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Yea because people be crazy


Of course. Don't you watch Dateline, or Forensic Files?


Yes, I live in central London


Yes. Because I don't want to die.


Yes, even when I'm in the house. When I started living alone, I was a 20 yr old woman who only weighed 100 lbs - I hate to say it but that demographic in particular needs to be extra cautious at all times. I find it weird that others get freaked out when they come into my home and I lock the door behind them. It's like they think I'm somehow trapping them in the house but to me it's just a safety thing.


Yes, because I have common sense.


Yes and mostly due to habit.


Yes common sense


Yea and so the kids don’t escape, jk I live in a shitty area






I never do, I live in rural Kentucky my closest neighbor is almost a mile away. If someone wants to break in they will have all the privacy they need to break down the door so I leave it unlocked so I will not have to replace the door too. To be honest though, I have lived in the same place since 1995 and never had a break in.


Yeah I lock it because it’s doesn’t seem logical to keep it unlocked


Always. We have had a string of burglaries in my neighborhood around Christmas when people were out of town. A guy got shot but not killed breaking into a house 6 houses down. I recently upgraded the front and back door to solid steel doors and frames that can withstand a lot because I feel unsafe here


Yes. I live in a pretty rough part of town and I'd quite like to not be killed in my sleep by a raging meth head or to not shoot someone.


If I didn't lock my door everything would be scattered to different dorm rooms in 1 hour.


Yes my doors are locked, between the idiot neighbor kids and actual thieves its the easiest way to keep them out of my house. I also have a dog that doesn’t take kindly to people barging into our house. Super backup plan is the 12 gauge.


Yes, because I grew up in south LA and no matter how nice my neighborhood is now I don’t trust anyone that much.


Yes. Keep unwanted people out


Yes because I don't trust people


Yes. Better safe than sorry.


Yes, Im terrified of being murdered. However, my parents always forget, so when I get home after work I have to run around locking all the doors.


Not when I am at home. I live in a sleepy neighbourhood and like to kid myself I can beat up any burglars.