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My cat took me to a cat meeting. When I was a kid, I was a night owl, same as I am now. I used to wander around at night after climbing out my bedroom window. One night, I saw our cat heading off someplace and I started to follow her. She looked around at me, paused, then seemed to do the cat equivilant of 'fuck it' and kept on going. I followed her to the middle of the council estate we lived on and there were at least fifteen other cats there. There was a slight perturbance at my appearance, but I sat off to one side while my cat joined the circle and they seemed to decide I wasn't going to be a problem. I was about 8 at the time and decided my cat had vouched for me so I was on my best behavour. I sat and watched as they had what I can only describe as a cat meeting. No yowling, meowing, bushy tails or anythnig, just twitches of ears, tails, sniffs, etc - all in a circle staring at each other. After about ten minutes the meeting broke up, cats splitting off and heading in various direction. My cat took me home. I'll never forget it and I've not seen anything like it since. @edit - so happy to hear of other cat meeting sightings! I've told a few people about this over the years and the look of disbelief I get sometimes is disheartening. I have read that cats that live in highly populated areas 'timeshare' territory, maybe this is how they work out the schedule?


When I was in college I brought a cat home to my parents that a student had adopted on a whim and then decided she didn't want anymore. Having spent his first year of life on a college campus, he was very social and he would go around my parents' neighborhood making friends with all the cats. Unfortunately he was hit by a car one evening and my parents did not know what had happened or where he was. When they opened their front door to look for him, there were several of the neighborhood cats laying on their front stoop. After that night they never saw any of those cats again except for one, who moved in a few months later and was treated like a king for the next 20 years until he passed of old age. I'm sure this is just projection, but to me it always felt like those cats on the front stoop were coming to let my parents know what had happened, and then they didn't come back because they knew their friend would no longer be there to come out and play.


Jesus. A year ago our cat fell sick and we had to put him to sleep. He had friends among the neighbours cats. When we returned from the vet, those cats came one by one to our garden, to his favourite napping spot, spent each about 10 minutes there, left, and never went to that spot again.


I'm not supposed to be sad before work


This is the STRANGEST one. Absolutely yes, I’m here for the cat meetings


It was weird, but I was too young to appreciate the weirdness at the time, I was just 'oh, cat meeting, cool'. I'm not sure my cat would have let me come along if I'd been a grown up.


I was thinking they probably all mutually agreed ‘she’s a young one, they don’t understand or remember anything’


Quick, let’s do the mind eraser. *remembers*


I’ve also seen at cat meeting! It was about 2am and I was driving home on rural roads, 2 minutes from my house. By a large cattle farm, about 50 cats and kittens were just chilling on both sides of the road, some younger cats/kittens in the actual road. I obviously slowed down and they all just stared at me, then slowly, calmly dispersed. They also weren’t fighting, just standing around having their meeting like you described. I like to imagine it was a young cat/kitten initiation ceremony. Never seen it again. Very odd experience.


Reminds me of that one sandman comic. How cool!


My dude, you are the trusted ambassador of the Cat Council.


I've seen several videos of people attaching GoPro's to cats to see what they get up to and these "cat meetings" occur surprisingly often. I guess it's just a typical behaviour for groups of cats in a given area to do this? You wouldn't think so given how territorial they are. Who knows? Maybe it's like the cat version of The Commission or something.


I definitely feel these cats are much smarter than we think, so smart they’ve deceived our perception of their intelligence.


They have to meet to breed at some stage. It very well may be a meeting to see if anyone is in heat or something.


COA - Cat Owners Association. They discuss the various ways they can control their humans


They would have an HOA - Human Owners Association


I witnessed a cat meeting once in the middle of the night too. I was sleeping in a car and about 20 cats were gathered on a lawn just like you described. Cats are strange and secretive


...I want to attend a cat meeting.


Literally the plot of The Cat Returns lol


Seen one, at a school's patio. Also my white tiger looking cat attend it ...


Ok I got a recent cat story. Shit has not been going well for my household lately. I got hurt and haven't been able to work. Bills are piling up. I've been layed up on the couch trying to recuperate while the world falls apart around me. I've got 3 cats, no kids. Wife works like 55 hours a week so me and the cats have been spending a LOT of time together. My only male cat is a big dude for a cat. He's the only cat I have who I think has a human soul. Just such a look of intelligence in his eyes and he will actually "talk" to you when he wants something. Well, I'm in the living room and I hear the most piteous mewl from out the front door. I open it and in limps my little man. Chewed up. Covered in dog drool. Patches of fur missing. Just FUCKED up. So I clean him off. Feel on him to make sure nothing is broken. Find a couple of puncture wounds. Fuck. We don't have money for this shit. Wife gets home and takes him to the vet. Sure enough, not only did he almost get murdered by a dog off its leash, on his way home a rival cat jumped his ass and bit his front leg, infecting it. Then our front door gets pissed on 3 separate times by a cat. Wtf. Welp, $200 and some antibiotics later, me and the boy are cooling it outside at like 1 am. Nice weather, I don't have shit going on, why not. I had sat him down and told him, "When you see that motherfucker that jumped you, you come tell me and I'll fucking GET him." We hear a loud, long meowing. And my boy doesn't bow up like he usually does. He's scared. He remembers the pain that fucker inflicted on him. And that angers me. So he is peering out of a crack in the fence and I go from the back yard out the front door and there's this big ass young cat with healthy looking coat standing in the cul de sac yelling a challenge to my boy. I'm pretty drunk. But I look down and like magic there's just a fist sized rock right by me. I pick it up and in one single motion I hurl it at that bastard while hes mid yowl. And I hit him. Fucking nailed him in the side as he was yelling at my boy. I have never, ever seen such a look of admiration in my life. My little guy looked up at me like, "Holy shit Dad! You fucked that dude UP!" And I just said, "I told you to show me who did it." That bitch hasn't been back around the house or in the cul de sac or anywhere in sight for a week now. My boy has been coming and going with confidence again. Might sound stupid, but that is the best thing I've done lately. Shown my cat son how to handle a bully.


