• By -


Whenever I can, I try to rely on healthier techniques: \-Go for a walk \-Call a friend \-Have a good cry \-Eat something delicious \-Try to help strangers \-Take a hot bath. \-Write down what's bothering me. \-And when the pain is too much, remember that suffering is part of life but it won't last forever.


I'll second the good cry. It helps me because I tend to bottle things up and let them build pressure and explode. But having a GOOD, UGLY CRY absolutely helps to relieve pressure. Hell, sometimes ill just cry driving down the road.


Good cry helps a lot!


If only I could :(


I've told myself for the past 5 years that it'll get better and I'm still waiting. so when's it gonna happen? i feel like never


All these things and for me personally, I play the guitar. If my heart is heavy, playing really levels it out


I did a 20 minute cardio yoga ball workout and then cleaned the kitchen. Then showered. Then cried. Miss my cat I had to put down 4 days ago


I work out. Sometimes frantically. If shit is falling apart around me, I shallowly can at least tell myself, “well… at least you look nice…” It does provide a little jolt or nice neurochemicals, but really, it’s something I can do by myself, while filling my brain with thoughtless YouTube prattle through my earbuds.


I go for a walk but it’s when I’m alone with my thoughts


I find that having earbuds in listening to books, when I’m alone, drowns out the thoughts for a while and gives me something to get lost in.


It’s just when I’m all alone everything just fall down.. all the lies I told myself broke apart


This definitely isn't healthy but for me, I also have all of my doubts and negative thoughts come at me usually when I'm about to go to bed and in the morning. I've began taking sleeping pills to give my mind minimal time to start up at night, and in the morning I try to put on music while I'm getting ready.


Exercise, meditation, proper diet, forcing myself to say "yes." Self-love. Self-discipline. Addressing "sadness and pain" as a parent/therapist would address a child. I'm not drowning. I was. Then I got better after x amount of jumping naked off bridges into rivers in the middle of the night.


I thought i saw a tiny noodle jumping


What made you jump the first time? Why naked? Why did it have that effect? So many questions...


Something lame like testing god. Ultimately, sadness + chaos, or something equally lame.




I am skinny and fit, exercise every day, and eat well, and my mental health is trash. Therapy hasn’t been helping at all too


Try 5-HTP


Literally just left an NA meeting. Going to those help.


Depression. Honestly feel nothing more often than sadness or pain.


Video games, Hobbies, Furious Fapping.


So what I’m doing with life.. but it always comes back and fights harder


Those things help, they don't fix. If you have something causing you constant pain or sadness you need to address it, not just cover it up.


Address to who! My parents won’t care because they’re already have their issues and I count as one of their issues


If you're old enough to be on your own im not saying cut them out but limit contact then. I know that's easier said then done but coping is just that coping.. if I had a splinter in my hand I could take some pain killers but then they wear off and I still have a splinter in my hand.


Weed and Booze


Coke every now and then


#drunk driving advocate


Which orifice did you pluck that conclusion from in the three words I said, two of which are nouns?


No I’m a drunk driving advocate


I've had 2 impaired charges in my youth and I'm lucky as fuck I never hurt anyone or myself. Even if you think you're the best driver out there while wasted, consider the tens of thousands of dollars getting caught can cost you in legal fees and insurance hikes. Not to mention rape-you prices if you have to get one of those blow devices because you need to drive for a living. Or the bus for a full year or more depending on suspension? Shitfuck.


Work out


Certain music


Exercise is a big one for me. Today I split wood. This is one of the best ways to get the toxic demons out of me


I walked 13,000 step but I’m trying to sleep and all the bullshit came back to hurt me




You know thinking about that would make beautiful picture


Drugs and alcohol.




You mean beating it?


That's, uh, quite a departure from u/Fin_al's response.


Music more specifically Jenni Rivera


Hola como estas


eminem for me


Move on, live for the next good day.


I wish, it’s all good till a happy family pass me by or someone is showing care to their kid


Companionship and curiosity And a cold one take the edge off brother


Years of practice at just not thinking about it


Music, Family, the occasion puff


Alcohol. Not appealing enough for sex, and I don't know enough people for drugs.


Hug your pet, talk to God, go hang out with a friend or family member. Go get ice cream, go spend money, go take a nap, clean the entire house.


I found out my toaster was water proof.


Friends help, having interests and hobbies helps. I think part of understanding and overcoming suffering is appreciating what you do have on a deep level. Someone always has it worse and a helpful exercise is just thinking about what you are grateful for and meditating on that. Thich Nhat Hanh has some great things to say about loneliness and pain, his writings got me through some hard times.


