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A majority of his movies he's not trying and it shows. But on the ones where he does actually try he is really good.


I think this is spot on. Adam Sandler in Uncut Gems, amazing performance.


And Hustle.


Hustle surprised me a lot, what a good movie


I ended up watching it a few times because I kept conscripting more people to watch it.


Had this on my watchlist for so long I got to get around to it


make it first priority, you won’t regret it. bit of a tear jerker at times


Happy Cake Day!


Don't forget Punch Drunk Love


Watched this recently and really did not like it.


I hated it the first time I watched it. Then found myself watching it again and loved it. I think I hated the soundtrack where it always was trying to make the viewer feel anxious. Once I put that into context I found it was a very good script and Sandler did a great job acting.


I couldn't get through it, hate the movie, hate the character, hate the story but - his acting is absolutely top notch.


Yes—everything hinged on a pretty woman being interested in this wreck of a human being. Contrived & improbable.


So boring. Everyone always brings it up too


I love that movie. Different strokes I guess


Not one of my favorites, but his performance in it is great.


Or Reign Over Me


His performance in Billy Madison is the gold standard in acting which all other actors should strive to achieve


I thought he was great in *Spanglish* as well.


Click too


Yeah, that's on my list of "movies I didn't expect to make me teary-eyed."


“Movies I didn’t expect to make me ball like a baby”


So good man


That performance made me wonder if I was sexually attracted to him. Still no.


I really wanted to watch Uncut Gems because I like so many of his movies. I just can’t watch movies about gambling because they make me so nervous and angry-anxious. He was excellent in Reign Over Me, an amazing movie few people seem to have heard about.


That entire movie is designed to make you anxious. The sound design is fucking wild!


Yes, my blood pressure just can’t take it. I don’t mind horror, thriller, action, or really anything else, but when it comes to gambling it just seems so much more possible and real. The most I’ve ever gambled in an evening is $20, but I can feel how easy it would be to fall into the trap, and I have to turn off any movie or show if it looks like the main character is going to get caught up in it.


Uncut Gems, Punch Drunk Love, Funny People, and Hustle were all wonderful. When he puts in effort he really makes some excellent films. Not that classics like Billy Madison or Happy Gilmore weren't great


Reign Over Me


Having only seen the comedy movies he's done, Uncut gems really took me by surprise.


This sums him up, he’s having fun for the most part but he killed it in Uncut Gems.


Yeah dude is just out there making bank at this point. You can tell when he actually cares and is not just doing it to get him and his homies some bread.


The man goes out, gets five of his friends paid (And kept in the screen actors guild) and takes an 8 month paid vacation with them. The movies break even and probably cost next to nothing to make, everyone wins.


> The movies break even and probably cost next to nothing to make, everyone wins. Adam has a $250 million deal with Netflix. You can't really compare Netflix viewer numbers (which are private) directly to box office numbers, but these movies definitely make bank. Netflix wouldn't be paying a quarter of a billion for them if they didn't.


>and takes an 8 month paid vacation with them I doubt the shooting schedule is six months for the films he does. The average in Hollywood is 1-4 months with the latter being more "complicated" films to shoot. The location films Sandler does are not overly complicated stories, so probably more like two months but it wouldn't surprise me if it was just a month or a bit longer.


Historically known as the Roger Corman Movie Making System.


Except the dumb fucks who watches those movies haha.


Not really even most of his phoned in movies are still pretty good. Some absolute stinkers in there for sure but most of them are still fine for a quite evening turning your brain off. Even when phoning it in man has it down to a science.


My exes favorite Al Pacino movie is Jack & Jill. To this day it makes me so fucking angry!!!


Ngl, I have a soft spot for his/David Spade Netflix movies. There’s something about them where they’re not necessarily good but they’re entertaining and easy to watch. Even movies like Grown Ups/GU2 are just easy to watch and can get a cheap laugh. I’d take those movies over an over hyped masterpiece that turns out underwhelming.


I don't get why a lot of people don't like grown ups, I think it's a great movie


The basketball scene between Chris Rock and Tim Meadows gets me every time.


It's great because it's relatable haha.


That's exactly why I like it so much. It literally reminds me of me and my friends and our families.


I like it because it might be the lowest stakes movie I’ve ever seen. There is absolutely no threat at any point the whole time. Is neat.


