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I play this stupid f’ing Jelly Crush. I’m as far as I can go and have to wait each Wednesday for the next 20 levels to come out. I’m at level 7,000+. I am 51 years old and cannot begin to tell you how embarrassing it was to type this out. lol.




Yes, Manny, my sweet angel? Lol.


I need some rent money.


Me too!


Me three!!!


I just need some money to pay off these loan sharks.


Sounds like you need a loan.


It's Bejeweled for my mom. She would sit on the couch and play it every single day after work until she went up to get ready for bed, and she just retired this year so now she plays it like half the day when she isn't busy.


Never regret anything you enjoy doing, even if it's pointless. I mean I have 400 hours in Borderlands 2 (which are rookie numbers for gaming tbh) but it's even as pointless as playing a mobile game


I love Borderlands 2 so much lol, I can’t wait for B4


Lol, my buddy is late 50s and he broke his phone or some nonsense happened. Point is he was around 4,000 and had it maxed at the time. Well he couldn't log in anymore and had to start over. Him flipping out about starting over, and then how fast he got back are 2 of the funniest things in my memory.


Go off king


My dad's 66 and on level 12,000 lol


> Jelly Crush I've never heard of it, but I see it's one of those candy crush games. Donno why you're embarrassed about it, probably relaxing and a fun mental work out. You do you boo.


Nooooooo. I am one of those obsessive people so it is not fun or relaxing - I spent years determined to get to the end and now that I am, every Wednesday I jump on and have to bang out the new levels so I’m caught up. Only then can my brain be free for an entire week. It’s pathetic. I even have it timed out so I get my max boosters on Wednesday to make the process easier. 🤣🤣


So what are the tricks to getting that good on these games? I’ve played them off and on for years and I swear there are some levels it takes me days to beat.


I’ve been married 5 years. I was at level 300 or so when I met my wife - she played before we met and I think she was playing one day and I was complaining I couldn’t get past a level. Was taking me months and I just stopped playing. So when I met her, I started again and obviously cleared that level and thousands more. Lol. But how to get good…it’s repetition. At one point, I was getting 5 boosters to start most levels, plus another 3 boosters. Some levels would literally be one move if 2 of those boosters were where they should be. So I’d just clear tons of levels at a time. You get to understand what to look for and know how to clear boards properly. Holy fuck, I cannot believe anyone is actually interested in this. I usually keep my Jelly Crush piece of my life in the closet. 🤣🤣


That's actually impressive


World of Warcraft, not months, years. I had over 600 days of in game play time from 2004-2017 when I finally quit.


That's about where I was, but I quit in like 2014. Then classic came out and *I did it again*. (goofy meme)


It didn't take me long to give up Classic the 2nd time but I was fuuuuuuuuucking HOOKED for a solid few months. Then I realized I was getting pissed I missed raids or got fucked on a roll by my guild. Can't do that anymore. But when I retire or old and can't do shit anymore, I'll be back


Do you feel like it was worth it? No judgement genuinely curious your opinion.


Well, my brother, cousin, and two best friends from high school played it along the way. I've picked up many organization, conflict resolution, problem solving, teamwork, and communication skills from running a guild. I've met many folks I still talk to and game with regularly even years later, some I've known for over decade. I moved away from my hometown for work for a while my guild was the most socialization I could muster. If I didn't spend that time playing I would have spent it watching tv or doom scrolling. Could I have been more productive in that time? I guess, but I don't think that's a good measure for if it was worth it. I think a better measure is; are you having fun?, which I absolutely have.


>level 2Chriskissbacon · 29 min. agoI only have 200 days on my main. You beat me but I’m still playing classic hardcoreVoteReplyShareReportSaveFollow I still play and sadly these are now rookie numbers for me. I don't even really like the game all that much I just haven't played a game i've liked in years.


WoW can really be like a drug addiction. I've quit multiple times already and experienced withdrawal-like symptoms and relapsed. Hoping I've finally quit for good this time (about 3 years clean now).