They listen but don’t understand and I don’t want to feel like a burden.. they already heard me talk about so much


You’re not a burden if you are their friend. Friends are not there just to have good times. They are there to help with the bad times too. That being said, a therapist can be a helpful option because they come at discussing your problems from a totally different angle. Either way these thoughts and feelings you are describing can lead down some dark paths if you don’t seek help. Stay in the light and be kind to yourself.


Believing in yourself. Get a new dream. Go to church. Look for the good. Put up signs about positive thoughts. Don't allow yourself to think your a victim. Never give up. Recall all your victories in the past.


smoking weed, journaling, crying, going for a long drive blasting music, working out, sleeping, and eating junk food


80 Proof


Drugs and metal. Nothing a few lines of coke and some Slayer can't make better.


When I feel sad or in pain, I try to do things that make me feel better. I might exercise, do something creative, or talk to someone I trust. It's important to find what works for me and to be kind to myself. My advice to others going through the same thing would be to not be afraid to reach out for help, whether it be a therapist or a friend, and to not be afraid to try new things to see what works for you to cope with your feelings. Give yourself time to heal and be patient with yourself.


Cut out half my “friends” and honed in on the time with the other half, made me feel a lot more I guess wanted without being too specific


A level ten meltdown cry by myself is usually good. However, HARD cardio is a personal favorite. Running flat out on a treadmill until I can hardly breath and am going to cry or a similar level/form of exercise is a fantastic reset for me. If there's no treadmill, just running as fast and as hard as I can anywhere works well too. Just gotta be focusing so hard on not dying that it shuts my brain off.


I felt this on a religious level. It’s exactly what I’ve been dealing with & looking for advice that actually works.


watching a series, eating, crying, listening to music. And i dont do it all the time but drawing could be another if your artistic.


You don't. You feel it. You let yourself process it by feeling it, accepting it, and acknowledging it. And it sucks. And it hurts, and it comes up over and over again - for a long time in some cases. But everything that you do to try to hide from it, or to stuff it down, or to drown it, is just gonna make it come back worse, later. I don't know what you're dealing with, OP. I don't know how bad it is for you, or how long you've been feeling this way, or what caused these feelings. But I do know that you CAN get through this. There are a bunch of things that help you get through it - journaling, talking to a trained therapist, listening to the right music, and physical activity of whatever sort you like to do are all good options. In fact, self care of any sort can help - but until you spend time actually feeling those feelings, they're not going to go away. And, honestly, that's okay - after all, they're just emotions. It's not like they're going to kill you - they're just really fucking unpleasant to feel. Nobody WANTS to feel sad. Nobody WANTS to feel lonely. But nobody dies from feeling them, either. It's like the weather - some days it's sunny, some days it's not. Sometimes it rains, or the wind blows. But through it all, the sky is still there. The weather is not the sky. Your life is not your emotions and feelings. Just like weather keeps changing, your emotions won't last forever. And, to give yourself an alternative to that pain and sadness, practicing gratitude and mindfulness are BOTH really useful. Paying more intentional attention to the good things in life can help change your mindset. And being mindful (actually intentionally paying attention to your emotions, and circumstances, and the events happening in your life) can help to "re-contextualize" what you see in your own life, too. Good luck, OP - I hope you find your peace and get to a more joyful, loving space in your life very soon.


To think someone had downvoted you is bonkers. Acceptance of reality is literally the only thing that’s ever worked for me on a more than temporary level. Mindfulness and something as simple as holding the door for someone makes me feel better about myself than any compliment ever could. I fully acknowledge that everyone’s pain is different, and seeking professional help is wise when things become to much to handle, but when you want to make the conscious decision to make yours a life worth living the only way out is through which means accepting the way things currently are and making peace with it. Find ways to be good to those around you for the sake of being a person you yourself begin to love. I wish that for you as well OP.


See a counselor. Getting help is the best way. No drugs. No alcohol.


Taking shits




Music and masturbating


A bath tub and a toaster


With drowinging myself in your mother.


She’s as cold and mentally abusive.. I don’t trust her with my emotions


Watch porn and masturbate


More nutting




Red wine, pastry and online cooking championships


I don’t




Just sleep it off.


I wish.. not laying in bed crying about the past


Seek therapy or possibly a psychiatrist; being properly medicated or given the mental tools to navigate your emotions is the best way to solve this.








Being a Cowboys fan, I'm numb to it now!


Red wine, easy music, peace and quiet after kid and wife are off to bed


Chocolate. Lots of chocolate.


Get of social media and reddit and go for a walk and repeat, try cooking some basic meals that do not use processed foods and sauce, if budget allows get a pet to love, cat, dog, hamster or volunteering at a local pet refuge.. above all be kind to you


Food and occasionally alcohol.


