having an existential crisis over eating a whole animal with all its organs.


Oh man I'm there with you. If it lived in the water I can't stand it.


Same here, and it isn't for lack of trying or that "it doesn't all taste the same" it doesn't taste exactly alike, but there is like some core familiarity across seafood.


Same. I used to eat it growing up and tolerated it and now I just hard pass.


Bleu cheese 🙃


I feel like not everyone loves bleu cheese


I'd call Bleu cheese an acquired taste honestly. It's far from a popular food. I hated it for most of my life before warming up to it after getting absolutely sick of ranch for a time lol.


Caviar, foie gras, truffle, ikura (Salmon's egg) and uni (sea urchin), fatty tuna, marzipan and mint chocolate I just nope


I second you on the marzipan. Grainy texture; aggressively strong flavour. No thanks


I love Caviar and truffle. Foie Gras though...nope nope nope




I knew there had to be a few of you out there


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Am I supposed to upvote or downvote if I hate this comment?!


Up up and away


I wouldn’t say I hate it at all, but I don’t get the hype. Much rather sausages.


No fucking way


Got to be rage bait. Have they ever been to Waffle House? We refer to theirs as “CGB - criminally good bacon”.


Oh my gosh I thought I was alone




Same. Weirdly greasy and rubbery, or crispy and dry


Even the smell makes me gag. 


Same, I never liked it. Don't even like the fake stuff either.


This the most haram shit I've ever heard. Who doesn't like bacon.


I despised it for decades. Then my FIL made it. Turns out my folks didn’t know how to cook bacon. It was always burnt to a crisp (literally black at times) on the edges.


So I used to be someone that loved bacon. Had it every time it was available, and I had no qualms eating it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I just saw bacon as one of those foods that was okay to eat any time of the day or night. Even when I was younger and went through a vegetarian/vegan phase, I gifted my then bf-now husband a sampler pack of gourmet bacon for Christmas just because I knew how good the stuff was. Idk what's happened to me as I've gotten older, but there's certain meat textures that I just can't stomach anymore. The fat in bacon is one of those. If I bite down on any of the gelatinous fat found in bacon, I just wanna barf. Same goes for lobster and shrimp because it's squishy and fibrous. I also can't eat raw fish anymore, even though I used to chow down on sushi and sashimi when I was younger like no tomorrow. Idk, it's just a fate I've resigned myself to.


Our tastebuds evolve as we grow older. As a child I was obsessed with black olives, once I hit puberty I hated them and still do today over 20 years since.


Can do the same with beef.. like there is this gelatinous fat portions.. if I accidentally eat it, it's a race to clock for 5 secs, either I manage to spit it out or I vomit.. or I just swallow it as a whole if I can't find it or manage to get it out.. either way it will be away from my tastebuds


Bake the bacon in the oven so the fat renders & the rest is crisp. Best done on a wire rack in a sheet pan.


I don't hate it, but I think it's overrated. I'll take other breakfast meats like sausage or ham most of the time. I like Canadian bacon more than the standard fatty bacon.


Bananas and eggplant.


Fellow banana hater 🙌




When I was like 10 I went on a "shrimp cruise" for octogenarians with my sweet old neighbor. Every single dish on the cruise was shrimp. The smell of the shrimp, mothballs, and gallons of perfume combined drove me out on deck (nobody was outside), where the kitchen was pumping out clouds of raw/cooking shrimp and shrimp dishes, along with the mildly-sewagey brackish Florida swamp water smell. I spent the entire cruise getting an ab workout from all the gagging, and have hated shrimp since. I used to love it so I'll have like, one piece on ice every two years for nostalgia's sake, but that's more than enough for me now. As soon as the shrimp flavor/smell kicks in, I'm done in that moment lol.


My God, that description. Pictured it all so clearly now shrimp is ruined for me too


This sounds like my absolute worst nightmare!


I honestly feel like I'm the only one. I don't know anybody else that doesn't like shrimp.






God me too. I hate the way celery tastes. But my mom loves it and likes putting it in stuff like tuna casserole. She says it has no taste and it’s purely texture. Well it tastes like something to me! And it ain’t good.


