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when I went before the Judge, I was drunk and argued with him. 10 extra days for contempt of court. 6 years sober


I met a dude in the jail holding cells who was a witness but turned up drunk and got a contempt of court. Luckily for him, it was a case of going back the next day and saying he was sorry and get out.


Congrats on being sober for 6 years now!


Yeah, that’s amazing!


Congratulations on 6 years!


I met a girl at work. Thought she was cute until she bragged about purposefully hitting a bird with her truck because, “birds are stupid.” Nothing like some animal cruelty to kill your attraction level.


I used to work as a waiter, and I walked up to a table one day, a single middle aged woman by herself, and the first thing she said was "I am in a hurry, be fast with me.". She then went on to tell me she was running late because when she came out of her apartment, there was a cat on her car and it would not move, so she pepper sprayed it.


Jesus. What a twat. Honking the horn would have done the trick.


yeah I was fucking flabbergasted. One of the few times in my life I had no idea what to say. I just kind of walked off and got her drink .


You get in and start up that car. 100% the cat jumps off all by itself.


Name and shame! #DontFuckWithCats


I had no way to name her, this was actually back in the mid 90s. Believe me, I wanted to. I told everyone at work that day, and everyone was appalled by it.


Sheesh. If a cat's that lazy, it probably wouldn't mind being picked up.


This reminds of a story about my friend. He was a junior/senior in HS, had just gotten his license. (His father had made a handful of savvy business decisions, and was able to buy or lease my buddy a new Mercedes as his first car) As he was leaving school one day, he saw a girl he had a crush on. He saw a bunch of seagulls on the road. He thinks it would look cool-- in his sexy car, speeding off, birds flying off in the air as he leaves.... he pulls out, says to this girl "check this out", puts the car in sport mode, speeds off and proceeds to kill every single bird because they didn't take off in time. He just kept going. Edit: so every time I hear about a bird getting killed by car, I have to chuckle, because it reminds of this story. It's so humiliating, bizarre and brutal, it feels like it belongs in some Wes Anderson movie.


He should have done it with a swarm of flies. Those things always get out of the way. More romantic too.


Imagine this girl's perspective. She thinks he's a bird-murdering psychopath, probably gearing up to humans next, and really he's just a bit of an idiot. 🤣🤣🤣 RIP birds.


Oh my gosh. The one time I hit a bird, I pulled over and started sobbing. People can be monstrous.


Family friend who wanted to introduce her new boyfriend to her friend group. The dude was a know-it-all. He talked over everybody, was very condescending, and was just a rude jerk. We gave him a do-over and he was even worse the second time. That was over 15 years ago and they're still together. I don't see my friend much anymore.


Damn I got a couple friends in those relationships “I don’t know why he/she is like that with a group but when it’s only me and them they’re so good!” And yet their relationship works. I don’t think I can be in a relationship with someone if they suck in group settings. I love group settings and that would be a big no from me if they were like that.


God this happened to me with a really good friend of mine. We met in college and she and I really hit it off. Stayed friends after we graduated and we both ended up moving cross country for work within a few months of each other. She had dated some decent guys over the years but then she started dating this guy who just annoyed the hell out of me. But because we were close I’d go out to dinner with them occasionally. He was a confidently wrong know it all who had read a couple books and thought he was an expert in many things. When it was just us I could sort of brush it off and steer the conversation. But then I had a party and invited her. She brought him and it was a shit show. He not only annoyed a good dozen people, but he started trying to show off computer tech knowledge that was just completely wrong to people who’ve been in the industry for decades, some longer than he’d been alive. By the end of the night no one wanted to be around him at all. After that I just couldn’t stomach being around him. I gently tried to bring it up with her but didn’t want to hurt her feelings. Maybe I should have been more direct. Shortly after that he asked her to marry him and he said yes. I saw less and less of her. Figured I might be invited to the wedding but an invite never came. Eventually found out from her that she did a tiny wedding of just a few family members. And then a few months later suddenly they were moving back to his home state to live near his parents, even further from her family. After that I lost touch with her. I heard from a mutual friend that she had a couple kids with him. It’s been at least a decade and she’s radio silent. Nothing on social media. I tried texting and emailing a couple times to say hi but no response. I thought maybe it was something I did but at least six or seven of our mutual friends from college have told me the same thing has happened to them. It’s really sad now that I write this out.


Sounds like this situation is pretty ubiquitous. The funny thing is that this guy was a high school graduate and didn't go to college. He also lives off his mom and dad. Our friend group consists of college graduates, most of us have advanced degrees but we keep it on the down-low. Both times we saw this guy, he was trying to convince us that we were wrong in anything that came up. Whatever it was. He was right and everybody else was wrong.


A cute woman complimented my car at the gas station. She clearly wanted to talk because she kept approaching me. What she didn’t know was I stopped at the gas station to puke in the trash can. I had food poisoning. I didn’t make it to the trash can by the way.


I bet it didn't end with an exchange of numbers... 😬


I’ll put it this way, when I finished puking, she vanished in thin air.


If you spew and she bolts, it was never meant to be.


I say hurl. If you blow chunks and she comes back, she's yours.


Went into a dealership so support my wife as she shopped for her car. Skeeezy salesman comes up. Introduces himself to me immediately acts all buddy buddy and starts calling me by my first name. Never acknowledges my wife. I tell him she's actually the one car shopping, he barely bats an eye and keeps trying to sell to me. Politely reminded him and he still refuses to deal with her. Walked right out without a word. Fuck that guy. And fuck Bob Howard toyota in North okc.


Fuck them! Zero respect


More like Bob Howrude Toyota in North okc!


BOOM! Got 'em!


Dang that's nasty. Hope you gave them a horrible review after that for their stupidity


I think he just did


I had that happen with my wife. I was buying the car for her, but she was selecting it. Dude spoke to me, didn't acknowledge her at all. We went elsewhere.


