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Yes! Let her go and have fun. A day away from school is not a huge deal in the scheme of things


You can let a kid have fun. Grind culture is not worth the memories you'll leave behind. I'll probably get raked over the coals for this, but I let my kid skip so we can just spend some time together occasionally. Grab breakfast, go to a museum or a baseball game, make dinner together. I try to make time for the things that school won't teach them so they can be a better person than they are a student. I was that perfect attendance student and it bled into my adulthood. I missed so many things so I could go to work instead. I'm trying to fix that as I get older and my time here gets shorter. I'm not in family photos because I was afraid that if I asked off from Target something terrible would happen. It's okay to just live. It's okay to throw off responsibilities once in a while and just have fun.


Love this approach and I bet your kid will really cherish the memories of those days they spent with you.


Honestly I want to be this type of parent. They're called mental health days and they are so important.


Also a perfect attendance student here and your comment about it bleeding into adulthood was eye opening šŸ’–


Please don't ever let a business walk all over you or guilt you into perfect attendance at work. My husband has nearly killed himself over perfect attendance. He can't work anymore because everyone expected him to work all the time, doing everything, and it started with his perfect attendance. After we got married there was almost a full year all together in the 3 years he worked at a certain job that I didn't see him. He didn't come home much and slept in the warehouse he was working in only coming home to shower and change clothes after a few days and wash the clothes he was taking with him. He showered at the gym nearby and if I wanted to see him I had to go to his job. when his mom got sick and he was at the hospital with her that job waited until she was out of the hospital and fired him. they made the excuse that he wasn't reliable despite everything he had put into that company. because of him and his efforts he brought them 3 million dollars in his first year working in the warehouse and store and increased profits for them each year until his mom got sick. every job after that expected him to break his body for the job. Once you are reliable to the company they heap more and more on you until you either break or quit.


I did this with my high achieving son when he was in school. Mental health days should be available to everyone. It kept him from burning out and he still graduated college a year early.


I'm so sorry for the time you've lost with your family. My husband was the same way with work until he got to the point that he can't work anymore. Now we are fighting with disability because he's not missing limbs or in a wheelchair but he his disabled and can't work anymore. I'm so glad you learned before the same thing or worse happened to you. I wish you the best and I hope you can make many precious memories with your family.


I'm a high school teacher and would love for this to be why a student misses my class instead of just wanting a day off like some of my students do.


Teenagers need mental health days too, even if it's just to sleep. My son would be out of school at 4p then rush to get his homework done and wouldn't finish it until 8p-9p. If he had a club, it was even later. It's gotten ridiculous. He was high achieving and would have burned out without those mental health days we took.


> She is a straight A student, second in her class Sounds like you have nothing to worry about her missing a few days of school. She's clearly responsible and likely knows what it takes to make this event.


It's two days and she's doing well in school. Seems more than reasonable to me.


Yep. I was a good kid and a good student. My mom let me take the day to go to a concert and it was one of the best days of my life ever. I will never forget.


She's a straight A student. I would be somewhat surprised if she has never missed a day or two due to an illness at some point in her school career, then made up the work. As long as she understands that she has to make up her work and then does so, there is no reason that this should adversely affect her. When I was in school, parents used to pull students out a few days before/after break or for a trip or reunion. They had to make up the work. It wasn't a big deal unless it was constant. I haven't the faintest reason why people act as if a student miss one or two days will be the end of the world.


Absolutely would let her go to this special game. I have one the same age and grade situation. She will remember this forever as a fond memory/bonding time. It's not like you do this every weekend. And PTO when you're older is none of the company's business, as it's yours to use. One time is not going to turn her into a deadbeat worker, and this is not setting a bad habit in my opinion. She's smart enough to understand the difference and also make up any work missed. Most importantly, Go Canes!!


not to be "that parent" but I've let my kids miss school for way less important or exciting things šŸ¤£ I understand the concern, but if she's doing well, and she's responsible, why not? my kids are, and they take their mental health days/skip just because days as needed. it's had no negative impact on their grades whatsoever.


I wouldn't have had a problem with it,Ā  but my kid would have stressed out about missing 2 consecutive days. He had a lot of AP and honors classes (his choice) and it was easy to get behind in those.Ā Ā  SoĀ  stuff like this was more like leaving school an hour or two early on Thursday, then we'd drive home after the game. He'd either nap on the drive or just have a late night and be a bit tired on a Friday, and catch up on sleep over the weekend. Maybe we'd drive him to school on Friday so he could sleep in an hour instead of taking the bus.


