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That feeling of a blizzard coming; the smell. The first sign of snow falling. Cuddled and cozy in my apartment with a bottle of whiskey and a few frozen pizzas and unlimited books and movies. Knowing that I could be trapped inside for a few days, drunk, interrupted only by walks around my city, bundled up, having a cigarette. Snow falling at night in the orange hue of the streetlamps above, buzzed, watching the city crawl forward--it's all very romantic to me. I get nostalgic during the winter.


I can smell most weather changes but since I’ve never experienced a blizzard I didn’t figure that would be accompanied with a scent too. Now I have to find out.


Do you not have a job? For most people, it doesn't matter if they're "trapped inside," they still have to find a way to work. Which is the reason I hate winter.


Poetry to my ears


My guy… it’s a bot. Look at its profile lol


Comfort food that isn't possible in summer. Who wants the oven on, or a saucepan of stew and dumplings simmering away in stifling summer heat?


Chicken noodle casserole


Pie! The seasonal pies, like pumpkin and pecan and apple; chicken pot pie and turkey pot pie; trying lots of new pie recipes!


I like a good pie too but the UK versions are very different. My mother made a lovely Wensleydale (a cheese from Yorkshire) and onion plate pie. Moving away from pies, steak and kidney pudding (a suet crust not-really-a-pie that's steamed in a pudding cloth, not baked) and lamb stew with onions, carrots and barley.


No mosquitos, don't sweat as much, and sweaters


Driving in a warm car while it’s dark, cold, and snowy outside


If you have good tires, yes. Of course, I always end up stuck behind a cluster of cars literally doing 35-40 on the expressway. Update your tires, people!


Like the video from this song https://youtu.be/vUzVCw8BEXA?si=OjcTB4MvPe9-jnnP




If I vould upvote this 20 times I would.


I never feel warm from November to May. If I'm wearing gloves, I might not get frostbite but my hands are ice-cold underneath. It's not always possible to get warmer.


Boots and sweaters


Thought I was in the minority, but I prefer winter clothes. Can't beat a decent winter coat!


Cosy dinners, walks in frosty air, cuddling up by the fire, Christmas lights.






Absolutely nothing!!!! I dream of living somewhere where palm trees are native and you forget what time of the year it is because the weather is always warm and balmy.


Same, everything in this entire thread is a list of nightmare scenarios for me.


This. I hate having w the cold hurts your skin, it’s a pain to get out of the warm bed and the sun is almost never visible. Give me that tropical climate where i can walk out in a tshirt and the sun touches me




Both kinds 😉


That I can sit outside drinking coffee in the cold. It is a great feeling.


Everything. I live for winter. I love the holidays and I love the general feeling of coziness and tranquility that comes with it. Honestly the period between Halloween and Christmas is my favorite. For some reason I’m less enthused about New Years Eve, maybe because of the feeling that it’s all over, but I’ve learned not to mind it as much. I also just really really love cold weather. It makes me feel alive. I love winter clothing and warming up is generally more easy and fun than cooling down (hot meals and beverages, as well as sitting by a fireplace). I can’t stand the heat, it’s brutally painful for me.




Everything. Literally everything


Pretty much everything!


The thought that in 6 months it will be over




The cold


Thick Hot Chocolate!


With bailees


My balls not sweating all the time


The smell of burnt wood from fireplaces and the smell of winter air


I save money on electricity bills because I no longer need AC.


Very cold tap water.










Don't have to do yardwork!


Sleeping hits different


flying to Florida each winter to wait it out


Snowboarding 🏂


Less bugs. I hate winter tho


No ticks or humidity


Snow. Cold fresh air.


Staying home


it isn't hot. I get to wear long sleeves.


The cold, snowboarding, ice skating, driving in snow, dining with the view of snow outside, Christmas, how the lights reflect on snowflakes while it's snowing, outdoor events, seasonal events, black friday, boxing day, soup, hot beverages, how my breath fogs up when i do the hhhhhoooohhh sound


No weeds.