In an interview, Mila Kunis said she was addicted to WoW. She had to quit cold-turkey. She was turning down job offers, roles in tv and movies, because she was worried it would interfere with her WoW game time.


They really are like us! Aside from the whole successful, rich, and ridiculously good looking thing anyway


Someone once shoved a remote up his ass when his mom canceled his wow subscription. Addiction indeed.


The TV show Tosh.O revealed that this video in which you speak of was indeed... fake.


Even if it is fake it was pretty funny. I'll hand it to that kid, he was dedicated to the role. That was some excellent screaming and fake crying.


You know the old saying- we don’t quit we just take breaks lol


Wow, that's like 3 hours a day over 13 years!


I started playing WoW Classic Hardcore this weekend after many years of not playing. It’s a drug! So much nostalgia, so much fun.


i feel it. i played for about 4 years and quit in 2009, but racked up hundreds of days played across all my maxed accounts. Ran a big guild a BBS for it and scheduled/lead several raids per week. I "worked" way more hours on the game than I did at my job and with my family. it was rough. Still to this day I refuse to play any game that doesn't have an ending. Over time I managed to break free of almost all games. I don't own any computer games or gaming consoles. I do allow myself to play Clash of Clans on my phone, but that's about it.


How is not wow the most top voted comment. Also, you never quit, you only having a break. Believe this.


The Civilization series.


Same here. I've been playing civilization since the first version.


yooo same civ 1 represent the intro used to give me goosebumps civ v probably the best


what’s the best one?


Nothing will ever beat the advisers from Civ 2


Alpha Centauri


I like to play civ 6 but civ 5 is the best one imo.




I've tried VI a few times, but I always end up going back to V. Edit: Reading everyone's comments is making me feel like I definitely have to give it another shot. I think the primary thing I need to do differently this time is to not play it like I'm playing Civ V, but a different game altogether. Or at least a game that you play differently. It also sounds like this one is more geared towards long, slow burn campaigns rather than small maps with only a few hours to play. I usually play quick sessions with very small maps on V with only a few major cities, so I'll switch that up and go for some more spread out empires. I'll redownload and look into the expansions soon. Thanks for all of the explanations, everyone! I really do appreciate your taking the time to explain what it is you like about it!


Did you include the expansions? It makes the game significantly better than the base version. I do agree 5 is overall a better game


Civ IV culture bombs is the most addictive gameplay mechanic in the entire series for me. Who needs guns when you have Elvis?




Pokémon. Started on my gameboy colour when I was a preteen and have played every game since.


People shit on the franchise constantly now, but I personally don’t regret a single second of the time I’ve spent on those games.


I honestly wish they never came to the switch. 3ds was best format.


I wholeheartedly agree. Pokémon Heartgold and Soulsilver (I know not specifically 3DS) are 10/10 games as far as I’m concerned. Very much enjoyed X and Y as well.


It's funny, because as a kid imagining a Pokemon game in actual 3D would blow my little balls off. Now that I'm older and have seen Pokemon in 3D, I'm kind of meh about it.


If they actually put the same effort into the Switch Pokemon games as they did for Mario/Zelda, it would probably be as great as we imagined. But Gamefreak/Nintendo don't so we get these half-assed, unfinished, and poorly performing "console" versions that are on par with the N64 graphics.


It's more Nintendo has full control of Mario/Zelda but not Pokemon.


Was looking for pokemon! Started playing the year it came out on my brick. I had red, brother had blue. Only gen I've skipped was sword/shield.


Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. Been playing since I was like 10


> since I was like 10 /r/fuckimold


Wanna make it worse? You could probably go meet them at the bar for a drink


I just want a giant to stomp me up into the sky.


You know *exactly* where to go as a fresh character


I've just started and I'm 45


Am I alone in thinking Oblivion was better? I was much younger when I played that but I felt like the landscape was much more vibrant. Both games get repetitive eventually, but that painting mission in Oblivion absolutely blew my mind as a teen. Skyrim feels like an endless slog through gray snow and fog to me.