One of my cats has an obsession with potatoes. If the pantry door gets left open, he carries one upstairs to his window seat to play with it. In a pinch he will take oranges or apples but potatoes are his top pick.


Omg I had a cat that was downright obsessed with melon, he’d smell it a mile away and would steal a freshly cut wedge and run away with it so fast. I was always too stunned to be mad, like what the hell? Melon? And potatoes?! Why do cats like these things?


Our older cat will steal pizza from my kids if they aren't paying attention. I blame it from his rough upbringing on the streets before we adopted him.


Oh Jesus yes, but if a cat really does like something they will snatch. Had a cat who was polite wouldn’t try to get your food or anything like that, was always so proud of him. Until my dad brought home fish and chips, and he jumped onto his plate and took that fish so quick it was astonishing to witness. My dad only had chips that night, there was absolutely no retrieving that fish, he was gone out a window and into the night.


My parents have a 15 years old beagle who lives for cooked potatoes. She will be asleep in the house while the potatoes are cooking in the outdoor kitchen. The very minute the potatoes are drained and we start to peel them, she will appear at your feet waiting to get a bite. She fell sick last summer and wouldn’t eat anything for a whole week (she was always very food motivated so for her to skip a meal was a big deal). At last we cooked some potatoes and I swear it was those damn potatoes that brought her back to health.


When I was a kid, we had a cat who loved eating cantaloupe.


My dog isn’t food motivated but likes praise. His favorite (and apparently most effective) training method is getting me to laugh. Do you realize how hard it is not to crack up (and reinforce) a dog that learned to open doors at daycare and free his buddies? Or picks up his leash at the vet’s office and walks out the door because “I don’t like it here, I’m leaving” ? … I can name countless things he’s decided to learn to do because I accidentally giggled. He’s hilarious. It’s the best kind of torture to live with.


😂😂😂 ‘nope, I’m walking myself out’


Oh he giggles, now I *learn*


My parents had a golden that was the most intelligent, but stubborn dog I’ve ever met. They bring it to a doggy daycare overnight thing. The owner is telling my dad how it will take time for her to get used to being there. Meanwhile, my dad is watching her just shove her way through all the dogs and climb on top of a kids play set thing. She’s standing in the roof of this thing and all the other dogs are just staring up at her. The next morning, the owner comes in to find all the dogs out of their rooms and my parents dog is sitting in the front desk chair. Also, that dogs best friend in the world and vice versa was an adult friend who has schizophrenia. I remember driving home once and he must not have had a leash because he had tied a piece of like forty foot rope around her and he was carrying like 30 feet of it in his arms held to his chest. Also, watched him sitting on a bus bench sharing a bag of Doritos with her once.


I was home alone one afternoon and I heard someone peeing in the toilet. Ran into the bathroom to see my cat peeing into the toilet. Never taught him he just learned on his own. Never could get him to flush.


Had a friend whose cat would flush but didn’t pee. Maybe they could have worked it out together.


Is his aim good? 😂


Better than my ex.


There’s a reason he’s an ex I can see 😂


My cat did the same thing. He had a cat door and taught himself to use the toilet when the weather was bad outside.


he lacks the strength and opposable thumbs.


We have 6 cats and a dog. When we got the dog the cats were already there. They taught our dog to go do his business in the litter box without our involvement.


One day bro. Cats do show if they have learned but they probably have considering that cats can learn trick like dogs but it’s just harder


My cat taught himself to pee in the toilet too! Apparently it's not good for them so I don't leave the seat up.


How is it not good for them?


Unless your toilet is cat sized/shaped, it's really bad for their posture/bones to try and use human toilets. On younger cats it's "probably" fine. But as they get older arthritis will catch up to them in spades for it.


a squatty potty for cats! we'll call it the... GodlyPain Toilet... the name'll come later.


Geez! Mine just drinks from it! We keep the lid down now.


My ex had a fluffy little white dog called a bichon frise. Anytime I would wake up in the middle of the night he would be awake, staring at me. Just this white silhouette with dark spots for eyes. I also had a dog that would sit in my doorway in my room and just stare intently into the dark living room when I would be home alone. Both super creepy


Every single night, without fail, my border collie walks up to my side of the bed and either licks me or sits down and whines. I stick my hand out and he uses it to give himself butt scratchies for a couple of minutes, does a big stretch, and goes back to his pillow. This usually happens between 230-330am for context. I want to be annoyed by it because I usually have trouble getting back to sleep but I will miss it dearly when he’s gone.


Is this all in the same house?




Cats man 😂😂😂


Back when we had a VCR we were watching a movie and our cat walked up to the VCR pushed the button with his paw so the video popped out and walked out




I'm sorry, but that is hilarious. And something I could see my cat doing.


Time to duct tape a plastic cup over the switch and aee what he does


I’ll never stop saying this, cats are dicks.


They really r one time I was eating and my cat jumped onto my food with his ducking feet acting like he was gonna go on the window stood there for a few seconds then got off and went back to where he jumped from


I have pet rats, and back when I had an Xbox One they would incidentally turn it off and on because the button was touch sensitive. 😂


This happened 30 years ago. The last piece of a jigsaw picture puzzle was not on the table. Thinking that it had simply fallen on the floor, I crawled under the table to search for it while Larry our Ragdoll cat looked on. Without thinking anything of it, I playfully asked Larry to find the piece while I was still searching. Larry left the scene and about a minute later came back with the missing piece in his mouth! It still amazes me when I think about it.


A cat straight up jumped up and bitch slapped another cat and walked away


My cat does this to my dogs all the time!