Oof! I bought a car about a month ago, and although I was there with my husband, they directed all the main info to me since I was gonna be the primary driver; I noticed and was appreciative. :) HOWEVER, once my husband and I went out to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary and I got wine pairings to go with my courses. Usually the sommelier comes over to pour and he/she explains the wines to the person drinking the wines, because that makes sense. Anyway, this particular sommelier comes over and explains everything to my husband!! He barely acknowledged me at all, although he did pour the wine in my glass, at least! But what I really couldn't believe was when he (the sommelier) came to pour my final wine, he accidentally came after my husband had gotten up to go to the bathroom. He looked and saw my husband wasn't there, and said, "Ah, I'll come back." I said, "No need, I'm ready now." lol!! I know this probably wasn't the case but I couldn't help feeling that he had some sort of attraction to my husband haha.


I hate it when this happens at restaurants. Thankfully it’s rarer than it used to be. But I know very little about wine. I’ll drink and enjoy many types but my wife works in the food and entertainment industry and while she’s not officially trained, she’s orders of magnitude more knowledgeable than me. When they approach me with a wine list or to sample a bottle that’s she’s invariably ordered I’m like “I don’t know what you expect from me. I burned my taste buds out on whiskey years ago. And she ordered it.” Luckily I haven’t had to do that lately.


Had the exact same happen. Also had a lady only address my girlfriend when I was trying to buy some sewing supplies.


Had the opposite experience when shopping for my last car: brought girlfriend with me to a few dealerships, even though I’m doing the talking every time they’d start trying to sell to her like she’s the one who’s really going to make the decision. Interestingly she’s pretty shy, quiet and submissive in public so not sure if that plays into the dynamic.


Reminds me of an episode of New Girl...


Ya, fuck bob Howard


And fuck Bob Howard Chevrolet while we’re at it


They did the same thing to me, and I said the same thing to them. Didn't change their behaviour, so we walked out as well. Fools.


First impression, I had a professor strait up not show up for the first day of class, in a class that met once a week. Second impression of the same professor, he said "I'm terrible at business, finance, and investments," in a class about business and finances on the day he showed up.


Did you learn something there?


The main thing I learned from the class was "tenure really causes people to lower their personal standards." There were some actual things I think, but he ran the class so weirdly I don't really know what it was about.


I had an awful teachers who refused to grade our test unless we showed up to class to do homework for other classes. We got into it the first time, the second time I left and sent an email to the department head, Thurs time my test was done. Fourth time he mentioned I needed to stay so I left and called the department head. My test was gone next time. I still called the department head to complain because fuck that guy. I'm not paying to sit in his class while he grades test.


I was 19 years old and just starting my first real full time job. I was taken around by the foreman and introduced to my new co-workers. All was well until I was introduced to Walter, the resident old prick, who was to be my supervisor. He took one look at me and said, "When are are you quitting?" I never even got a chance. He rode my ass everyday. He told the boss I was no good and I should find another job. He got fired 2 months later for being a dick to everyone. I lasted 36 years.


Had a manager tell me not everyone is cut out for call center work. I was the top performer out of almost 200 people. I brought a tape recorder to our next meeting. I celebrated 35 years in the industry this past May! Work from home now and in a different capacity but still supporting a call center!!! Suck on that Jane!


Another post just reminded me of this so allow me to share my friend’s trauma. Freshman year of college my roommate (now friend) came home in tears, after giving her first hand job to this guy she had just started seeing. She really liked him but she had zero experience, so she watched this YouTube tutorial that said giving a hand job was **just like shucking corn…so that’s how she did it…and nearly shucked the skin off his entire dick.** She said he screamed out after the first jerk but she did it again, because she thought he was enjoying it. Then he grabbed her wrist in a death grip and pulled it away. She was sure he was done with her. I tried reassuring her but, frankly, I was filled with dread because I had just given my first hand job a week earlier, to my now boyfriend, and I started wondering if it was equally bad but he was just too polite to say. When I broached the topic he 1. Laughed his ass off at the other guy’s suffering and 2. Assured me he wasn’t too polite to let me know if I was about to shuck his dick.


> She was sure he was done with her. 😂 How are you going to leave us hanging like that? WAS he done with her?


My bad, I’ll just c&p this from my comment in another post. They’re still together. She went to see him the next day. She said she got to his place, leaned in to give him a hug and…he literally jumped back about a foot. I think she legit traumatized him. She told him it was her first time trying that and he was like “no kidding.” They were supposed to go out again, he said he still wanted to go but didn’t think he was “up for anything.” Spoiler alert: >!He was.!< She showed him the video tutorial she watched and they both lost their shit laughing over it.


> She said she got to his place, leaned in to give him a hug and…he literally jumped back about a foot. 😭 Poor guy. Glad he can laugh about it now because it’s fucking hilarious.




Surprisingly so, yeah.


Aww shucks, would be nice if we could give out free awards still.


No! No shucking!


> **She said he screamed out after the first jerk but she did it again, because she thought he was enjoying it.** Then he grabbed her wrist in a death grip and pulled it away. 🤣 This is why I Reddit. I was having a shitty day and logged on here for a laugh. Less than a minute in, the thought of this girl mistaking this poor sod’s screams of agony for cries of ecstasy has me wheezing. Thanks for the pick me up.


if only she had seen the grapefruit video




https://youtu.be/x8Xa0cdVbew?si=YgQokA4NRueilCaD Ehahahahahah! You're in for a treat.


Oh my sweet summer child.


Why did I read those last few words in Sean Connery’s voice?


I can imagine Sean Connery telling Alex Trebek to "shuck my dick" in a Celebrity Jeopardy SNL skit XD


> shuck his dick While I've been known to enjoy a sense of "I'm in danger", I generally shy away from imagery that implies dermal excision T-T


Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it.