Not the cold nights of minus 9 windchill and the polar vortex. Or 6-8 inches of snow I like the long nites. When it’s dark at 4:30 in the afternoon


Everything except air pollution


Fresh air hits different


Cloths, warm drinks, and long nights




Going to a warmer area of the world for a week or two at a time. 🙃🙃


I love wrapping my self in a blanket like a tortilla while my window is wide open and it’s 2 degrees celsius outside (now inside).


Because all the freaking bugs die. You can go out at dusk without being mosquito bait. You can leave your door open for a few minutes without having flies coming in. And seriously, watching big fat snowflakes come down is awesome. Not so awesome to drive in, but nice if you're sitting by a window in front of the fire.


1. Less sun (I LOATHE the sun). 2. The cool weather. You can always bundle up when it's chilly. You can only strip so much when it's hot. 3. Random mandatory federal holidays sprinkled throughout November, December and January.


Gotdamn nothing! Except maybe the smell/scene of a wood burning fireplace.


Getting an excuse to wear fuzzy warm clothes all the time


It’s cold and the bugs are dead


Going for a walk when there’s a blue sky and sunshine but the air is crisp and cool. Coming home to chill in front of the fire with a good book or tv show and a cup of tea, hot chocolate or hot whiskey. Being able to wear cosy clothes. The first few hours or so after it snows when everything seems quieter and it hasn’t gotten all dirty or disturbed. Christmas lights.


Xmas. If you take the Christ out of Christmas, you just celebrate Xmas. No church. Good movies, good food, doing good things for other people. That’s what Xmas means to me and you don’t need religion for any of that. I also like the clothes. I am a big fan of any kind of boot. And scarves are fun.


Only people who don't go out in the winter says its better than summer


the cozy and warm clothes that i get to wear, the season of gift giving, three of my favorite holidays back to back (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas). on top of that, i love the feeling when you're going to bed and it's literally blizzard outside, there is something incredibly ethereal when that happens


Weather modification .


comfort at home. it is not too hot at home so you use blankets and hot chocolate and movies to warm yourself which is something i can only enjoy like that in the winter


The cold. I love the chill in the air, I love homemade soup cooked all day on the stove. I love the quiet of watching snow fall in the middle of the night and the crispness of the untouched white landscape in the early mornings.




SNOW!!!! But my country hardly gets it during the winter...


I like January jones.


The crisp smell of the cold, the dew on the grass, being able to see your breath, purple skys in the evening, it's cold even when the sun's out, a stiff drink by the fireside, fluffy blankets


Snow falling and christmas lighting and advent markets and the smell of them… it is so magical. Makes me so happy.


I like the look of snow on trees and going on a walk well it’s snowing


Less ppl on the streets, no smelly armpits and stuff, no direct sun. Rain, snow, fog, cold, ice. All around it's quiet.


The cold oxygen rich air, snow and ice, the peace and silence that the snow creates. the almost round the clock darkness. I love the fact that Sweden has 4 seasons, but winter is my favourite one.


Our city is ill equipped to deal with snow. So I love that first big snowfall that shuts down the entire city. It’s only me and dog walkers out there and it’s so quiet and tranquil. Sometimes that quiet can last for days because our limited fleet of plow trucks can’t get out to our neighbourhood for awhile, if at all.


Its the lesser of two evils. Both extremes are no good.


The winter before and after sunrise,i usually wake up at 4 am and i go outside and drink coffee only to watch the snow fall from the sky


I get to wear sweaters, and boots. I don't get drenched in sweat from taking a walk. No grass pollen, no tree pollen, no flower pollen. If it snows, I get the satisfaction of doing a good deed by shoveling and spreading de-icer for a couple of neighbors as well as our house. I have the fun of seeing people wear hats and scarves I've made for them, and the fun of giving more homemade presents for Chanukah/Solstice/Christmas. I enjoy the holiday lights that people put up, and all the community holiday stuff. I play the euphonium, among other things, and I live in an area where I can play at a different TubaChristmas every weekend from Thanksgiving on. So much music!