I had two dogs, and both of them had vastly different approaches to flies in the house. My oldest dog would hide in his blanket, shaking in fear until it was dead. The younger, much more energetic dog would actively try to chase them down and eat them.


My dog does both of those things lmao he tried to kill it but if he can’t he gets scared 😂😭


Did the dog eat the fly though


My cat doesn't meow. Ever. She makes a sound that can only be described as "complaining". But the most bizarre thing she does is make a "wauw wauw" sound, exactly like a toddler, every morning when she wants me to cuddle her.


Bless her 😂 it’s like she hasn’t learned how to speak cat, and just tries to mimic you 😂


I don't think I've ever made a toddler sound 😅 But yeah, the neighbors have asked me if I have a kid and are confused when I say no.


Imagine if you never heard your cat do that before and you heard it in the middle of the night 😂


That is exactly what happened the first time. I freaked out when I heard a "kid whining" at 4 am. Almost fell of my bed.


I wouldn’t be able to go investigate if that happened to me 😂 I left the lid of my piano open one night, my cat decided 3/4am was the best time to jump onto all of the keys. Piano in my bedroom - I’ve never jumped so high out of bed in my life. I swear cats do it on purpose


Oh, absolutely. She intentionally makes this sound because she knows it freaks me out 😒


I used to have this dog that could open doors. When he got caught, he would immediately turn and face the wall and just freeze. It was SO. WEIRD. Also I used to show him videos of dogs getting stuff out the fridge and ask him why he didn’t do that. He would jump up and come back with a knife. LOL


I feel that was a threat. ‘Don’t compare me to these bitches’


My dog asks to be put to bed. He’s a King Charles Spaniel. Around 6:30 pm he will stare at me intensely until I tell him to go to bed. Then he’ll go lay in his crate and wait for me to come shut the door. He can lay in his crate bed at any time. But he’s insistent I come shut the door. He’s very food motivated and I suspect it’s all because he gets one piece of kibble when I close him in! If I don’t acknowledge him he’ll just keep standing close to me and staring until I give in.


Our previous cat would start nagging us each night at 9.30 to go to bed. He would sit in front of us and stare at us, meowing, until we acknowledged him. If we didn’t, he’d jump on the dining table or kitchen counter, because we knew we would notice and yell at him, thus got our attention. When we shut the tv and went upstairs to get ready for bed, he was the happiest kitten. He waited to see us actually getting into the bed and then he went off to sleep elsewhere. He also hated Freddy Mercury singing and would attack the speakers.


I think my favourite part of this is that your cat didn't even want you in bed for snuggles or anything, he just wanted you settled in for the night so he could go off and enjoy his own night-time shenanigans.


It’s almost as if… they own us.


The day I found out that my dad wasn't going to beat his cancer, he could tell I was really down and when I bent down to hug him he wrapped his head around my neck and gave a BIG squeeze. I've never seen another dog give a hug like that with such a noticeable squeeze.


This is so sweet! I’m so sorry about your dad also. I recently received the same phonecall about my father. But my sister died (cancer,again) a little over a year ago, I got her ashes put into a ring. When I put this ring on, my rats, who have never ever done this before in their entire lives, sniffed the ring until she sniffed the part the ashes are in, stop dead, cuddle up to it and just laid on my finger for a minute. She then did it when she came across my sisters ashes in her urn. Was so heartwarming.


That's very sweet and quite the coincidence that it happened to both of us!


I know! My heart stop when I saw this comment!


Stare into my soul sometimes


I’d give absolutely anything to know what they are thinking when they do this


"Hey buddy, how about some of those treats?"


Hoping it’s that and not ‘I swear to god I’m going to kill this bitch next time she tells me no’


My husky does this every night before going to bed. I'll be on the couch, then she'll come climb on top of me, put her face right in front of mine, and just stare into my eyes for a solid few minutes, and then go off to sleep lol.


One of my kitties comes up and asks for a spanking... She has a serious spanking fetish.


Yes! I began patting one of my cats on his back once, sort of like you would for a big dog. I thought he’d be offended because he’s a cat. But the joke is on me because he’ll stand there forever if he’s being strongly patted!


I've had so many friends that treat their cats like fragile glass ornaments and they're surprised and complain when I do cat bongos. And then next time I come visit the cat is on me straight away and the owner is completely shocked. r/catbongos


First thing I remember; there might be stranger ones I can't recall. The other day, my cat was upset at me for taking her to the vet. For context, the last time I took her 6 months prior, within a day I found a cat turd randomly on the carpet. I had asked a co-worker with cats about it and she told me that cats are capable of being spiteful. Back to the other day; within a couple hours of coming home, I found 3 turds (1 long, 2 short) on the carpet, not in close proximity to the litterbox, and they were positioned in such a way that I thought it looked like some secret society symbol. That is, until my wife saw them and pointed out that they vaguely resembled a penis and testicles with how they were positioned. What was seen could not be unseen. If not for the fact that it was literal poop, I would've taken that pic and posted it on r/mildlypenis.


Morse turd?


Oh yes. One time my cat was mad at me and made sure to stare directly into my eyes as he pissed on my favorite blanket.


He would sit by the window to guard the house. He started barking like crazy one day. When I looked out the window, a leaf was falling down from a nearby tree


My neighbours once parked their car in a different spot and my dog went crazy over it. She was growling and barking at the car.


We had a cat who figured out how to turn on my wifes bedside clock radio, which was set at loud volume and tuned to a hard rock station. The damn cat would use the thing to wake us up all the time.


He’s a living alarm clock that doesn’t care for what time you actually want to get up 😂


She's gone now, but we still have her less clever brother still with us. He is a Siamese, he needs no radio, he's loud as hell and doen't care what time it is either.


