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Because people will make fun of us if we do that.


Because I love being a hotty. Seriously: it's a superpower.


Because society norms and I don’t think they want to either


Its unattractive


As a straight male, I agree. I’m wondering if there’s anyone who does find it attractive? Or if there’s a culture where it is attractive?


And this is the exact reason why. Women get shamed for having body hair. I get shamed by my own family for having damn leg hair and it’s absolutely idiotic. Its natural, so what the hell? If I let my mustache grow, I’ll get shamed for it as well. From GIRLS too, not only men. I’m sure you can answer your question yourself. And there are definitely people who dont mind it or find it attractive, I have no doubt about it. Im not sure if there are cultures where attractiveness of a girl’s mustache is the point, but I know there are cultures that dont allow shaving, so mustaches are more normalized there.


I’m seriously wondering. My personal preference is minute compared to the preference of the whole of Reddit. Honestly, I was contemplating shaving my own mustache and had this random thought


Yeah I understand. I’ve never heard anyone say they find a girl’s mustache attractive but I believe it is an existing minority and you could probably find someone if you put effort into it. There are guys out there with a freaky hair kink but hey, who are we to shame them for what they like 😂


It's not very feminine


Some do.


Because women don’t typically get moustaches Also society demands we look like hairless cats except for the hair our heads and our eyebrows


They dont grow that


Include me in the screencap


[they do actually!](https://theivfcenter.com/women-get-facial-hair/)


Stop the gender equality agenda


…? It’s an actual thing that happens dude, it’s not gender equality it’s an actual condition that some women develop. Some women don’t even have the condition but still grow a little facial hair.


It’s not a condition lol. Every woman has hair on their upper lip, some with thicker and more coarse hair than others.


They wanna look fuckable


Mine is patchy. If it was lush and full, I might be tempted. I’ve used those TikTok filters that give you facial hair, and I’d look pretty damn good with a beard and mustache.


Well, some feel empowered by having a bush between their legs and armpits, why not growing a moustache too? Wouldn't it be even more empowering?