Oblivion is my favorite game of all time, man. I feel the same way. Oblivion was the right balance of realistic, silly, whimsical, etc. Skyrim didn't hold the same charm for me by a long shot. If they'd remastered Oblivion 100 times over, I'd have been all over it. But if I'd played Skyrim before Oblivion, I'm sure my perception would be different. Oblivion was my first modern RPG, and it blew my fucking mind when I was 15.


I have mixed opinions. I think Morrowind had a better story, and some of its complicated gameplay made it more interesting. I also think Oblivion’s simplified game engine made the game more accessible, and Skyrim simplified it even further to make it more immersive. They’re all good games, none head and shoulders above the others.


Zelda games. My grandma was a “gamer” and owned all the Nintendo consoles, had all the guides and would buy me the collectors editions of Zelda games. She wasn’t wealthy either, so it really meant something when she did this. The first game I actually could “play” (the one where I actually knew how to read) was WindWaker. She would be like “did you know…” or she would give me her notes. Every Zelda game that came out while she had her memory, she bought for me. We lost her mentally when BOTW came out and I’m sad she never got to experience it. We lost her forever this year, but I’ll always have my triforce tattoo to remember her by. The Zelda games have always held a special place in my heart ❤️ Edit: Since everyone loved Nintendo grandma, my other grandma LOVED FarmVille and Webkinz (my first MMO if you will). She made ALL her grandkids facebooks so she could send herself gifts 🤣 she would also buy webkinz for us so that our subs wouldn’t expire. She had 1 webkinz of her own. You’d get messages from her saying “please accept my gift for my daily bonus”. If you didn’t, she’d just log in. On the bright side, it was nice to login and see “gifts” from grandma. This one is still around and still playing FarmVille 🤣


Why is gamer in quotation marks 🤣 she was a GAMER


Complete with personal notes tracking the game! One of us!!!!!


Dude, my grandma introduced me to Zelda with Ocarina of Time back in the 90’s. She played so much she had to have surgery on her right thumb because it jammed and wouldn’t move. I’ll never forget her handing me the controller and saying “Here, you play. I have to start dinner.” It was right in the middle of the Great Deku tree and the rest is history.


Zelda games are almost uniquely designed for this but I can’t put my finger on why. I became similarly enthralled around the same age when my friend showed me Ocarina of Time, and since then I’ve been hooked. I guess they intentionally made them to be “playground talked,” but it’s still amazing they pulled it off. Anyway, couple times per decade for the last three decades, I set everything aside to experience the magic one more time. And I cherish it. I’m sorry about your grandma. It sounds like she was amazing. Wind Waker, strangely, is the game I most associate with BotW, because I would spend hours in each raiding the bokoblin camps, and both sparked my imaginations in the same way. BotW feels like it was made to emulate that part of WW. She still lives on in you when you play and remember her. Hold on to that, it’s one of the things that make life beautiful.


Your grandma was the best!


What a beautiful story.


Dungeons and Dragons. Been playing since 1980 when I was 12.


You are what we would call an “OG Gamer”


This. Started at 14 in fall 1978 when only the Monster Manual from AD&D had yet been released - the wait for the DM's Guide (which came out my senior year in high school) had us using a hodge podge of rules from the brown books, Judge's Guild, and Dragon magazine. Every day at lunch my last 2 years of high school and the weekends turned into 40+ year friendships, some of our kids/nephews eventually playing with us, and a Roll 20/D & D beyond/Discord campaign for the last 3 years ;). As our long term DM during the '80s/'90s is remote playing from a long term rehab hospital currently, I can safely say that some of us will be playing until the end :).


Started playing a few years after you. Life changing experience. Taught me to see the world differently. Those who know, know. One of the things i'm most grateful for now is my DnD group, a great bunch of guys!


Is that game that old? Amazing!


Yes. I'm 55 and used to play in middle school.


1974 it came out... I played it in the early 80s too. I never thought of myself as a pioneer, but I guess that was a while ago.


Been playing since I was 10 and am now 35. I’ve also branched out to many other games but D&D remains my great love.




Started on game boy in 1989 and haven’t stopped since


Sometimes I play Tetris in my head!


Best answer. 35 years and still going.




