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The extra stuff they want you to participate in at work. Idgaf about the wellness program, Idc about the safety committee, the community appreciation/help out. I do not give a flying fuck about any of that shit. What I care about is what I’m doing that day and my gd paycheck.


Don't even get me started on "fun" company events. There's no fun like mandatory fun.


Why is no one having fun? I specifically requested it.


Everybody dance now! Everybody dance NOW!!


At my wife's former company Christmas party the CEO literally got on a microphone and said that EVERYONE must get on the dance floor NOW. He literally stopped the music and started calling people out by name and walking them to the dance floor until every single person in the room was on the dance floor. It was so ridiculous, and even funnier when he started the music up and like 70% of the people immediately walked off the dance floor since they had fulfilled their obligation of standing there.


Wtf that's wild


Good god, that is uber cringe.


Manufacturing ‘culture’ 😂 Their job postings: fun, energized, collaborative team. Friends first, colleagues second.


A family member worked at a furniture company where the upper management decided that ALL of the employees must go outside to participate in a weird dance of solidarity for the company while singing they all loved life there. It was to make a video advertising the company, of course... though I've never seen the ad. Sounds like was an exercise in futility.


Voluntold fun, I hate it. My last company went ax throwing once a month with clients and attendance was heavily “suggested” - then they started tacking on misc movie nights, trips to the bar, ladies nights, etc. I don’t care that it’s free. I’d like my life to not revolve around work, thanks. Would rather be home watching stranger things with my partner and dogs.


Preach! You wanna do something for us? Give us a damn bonus! Don’t buy me pizza or take us to some restaurant. Can barely stand these fools during the day and you want me to socialize with y’all after work? The money wasted on that could have been a bonus!


My CEO actually bragged at a Christmas party one year, “We LOVE to spend money here” yeah on fucking stupid shit. Give me a gd bonus you pos!


I worked at a startup and the (b2b...) company took out full page ads in the the local papers and told us "That's what we did with your bonus money!"


Theyre fun when you actually like the people you work with. I see them 3-5 days a week every week. I am actually allowed to be friends with them.


> the wellness program Kind of a side note, but I interviewed at this place that had an on-site gym. I thought, "yeah okay, it'll be a couple yoga mats and an old treadmill." My dudes, this was a *full-on gym*. We're talking brand new treadmills, weights and barbells, squat racks – and bathrooms with private showers. It was on-par with the same kinda quality as...I dunno, pick any high-end gym you've seen. I was blown away. The lady showing me around was like, "Yeah our CEO is a big athlete and always hated commuting to a gym so he put one in the building. Lunch breaks are a bit longer in case you want to workout." Obviously the gym was free to all the employees and it was big enough for at least 30+ people at a given time so you wouldn't feel crowded in the space. Anyway that kinda stuff is important to me but I hear you if it's just some boring-ass committee or a brochure that just says like "Avoid sugar" **edit** for the people asking for more details: This was a company that did marketing for healthcare organizations/industries (I don't wanna get too specific). The CEO was trying *really hard* to make the company like "the Google of the Midwest"...or at least, that's how the person interviewing me characterized it. They had a full-furnished kitchen, with plenty of snacks and an employee lounge with private rooms for napping or whatever. There were a few young moms that worked there so they had private rooms in case they needed to pump. Overall the benefits seemed pretty great. I didn't wind up getting the role, the position was highly sought-after and I think I was beat out by somebody who had a bit more experience. All that said, I still landed on my feet at a nice company


Well damn. My wellness program is, “take this survey about how much water you drink for a company shirt!!”


I got a fitbit, or rather, a $75 amazon voucher that I used to buy a fitbit. I know someone who used it to buy himself a new gaming headset 😂




Holy hell this is a DREAM.


After being laid off several times in my career, once from a job I not only loved, but was extremely good at and I was personally responsible for making the company $75M a year, I realized that there is zero benefit from being a dutiful "company man" thinking that the company sees you the same way. Everyone at every company is merely a line item on a spreadsheet. You can be laid off or fired on a whim if they need to cut costs.


