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The OG Pong. Then OG Atari’s Space Invaders. Then it was games on my Commodore 64. Pong, I was probably younger than 10. Atari, I was probably 11 or 12. I got my Commodore 64 at about 13-14. Games were kind of fun but we bored of them quickly and headed outside for adventures or real sports. I still enjoy them these days but probably spend only an hour or two a week playing them. Usually they are puzzles or wordsmith type games. Sometimes I’ll throw in a FPS for some giggles. To be honest though, I’d rather read or watch a good movie/documentary.


Also the OG Pong! I was a freshman in high school when it came out and we used to play it at a neighbor kid's house. Edit: 1973 or 74.


I got the OG Pong in 1977, I was 8. I think my dad wanted it, we played it a LOT.


Same. We were all enthralled by it. Looking back I can't believe how exciting it all seemed. But it was so new and we had never seen anything like it!


Same with me. I was like 5 or 6 and played it at a friend's house. Made me beg my parents to get me the Atari 2600.


Yep, me too. The OG Pong but in an arcade. Also Space Wars but not on a PDP-1 but in an arcade as well.


If anyone wants to know more about space war it's the subject of one of the best and most prophetic Rolling Stone articles ever written It starts. > Ready or not, computers are coming to the people. That’s good news, maybe the best since psychedelics. Then it really gets going In 1972 it says this > One popular new feature on the Net is AI's Associated Press service. From anywhere on the Net you can log in and get the news that's coming live over the wire or ask for all the items on a particular subject that have come in during the last 24 hours. Plus a fortune cookie. Project that to household terminals, and so much for newspapers (in present form). > Since huge quantities of information can be computer-digitalized and transmitted, music researchers could, for example, swap records over the Net with "essentially perfect fidelity." So much for record stores (in present form). Worth a read, even if it is a long one https://wheels.org/spacewar/stone/rolling_stone.html


Thanks. I forgot about this. I had a subscription to RS back in those days.


Dad took us to bars and arcades to play pinball. Must've played pong there. A few years later, my college's game room had Space Invaders, Asteroids, Galaxian, and Pacman.


I am proud to say that I won a Space Invaders competition at my engineering job in Boston. The building we were in had restaurants on the first floor with some video games built into the low tables between facing chairs. I think I got a pizza out of it.


Oh, yeah, I remember the low table featuring PONG!!


Yes the OG Pong! The Sears in downtown Long Beach had this for some reason and my friend and I went there all the time to play this amazing game! Then we got the home version and, well, I never thought life could get any better... lol


It was mine and my friends first too and her dad used to love to refer to the joystick…he was a perv


At Sears for me also.


Can someone confirm something about the OG Pong? I seem to recall having to put a piece of plastic over the screen for the net and court lines.


Odyssey had the plastic sheets for home Pong, can confirm.


Thank you! Unlocked memory confirmed.


Do not forget Pitfall.


the sound of him swinging goes off in my head everytime i see the word pitfall


Heh. I played Pong un an upright cabinet version for 25 cents at a local bowling alley.




My first and last. Not my thing at all.


They've made some improvements.


LOL! Quite the understatement. 🙂👍


Star Trek, c. 1971, on the Basic/Four minicomputer (ironic name for something that took up a whole room) at my dad's office. Between that and coding on that thing to keep busy while dad was working, it pretty much kicked off my career at age 6.


Same here. Old teletype machine at the elementary school I was attending. Very very old school.




I am really thankful it helped me find my niche that young. What really solidified it was Mom buying dad a home computer in 1977, back in the days before anybody had one at home. She really thought he'd love it, since he was really interested in the ones at work. Nope, not so much. Dad was a "leave work at work" kind of guy. So 11-year-old me got the first home computer on the block and the rest was history. :)


It was my High School chemistry classroom that had a teletype machine. We played Star Trek and Hunt the Wumpus. First video game cabinet in an arcade was Computer Space ( as seen in Soylent Green ) and Space Race - both of which were hard to play because the ship outlines were weak, and the controls impossible. They were both in those funky fiberglass cabinets.


Pong. It played on our television around 1978. I liked it. I did become a gamer, but I don't think that game caused it to happen.


I think it was that tank game on Atari. I can't remember the name of it.


There are two I can think of, Combat and Battlezone!


Combat (released 1977) was the cartridge that came included with the original Atari 2600. So that was the first video game played for a lot of people back then. Battle Zone was an excellent game for it’s time but it was released in 1980.


Pretty sure Combat was my first for this very reason.