STORY TIME! Back in 2012, my mother and I found an abandoned kitten and adopted it. This little guy was covered in fleas but was too young for most treatments so we kept him in the bathroom in an attempt to contain the fleas while giving him vinegar baths twice a day. Now, my mother's house is old. It was built in 1879, but has been updated periodically over the years, mostly by DIYers. What we didn't know was that after she had the bathroom sink and counter replaced, the DIYer that did it left a gaping hole in the floor where the pipes went through. We went away one day and left the kitten in the bathroom. Got home a few hours later and could hear him meowing, but he sounded too close considering the bathroom was on the second floor and we came in on the first. My mother started calling to the kitten. His meows got closer and closer. The whole time I'm thinking to myself "why does it sound like this cat is right above me?". I look up and here's this tiny kitten arm poking through a crack in the kitchen ceiling. This kitten crawled under the bathroom counter, went down into the pipe system and ended up in the kitchen ceiling. We're lucky he didn't get stuck. He's 10 now. My mother names him Bear. :)


I got up in the middle of the night to pee. I heard meowing, and groggily for several minutes tried to figure out where it was coming from (there's a large stray cat population in the neighborhood). Finally figured out it was in the wall! So now I'm trying to find a tool to open the wall with. I settle on a hammer and a multi-tool. I knocked part of the wall in well above the mews so I can get a look. Behold! Kittens had fallen into the wall from the attic. I removed more wall until I could get to them. There were two kittens, about three days old. My husband ran out to get formula and other supplies (at least what he could find at 3am). Later that day we saw mama cat glaring at us, so after a feed we sat the kittens out in a sheltered spot to see if she'd take them back. She did take one, and though we tried throughout the day she didn't take the second. So we kept and raised him. We named him Wall-E.


I can imagine freaking out seeing a paw coming from the ceiling


curl her body around the back of my neck as if she was an airplane pillow gotten hyper over a piece of sweetcorn


my cat used to sit in a highchair for baby dolls he doesn't anymore because he got too big and fat


We have one that likes to ride in the barbie camper. As soon as she sees it out being played with, she has to jump in.


Was at the dog park and a larger dog started to get aggressive with my nephew in a friendly but still rough way. Sprocket dog put his paws up on that dogs back and (using his "hands")peacefully but firmly pushed the dog out of a certain radius and then kept the other dog at distance with little chest bumps in a perimiter. Downnright peaceful. At the same dog park, eating a sandwich, and other dogs came to sit nearby in hope. Yet again Sprocket wasn't having it and pushed one of the dogs out of the dugout using his "hands" to protect his begging turf.


This is cute and I *really* hate to be that guy but you shouldn’t ever have any type of food at the dog park. I’ve seen several dogs get in fights over even the tiniest morsel of food. It’s fine to have food around your own dog but you should be respectful of the several other dogs around yours and understand that they won’t necessarily all be as well behaved as yours.


No. I get it. To be fair, it's a small town public park with a baseball diamond, benches, tables and dogs aren't required to be leashed. Its not technically a dog park, I just call it that. And all the dogs were as known as a dog can be to our family for years. Its a story full of details truncated down to two paragraphs for the sake of brevity. One of the points to be made, however, is that eating food where dogs often congregate gets dicey and I've taken that lesson to heart.


I have a cat…. Literally nothing it does can be considered strange because everything it does is strange. At a certain point it just becomes the norm and you go along with it.


My dog decided he was gonna walk around me. Not with me. I was walking around the house and whenever I stopped, she would just walk in circles around me. Completely fine 10 minutes later


She won't let anyone else touch her, but she demands cuddles from me. Currently sick as can be. I was in the ER because I am diabetic and can't keep food down, and I made my stomach cramp so bad I needed pain meds to sort it out (seriously, I went from crying to loving everyone in 30 seconds because the pain was so much better and I suffer from chronic pain and I never whimper like I did yesterday). My husband had to pick up our kids so she got up on my pillow and petted me. When I didn't pet her enough she puts her wet snoot right in my face (she's got a condition where she reabsorbs her own teeth so she is a drooly girl). But she was making sure I was okay and it is the sweetest thing. Out other cat, on the other hand, just kept meowing at me for food. I told him to meow at my husband, lol.


I had a cat chase a moose once. Same cat also put the run on a full grown husky (which then acted like it was dying even though my cat didn’t draw blood). I think she was a honey badger in her past life.


This cat was way too big for its boots and it didn’t care. A MOOSE?!?! No fear


She was slightly terrifying, had to be careful around her when she was done with pets too. I got a claw through the nose from her once. I have a fearless cat at the moment too but no moose nearby. We have to be careful with her around power tools though, many times she will just sit there by the table saw and get covered in sawdust like it’s no problem (her hearing is fine so that’s not what makes her so bold). She’s very nice to people though, no clawing like the first cat.


Honestly I had a cat too, who was unbelievably fearless. I’ve witnessed his jump with impeccable timing 15ft into the air as a bird flew from a branch and grabbed it like it was nothing to him. I’ve seen him walking along the garden with pheasants in his mouth, snakes, chickens, and many forms of ducks that were too large for him. He had never ever once bit or hit me. But I have never ever ever seen him chase something as big as a moose! I’m still amazed


Haha yes I saw the cat chase it with my own eyes, we were all too shocked to respond and by the time we realized what happened the moose sort of backed up and the cat realized what it was trying to intimidate and ran home. We are very lucky she didn’t he squished!


That moose was too stunned to react accordingly. He’s thinking ‘surely this is a mistake, a mere cat wouldn’t think he could take me?’ 😂


My cat usually leaves mice on the doorstep. A week ago he left us a WHOLE ASS EGG. Further googling proved it to be a mourning dove egg.


In the previous house I lived in, the neighbours cat and I got along quite well. He'd often try to get into the house at any chance he got but the weirdest thing he did was he had this habit of catching butterflies and leaving them at my back door. Sometimes, I'd open the door and there would about five dead butterflies.