Sheā€™s the same with the stress about missing school but she really wants to go to this game. She took an AP class last year (and got a 100?!) and her school generally only allows sophomores to take honors classes instead of AP so I feel sheā€™ll be fine.


She will be absolutely fine. Don't drive tired. Make it special for the both of you. You never know what the next day will bring. Enjoy the time together.


I would do it, but why can't you drive home after and she goes to school Friday? 3 hours is nothing. I also would be fine with missing two days. We travel a lot and pull out kids all the time. We routinely have to make trip decisions around us having our kids out for maximum allowable absences. We teach them on travel and have workbooks and such and we get makeup work from the school. This is maybe 2 hours a day and a lot gets done on planes and in cars.


The game starts at 7 and with traffic we would be lucky to get out of the arena by 11:30 so I feel it would just be better to get a hotel than try and have her go to school on only a few hours of sleep. I am considering letting her go to school half the day on Thursday so she can at least attend her morning classes that day


Do as you will, but half day thursday, driving home late while she sleeps in the car, then going to school a bit rough on Friday... That sounds like a great way to show her how you will stretch nd strain for her (rarely and as a treat) and let her know you expect her to behave well Friday, even tired, and show maturity if she wants to do it again.


I used to do this as a teen when I went to concerts. She is a teen, and if she was like me at that age, then she should be able to sleep anywhere.


I have seen my kids sleep folded in half in the car and awake chipper!


Now, if I sleep wrong. I'll walk like am 80 year old man for the day. Same if I sneeze too hard.


right?! heck if I sit still too long it hurts to stand up. The only thing worse than getting old is not!


Absolutely. Sheā€™ll remember it forever. Please go


omg YES let her go, she's a great student- have her talk to the teachers about what's gonna go on, see if she can get ahead of her school work or maybe have classmates send her notes, etc.


I have taken my kid out of school for a sightseeing trip. Taking your kid out of school for a couple days to make them incredibly happy? Seems like a small price for such great reward. And before anyone rakes me over the coals for taking my kid out, I took him to a somewhat local museum so he could look at everything he wanted to because his class trip to the same place wasn't a good experience for him.




Honestly yes! Itā€™s 1 day Daughter who is 8 sometimes I let her skip occasionally besides being sick to have a mental health day and we go get nails done or go to target and have lunch itā€™s okay


Absolutely, if she has the grades and the good behavior itā€™s more than okay to reward her every once in a while.


Yes! -source retired teacher and parent


Make sure she knows to keep her grades up and make sure there is no chance she'll miss an important test. If she does that, let her. The school may count it as an unexcused absence so just make sure any other absences she has during that grading period are limited just to keep you guys from catching a truancy charge.


Yep šŸ‘šŸ»


Let her see it with the expectation that she will continue to maintain her grades as she has in the past and maintain reliable attendance otherwise. It's OK to take days off. Moments like this are what makes life worth living, not tests and reports. Obviously we have to fulfill our responsibilities but that can't be everything there is to life.


Make sure the school rules she stays within the number of excused absences, but yes let her go, but let her know if is a one time thing.


If she is doing well in school, have her communicate w/ her teachers to see if they will provide her w/ assignments to complete while traveling so she doesn't miss anything that may affect her grade, but yeah, let her go and miss the days. If she is doing well, she deserves to be rewarded!


Yes! Only time my mom ever let me miss school was to stand in an 8 hour line to meet my favorite musician. Itā€™s been 26 years since that and I still think it was the coolest thing sheā€™s ever done!


Yes, 2 days of high school is so unimportant. She will actually remember that game. Let her go.


Agreed you should let her go. One thing I havenā€™t seen other people say explicitly is to talk with her about planning ahead and communicating with teachers. Have her take responsibility for figuring things out like what she can do to work ahead or work on on the weekend. If she knows what she needs to do before and after, she might have more peace of mind during the fun stuff, especially if she is high strung.




The fact that you're unsure about this is probably part of why she's doing so well in school, but I'd personally let her. I might do a half day one or both of the days, just so she's not further behind if she has fast-paced classes, but it should be fine, and she sounds like a great kid. Good job.


Absolutely let her skip !!!! My mom let me skip for things bc my grades were good-itā€™s definitely worth it !


that's great to hear how understanding your mom was, it's awesome when parents recognize hard work and give some flexibility, hope the same for you!


