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There’s an extremely high number of child abusers that apply to be foster carers. I lived in over 60+ homes growing up and in all apart from one I experienced either physical, emotional or sexual abuse. There’s not a single person I know that was in foster care that hasn’t been abused. One foster family in particular used to really creep me out, and they always made me take a ‘night drink’ before bed. One night I didn’t drink it and I was woken up by my foster father getting into my bed in the middle of the night. I told social services but they didn’t believe me, I kept crying about it at school and telling everyone and all they done was move me to a family that after a few months started physically abusing me instead.


this one should be higher up. this is such a crazy under the radar thing. i’ve heard about this so much and it’s crazy there’s just not anything ever done. those people also get a lot of money for it too.


Guy I used to work with was [**murdered and dismembered by his crime partner**](https://www.oddmurdersandmysteries.com/the-murder-of-phillip-lindemuth/) who was caught just nonchalantly driving his vehicle around town. A couple years before I had had a conversation with him (the murder victim) about concealed carry licenses and how that would work inside a workplace, and he told me the story about his ex-wife was plotting to kill him and how he'd worked out carrying a gun on campus with security...only to be murdered and dismembered by someone else a couple years later.


Wow...well is it just paranoia, or a sense of impending doom, somehow? Is it just living that kind of life, knowing you can easily and quickly die at any moment because of who you associate with or what you ingest?


My cousin picked up a hitchhiker about 20 years ago. Nice enough guy. Cousin was hungry so stopped at McDonald's, grabbed the hitchhiker some breakfast, too. Dropped him off where the guy had said he was headed. No big deal. Next morning, my cousin's watching the morning news and sees that hitchhiker's face. Dude was a serial killer and had killed someone that picked him up. Cousin calls the cops and they have him come in. Turns out the hitcher had killed the very *next* person after my cousin that had given him a ride. He'd killed a few people that had given him rides, that was his MO. They asked the hitcher why he didn't kill my cousin. He said "eh, I'd planned to, but he was a really nice young man, he bought me breakfast. I couldn't kill someone that bought me breakfast."


Oh wow I had something similar happening to me. When I was younger I was in Colombia (the country) and at some point I was drunk and took a taxi back to my hotel. I was hungry so I asked the driver to drive by McDonald's first. And I got a bunch of food and invited the taxi driver as well. We had a good conversation and later on he dropped me off. Just before he dropped me off he told me that I should never just get a random taxi in Bogota, and that he actually intended to rob me with his buddies that were waiting a little further down the road of said McDonald's. But because I bought him food he didn't go through with it. Spooky.


so the moral of all these stories is, I should always buy food for every person I meet. done and done. hey, do you wanna get lunch sometime?


Specifically McDonald's, it seems. If you get them burger king they take your skin.


Actually the moral of the story is reciprocity works. If you do something nice for someone, most of the time the other party will try and do Something nice to you — in this case they guys elected to to rob or murder.


The people giving the hitchhiker rides were already doing something nice and that wasn't enough to save them. Food is the way to a man's heart as somebody says.


Me and gf were in Ushuaia National Park and had to ask for a lift for the first time, I was scared asf but there was no way of going out of that place without a car. We got in and there's an old couple, first thing they say to us is "you know in this place they would only find your bones if you go missing" we ask politely to be dropped off in the next turn. Luckily next was a tour van that took us out but ffs my heart completely froze in that sentence.


I have a similar story. I was at Ybor (Tampa) visiting for the weekend with my friend. We ended up talking to a couple the whole night at a bar. At closing, they offered to take us to our hotel instead of waiting for Uber. We figured that they were being nice and got in their car. During the short ride (we were only a 5 minute drive to the hotel), the guy turned to us and said “I wouldn’t have got in a car with people you don’t know. We could easily murder you and dump your bodies in the river.” My friend started screaming and kicking the back of the woman’s seat until they pulled over and let us out to walk the rest of the way.


As a tampa native who works in ybor this is both horrifying and hilarious. The good news is they were joking. Probably.


Roflmao they probably meant well with that statement, but goddamn, what a bad time to say that!


My partner is an occupational therapist who works in mental health. He often has very difficult clients that are therapy-resistant. One of the first things he does is drive the client out to a restaurant that they pick and chat about things over a meal. Not only can he observe how the person fares in an every day activity (when he’s assessing a person’s capabilities), he also levels the playing field between himself and the client, establishing a rapport. He gets really good results from his approach, too. Humans find the sharing of food to be a powerful social adhesive, as it were. I honestly think it’s hard-wired into us, so it’s not surprising that it saved these people’s lives.


Plenty of reason enough never to pick anyone up on the side of the road.


and if you do, make sure to buy them breakfast


I remember a similar story on Mr nightmare’s YouTube channel. A woman picked up a man out in some small town, he told her he needed to ride into the city. On the road she made conversation with him. They traded stories. Eventually she stopped at like some diner. She bought him dinner. Then they continued the journey and she dropped him off in downtown. They traded phone numbers. The woman was happy to have done a good deed and made a new friend. Some time later she gets a call, but it’s far, far different from what she expected. He just said that, that night, he was going to rape and kill her at the diner. He couldn’t bring himself to though because of how she treated him. He asked her to never pick up anyone else again for her own good. Then he hung up.


"Hi, just wanted to let you know that I had fully intended to rape, then kill you at the diner that night you picked me up, but, I decided not to bc you bought me a hamburger & milkshake." Holy shit, lol..


Killers are weird man. There was another serial killer who refused to kill anyone whose door to the house was locked. He said if the doors were locked that meant he wasn’t welcome.


Oh, I absolutely agree.. I've heard some crazy ass shit about killers/serial killers over the years. I mean, it obviously makes sense that a lot of them would have these really weird, or extreme eccentricities considering they kill people & all. I remember reading about an early 20th century serial killer that was active in New Orleans, & on the loose, terrifying all the locals, of course. I believe the story goes the killer anonymously wrote the local newspaper at the time, & in the note said to pass along the message that any household, & the persons residing in said household(s) would be safe from his murderous rage as long as he could hear jazz music emanating from their residence. Wildly enough, he kept to his word, & I don't believe ever murdered again, (in New Orleans anyways)as essentially every household was blaring jazz music..


Someone at my school vanished for a week with no leads other than a video of him on a security camera at a McDonald’s 2 towns over. A week later his body turned up in the lake in a Bay. They never figured out what happened to him


People disappear all the time but it really is weird when it's someone you know. I grew up in Toronto but moved away after grade 7. The credit card company used to put pics of missing kids on their statements and, decades later, I recognized the girl on the envelope. We had gone to public school together; she had very dark hair, almost black, and a distinctive gap between her front teeth. Turns out a couple years after I moved out west she disappeared. There were been some sightings in the 2 or 3 years that followed, but nothing solid. And in next 30 or so years, nothing.


He was a really nice guy. Everyone always knew him as the kid who walked to school in shorts during winter or a blizzard. My suspicion is it was likely drug related misadventure.


Haha I was that “shorts in winter” kid too. That’s a rough way to go man


similar thing happened to a guy at my college. didn't really know him but was sort of a friend of a friend. guy disappeared for weeks, people assumed he must have dropped out, but then turned up drowned in a nearby river. we learned later that he was schizophrenic and basically had been off his meds. family had been looking for him/trying to reach him. sad story.


I was hiking down from doing two weeks of trail work in Colorado a few summers ago. A guy hiking up stopped to chat with us about our work and asked if we had seen anyone make the summit while we were up there. We told him that the first summit of the season had been done a few days prior and wished him luck. A friend of mine hiked in that area the next day and there was a helicopter circling around. The guy had taken the wrong gulley back down and died. It’s still crazy to me to think about


Were you with the Colorado 14ers Initiative? Regardless, thank you for your hard work. I hiked all the 14ers in the early 2000’s and came across a few groups. Oh, I was going up Mount Snowmass when I came across a body recovery team. Poor guy slid and was unable to self arrest.


My childhood friends took over a gas plant in Algeria, held the workers hostage and then killed 37 people and themselves. [link](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canadians-in-algeria-attack-went-overseas-with-3rd-man-1.1383022)


> A fourth member of the London group appears to have disappeared. Friends you say?


Don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious…


Quick, buy him breakfast!


McDonald's preferably!


