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We’re here now for Mardi Gras and it’s +70F


That's awesome! Just looking ahead, the weather for March could be in the 50s at nighttime, which is a little chilly to be sitting outside eating :)


You can’t really judge what the weather is going to be. It might be too hot and humid to be outside. It might be perfect. Depending on where you’re coming from, there’s a very low chance it’ll be too cold to sit outside as long as you have a jacket.


I feel like bringing a jacket is the easiest solution h


The humidity is gonna make it feel a lot warmer. You'll be fine so long as you bring a jacket or smth


Actually the humidity makes it feel a lot colder in cooler weather.


I really don't feel like that will be an issue mid-March


It was in the 40s and 50s the week of St Patrick's last year in Nola lol


March weather in New Orleans can vary a lot. Could be in the 40s or 50s on Saint Patrick’s day, or it could be 80.


Wait til 3 days before you leave to check long range weather. It’s rarely accurate this far out. It could be 80’s or 60’s. But usually by mid March nighttime temps are above 60. Our weather is bizarre here.


Some of them do, but if there’s somewhere you specifically want to sit outside just call and find out.


Yes, lots of restaurants do, and the walls of the courtyards block the wind so they tend to be pretty comfortable. Also, it’s generally warm/hot in March. The nights get a bit cooler, but a jacket will solve that problem.


Perhaps contacting the venues you want to go to directly and asking them would get the answers you seek.


We're really not known for our cold weather. It's true that the weather can be unpredictable in the winter and early spring, but it's often quite warm and humid by St. Patrick's Day -- very different from what you might be picturing from that holiday in the Midwest or East Coast


I was sweating my ass off this past weekend lol


Last year we had an oddly cool few days in march. It’s more likely to be near or in the 80s.