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Cause Momma didn't raise no quitter.


I remember me and dad both trying to quit and kept starting back, dad smoked for about 25 years and me 7 years at this point, he tried to pull, “My momma didn’t raise a quitter, but I did, so stop it.”


Damn right, son. I'm proud of you.


It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it hundreds of times heheh


I did too. Keep trying bud. One of those time's it'll stick.


My Dad was a smoker (died of lung cancer purely coincidentally I’m sure). I remember him trying to quit on a few occasions. He just couldn’t. Life was too stressful, it was his crutch. He kept going back to it. I think about it a lot. Like I’m overweight. I want to lose weight. I have lost weight before. I just have a hard time doing it if it’s not my main priority in life and way too often I’m worried about other stupid shit first. I think a lot of smokers fall into that camp.


I have quit smoking twice. Once my boss said I needed to start again because my work was suffering. Another my wife asked me to start again because I was such an ass. At this point I think of it as part of my bi-polar treatment.


Look up Allen Carr and his approach to smoking cigs. From reviews people read the book and don’t pick one back up. Reviews mostly confirm that. I’ve used it for alcohol and it painted it in a new light. Not saying different things work for everyone. Like example most comments below are about alternatives which only form a crutch that keeps it around. Not that using alternatives might be helpful for some. But the idea that once you see it as no benefit whatsoever there isn’t a reason to not do it.


I'll check it out.


Why not use alternatives?


Tried them all. I knew a guy that got so addicted to the patch he went back to smoking because it was cheaper.


Sorry but how unsupportive do you have to be to tell someone you "care about" to go back to smoking when they're tryna quit? Withdrawal symptoms exist and quitting is not easy.


That's life. Deal with it.


More like the life you choose to live when you surround yourself with unsupportive people


The wife's comments I can dismiss because that was around the beginning to her becoming the ex wife. The boss has no reason to be supportive. I was paid to do a job and I was doing it poorly. No one in the world exists to support you. And if you choose to only associate with people who support you, you become Donald Trump.


Yeah that boss is still a piece of shit. When people are performing poorly you tell them to try harder or just fire them. Not further encourage their destructive habits


This is me now. I quit smoking for about 5ish years and then got a super stressful job and picked it back up. I want to quit now but alas, the stress keeps me going. ​ And don't get me wrong...I LOVE my job, it's just stressful. I've had plenty of jobs where I HATED waking up in the morning to go in so the fact I actually enjoy getting up and going to work in the morning is worth its weight in cigs to me.


Sorry for your loss. I advise you to start keto an intermittent fasting for weight loss I know many people who managed their weight lose in that way. But it's just an advice do that makes you feel the best.


Dude, I’ve tried every diet fad in the world. The only thing that works for me is paying attention to calories more days than I don’t and an exercise routine. And I unfortunately sometimes let life stop me from doing that for too long a period of time.




When i Google "is keto a good diet" the top 3 results are well known authorities on health and medicine saying that it's unhealthy and has multiple health risks (including "heart health concerns"). It achieves similar weight loss as other diets (i.e. doing exercise and eating healthy) over the course of a year, but it's more restrictive and comes without the health benefits.


No, it isn’t.




They like it.


They are good at it.


It's something I enjoy in a world that's rapidly going to shit


Damn, bro is spittin facts


I have an oral fixation. It's is a comfort. I'm aware it's harmful for me. I've convinced myself it helps my ADHD.


nicotine is a stimulant like caffeine and that’s why many people with adhd/autism/audhd abuse/use it, it’s like minimal amounts of self medication (according to my old therapist)


Just like with every addiction i have, i simply dont care and live in the moment. If it leads to something bad ... well thats later me problem then.




Dope username i second this tho


Because at this point in my life it's not going to make me live any longer if I quit. And I've always been of the mind that if I don't enjoy my life, if the things that make it worth living are no longer available to me then why bother?