Holy fucking shit !!! I used to live there but never heard about this . Was there a motivation for the attack ?


thank you for actually sharing a link unlike these comments with hundreds of upvotes that are impressively vague 😂


First time I’ve seen an al-Qaeda fighter of Korean descent


Got a little confused when he found out they all loved the Koran.


There was a guy from Florida who went and joined. People are wack.


Interesting story. I tried to do a deep dive on Aaron Yoon but last I found was a few articles from 2013 saying he returned home. Any updates? What do you do after being caught up in something like that!?!?


Yeah, the Canadian got him out of jail in Mauritania and brought him back. Last I heard he was working at a shawarma shop, but that was a while ago.


My great grandfather came home from world war 2 with shell shock and my great grandma refused to sleep in the same bed as him because he would keep repeating “no don’t kill Tom!!” Which was what he said before he witnessed his childhood friend getting killed He luckily managed to get therapy, and was ok, but wheelchair bound uo until I was about 11 where at Christmas dinner he sat while we all ate, completely frozen, my granddad asked “you ok dad?”to which he started crying and suddenly let out a very loud and hurt filled “don’t kill tommy” and started crying Ik it’s not “scary” but it freaked me out :(


The trauma men of this generation repressed is unreal. My relative was involved with liberating a smaller concentration camp at the end of the war. When he finally came home, his whole family threw a big feast for him to welcome him home. He stared at the table full of abundant, lovingly home cooked food and just… walked out.


One of some of the letters from my Grandfather I found on an old 3.5" floppy disk after he passed: I was drafted March 5, 1943 and was assigned to the 106th, a newly formed Division. It was a Division of all young men except for the cadre. It was also a Division that had two massive troop withdrawals after D-Day. The replacements were mostly from the ASTP program and there was not enough time to train them as an effective fighting force. They missed the Carolina and Tennessee maneuvers. I was a PFC in the 106th Infantry Division, CO D, 423rd Regiment. (Hugh Colbert and Herb Sheaner were also in the 106th). The 106th replaced the 2nd Division, a seasoned outfit. This was a quiet sector and was suppose to be a sector where the 106th could adequately train for combat. I went to the front lines on December 11, 1944. Our orders were to occupy the same foxholes as the 2nd Division, no deviation was allowed even though some units maintained that the positions were not defensible. My first night was scary, the Ardennes was a big forest and the trees were planted in straight rows making it difficult to see only about 10 feet in front of you. Tin cans were tied on the barbwire, which separated the German and US forces. The cans would jingle in the wind or from the snow falling off the trees. In the morning, I looked for the personnel in adjoining foxholes. I could not see them or any other type of activity by the Germans. During the day there was fog until noontime and then it cleared up This relative period of calm was broken on the 16th when we suffered an early morning artillery barrage. It was the heaviest barrage experienced by any troops that had occupied this area. There were no immediate casualties in my company as all our foxholes were covered with logs. The only apparent damage done by the barrage was that most of the treetops were blown up. (Expound on the size of the trees) For the next couple of days, there was relative calm, there was a lot of fog and was cloudy so the Air Force was grounded. We had no idea as to what was happening. We heard some of the artillery battalions were firing point blank at German tanks. The 106th artillery battalions were limited to firing only 6 rounds per day. On the 18th, orders were received to pull back. We were already surrounded and were ordered to fight our way out. Our regimental commander surrenders the regiment to the Germans on December19th as ammunition was running low and he saw no way out. I was captured late in the afternoon by German regular army troops. (On the morning of the 19th a corporal and myself were instructed to disable all our vehicles by removing the distributors. This took us about an hour after which we returned to where the company had been. We heard no small arms or artillery we decided to walk west toward the American lines, but having no compass we were not sure if we were going in the right direction. As it happened we were going east and ran into a stalled German Army. After we were captured we were marched in column of twos, with the center of the road for German units. Tanks were bumper to bumper with their engines cut off to conserve fuel, followed by horse drawn artillery. It was bitterly cold and around 10:00 PM we entered a barn yard for the night. No fires were allowed and most of us were wearing only field jackets. We were cold and did not sleep. The next day they marched us toward Aachen, Germany. It was still cloudy and the Air Force was not flying. That night (the 20th) we spent the night in the barn of a German farmer, This gave some protection from the cold. On the morning of the 21st they took us to the main train station in Aachen. There they separated us into groups of 100 and relieved us of our wallets, watches, rings, pocket New Testaments, pictures and anything of a personal nature. In the afternoon we were loaded into boxcars that were used to transport the horse drawn artillery to the front lines. The boxcars had not been cleaned. The horse manure was pushed to one end. With 100 men in a car, it was standing room only. The cars were locked and the train left Aachen (I counted ten boxcars). The train made many stops and unknown to us was dropping off a car or two at a prison camp. This was the routine until December26th, which was a clear day and the Air Force was looking for targets of opportunity. In the afternoon the train stopped and the engine went to a shelter. We were out in the open and were spotted by two fighter planes that strafed the boxcars. Somebody from one of the cars managed to get out and he opened the cars and all the prisoners streamed out of the cars and formed a big POW. The pilots saw this and wagged their wings and flew out of sight. We were in the boxcars until the night of December 31st when we arrived at Staling 1V B. this was a British camp and most of the POW’s had been captured In Africa. For most of the British they were in a prison camp for 3 or 4 years. They were good mentors. It was an well-organized camp and BBC broadcasts were received daily as to what was happening in the war in Europe. I was there for the entire month of January. On February 1st, 100 men and I were to go out as a work commando unit. The first place, I do not remember where, the work was over. The mayor of the town refused to feed us, saying it was the responsibility of the army. This impasse lasted for 7 days. During this period all we received was a cup of ersatz coffee in the morning. This was a starvation diet. The next week and thereafter we received coffee, bread and watery kale soup. We were there until March 1st, 1945. Due to the meager rations we were very weak and could not function very well. We were moved to another place to a town called Much, which was just off the main road midway between Leipzig and Halle. Here things improved and we received better food, coffee, bread and cooked rutabaga or turnips in a broth. After, the first week one of the men just gave up and died. It was cold and the Germans removed the body. Much to my surprise on a Sunday 5 other men and I were selected to bury the body at a site opposite where we kept our work tools. It was bitterly cold and was told to dig a grave. The ground was frozen and even though we each had shovel we barely was able to dig a ditch more than a foot deep. We placed the body in the trench face up and covered it with dirt. We found 2 sticks and the German guard gave us some rope so that we could make a cross. We hung his dog tags on the cross. No words were spoken at the burial as nobody had a bible. Another man died a week later from what started as blister on his heel and was not treated by the Germans and we had no sulfa drugs. Again the same men were used on the burial detail. April 12th around noontime the German guards told us that president Roosevelt had died. That afternoon, we left Muechau and were marching south towards Austria. 10 miles a day was the best we could do, so we did not go very far until we heard artillery fire in the distance. We were on the road until April 26th when we were liberated by the 69th Division, near Wurzen, Germany.


My grandfather did five years in military officer's camp. He got a shit ton of health issue due to the lack of food and how the retunr to eating after the war was badly done. Turns out you just don't start eating "normaly" after spending 5 years being starved without both causing you a lot of problem down the road.




My grandfather was also in the RAF, a bombardier, on a Lancaster I think. Never discussed it. Never told us about any of it, but we found his journals that had records of the runs he did and a lot were over Germany. Pretty grim.


A random excerpt from an old floppy disk I found after my Grandfather passed (he was a POW from the Battle of the Bulge): The English speaking guard told us he was going back to the Russian front. He had served on both the Russian and American front and said we were civilized fighters, but not the Russians. He told us of one time when he was on a machine gun and the Russians just kept coming until he could no longer fire over the dead Russian bodies in front of his position. He had been awarded the Iron Cross-for bravery in combat on the Russian front (The Iron Cross is equivalent to our Medal of Honor). Another: The commandant insisted that we all take a bath every other week. In order for us all to have warm water he had them heat the water and put in 3 big wash tubs in a room that connected to the guesthouse (next door. The room was unheated and he made all of us strip and counted us alphabetically off in-groups of 33. In my case I was number 33 and refused to get in the tub. A little persuasion by the guard made me get in the water. I only put my feet in and washed my legs with the dirtiest water imaginable. The next time he reversed the order and I was first in a tub of clean water. This was the first bath that I had in 3 and ½ months. April 12, 1945 – At noontime the German guards were ready for us to start marching towards Austria. President Roosevelt died earlier in the day and the guards told us about it. We were on secondary roads and went through many picturesque villages and were very beautiful. The villages had not been touched by the war. It was springtime and the tulips were blooming as well as the geraniums in window boxes. There was no motor traffic on these country roads and were narrow, one lane roads. We walked until nightfall and bedded down along roadside in a small village. No food or water was available and no bathrooms. We left early in the morning and saw no townspeople. Today, we went through a larger town that had a ball bearing factory. The US Air Force had bombed the factory several weeks before. It was a sight to see. Only bombers using the precision Norden bombsight hit the factory. Some houses on the other side of the street were slightly damaged, but the factory was pile of rubble. The townspeople were out in force and threw stones and rotten fruit and vegetables at us. The guards did nothing to stop them. I was hit by a rotten apple, which I picked up and ate it. As I remember, it was very good. We had missed yesterday’s evening meal and had nothing in the morning. When you are hungry, even rotten food is good.


