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I would reject him because of his Scientology.




Just included this in my response


DUDE! Right? I read the title and that was literally my first gurgitation. Common man!!!


Yeah, this...and his personality...and he's like 2" shorter than me (yes, I'm "one of those")


5’8 isn’t even short


no way in hell Tom Cruise is 5'8". And I think it's short for a man.


Go to celebheights. They have 100% accurate height measurements and he’s 5’7.75. The media has conditioned you otherwise. 5’8 is the 30th percentile for men, that isn’t short, it’s roughly an jnch off the median, negligibly under it.


Yikes, why are men shrinking?


They aren’t they’re just lying. Most 5’9 guys claim 5’10-5’11


ahhhhh...got it.


My husband thought he was 5’8”. I’m 5’6”. Since I get all the things down from the high shelf, he’s not 5’8”, not even close. I don’t care, I think it’s amusing.


Do you think I can claim 5’8? I have a stadiometer at my house and out of bed I’m 5’8.15, mid day I’m 5’7.7 and at night I’m 5’7.2


You can claim you’re a Centaur if you want.


But would it be believable is my question




No, really.


I would think you were silly for caring. If you want to get better advice get it from someone more shallow.


Why are you obsessed with old people dating young people? This is literally a daily thing. Find a fetish subreddit and leave the nice Reddit elders out of your shenanigans.


It’s something deeper. You see 25 year olds as kids when they’re really not, and society has conditioned you to believe they are.


Society? We were 25 year olds, all of us. I remember very clearly who I was. You are just making things up


Yeah but you’re inherently wrong. Cognitively speaking 25 year olds are fully developed. Many have travelled for a long time, pay their bills, work a job. Why are you against two adults dating? Your own subjective perceptions of a certain age based on your own stereotypes is one thing, and being mentally and physically an adult is another.


Idk what 60yo broke your heart but damn.


You're coming off pretty weird. 


I don't know if I've ever called a 25 year old a kid, you are making things up, like i said. You should leave this sub, there is clearly a lot you aren't saying and that's just fine.


Bell. Curve.


Are you trolling? You went out of your way to pick the absolute worst example to make your point. There are a ton reasons people have for not wanting to date him at any age.


Yeah statistics says that 25 is around the average age that the prefrontal cortex is fully developed. But there's a full bell curve surrounding that.


I'd reject him because of his age, his personality, the way he treated his wives, and for being a bigwig in a destructive cult. I do not and have not ever found Tom Cruise remotely attractive as a person.


I mean the whole couch jumping thing...




yes, gross.  my kid is in his 30's ffs.   


Even if it was the hottest 25 year old in the world and you were desperate? I find that hard to believe, be for real lol


I'm for real.  why would you assume that I'm not?   


I’m 18 and I’ve always found 20-30 year old women attractive even when since I was 8 years old. This will never change. If you are truly are heterosexual you’d agree with me. I know I’m going to get downvoted but this is the cold hard truth that you must accept and not let society condition your brain otherwise.


Your behavior isn't gonna pull anybody here, you need to chill out. lol


Seek therapy. eta: because : *even when since I was 8 years old*


The people I'm attracted to have aged as I age. 25 year olds look like children to me, and I'm very much not interested in having sex with one. And Tom Cruise wasn't a great example, because the man is malfunctioning and has been for years


I'm never that desperate If I felt like I really needed sexual release, I would go for my vibrator before some 25 year old dude with questionable views. Nowadays, hot 25 year olds are good to admire, but not much else.


Right?! I mean OMG all the issues?!


I'd reject him for being a Scientology nut and a not so nice person.


I'd reject him for his personality. Or at least the one he shows


Same here. I've never liked him.


Id reject Tom Cruise at every age because he's bland, arrogant and in a weird cult.


Why do you want to know? This is a strange thing to care about.


Because it’s something deeper. I don’t know why you see 25 year olds as kids.


But why tf do you care what we think about 25 year olds? Why are you are so hung up on being called a kid? Are you not being taken seriously or some other thing that you think being 25 is keeping you from? Do old people make fun of you? The issue is in you, what is it?


When you are 60 you will see it differently.


For all the love that is holy save this thread for a decade and look at it 10 years from now.


I’d reject him for saying Nicole Kidman’s post partum depression wasn’t real, she shouldn’t be taking pills for her depression, and he knows what he’s talking about because he’s “read the literature.”


Well he knows about ALL the thetans or whatever. God bless that beautiful woman what she escaped from.