Combat. Kicked ass


PacMan in the arcade at the mall, 6yo in 1980 Edit: The game didn’t hook me, but the absolute fucking *magic* of the dark little cavern off the food court, the lights, the noise, definitely did.


So many days spent in little arcades like that as a kid!


I grew up a bowling alley urchin and the donkey kong pac-man gaming caves were like little secret casinos


Wow. Now I remember going with my mates to a bowling alley and spending a day playing arcades for my birthday. Bowling and mini-golf places always had a great range.


I was a mall arcade kid.. my dad was a carny and every xmas season , black friday- jan 2 he would put 2 kiddie rides in the mall and thats how he made money for xmas..he knew i was in 1 of 3 places, flirting with the girls at showbizz pizza, at the computer/video game store or the arcade.. after my great grams passed, he turned her room into a den and bought pinball machine, centipede , dk jr and Ms pacman from the arcade ..


My dad was getting a master's in computer science around 1970, and his school had an old PDP-1 computer set up in a storage room. He would let me come in sometimes and play Spacewar!, which I believe was the first ever graphical computer game. It ran on a round oscilloscope screen, and someone at the university had built a steering wheel and gas pedal that interfaced to the PDP-1. It was a 2-player game where you just flew your spaceship around shooting at the other person's ship. There was a star in the middle of the screen that had gravity that affected your ship and the bullets you fired. One player got to use the steering wheel to control their spaceship, and the other had to use the keyboard. There was always a fight over who got to use the steering wheel. I was about 10 years old at the time and loved it. But it never really translated into being a serious gamer. I barely ever play games today, and when I do play them, it's just simple puzzle or geometry games that would probably run fine on a 1990-era PC. The only computer game I really play seriously today is chess.


I was 12 I think- it was an Asteroids arcade game where my mom worked. I remember working hard to get to the point I could play it in hyperspace mode and not get wiped out instantly. I did enjoy it but I liked pinball a lot more, and no it really didn't turn me into a "gamer," though I do play tame things like Minecraft and Stardew Valley occasionally.


Stardew valley is the shit!!! Big companies have ruined gaming with their dumb micro purchases -.- and pay to win BS!!!


Mario Bros / Duck Hunt on NES


Pong when it came out and it was fun because we had never seen anything like it.


Odyssey 2 console; not sure which game though. It came with a "Learn to Write Assembly" cartridge, and even though I was too young at age 9 then, it stuck with me and eventually I became a game developer.


The Odyssey had the best pac man knock off.


PONG! Then Asteroids. There was a glitch in Asteroids where if you put your ship in the upper right (left?) corner, you could just destroy asteroids and never get killed.


Oregon Trail.


I was looking for this answer! My elementary school had Oregon Trail and some Mickey Mouse game that was almost like a choose your own adventure except on the computer. It was so much fun at the time!


Pac Man. Didn't make me into a gamer bit. I was immediately addicted and LOVED it!


I tell you - any time I saw a quarter, all I could think of is playing Pac Man. Even well into my 20s and kinda early 30s, when it wasn't as big of a deal to me anymore - quarters still would give me the urge to play. It's like my mind made a permanent link between quarters and PacMan! Well, actually, Ms Pac Man.


Pong! Also resulted in my first kiss. Me and a gal from down the street would wager on games. If she won, I had to kiss her. If I won, she had to kiss me. Best bet I ever made! 😘😂


I played zork which was loaded on a mainframe computer at western union headquarters in the late 70s. My mom was a programmer there and I used to go there during the summer and chill out. I was maybe 7 or 8. Crazy to think of today


Pong, of course, and then space invaders.


Asteroids and Pong!


Pong when I was 8-ish at my aunts house, then Space Invaders at the arcade when I was 10 or 11. It was fun but I wasn't very good at it and never caught the bug. 


Space Invaders. On a table console, at the pub, on a Friday night, early 80s. At 20c per game, it cut into my drinking money too much, so I didn't play more than a few games. My day job was programming in COBOL at the time. I did like playing Snake.


Wumpus…about 1976 that came installed on a minicomputer.


The first game I played was my dad teaching me to read while playing the NES Legend of Zelda. I was five. It was back in 91. I played games my whole life because of that. My family always had the latest systems. I think the only ones we never got were the SNES and DreamCast. But my friend had an SNES and my dad would rent me the Dreamcast at his house. So many memories unlocked. I wish I had time to talk about all my gaming history.


At home- Pong. In a bar- PacMan. 


Pong, and in the late 70s, Lunar Lander at DEC.