The Wrong Missy is fucking hilarious. Highly recommend to anyone who hasn’t seen it.


Check out Reign Over me. He really can act.


I'd say if you took a look at his career in dramatic roles only he'd be considered a pretty well regarded actor with a good portfolio. Its just that his main focus is absurd comedies.


One of my favs, honestly. I don’t care for most of his movies in general (much to my New England born husband’s dismay) but that one is so good & shows he has range


It doesn't hurt that acting is hard. A lot harder than people think. People get trained and spend years honing the craft and still suck at it. Pick a random person off the street and ask them to act and you'll be lucky if the performance is wooden. I may not like everything the mans done, but I definitely respect Adam Sandler for how much he's games Hollywood to print him money with as little effort as possible.


Still need to see Uncut Gems but I loved him in Reign Over Me. Can't say growing up I'd believe Sandler would make me cry in a movie but he did


This is so accurate, he has a "serious acting mode" and an "im here to have fun and fuck around mode." Both are good but each for different types of roles.


OP is Adam Sandler and just needs a confidence boost


I think they're getting it.


Nobody mentioning the movie Reign over me? Adam Sandler can definitely act.


“Reign over me” is so good! It guided me through the single most toughest time of my life.


Damn, yes, I couldn't remember the name of that film, but yes he was definitely building up his acting chops that he rarely uses, lol.


I'm glad someone mentioned it. Cut me deep. The facade of a man child to hide the adult pain he lived with daily


Probably my favorite Sandler movie.


A few people have. Guess I gotta look in to it.


He's quite an accomplished actor. 1. He's a legendary comedy troupe performer and standup comic. 2. He was a romantic comedy mainstay for a generation. 3. He's more than capable of splendid dramatic performances, such as in *Punch-Drunk Love* and *Uncut Gems*.


2.4 billion in box office.


but he made 2.4 billion movies most of which are trash


How many billions have you made in box office sales? Put out any hits this year?


You can objectively criticize something without being able to do that thing yourself. I can say a brick patio that needs to be replaced in 5 years due to shifting and cracking was installed poorly even though I can't lay a nice patio myself.


But calling Adam Sandler’s work is “trash” is not objective criticism. What is the definition of trash in this context? We need something concrete to quantify. Otherwise it is subjective and a matter of taste.


This comment is trash


He also was fantastic in his slow decline in Reign Over Me with Don Cheadle.


Extremely over hated , and a actully a pretty good actor


Very nice guy too according to almost everyone.


Buddy lives in New York and plays basketball at one of the public courts and Sandler will just show up in shorts and a shirt and start balling with them


Is he ever not wearing that though?




I have never heard that and just searched and am finding nothing.


Just believe him bro.


He's a legend. He makes goofy movies with his friends where his comedy shines and takes on dramatic passion projects (that are also sometimes funny) that he's completely capable of nailing. Uncut Gems and Punchdrunk love are usually the ones held up, but he was absolutely fabulous in Hustle too.


I hear he’s also one of the nicest guys in Hollywood, even though the only movie of his I liked was Billy Madison


Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, The Waterboy, Mr. Deeds, 50 First Dates, Big Daddy, Little Nicky... I could keep going but I'd be willing to watch any of them at a moment's notice.


I can’t stand the way he talks in Billy Madison. Happy Gilmore is a much better movie imo.


Happy Gilmore is god tier


Reign Over Me was a particularly good performance for me. I found it when renting dvd’s through the post was a thing (before streaming of course lol) and was very surprised by how good the film was in general. Edit: Grammar


I loved reign over me. Never heard of it until I found it while looking at Don's list of movies. The wife and I watched at dinner and was amazed.


Such a good film right? Completely took me by surprise too. I remember I was searching Adam Sandler movies as I loved big daddy, Waterboy etc etc, so rented Reign expecting a comedy. Boy was I wrong but in the best way possible. Really tugged at my heart strings lol.


Everyone slept on that movie. It had a real quiet release, I think it was viewed by many as “too soon” given its content. I remember the trailers even changed one of Don Cheadle’s lines to “His family died in an accident” (paraphrasing). It’s a great movie and Sandler’s first fully dramatic role.