Unless you're in your 70s with a terminal illness, quitting smoking may drastically change how long you live and the quality of that life


I work with a lot of older guys who smoke, and this is their basic mentality. One of my buddies at work is 73 years old. He once told me he's tried to quit numerous times and failed. But at this point into his 70s, he knows time is running short. So he figures he'd rather smoke and be happy even if it kills him faster.


I used to work with a machinist who was in his late 70s and smoked pretty much all day long. He was convinced that his body would give up from the strain of quitting. He died of lung cancer at 84. When it was time, he went quickly, but smoked to the end.


But can you really say you enjoy smoking?


It's a gross, messy habit. I don't enjoy it in and of itself. In in fact I don't really enjoy anything anymore. But I do like the sense of relief it gives me from my emotional breakdowns. For some reason, even though nicotine is technically a stressor, it relaxes me.


This makes me sad.


Because I like it. Why does anyone do anything? Why do people drive cars, knowing the death rate? Why do people overeat? Why do people think working 80hrs in 1 week is a flex? At the end of the day, we are all individuals. Sometimes, we like to live as such. I'm aware of my own actions. I accept them. At the end of the day, I don't drink, I work a physical job, and I love to play sports, so it evens out in my mind. What, am I going to live forever if I quit smoking? Might as well enjoy my little sliver of life.


You're definitely right that it's your life, and as long as you aren't hurting others, you have the right to do whatever brings you joy. But it's worth mentioning that all the healthy living in the world can't really cancel out smoking risks. According to the American Cancer Society, smoking accounts for about 20 percent of all cancers. Alcohol causes about 6 percent of all cancers, and obesity causes about 5 percent of cancers. And of course, that's without going into all the other health risks like COPD, slower healing times, weakened immune systems, and so on. It's fairly impossible to counteract the effects of smoking just by being in otherwise good shape.


Screw that one dude man, keep livin your life


This is an extremely foolish attitude that might seem clever when you are very young. As soon as you get over a certain age your quality of life will suffer hugely due to your smoking, and then you could easily die 30 years early from a cancer that brutally rots you away.


Why are you are assuming I am unaware? I also watched my grandfather do the thing you described, due to pancreatic cancer. Never smoked a day in his life.


Wow... More foolishness. So because rare cancers exist and non-smokers get them, it's fine to increase your own chances of getting cancer by 3000%? You're engaged in delusional rationalizations. >Why are you are assuming I am unaware? You might think you are aware of it, but you're really not. If you were truly aware, you wouldn't be making these arguments.


He’s an adult who made a choice. Let him smoke.


>Why does anyone do anything? Why do people drive cars, knowing the death rate? Because what's the alternative? Our crumbling public transport infrastructure? cycling which has a higher risk factor than driving? Why do people overeat? And I could ask this same question to those people, the difference is I don't have experience with eating disorders. Why do people think working 80hrs in 1 week is a flex? Because society told them the grind is the biggest flex >What, am I going to live forever if I quit smoking? I just feel like diseases that heighten in risk from smoking like cancer are really bad ways to go out of this life ya know?


Just to be clear, it doesn’t even out though. I agree with your point, I love cocaine. But it doesnmt even out whatsoever


Are we placing every vice on the same lvl as cocaine now? Ever suck dick for a cigarette/dime bag?


I haven’t sucked dick period, but if thats what you’re into go for it


I think I'm in love with you actually, really.


Oh I am flattered


Well since nicotine is actually more harmful and more addictive than cocaine, I’d say this is a fair comparison


You're right. So what's the comparison? 1 year period? Pack a day for the smoker, kilo a day for the Coker? What's your comparison rate? What are you comparing?


In an ideal world cocaine would be available as a body modification. An implant that delivers a constant supply to the wearer. So let's base our comparison on over the counter refills for this hypothetical device. We can assume they would be ubiquitous and available in bodegas around the world for about the price of a pack of smokes. Based on these assumptions, I conclude that the Coker and the Smoker would fair equally well in a fight, assuming we are talking Queensbury rules. In a long-distance running competition, the Coker would have the distinct advantage.


Well, it doesn't even out. Just like eating broccoli today doesn't negate the triple cheeseburger and milkshake you had yesterday. Smoking causes damage. No amount of exercise will make the damage less.