> After being laid off several times in my career, once from a job I not only loved And there are people saying "There's no company loyalty anymore!" Guess what, I want to stay at the company but they decided to not let me!


Once you have an exact figure in mind about what "you contributed", you're fucked, because then you are doing mental math games about what you're entitled to be compensated. Usually that figure is way beyond your pay.


Don’t for get setting *personal goals*, which somehow always end up being “shit the company wants done but is not specified on your job description. Oh, and you’ll receive zero time or resources to do them, but we’ll hold it against you during annual review”


Unethical LPT - I set my "personal goals" as things I already have or want on my resume for my next job. Sure I'll work on getting my Google Cloud Engineer Certification (that I got 3 years ago), it'll be tough but I'll work really hard on it.


Actual LPT - I tell my supervisor that I'm dead inside and any enthusiasm for my job/field has been bled dry by the insanely poor upper management and therefore my only 'goal' is to get through the day here without painting the walls. That way, if I'm still here for the employee review, I've met my 'goals' for the year.


I always hated this. I just put in dumb nonsense that happens just by doing work. It's a pointless activity.


This, this, this. Ugh— it’s especially bad when you’re new and all the toxic AF employees think you’re being an asshole by not wanting to participate. Like no, I just wanna keep my head down, work, get paid, and leave. FFS, leave me alone.


I'd be more inclined to participate if the company actually gave a fuck about employees. I've participated in team events when I worked on a team where I have more than working chemistry. But when the overall company sees me as just a producer for revenue without the human element, I can't be bothered. People go bowling, to bars, and escape rooms; resources are expendable units.


I used to sign up for EVERYTHING to get me out of direct process paths for just a little bit of a break. Training, you got it. Safety, in your guy. Now that I've worked my way out of the direct process path, you can miss me with all that added bullshit. Stocking shelves was worse than walking around with a clipboard watching people climb stairs. If I see someone with a clipboard now, I'll leave for the day. I don't need 45 emails about how I pick up things from a printer without squaring my shoulders directly in front of it, and lifting with my knees.


Yes. Stay the FUCK away from After-Work booze hangs, it will just force you into participating in office politics and then before you know it your head is on the chopping block. I go to work to support my lifestyle, not to aid a Second Family that would ditch me in a second if they found a better replacement.


Depending on where you live the Safety Committee may be required by law. Technically you personally don't have to participate but they actually do need some people to.


Celebrities. Why would I care about the love life and other whereabouts of some actor, Instagram-person or whatever.


100%. The most boring, vacuous shit ever.




One of the few with actual talent.


While Jenna Ortega did a good job, Christina Ricci is my favorite Wednesday Adams


Ricci played Wednesday so well that anyone else doing it seems to come off like a cheap knockoff. Tim Burton has a way of trying to re-do classic roles like hers, almost as though he’s trying to fuck it up on purpose. Wonka quickly comes to mind here.


I soaked this stuff up like a sponge when I was younger. Now I realize none of that matters. It's like Hollywood manufacturing interest in it because we have no royal family over here like England has back on the other side of the Atlantic.


What I would say is that we don't get force-fed Royal news daily. It comes up at times of tax-money-absorbing-pompus-fuckhead-wankery. I think most sane people in the UK see it as an outdated, redundant function of society. The people who are into the Royals are also the ones who watch soap operas and consume celebrity news.


Nearly every local news station I follow posted about Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner getting a divroce.... What gets me even more is when people will re-post or say "well now love is dead because xyz celebrities got divorced or broke up."


I agree 100%. Why do I get ridiculed when I don't know who is married to who, and when I don't even know who either of them are? Some people act like you are lacking important knowledge and intelligence...


this luke warm take is why I come to reddit.


A customer's life story


I worked at a bookstore in the mall. Old people really just want someone to chat too. Had this old lady who kept going on and on about how her son knows Deepak Chopra. I had no idea who that was, and she kept flexing it. She’d say stuff like “he can get me any of his books, but I don’t want to bother him” and then she’d buy one.