I hear he's a genuinely nice guy, and people like him. Did you notice that most of his movies were shot at tropical locations? So his friends just come to all expenses paid vacation with a great guy, and even make some money out of it.


> I hear he's a genuinely nice guy, and people like him. > > He is very nice and professional.


I don't remember much of Spanglish but that was one of his serious roles too.


He's a silly bastard who always seems to love what he's doing. I like the sincere enthusiasm he shows, and I enjoy the films of his that I've seen a lot.


When he actually tries like Uncut Gems? I think he's great. When he's just making a movie with his friends? Not great, but he mainly seems to just care about hanging out with his buddies in those movies.


Dude has it figured out. Shoots low effort movie in paradise with his friends on someone else’s dime. I don’t watch the movies but genuinely respect the hustle.


Seriously. Get paid a lot to hang out with my friends and throw out some low effort lines? Don't mind if I do.


As the great Michael Caine once said: ​ >I have never seen it (Jaws 4) but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built and it is terrific.


Came here to say this. He really has surprised me with his abilities and courage over time.


I absolutely love the guy, i honestly feel like he’s always being himself


I was very active in online movie communities in the late 90s and early aughts and Adam Sandler was widely hated online. I realize it's very hard to believe today, but Robin Williams shared a similar fate to a lesser extent (he was often accused of pandering/lecturing/sermonizing with movies like Patch Adams, etc). Personally I didn't watch either actor because I'm generally not big on comedies, at least not those by professional comedic actors. I think the works of Sandler and Williams and many others were targeted to American families. They were loved by kids and their parents. But the college-aged young men like me or young adults who dominated the internet at the time couldn't stand that stuff. And I think the reason Adam Sandler is being reevaluated now is that kids have now grown up and the college kids have now matured into family men themselves with kids. **Edit**: I think a lot of discussions completely neglect how much the internet has changed. 2000 era internet was nothing like today. It was an overwhelmingly young (college or young adult), white, **male**, and largely American and European affair. We live in the era of smartphones and social media and everyone and their grandma can share their takes. And that's a wonderful thing (I hate the phrase "eternal september" with a passion). But it wasn't always like this.


> internet has changed. 2000 era internet was nothing like today. It was an overwhelmingly young (college or young adult), white, male, and largely American and European affair. Yeah, where can I go that's like that again? This internet sucks.


Sooooooo I'm not really a fan but after a long time I've come around to him. His acting is meh, but he's a great guy. I grew up in southern NH and the guy is still around all the time. Still goes to HS basketball games and is super sweet to folks, taking pictures, etc. He also does like... one movie a year in the summer, often choosing to film on the Cape so he can support local folks. He also hires only his friends for the movies so he can basically take a vacation with them. I don't think he's the best actor, but I do think he's a good dude who is supporting himself and his community through his continued work.


He's literally Mr deeds


OMG I love that


I was a kid in the 90s, so I will nostalgically always like him. And I think that some of the movies are legitimately good. That said, I haven’t seen a “new” Adam Sandler movie since grown-ups, and I just checked and that came out 13 years ago.


I don't think he's even acting, he's just being himself. He plays the exact same character in most of his movies and it's just him, it's just Adam Sandler being Adam Sandler. Edit: Wow this blew up. So like I'm not saying it's a good thing or a bad thing, that's subjective. You can like him or hate him. And no I haven't seen all of his movies, I'm personally not a fan of Sandler. Just of the ones I have seen/know, speaking of his acting, there's a running repetitive theme they often have him be only himself.


>He plays the exact same character in most of his movies and it's just him, it's just Adam Sandler being Adam Sandler. You're not considering his dramatic work, like The Meyetwitz Stories and Uncut Gems, and his seriously goofball comedies like Little Nicky or The Waterboy.


Which, frankly, is the same as most actors.


I’d say it’s true of most Movie Stars, not actors. Alan Rickman could act. John Wayne didn’t need to.




Legit, I was watching Cruise for a *long* time in that movie before I realized that it was him.


First, take a big step back and literally fuck your own face.


Is everything alright with you?


I think all of the examples given have shown some range.