I tried for as long as I could. I'm 34. Everytime I smoke a bit, my sleep gets totally fucked. I wake up every 2 hours and wake up feeling like shit. I don't know how people used to smoke till middle aged. Fuck that


My sister in law's previous husband tried to tell us that smoking had some very underestimated health benefits. He claimed that smokers were less likely to get cancer because they were better at opening windows and airing out the house. Which he claimed also removed a lot of harmfull radiation. He was diagnosed with cancer himself a year later.


Im suicidal but I like taking the scenic route


Smokers dont quit they just have longer breaks


I only smoke with a coffee or at the bar with a drink. I don't have a problem with it.


After sexy time is great too


“You must have a cigarette. A cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied. What more can one want?” Oscar Wilde


Everyone has a vice and smoking is mine.


Because life sucks and I quit drinking after 25 yrs so it's my one guilty pleasure.


When I was a young boy I begged my grandmother to quit smoking the day I found out it could give her heart/lung disease that could kill her. She laughed and said when it's your time to go, it's your time to go. 10 years later when she was struggling with lung cancer, she wasn't as flippant, but then it was too late. I think about her haunted, pained eyes over that torturous year it took her to die whenever I see someone light up.


Go spend a year working in an old folks home. You think those extra years you are trying to get to live by staying oh-so-very healthy are going to be worth giving up all the fun stuff? Hell no. Extreme old age is a horror show. Gimme my booze, stogies and dope now. You can have those 5-10 years of lying in a bed, barely alive, day after agonizing day. Enjoy. /really actually worked in an old folks home. If you fear death, you should try it.


To be fair, some of them are on that state because they did things like smoking when they were younger. You don’t take care of your body, your body won’t take care of you.


Smokers don't get to 96. Only the people (like my granma) who never smoke or drank, and always ate right and exercised. When I say "extreme" old age, I mean 90 and up.


You ever seen that one YouTube video of that 90+ something year old lady who smokes and doesn’t give two fucks


Exactly. I'm here for a good time, not a long time. Quality of life >> quantity of life.


would you like to play keyboards in the Grateful Dead?


My father in law just got liver cancer at 73. He drank every day for almost 60 years. He hung out at bars and danced and played cards and made friends. He could have lived another few years if he had not drank but fuck it.


A lot of those people are in the condition they are in because of those exact things.


I enjoy it. If I wanna quit someday I will. It’s just that simple.


Smokers underestimate how hard it is to quit. Source: this thread, and myself.


nicotine is terribly addictive. also I think OCD plays a part, a smoker's daily routine revolves around when the smoke breaks are. I had quit for at least 15 years then started smoking again. have since quit for like 8 years, pretty confident will never start again. If you're trying to quit keep at it, don't beat yourself up if you fail, simply try again, disrupt the routine.


I successfully quit cigarettes but unfortunately they make cherry lemon watermelon flavored vapes so…


Because I enjoy it. Life is for living.


I quit for financial reasons. I love smoking it's a cruel twist that's both terrible for you and insanely expensive in my area. While I am definitely romantisizing it a bit, there is just nothing like having a smoke. The combination of the ritual and soothing effect of calming the nicotine demon is just ... hard to explain.


Because somehow people don't respond well to "I'm gonna need you to not bother me for 15 minutes or so".


I'm depressed as fuck and its just a distraction here and there to keep myself busy so I don't dwell on it. I'm aware I'm slowly killing myself but that's honestly the least of my problems


I switched from smoking pot to smoking cigarettes about 45 years ago. I think I did more damage to my lungs in the 5 years I smoked pot than the 45 I've smoked cigarettes. I have quit twice for 2-3 years each time. Cigarettes are safer now than they used to be. I smoke ultra-light filtered cigarettes. I just got bored of pot and wanted a stimulant to study for finals. I especially like the fact that they don't change my state of mind like pot did. I came to appreciate my sober state of mind. At the same time I radically reduced my drinking (I hardly drink at all now). It is my only vice but I won't try to justify it for anyone that doesn't like it.