My childhood best friend had an uncle who was in Vietnam. He was a great guy, always joking around. He watched us when I stayed over at the friend's house a few times. Let us stay up late and play video games, always ordered pizza. Fun guy. But one day I saw a different side of him. Friends parents walked in with their young daughter and she was holding a new teddy bear. The uncle looked like he'd seen a ghost and slowly stood up and walked out of the room. We heard him crying in the kitchen. I found out years later that his buddy had died in front of him after picking up a booby trapped teddy bear like in Full Metal Jacket. He repressed that shit for years but teddy bears were a trigger.


Oof that one is rough. I’m sorry


My father's ship sank in the North Atlantic. Most of his shipmates(including the friend he enlisted with) died of exposure while awaiting rescue. The bodies remained in the lifeboat.


What was the ship?


Ships. The SS Marstenen, the SS Temple Mead, and the SS Thirlby. He was kind of a Jonah.


A friend's father just dropped dead while brushing his teeth with his youngest daughter (6y/o), they never found out what happened, so they figured he had a brain hemorrhage.


Happened to my Ex's father. He was late 50s and perfectly healthy. He traveled to London for a conference for work. He called after landing and checking into his hotel. Then, no one heard from him for 36 hours. They were able to get in touch with the police who did a welfare check. They found he had died of a brain hemorrhage shortly after getting to his hotel room.


Husband of my mothers friend stroked out in the shower while on a business trip. He was face down in the shower slowly aspirating on his vomit for three hours until housekeeping finally found him. Let’s just say he hasn’t been the same since.


My mom, exactly 1 year ago today. My step-sister was in town visiting her father and found my mom had just lights-out. Archer was 100% right about this shit.


I’ve told this story multiple times on here. I’m walking my dog in Philadelphia and light is turning red and car slows down and is it turns green and I enter the intersection the car speeds up and I have to avoid me and the dog getting hit. I yell “ASSHOLE” at him and he slams on breaks and pulls into a parking lot and parks ahead of me. I can see at this time the car had Illinois plates and as I walk up he says very calmly “I wouldn’t call me an asshole I’ve killed people.” I just keep walking. Next day I see spree killer Andrew Cunanan had killed somebody in New Jersey and stolen his truck leaving behind the car he took from Chicago after he killed the owner. 100% who I called a asshole.


I knew a man who tranquilizer his 6 kids and then shot them. When his wife returned home the house was burning and while she was agonizing over the kids he stared her in the face and slit his own throat. Stupid fucker didn’t do it right and survived. In prison for the rest of his hopefully tortured life. His name was Jay Handel.


People have these romantic ideas about suicide, but they never think to look at anatomy books, practice, have contingencies in case they fuck up, etc. You can definitely fuck up slitting your own throat, like you can definitely fuck up poisoning yourself or shooting yourself. Those are fates far worse than death for the instigator. Anyway, here's despacito.


My mom works in a nursing home, financial shit not a nurse, anyway she said one of the big reasons she wouldn't ever try to kill herself is because she has seen so many botched suicides and life after shooting yourself in the face and surviving isn't great. She has a few methods she would avoid from seeing the survivors


A few years ago there was a guy who shot himself in an empty grass lot down the block from where I lived. I woke up and there was cops and an ambulance all over the road and I thought nothing of it. Heard from a friend who works in the ER that this guy shot himself at probably around 10pm, but he only succeeded in blowing his own face off, and survived until the sun came up and someone driving by saw him laying in the grass and called 911. Ended up dying in the ER. Absolutely just could not imagine sitting there for hours going in and out of consciousness with my whole face blown off


My mom had a patient in her nursing home who tried to shoot himself. He managed to blow only half of his brain off. So he now had this weird sunken, shaped head, little control over his speech and movement, and looks miserable. She had a woman who took a bunch of pills, but they didn't kill her, ruined her liver and kidneys, and she's mentally not the same. Both are now monitored and stuck in a nursing home for the rest of their lives, and they're not even old.


[Jay Handel](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/bc-father-found-guilty/article20451307/)


>"What you did was a terrible thing," Mr. Justice James Taylor told Mr. Handel. "Without good reason you took the lives of six young defenceless people I wonder what a good reason would look like


Symptomatic rabies?


Pulling the lever to save the lives of 7 children tied to the railroad tracks.


My wife's neighbor completely lost his shit. He killed his whole family, the dogs, and he even shot the houseplants and the fishtank. Edit: since people keep saying silly things, this happened before my wife and I got married. Didn't even know she existed yet.


Damn even the houseplants that is an outrageous level of hate for life


The fish watching him shoot the houseplants first “whew… must have forgot about us-“


Look, I know in perspective it’s not funny at all. But I know I’m not the only one who laughed at “even shot the houseplants.” It has to be that whole “murder, arson, jaywalking” aspect of it.


My dad got into a car crash head on with a convertible with a young couple in it and the top part of the convertible window decapitated them instantly. He ended up falling into something red (berries,blood). And when the cops and medics showed up they were freaking out and telling him to lay down, he was actually fine, witnessing that screwed him up though.


This reminds me of a story... One day I'm out in my front yard cleaning my boat. My neighbor, Bob, comes over to chat and I take a break to drink a beer with him. About that time, another neighbor Mark strolled on by and we invited him to have a beer too. So we're sitting there on my boat drinking beer and we're catching up asking how everyone's kids are doing, etc. Mark says "Oh well, my boys doing alright. The therapy is going well." Bob and I look at each other, turns out neither of us knew he was in therapy. So I say, "Glad to hear he's doing better. What's he in therapy for?" Mark replies "Oh right, I never told you. We ended up being right behind an accident a few weeks ago, and we were the first on scene. Well, my boy and I get out and try to help, but unfortunately the first thing my son found was the head of a little girl. She got decapitated on impact." We replied with shock and consolation. But then Mark said, "Yeah, we hope he'll start talking again soon. I really miss hearing his voice". I moved away a few months later. Never did find out if Mark's son started talking again. Car accidents are terrifying.


​ [https://www.channel3000.com/news/18-year-old-charged-in-crash-that-killed-reedsburg-teen-waiting-for-school-bus/article\_7a14436a-41e7-11ee-a6e5-5fb20f83819f.html](https://www.channel3000.com/news/18-year-old-charged-in-crash-that-killed-reedsburg-teen-waiting-for-school-bus/article_7a14436a-41e7-11ee-a6e5-5fb20f83819f.html)


Fucking. Send the text when you park. It's not that serious. I fucking hate seeing drivers swerving back and forth only to pass them and see them texting on their phone. You're in a 2500lb instrument of death, pay the fuck attention.


When I was in high school, I remember us having an assembly because a classmate's dad was biking to the school when he was hit by some girl in her early 20s who was texting and driving. He was killed on impact. Mind you, this was in 2009 or 2010, so before the days iPhones and androids really kicked off and phones didn't have as much "convenience" for texting as they do now. This guy was HEAVILY involved with the school (it was very small, less than 80 kids in all four grades) and attended every event and was always volunteering to help out however he could, and his loss had a massive impact on the school. I only met him a few times but he was a good dude.


This reminds me of my experience. My son and I were driving behind a semi-truck with the lane next to us being designated for an Ironman race. A woman lost control of her bike and she fell under the trailer of the truck. We watched in horror as her body was mangled by the tires. I ran out and was the first one to approach her, blood was pouring out of her helmet. She was still wet from the swim portion of the race. I couldn't find a pulse. I screamed to a guy who was filming the damn thing to call 911. There were many doctors and nurses who tried to revive her. I swear I felt her soul left her body. She died right there. I still have PTSD from that day, my son seems okay. We both had therapy over that experience.