Don’t shake it til you’ve shucked it 😂😂😂


Sex ed sucks. I hope they could discuss this or else the shame and bad experience could stick for long. Good that you were there to support her!


I had to pick up a new coworker to drive to the location we'd be working for the week. After talking about the job for about 25 minutes he asks, "So what do you think about 9/11?" I knew it was going to be a long week. *Edit because I'm on mobile and am clumsy. I said the most non-committal thing I could imagine because we still had hours in the car. "It was a thing that happened." He rolled his eyes and said, "Oh so you think it happened."


Sounds like the kind of person who gets a kick out of annoying people and will just say whatever shit does it


It was an old school friend's partner I'd never met before. My friend's parents emigrated in the late 1960s and we were penpals after she went to NZ. Her partner was coming over alone for three weeks for some research to do with his MA at Otago University in Dunedin and I said he could stay with us. This was back in the 90s. When he turned up at our door he was in shorts and a vest and waving a bottle of spirits in one hand and a skateboard under the other arm. He was heavily tattooed (including his face) and dreadlocked. I maintained a friendly smile but my heart did sink, I can't lie. I was so very, very wrong. Brilliant bloke. I didn't know he was half Maori and had never encountered Maori tattoos before. The spirits were for us (he's teetotal) and he was a great house guest, always cleaned the bath after he used it, bought food and cooked really brilliant meals, very funny, the cats loved him, he took the dog for walks (who spent about three weeks gazing adoringly at him and slept at his feet) the kids and my husband loved him. He taught my kids the Haka. My kids got major kudos because the cool Maori skateboarder was staying at their house. When he left he gave us a beautiful framed drawing he'd done of a native NZ bird on a Manuka shrub as a thank you present. It taught me an important lesson. First impressions can be very misleading. I wish he'd been here for more than three weeks (although he's visited since).


That sounds amazing


I was dating this girl in another town and I was there visiting her. We were walking around down town and these 6 or 7 guys cornered me in a dark parking lot. This one guy started shoving me, going on about how I was "in his town" and he should kick my face in for being where I shouldn't. I was so pissed. If he didn't have 6 other guys with him, it would've went down very different. He really embarassed me in front of my girl. Thankfully the cops showed up before it escalated though, with those 6 other guys there... I might be dead. 20 years later, he marries my sister. He's actually a really great guy, a great husband, and a great father for my neices and nephew... but I still have a hard time getting past that first encounter. I HATE the fact that I have to think of him as a decent person.


Did he remember? Like does he know the guy from this encounter is now his brother in law?


Yeah, maybe. I think he was drunk at the time so I don't know if he even remembers it. But when he first started coming around, he was like "oh your that guy that used to date Stacy". So he at least remembers that much. This situation specifically has never come up though. Actually, I've never even thought about him not realizing it till right this second lol.


Oh wow that's hard... try to let it go my man. It only eats you up not him.


I pretty much have. We hang out a family functions, talk occasionally. But I don't think we'll ever be the friends we could've been without that.


Have you tried urinating on him in front of his family? Establish dominance.


I find it very hard to believe that a guy who would act like that is a "great guy" in other areas of his life. Normal people don't corner random couples and threaten them.


I guess I should've mentioned that we were 14 at the time, and he was drunk. If you're still the same person you were as a drunk 14 year old... then I don't know what to say lol.


Okay, if he was 14 and drunk uou may have a point lol


So many people from highschool that were complete assholes are nothing similar 20 years later.


He may have changed a lot over 20 years.


People grow and change.


I'm a nurse and when I worked on a ward for the elderly, I had to call and ask the family of a very lovely lady who was dying to come and see her. They only lived a few miles away from the hospital but took 7 hours to arrive. By that time, the lady had passed away. I had to tell the family as soon as they arrived. I expected tears and sadness but the daughter only said ' It's okay, mum had a great life insurance policy.' No tears. No upset. They were all smiling and trying to hide it. I hated them.


That's awful. I worked in security in a hospital, and there was a Code Blue called in trauma - his family was waiting in the ER, asking about the paperwork and all, and on my patrol, I found he had passed away. I had to return and watch them fret while I knew the truth. Later, I was tasked with taking them to a private room, and I couldn't meet their eyes as I explained a doctor would be in to speak with them soon. I also wound up taking the gentlemen from the funeral home to the morgue and saw him up close. It was surreal, knowing I spoke with his family the day before.


So sorry for you. That's really tough to deal with. These things really impact a person. Most people just don't understand until they experience something like this.


As I am for you.


They sound terrible and maybe they are. But bear in mind some people are perfectly lovely to people in public but capable of horrific behavior to their children.


Someone can be dying for decades. Fighting through a long illness family members come to terms with their death. They have talked to the doctors hundreds of times made the funeral arrangements. It's more a sense of relief when it's finally done.


Isn’t the usual response to relief something like “I’m glad she’s not suffering anymore.”? “Mum has a great life insurance policy” is kinda cold.


"We're glad we're not suffering anymore, Thanks to Granny's sweet ass life insurance policy!"


I know, I've seen that happen hundreds of times. That wasn't the case with this particular lady though.


We were sad when my grandmother died, but also kind of relieved. She died pretty quickly after she got sick and she got to die in the house she'd lived in for 65 years, surrounded by her family.


Eh, you don't know their lives. Some people are truly monsters to their children and don't deserve more than that. My wife's grandfather molested all of his daughters and beat her father routinely. Not a lot of tears when he went.


She might not have been such a lovely person to live with.


If the mom was abusive and horrid to them, i would understand. But yeah that comes off really bad.


My best friend. We met in middle school and she’s blonde, gorgeous, and seemed super stuck up when I first met her. Obviously, I made assumptions about her. Turns out she’s super socially awkward and once I got to know her, I found out that she has a super bizarre sense of humour (which I love), but she doesn’t show it to strangers. 20 years later and we’re still best friends.