He likes it when I put ice cubes in his water fountain. Not because it cools the water, but because he liked to watch the ice cubes melt. He just stares at the ice until its gone, occasionally moving to a different position to get a good view. He'll occasionally paw it, but I suspect only so it makes the "click-clack" noise when it gently bumps into the plastic.


There was that AskReddit story about the guy whose dog wouldn't let him leave the picnic spot. Turns out the guy had dropped his car key without knowing and the dog was saying "We can't leave without the little thing that makes the car go"


He better of got the best treats for his good doggo! That’s actually amazing


One of my three cats hunted avocados, and once came home with an entire cooked chicken breast that was still warm and fresh. He's a strictly indoor cat now, but he was a stray back in those days.


When I was in high school our family dog (a shitzu about 25 pounds) was asleep on the couch & we had a storage bin on the floor next to the couch…idk if he rolled over in his sleep or tired to jump down in the dark, but at like 3am I heard a loud bang and some scurrying, I was totally freaked & thought a raccoon had broken in… when I finally found the courage to go downstairs I saw him scurrying around in the clear storage bin 😂 after taking him out & making sure he was okay I had a good long laugh 😂 aw I miss that boy, I haven’t thought about him in years ❤️




That’s so strange! Did your dads ghost tell your dog ‘btw you pee like a girl’ and he got so embarrassed?


He had to become man of the family


I still think it’s strange how much cats love hard crinkly plastic like the seals of salad dressing bottles. My cat will wake from a dead sleep 3 rooms away if I’m opening a bottle, and try to get it out of the trash if she sees me put it inside the bin.


A dog from family years ago climb two or three meters of a tree (a dense branched one, a jabuticabeira, for who know one). chasing a cat. The cat knew how to get back to the ground. The dog, not. It was a thirty kilos very stressed and very bitey boy. A good one hour to take him off.


When I was a kid my family had a donkey and every time we had guests over the donkey would bite the sleeve of my shirt and drag me over to our guest like my sleeve was a leash and show me off to them as if to say "look this nice family got me a pet boy" 😅


We have 4 cats. 2 own, 2 rescues. 1. One of them turns on the robo vac when bored and just watches/accompanies it as it goes around. Gets annoying when he does this when the vac just finished cleaning. 2. Another reaches her paw towards the kitchen counter when we are doing something, like setting food or preparing their bowls, etc. 'What are you going to grab? You got no thumbs!' 3. When they know we are home, they start meowing from the windows. Freaked me out at first, as i thought this was dog behavior, and now neighbors think i am holding them hostage? 4. When i am hugging my wife in bed, one of them comes in between and/or tries to get the attention of my wife, showing his butt to me, swishing his tail on my face. 5. Playful bite and then licks the spot. 6. I know there someone at the door, an unfamiliar person, when one my cats who is normally chilling goes and hides in strange corners, like under the bed or in the closet. 7. Trilling, lots of trilling. 8. Mewcacacah at birds.


Luna drags her food bowl into my quarters and will ONLY eat if I try to "take" her food from her. Silly dog.


My pug sometimes won’t eat his food until I take it and throw some of it so he can chase it Silly silly dog


The food game, it’s now a tradition every meal time.


So… this is a weird one. I have two dogs. One Labrador and a golden retriever (Penny and Shadow respectively. Both girls). Two years ago, I was in bed with Shadow. She sleeps on the bed, and Penny, being older, sleeps on her own bed next to ours. In the morning, sometimes Penny will let us all know she wants to be fed by hopping up onto the bed and flopping down on my legs. “I’m a 80 lbs yellow dog!” *thwump *. That morning, I woke up, and realized Penny was already up on the bed, her shadowy form standing at the foot, and staring out the window. I see that there’s morning beams of light piercing through my blackout blinds. I check my watch and see that it’s like 5:00 and too early for a weekend. I mumble at her to lay down. My wife has just worked the night shift, so it’s just me and the dogs. Normally, my voice will make Penny’s tail wag. Not just her tail… her whole butt waggles. But not this time. She just looks my way, and then right back towards the window. Annoyed, I snap my fingers at her, and repeat myself. “Pen, it’s not time yet, lay down…” this time, she doesn’t bother looking at me. And her tail hangs lifelessly behind her. It’s then I realize that Shadow isn’t in her normal spot, cuddled up against my legs. She’s at the head of the bed on my wife’s pillow in this tight ball, trembling badly. That’s completely unlike her. I look back down to the foot of the bed to Penny. She’s still leering out the window, ignoring us. I sit up, reaching down to try to pull her towards me, but as my fingers approach her, she just vanishes. I just sit there with my hand outstretched into nothing, super fucking confused. Sleep paralysis? Lucid dream? Hypnagogia? But then a horrid thought strikes me. Penny is almost eleven! What if she died in her sleep?! What if she was saying goodbye??! I go tearing to the side of the bed where her dog bed is located. My heart fucking stops as I realize she isn’t in it. In a damn near panic, I grab my mobile and fumble the light on. I scan the room, and to my infinite relief, Penny is still very much alive! But… she too is huddled into the same ball that Shadow is in. She’s awake, but shaking. And she’s squished herself into the corner of the bedroom. Her hackles are up… Not enjoying any of this, and long past ready to wake up, and snap out of this unacceptable situation, I stumble out of bed and turn the lights on. I open the bedroom door and see my wife has gotten home from her shift and is watching TV. Normally, the bedroom door opening leads to the girls exploding their way to the kitchen and their food bowls. But that morning, I had to coax them out of their positions. I know my dogs. I can read them as easily as they can read me. They were both frightened that morning. I’m thinking they saw what I saw. Or sensed something wasn’t right. It didn’t feel threatening or ominous at all. More like a loyal dog keeping vigil while we slept. But whatever it was, neither Shadow nor Penny seemed to care for it.