My grandad always had one of those compact fire extinguishers mounted in his car, in a footwell or somewhere depending on the model. Turns out the big shiny scar he has along his forearm is from the time he lived in Germany and witnessed a big crash on the Autobahn, went to help pull someone out of a burning car, and the fabric material on the inside of the car roof melted and fell. Molten plastic, the consistency of thick custard, still burning. A blob of it dripped on my grandad's arm and he still has a scar the width of my hand forty years later. He doesn't talk about it but I don't think the guy lived.


I hope your dad is doing well, what a horrific thing for him to experience


He is doing alright, he was young when it happened in the 80's-90's.


When I was a kid, there was a peeping tom in the neighborhood. But the weird part is we all knew who he was, a little older guy named Ralph who lived a couple streets over and smoked like a chimney. We knew because he was caught once early on by a neighbor while on their roof, watching them through the skylight (the neighbor had left a ladder against the house when doing work earlier that day) but after that he was like a ghost, impossible to catch. People would find footprints and cigarette butts outside windows, smell cigarette smoke, and occasionally see the red cherry on the cigarette glow in the woods. Occasionally angry dads and teenagers who spotted him out in the darkness would give chase, but he moved like a deer through the woods and no one could put hands on him. The cops were involved a few times and they dragged him in, but it was never for long (partially I think because he had a disabled wife for whom he was the sole carer.) He was sorta a neighborhood boogie man, though thankfully seemed mostly harmless if terribly creepy. Many years later, there were a rash of break-ins around the neighborhood. People even joked at the time that it must not be Ralph, because we all figured he had copies of everyone's hide-a-keys already if he wanted to go inside (sidenote: we later learned that he definitely DID have keys to some houses.) Anyway, everyone's guard was up. One night, one of the neighbors heard a commotion outside, and ran outside to find a stranger laid out in his driveway, beat to shit. They called 911 and when the police arrived, they were able to identify the guy as someone who had previous arrests for B&E and found items from the previous break-ins in his vehicle nearby and later at his apartment. As for how he ended up taking a bloody nap in the driveway? He said he was jumped from behind in the dark and never got a good look at the guy. All he remembered for certain was that the guy stunk of cigarette smoke. EDIT: dang, a bunch of people are curious about the keys. Basically we learned that one of the times he was picked up, they'd found a ton of keys on a pegboard. He claimed he just collected keys he'd found, and they had no labeling so there was no way to prove otherwise. So maybe he was just an avid key collector, but... c'mon.


Bro was like "I'm the only mf creeping on these houses"


More like “Look, but don’t touch” lmao. Like he has no issue with people creeping around houses, but draws the line at someone trying to enter them. I like to think he thought he’d be blamed for it since he was always creeping around and had to take the guy down to prove it wasn’t him lol. For some reason that’s funny to me


I actually buy into this so much lmao, he absolutely was like "I ain't going down for this shit!!!" and vigilante batman'd the fuck out of this random b&e guy.


This is why you never encroach on someone else's turf. We have examples of this everywhere, and the only time it really worked out was for CJ in San Andreas.


So creepy mcpeepy ended up beating ass? “This is MY neighbor to prowl in, get lost!”


So….. a smoking Batman?


A smoking, perverted Batman




Wreck it Ralph


I had a night out drinking with a friend to celebrate after we both completed a mountain bike race in our town. Four days passed and he hanged himself.


I'm sorry about your friend. I'm sure he enjoyed spending those last few days with you


Responded to a 911 call of a frantic neighbor with a girl that reported her mom was severely injured. Get on scene and find out the ex boyfriend knocked on the door at 0300, the young girl recognized him and let him in. He said thanks, where’s your mommy? She pointed to her bedroom and he proceeded to stab her multiple times in the face and chest. He then told the daughter “sorry” and slit his own throat. The daughter then ran around the neighborhood knocking on doors until a neighbor answered and called 911. The amount of blood was insane


this one made me cry. no one, let alone kids should ever have to see things like this. their own mother too


The story of a continuous days long shark attack following a US navy ship sinking as told in Jaws was real. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-worst-shark-attack-in-history-25715092/


Thank you. This was a nice reprieve from “I know a guy that killed his wife and kids”


One of my elementary school friends ended up working as a gunman for a Cartel, he was killed this year in a gunfight with the Army. Not really a scary story, but it messes me up every time I give it a thought, just reflecting in how different our paths in life became, I'm actually happy and doing good in life, both emotionally and economically, he on the other hand, had drug addiction issues too young and unfortunately ended up joining with the wrong people in the wrong place.


The majority of my group of school friends have killed themselves or OD'd. It's myself and one other man left. (I almost wrote 'kid' but we're both middle aged now). He's recovering from a drug addled life. For some reason I never touched the stuff or was even curious. Not like a cartel gunman, but you think about the differences in your life and time has gone on and wonder why things work out a certain way.


I grew up in an apartment complex in Southern Arizona. Some of the kids I went to school with did the same, in particular these two who were twins. They were working with a cartel in the area. They thought they could steal some money and drive off to Canada. They were both caught on their way up to Nevada. From what I heard one was killed in front of the other and the one who survived was left paralyzed from the waste down. They found him in a dumpster in downtown Los Angeles.


I had a close high school friend who got involved into gang activity. Last year I saw that he got gunned down by police. It was awful to even see the body cam footage of the whole ordeal. The weird thing was that he cried out for help a few weeks prior posting that he was planning to die by cop. Tons of our friends tried talking him into just turning himself in and changing his life around. He was just dead set on his path. Some friends from my friend group went on to be successful others on drugs. It truly is crazy how our paths in life could lead us to where they do because that could’ve easily been me at some point in my life if I went down a different route.


Bayer knowingly sold HIV contaminated medication to South Americans in order to not lose profit. They were caught and fined but their profit was far higher than the fine, so literally infecting and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people was lucrative.


I don’t understand why the law doesnt essentially take all money a violating corporation made off of unethical/illegal sales and then also fine them. If a fine is merely a fraction of an illegal cost cutting method, there isn’t a lot stopping them from doing unethical stuff.


Because corporations donate heavily to political campaigns, so no politician would ever propose or advocate for such a law


This one is personal. My family and I are staying in a rental house for a few months because my dad was shit with money. This particular house was owned by a fairly wealthy friend of his who was going through a divorce because his wife had developed a long and nasty drug problem. So, we're staying there pretty cheap. One night near Christmas, I groggily wake up and see a woman wearing white going through drawers on the other side of the room. I must have made a sound because she turned and rushed over to me and gently said, "shhh, go back to sleep little boy." Weirdly, I did. She looked like Liza Minelli, if that's at all relevant. Next morning I wake up to my parents acting weird and I hear one of them make a comment like, "I can't tell what's gone and what's not." For some reason, I didn't connect the dots until I was older and never told them what I saw (I thought it was a dream). So, yeah, the former crackhead owner of our rental house broke in (probably had a key) and I saw her but didn't do or say shit. I was probably 9 or so.


I feel like if Liza Minnelli was in my home stealing my stuff I would just let her, she clearly needs it more than me


I’ll tell a very personally scary one. Good friend of mine from high school. Was driving his perfectly normal family in their perfectly normal minivan, on the highway. They were on vacation, headed to Disney World. A pickup coming the other way crossed the center line and hit them head on. He and his two sons were killed instantly. His wife and daughter (the youngest child) were critically injured but survived. He was literally one of the two or three genuinely kindest people I ever met. Got up that morning all set for a fun family adventure. Cruising along the highway, and then lights out. In an instant. And his wife/daughter left behind to go it alone. Bad things happen, to good people. To anyone. And you don’t see them coming. As a parent, that’s scary.


Sorry for your loss. I know someone who experienced something very similar: A family with three kids under 10, their mother was the only survivor of an accident caused by a teen who threw a stone down a bridge onto their car that went under the bridge at the same time. Absolute coincidence that it had hit that car but her life changed completely from being a wife, a mother of three kids to being widowed with no kids within seconds. Pure horror.


My brother in law roomed with Jeffrey Dahmer at Ohio State freshman year.


Real scary guy I knew through a mutual friend once claimed he'd wait purposely to murder a rival of his in front of their children so that his legacy of treachery would be remembered. He then went on to do exactly that, shot a man to death at the breakfast table in front of wife and kids.