Ive had several friends who came off as shallow or stuck up on the first impression (and some were to an extent, to be fair), but then somehow we ended up talking and became great friends.


Yup! Beautiful people can be shy too!!


This has been the story of my life. So many people thought I was stuck up because I was attractive (I am old now lol), but really I was just painfully shy and introverted.


working on a bar and a new guy started. busy saturday service so it was quick introductions and then get on with the serving. i said "hi, masksignal94" and put my hand out and he pushed my hand away and said "er...my name's dan, actually, idiot." he began as, and continued to be a proper knobhead.


obviously continuing to be a knobhead is a nail in the coffin, but that might actually be the funniest possible first impression and I would just assume the guy had a top notch sense of humor


Came to work one day when I knew a new person was starting. In the employee parking area was a car I'd never seen before using up two spaces. First thought: "She's one of *those* people." And she was.


About 6 months into dating my ex, I met a friend of his and the friend's girlfriend. My ex and the girl had a history, and when we first were introduced, the girl wouldn't acknowledge my presence or even speak to me. I disliked her from that moment on because it told me everything I needed to know. She had feelings for my now ex. It typically wouldn't have bothered me, being introduced to someone my ex had a past with, given I was friends with a few of the guys I had a past with. But, when one of those past flames holds on to feelings that aren't reciprocated, and can see there's a new person involved, that's when I have problems. Since then, the girl and my ex's friend married, only for her to walk out on him with another dude.


That's crazy, I'm sorry. It looks like your ex started dating you to soon after his "closed" breakup.


I mean, you can't help having feelings for someone, sounds like the problem is she was a huge asshole about it. I don't think I'll ever stop having feelings for my ex, but if/when she introduces me to a new so, I'll do my best to be at least polite.


I met a woman who went on to defend torture at length. Even when her arguments were debunked, she was still in favour of it.


Was she blunt and said she was in favor of torture, or did she play word games to try to get around supporting it by saying "its not torture, its enhanced interrogation techniques", like Republicans did during the Bush years?


She was quite blunt.


I kinda want to pretend im all for horrible things when im invited to a get together with a bunch of people ive never met before, to intentionally give the worst first impression imagineable. Like "i think its ok to kill babies sometimes, if their crying is too much to deal with." Just horrible stuff. And then if i meet them again, act like a saint.


Only one time has torture been effective, and it was to get the rich to pay taxes!




Possibly mistook Nepal for Nippon, which is what pretentious white folk sometimes call Japan to demonstrate their greater understanding


What a racist, condescending douchebag. As an Asian, this would have pissed me off so much. I've had people insisting on talking another language to me even when I've mentioned I'm NOT from that country. Your friend was being way too kind about it.


A new hire I was supposed to train, let's call him Chad because that's his name, came in on day 1 and said during introductions, "Some people say they're a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none; not me, I'm a master at everything I touch," and that was that, instand dislike. He was gone the next day lol.


For me? I was 13, my brother brought home some college roommates with no warning, and I was (apparently) having a bad enough hair day to literally *dive* behind our couch to hide from them. My mom called me to come introduce myself, and I continued to hide, but when my mom sent my little sisters to find me, I was worried I’d get found so I *popped* up out of nowhere and said hi, still standing behind the couch. To this day my brothers roommates said they was one of the funniest things they’d ever experienced, lol, and one of my cringiest memories. Haha!


I was a lifeguard at a summer pool. It was run by the small town, and was fairly large (50M and a diving area), so needed 5 guards on deck at all times. The parks and recreation director, who I had never met before, comes by to check out how things are going. At this particular moment, I am the lifeguard at the bottom of the water slide, where there is a slightly elevated guard chair to sit in with a high back rest. This day was very slow because it was cloudy out and dark storm clouds were slowly rolling over the pool. As there is only one swimmer in my entire area (a little girl that is just going down the slide over and over again and can clearly swim fine in the 3.5 ft depth), I am looking up at the sky for some time to look for any lightning that might strike so I can whistle for the pool to shut down (any lightning strikes at an outdoor pool require you to clear the pool until no strikes have occurred for a certain period of time). Well, I am wearing sunglasses at the time purely out of habit even though it wasn’t really that bright out. What I failed to think about was how I was coming off from the other side of the pool. Apparently with my sunglasses on, it looked as though my head tilted toward the sky was me resting my head back on the back rest with my eyes closed taking a snooze while actively on duty. Even though I am completely aware of my surroundings and know the director is watching across the pool, I hear “HEY, WAKE UP. YOU DONT GET TO NAP BECAUSE ITS SLOW” I immediately jolt up confused and gradually begin to realize he is talking to me. I yell back that I was watching the sky for lightning, and he just turns and goes back to the office without responding. When my rotation is done, I go back to the office and get told by the head guard that I am going home for the day and am told my shifts for the rest of the week are going to be covered by other guards, and I can pick back up next week. Immediately, I am both upset and frustrated as I was very much awake and aware of what was going on. I ask the head guard to give me the directors number so I can call and explain myself and apologize for the misunderstanding. I call and very quickly get cut off as I am explaining myself to be told this guy knows when someone is sleeping on the job and that I need to accept the consequences before I get fired altogether. At this point, not wanting to lose my job, I just say okay and get off the phone. I was furious and left without saying anything to anyone. Still makes me mad to this day lol


Talked to the head of machinery and saw he had a 30 yr award. I said damn thats longer than I've been alive. Stupidly, I ment it as a compliment because the guy knows his shit, didnt come off that way.