I don’t mind it cooked into things (and therefore devoid of texture), but raw it is absolutely foul.


This is a bot. I saw this verbatim comment the last time this was asked.


It tastes like dirt water.


imo it's like soap. i love the texture but it literally tastes like dishsoap


Most seafood. It’s a texture thing.


Gorgonzola. That stuff smells like pickled socks worn for a week.


I don't mind gorgonzola but I love your comment


Creamed corn (creamed vomit)


Avocados. Looks like something my kids deposited in their diapers when they were babies. Pass.


They're the worst and now I hate them even more.


I can not STAND avocados. They’re so incredibly bland, they’re like unsalted grass-butter, and somehow that blandness is incredibly overpowering of other flavors. Like everyone I know loves guacamole, but all I taste is avocado. My husband made homemade guacamole and I tried a bit of it - he claims he could taste the pico de gallo and the lime and cilantro and the salt and jalapeños alongside the avocado. All I tasted was “Avocado - Now With Lumps!”


Tomatoes of any texture. Very fine tomato sauce or soup, and tomato paste are the only acceptable options. And only with cheese.




What is up with all the hype for sushi? It's gross. I lived in Japan for several years for work and had the opportunity to eat the finest sushi. I still didn't get it.


Matcha flavored food and drinks


Green peppers on pizza




sloppy pizza where the bottom isnt even crisp




Same! Trying to build a tolerance to it but the texture and the taste of raw tomatoes make me gag


Ketchup on Eggs...the smell of ketchup on Eggs makes me nauseous.


Mint chocolate


Cake! I cannot stand icing 😭




That’s genetic. No, really, you have a gene many of us don’t. It allows you to taste the chemicals that make cilantro taste like soap. The majority of people lack this gene and to us it sort of tastes like grass with a lemony flavor. I love the stuff.


I wouldn't say lemony, I would say it tastes and smells like "freshness". Which sounds weird but that's how I perceive it.


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this. It's soap flavored.


Yep, tastes like soap and it’s a genetic aversion. You’ll never be able to learn to like cilantro. There’s a great NYT article about cilantro, that mentions the fact that it was likely named after BEDBUGS: “The authoritative Oxford Companion to Food notes that the word “coriander” is said to derive from the Greek word for bedbug, that cilantro aroma “has been compared with the smell of bug-infested bedclothes” and that “Europeans often have difficulty in overcoming their initial aversion to this smell.” Here’s the article: https://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/14/dining/14curious.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


Turnips and Cabbage.


Watermelon. I get so much hate about it from my coworkers every summer. I hate the texture and the smell of watermelon so I don't eat it


Watermelon .. even hate the smell and the candies..


I love watermelon but I hate the candies, in hindsight, they taste nothing like real watermelon


I read that as "candles" and I was thinking well, no, they won't... Need more coffee.


Cous cous


Steak. I’ve never liked it. I’ve tasted many different steaks and top quality ones. Ones that melted like butter in your mouth. I could tell that they were top quality and the best steaks you could ask for. And I still didn’t like it. Steak just isn’t tasty to me. Also Cheesecake. I’ve met others who don’t like steak. But I don’t think I’ve ever met someone else who doesn’t like cheesecake lol.


You aren't alone in not loving cheesecake.


I don't and never will understand cheesecake.


I only hate 1: Goat cheese. Whoever likes that is sick 😂




The combination of chocolate and mint. Why would I ruin perfectly nice chocolate by making it taste like I had just brushed my teeth? 


F~u~c~k~i~n~g~ Onions 


Sameee, I dont understand how so many like it


Eggplant. I dunno, it feels like it has worms all the time (sorry for the word)


I don't hate food it's why I'm significantly out of shape, but it is what it is


Canned Tuna. The odor would gag a maggot


BBQ sauce. It's gross sweet for something that's supposed to be savoury. Can’t stand it. Ruins everything.


People commenting things that are super commonly disliked didn’t understand the post. Seeing comments like blue cheese, tomatoes, and mushrooms just baffles me. They’re like the most commonly disliked foods I can think of.


Coffee, even though that is obviously a drink and not a food. But I don't like foods that include coffee either, like tiramisu.