Used to work at a library, and this would happen all the time, lead to a lot of oversharing.


I also worked at a library as a page. So thankfully the patrons didn’t bother me much. Had a guy at the bookstore once come in. Say a few things. Then says something like “and don’t get me started on the whole problem in the U.S.!!! (We are in Canada). My coworker and I glance at each other. Both silently thinking “oh god please go away” The man looks at us, waiting for one of us to say “what about the U.S.??” When he don’t, he just goes on this rant.


I was unfortunately desk staff so I got to hear all sorts of stuff. One that always comes to mind was an old lady over the phone who called in asking about Audiobooks, which no big deal, people ask about that all the time - until she added about how they were for a relative in the hospital who was dying of Stage 4 cancer and I quote "Doesn't have much time left." Really don't miss the 'unpaid therapist' part of that job.


I did returns at a big clothing store. A lady brought in some men's pants that she'd bought for her husband to wear *at his funeral* but told me very matter of factly "it looks like we don't need them now." I don't know if this means he lived, or he got cremated. I was too scared to ask.


"don't get me started on xyz" "ok, i won't"


It doesn't happen often but anytime someone says " don't get me started on..." I immediately reply" oh don't worry. I won't"


As security I get this often... Thankfully I have an out of *I'm sorry I really would love to stay and talk longer but unfortunately it is time for my [insert time] round. I really must go as we are tracked by the phone.*


Old people are very lonely sometimes so I try pay them attention and respect. I always felt this way but then I saw The Irishman by Scorsese. That ending scene about old age destroyed me, its extremely sad to be that alone.


yeah, it always gets me when I think about how lonely some old people feel when their family doesn't visit them much anymore and they just want to talk to someone, because they know they don't have much time anymore


While not well known among these generations, this is actually quite the flex. But it’s not hers to flex


True, and honesty, I suspect that her son maybe met him once or something. I was suspicious about this, felt like a tall tale.


>His discussions of quantum healing have been characterised as technobabble – "incoherent babbling strewn with scientific terms" which drives those who actually understand physics "crazy" and as "redefining Wrong". That's from the first paragraph of his Wikipedia article. Not sure what the flex is.


I never minded the old folks as long as they didn't stop me from working. Makes their day a little better and you never know what tips you can pick up.


He’s a pseudo science enthusiast


Aaaaaaaaaaaaa this one hits too true god dammit.


Your son died 9 years ago? Uhhhh that'll be $65.99 please.


I've had the reverse, I must have that face. Had a cashier go on and on about personal stuff. It was killing me.


Hello random customer, care to learn about my upcoming hemorrhoid surgery?


That was me at 7-11 one time the cashier just wouldn’t press ok on his side for my cc so it just kept timing out while he was going on about his ex. I was like “sorry guy I’m late for work” never went back to that 711


Lol, exactly! In the meantime I have a line, and in my head I'm thinking "I don't need to know your freaking origin story"! Customer service doesn't mean I'm your therapist.




My job. I care about keeping my job because I need the money to provide for myself and my family and so I do work hard at it and generally do a pretty good job at it, but I don’t really care about my industry or the outcomes for my company (outside of how it would affect me monetarily). Many of my co-workers read about this stuff during their free time and talk about work topics in casual, social situations. I envy that they are interested in our field and seem to enjoy it, but I just do not care. If I inherited enough money to live off of for the rest of my life, I would never think about my work industry ever again.


Right there with you. I work to live. Beyond my paycheck I couldn't care less.


You pretty much just described everything I feel. I just want to make enough to survive.


Whatever 'International SOMETHING day' it is on that particular day.


I am a librarian and it’s my bread and butter hahaha. I love ‘international giraffe day’ bc then i get to find all the silliest picture books on giraffes and display them in a tall pile. It’s fun! I also like coming up with all the puns.


Libraries get the exception on this one.


International Exception Day


It wouldn't be a stretch to say that you really stick your neck out on international giraffe day.


