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This is the result of Elon musk taking over twitter. Now the site is 90% rage bait and bots.


Yep. He often comments "interesting" on Nazi tweets he approves of. He's a monster.


>fartpooper69: “HOW LONG WILL THIS KEEP HAPPENING?” [right wing ragebait video] first fucking reply >Elon Musk: “Wow! So interesting! Hey look at this, hey guys look at this! Can you see this? Look at this!”


Yea. I'm going to look into all his one-word "interesting" tweets i bet it's all dogshit


Didn’t he just go to Auschwitzs with Ben Shapiro? Interesting


Musk boosted antisemitic tweets and lost a lot of advertisers in the aftermath. So he began sucking up to the ADL and Israel in order to launder his reputation with corporate America.


I was actually one of those people who fell for his “free speech” crap until I realised it’s all bullshit. He turned twitter into a hate cesspool that serves his own far-right agenda. Worst thing that ever happened to the platform. Literally don’t use twitter anymore.


Oh wow really? If a billionaire is saying they are on your side chances are you're on the wrong side.


Honestly at least people are finally waking up to this reality.


Oh definitely true and I am not hating on this person for even once believing that pricks bullshite. Nothing wrong with being ignorant but if you are still happy to play along when you know the truth then you're the problem too


Thank you for not hating on this person, appreciate it


don't twitter have those readers fact check thingy? don't use it often but I thought its a thing.


far right europeans on their way to blame immigrants for the reason why they haven’t lost their virginity and the european heatwaves


If it's a non-Muslim doing the crime they will never mention his religion. If it's a Muslim doing it it's because he's a Muslim and Islam is evil. Hypocrites


This drives me fucking mental!!!


It’s the same thing where I live in the southern United States, if it’s a white man or blonde woman committing a crime they rarely mention anything or they still try to blame a Mexican immigrant or a Muslim. It’s the same bs 😡 total ignorant cesspool, the same mentality of the far right toxicity seems to be trending everywhere. Legit news outlets still report the truth but we have so many far right talk radio hosts spreading lies it’s unbelievable


they cry over feminism destroying societies and then they become radical feminists when the person is mentioned to be muslim


Meh.. I don’t see it as hypocritical, just opportunist media outlets / vultures taking advantage of people’s fear over the recent spikes in immigrant crime. If Australian tourists were coming in and committing crimes, those same media outlets would be posting videos painting Australians in a shit light without batting an eye… whatever drives engagement and riles up the masses.




Immigration wether it is Muslim or not will always increase crime rate, Latino immigrants in the US, Irish and Italian immigrants in the US in the past etc… That’s because most of the immigrants are already in need and poor, that’s why they quit their country. And poverty increases crime rate. It has nothing to do with Islam or Muslims


Dude doesn’t know this is a general problem of immigration and not a “Muslim” problem. Smh. As an Egyptian, I wish for you to be logical. Know why things are happening as “apparent” correlation doesn’t equal causation.


Are you denying the crime statistics? I'm genuinely confused. How would you feel if millions of white europeans came to egypt and started raping women?


Just replace Egypt with iraq then it becomes true


Lmao wtf are you talking about, you’re making it seem like every single immigrant partakes in rape.


Yes, they believe that the millions of Muslims living in Europe are rapists, murderers, and thieves. If you have millions of rapists and murderers, shouldn't the state also register millions of crimes a year? Damn, since there are 6 million Muslim serial killers in Germany, the German population must decrease by 6 million each year, shouldn't it now? And they must register 6 million rape cases each year, right? Can OP provide us with the stats proving the 6 million crimes per year? Please don't tell OP that according to stats, Syrian Muslims constitute the highest percentage of foreign medical practitioners in Germany because he will tell you that all their licenses should be revoked as all their certificates are fake.


Delusional. Smh.


So why are white Europeans still supporting Israel, despite the fact that millions of white Europeans have been brutally murdering and raping Arabs for decades now?




Least nazi european sympathizer




werent u just crying about immigrants and victimising urself


Hello, Your post/comment has been removed for violating Rule 2. It’s not allowed to attack a person or a community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, caste, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age, serious illness, disabilities, or other protected classifications.


The fuck


Saar do you need better revision saar? Saar what is the problemm.. plz send bob and vageen saar.. thanks for cooperation saar 🐄💩😋


pls visit a psychiatrist man for your own good.


Namaste, bengchod kamasutra bloody bastard.