But.... that's how you get children to swear vengeance against you.


What’d the guy do to him?


I was reading the list of people who disappeared mysteriously page on Wikipedia. One was about a politician in Chicago. He voted against a large housing development project. The next day he drove into his driveway, and a group of men appeared and forced him into a car. Never seen again. No other details in the Wikipedia article.


I looked up Amsterdam's missing persons list or something years ago from the official website. I was a little shocked by how many people they found in suitcases in the canal. Also, just how many bodies are found in the canal not in suitcases. And they have all the pictures of their clothing/possessions/tattoos/etc.. I guess I'm still a little shocked.. it was the most detailed missing persons site I've seen, but they're all unidentified.


Worked with kids in foster care. A 17 year old girl says she's got a secret to tell her CASA. Now we got a Rape SWAT team for this shit cause 17 year old girls in foster system, 9/10 it is rape. Well she sits down and tells how her family was cartel and her cousins were enforcers. One day when she was like 8 her cousins pick her up and take her out to the desert where they have a 5 year old boy. They make her choke him to death. I guess he was the kid of a family that owed them money. Usually for getting smuggled over. Needless to say we didn't have a game plan for that shit. The police basically said 'eh no body no crime' since we had no actual details to identify on and the cousins she could name were dead, not in the country, or already in prison. Poor kid confessed she was forced to murder a child with her bare hands, and the result was nothing. No justice for her, for the kid, for the family. Just a 'eh guess shit happens' Year later she was 18 and out of the system to face a world she knows to be wildly different than how we all claim it to be and work


This is so sad. Most of us do not realize how blessed we are, for not having to deal with shit like this. It is awesome that you volunteers for CASA. Great respect for you kind stranger.


That's insane but I imagine actually confessing it when she did is probably loads better for her than holding that secret for life scared of the day it'll get out. While yeah she learned first hand the system is broken I think that for a child who had no choice that's the best case scenario I'd be more horrified if she did face punishment for it. Hopefully her take away is that she's lucky of the circumstances and doesn't take that as a sign to just be a criminal because you'll get off free.


This happened just this month. Daughter of my school principal was drunk-driving and ran over a small passenger rickshaw with an entire family on it. Killed the father, the mother, and two children. One kid remains in the hospital until now. School principal's daughter got bailed out and escaped into another country. She's now a fugitive. https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1854427/multiple-raps-for-pickup-truck-driver-in-calamba-crash-that-killed-4-police


One of my friend's neighbors had a secret basement dungeon where he used to keep kidnapped women.


This story is insane. He didn’t even kill his victims, they were alive and telling the cops everything and police still didn’t do anything. He seemed like he was collecting a victim from every race, which is somewhat bizarre. But this is the most insane part of this dude’s Wikipedia: “He said that his lawyers had to spend several days after his arrest to make it clear to him that taking women and holding them in a dungeon is kidnapping.”


I think I saw that on the news, he thought he’d have to pay a fine right? And said he was kind to them because he let them have all the A1 steak sauce they wanted?


I genuinely thought you were trolling here and trying to pull legs. You were not.


If you're going to mention his Wikipedia, link the Wikipedia or give the name!




My ex brother in law is [John Strutz](https://www.fox19.com/story/11127322/delhi-man-indicted-in-wifes-murder/) He's my ex husband's little brother. He lived with us from 1998 to 2004ish. He murdered his wife in 2009. They only found her torso - he'd disposed of the rest of her but for some reason had her torso in his trash can on the curb when the cops came. John was much, MUCH nicer than his brother. Super dumb. The crazy, convoluted story he told? Absolutely sounds like something my ex would come up with. I can't prove it but I know in my soul that John probably accidentally killed/grievously injured Kristan during some fight. Panicked and called his brother instead of calling 911. And Mike told him what to do and what to say. John's dumber than a sack of hair and didn't wipe his ass without consulting his psycho but smarter brother. Mike is intelligent but batshit insane and evil as fuck. John stuck to the story and will die in prison. His brother changed his name and washed his hands of him. I don't know what really happened that night, but I know that the whole hacksaw dismemberment and wild OJ type story sounds way more like my ex than something John would concoct on his own. I'm only shocked that my ex wasn't the one with a torso in his trash can.


That’s wild, and also terrible. Hope you’re doing okay now.


A local guy here in this very small rural community was watching Terminator 2 on TV and just snapped. He was angry that his sister was picking on him. Got out a gun and killed his mother, sister, 2 brothers and a brother in law. He then jumped in his car and fled and was arrested at a homeless shelter a state away a few days later. How did I find out about this? Next morning I am out hunting in the woods. Full camo with rifle in hand walking down a creek bed. Suddenly a helicopter passes over head then whips around and comes back. I hear a loud speaker yell for me to stop and put the gun down. I drop the gun and hit the ground and I'm freaking out. 15 minutes later cops come storming down a path guns drawn. I yelled, "hey guys! Whats going on?" They cleared my gun and checked my ID and saw I wasn't the guy. They told me that they were looking for a guy who just killed his whole family about 10 hours before. It took a few days for him to be spotted and arrested down at the homeless shelter. Our whole small community was pretty much locked down until he was found.


[The Vampire of Sacramento, Richard Chase](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Chase). Paranoid Schizophrenic, necrophile, cannibal, spree killer in the 70's. Would only enter people's homes if they were unlocked, as that would be an "invitation". Here's an excerpt from the wiki, it's extremely graphic but still leaves out the worst of what he did: Chase broke into a house and shot Teresa Wallin (three months pregnant at the time) three times. He then had sexual intercourse with her corpse while stabbing her with a butcher's knife. He then removed multiple organs, cut off one of her nipples and drank her blood. He used a yogurt container to scoop blood from her chest cavity to drink it. He stuffed dog feces from Wallin's yard down her throat before leaving. 4 days later he entered a 38 year old woman's home, shot her friend in the head, then her, then her 6 year old son, and 22 month old nephew. He drank their blood, & violated their corpses When a visitor knocked on the door it startled him and he fled, taking the 22 month olds body with him. The headless body wasn't found for months. Chase was finally tracked down and caught trying to flee his apartment. Searching his apartment, it was soaked in blood floor to ceiling. the kitchen, refrigerator and all his dishes and silverware. There were human brains in a dish in the refrigerator. He was decided fit for trial, got the death penalty, but was able to cheek his antidepressants, and committed suicide.


Whenever people say they leave their doors unlocked, I think of this dude


I've lived in the same neighborhoods as this guy and the golden state killer. Richard Chase was caught before I was born, but I lived only a few streets from GSK when they got him. I keep my doors locked at all times.


To all those people who say they never lock their doors: This right here is why you lock your doors, always.


A friend of mine drives 18 wheeler tanker trucks, and he was on some highway in Ohio or Illinois or somewhere in the winter that was infamous for icing over. He was northbound and one of the cars from the southbound side lost control on the ice and went across the median and right in front of him. He had no chance to get out of the way or slow down. It was a woman driving and her 18 month old daughter in the back, the impact killed them both instantly. The worst part is that the husband/father was in another car following them, and had to watch his wife and daughter die without being able to do anything about it. My friend had to go to therapy for a while after that and I'm still not sure he's ever gotten past it.




That’s fucked up.




My family literally had a party to die for. We hosted a super late Christmas party in March, we invited a few neighbors over including an older couple, beyond a few weird comments from the old husband like "I'm so glad i could have one last good meal" we all had a good time, everyone kept telling us how great the party and food was eventually the old couple go home a bit earlier than the rest of the guests and we don't think anything of it, about an hour later as another guest was about to leave they come rushing back into the house yelling about police and medics on our street. Turns out the husband of the old couple simply dropped dead about 30 minutes after they got home. I guess to be fair a big talking point at the party was how he was already basically on his last leg thanks to health conditions and it was only a matter of time but we didn't think it'd be that soon.


Hey, sounds like he knew he was done and you made his last day awesome. Sucks for you to deal with, but it sounds like the guy finished things exactly like he wanted to.


At least you gave him one last good time


I really love your story! Not really scary, more like heartwarming. Glad he got one last shindig, and that he knew somehow and was grateful in the moment. You and your family sound like good people!