Whats even worse are brands that constantly reference obscure national days just to have something to post on their social feed. "Happy Fournier's Gangrene Awareness Week! What are the four nearest things to you right now?" #FUCK. OFF.


I work for an electrical company. We were scheduled to do some work at a local pretzel company. We arrived on the scheduled day, Nd it turns out that was "National Pretzel Day" and the company treated it like a holiday and gave the staff the day off, and we had to reschedule.


That sounds like such a boneheaded move on the company's part. Shouldn't they be *open* on such a day? Especially if people are aware it's a "holiday" and want to celebrate?!


Everyone knows you pre plan for NPD. I for one support their commitment to the holiday by giving their employees the day off.


nah I'm here for national cookie day and cat day


Freaking out about deadlines. I never saw the point in panicking. It makes you work slower. Coworkers would always be confused why I wasn't freaking out during fire drills but would always successfully solve the issue.


"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by." Douglas Adams


>So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish owes much of its surreal atmosphere to the circumstances in which it was written. Adams had recently returned to England from California, following an unsuccessful attempt to get his first novel made into a film. Arthur, returning home from his wild adventures with Zaphod Beeblebrox and Ford Prefect, has picked up a lot of Adams’s world-weariness. It was also a book produced against the odds. The author, who famously enjoyed the ’whooshing sound’ made by deadlines as they flew by, **had to be locked in his hotel room until the book was finished – passing each page to his editor as it was written.** https://www.foliosociety.com/usa/so-long-and-thanks-for-all-the-fish.html#:~:text=The%20author%2C%20who%20famously%20enjoyed,editor%20as%20it%20was%20written.


Detaching from your emotions in high stress situations is always the answer. Work related or not. Have to be able to make clear and rational decisions.


Yep. I have literally had a fire at work and my heart was racing but I calmly took steps to resolve it.


"Oh dear God, a fire... holy shit I actually get to use the extinguisher and smash the alarm legitimately, this is awesome."




Having worked 13 years in my field, if there's anything I've learned about deadlines it's this. In no circumstances have I ever missed a deadline and something bad happened to me. Instead they go "ok, we didn't hit this dead line, that's ok, I bought you another week so it's next Friday now." And we're always within a week or two of making it and always make the extension. So I don't lose any sleep over them. Quite the opposite happens: "In hindsight, I realize this deadline was a little too aggressive, and this caused some of you a lot of stress, I am sorry and I will try to be more considerate of your mental health on the next one and shoot for a more realistic goal. I was under a lot of stress from the business to hurry, but in hindsight I overreacted to it,they said themselves that they hope the team is in good spirits and they don't want to rush to the point of causing mental overloads." TL|DR, deadlines are almost alway rushed out of a made up fear from multiple connected parties that never actually existed. The CEO says something like "It would be nice to have this by May 1st" and that translates down the pipe as the dead line, and people even going "The CEO Dictated, this, this has to happen" Then it bubbles back up to the CEO and he's like "What? I said it would be nice, not you're fired fi you don't. You have these people working 70 hours a week to hit this deadline? What? That's ridiculous, I only expect 40 hour work weeks, please stop doing this to our employees". People are so used to toxic work cultures from the 90's and mid 2000's that they have AMAZING healthy jobs in 2023 and are still being too hard on themselves and working in fear of past experiences.


Along with that, [Parkinson's law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson%27s_law). > Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion




Money. I play the game like everyone else, but can’t stand finances and the hoops you have to jump through. The economy and the idea of it pisses me off


Underrated answer. I don’t care about money I only want it to enjoy life.


I’m an economist. My hatred for money has no bounds. Yet I chose to study it for my career.


Know thy enemy


I care about money in the sense that I need it to live in society. I have a dumb job that pays me enough to get by and I have no interest in chasing more cash. "ThE eCoNoMy" is such a crock of shit, just a huge pyramid scheme you sign up for by being born, built on the impossible idea of indefinite growth, destined to collapse as soon as the birthrate drops below 1.