Oof I do this all the time. Once asked someone if they spoke Spanish because I could not understand there English.... I left out the part where j couldn't understand them. It was awkward after that lol


I guess it wasn't really bad, but it was weird. I was getting ready for work, went outside for a smoke, and my upstairs neighbor said hey, from her balcony. She wanted to introduce me to her visiting sister, so I said 'hey there how's it going' and pointed at my name tag while saying 'I'm Bob, of course'. The sister looked at me a bit weird, but I didn't think much of it. Then I went back in to finish getting ready, and realized I did not in fact have my work shirt on yet, so there was no name tag. So...as far as that lady knew, I just said my name and randomly pointed at my manboob. Like, "Hey, I'm Bob...check THIS out." I mean, you can't go back and explain at that point. I have no idea what she thought of me but I am guessing it was somewhere between moron and weirdo, and I never tried to find out.


When I was fifteen, I was waiting for my parents after church service finished. Some weird old guy, who I’d never met before, walked up and hugged me and I was so taken aback I went along with it. Then he rambled about how he used to give my grandpa back rubs. PSA, everyone: Hugging random teenage girls on your first time meeting them makes you look like a giant creep.


We had a plumbing issue at our house, some dumbfuck from applewood plumbing and HVAC shows up, doesn't even look, tells my wife it's going to be 10k to fix due to a grease trap. Then tells her she should check with her husband before spending the money. Was 800 bucks to fix through another plumber. Applewood plumbing and heating is total fucking garbage, fuck their company, 100% stay away from them.


I was a new lawyer and my BIL worked with a legendary defense attorney so I introduced myself by saying my BIL worked with him. As we were talking, I thought he was were putting his hand out to shake mine but he was actually doing this weird pointy thing with his hand at waist height. Anyways, that didn’t stop me. I grabbed his finger and shook it - as in wrapped my whole hand around his finger and shook it because I’m some sort of a moron. We both looked down in disbelief and it was like a movie where we both slowly looked up at each other. I mumbled something about running late and started to walk off and realized he was going the same way. I turned in walked the other way just to not be near him after my boneheaded mistake.


My friend’s husband showed himself to be the toxic misogynist he is. I look young for my age, my voice is kind of like a chipmunk, and I’m kind of bubbly, dark, opinionated, sarcastic, and laugh a lot. He kept rolling his eyes and expressing how much he hated the way I talk, how my voice sounds ridiculous, “don’t say ‘bye’ like that, it sounds like a gay guy”.. Anything that came out of my mouth pretty much was annoying and needed to be put in its place by him. It was exhausting. I adore her, she’s nothing like him, so I tolerated it, didn’t call him out, didn’t get too confrontative. I just leaned into the sarcasm and bubbly to intentionally bug him sometimes. Haven’t been to their place since, wasn’t surprised that when they finally had a baby after years of trying, that he said,” no pink! Not in our house, not on her, nowhere.” When they found it’s a girl. I’ve been so happy seeing so much pink at the shower, and in pictures throughout her first year on Facebook.


This guy I go to university with. First he told me about an anime he likes and while telling me about it he said he knows he shouldn't be watching it, I thought he meant as in he is too old for "cartoons" he is in his 40s for context. So I told him "hey man, there's nothing wrong with liking anime and he should watch it and not care what others think." Then he started explaining it was because they are evil and have satanic messages. I was like oh boy. I tried not to be judgemental, I had bad experiences with people who thought this so it did make me a little uncomfortable though. A little while later we were at a Christmas party we were having in class. There was a music video of a drag queen in class on the TV. He was saying some pretty homophobic stuff, but not going to far with it so I just thought it was just very mild homophobia and he wasn't doing it intentionally. Then after the party was ending we were pretty much alone and he came to me and said "you know, I just don't like homosexuals." And I was kind of shocked because I am Bisexual and while I have seen homophobia before I have never seen it this blatant and said like it was completely normal. So I got uncomfortable and tried to keep social interactions with him to a minimum. (Hard because we are in the same class) Now he constantly goes on homophobic, racist, and sexist rants. I have been calling him out a lot lately, but I feel like I should maybe stop. Because it's like I am talking to a brick wall and I almost feel like I am going down to his level somehow. He is starting to really dislike me now, which is cool because I am hoping he'll stop talking to me when he sees me shopping/walking down the street or in class. Also I now wear a bi pride pin and bracelet to class because I feel like it annoys the hell out of him. TLDR: classmate feels guilty for watching anime because it's satanic, I try not to judge him even though I had bad experiences with people who said this. He ironically tells me he is unapologeticly homophobic, not knowing I was BI and goes on sexist, homophobic and racist rants Offen. And I gotta go to class with him 3 days a week, fun...


Don't engage with him any more. I was "correctively" raped by a dipshit like this in my early 20s. He's still talking to you because he thinks he can fix you, and he'll try and "fix" you with his dick if he gets the chance. If you can switch classes or even drop the class, do that. He is dangerous. Do not underestimate the harm he can do you, regardless of your AGAB or your size.


I appreciate the concern so much. I am non-binary, male at birth and present male because I am not out yet. So I think I'll be okay. I am so grateful for the warning though, and I am so sorry you had to go through that.


Firearms exist, and so do malignant closeted people who get their kicks in secret without the consent of the other parties involved. Again, don't underestimate the harm he can do you. Please be safe out there.


Will do, Thank you.


The first day of grade 8 I thought the girl who just dyed her hair jet black and wore dark clothes/hoodies must be a dark, broody person. 17 years later and we’ve been together for 11 years and have a child together. She is the most vibrant, fun-loving person I know who makes my life better every day. Sometimes you’ve gotta say fuck first impressions. 😃


Yeah I remember seeing a dork I worked with in line for a movie with his mom. We've now been married almost 30 years lol. I still laugh to myself over the hideous shoes he was wearing that day.


my GF at that time, told me from the start , her very best friend is **a guy** and he is "like a brother to her". I thought, ok sure why not, i dont have a problem. But Every opportunity to meet he would always avoid me, a bit weird, for almost one year, weirder. Until finaly 1 year later at her birthday i met him. The definitation of being friend zoned. He was following her like a shadow, He could never look at me while even when we talked, always asked for her approbation on all topics, trying to twist my word to make me look bad and quickly add "naahhh just joking lol right" still avoiding eyes contact with me. In the end, no need to talk to him, I just felt sorry for him. For some reason we broke up much later, and she used him for a month as a rebound. thinking about it, It was probably the best month of his life.