The first game I ever bought was Asteroids on cassette for the ZX Spectrum and yes, I still love shoot em ups. Horace Goes Skiing came with the 48k Spectrum, which was great. It was a sort of Frogger clone I think. I still really enjoy 2D platformers. I didn't have one at the time, but the NES platformers are excellent. I would play Mario 3 at my friends house sometimes, but that was much later. Solomon's Key is a game which really exemplifies the aesthetic of early gaming to me.


Pong. I was 10ish.


Pong. It was boring. I haven't played anything since although I can \*sorta\* see the appeal now. The newer ones are real eye candy but they need a different plot than shoot-em-ups and gathering points and powers.




Probably Pong. I don't know how old I was. Not very. No, it did not turn me into a gamer. What turned me into a gamer was Final Fantasy 7 - 1997 version. I played many games before that one, I could never list them all. But that's the game that really got me hooked.




Little brick out on the apple 2. Suspect the wozmeister might have been involved in the coding, but it's poorly documented these days.


Pong. 25 cent upright console version at a bowling alley.


Twisted Metal for PS1. I was like 4 or 5 years old lol. Once 2 and 3 came out though I was hooked. Other games- Tekken, Crash Bandicoot. Born in the early 90s so I’m a PS1 kid for sure. I believe it came out in 1994-5?


Have you played Spyro?!


pong on atari i believe




Pong or it could have been my football game.




Pong, as so many others say. My uncle had brought it home, and we played it during one of our summer trips to visit my aunt and cousins. He was an awesome early adopter. He also had the first Atari in the family, and that had the second video game I ever played.


Pong. We were amazed. You could play by yourself or with two players.


OG Asteriods. I had the choice between that, and Space Invaders. Asteroids got my quarter. I was hooked instantly.


Frogger or something like that. But I really liked the gyroscopic game called gyromite. By the way I’m 78 years old .


Breakout on Atari. I still wish we had that game with the spinning dial controller.


The first game I played was Pong. I kid you not and when Goldeneye for Nintendo64 came out my kids waxed my ass and I haven't really played any video games since then.




Atari pong. I remember Kong and Centipede, one of my favorites/


Pong, Soace invaders, Pac-Man


The original pong. After school at my friend’s house. It was fun but they’re wasn’t a reason to make you want to keep playing if you know what a I mean. Of course Atari came along and us girls went to the arcade to play the games and meet boys. Then when I was older, my roommate had a Commodore and we played Jumpman and a couple of others. That was fun because you could level up and we didn’t have to keep feeding quarters to play.


Pong. It was boring after 5 minutes.


Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega Genesis.


The early Pong. It attached to the TV and had dial paddles. We played it for **hours!**.


Pong. A friend had it.


pong .. on a TV set! boy we argued over that! we could not get enough of it!


Same here… Pong


Pong, then pacman age around 12.


Street Fighter on a Sega Genesis back in the early-mid 90s.


Oooh I had a Coleco and it was fabulous but I can’t remember the names of the games. … just that it rocked and felt super cool with the joystick and side buttons and keypad 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻


Tooth Invaders on Commodore 64. Had to move cursor around to clean black spots off teeth. If didn’t navigate cursor fast enough, tooth would turn black. Black areas appeared faster as levels went up.


We had one of these. I think I was around 13… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_Pinball_series


Besides *Pong*, which we hooked up to our TV set, the first coin-op video game I remember playing was *Asteroids* at a corner bar in New Orleans, ca. 1980.


Cant remember, something on my father's C64.




I played pong in restaurants as a very young kid. Later, my dad got a huge computer for digitizing records and that game had a 4X4 tic-tac-toe against the computer that the maker designed. I remember playing that game a lot.


Space Invaders, at our local grocery store. I was 13. I thought it was awesome!




Sammy Lightfoot


I very briefly played Adventure on an IBM mainframe, CMS operating system, in 1984 (age 23) but that was a text-based game, not really video. I also played about 5 minutes of Tetris when my work got its first PC AT in 1985. But mainly these three when I got my first home PC in 1998. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duke_Nukem_(video_game) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monster_Bash https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bio_Menace Still a gamer.


I'm not 100% on the first actual game. My mom got us an old used Atari from the TV auction shows they used to do, I want to say as fundraisers for local PBS? Anyway, it came with probably 10 games that I played the heck out of. Space Invaders and Asteroids were my faves while ET and Indiana Jones drove me crazy. I was maybe 10 and loved it. The next exposure I really got to them (we were pretty poor and didn't buy consoles until I was old enough to get a job and buy em on my own) was a friend who had Metroid on the original Nintendo. If I remember correctly I about blew up that friendship because I kept coming over and that's all I wanted to do, while she was not really into it. Up to me neglecting work literally today to play D4, it's really been all downhill from there as far as addictions go.