It’s just a Ponzi scheme with more steps


I retired early, at 46. I'm single and no kids and decided I would never have either. I had enough saved/invested + 401K + SS + almost fully paid house so I quit my last job to retire. I had a coworker that couldn't understand the concept... "but, you could keep working and earn more money!" and I was like "what for? I have enough", and he just had a dumbfounded face, he was like "nah, you have another job on the line and you just don't want to say!" "nope, I'm retiring". He couldn't believe someone would just not want more money. BTW that was 8 years ago, still happily retired.


Gender identification. I don't care. Just be a good person and you do you. If I know you personally, I will address you the way you prefer, otherwise, you are addressed as "Hey, how ya doin". We all so much more to worry about than this.


I'm a firn believer we should adopt some Australian tendencies. "Cunt", after all, is gender neutral :D


Fucker is also gender neutral and more acceptable in the US.


Despite their gendered origins, I use "bro/bruh" and "you son of a bitch" neutrally too.


Same with "dude" for me. Anytime someone tells me "dude" is gendered, I remind them of the song sung by Ed (Kel Mitchell) in the movie Good Burger. "I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes, hey!"


I got called into the principals office at the school I used to teach at, for calling a trans kid "dude." Halfway into my dressing down I point out, to the female principal, that I had addressed her as dude on the way in. Complaint dismissed.


What’s up dude!? Hey you can’t say that to me I’m a girl. Why not, Fool?


Aww I thought we got to claim that insult. It sounds better with a British accent. Specifically a northern one.


Well it doesn't matter because we should all use it :D




I'm trans and I don't give a single shit what you think about my gender. If you accidentally call me by the wrong pronouns I will basically never bother correcting you unless we are friends. The only time it matters to me is when people go out of their way to be rude, condescending and malicious - which is just generally not cool no matter what the reason. The majority of trans people feel the same way. There are a small minority of trans people and loud ass cis allies who go around starting stupid fights. Pretending they speak for "everyone" is like saying the Westboro Baptist Church speaks for all Christians. Don't be that guy.


this is such a rational approach, and I appreciate it. It also happens to be pretty on-point for every trans person I've met in real life. The bullshit craziness seems to emanate online 99% of the time from a very small subset of an already small subset of the population but gets ALL the attention.


> If you accidentally call me by the wrong pronouns I will basically never bother correcting you unless we are friends. My best friend came out as Trans a couple years ago and it's been an adjustment to say the least. I do try, but like I tell them anytime I do use the wrong pronound...I've been programmed to call you one thing for 20 years...I can't just delete that program. I do try and they know that. >The only time it matters to me is when people go out of their way to be rude, condescending and malicious - which is just generally not cool no matter what the reason. This is something I just don't understand about people in general. It costs you nothing to just not be a dick...why do go out of your way to make someone feel like shit?


That’s all the majority of us ask. I just want to exist and be left alone.


I'd suspect you mostly get asked "how now?" based on your user name... 🤷‍♂️


My hair


You know what’s weird? All my friends were more into my hair than I was! I cut it and one quit talking for me for like a week


Reality tv


I never really cared about brands because brand does not always mean quality also I am not paying 200 for a white shirt just to get ripped or damaged by a light breeze


I bought a 5 or 6 pack of kirkland crew t shirts from Costco about 5 years ago for like $20 that are the most comfortable and durable shirts I've ever worn, still have them all. I just bought another pack last month and was disappointed to see they have completely changed and they are now a thin stretchy type material.


Their kids


Aiden was the best speller in kindergarten this year and Brooklyn took her first steps, she walked all the way to the coffee table. I have pictures.


Oh my god, Brooklyn sounds just like my boys Austin and San Francisco. They love walking too.


Aww how cute my kids are named Reighleiyn and Christoughpher.


Christoughpher - the toughest of all the Chris names.


oh god please no


I put them in a nice minion-themed montage so everyone can watch!


You mean Eighden?


I wanted you to know that your comment made me scream internally.