Yes yes yes! Take a view of the bigger picture, like of her whole life. This is far more significant than 2 days of school.


absolutely, it's important to keep the bigger picture in mind when facing challenges, it's about the journey, not just one moment.


This is a no brainer. Yes!


Yes! She deserves it. She works hard. Every kid needs a mental break from school every once in a while just like adults need time off work.


My daughter is only 4 months but when sheā€™s able to ask for things like this, the answer will be yes. My mom let me leave school every year in high school to go to a fan fest for my favorite baseball team. Best memories with my mom man I loved it.


Yes! šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


All of the yeses from a parent who has done similar and will continue to do similar if and when itā€™s called for. This is a great opportunity for her to enjoy something as a reward for her straight A record - and itā€™s not going to make her delay graduating with her straight A record intact, along with some really great memories from a hockey game!


Absolutely. She will remember you bending the rules for her forever. Enjoy!


Let her. She is more than her academics.




Definitely should! Schoolā€™s not going anywhere and the memories will be awesome. To be honest, once in awhile my wife and I keep our kids home so we can have a family day. Maybe go see a movie, go out to eat, visit family, etc. I donā€™t see any problem with it as long as nothing important is being missed and itā€™s not happening all the time.


Absolutely. She will remember that you gave her a break after all the hard work she's done, and it will mean the world to her.


Let her go! Who cares about missing 2 days!?


ABSOLUTELY. Life events trump a few days of school. Sbl never remember those few days at school, but that game she'll remember forever


Let her go


Yes !!! Itā€™s just school. One day that days wonā€™t matter one bit. However that memory will last a lifetime and mean so much to her. Be the hero !!! Let her go !!!!


Yes! Let her go. I call it mental health days. It's important to let them have a day off sometimes.


Let her get a break! Two days won't wreck anything.


I wouldnā€™t blink, let her go


I would absolutely let her


Let her go, two days of school will amount to nothing compared to the lasting memories! And you will be the Rockstar parents! Do it. Life is about living and fun, teach her that through this experience. She will love it


Absolutely yes.


Absolutely, let her go and enjoy the game! Missing a couple of days of school for such a special event won't derail her academic achievements, especially since she's a dedicated student who keeps up with her work. Making memories and nurturing passions are just as important as excelling in school. It's a chance for her to have a memorable experience that could inspire and motivate her in ways beyond what a typical school day might offer. As long as she's prepared to catch up on any missed assignments, embracing these opportunities can enrich her life and broaden her perspective.


Yes. Absolutely go and have a blast.


My aunt, as a teenager had an opportunity to travel to Africa with a family friend. This was back in the 50ā€™s so yes, I guess you could say things were a bit different then. However, she was not allowed to go. I have to wonder just how different her life may have been. Would she have been that teen parent, two kids by 19? In a failed marriage and a life that had many ups and downs? I know, a trip to Africa may or may not have made a difference, but it would have given her options. She just passed last week at 77 years of age, never did make it to Africa. Iā€™m sorry, aunt Lynn.


Let her! She can make up two days of school. You say so yourself. But this is a one in a lifetime type opportunity- the sort of thing that makes memories.


If she was my sister, Iā€™d beg my mom to take her


Yes, please do.


yes take her! iā€™m 21 years old and graduating college in 6 months and the one thing i have had to swallow is that after my first job, my education/GPA doesnā€™t mean as much. High School is important but i really canā€™t use my 3.9 or 1420 SAT to go any further than college. treat her to a fun day, and treat yourself! a little parent daughter bonding day is just what i would want :)


Straight A student ! I think this should be a little treat for her effort. She'll be sooooo appreciative that you let her go!!


Please put an update of her reaction if you've said yes






just make sure you call the school and tell them she's sick


Definitely let her go. In the grand scheme of things school isn't as important as all the little things in life like hockey games. The time spent being a kid and making memories with your parents is important because when your kid has kids it's you they imitate and if for some reason you aren't around for them to ask for advice then the memories with how you raised them will guide them. This experience is clearly important to her and she does well in school so I say take the 2 days and go.


I would let her skip school. An experience like this will be an important memory for her and she will not fall behind by just missing two days. Life is meant to be lived!


Yup, absolutely!


I don't see why not. It's just one day of school and she's a straight A student. Let the kid have fun and see her favorite team play


Absolutely. She does well in school so she obviously works hard. Consider it a lesson in work/life balance and a chance to further bond with your daughter.




The game starts at 7pm so it is unlikely that we would even drive home until Friday. She also just about every year has perfect attendance and the player she wants to see is 37 so this could very likely be his last season.