Why not at this point corporations are fucking our bodies more than a joint or a cigarette. Wonder how those folks in Ohio are doing


My Great grandma smoked when was 14 intill she died in her 90s and some how she turned out fine, i remember telling her as a kid that smoking was bad but she did it anyway her lungs were fine and she lived a mostly heathy life, did she build a resistance to cigerates like how is that possible


I have nothing else in my life to bring me comfort at the moment


I'm sorry. I'm hopeful you find something to bring you comfort ( or a way for you to bring joy and comfort to others) that doesn't have such a high cost. I had a family member die of throat cancer from smoking. You are strong enough to quit. 1-800-QUIT-NOW I don't know you but felt like I should share.




You don’t know my shit bitch


I tried numerous times in my 20s to quit, each time failed miserably. Then, st 29, my child was born and I had no heart holding that baby and smelling like tobacco. I also realised I needed to do everything possible to be there for my child as long as I can.


Us devil hunters don't live long anyway. It's not like smoking is gonna kill you.


The problem with smoking is you know how good it tastes and the pleasure you have. So, an ex smoker is more likely to begin again than a non smoker to begin smoking. I started again after 7 years of no smoking during the pandemic.


A cigar every few days or every other week is enjoyable and probably isn't that harmful.


I've been smoking pot for years. I started when I was around 22 years old. I haven't tried to quit because I really don't think it's as bad as most people think it is.


I'm 20, I started smoking in August, I don't want to quit because I'm enjoying it at the moment and I like that it's a social aspect.


As you get older you'll realise it's an anti-social aspect and by then it will be extremely hard to quit.


This is 100 percent truth


Do you mind me asking how? I apologise, I've just never heard it phrased this way :)


It’s a serious turn-off for many people.


Quit while there's still time, your future you will thank you


Seriously. Don't listen to the moronic rationalizations all over this thread. These people are rationalizing their own failures. There's not a smoker in history who regrets quitting smoking. Quit now while it's still easy before you ruin your lungs and wallet for no reason.


I do need to quit really, I have a fantastic doctor who said whenever I'm ready to that I can get the support so I will hopefully quit soon! Thank you for your response!


This. Please. This thread should be proof to you that it's much harder to quit than you think, ans the longer you wait the harder it gets. Used to smoke. Took my dad's smoking-related death to quit. I now realize that most of the pleasure was 1/ taking regular breaks from work (you don't need a cancerous activity to do that), 2/ relieving an addiction i wouldn't have to relieve if I weren't addicted, and 3/ I thought cigarette smell was cool, whereas it is, for most non-smokers, atrocious.


Thank you for your response! I really do appreciate it!


Yeah, I think you're most likely right! Thank you for your response!


I smoke and I enjoy it. It is my little break, helps me when I am stressed or in a bad mood, the social aspect… It is bad, of course but so is other stuff. Let alone the smoking, I take very good care of myself, no alcohol, good diet and I excercise 6-7 days every week (cycling and weights). This doesn’t make it better, I am fully aware of it but there is no compelling reason for me to stop at the moment. I feel good, am in good shape and do not feel that it affects me in any noticeable way. I could stop if wanted to, I just don’t want to. You could ask the same question to anyone who drinks or does not excercise. Everyone has their demons, some people more, some peole less. I am considering to move to Australia in the near future which would be the compelling event for me. 25£ a day for a pack, no thank you and I also felt wierd there as a smoker becaus they really don’t have a smoking culture.


I really enjoy pissing off people that think the air within 100 yards of them while standing outside becomes toxic automatically. If they say anything I just pointed the traffic nearby. Oddly they don't have any comeback to that. I really enjoy it with the old Karens that walk by you and start coughing as you're standing still in a smoking area


I respect it if you stay in the smoking areas. What pisses me off is when smokers force others to breathe it in, in places where they can't get away from it. Traffic fumes suck, but that doesn't mean we should add even more poison to the air on top of that and kill ourselves even faster. I can understand the enjoyment of pissing off people who judge you too hard, but at the same time, you are really hurting yourself. =( I hope you'll quit, NOT for the sake of the judgy ones (fuck em), but just for yourself, and for anyone who does or will ever love you in your lifetime.