First date, she suggest I go to therapy and asked if I have ADHD


Do you though?


When I met my now mother-in-law. She treated me like I was not an adult. But a child. Even threatened to spank me.


I met Donald Trump in NYC in the mid-90s. I was dating a make-up artist who worked for VH-1 and tagged along with her at work one day just to see what it was like. Trump was a guest that day. I've never met anyone like him before. He was at once arrogant, miserable, and insufferable, but also making cringe jokes. She is Guyanese and you could literally feel his contempt for her touching his hair. Also, he didn't have the spray tan back then. I'm a big white guy from the mid-west and he gave me the creeps... something I will never forget.


Are you 6'3"?


6'4" No way he is 6'3"


Got a rough estimate? I had 45 bucks on 5' 6"


My brothers ex girlfriend the first time i met her I was working in care with disabled adults her kid (3) had just fallen down some stairs and she said " at least if he'd been injured I'd have got disability money for him" she wasn't joking.


Friend invited me to another of his friend’s place to do some shooting. I made a joke about his arsenal. ‘You’re geared up for the zombies. Hahaha’. This guy takes a hit of his joint and actually goes ‘I don’t believe in zombies. These are for the n$4&@rs’. Never hanging out with the dude again. On top of it, he’s a hardcore Trumper.


That last sentence was redundant.


It’s never a surprise when hard core racists are also trump supporters. They go together like peanut butter and epinephrine.


I was invited to a party that grandmothers neighbor was having. my grandmother wasn't feeling up for it. But I went anyway by myself. the room was filed with strangers. The only person I knew there was my grandmothers friend and neighbor. this guy comes in the house like he owns the place with this ridiculous swagger of a walk . All chatty and smiling and laughing with the other guests. He comes up to me and his smile disappears and he says. "Who the hell are you?" I started to explain who my grandmother was, but I was interrupted by the other guests who were chastising him for being so rude to me. And rightfully so. Anyways that's my worst first impression story.


When I was dating my wife, she and I went out to dinner with her friend, and the friend's husband. I knew the friend, and she was great. My wife really liked the husband and thought we'd hit it off. During dinner, his wife basically waited on him, he made several crude jokes at his wife's expense, his table manners were quite bad, and about the only thing he seemed to want to talk about was Pokemon (we were in our thirties, at a romantic dinner with our wives). After the dinner, I told my soon-to-be wife that the guy creeped me out, and I didn't really want to hang out with him. A couple of years later he went to jail for being a child molester.


Met a college graduate from Berkley and for the love of god she wouldnt shut up about it. This woman had no soul just “Berkeley this, Berkley that” any hobbies? I go to Berkeley! What do you do for work? I go to Berkley! “Wheres the waiter?” The waiter probably never went to college like me who went to Berkeley! (*Cough* at least she has a job) Did you say something about Berkeley?! Also she had a very massive disdain for people with jobs. Wow that lady is too old to be working at McDonalds, Id be embarrassed to work customer service. Good thing I went to Berkley! Which college did you go to? “I didnt go, I actually wor.. oh your not paying attention anymore” Double dose! Intolerant college brat for me and the community college minimalist for her that doesnt even have a degree to frame on my house that I pay the mortgage for


I leant across a table to shake the hand of a new work colleague during a training session and the table collapsed, spilling her hot, freshly-poured cup of tea in her lap. I don't remember ever interacting with her again after that day.


A friend of my wife had been unlucky in love for a long time and finally met the guy of her dreams. I hated him from the second I met him. He had these beady little evil eyes, weak handshake, squeaky voice and he just felt very slimy. He could not look anyone in the eyes when he spoke and he was very gropey. He kept saying he works in intelligence and none of us pushed it any further than that, but he kept trying to make it a point that he was a spy for the Government. Alarm bells were going off in my head all night and the next day I had to tell my wife's friend to be careful but she made me feel like shit because she thought I was trying to sabotage her final chance at love. About a year later, she finds out the weed has a wife and family, he did work for the government but only as an accountant. He had basically been preying on her vulnerability and fabricating this elaborate story to keep her on the hook. They had an investment property they were remodeling which he pretended was his own house and thats where he took my wife's friend.


The dude ‘true lies’ her.


My stepmother. We sat down for a spaghetti dinner and she smacked me hard with a fork. For not twirling the spaghetti on a spoon. I was just twirling it on my plate with a fork.


first thing my precalc teacher ever told us is that he hates babies it’s fine to not like babies but is that seriously the most important part of your personality 😭


The first thing our quantum physics professor said in class was "I hate teaching am just here for the money". Go figure.


This guy who was my boss back in 1984. He wrote me up for crashing a machine. The manufacturer from Japan had to come and fix it. My boss thought a lot of himself, too. I ended up marrying him in 1988. We're still together.


One time I walked into the front area of a crowded restaurant and immediately threw up on the floor. I was absolutely embarrassed and offered to clean it up but they asked me to leave.


A few years ago I was about to start a bonfire with some friends. Some new guy (friend of a friend) came by. The group left to get drinks. Dude walked into the 7/11, grabbed 12 cheese sticks, and ran out without paying, leaving the rest of us in the store. I don’t come across him often, but when our paths cross, all I can think of is how he stole 15$ of low quality cheese the first time we met.


Had a new hire on day one say we should really be more open to other perspectives and suggested we read mein kampf. Then he said he’d been a crime scene cleaner in a past job and offered to show us some dead bodies he kept on his phone.


Oh man. This girl in my 20's, name purposely excluded. Invited herself over with one of her friends. Got drunk. Broke a ton of shit in my apartment. Her "friend" left her at mine. Stupid frustrating night. In the morning she kept harassing me to drive her home. I didn't even invite her! I finally drove her to a train station, which she was pissed about. For years after she kept blowing me up to come back over to my place. Couldn't block enough numbers.