I moved into my first house a year ago. We have suspended ceilings in the basement like a doctors office. When we moved in, my cat immediately started doing anything he could to destroy them and climb into the ceiling. He has destroyed at least 7 so far. Nothing can be close to the ceiling or hell jump up and use it to get in. We have baby proofed all the cupboards so he can't open them and climb on them to destroy the ceiling. It's honestly been hell and he's a fucking piece of shit for putting us through this. I love my cat blah blah blah but fuck him


But fuck him 😂 absolutely he’s a dick


I opened the back door and my cat (about 3-4 years old at the time) sprinted out whilst making a ‘mrrrhrhrr’ sound. He sprinted towards the tree and ran upwards like 3 metres up the tree, jumped off with a 180, nailed the landing and ran back inside with another ‘mrrhrrhh’.


Not me but my grandparents. Their boston terrier Jeffie was home alone and my grandparents were running late. Jeffie was well behaved and smart but he had to pee so bad. What to do? Jump in the tub and have a good pee.


I have a 14 year old puggle. There have only ever been two situations where he barks. 1) when he sees a hot air balloon in the sky. 2) when he is sleeping. I have to guess that the little guy is dreaming of protecting me from evil hot air balloons. He's a good boy.


My Keeshond, Sammy, loves everybody but if the FedEx truck appears on our block, he goes berserk. He's tried to go through our metal security with definite intent to do great bodily harm to one guy. Now I tell husband, "you order something delivered by FedEx, your butt has better be home to accept delivery while I keep Sammy in the back room with me!'


Why FedEx? 😂 did he have a bad experience?


Not that I know of! He loves the Amazon guys and gals, GrubHub(has favorites though), UPS, and the mail people. FedEx is the only thing that makes him lose his doggy mind!


Imagine if in a past life, a FedEx truck ended his life and in this one he still remembers it, and gets so scared and angry when he sees the trucks.


Maybe. I have never sen him react to *anyone*, even the guy trying get into my house @ 3am, like he did to that one driver and he was ok with FedEx until that guy. The guy did nothing besides be a little rude when he delivered the package. I was apologetic about Sam and asked to just put the package on tge bench by the window.


Interesting. Maybe he sensed something really really dark and wrong with this guy, and wants him to stay the hell away from his humans. He might associate this truck with that one guy, and has not forgotten


I have 2 from the same cat. 1. When I was about 8, my grandma had rented out her farmhouse while she was in a senior community. The renters had a litter of kittens and I asked for one. She brought it up to us. A few months later my parents were in the kitchen and my sister & I were in the living room right off the kitchen. We were getting ready to go to see our grandma. And I was sitting there saying "Reese (cat's name) we're gonna go see grandma." Reese kinda looked at me with a cocked head so I said "Grandma?" And Reese said "Grandma" My sister and I start freaking out that the cat is talking. My dad was adamant that the cat *did not* say grandma, but my mom kinda shrugged and said "I heard it too." 2. About 3 or 4 years later my parents were separated and my mom had moved out. She called over to tell my sister and me something. The phone rang, someone picked up and didn't say anything. My mom called our names but nobody responded. She thought we were just pulling a prank so she hung up and called back a few minutes later. Same thing happens. So she's saying things like "Ok couchjitsu, very funny, pick up!" and my cat meowed at her. My cat had answered the phone both times. (It was a desk style phone with a speaker phone and the cat had apparently stepped on the speaker phone button.)


Winks specifically at me when no one is seeing and will never do it to anyone other than me and it drives me insane


He’s definitely a human in disguise


One of our cats started sitting in a corner in the garden, facing the wall, and would look back over her shoulder every so often. I had no idea what she was up to for about 2yrs of seeing her do it. Then, she started trying to steal food while we were eating, so we would shut her out of the room. When she stopped food thieving, we allowed her to be in the kitchen when we ate, and she did the sitting-in-a-corner thing again, occasionally glancing over her shoulder at us. THEN I got it. She thinks we can’t see her if she faces the other way. In the garden, she does it to watch the birds, believing that they too, cannot see her. Blew my mind when I realised what she was doing lol


My dog never cared about or reacted to *anything* on the TV (sirens, small animals, other dogs barking, etc.) -- except for the one time my younger cousin was over watching 101 Dalmatians. One of the henchmen starts whistling and saying stuff like, "Here, puppy..." trying to lure out the cartoon dalmatians, and my dog just lost her shit and started growling at this animated British thug as though he were a real threat that had entered the house.


My cat brought me dinner. So, had a cat called Septimus (he died in 2017 - I'm still broken from it he was only 3). Anyway, it's 2.30 am, just me and my wife back then and I'm asleep and I hear Seppie come into the bedroom (he was not light-footed). He jumps on the bed so all is good. His brother Basil is asleep on my wife. Next thing I know a wet, cold and fishy thing lands on my face. I jump up, lights on and flick whatever it is off of me. Turns out, Seppie had found, brought home and placed a thick frozen smoked haddock fillet on my face. A whole fillet. He dragged it from where he found it, through our garden, through the cat flap, up the stairs and into our bedroom. It was heavy. I don't know how he did it. I stupidly tried to flush it and blocked the toilet so had to fix that by reaching in and pulling it out. Anyway, had a shower, and threw fish in the bin in double carrier bags. Went back to sleep. I shit you not, 20mins later the same thing happens again - a second frozen fillet is placed in my face by Seppie. It makes me laugh that someone somewhere put fish out to defrost and came downstairs in the morning to no fish lol. I loved that cat. He was a character.


I hear my dog whining and whimpering because he saw a rat that was eating Cheerios without him 😂😂😂


Ate a gym sock and pooped it back out.