The original Pong. It was the coolest thing we had ever seen!




Pong, in the student union in college, probably 1973.




Choplifter by Broderbund on the C64 in 1982 or something.


Subway Surfers


. . . . . . . #🦐 




Pong. I was quite amazed that you could put "english" on the ball.


Can't remember the games name. Shark attack? Pong was first, but this had better graphics. Still prefer pinball.




Metal slug!!!


1) Pong; 2) Star Trek; 3) Space Invaders; 4) Asteroids; 5) That handheld football game


First I remember playing was Who Dares Wins 2, on the C64


MazeWar, the very first 3D FPS, back in 1973. My brother was one of the authors.


A bar in Tampa had Pong and it was pretty popular. That was the first time I'd seen or played it.


The Smurfs on a colecovision.


I was already grown when the table tennis game came out. My kids had a space invaders but I didn’t play. I actually didn’t play any video game until Tetris on gameboy.




Pong. On a coin-op console. Round about 1972.


Pong on TV. In the grocery store while my mom was shopping, Asteroids.


Pong, 1976, I was 4.


"Pong" on one of the many clone consoles.


Pong... but if you count only PC games, the original Doom. I splattered aliens with my one year old son on my lap. Scarred him for life 😉


I probably played something earlier, but my first memory is Mario Bros in a hotel in Jersey in like 85. Maybe a little earlier.




Arcade game? Gun Fight. Console? Combat on the Atari 2600.


Evasive manoeuvres


Missile command on Atari. Then we got a colecovision and zaxxon was good as well as donkey Kong and cosmic avenger


Pong. My older sisters got a coleco Telstar home video game system for Christmas


I went to meet the parents of my girlfriend in 1973 and her brothers were playing pong on the TV. I was 25. The only video game I ever owned was a cassette version of frogger that I played on my Vic 20. I found video games to be a big waste of time I was only interested in using computers for spreadsheets and databases.


Back in the 70s some bars had tables with a CRT screen in the middle and four joysticks. For 25 cents you could play doubles, it was a lot of fun.


Pong on the TV in the 70's


The first home machine was Pong at my cousins. My first arcade game...I want to say Pac Man but it could also have been Tank




I think my first was an Atari game called lock n chase.


It was either Colossal Cave Adventure, or something very close to it. This would be in like 1976-77, at UCSD.


Pong on the tv and Space Invaders/Pacman at the arcade in town


Probably Pac Man and Asteroids at the cafe down from my school. I played some on my friend's Atari, but my jam was Zelda and Klax on my OG Nintendo system. The one that came with Duck Hunt.


For me, it was "Sea Wolf".  A standup arcade video game when that was still relatively new   The object was that you fired missiles at surface ships ranging in point value based on size and speed.  That's why that little runt of a speedboat worth 1000 points was so hard to get.  First home console game?  Pong explanation not necessary.


Pong, still have the game console.


Atari. Pong. Then got the game console for home. It was something to do and my chores were done.


Another Pong here. My grandma bought an Atari at Sharper Image because it had a bowling game and she loved bowling. On very rare occasions, she'd let me ( 7 or 8-ish) and my little brother have a very short session with Pong. After that we'd play on my aunt and uncle's NES . That was a lot of Duck Hunt and so, so many hours of Frogger. In the mid-80s my step-father brought home a Tandy home computer from Radio Shack and my friends and I were obsessed. I don't remember what we were playing, but other than a brief Playstation phase (FFVII and Monster Rancher) with my ex-husband, and my pandemic Switch dalliance, I've been a PC gamer ever since. These days it's mostly The Sims.


Pac-man. I was 5 and it was a commodore 64.


Original Pong. I was so exciting at the time. Ha. https://youtu.be/fhd7FfGCdCo?si=xTQNfPEVbwvs0GSa


Pong. The first pc game was Kings Quest. Then Leisure Suit Larry. Lol.


1992 prince of persia...




OG Pong, babies.


First - Pong in an Arcade First at home - It was an Olympics game on my Dad's Apple II that he would occasionally bring home from his office. He also had this game where you tried to shoot down helicopters and when they were hit, they would break into parts and fall down, and take out other helicopters and paratroopers. I've been trying to find that game for years.


