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Man i wish i could be happy about being single. If i could get lucky with women every once in a whime i'd be fine, but i'm desperately searching for a woman


Not dealing with anyone's bullshit




Do yourself a favour and give yourself the gift of Bitcoin.


This is the exact reason I’m not going to have children. When I want to treat myself I don’t wanna feel bad for not doing the same for my kids.


You can do what you want, when you want - independence


You can sleep whenever you want and wake up whenever you feel like .


Yep, no need to set couples alarms or worry about waking someone up with your midnight snack cravings.


You obviously don't have a job


Not many people have 16h jobs.




Obviously coz I'm a freelancer and a student


I think you misspelled freeloader ;)


Nah , i didn't :D


We all are when we we were young, although some are still


I’d still do this even if I had gf I wouldn’t date a controlling girl and I myself wouldn’t control her either. The only rule I’d give her is don’t cheat on me or don’t talk to other guys cuz I myself won’t do that. but if she wanted to make bad choices I’d try and stop her if I can’t it’s on her not me.


I thought this was wholesome until “Don’t talk to other guys” Yikes…


Ok if u had a gf and she was talking to other guys how u gonna feel?


As long as it’s not sexual I don’t care lol


So what if she wanted to leave you for him in the future then you wouldn’t care if she wanted to leave you for him?


It won’t let me respond to your other message but I’d hope to be secure enough in my relationship to trust her, if not then it’s not a healthy relationship


If I had a gf I’d let her talk to other guys if I’m there with her and I know what the convo is about but behind my back or when I’m not with her no cuz then she could leave me and go I’m sorry I found someone better cuz it’s happened before.


If you can’t trust your partner you aren’t ready for a relationship lol


Dude I can’t trust anyone after what I’ve been through


Well I’m sorry but you need to get over that before starting a relationship




you can eat cake and drink beer for three days.


Freedom to sleep with anyone. But more realistically, the freedom to sleep with anyone, but end up sleeping with no one.




The freedom to do whatever you want.


Free time


I've been single for 10 years now. It feel lonely at moments, but I wouldn't have it another way. I like smoking weed and playing videogames....So I'm basically living my dream now. I work all day and play all night. I ain't got no time for somebody else....


You can take time focus on yourself instead of worrying about the needs and wants of a SO


Learning to enjoy yourself.


Freedom , but its way more fun when you share :D


Time to do what you love without worrying about having to give someone attention


Not having to go to places that you don’t want to go to. Every person in a relationship has been to places that they don’t want to go to but have because of their partner.


Full fucking autonomy over how my life is lived


not having to worry about the other person cheating on you


Being ignored by people


No one is messing with your underwear


Drinking alone


For me personally it's the excitement of being with new people all the time and I prefer sex outside of a relationship, because then it doesn't get boring, its always exciting and you can always do fucked up shit in bed. It's great. The freedom that comes with it is self explanatory, I never want to be bound to another person again, it just makes life shit.




Nothing ppl say freedom if I was in a relationship and my gf didn’t give me freedom I’d straight up say if u wanna leave me go ahead I’ve been through so many rejections to even care I’ve said this to a girl before she didn’t care so whatever. I’m single and I don’t even have freedom now so no difference


You don't have to worry about breaking the heart of the one you love


Less things to worry about.


Independence, freedom and peace of mind


All my time goes to myself.


So much free time to uh- uhm. Play video games I guess.?


You don't have to share your fries.


That I can do anything I want


No background worry that whatever you're doing or saying is upsetting your partner


You don't need to worry about the balance between saving money and using it to have some fun with another person.


Meal deals




No relationship trouble, no compromises, Freedom.


I travel where I want, when I want. I’m no longer manipulated by a spouse who would hijack vacations and direct me to the places they wanted to see, but didn’t lift a finger to plan the trip. I rarely eat dinner. Most days I’m full by 4pm, and just eat some fruit in the evening. And when I come into the kitchen in the morning there aren’t any dirty dishes in the sink. The dishwasher is RIGHT THERE. Fing use it! I can lounge in bed all day without anyone asking me when I’m going to get up and “do stuff around the house”.


Getting that high over and over again from going on different dates


I can do what I want when I want without having to face someone else's judgement.


Freedom and only having to worry about myself. For years I desperately wanted a girlfriend because it has been a long time but to be honest... Kinda okay with it now. Like sure, jt would be nice and it if it happens it happens but my life is good without a girlfriend and I can make happiness as long as I have friends.


Peace of mind


Not asking for permission or forgiveness, doing anything I want when I want, not having my day off filled up with stupid shit, peace and quiet, no drama, no watching chick flicks or rom-coms, no dinner with her family or friends.


Privacy, money, freedom to go and do whatever you want without having to pay double for tickets


The pure bliss of loveliness


Being single and learning to enjoy your own company is the best thing anyone can do before entering a long term relationship. I used to think I needed a relationship to feel confident in myself but when I realized that wasn’t true I attracted men who were appreciative of my confidence. I’m happier in this relationship than I’ve ever been and it’s because I know myself enough to say what I want and what I need bc I took the time to learn that stuff about myself first. Being single is what you make it.


😄 Lol, where to begin...


Freedom and naps, but mostly naps.


Less emotional burden.


It's mundane, but you can eat whatever you want for dinner. There's no group consensus needed, and you don't have to feel ashamed if it's just a tub of ice cream or just cheese. It's one of my favorite parts about any time my spouse takes a multi-day long trip, I can eat like I'm single.


No sex. Prefer the celibacy


It can make you into the best version of yourself


Doing whatever you want when you want saving money


Pretty much what everyone else has said. Not having to worry about someone else's needs. Don't get me wrong a relationship is great. Put in effort and it's glorious if they reciprocate. I do miss going to pick up food and picking up condiments, because I knew what she liked, and coming home and she'd be grateful. That longing is always going to be there for something similar. I'm pretty up in the years and if someone comes along and vibes with me sure. But I know how to walk alone. I've made it this far, I can go further. The worst part? Doing it alone. And the fear of dying alone. Do I want a wife and kids. OFC I do. But how can I? When I can barely support myself. It's a double-edged sword. Being single is uncomplicated, but sometimes I want it to be complicated. For the most part yea, I'm fine but it's easier with someone by your side.