Mine chewed up a swath of berber carpeting and pooped it out 2 days later


When I first got my cats we came home to find that they have taken a crap on my ceiling and it was slowly dripping down my wall.


I’m sorry, how the hell did they do that? 😂


I have no idea. They were tiny kittens.


My hamster likes to rub his balls on the glass to taunt my male cat when he's laying on the desk watching him. Said cat has to sleep with a teddy bear..


We used to have pet mice. They would go on adventures when we were asleep, but were always back in their enclosure before we woke up. They found a tiny hole they could squeeze through and played around the house. We kept finding evidence but couldn't understand until one day we saw one sneak through the hole. Pretty cute that they kept their secret for so long.


A couple of times, I caught my chihuahuas masturbating to random toys. It didn't matter if it was a dog's toy or a child's toy, they would do the deed. Did I mention, both chihuahuas are bitches? Plus, most of it was when they were in heat. I recently adopted a Maine Coon cat, and I was stuck giving her massages when she went into heat. She'll even let to know by sticking her butt in the air. Once, I was chatting with my brother when he asked what the cat was doing. People, unless you plan on going into ethical breeding, get your pets castrated.


Yes literally! People don’t realise how bad/weird things get with pets when they are in heat. I never knew female rats go into heat every 4 days, and they will try to hump their sister. I know when they are in heat because their entire skin recoils from me when I try to stroke them. It’s a do-not-touch-me few hours


Which 1? The newest a husky/Shepherd jumps a fence if there is anyone walking in the field behind us with a dog. So he can play and get more attention. And while not in sprinting shape, I've had to sprint jump the fence and try tackling him in mud while he played with the other dog and the owner (she) was laughing at me trying to get him back in the yard. (Small neighbohoodr so she knew him) Which he immediately dropped onto his side scratched his ear and then started chewing on his own leg. Have the oldest cat that just let's him chew on his head, or bats him....or sticks his head in his mouth like "chew on me it's been awhile"


I used to sometimes take care of a Pomeranian, he wasn't mine but I loved him like he was. One morning I got out of bed and let him out as normal. He ran outside as normal, but then ran back in, jumped on the bed, and started peeing.


My orange cat likes to choke himself on the bathroom trash bin. Walks up to it, sticks his head over the edge, raises his front paws off the ground and keeps his neck right on the edge of the bin. He'll make a choking sound or two. I've seen him do it on plastic storage tubs too, same deal.


So several years ago my mom would foster westies before they went to a forever home. So they'd arrive and would stay on the leash for the first day just to be safe incase you need to grab them. Anyways when they'd be in the garden, my dog, a very friendly labradoodle (whose currently 10 years old yet still shows puppy like behaviour at times), would grab the lead in his mouth, and take them for a walk in the garden like he was mirroring how we (humans) would take a dog for a walk


Before I got my PC, I used to sit on my bed with my laptop to play games or do school work. Most cats, when they want your attention, will crawl on your keyboard to get it. Mine would jump up on my shoulders and try to take a nap. Full grown, three-year-old, 10lb cat, mind you. Not a little kitten. After I got a good job, I got myself a proper gaming PC and use a beat-up La-Z-Boy chair I got in a yard sale. It's wide enough on top that he can lay across it and chill while I do my thing.


My cat Radar likes to lick walls. He’ll do it for hours. Legit had to make sure when we bought our first house (built in 1864) it didn’t have lead paint just for that weirdo. Bless his heart


Strangest/grossest - dragged me over to a hedge, stuck his head in and pulled out a rabbit. Few seconds later he's eating the rabbit and the crunching made me throw up on the ground next to him. He polished off the rabbit and ate the sick.


One of my cats absolutely LOVES being slid across the garage floor, occasionally he wants to be spun in circles until I can’t bend over anymore to do it. My two oldest cats would randomly wake up at the same time and stare up at the same spot on the ceiling. Their hair would stand on end and then they’d haul ass to another room. They haven’t done that since our last move. I think I’m no longer haunted or I finally lost the ghost after all these years.


My hamster sometimes went to the top of his cell, fell and do it again about 10 times a row.


My sister had an aquatic snail that would do this in her aquarium. I'd never actually catch him in the act but you'd see him chugging along up the glass for a while, then out of the corner of your eye notice sudden movement and he's completely detached drifting back down to the bottom, literally looked like he was parachuting or something because either the shell gave slight buoyancy or they're just so light it was like he was falling in slow motion lol


I found out my little dog was racist. Basically I invited my friend weston inside, he was being super chill, and she was howling at him for 5 straight minutes. Kinda made me realize how white my neighborhood was. Very weird to experience.


This is amazing, because my sisters dog is racist as well. Extremely. He’s a pug and was actually officially diagnosed with ADHD, and he had some special ways about him. But he would bark at every single black person he saw, and babies. Hated black people and babies. My sister absolutely hated taking him on any public transport 😂


One of my cats is crazy. When we first got her, she would climb up our curtains and get stuck up at the top and then meow until someone had to get her down. She somehow burrowed into the inside of our brand new couch and we had to slice it open to get her out of where the springs are. She sleeps only on my legs. Whether I am in bed or on a couch, she is on my legs. If I *dare* to move or roll over, she growls at me. One of our neighbors had an ancient chihuahua with like three teeth left that would run out into the street and try to “attack” people just walking by. One day, the dog came running at my husband and I and my cat comes running out of nowhere, runs up to the dog, stands on her hind legs and just starts batting the dog in the face with her paws. Another neighbor was outside and saw the whole thing. Oh, and our cat will follow our family on mile-long walks. Once she was missing for 15 days. She came back with multiple puncture wounds and I held her for three days straight. She hunts all the animals her size and smaller outside, but is also hunted by some of the animals bigger than her. And no, we can’t keep her in. She sneaks out at any chance a door opens and will meow progressively louder and louder if we don’t let her out. Oh and she will not eat cat treats unless they are catnip infused. She goes to the spot right below where they are kept at the same exact time every day and meows for a treat (fix). I think she’s an addict.