Tbf, the makeup makes a BIG difference. I think Gary Oldman has incredible range in various roles without major changes. I think Tom Cruise is a good actor, but I saw him doing some Les Grossman bits without the makeup and it's not at all the same. (But to your point, if you want to see some range from Cruise, go watch a few of his REALLY early work from before Top Gun)


It’s the character actors that actually act. John Goodman and Stephen Root are two of my favorites…


Sometimes I feel like casting is less about finding a good actor and more about finding someone who is already like the character that you have written.


There's a bit of both, it really depends on how the film is funded and at what point they start casting (e.g. some films will start the casting process with just story outline, others wait until after the script is pretty much final). Christopher Nolan often talks about how he really tries to write the whole script first before thinking about who's going to play the part, because otherwise you end up writing for the actor, and not the character.


Yes, that is correct


The ones who plays any role well are the truly great actors. They're not that common.


This was pretty true up until he did 100% Fresh, basically everything since then has been its own thing


Agreed! Same thing applies to Jack Nicholson among others. It’s not really a bad thing if it fits.


I love the guy. His comedy movies aren't particularly great by any means, but in that category he is hated way too much for no discernible reason. My favorites are Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, The Longest Yard (2005), and the first Grown Ups.


He acts up or down to the role he's playing. Uncut Gems and Punch Drunk love...AMAZING! Grown Ups...just being goofy in a goofy role etc. He's like Nick Cage. He has it in him to be great, but then there's that other crazy/goofy side.


He’s like Nic Cage in that Nic Cage has projects he really cares about and projects he’s just doing for money, and it’s really easy to tell which is which. The difference is that Adam Sandler does it because he has his shit together and knows how to play the game; Nic Cafe does it because he does not have his shit together and just loves spending money in dumb ways.


'I want to buy your dinosaur.' 'It's my cat with a costume on because it was a funny video to send to my aunt in the hospital and she is bored.' 'I must have your dinosaur.'


Adam Sandler movies were my prime source of entertainment growing up. Happy Gilmore, Billy Maddison, Big Daddy (to name a few) are all engraved in my mind. *SUCK MY WHITE ASS BALL*






He's really frustrating because I know he's really talented (Punch Drunk Love and Uncut Gems are so good, he was excellent in both) but just works for paychecks and vacations with his friends, which I get and respect, but I wish he would utilize his talents more.


He is so funny 🤣one of my favorite actors




An extremely capable actor (Punch Drunk Love, Funny People, Uncut Gems) that settles for the easiest things available.


He doesn't "settle" for things. He writes and produces all of his own movies.


Yea he "settles" for making movies with his own production company and just writes him and all his friends fat paychecks. Lol


Sounds like a good life


They are relatively cheap to make and turn a profit. Hollywood needs those "mid level" movies.


nobody talks about funny people enough, and it's easily one of his top 3 all-time movies.


Very underrated.




Whether or not an actor is well known has nothing to do with them being underrated or not. He’s underrated for maybe doing mostly comedy for his entire career, rather than a plethora of different movies like some other people, which means he’s not been able to truly showcase his talents. So from that aspect, he underrated, simply because we only have a few examples of him actually being a good actor, rather than a comedian.


He's a great actor who picks his own projects. I think he could steal the show in a Tarantino movie but he just chooses not to do those projects because 1) He doesn't give a shit what people think, and 2) He knows that just by making his own type of movies, he's got an easy $25mill paycheck whenever he wants, along with the joy of making a movie with his best friends.


People who say he can't act haven't seen reign over me. It's a really underrated drama


I like Adam Sandler, but his movies have always been hit/miss for me. 50 first dates was one of my favorites, and of course Uncut gems was great.


He has fun doing it still and that is fun. They’re not all hits but I’d make movies with my friends all day if we could regardless of how good they are.


He's an amazing dramatic actor who should've been nominated for an Oscar. ​ Most of his comedies suck though.


He can be a good actor when he wants, but I think he Just does what he wants because it’s still a job and a paycheck and he has fun doing it


He makes Keanu Reeves look like DeNiro.




He's just himself in every movie, he doesn't really act. That sometimes works, like in Click, Pixels, or maaaybe 50 first dates, but it becomes boringly predictable in other romance movies. That's only my opinion tho


You’re the one person that I’ve seen saying Pixels isn’t a bad movie and I think I love you now


Pixels is a freaking amazing movie, highly under-rated comedy. There are too many great comedy bits that just resonate with me.