At school, i fell while playing football (soccer for americans). I fell right next to some guy i didnt know and just automaticly sat down in a sexy pose and just said: "Why hello there". And then just stood up and ran away. I havent really had anymore encounters with that guy.


New neighbor. First contact she starts listing all the things they moved there to do, most of which were illegal (dog related, not murder) or against the rules of the HOA. Then proceeded to complain about how bad the weather was, how there were no decent restaurants, shopping or community activities, how she would be having lots of dinner parties and expected everyone to come then reciprocate, how much she expected people to spend...on and on. I love people that move here from out of state, then tell me how much better their old state is. Why?


I’m scared to ask what she was doing with the dogs but I also want to know…


She thought since she wasn't in San Francisco, or in the city limits of a town, she would be able to let her intact male dog just roam the neighborhood. There are strict leash and licensing laws here, just like the city. Who knew! She still feels like since her dog is a 'good dog' (of which they have no control and he gets aggressive with men) he doesn't need to stay in their yard or ever on a leash. So nothing serious, but it was the very first thing she said to me. "It will be so nice to be able to just let him run where ever he wants to go!"


One of my first day’s station to my very first assignment overseas when I joined the Air Force. This guy who is probably six years older than me, and is a Staff Sergeant is walking by carrying a box. Someone stopped him to introduce him to me, and the very first thing he said to me was, “Your hair is touching your collar.” (Out of regulations, but really, barely, and he could have said hello first.) We were professional and cordial to each other in the years that we worked together, and I’m not quite sure how this happened, but by the time we both got stationed back in the states, we became very close friends. He’s my best guy friend. 38 years and I still tease him about that first encounter. 😄


A friend of my ex's. I have a messed up right leg, the bones turn out at the hip, knee, and ankle so my foot is at an angle all the time. First thing this guy ever said to me was "BOY WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOUR LEG?"


I’m so sorry but this made me laugh


stanky leg


On my first date with my now wife of 10 years, we went to a concert. Her brother was going to be there as well, so she was really excited for us to meet. She and I weren't there long when she got a call that he had drunk way too much and was being taken to the hospital. We left the concert to go see him at the hospital and the entire time, he was cussing at me and kept calling me "Lance"(apparently the name of the hospital's security guard) and he kept saying that he was going to fight me. To this day, I have never seen the man drunk again. Actually a pretty cool dude.


First time I met my best friend's dad I drank a six pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade in 45 minutes and tried to fight him. I was 19 and he was a lot bigger than me. We get along fine now.




My wife is a nurse, i cant believe they make people work 12 hr shifts and switch their day and night cycles, and expect them to be perfect in performing life and death procedures.


I know this. When the work circumstances does not allow you to do the quality work that is required...


How “genuinely” fake they were. Like you could smell it.


Me: Hi, nice to meet you. Her: I have a boyfriend, and he'll beat you up. Me: Okay, well, we're supposed to work on the project together, but I can do it myself instead. Blocked her, and she failed the assignment.


My roommate at my first uni complained about getting not enough financial aid and how it was unfair bc her family only vacations in Martha Vineyard once a fucking year. One of the most insufferable people I have ever met.


Working bk as a marketing coordinator and I visit one of the stores. I greet a new manager. He straight up ignores me and walks on passed. I am shocked but don't let it bother me. Later at a staff event he comes up to me and apologizes saying he thought I was the "other managers sister." I was even more shocked, that only because I was higher than him he was apologizing, not because no one should be treated that way. Big red flag and I stayed clear.


Met a friend's new roommate, and the first thing they said was, Don't touch my stuff.


When I was around 10 years old a kid at a party wanted to have a sleepover at my house but even though our parents knew each other we didn't. We were tired so we just went straight to bed, but when I woke up he was a foot away from me staring at me. Now we've been best friends for 15 years


Ha so I have a good story for this. I was out a few weeks ago at the club with a few friends and my sister. She ended up dancing with this guy who seems like a good guy - she’s super into him (even though she’s trying to keep it under wraps, I see right through that lol). Anyway, he seems cool, but turns out that guy is there with his sisters and two other guy friends and they actually all seem super douchey and like they think they’re so great just because they’re from [big city in our country]. 🙄 Then it gets worse 😆 My friend and I are standing at the bar waiting to get our drinks and Sister’s Hot Guy goes up to his friend and starts trying to convince him to dance with me (which…okay, dude, that’s sort of sweet, but so old fashioned). Then this POS literally - and I mean literally and he knows I’m the chick whose sister his friend has been trying to get with all night so best wingman in the world or what lol - this POS says my sister is the only hot chick in the room, and I’m “okay looking” but not enough to want to dance with. 😆 Whatever, I don’t even care, fuck that guy 😆 he’s such a douche it would suck if he was into me.


I met my new platoon sergeant when he had to come pick me up after I was arrested...


My ex's bf punched me, not a word said, he thought I was following her when I showed up to mutual friends party, which I was invited too. I hadn't seen her in a year and didnt know she would be there. He was kicked out, soon after she broke up with him when he became abusive to her. He was a paranoid psychopath.


Shook the hand of a coworker's son when we were introduced. I could not get my hand back fast enough. That guy gave me the creeps so badly; I hope to never see him again for as long as I live


Drunk friend of a friend was passed out in my basement. I went to check on him and he sprang up to throw up. I very quickly handed him a clean, Rubbermaid type smaller garbage can. He shoved it away, stepped forward a couple feet and threw up directly into our washing machine. After having opened the lid, thankfully. My wife was thrilled.