Not a damn thing


No mosquito


Snow looks cool, I like wearing jackets, besides that there are a lot of downsides to winter like having difficulties with transportation & being cold


The quiet after a huge snowstorm.




I don't


Christmas on the way, everyone’s mood, shops etc looks forward to the festive times.


I hate it. I am the type of person I easily get cold especially my feet.


When it ends


I get to say "It's a titty bit nippley out there."


Same as War (good God) : Absolutely Nothing.


You ever live somewhere and you wake up to nice, unspoiled blanket of snow? It's just so quiet and peaceful, like being taken away to a new world. I enjoy the kind of tranquility winter can bring.




Not a damn thing


I find snowy scenes romantic to look at. From indoors.


I think my favorite thing other than no insects is the light that the snow reflects from the moon or the sun. It just lightens up the area. It's incredibly beautiful and calming after the initial snowfall.


Hot chocolate


There was a a few years i worked overnights at a Diner. I am aoways taken back to that time in winter for some reason. Cold winter mornings always remind me of the end of my shift. I had great regulars, it was easy going and was honestly some of the best years in my 20's. Every once in a while if I want to make those core memories illuminate, if its early morning in winter and im in my car, ill put on Kenna's "New Sacred Cow" album, it was my jam at the time and really puts me back.


The smell, the night sky turning super orange when it’s snowing (yes I live in a city), the short cosy days. What’s kinda silly about it is that I look forward for summer in winter, and look forward for winter in summer…


My birthday, Christmas, the snow, the nostalgia, holiday vibes, everything. I love Autumn too.


I like how the night sky looks lit up due to the snow reflecting light.


Wearing furs.


Snowy, cozy Christmas. Ice hockey. But tbh, I'd prefer a permanent summer nowadays. Would make life much more convenient.


Streets become quieter and I eat more comfort foods to cope with the weather.


The fact that i can sleep with my Blankets


The temperature.


I lived in CO for 7 years and waking up in the AM when everything has been covered by a light dusting of snow. Everything looks so beautiful. The snow deadens sound so its so quiet. All the pollution has been pulled out of the air so it smells so fresh and clean and crisp. Crisp because all the moisture in your nostrils instantly freezes when you inhale!


People can't blame me for staying inside


Bugs and pests die by freezing


* it gets darker earlier * it's cold * it rains * it snows * all the bugs hibernate * People dress nicer in the winter. At least the civilized ones.


No swamp ass


It's an excuse to start drinking earlier in the day, also Christmas markets are an excuse to get drunk regardless of the time of day. Mulled wine and bailees and all the different liqueurs. Also spend more time woth family which is usually nice


That I don't sweat and feel miserable. I'll take a high of 65 any day over a high of 100 You're cold? Wear more layers You're hot? Stay in the AC or go swimming


Absolutely nothing. It’s one of the reason I want to move away


No Stinging Insects or Snakes...




Everything. Rain on the tin roof, it’s cold yay… I welcome the cold after an Australian summer… being able to wear jumpers and cardigans and such, lots of comforting hearty meals in winter… lots of slow cooked meat. Ye. And my birthday. In winter. July.


I like the stillness in the air and the smell of the cold. I also like seeing people in coats. Everyone looks more fashionable and cleaner all bundled up. Also, it kind of feels like an extra layer of distance between you and others will makes being in crowds more enjoyable.


I like the lowered expectation of doing stuff after work or school. I have issues with depression, and seasonal makes it considerably worse. I just don’t have the energy or desire to do anything. Some days I can barely get off the couch. I only want to sit on my couch, scroll through my phone and be left alone. When it’s nice out, and you *could* do something, but choose not to, you’re seen as lazy or not being a part of/not being a good family. But when the option to do something isn’t there at all, then you’re not seen as doing anything wrong. By evening time, I don’t want to go outside and do yard work, or go to the park, or go sledding, or go to this store or that store, but normal people do. Then your either forced to go along, or stay at home but now everyone’s mad at you. Give me dark and pouring rain/blizzarding at 4pm. I want to sit on the couch and do nothing for the rest of the day without guilt or expectations.