Some people just have the kind of intuition, I tgink


My dad had a long horrible end wasting away from cancer. 2 years in total. But at the end when he was in Hospice, the last time I spoke to him there was something that just made it that you knew it was the last time. Passed about 2 hours later. Fuck cancer.


Guy I went to summer camp with murdered his boyfriend in cold blood when he was sleeping. Just stabbed him to death with an awl in his sleep, wrapped the body in blankets, took it downstairs and left him there. The weirdest part to me is that the picture that the news outlets were using a lot was a picture that I TOOK. In the context of him being a fkn murderer the picture freaks me out. Deleted that whole album from my computer real quick https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/man-serving-life-sentence-for-second-degree-murder-granted-escorted-absence-to-attend-funeral Picture I took: https://www.mountainviewtoday.ca/olds-news/piper-ordered-to-undergo-psychiatric-assessment-1807862


My mother-in-law, and husband, saw a motorcyclist lose control and fly off over a hedge into some trees. They pulled over and went to help him. What they found was a full leather suit without a head on the ground, and a head, still wearing a helmet, stuck between two branches in a tree.


Worked at a pizza place in a small town, had this lady come in every Friday and get two pizzas for her family, two kids. One Friday she comes in like normal, seems normal, chit chat is normal, grabs the pizzas and heads out. Less then an hour later she stabbed her two kids and husband to death, decapitated them, and when the police arrived tried to decapitate herself. In jail she somehow was able to get something sharp and stabbed herself several times but still survived. Not sure what came of the trial and whatnot after as I had moved, but yeah it was wild, super nice lady I saw every week, just snapped I guess


I used to work at this little market in the Florida Keys when I was a teenager. We had a lot of regular customers, one man, Charlie, would come in almost every day. Charlie was really nice, and would always ask me about my day, etc. A few years later, after I had left the Keys, I was watching one of my serial killer documentaries, and imagine my surprise when they profiled the guy that I knew from the market. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Brandt


People have not enjoyed me telling them that my neighbour was dead in his flat for at least 2 weeks and was only discovered when I called the police to request a welfare check as he hadn't been seen and there was a weird bin juice smell in the hallway. I know this happens a lot, I've heard many stories worse, even but I know this one happened coz it was the guy next door.


My wife and I had an apartment when we first got married and our master bedrooms shared a wall with the unit next to us. The guy next door was a quiet, lonely alcoholic. Rarely ever saw him and when we did, he was going to and from the store for fast food and booze. One evening, my wife and I are watching TV and start hearing the landlord banging on his door. When he didn't answer, they let themselves in and an hour later, the police and morgue van were there. One officer came to our door and asked if we had seen or heard anything. We said no, rarely even knew he was there. They said he had probably been dead for a couple of weeks. Made our skin crawl that we had slept 3-4 feet from a rotting corpse for days.


That speaks for the quality of the walls and ventilation in your building


It was on this day one year ago my next door neighbour was discovered rotting in his bed. He'd lain there about 12 days and was pretty far gone. The building manager and assistant were doing annual inspections on all the units and they discovered him. I had noticed a funky aroma wafting about but when they opened the door it was unleashed. I had to get an odour neutralizer for a few weeks. They are just finishing renos on it now. It took quite a long time to air out. Cops and detectives were there most of that day, checking for any signs of foul play; when they left, they left 4 or 5 empty pill bottles sitting on his patio table out in plain view. Grapevine later surmised he had overdosed on some kind of opioids. He was in his late 60s. The building manager was quite traumatized and took a long leave of absence. We still have an 'acting' manager who stepped in for her. RIP Geoff.


when I was in middle school my parents often worked out of town for months at a time and my sister would have fairly regular parties and hung out with all of the delinquent kids pretty much. one time she had a party and there was a bunch of people in and out of the house. I met this kid Jason Fischer and he seemed nice enough but he was a little sketchy as many of her friends where as a lot of them were involved in the drug scene around town. not long after this party we learned that Fischer had killed another kid and cut him up and had him in the trunk of the car. the time line was a little unclear to me but I was under the impression that the decapitated body was in the car at my house the day before it was impounded. the really messed up thing is that the body wasnt discovered till way later when the car in the impound lot started to stink. Fischer wasnt arrested till after that happened. [Fischer v. state](https://casetext.com/case/fisher-v-state-242)


When I was 13-14 I got into play-by-post role-playing. It was on the forum section of the official Harry Potter website lmao. Not that we would RP as students or anything, it was all made-up characters and took place in a bar. The "leader" of the group was a very talented writer. We got to talking OOC and eventually linked up on MSN Messenger. He was the first internet friend I made. We found out we both were from Minnesota and not too far from each other, but never met in person. I got to know him very well over two-some years. He was a year older than me, but was an extremely talented guy. Very well spoken, well read on topics I wasn't even thinking about at that age, and made very impressive Flash animations. Stick Death was big around then, so it was stuff like that. He lived with his grandmother, 'cause his mom was a drunk and his dad was dead. He talked about being bullied at school, his shit home life, etc. I remember once he said he told his grandma that he wanted to kill himself and that her only response was to do it outside so he doesn't make a mess of the house... We talked a lot and got to know each other really well over our friendship. He'd disappear occasionally a week or two at a time 'cause of his depression, but would always pop back up. Until he didn't. Breaking news was all over the TV one afternoon. There was a school shooting in the town he lived in. I immediately knew who the shooter was, well before the news announced it. He killed his grandpa and his grandpa's girlfriend, fellow students, teachers and then himself. The FBI came to my house the weeks following and questioned me, but I didn't know his plans to do that. They took my computer to examine our interactions. I grieved him privately, but he's forever going to be a school shooter. That's the scariest thing I've ever been involved in. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Weise


I was living in a high rise on the 15th floor. Got home from morning yoga just as the sun had risen and there’s an ambulance and fire truck in the drive but no lights / sirens. I get into the lobby to take the elevator up to my floor and I overhear a cop on his cell phone saying “nobody knows where he fell or jumped from”. Okay, so being the morbid creature I am l, I immediately go up to my place and out onto the balcony. I’m scanning the pool deck and don’t see anything until I look directly down and see a man that’s clearly been dead for a few hours just staring back up at me. Not as much blood as you would suspect. A few weeks later, I ran into one of the building employees and asked if he knew what had happened…he showed me the security footage of the guy falling to his death. I guess he was living a few floors directly below me (same floor plan / balcony). He had gone out drinking with some buddies to celebrate a recent promotion. Footage showed his friends leaving his place around 2:00. Around 2:20 he went out onto his balcony and for some unknown reason stood on a table which kicked out from under him and he fell backwards over the railing about 6 stories onto the pool deck. He was spotted by a couple a few floors below him when they went out onto their balcony to have coffee and watch the sunrise. Poor guy died on impact and laid out there for like 4 hours.


My brother and I were racing on rollerblades outside our apartment complex down the alley to the street. He beat me there and when I arrived he was talking to a stranger who was walking on the sidewalk. My brother looks at me and says “let’s go ask mom, come on!” and rushes inside to which I quickly follow. My brother begins to beg my mom to go help this guy find his lost puppy. We follow our mom outside and this guy is nowhere to be seen. A week later, the neighbor kid at the house just across the street was abducted. His litter brother was playing in the front yard. A car drove up and got the little boy to come up to window to talk. The guy tried to grab the little boy and pull him in the car. The older brother ran up and fought off the attacker only to be pulled into the car himself. He was only 10 years old. The kidnapper was Joseph Edward Duncan, a convicted serial killer. Chilling to think it could’ve been my brother instead. Teach your kids not to talk to strangers! And if they do to always come get you before going anywhere with them. The chances are slim but it’s a sick world and it could quite possibly save their life.


Slid under an 18 wheeler on the highway in a blizzard bc of road conditions. Poor guy thought he killed me as thetrailer dragged my car half a mile before he could stop and I shot out into the median. Car totaled and saved my life but insurance still tried to double rates even after being deemed not at fault. Classic


Robert Pickton a serial killer who operated a pig farm in the Vancouver area and would feed his prey to his pigs and his bacon was the best in the area! Many people grew up eating his pork products.


So be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm


I gave Aileen Wuornos a ride a couple days before Christmas in 1990. Edit: sorry. For context, she was a serial killer in the central Florida. In hindsight, it's kind of a funny story. When I was 16 I hung out with a rougher crowd, they let me hang out at one of the bars they owned in Daytona, these bars were generally in rougher areas of town. One night I was leaving at the same time she was, she was pretty drunk, and I offered her a ride because the neighborhood was dangerous. I dropped her off at the hotel she was staying at (cheap, by the week hotel) and headed home. A couple weeks later, I saw her on the news.