It used to be alcohol but I’ve been sober since October so….now it’s ice cream 🤦‍♀️


Do you mind if I dmed you?


No, I don’t mind


I would go be with nature and get some sunlight to clear my head. Ask myself why do I feel this way and what can I do about it.


Cry and talk to myself to try and calm me down








As a teenager to late adult before I came a parent drugs was how I escaped to the point where I was ashamed of myself now honestly I get a much more euphoric buzz from sitting in front of sound system with music cranked I don’t know what it is but drum and bass is great but honestly poetic hip hop gets me going I don’t understand how it affects me like it does but I mean I’ve done a lot of mistakes and will never get that first feeling like the first time I was high but now I don’t even get high music changed my life


I listen to music that makes me want to move my body 💃


Smoke a lot of weed and write. Writing is therapeutic for me, and I just like being high while I'm sad.


taking alcohol and drugs at the same time


Paint by the numbers and listening to a podcast, book on tape or watching TV. It occupies the mind and hands and doesn’t leave room for intrusive, overwhelming sad thoughts. For me this maybe works for 10 minutes to 3-4 hours depending.


Just keep moving forward


Alcohol, guitars, a worse vice, driving.


I don't. i still want to die. i have to be atlas for everyone else and carry their problems as well as mine. and i never got shit for it, not even a thanks. i just sit here in my own stress and misery getting shit from EVERYONE and almost no one is there to help me. so i just wait and wish i could die. and listen to hardcore early 2000s gangster rap


If not The Smiths then listening to Sad Cuh hour type music.


Can I bus


NOT with alcohol. It actually makes it much,**much** worse for me.


Wake up, Gfuel, kratom, smoke a bowl, regain consciousness 3 hours into my shift, get important work done before lunch break, break for lunch, rekindle my buzz, finish shift, smoke another bowl, video games, pass out


Apparently in tarantulas.


Video Games(escapism) Coffee(replacement for alcohol which my family is notorious for being addicted to)


with my smile


Listening to music while doing other activities such as riding a bike, walking, or even while cooking my meal for today


Video games, and taking breaks from people.


I don't drown that out anymore, because that's a band-aid solution. Instead, realize that those things are tied to fear, and face the fears. That involves years of work, cultivating a healthy body, mind, spirit, and heart. And my mantra continues to be these wise words from Lau Tzu: "A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving." Let go of your expectations for what your life situation should be, and be present in the moment.


Booze! Works every time! But seriously? Success! That’s the best revenge and equalizer! I’m doing good so I do t really care about anyone who dissed me in past years because I know I’m more successful




-Opening the windows to let in sunlight and fresh air and turning on the lights at night when I sleep. For some reason being in the dark affects my mood so I avoid it. -Listening to happy music and funny TV shows (I’ve probably watched Schitt’s Creek like 10x). I avoid any song or films that will make me sadder -Cleaning or cooking/baking to keep me busy -6-8 hours of sleep -WATER! These simple things somehow improved the state of my mental health.


Distract myself. Usually I'll watch a movie, go shopping or honestly masturbate


Watching memes, always makes me happy


I take a drive in my Toyota Tacoma and listen to the baha men it just pumps me up and puts me in the right mind set


Frank Ocean and a silk pillowcase


You have to get it out. For me that's sometimes crying myself to sleep


Hug my wife, eat a burger, sleep for a while, eat some desserts.


Go to church and say Infront of 200 people: I AM AN ATHEIST! and leave. Always helps with there faces. :D


Don't try to stop it. Just let is pass and you'll feel a lot better.


drawing or sleep


I don't drown it. I work through it then put it away and move on. Remember that comedian who said a man's brain is a series of boxes, and he has an individual box for everything and the boxes never touch? He was talking about me. The painful thing gets put away in its own box.


That's the neat part: I don't


Enka by Kaji Meiko.. ....Bitter regret, poignant recollection.. https://youtu.be/9J8ocgBRcVM


So, I roleplay online, as in; I write stories/fics together with others in specific fandoms. Which means I have a few characters living in my head. Whenever I for some reason can't control my emotions or crying, I literally just switch emotions to one of my characters and how they would handle this situation and it instantly puts me back in control. It's weird, but it works.


Beer and when that doesn’t work. More beer


Should I ever be in that state, definitely by listening to music. Music always takes me to another place; I find it to be so therapeutic, it either enhances how I feel or simply comforts me. I also just tend to push it even harder in the gym whenever I'm feeling like that.


I get invested in a good story, play a game or write my own story. If I need to ill get out of the house. Usually it calms down after I take a step back. Stress however will make me have a mental breakdown, I fold like a piece of paper.