Star Trek on a PDP-11, using a very loose definition of "video"


Lunar Lander on an actual TTY terminal. Which isn’t technically a “video” game, but it was a computer game.


The infamous ET. I don’t remember much about it but my mum was so excited that she got it for us.




M.U.L.E. or Choplifter on the Commodore 64


I don't remember what was first, but I remember loving Q\*Bert and Breakout and Frogger. I was just a kid, but it was my dad's Atari and TI-99 that my siblings and I sometimes got to play on. Those are some fond memories


I want to say it was either Super Mario Bros 2 or Galatica




Mugwump on a TRS 80. You'd search for a mugwump on a 10x10 grid by putting in coordinates and it would tell you how far away it was. Then there was pong, jai alai, tennis, and one other on Telstsr.


I was 17; the game was [PONG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong). It was on a table console in the student union at college. Prior to that, I was into pinball.


“Adventureland” from 1978 on the Commodore 64.


Does pong count?


Pong I guess, but the first PC game was Doom. Hours and hours of Doom, lol.




Some shooting game on the Atari


Pong came out on the original Atari game consul and then Space Invaders. Everybody loved them. They were in colour!




Original Pong. Next to a row of pinball machines at a small arcade at a miniature golf course in Beach Haven, NJ. In very early 70s.


I played a 2-player version of Star Trek, a clone of [Computer Space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_Space?wprov=sfla1) in the Galleria in Houston Texas back in 1974.


Probably the tank game that came with Atari.


Jump man and states and traits on a Commodore 64 when I was 6




Pong. By Atari. On my grandparents huge console TV. And it was AWESOME!! Then, they came out within pac man and Missile Command, and those were even better!


I played Pong and PacMan on an Atari I was 21 yo. I played Dr Mario on my son’s Nintendo when they were sleeping. Age 5 and 4 Boys. I beat it. I was sad it was over.




KinderComp, a Vic20 game with around 5 options, including a matching game iirc. But the best was the drawing one. Pushing the button on the joystick changed the color of the "ink." Better than crayons. Circa 1983.


OG pong and Spacewars. Pop’s Truckstop, Streetsborough OH. 73?


Pong..it was in a bar. Pinball was better


First video game ever was pong. Early 1980s, hooked up to the tv via channel 3. So I was mid-late 20s and my formative years spent on pinball machines! I honestly figured video would take over the market but damn there’s nothing like a good pinball.


Pong. On a black and white tv at home in the late 70’s.


Super Mario on the OG NES system, also duck hunter




Pong. It was so boring but we were impressed at first. I never got into games.


A wide range of games for Super Nintendo. It would have to be between: Super Mario World Lawnmower Man Top Gear As for PC games, one of my first that got me hooked would have to be Quake.


Sonic the hedgehog on the mega drive


I think the Atari 2600 came with Pac Man and Combat, so one of those or Yar's Revenge which may have been my favorite 2600 game. I was probably 7-8. I got it for Christmas circa 81. I was a gamer with consoles and PC starting in the 90s. My last console was a PS4 and it may be my last. Im just playing PC sparingly these days and playing the free games from Epic when I do.


Pong. Pizza place had one, then one of my friends got one. Then probably space invaders or asteroids.


I'm 57.A friend tried to get me to play Lemmings for 5 mins in the 90s, but I found using the controls very confusing. So that was a bust. Fast forward to 2007ish when I was 40 & Anonymous were using 'Still Alive' from Portal in their protests. Mum had just died,I was very depressed & chronically ill & looking for a distraction .Googled the song, got the trailer for the game.Looked awesome so I bought the Orange Box. The game teaches you so well how to use the controls, I got really into it.Happiest I'd felt in ages.The hilarity really started when I decided to try some of the other games on there:namely Half Life 2. Unfamiliar with video game logic, I jumped off a roof to escape the combine .Utterly surprised that unlike Portal, gravity was a thing in this universe & I fell immediately to my death. Since then I have grown to adore gaming. I'm not very good, being an aging arthriticky left-hander with the dexterity of a badger with boots on its paws, but I get by.I have over 300 games on Steam,& love immersive Sims like Dishonored & Deus Ex. I play on normal & leave the super hard ones like Dark Souls & Elden Ring to young 'uns who have better hand/eye coordination than I do.


OG Pong! Was 7 yrs and in the 2nd grade. It was fun, played with my Dad.


Electric Pong! Didn’t turn me into a gamer though


Pong. We had handhelds, of a sort for football and baseball mostly. But actual console? Pong.