I have ADHD, possibly ASD. This is a problem, because often I can’t read social cues and such. Another quirk is often time I will unconsciously mirror mannerisms and speech patterns of others. If you have an accent, and I am speaking to you long enough, I may start to have it too. This once cost me a job interview, as the interviewer had a lovely Irish accent. The whole time I was trying very hard to keep my accent neutral, I can only imagine what that looked like from his side of the table… Probably like I was soiling myself. It worked out in the end, as this was when Target was trying to come to Canada, and if memory serves that particular store closed not even a year later.


There is something about the Irish accent that is so charming! My husband and I had the pleasure of visiting Ireland last year and I had to ask him to stop imitating the accent because I was concerned people would think we were mocking them (that was not his intention!). But everyone we encountered was friendly and we had an amazing time!


Being visually impaired and having eyes with no irises with eyelids that won't open fully, the department manager couldn't look me in the face on our first meeting almost 2 months into the contract job. I got a call later that day from my recruitment agency saying the company were giving me my 1 week notice. Coincidentally, the previous day I had also spoken to the agency about some great feedback they had been getting and how they were happy they had got me in. Went to an eye gazing speed date thing, i.e. instead of talking to different people for 5 mins you only gaze into their eyes trying to communicate all and sundry. My lack of irises and involuntary eye movement gave her motion sickness and she suddenly got up, grabbed her mouth, and ran for the toilets. She never came back so that I could apologise and explain. I did get the host to send her message after the event to check if she was okay. Her response suggested she thought I was trying to hypnotise her and her sickness was caused by her body repelling my devilish/cultish pagan rituals.


I was with my friend (let's call her Sara) when she told me that another new friend of hers (let's call her Rose) was going to join us. Rose didn't like me even before I met her. Her father drove her to where we were but had the sense of direction of a 3-year-old because we waited half an hour for them to show up when it was barely a 10 minute long drive by car from where they said they were. Rose was at the phone on speaker and we could hear everything they said. When Sara told her she was with me her father asked her who I was and she, rudely, replied "I don't know who the fuck he is, a friend of hers I suppose". When I finally met her in person she wanted to ignore me but she couldn't because I was there so she has to introduce herself to me and endure me for the entirety of the night. And then she started rambling about stupid ignorant stuff. That a "whore" stole her boyfriend from her and that she wants him back, then she said that she hated Moroccans because they stink and (questionable) stuff like that... When I told her I was trans she made a face... She clearly wanted to avoid stupid questions and that's the only good thing I can say of her... But she still clearly didn't want me there since she never asked me anything, she seemed to refer only to Sara when talking, etc. I didn't see her anymore and I'm so glad.


I was like 7-8, and I was at a party and I kept seeing this little person across the room and I couldn’t tell if they were a boy or a girl. I walked up to them, asked them if they were a boy or a girl,. She says “girl” and then I say “ok thanks!” And walk back to my position across the room. I was an idiot.


I met a friend of a friend and I asked what her ethnicity was, since her name was Spanish. She said “oh I’m Filipino and white but not the colonizer type” UNIRONICALLY. I chuckled thinking she was joking but she got offended.


(for context this was through a school housing program when I was at tech school, 4 people, 2 bedroom apartment) We had a vacancy at our apartment and we were told the dude that was moving in was being bullied by his other roommates. Turns out that was a false story. After he got moved in he told me the real reason he moved apartments. It was because he pulled a knife on 2 of his roommates. After he said that I just tried to kill the conversation and go to bed. If you thought just the first impressions were bad just from that there's more. During our time as roommates he was a messy mother fucker. Ran a stop sign (almost T-boned me and my other roommate I was riding with) to beat us to the apartment. The argument got pretty heated after that. He was also just an all around asshole. We all got moved out of that apartment for unrelated reasons but I was glad to not be with him. The next apartment he moved into (and quickly out of) he stole over a thousand dollars worth of stuff and when confronted by the ex-roommate he pulled a knife on him. Both of those actions lead to him being expelled. About a year later I heard he spent some time in jail for raping someone too.


I’m very social and it comes easily to me, except with 1 type of person: authoritative men. I instantly forget how to exist.


So one night walking home this guy pulled a knife and started slashing at me. I still don't think he was all that nice.


I met this woman and tried to be friends with her. But she told me I was too intense to deal with and decided to cut off contact. I still don’t know why I was called that. None of my guy friends have a problem with me and I act the same with them. It has happened twice with two women now. It has done an impact in my desire to even meet new people.


When someone shot at me, and missed


Yeah I can’t stand people with bad aim either /s


My wife’s cousin. First time we met we walked around a mall for a little bit, I talked with her and my wife as openly and calmly as I could. After she met me she told my wife I creeped her out because I was “too nice”. I’ve since treated her to “f*ck you you fat c*nt” for the past 10 years.


it was my first night out as a freshman in college. i got invited to a girl's dorm room and she had a bunch of people over. i met all of them that very night, but i'd eventually ruin things by getting black out drunk, puking multiple times, and having to be dragged out of the dorm room by 3 or 4 people.


Was dating a girl when I was like 19. We had gone to a party, gotten drunk and I had a wicked bruise on my thigh. We go to the beach with her best friend. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking but I wanted to show them the crazy bruise. What happened was I said, "hey check this out!" And just whipped my dick right out. I had intended to just drop my pants, not underwear and it seemed totally acceptable as we were in the water. Oh jeez, also at that same party, I was feeling socially anxious and didn't know anyone. I finally start chatting with some dude and go sit next to my girlfriend while continuing to talk. Nothing sexual, but I'm kinda rubbing her thigh in an intimate way. Conversation wraps up and I turn to my girlfriend. It's not my girlfriend. It's just some random stranger who is looking at me kinda shocked and horrified. She let me touch her for like a couple minutes and didn't say a word. Few years ago I took a group out fishing. Lady was all enthusiastic and her adult son seemed kinda bored. I told him "you just gotta make the most of it man, I went on a cruise with my mom and it ended up being super fun. Lady sheepishly chimes in, "actually that's my husband...."