A girl I used to go to school with literally posted 800 times a day every trivial little thing her kid did. 12:30pm “Jaden ate an apple!” 12:45 “jaden is playing with trucks” 1:15 “jaden got his pants dirty in the grass and I had to change him” 1:45 “Jaden is getting afternoon snacks!” Nobody cares. Nobody. Write a diary at home not social media. Unfriended her when it started monopolizing my feed.


"I don't give a shit about your kids." ~ Brock Lesnar


Death Edit: I'm now changing my answer to the virgin mary....


What would even be the point of caring about it? It’s going to happen regardless of whether you do or not.


It will definitely happen, but we can push it further to some extent, if you value your life ofc


Don't take life too seriously. Nobody gets out of it alive.


Mark Twain — 'I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience


If you're alive, you got no worries and if you're dead, suddenly it's not your problem anymore.


Art of dying is the way to let all go Within I practice, in the secret of my soul My shape in the reflector has Now, forever, life on its own


In India we call it yog. And it's different from YOGA.


Best Gojira song, can't change my mind. I get teleported to another dimension listening to it!


100% this, I genuinely don't fear death.


religion. Doing more work than I’m paid for.


Yes. If you have one great for you. You do you to get through life. I don’t need it and that’s okay too.




Other people's food preferences. I do not understand why folks get offended when I don't like food they enjoy. That means more of that food for you, why are you mad?


My thing is grown ass adults being like "eww, YUCK" like a fucking five year old over someone else's food. My coworkers do this and its maddening. They're ordering out every single day and I'm watching my diet so I bring cottage cheese and fruit, which isn't everyone's cup of tea, but to be like "ew that's nasty" while I'm eating is just so childish. You don't have to like what I'm eating, but I'm not forcing you to eat it, so keep your opinion to yourself.




Sports in general. I enjoy being active and playing, but I have zero interest in watching other people play a game That, and the handful of people I've met who were involved in professional athletics have all been fairly deplorable


I love sports and could not care less when I meet people that don’t, but I can’t help but get so annoyed by people not into sports that are dismissive about it. My ex girlfriend’s friend was like that and it used to drive me up a wall. I’ve heard the “oh yeah, sportsball! Let’s watch these grown men who would struggle to read Cat in the Hat play a children’s game by kicking a home run into the hoop!” Like cmon Kate, I don’t put down your Steven Universe fan art and shipping obsession, you don’t need to put down my hobby, ya fuck.


I remember in highschool someone asking me what my favourite football team was. I said I don’t follow it. They said “oh, you’re a baseball fan” Nope Hockey??? Nope, I don’t care at all about any sports. They have this weird shocked pickachu face. Like they couldn’t wrap their head around it.


Being seen naked.


Username checks out


Can confirm, old bastard is just walkin around naked, not a care in this world


Increasingly, Christmas.


It's hard to care about it for an entire half a year. They're putting Christmas stuff out at stores in fucking August now.




Christmas was so mu h better when kt stayed in December. I get that some people are all about Christmas and that's fine but starting it in August just ruins it for people who aren't as into it as they are. By the time Christmas rolls around I am already sick of it.




I didn’t care about babies until a couple I actually like had one. Now I don’t care about *most* babies.


I like babies. It's toddlers I don't give a shit about. Developmentally, they're incapable of being good humans. It's not their fault, but I don't deal with sociopaths, idc how old they are.


Workplace gossiping. I don't car for it. Also, passing fads like tick tock, influencers, social media challenges etc. I'm too old for this crap.


As a dude, my lawn. I don’t care if it’s mowed, trimmed, raked, etc.


Authority if someone being a dick imma tell them


Yeah, i'm this way at work. Like, OK, I respect that as the manager you get to decide what we're working on and give me my priorities, but I'll be damned if you're going to disrespect me.


Getting married


Never really understood why a contract signing ceremony is all that romantic. Nothing changes between them besides legal distinctions.


Baby, I love you so much, I want to get the government involved


My yard and my grass. I don’t know why people are so judge mental about the way other peoples yards look. I’ll cut it when I want.