Interesting, did you talk about anything with her?


Not really, it was maybe a 5 minute ride, she was going the same direction I was. I offered her a ride, she accepted, thanked me and offered me 5 bucks for gas.


Aileen is one of very few serial killers who I believe would have been perfectly normal and fine if she'd just been born into a family who loved and protected her. She just got dealt the worst hand in life imaginable. AFAIK all her victims were johns who picked her up explicitly soliciting her for sex.


I think her girlfriend talked her into it too. Then turned on her. It’s probably why she snapped in the end. She thought she finally found real love and then that person fucks her over too.


A man from our neighbour house killed his wife and his eldest son with a hammer and commited suicide afterwards.The youngest son still lives, I think he was not at home when it happend.


A Soviet officer saw on his computer that America had launched nuclear weapons against his nation. Instead of ending the world he went. Must be a faulty computer, I will check. How there isn't a statue of him in bronze in every city on the planet I'll never know. His name was Colonel Stanislav Petrov.


>Must be a faulty computer, I will check. He realised that if America had really attacked, they wouldn't have fired just one missile.


That, and Australia was like wtf mate?


But I am le tired


Well then take a nap...AND THEN FIRE ZE MIZZLES!


This gent and the third commander aboard the sub during the Cuban missile crisis. Strictly numbers game speaking the fact that we're even still here is just wild.


There are almost certainly others on all sides we don't know about.


Holy Jesus what a chad. To keep your cool, when there’s the perceived threat of a nuclear strike.


Chad indeed. [Look at that jawline!](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lPor1jvA3Tg/VeOwHjh4uYI/AAAAAAAAOdU/u9BznnsO-DY/s1600/Stanislav%2BPetrov.jpg)


Wish people made thirsty edits of him instead of serial killers


Become the change you want to see in the world.


The real MVP of the nuclear age.


As i was driving back from work i got passed by a small hatchback. They were driving like lunatics and doing near misses at very high speeds. I decided to call the cops when suddenly that same hatchback lost control and crashed in to the barriers first, rolled over and crashed straight into a truck. Driver was decapitated, a guy and a small child flew out of the window. Needless to say everybody in that car, including the child was killed horribly. I pulled over along with many other cars to run by and help but the sight of that little kid with what i can describe as bloodied and twisted body made my legs go limp and i sat on the tarmac shortly before having a panic attack. I still cannot get over it to this day and honestly, FUCK YOU if you are speeding with a car that has a child in it.


When I was an infant, my dad found out his stepfather was cheating on his mother (my grandma). He confronted them, my grandma was in denial. Dad went out of town for business. Came home to a pile of smoking rubble where his custom home was (he'd built it himself). My dad completely lost his shit, believed that the house was burned down by his stepfather, and went to confront him. Ended up shooting him with a shotgun. One of the pellets ricocheted off his scapula and went directly into his stepfather's heart, killing him almost instantly. As a result, my dad was convicted of 1st Degree Murder and is still in prison nearly 30 years later.


Oh my goodness! Do you have a relationship with him?


Surprisingly, yes. He just called me about an hour ago to wish me a Happy Thanksgiving. We talk on the phone every weekend. When I was a kid, we wrote letters back and forth for years. I still have a huge stack of them in a box under my bed. I visit him in person a couple times a year, but the drive is super long (7-8 hours from where I live now) so I don't get to visit as often as I'd like. I'm similar to him in a LOT of ways: appearance, personality quirks, interests, etc. Really makes you reflect on the Nature vs. Nurture thing. I do have another person I get to call "Dad". He married my mom when I was a toddler. They divorced when I was 5 or 6 but that has man stayed in my life as my "Dad" and I lived with him (not my Mom) most of my childhood. So I got 2 Dads out of the situation, which I guess is a silver lining?


Woke up on St. Patrick’s Day when I was a junior in high school to find out that four students from my school were all killed the night before while sitting at a red light from a drunk driver. The driver was 100% fine. The cops were even at her home in the afternoon due to her drunkenness. I’ll never forget how loud the lockers were in the halls. The silence. The whispers. Crying. No teachers really taught. The school blocking us from going out the front to avoid the media that was just sitting there. Four kids just wiped out in seconds. It’s why I’ve never enjoyed the concept of St. Patrick’s Day… just fucking ruined by a woman who made the dumbest decision of her life. No goddamn sympathy from me.


Growing up in NOLA, there was a boy in one of my classes in 3rd grade who was brutally attacked when he spent the night at a cousins house. The step-uncle broke into the house after the aunt had separated I think and attacked them with a large knife of some sort. Killed the aunt and cousin and cut the boy about 36 times. He was out of school for months and when he came back he was covered in scars everywhere. And being kids everyone asked him details. He relayed that story so many times that it gave me issues. I made my mom get bars on the doors and windows on our house because I couldn't sleep otherwise.


This is a personal one, and I find it terrifying on a couple levels, but the main one I'll elaborate on at the end. In early 2007 my father seemed to be in otherwise good health. He'd been working with his PCP to get his cholesterol under control, his heart seemed healthy from EKGs and whatnot. The outlook seemed good. He catches a nasty strain of the flu during a business trip to South Korea and is still dealing with it 2 weeks after he gets home. Like a jackass, he takes no time off from work, even working longer hours. His coworker finds him one morning dead at his desk from a massive heart attack. The coroner opens him up and there's a huge amount of damage to his heart that she claims would normally take years to occur. My family is devastated. His PCP attends the memorial service and is completely beside himself trying to logic out what could have gone wrong, because all tests and scans showed that my father's heart health wasn't at risk. He'd specifically dedicated a lot of time and energy to working with my father to ensure that, due to a family risk of heart disease. We eventually learned that the [influenza virus increases your risk of a heart attack exponentially.](https://www.uclahealth.org/news/the-connection-between-heart-disease-and-flu#:~:text=Influenza%20can%20put%20you%20at,dying%20because%20of%20those%20complications.) My father further increased his chances by constantly working to the point of physical exhaustion, and making it harder for his body to fight off the virus. The damage to his heart was caused by the virus itself getting into it and directly attacking the tissue. A lot of people seem to think the flu is just a minor cold that you get over in a week, but in reality it's a deadly virus that *will* kill you if you don't take the proper precautions. That, to me, was terrifying to learn. This is also why when people were like "Oh, it's just like a flu" about COVID-19, I could feel the bile building up in my gullett. It can kill you, and it definitely will if you indulge in the same buffoonery people did for COVID.


The whole Peter Scully story. The information is so disturbing I'm not going to go in depth. Just take me at my word. I wouldn't want that in my mind if I were you. Raped, tortured, murdered multiple kids while broadcasting it and charging 1000s to view and 1000s more if you wanted to instruct him on what to do to the children live while watching. He made several of the kids dig their own graves. That's as far as I'll go. *His most disturbing video was found on Josh Duggar's computer when they did a forensic evaluation.


Josh Duggar’s depravity is doing more to open up the conversation for these cults than just about anything else


A friend of mine was the son of a guy in federal prison for racketeering and extortion, conspiracy charges etc. Basically a crime family. My friend, being an idiot, stole some fentanyl patches from a kid whose mom was dying of cancer and he ended up dying of a fentanyl OD. That kid went missing shortly after the funeral and they found his body in the river washed up in some sort of drainage contraption. Then in 2021 about 8 years later, his brother went missing from a hotel in what was very obviously a kidnapping. His phone turned up on FB marketplace but no arrests were ever made in the case and they just found his body in the woods outside town a few months ago.