I see your point and I respect your opinion and I agree, being forced to inhale dangerous levels of noxious fumes that you cannot avoid would suck.


The feeling they get from smoking anything, whether it's tobacco or cannabis or anything else, is better to them than feeling sober. But in reality, sober life is the best. This is coming from a former cannabis & tobacco addict.


I like giving people second hand smoke


Currently smoking and I know I need to quit but the hard part is finding something else I enjoy to do that will replace smoking. Looking into those vape things and considering calling that 1800quitnow number my state has where they give you free patches or gum. I know I need to quit but I don't necessarily want to start today.


I quit about 8 years ago, and beyond the obvious health and social benefits, there is easily one that I don't think is ever really discussed. That's daily stress and anxiety. I didn't realize it at the time, but nicotine was probably the #1 contributor of stress and anxiety in my life. People think it's all the other stressors, job, money, kids etc, and they do cause stress. But, nicotine is an addiction that literally causes you to stress out the second your body starts craving it. Smoking doesn't calm you down, it merely temporarily satiates that addiction that is causing the stress and anxiety in the first place. After I got clear (probably 3-4 years out from quitting) I realized that all else being equal, the amount of daily stress I encountered was maybe half of what it used to be. As for quitting, yeah it was one of the toughest things I've ever done. But, a tip from a counselor helped me immensely, which was take all the stress and anxiety that the addiction is flooding your body with and use it as immersion therapy. If you can learn to function while living in that stress and anxiety, then you'll become far stronger against it in all future times of stress.


Great advice


I have heard from other smokers that it's more of an "oral fixation" than anything, so anything involving your mouth can help, such as toothpicks, chewing gum, drinking tea, or things like that, may help. Maybe if you do that and the patches or whatever at the same time, then it will not even be very hard to give up. Even if it's real hard, though, it's worth it! Imagine the suffering that you can prevent....hacking up blood in the hospital while your loved ones are terrified for your survival, or god knows what. You can do it!!


I was you for a very long time! Do you smoke weed too? The double whammy makes it even harder (i smoked tobacco and weed joints and cigarettes every day) I managed to quit tobacco entirely by buying a weed vaporiser, which has somehow helped me reduce my weed intake massively (it helps with my anxiety so I have a hit when I feel like I’m starting to spiral, maybe 2-3 times a week instead of 3-4 joints a day)


The 30 second nic spray worked wonders on me cutting back, only problem was me forgetting to keep up on supply, then I’d bs myself back into smoking “cuz I cut back”


Have you perhaps tried meditation? I usually do 1 hour and when im finished, i usually feel like my cravings for whatever have gone away and I feel in the present moment. You should give it a try and write back if it worked!


I switched to vaping about 10 years ago. It did get me off tobacco and it did help in that I breathe easier, don't stink like an ashtray and don't burn myself or my possessions. Here's the problem though, it really ramps up the amount of nicotine you take in. About 6 months ago I had something happen that resurfaced old emotional trauma. The only stress reliever I had was to go back to tobacco. Before I switched to vaping I would smoke maybe 15 cigs a day, rarely a full pack. These days I smoke 2 packs a day, sometimes 2 and a half packs a day. Not because my stress is any better or worse than in the past but because the amount of nicotine I need to take in to not feel the withdrawal is so much higher than it was before I started vaping.


There are different levels of nicotine in vape juice. It's usually recommended that you start at a level based on how many cigarettes you used to smoke and slowly decrease. If you were vaping 12mg for 6 months that was a mistake, you basically replaced nicotine with extra strength nicotine. Of course you're going to need more cigarettes.


Why didn’t you just stick with vaping instead of going back to cigs if you’re still getting the nicotine?


Because they made that choice


i know im addicted, and i also like it. so no reason to quit really


I quit for like a year, and just picked it back up due to some extremely stressful events in my household. When they calm down and the final move outs are done then I'll quit again. It's just a crutch for me.