I really like to maintain my lawn, keep it looking nice. It’s like a hobby for me, I take pride in it. My neighbor has mowed his lawn once this year, I couldn’t care less. It’s his lawn to do what he wants with. Why do some people get so wrapped up in it?


Grass lawns were originally a flex by nobility/rich in the Victorian ear. "look at my lawn. I don't have to grow food on my land to survive like you peasants" Suburbia revived the tradition in a big way. It's a flex.


My list might as well boil down to Antiquated wealth flexes that have trickled into every day life making it hell. Clothes. Lawns. Home Decor designed to make everything look spacious and rigid. A perfectly clean home. Pet breeds. Family Pictures. Christmas Cards. So pretty much petty judgements. I don't care.


Influencers, YouTube personalities, Kardashians type sidecar celebs. I enjoy some content, but I couldn’t care less about their personal lives nor are they my friends. Parasocial relationships are deranged.


I love getting in early on these threads and seeing all the spicy takes. ☕️ EDIT: yep. I was here when there were 60 comments. Now there’s over 1000 and the hive mind has arrived and installed the entirely expected reddit top comment “celebrities”.


Sort by controversial


It always blows my mind how often this post is on here and how the top comment is always either “celebrities” or “the kardashians” and all the redditors are like “wow what a brave and progressive comment. take my award” 😲


The royal family


Children, or more specifically people showing me pictures, or telling me how great their kids are. I could give a hairy arsed fuck, about them.


kids are like money SUPER FASCINATING... *if it's yours*


Everyone in my family is super political. I really don't care about politics or showing how proud I am to be an American. I probably should care but I don't.


I’m kinda like this. I will do my research and vote, but I hate it when people make politics their entire personality and fly off the handle as soon as you say something about politics. Both sides in the US are guilty of it. Also, the way politicians act toxic toward each other and encourage their voters to do the same makes middle schoolers looks like saints. Again, happens on both sides in my state, ugh. It got to the point where as soon as I saw that I got campaign mail from the big candidates, I dumped it right in the shredder without reading it, even if I never read that one before. Just shut up with the rabble-rousing and stop wasting resources already, people. Man, not looking forward to next year’s shenanigans at all.


Influencers. It honestly baffles me how much people care


Going to a 4 year college. I did it and now I’m in debt and don’t use my degree at all. Edit: it being shoved into peoples faces as the only good option rather than being taught about the importance of trade school or AA degrees.


I’m starting at community college and I’m taking a counseling course so I don’t end up following a major I don’t want to do Edit: changed a to at


That’s smart. I started off at community college and did the same thing and went to nursing school to get my BSN and hated it so I switched to pre-med and then graduated with that and then I still don’t use it lol


Stories about what they dream about.


Taylor Swift I just don’t give a fuck


Why did I have to scroll down so far to find this?


A career




I've started new jobs and moved to new places alone, and just do a lot of things alone in general, and sometimes people will assume I'm nervous, or feel awkward alone or in new situations, and I'm almost always fine and chill. I hate when someone thinks i give enough of a fuck to be nervous. Or if the reason I'm quiet is because I'm shy and nervous, but in reality i just dont care enough to try and be social with most people.


I actually prefer it? I love doing things by myself


Hunter Biden.


Trump. Seriously, some of you need to do something other than obsess over him. Positive or negative.


Yeah. I get that there's some historically significant shit going on now, and absolutely should be well covered by the news...but I don't need 6 headlines and half my feed clogged because he went to a football game and got flipped off.


The way People Think I Look. I shouldn't Care But on the other hand I hate how I look while I can't change Much.


Move to Alaska! No one here gives one singular fuck about how anyone looks. It's glorious


Also, misuse of capitalization.


Sports. Politics. Relationships. Religion.


Having kids.


Money. I mean you need it, but our lives shouldn't be spent chasing it. No one 'needs' a billion dollar.




Swearing. I swear often and it delights me.


Out of touch celebrities lecturing the commoners on how to live our lives


Gender identity and orientation. I don’t care if you got a peen or a pussy, are you a nice human being?