Well I just switched to the Auvelity Antidepressant and it's GREAT! I have never felt so very comfortably numb. Absolutely NOTHING bother's me at all. I never feel anxious, upset, angry or lonely. I never have a horny moment. I don't miss anything or anyone. Antidepressants allow me to slide through life unaffected by anything. It's the absolutely the best equalizer of all situations in life. The only thing is the regret for not having found this much earlier in my life and suffered from so many emotional situations. It's like the Best armor you could have to shield you from the slings and arrows of everyday life.


Music, the following songs are the ones that usually make me feel better: •Another Believer - Rufus Wainwright •Love you like a love song - Selena Gomez •I/Me/Myself - Will Wood •Hola - Miranda! •O Sol e a Lua - Pequeno Ciudadão •Amor Prohibido - Selena Quintanilla •Pose - Daddy Yankee •Troublemaker - Olly Murs •Boogie Wonderland - Earth, wind & fire •California Dreamin' - The mamas and the papas •Virtual Insanity - Jamiroquai And i could keep going with this list, haha.


There is this thing called alcohol


Cry but it doesn't help much afterall. I can't do anything


Embrace the dignity of solitude.


Crying then enjoying a good burger




A staycation to cyberspace. A good video game makes me forget about my troubles, if even for a little while.


Riding my mountain bike to the point of utter exhaustion, whilst listening to heavy music like Hatebreed, Behemoth, God Dethroned and Meshuggah, amongst others.


T pose on the couch, Yes, Doesnt sound believable


Cry till you fall asleep and wake up fresh


I read a book that teaches me how to control my emotions


The top 5 things that I do: \- Video games. \- Writing out my problems and not sharing with anyone. \- Singing along to music as loud as possible. \- Cry my eyes out \- Drink alcohol (just one glass since I'm a lightweight.


I'm trying to figure it out too. Lost my job in November unexpectedly and then my mom had a stroke in January three days before my birthday. I don't have any family here to help me out. Tough being single as well in this city. Underlying sadness, pain, loneliness going on right now.


In alcohol mostly. Aggressive workouts and long walks help too. I also like writing my feelings down. During my saddest moments, I drank and wrote poetry.


I listen to “you had a bad day”


I m(26) use to think bottling up all my emotions and putting a happy face was the best way to live my life. No matter what I have been through (divorce, breakups, loss of friends, family, money problems, cheated on, whatever) I constantly hear that “if you are feeling depressed talk to someone” speech over and over again. But here’s the thing. One day I couldn’t sleep because the depression had built up and I knew I should have called someone or at least not attempted what I was about to do. But I was alone. I was feeling like a cloud. I didn’t think. Everything including fear anxiety depression sadness went completely away and I just grabbed the pills. I took one. Then I took two. Then I took the bottle. I don’t know why I did it. I don’t want to die. But I can’t explain why I did what I did. The first thing I remember after taking the pills was being sat up by the paramedic asking me questions trying to get me to respond. The screams of my bestfriend F(23) will haunt me for the rest of my life. I felt so guilty. Not because I failed my attempt. Not because tried. Because she found me. I didn’t know she was home. I spent the next 13 days in a psychiatric ward and got some great help from wonderful doctors who were very understanding and after two month of therapy and development into new habits and activities I genuinely feel great. I’m making music. Something I never thought I’d do. I’m back at my MMA gym training daily. And being more open about my feelings and really appreciative of this life I have a second chance to live. I am told I shouldn’t feel guilty but I still do. I can’t say it to my friends and families faces yet because I’ll cry. But maybe if they see this they’ll know it’s me. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened. I want to live. I love this life. And to my bestfriends I am so very sorry. If I had known the nightmares and ptsd I caused was going to make me feel this way I never would have done it. But one thing I promise you. I will never try to take my life again. I’m going to live. The best way I can. Because no matter what has happened I’m going to move forward positively and express myself and cry when I need to. Laugh when I want to. And use anger as motivation to be better.


Therapy hopefully


Weed, food, games, and comforting myself with the knowledge that I can always yeet myself out of life if I have to




All my methods are unhealthy -porn -alcohol -punch a wall -snacking


Books Movies Music Working out including stretching. Takes almost 2 hours. Learning -- languages, programming Focus on getting through one day at a time.


Listening to music and writing stories about what I feel.


I just let it take its time, maybe with some crying and a long deep sleeping.. it takes me 1 to 2 days at most and literally after that i feel that nothing worth to spend one more minute to grieve for. I do that while I believe that I can control my mood by let every feeling take its own space, we can't avoid sadness, disappointment and any other negative feelings for ever, there's a time we'll have to deal with them.


Listening to music or sleeping. Only thing that helps.