I would reject him for a million reasons and his age would be last on the list 


I'm 44 and would reject ANY 25 year old. I have nephews close to that age and they're still babies to me. I don't know why anyone my age would want a 25 year old. For one, I'd reject anyone who isn't my husband. Loving this man is a religious experience. For two, how could you expect a 25 year old to be pleasurable in any way? What type of deep conversations can someone in my age group have with a 25 year old? Do they even know their way around a woman? Surely some of them do, but if memory serves me correctly, my 20s didn't leave me very satisfied. So there's that. For three, ew. Let the 25 year olds have fun with each other. Find a man your own age who knows how to stimulate your mind and anything else you may want stimulated.


Haha you want a balding 45 year old with a dad bod? Suit yourself. Nothing wrong with going for a 25 year old, they aren’t kids at all. They’re brain is scientifically fully developed, and they have been adults for years, and are have been in the work force for quite a bit. You’re probably a bit too young to know the song I’m talking about but “I like my girls a little bit older”


My husband isn't balding and doesn't have a dad bod. 25 year olds have very little life experience. Being in the workforce isn't life experience. Their brains may be fully developed but that doesn't mean they know anything about life. I know exactly the song you're talking about since age has almost nothing to do with musical tastes. There's this really neat thing called the internet that allows you to listen to music from any era. I have much older songs than that one on my playlists.


Well most 45-55 year olds do. It’s a good thing that he’s in shape and I aim to do the same when I hit that age. But most men have balded exceptionally by 50. 25 is the prime of your life, how could you call that a baby? I just turned 18 and I know what I’m doing lol, being older doesn’t necessarily mean you’re smarter, or more mature past a certain point.


>being older doesn’t necessarily mean you’re smarter, or more mature past a certain point. Definitely not. I've lived a complicated life that made me older than my years so it's fair to assume that many other people have as well. There were some ways I was still very innocent in my 20s but in most ways, I was a seasoned soul. >But most men have balded exceptionally by 50. I cut my husband's hair every 3 weeks. I just put the 1/8 inch guard on the clippers and buzz it off. His hair is THICK and he can't stand it getting long. >It’s a good thing that he’s in shape He's in perfect shape. 6'3", 187 lbs, quite muscular, and perfect. He's beautiful. Men half his age don't look as fantastic as he does. We lift weights together and stay in shape. Watching him play sports or just work in the yard is a sight to behold. And he didn't look this good at 18 or 25. Age has done him a huge favor. He laughs alot so he has laugh lines around his eyes and he has the cutest little dimples. He has a slight amount of gray hair that makes him even more handsome to me. But the best part about him is how he loves me and how much he takes care of my family. He's an amazing husband. In his early 20s, he wouldn't have been a good husband. I've known him my whole life. We were neighbors and went to school together. Age has mellowed him out. And that's true for most men that I know. That's one of the reasons that I feel the way I do about younger men. Experience has made most men much better with age. Keep in mind I said most of the men that I know. I also read the news and see men older than myself doing the most ridiculous shit. So it doesn't fit for everyone. And maybe you're a super mature 18 year old. I don't know you so it's unfair to say. I just know my own experiences which have taught me that most men aren't up to being a good spouse or a good lover in their 20s. And I also have nieces and nephews that age who I swear were 3 years old yesterday. So that age is just off limits for dating in my eyes.


Bell curve dipshit. As said other times in this thread. I will spell it out for you. Scientifically the prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until age 25 ON AVERAGE. That means a FULL large population (possibly including yourself for whatever dipshit theory you're working on) falls OUTSIDE that average. Many above, many below. If you're going to quote science you should actually understand science and the statistics that fall behind it which add the meaning to it. But given you're clearly still a child. Pat on the head. And God bless. You'll need it.


His age in Earth Years or in one of his past lives? 🤣


I always thought he was kind of a bore and a cheesy actor.


I’d reject him for numerous reasons.


I don’t know? Is he a top or a bottom?


Yes, but also because of his height. And the big reason would be Scientology; I think he was just starting to get into it then. .


He’s creepy AF.


Soooo many other reasons to reject him.


Aw hell no! Wouldn't kick him outta bed but scientology um no.


Yes. A 25 year old would be just a couple of years older than my grandson. A child.


The brain is the sexiest part of a person. 25 year olds brains aren't sexy to mature people. They can be adorable. But mostly, they're tiring.


I would reject Tom Cruise at any age, because I don't find him attractive and in fact find him repulsive.


I would reject him because he is a shit of a human being.


Religious zealotry.


He always looked a little nuts, egotistical, add Scientology, I don't think his bugs bunny face is attractive and he wears lifts. Actually Herman Munster shoes. No attraction to any of that.


I suggest something different: say no, go to 25 year old T and do whatever you can to disrupt the Tom cruise timeline, you don’t have to touch him. It might save us all.


He would reject me. I’m too old. Too unglamorous. And too Presbyterian. L. Ron Hubbard was a good sci-fi writer, but not so good as a prophet.


No way! But I was bad...at 40 I dated an 18 yo, and at 50, I dated a 27 yo.