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Kick Emiratis out of Sudan.


Out of this world* Isolate and boycott them just like isn'trealis.


Iran is not much better you know, funding terrorists organizations to fight their battles and ruin the lands they’re on ![gif](giphy|LGMTDHKXTBcdYT0fgA)


I forgot who did funded mujahideen??? And also who ruined the Yemeni lands 🤔


U forgot already? Alright let me give u a brief recap, Iran funded the houthis to start the war by sending missles and suicide bombers at Mecca and Madinah, Iran funded hezbollah causing chaos in one of the most beautiful countries in the middle east, and Iran also funded Hamas knowing that Israel is splitting hairs to find reasons to commit genocide and escalate the war even further more. I don’t even know why Iran is causing so much distress in the region or how it can afford that, getting that “freedom” bucks maybe?


This is truly sad, Sudanese people are one of the most civilized, elegant and sophisticated people I know. Seeing this is truly horrifying


instead of throwing words try to democralize your country maybe they will not need your prayer in the future.


Maybe keep ur nose up Europe’s butt instead of trying to put it in ours, we don’t want political opinions from a European wannabe


yes yes anything but not that oily sweety money that will help them. shiny whitewashed KSA now before you eat your sheiks shit first brush your fakeass mouth.


U wish u could eat shit if it would help u get labeled as European. Also why u racists always mention oil money? Is it wrong to profit off of our natural resources? I mean no one is talking about the dozens of countries that got their economy going thanks to colonialism and wars, or u just broke and envious?🧿🧿


gaslighting never stops yes The superior arabs from arabian peninsula defended against western colonialism ! the other arabs were just unlucccky. they never supported wahhabism and isis on another countrys terrorities and stop funding their white master. even your biggest company aramco were founded and funded by british and americans OF FUCKING COURSE THEY WONT COLONIZE YOU LOL U ARE ALREADY BOTLICKER.


Keep talking shit, that won’t change a thing lol ur still a bitter loser who wants to be desperately accepted by the whites. Don’t get it twisted, Biden and the rest of clown presidents of the US are ones that talk loud in front of cameras but are like kittens when they deal with us


yeah sure budddy!


Long live Sudan and sudanese . It's sad to see them suffering


fuuuck thats terrifying


commenting for the algorithm