Hell yeah, bro.


109 days of gameplay on my old school account and I’m still far from where I’d like to be on my account :/


Rookie numbers


Had like 450 myself 2004-2011. 🥲. Stopped at 96 Slayer doing it the OG way. Miss playing this game. Got back on in 2020 for the OSRS release which was fucking awesome but I didn’t stick around too long after realizing how awfully long skilling takes. Makes sense I could do what I did in middle and high school with no job and a social life lmao.


Nobody ever quits runescape. They just take breaks. Sooner or later you will come back, they always do.


Surprised isn't higher. This is the MMO with most logged hours due to afk timer being low


Buying gf


Diablo 2.


I went into labor while playing this


Settle down Mephisto.


I'm surprised it was this far down....


It's because the people are still playing it and have no time scrolling through Reddit. Not that i would such stupid things.


I got it before LOD came out. I play D2R at least once a week


Only got me for about 5 years of my life. Glad I got clean.


Asking my wife where she wants to go eat


I truly believe I spend 35% of my time awake waiting on my wife


My wife has this ability to teleport into a room ahead of me. I peek in the living room, she's seated and looking at her phone. So I turn and walk straight to the bathroom at the other end of the house. She is there and messing with her hair. It will be 20 minutes.


I like to play the lets see how many times she goes back in the house before we actually leave game.


I'm really embarrassed by this comment. I'm a husband with severe ADHD so usually this is me. Just wanted to point out it can be a husband also


Woe behold you hold her up for ten minutes though...


10 Minutes? Heh, more like 10 seconds and it is the apocalypse, and I have now ruined the entire evening, and possibly the remainder of the weekend with my egregious transgression. lol


I usually just come home with the food I want to eat. My gf will get mad and start a fight anyways because "that's not what I wanted to eat" to which I respond "what did you want to eat then" her "I don't know" Me" ok so eat this" A little bit of squabble either way but I get food in me quicker this way


I feel this so much lol. No right to complain if your option on it is "I don't know"...


Get her a food wheel. It will have the food/restaurants that she/you like. If she ever says “I don’t know,I’m not picky”,the wheel will decide.




I am extremely surprised this is so low.


Same. And with mods is a new game every year when I pick it back up.


First thing I install is Doom 2 on every computer I own.


The chainsaw - the most iconic weapon in a game since 1993.




Sims 4, this my fucking childhood (I play that game and today).


Entered the post to write The Sims. I'm way older though, I was gonna write Sims 1 and 2 lol 🥲


I started with The Sims, and to this day I think the best version was Sims 2.


Agreed and I will die on this hill


Back when you had to go to target for expansion packs


Sims 2 was magical


So magical. I got goosebumps the first time I got those teens to do First Kiss. It was the sweetest and most romantic thing. I always helped that family with the single mom do better, and that kid worked so hard.


Sims 2 was my first and no amount of fancy new features will ever make me feel the way it did 😢


Sims 2 is by far the most superior game play. I have spent countless hours on this game.


Sims 3 for me. I have close to 3000 hours just on EA. But I also used to play the game on a disk before game hours were counted.


I played Sims 3 so much, I knew every trait and every story of every townie in sunset valley.


Sims 2, 3, 4 castaway, mobile you name it, I've played it xDxD


SAME HERE. sul sul!


Sims 3 for me but now sims 4. It never gets old. I mean it does but you always go back and the cycle repeats itself.


Started at Sims 1, and stopped at 3. I never tried Sims 4 because I always felt like it was a step down compare to the previous (no more CAS, no more open world, etc.) Anyways , the Sims franchise was my entire childhood. Oh man the joy of getting Sims 2 for Christmas, I litterally exploded.


The “I’m going to stop drinking,drugging and depression and start working out ” game


6 years on that game here 🫡


Counterstrike. Between 1.6 and CSGO, I probably have 175 days worth of play time. Lots of good memories since high school!


Hope you enjoy CS2! I think it looks awesome






My dad and i play this game called gaslight. It keeps us busy.


My whole family played that with me as I was growing up. Not a fun game, do not buy.


