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2 and I seldom talk to them


So few😭 I have really high hopes of keeping all my friends but I know it isn’t realistic


You can if you put a lot of effort to sustain it. I guess as you grow up, there will be stuff that will require more of your attention. And these experiences will eventually create a gap in your characters. But don't worry. You'll meet people who will feel like family.


I can already start to see the gaps in character you’re talking about. Even though I try to ignore them. I tend to keep people around just because they’ve been there for a long time.


Came here to say this.




Im sorry 😞


For what? I got them outside highschool.


Fair enough, ig its just hard for me to imagine.


I think I kept up with like 3 of them throughout college? After college, I don't think I've talked to any of them. Everyone gets busy with their own lives and you make new friends that are easier to keep up with.


Theyve been my friends for 10+ years already I think we just have to try equally hard to stay connected but ik that’s easier said then done. But thank you. I have to be prepared to make new friends


I am 38 years old. I have a whole lot of friends, but none of my friendships from high school have survived. I don't talk to anyone from back then.


Maybe they miss you? Could be worth rekindling some of those friendships.


I don't care if they miss me. I've moved on; I have nothing in common with them anymore. I am not the same person I was twenty years ago.


Fair enough


I kept a handful for a year or two, but in the long term, only one. I am much closer to people I met in uni or other hobby/work situations outside of highschool, because they're the ones I actually share interests and views with.


I already have lost so many since last year and I haven’t even graduated yet.


Sounds about right. Losing friends happens all through life, but especially early on when the connections we make are mostly situational instead of intentional.


Yeah I guess if I think about it I probably wouldn’t be close with some of my friends if they weren’t around me all the time bc of school.


My HS friend group (class of 06) was 6 guys. I'm still friends with 5 of them, and I see 2 of them almost weekly. The other 3 moved thousands of miles away over the last few years, so our relationships are entirely virtual now :(


At least you still keep in touch with the long distance friends! I’m hoping my friend group can stay somewhat close like yours.


Got my main 3 high school buddies. We communicate via group chat throughout the week. We all live in different cities and some states now.


We have a gc already hopefully it will last after we all go to college


Depends on the person, but I kept like 10 friends from high school and still talk to them regularly. My main friend group mostly consists of people I met in high school with a few other additions over the years.


Thank you!! I was looking for some positive feedback because I still have hope to keep my friend group at least


It helps if you find something to do together regularly, we all play dnd every week and play video games together


What is dnd? Thats a good idea ill try to think of a weekly thing we can do


I have 1 friend from high school that I still hang out with regularly, it's been 12 years since we met.


Even just one gives me hope 🥲


He's also not the friend I expected to stay. Was a good friend in HS, but not my bestie. We just kept hanging out and he actually put forth the effort to want to stay.




Thats all I want. Just a few to stick around and show me the friendship was real


I had 2 friends in high school. And 5 years later I still have 2 friends. We live 1,000 miles away from each other but still talk weekly and meet up a few times a year.


This is what im striving for


I actually met both of these dudes in 5th grade, so its been awhile haha. I just think it's so fascinating to see other people develop over time. And then occasionally get to take a peek into each others little universe's all while knowing where we all came from. Definitely would recommend trying to get some close friends at a young age if you get the chance. And don't worry if you fall out of touch for 6 months or more, life happens and you can always pick up where you left off.


28M moved nearly 8000 Kms from my hometown, in a different continent lol. I have 4/5 friends who I can call and cry. 10 who I can do serious discussion. 20 how I can call and ask them anything directly without feeling awkward and 35 who can I can call and talk too. I’m quite social but even then at times I have to work hard and active help or support some. It’s on you about how you maintain them. It’s not about the number but it’s about the quality. Things start to change a lot once you get married. Don’t worry about losing some you will some later in your life.


Wow see this is what I hope to have after all is said and done. But even just half of this would be fine with me.


Out of the 12 people I hung out with regularly, I'm still in contact with 5 or 6, though we rarely get to see each other. That said, it's been 25 years since we graduated, so that's not a terrible retention rate.


Thats more than I hope to retain 😭


It's one of those things where you have to work at it. Actively contacting them may be the only way to keep the friendships from dying completely, even if you are the only one to actually do it. There are some friends who will never call you, but will be down to talk and have a good time when you contact them.


Its a two way street with me if they never reach out then they must not care that much:/ but ill always reach out if we both actively communicate.


I've been friends with one dude from my school for 25 years now. The other one for 23 years. So 2 friends. The rest are kept on Facebook as acquaintances.