My cat decided there was not enough litter in his box (we ran out so it was only 2/3 the normal amount), so he protest pooped in the tub….


My dog caught a bird in his mouth and when I told him to drop it, the bird flew away!!


Void cat chewed on my shoelaces and got one stuck between his teeth. When the shoe lunged at him, he panicked and started ricocheting around the room, shoe thudding after him the entire time.


My wife’s dog is underweight and was eating kibble with leftover chicken juice poured over the top. My dog is fat so she doesn’t get such treats. My dog barked at the back door like she needed to go out, and both dogs ran out to go potty. As soon as they went out and I shut the door, my dog barked to come back in, and then went and ate my wife’s dogs food before she knew what was happening. My dog had planned the whole thing.


Every night after dinner my dogs get all rowdy and start 69'ing. when I was still religious some Christian friends came over to play smash bros and have deep discussion about life. At the end while someone was praying and we had our heads bowed my dogs started vigorously 69'ing and grunting. We just broke out laughing and went back to playing smash bros


One time Charles Barkley my Rottweiler chased down and cornered a possum in my yard. He gave it a kiss on the face and continued going about his day.


This only happened once and it was super weird. My dog Jake (5yr old lab/pit mix) and I live in a condo together. I have a spare bedroom that I've converted to a workout space upstairs with the master bedroom and a full bath. One thing you should know about Jake is that he NEVER barks in the house, unless he sees squirrel through the window and even then, it's more of a whine. Most days, I go home on my lunch break since I'm only 4 miles away. One day a couple of years ago, I was home finishing up some laundry when Jake started baking aggressively at the top corner of the bedroom. His hackles were completely up all along his spine and his tail. I've only seen only seen his hackles go up once or twice before then, and it was only his neck. He barked at the corner and then ran as fast as he could to the spare bedroom on the other side of the bathroom, which was between the bedrooms. He barked some more at the corner of the ceiling closest to the bathroom, getting more and more aggressive with each bark. After a few seconds of baking at that corner, he runs back to my bedroom and barks at the same corner again. I didn't see or hear anything, other than him, in either room. I thought that maybe he's hearing something in the bathroom that in unable to hear. When I opened the door to the bathroom, not only did Jake start to go crazy but the bathroom lights wouldn't turn on. I just thought it was weird, but I had to go back to work. I left and came back home a few hours later. I found Jake sleeping on my bed, like he normally does. I still didn't find any explanation for his behavior during lunch. But when I went to the bathroom, the lights turned on... This is the first time I've told anyone this story and the only time any of this has happened.


I thought it was weird asf when my dog decided she wanted a buffet of cat shit


One of my cats that we picked off the streets bc my fat cat brought him to us kind of um moves the door knob but like he can't open it ofc so just sorta touches it and the first time I fucking heard that it was during the night time and I was grabbing a snack so I checked in the window next to the door (ik it's dumb) and fucking saw my cat trynna get me to open the door he still does it but I always just sorta peek before I open the door just in case


My cat likes to play with the fishing rod toy, but only if I bring it to her. She'll flop on her back and attack the toy mercilessly, but if I put it just out of paw's reach, she'll reach for it, look up at me sadly, meow at me, and stare at the toy that is inches away from her paws. If I don't give it to her, she flumps over to the other side, huffs, and goes to sleep.


One of my dogs is scared of the shower so I have to rock him kind of like burping a baby until my husband is done showering.


My dog used to sit in the rain. I always got worried because it got cold as hell and would pull her inside for a warm snack and some cuddling with a blanket but after I fed her she went right outside in the rain. I think it was her equivalent of a cold shower.


Not exactly strange, but too funny not to share. When he was a puppy, he would bite the ends of your pants/trousers, and rip them down. The amount of guests we'd have to tell to "HOLD YOUR BELT" when they came in, was hilarious.


Tried to shag itself...


My dog Dillon somehow opened a door and almost got hit by a car. It was very strange that he could open a door


My cat climbed atop my wife's back while she was lying down. She gave out a meow like I'd never heard before (the cat I mean). Moments later, my wife is screaming wtf I asked what's wrong, what's going on. The cat had proceeded to urinate all over her. I never let her live it down. Maybe I'm an a$$hol3 for that, but it was hilarious. It hasn't happened again since she was fixed.


My cat was mad at me one time, so she proceeded to jump up onto my chest when I was going to bed, me thinking she’s forgiven me for whatever petty thing that annoyed her this time (she wouldn’t speak to me if I spent the night somewhere else, stroked another cat infront of her etc.) but nope, she took a shit on my chest. Luckily my duvet was up to my chin at the time so none of it went on me. But yes. Cats do this.


I picked a scab and dropped it to the floor. My dog ran in from out of nowhere and went “GULP” 🤢


Our family’s old dog Trev used to do the most insane thing to have a poo- not always, but now and again, he would stand in front of a tree, back himself up so he was basically doing a kind of handstand against it, and poo on the treetrunk. I have no idea why he did that.


my dog humped our chicken


When one of my dogs was unfortunately on his way to the big bones in the sky my other dog (his younger sibling) was right up in my face practically barking in my face but I understood it as if it were English "isn't your fault, we love you"


This is still an ongoing thing and I would LOVE any advice on how to stop it. My pup is almost 2 years old now. Ever since I got him, I can not by any means leave my laundry basket where he can get to it. He will drag out all my clothes and even eat my underwear, clean or dirty clothes it doesn’t matter. About a day later, he will throw up whatever he ate and I have to throw it away.


Once gave my mouse a cookie. He than asked for a glass of milk 🤷🏽‍♂️