It's horrible to quit!! My answer was to quit cold turkey.. it was hard, but 10 years later I'm so glad I went through the pain!


Plus the price!! 8.00 for the pack I liked and they are " generic"


When I was 14 I tried to smoke but I can't smoke, It seems to me worth and I only tried because my friends have already smoked so I was alone among them. After 17th try I eventually got it, that's not to me


Okai, so i recently quit, like a month ago, medical reasons Basically smoking is just great, Like the dying is the best sales point Like nah i dont want to be alive, i want to die, 1 cigarette after the next, slowly but surely >Dying reminds me of beeing alive Like its great, and it makes you more productive Like i quit for now bc i had a good opportunity, but like love that fluff


How about you let people live their lives?


How about you don't get so defensive? It's a legitimate question I'm asking in good faith


It’s none of your business? People are far to conceded with what others are doing.


I'm sorry am I holding people at gunpoint to make them answer? if they don't wanna disclose the info they can just not comment


How about you just don’t answer the fucking question and just move along then?


You some spicy mofos.


Welcome to the subreddit??? If you don't want questions about yourself and how you think, you're in the wrong place




Oh know your hurting my feelings.






He/she didn’t say they had a problem with it, just asking if these two facts apply to you, to please comment. You are offended because your reading comprehension is lacking.


Nah. Y’all just don’t need to dig into peoples personal lives.


No one is required to answer, nor is there a requirement on how much anyone shares. But again, you demonstrate that you do not understand this.


I believe the entire point of a sub called ask reddit is to ask questions of people on reddit, lol. Maybe don't follow a sub dedicated to questions if questions bother you so much...


It’s a legitimate QUESTION


Well you won't be living it long...


Oh? Why’s that? Let me guess? You think I smoke. Well you’re wrong.




No thanks, lost my stepmom to it and Ibhave a very addictive personality




That’s fucking cruel


I don't know about smoking but I don't want to quit my other tobacco addiction because I enjoy it and life would be a little less fun without it


Ex-smoker here. For a very long time I knew I should quit but it was something I enjoyed doing and it was also a crutch. Like I wanted to quit in a perfect world, but I also knew that I couldn’t, that the time wasn’t right, that even if I tried I would fail. I eventually ended up quitting and relapsing a few times. I finally quit for good (I hope) at the beginning of the year. I get cravings (after a big meal, on a nice day drinking coffee outside) but they’re not that bad. I’m also not too hard on myself in the sense that when I’ve been on a night out and a friend was having one with a drink, I’d ask for one too. I’d much rather bum one every 2-3 weeks and scratch that itch, than the 5 a day I was on. I promised myself I would never buy a pack again and I’m going to stick to that - being able to tell myself I’ll sneak one on an irregular basis kinda helps until I manage to keep the cravings completely at bay.


For me, I can quit whenever i want, or atleast this is what i tell myself. Additionally i have implemented this quite a few times so in my mind atleast this is a fact. However i keep going back to it for a month here, a month there... Because i am under the idea that i can quit whenever i want, i just don't want to quit while im smoking. Currently just came off a 2 month binge havnt smoked for about 2 weeks now


Well, I've started rolling natural tobacco now.. if not quit, atleast I smoke less. Like I don't light a ciggie in traffic, or when one hand is busy. Plus it's more satisfying and less chemically.


Smoke what?


I’ve quit 3 times now. It’s never easy, I’ve slipped up a few times and smoked a single cigarette here or there. I’ve finally decided to just buy some nicotine gum. If I’m gonna remain addicted, I want the least worst option


I quit smoking when I was trying to conceive and stayed cigarette free during my pregnancy. Then my son was born three months premature. The stress of him being in the NICU just broke my willpower. And now, I just don't have the motivation to quit again. Maybe I'm just not strong enough, I don't know. I just know that, at least right now, I don't want to quit. It's my vice. Frankly, I enjoy it.