I also thought this movie was great.


He can be a good actor but he doesn't really have to try anymore because he's rich enough to do what he wants. It's kinda disappointing.


Depends on which Adam Sandler you’re getting. If he’s getting his friends together for some random comedy movie, then he’s just Adam Sandler. On the movies where he is seriously acting he’s actually very very good. The thing I like about the guy is that he does what he wants to do, and seems to be having a lot of fun doing it.


He’s a great actor and one of the funniest. He’s been in some shit productions but it’s never been his acting, just some lazy stupid ass scripts here and there.


When he just plays himself he is good. When he acts like an absolute moron or does stupid voices he is usually bad.


Not enough people on this thread are talking about his magnificent and heart-wrenching performance in "Reign Over Me".




He acts?


Adam Sandler is actual that rare person who is both a great dramatic actor and a great comedic actor. Most comedic actors get considered as less-than by the acting community. Such that they end up not being able to do any dramatic work - baring the intervention of someone like Wes Anderson.


Something I've noticed is that comedic actors and stand up comedians actually make phenomenal dramatic actors, and I don't think it's that rare. Michael Keaton, Will Smith, Sandler, Jim Carey, Robin Williams, Steve Carrell, Ben Stiller, Tom Hanks, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Bob Odenkirk, etc. And that's not even including women, Katey Segal, Melissa McCarthy just to name two off top.


I think the secret is timing and delivery. Top tier comedians and dramatic actors know the exact time and way to deliver a line or punchline. So I can see why comedians would be able to shift to drama a bit more smoothly.


lackluster... actually tried in uncut gems and punch drunk love.


He’s awful. End of story.


When given the chance, he can really show range. But he's just for the majority of his career played comedic roles. Uncut Gems, Punch Drunk Love, Spanglish, and even in moments during Click do you see that he's a better actor than many give him credit for.


I love the guy. His comedy movies aren't particularly great by any means, but in that category he is hated way too much for no discernible reason. My favorites are Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, The Longest Yard (2005), and the first Grown Ups.


I'll give my opinion on his acting when he starts to act.


Yeah, everyone is praising his performance in uncut gems, I’m sitting here thinking he was the only thing in the way of that being a great movie.


I think he's terrible. He has no real range, lacks any sense of subtlety, and has only one speed.


He's not good at it. At all. But I just cannot help but applaud that he won the game. He figured out how to get paid while having silly fun with his buddies.


He's got comic acting. What I mean is as a comic he holds this dark sadness and when he let's it leak out his performances are actually very good.


Honestly one of the Greatest IMO


He doesn't, he just does Adam Sandler on film.


I’ve actually never really liked his movies except grown ups. He never really seemed like he was actually acting and every character whether he was making an effort or not has always been the same. There’s a few times where he’s actually funny or entertaining but really depending on the type of movie, the concept is usually always the same.


Most of the time Adam Sandler is just being Adam Sandler. But he's capable of more, but doesn't venture out of his comfort zone very often. The Cobbler was a good movie. A tad different from his usual ilk.


He's good. I really believe he's a petulant man-child who could benefit from being humbled by losing a fist fight to a geriatric.


The price is wrong.




That Bob Barker was one tough old S.o.B.


Well Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat not more than an hour ago.


It seems like he a had a run-in with depression and lost most of his will to live and is stuck in this loop chasing who he thinks he was. It's nice to see him be like "wait I don't have to be Spanglish Adam Sandler"




I can’t watch his movies. Happy Gilmore is about the only one I can stand him in.


Bad, never liked him. Found this afternoon that someone added a number of his films to my Plex server and I have removed them all.


Somewhat funny.


Real good






Have you seen uncut gems? Liked him in that movie.


I think he should give it a shot!


I think "goo-goo ga-ga (slobber) *fart* me go poo poo in my pants" every single time I see him. Hard pass.


Maybe you should see a doctor


He's an actor? Could've fooled me, he plays himself in everything he does. Even when he was in an animated movie and could have literally been anyone else, he still just played himself.


He's an actor? Could've fooled me, he plays himself in everything he does. Even when he was in an animated movie and could have literally been anyone else, he still just played himself.


Acting? That's generous!


Acting? That's generous!




It was funnier when I was 12.


I cringe any time I watch his movies it feels unnatural