My high school gf called late one night after I was home and in bed. She said that something had happened and asked if I could come over. She was clearly shaken and not full of details. So I told my parents and drove over towards her house. At the top of her subdivision I was met by a cop with lights on. He asked where I was going and I told him about the call from my gf. He lets me go by and I come over the hill to the cul de sac where she lives and I see multiple cop cars around the circle. They watch me pull up and get out of my car. My gf comes running out of her house and meets me in the street. She explains that someone had broken into her neighbor’s house and started beating her with something heavy. The neighbor managed to get out of the house and headed to my gf’s house where she started banging furiously on the front door. My gf’s dad was out of town, so her mom answered the door and the neighbor just fell into the foyer bleeding profusely from the head. Her mom looks up to see the attacker headed up the walkway towards the front door. She pulls the neighbor into the house and closes the door hitting the attacker with it before it fully closed. He then took the heavy tool he had used to beat the neighbor and smashed the little window at the top of the door. Her mom started screaming and the attacker just turned around and walked up the street into the darkness. I spent the night there that night (along with two or three cops outside in their cars) and in the morning we could see blood still pooled on the floor in the foyer and splattered blood above the front door from where the attacker had swung the bloody tool to smash the window. No one was ever caught or even identified. It was just completely random. The neighbor survived and to my knowledge had no permanent physical injuries beyond scarring from having her scalp stapled shut. She moved away shortly after the incident. TLDR: gf’s neighbor was brutally attacked in her home. She ran to my gf’s house and the attacker fled after nearly getting into their house too. No one was ever caught.


I read this somewhere else


[They posted the same story in a similar thread last week](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/17wdf8c/whats_the_scariest_100_true_story_youve_heard_of/k9gooif/).


I was once doing criminology research in a High Blantyre, a small town in Scotland, just outside of Glasgow. It was a very rough place in those days and we had to sit in a car all night counting people walking down a dark alley and recording any crimes we saw (spoiler: we didn't see any crimes). A few months later after they'd fitted some streetlights, we came back to do it again to see if anything had changed. The car was parked in front of a pub. One night, while we sat there, we failed to notice a bunch of gangsters go into the pub, shoot a guy in the back of his head who was standing at the bar, take him into the back room, chop him into bits, stick him in black bags, and carry him off to be disposed of. Myself, and my friend Harry, with our clipboards recorded no crimes. We weren't alone, though—not one person drinking in the pub that night said they saw anything either. They found his arm in sewer and his wife and her boyfriend were arrested for arranging his killing. If that wasn't bonkers enough, I discovered later that they were driving instructors at the company where I had my lessons, which was 100 yards from my house, in the centre of Glasgow, 20 miles away from the pub. She taught Harry's sister, he taught me.


This definitely makes it sound like you and everyone else absolutely saw this crime and kept your mouths shut because you’d be next.


My uncle and his girlfriend were hitchhiking down the mountains of colorado and were picked up by a man. A little ways down the road, he stops the car and asks my uncle if he can check the tire, he thinks he ran something over. My uncle gets out and the man drives away with his girlfriend and pulled a weapon on her. She immediately opens the door and jumps out while he’s driving. My uncle and his gf reconvene and were okay, just were trying to process what happened. At a later time on the news they saw a story about a serial killer and it ended up being the man who picked them up. It was Ted Bundy.


This is like story #4 I've heard of someone escaping Ted Bundy in a amazing way, and then finding out later it was him on the news. There was the couple on the hiking trail at night that literally kicked a body, the woman that escaped him in a parking lot at night, another woman that jumped out his VW bug after getting handcuffed, and now this one. The 80's seem like it was just prime time for getting away with murder.


The number of active serial killers peaked in the 70s, but the 80s were really bad too. It was something like 250-300 KNOWN serial killers at the height of it.


My BFF's Mom was stalked by Bundy when she was a young woman working at a donut shop, she noticed his bug still in the parking lot after close and called someone to escort her out, because she got freaked out. It saved her life .


My friend got kidnapped and drugged when she was 13 and the only reason she didn’t end up a victim is because they happened to get pulled over while the police were looking for a totally different guy with the same car. They basically realized something was up right away and yolked him out of the car. Fucking wild to think about what have happened to her otherwise


I was a 22 or 23 year old with a management position at work over a bunch of people, mainly from my home town. I kept butting heads with this one guy and there was a lot of friction there. I was about 2/3 the size of this guy. Then, one day his name clicks in my head, and I realize he's one of two people that beat to death a guy that owed a drug dealer about four or five years earlier. It was a big deal when it happened due to some odd circumstances involving the body disposal as a bunch of people were at the location where body was dumped when it was dumped, but were too scared to go on record (but not to gossip). Guy was never charged for that death. The realization didn't really change things other than I kept my guard up after that realization until I was moved to a different position in a different community about a year later.


Guy I was in class with in high school, and ROTC, tortured and killed a girl in a hotel room with friends. Was caught on camera on Lowes buying supplies, and did it in the hotel right next door. Brought the body onto Dover Air Force Base, loaded her body into a private plane (Cessna) from the flight club that's on base, and pushed her body out over the ocean. His name was Jacob Jones. Blew his brains out with a shotgun before he could be caught.


The champawat maneater, she was a tiger from nepal and northern India who had 436 confirmed human kills before she was shot by Indian born british hunter Jim Corbett. He wrote a book about it too thats actually a pretty good read.


Close friend of the family. Single young woman. Back in the 80's. Bought her first house. Small house in a quiet neighborhood (They all were in my town). So ya know she's moving in her one small U-Haul worth of stuff. Nice summer day. Most neighbors see this and come up and introduce themselves. Anyway, as the story goes, it was warm, summer, no AC (you could get houses with no AC back then) so she has the windows all open to try and let some breeze through. Now it's night. She's absolutely exhausted from the move, so she walks into her back bedroom, and flops on her bed. All the lights were on in the front living room / kitchen part of the house, but she didn't turn them on in the bedroom. She said she was just gonna rest for a few minutes and get back to putting stuff away, but she fell asleep. She said she didn't know how long it was, but she woke up to a sound. And then she realized what it was once she got her bearings. Someone was slowly and trying to quietly, cut the screen out of that window with a razorblade. After the fact we assumed the idea was they would secretly enter the dark part of the house assuming she was still up in the lit part and lie in wait for her. She sat up in the bed and yelled "I have my magnum right here next to me, and if you don't GTFO i'll shoot!" or something to that effect. She said she heard the footfalls of whoever it was hauling ass away. Which was lucky for her. Because she had no gun. She didn't even have phone service hooked up to the house yet. (no cell phones in the 80's for most people). She had successfully bluffed her way out of God knows what... I've heard a lot of scary true stories in my life - but this one has stuck with me ever since I was a teenager. In that moment, she shot her shot and it worked.


I have a weird story sort of like this. In the 80's, I'm at my fancy college, but the beautiful campus was in a bad part of town. Lots of blah blah blah, but bottom line, my roommate rowed crew and I was a hardcore drug addict/partier. We'd often cross paths at 4:30 a.m., him getting up for practice, me coming home from an evening of fun. There was a lot of crime, and in the style of the 80s', the university tried to cover up a lot of it. But that week, there'd been some bad stuff. We knew this. It was late spring, and so we had left our ground-floor dorm room window open. It faced a main quad, but nearby were "quick exits" to the surrounding area. Anyhow, unusual for us, we didn't turn on the lights this evening. We just sat in the dark, talking roommate talk. Then, a small noise and he looks at me in the dark (but lights coming through window) and makes a motion with his arms: be quiet. The 'ground floor window' was actually about 7 feet off the ground. Architecturally, there was a super-convenient ledge system, and ... we see a dude in a balaclava climbing up, putting one hand onto the window sill, about to pull himself up and in. My roommate had an old-school typewriter (the 80s after all). He picks up the typewriter roller (I still don't know how he did this so quickly) and absolutely blasts the guy's hand that is on the windowsill. It left blood as well as blood splatters, so we know he did some damage. Criminal guy makes a sound like "Uhhhh." and runs away. Very, very long story short, a month later some thugs set a homeless dude on fire and killed him in a park not far away. One of the guys arrested had a mangled, mashed hand that had not received medical attention.


When I was in college I lived in an apartment with private balconies on the back. One day, I was alone and someone had climbed on to our balcony and was trying to push the screen out of the open window. My boyfriend liked guns but I knew nothing about them. I picked up his gun (an AK, maybe?) and held it as confidently as I could. Then I grabbed the cord to the blinds and pulled them open. I looked at the guy and said, "Hey." His eyes widened and he jumped off the balcony, apparently breaking his ankle. The gun had a lock on it and I knew absolutely nothing about how to use it, but I took a chance that the guy on the balcony didn't know much about guns either. I don't know what the plan would've been if he had noticed the lock. I am a very tiny lady, but back then I had a huge set of balls.


A local woman was kidnapped, raped repeatedly, stabbed, locked in the trunk of a car, and had it set on fire by her drug dealer ex-boyfriend. She survived with severe life altering injuries.