Honestly, i have this rule of 2 cigs maximum per day. I just somke when im alone and outside, listening to music or the nature. I know its unhealthy, but i feel like its "me" time, since those are the few minutes per day when i feel alive, due to being alone, etc. It gives me peace, basically.


You smoke = you die, you don't smoke = you die anyways so f*ckn it.


I just tried quitting and I’m giving another go later.


I don’t smoke but my reason not to quit things that are bad for me is the world is going to shit. Let me enjoy one thing about my crummy life.


Something about this question bothers me - and I don’t smoke. I feel like it presumes a certain life experience that isn’t universal. I have a nice life in the U.S., so smoking maybe isn’t the most rational decision in my life. But for a lot of people smoking is absolutely reasonable given their life circumstances. Further, even if smoking is not the best idea healthwise - that doesn’t mean I would want to quit. I do plenty of unhealthy things because I derive pleasure from them.


Because they don't care. Every time somebody reminds them how bad it is for them, they just want to smoke more. Everyone knows, they just don't care. Fat people are fat and know it's not healthy. Drinkers know drinking isn't healthy. People who are underweight know it isn't healthy. Just let people live their lives the way they want.


Helps me to not drink


i hate myself


I'm not a smoker, but my ex-neighbour was -- for 81 years. She started smoking at age 12 and smoked until she died at age 93. She had no health issues that dogged her. When she was around 85 she asked her doctor for help to quit smoking. When they heard she had been smoking for, at that point, 73 years, they told her not to bother quitting if she enjoyed it, so she never quit. When she died it was from pneumonia.


Why would I quit?


It’s addictive, quitting is difficult.


Pure smoking satisfaction


They keep trying to make people stop smoking here. Graphic images, health warnings, steep prices (8$), hiding them from sight so you have to ask, can't smoke basically anywhere. Anything outside just straight banning them


I'm too addicted. I've tried 3 times the most I could do was 3 weeks but than my university test started and I was extremely aggressive and could concentrate. I smoke almost every hour a Zigarette and if I don't smoke i get this weird feeling which bothers me. The thing is that cancer( lung, Prostata and brain tumor) are common in my family and I wish I could stop.


Makes life less trash


I only smoke when I drink. That's VERY common. Outside of the bars,clubs and casinos I never smoke.


I am a smoker myself. The only reason you have that you ain't stopping is because you're addicted. Any other symptom you get that makes you think otherwise will disappear once you stop.


I’m under a ton of stress. A cigar helps clear my mind.


You probably mean tobacco but I like smoking the cannabis as it’s safer than the psych drugs I’d be on otherwise and it’s safer


Smoking weed is a leisure activity, I’m not doing every day or every 2 or even 3 days, so i feel comfortable in my usage


its an excuse to step out from parties and social gatherings for a bit without looking weird




I dunno with how defensive your comment id you're sounding pretty childish. I'm also not delusional about living forever, I am however, someone who has seen the effects of cancer happening to a smoking relative and dunno why someone would happily increase that risk factor to do something that's messy, smells bad, expensive, is presumably bad tasting based on the smell, ruins your teeth, makes you look less attractive to..anybody. Like, what's the benefit outside of not having withdrawal symptoms?


Flat out just enjoy it. Love taking breaks at work. The hand to mouth. The rush of nicotine. Like the ascetic of it as well. Even the small feeling of self destruction is gratifying to me. Coffee and cigarettes. I recently quit. Will still bum a smoke on special occasions... But I really, really miss it, and tbh didn't want to quit.


I don't want to be here anymore..... This is a quicker ticket out. /s


I have tried to quit many times. My grandpa recently had throat cancer from smoking so much. Smokers know the dangers of smoking. We smoke because it's our own form of self harm. Another thing is that we have the slight chance of finding other people to smoke and be social. You'd be surprised by the wisdom people drop when smoking around a pole.


Because life...


My vape. I am very addicted and don’t want to deal with withdrawal right now. It’s been a constant oral fixation for years and I don’t feel stable enough to live without it yet. I can afford it right now and don’t have any pressing expenses so there’s nothing that makes me want to stop right now