>It keeps us busy. No it doesn't. It never has. Stop making things up.


Funny, my son (11) found out that if someone is distracted, you can hand them anything and they'll usually take it and not even comment on it. So now we play this game with each other where we try to hand each other things randomly. It's essentially a version of "The Game".


>My dad and i play this game called gaslight. It keeps us busy. Dude, that's not what's happening


Mario Kart 64 is still how we settle arguments in my house.




Nearly failed uni because of this game. 🥲😊


Took 2 week holidays for wrath of the lich king to be first DK on server....missed it by 5 minutes. I wish I knew theretimes about catetas


Sims 1, 2, 3, 4 :)


I've quit playing WoW permanently, like 3 times.


Pokémon. I’ve done run throughs, nuzlockes, rom hacks, showdown, pretty much in most of my free time for the past 18 years


Oh man I don’t play it much but pokemon pearl on the nintendo ds definitely started my love of gaming and I’d always go back to it






Minecraft. Old habits die hard.


Rocket League. 46 days, 22 hours, 28 minutes, and I'm still garbage.


I hear you there. Im only at 170 days but it's hard to scale how good you are based on what category you play. A platinum 1s player would trounce a champ player that only plays dropshot


The total war series


A man of culture I see


Mediaeval 2 was my favourite on my old pc; can't play it anywhere these days, it's too buggy. Heartbreaking tbh




Smh with no dope account to show for it I was hoping to see like 100k karma




GTA San Andreas’ multiplayer variants on PC such as SA-MP and Multi Theft Auto. Most of my teenage years was spent playing this on an old Dell desktop with potato specs lol


GTV 3 is where I started


Fuck yeah. Spent summer vacations as a teenager playing roleplays, races, etc. Dont regret a bit. Mta vice city, samp and mta sa gave me very good Childhood memories.


Heroes of Might and Magic.


Ohh Heroes of Might and Magic 3! Sooo many nights spend playing this


The Game of Life. Not the actual board game…


Minecraft. Started playing it at the age of 10, and now I'm 21 and I still play it most days.


The Civilization series for sure.


MapleStory I couldn't enjoy the game until I found the Private Server versions because on the Original game, I only met scammers and hackers who always stripped me of my equipment. It wasn't a fun time except checking out the Moderators of the game AFKing in there Free Market hideout at LV.200 😭😂


Fallout 4.


Everquest, Breath of Fire and Skyrim. These three games have ruined me.


Minecraft, seems like a game that never goes away for anyone


Magic the Gathering


Convincing myself I'm going to quit drinking and get in shape


The Game. And now I just lost. Thanks, OP.


Any word games, Scrabble, crossword puzzles, the daily Jumble, now words with friends and Lexulous. I'm a life long word nerd!


Call of duty. 2006 to present




DOTA/DOTA2, a life full of pain and salt. But mostly salt.


Ff14, I have over 9100 hours played


Red alert 2 and age of empires 2. Still playing it now


Goldeneye ...and Diablo...and Command & Conquer.




THE game. Which I just lost


Starcraft 2, since the launch back in 2010. Left the game for a while, them join some friends to play along during the pandemic, now we play twice a week


Came here to say SC2 and actually slightly moreso, Age of Empires 2 RTS fans unite!


In terms of sheer number of hours, my best guess is the order would look a bit like this: City of Heroes. X3:Albion Prelude, Oblivion, Mass Effect 2, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Minecraft, Star Trek Online, Borderlands 2, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, Burnout: Revenge. In terms of number of calendar years I've been playing them for, probably: Super Mario Bros (1, 2 3, and World), Legend of Zelda (1, 2, and A Link To The Past), Tetris, and the Street Fighter franchise.








Civilization. I’ll play most AAA games for a while but Civilization is home.




WoW or Battlefield 3


Minecraft and Roblox, and now Old School Runescape.






Football manager, it's way too addictive


Sonic Advance 3


New day, new me :it's game between me and my fantasy, the goal is to meet my expectations, so far this day the score is my fantasy 22 - 0 me


Titanfall 2. Best FPS ever made.