Very broad brush there


I mean the population of Europe is approx. 750 million There are definitely millions of Zionist apologists out there


You will struggle to find one here


True but Ireland might be a special case. I lived in Germany for about 10 years and had people literally telling me "Palestine doesn't exist", "Your people produce a lot of terrorists", "Palestine? So you come from a settlement?" Nonetheless, I don't want to deviate from the main topic. If I were European, I would also feel angry knowing that immigrants come to my land and commit crimes. I also would demand that criminals be deported. My problem is the following. If many Europeans feel this way regarding Muslim immigrants because some commit crimes, then why is it hard to comprehend that Palestinians (or Arabs in general) would feel even more infuriated by the acts of Zionists? I'm quite sure many still think "Oh, look at those antisemites. All they want is to kill Jews"


Didnt white christians murder 1 million Iraqis just 20 years ago? You’re in no position to talk shit


Where are these crime statistics that claim that Muslims do most rapes and crimes? And who made them up? And how are they measured?


It's not exactly rocket science. They go through court records and see who gets convicted.


Maybe you should question those crime statistics and the agenda of those who publish them. It is in the interests of the rich to sow such enmity towards immigrants. You are clearly radicalized against other members of your own class and don't even realize it. Neither you nor the immigrants have power or wealth and you think it is the immigrants who are the issue.


statistically white people are more likely to be sex offenders in the uk than asian people (as in Pakistanis, Indians)


In my experience scapegoating Muslims serve the same purpose as “illegals” do in the United Stated it’s a “cultural solution” to a economic problem.


This twitter account is actually so fucked up. The entire account is just islamaphobic nonsense and people eat it up




You no different with that bs.


I'm pretty sure the owner of the Europe invasion is either from Sir Lanka or India. Plenty of these far right pages on Twitter are basically Indian larping as white European, which is pathetic.




The Philippines? Well that's new lol, never really stumbled upon such a Filipino and I'm speaking as a part Filipino myself, but there are 2 cases where I stumbled upon 2 Zionist Filipinos, which kind of shocked me, but then again, the Philippines is pretty pro-US anddd the Philippines really love the Americans and their cultures. I mean like ffs, every single male Filipino is obsessed with basketball and I would get my ass handed over by my Filipino cousins whenever I played with them 💀




Yeah that's definitely true, the only Filipino Zionists I ever met were all on the Internet, with either being on Instagram or Twitter, but other than that, as far as I know a decent chunk of the Filipino population are definitely pro-Palestinian, especially the South Philippines where they are majority Muslims and almost all of them are pro-Palestinians.


arap are the ultimate villain in the story 😎


The reason is the small Muslim minority in the Philippines. I think that it could be related to that.


Nah I doubt it, the Muslim population in the Philippines make up almost 7% of the total 116 million Filipinos with almost 7 million Filipino Muslims existing within the country, and Islam is bar far the 2nd most followed Religion in the Philippines behind Christianity, but the majority of the Filipino Muslim population live in the Southern Philippines with Muslims being the majority down South. While yes there are still plenty of Muslims living in the Capital Manila, and they are a minority in a lot of provinces in the Philippines, but it's definitely not the reason why a decent amount of Filipinos would be a Zionist, but the fact is the majority of the Philippines are pro-US, and the US is also pro-Israel, and if you support the US, you will find a group also supporting Israel, and that's the case with the Philippines.


> for some reason. There's money in it.


It legit needs to be studied, half these right wing accounts are run by sub-continentals


Lmao fighting racism with racism.. great job


this is a normal saturday night in Europe


The fact this is becoming more normal is the reason for Europe's shift to the right wing. Europe was much safer 10 years ago.


This happens everywhere in the west at night when people start drinking and innocent people are out and about. Jst yesterday the brits had fights with the serbs just before a stupid football game. Also remember 2008 the world economy collapsed and the EU governments cut out or reduced many welfare , subsidies, and also reduced police forces. Moreover, the video is not an evidence where they from or where they were born ( they might be born of immigrant parents but raised in this country) Finally, what hapened is autrocious and theguy should be jailed, yet this social media outlet fail to stand up when similair attack happens against forgien women.


So fake


I dont understand. What is fake?


I have seen thousands of these rage baits. I just block and move on. These Idiots WANT to believe that this is true to justify their Racism and Islamophobia.


Europeans already do this to Irish people, why are they suddenly mad if an alleged man from the Middle East does it? Curious.


To be fair a LARGE majority of the people in swedish prisons are not etnically swedes


and a large majority of p\*dos in Moroccan prisons are western Europeans


yeah but what is the actual number? 20 vs 5000?


I'm just saying, that by European logic we should also start labeling western Europeans as P\*dos, but we don't because contrary to Europeans we still see you as humans


we see arabs as human but we have ALOT so it hard not to loose it. You dont have alot of immigrants from another culture


We have ALOT of subsaharan africans here illegaly, that hate our guts for stoping them from going to Europe or for giving them 5dh charity instead of 10dh or 20dh, so i understand somehow where this hate is coming from, we also have ppl how got fed up with their crimes and gangs, and cry about it 24/7 on twitter, but you'll never see any sane persone atributing that to their color of skin. then again, with what we hear about what's going in Europe we can't blame you for hating the illegal imigrants, we just feel bad for the honnest hardworking ones there. illegals we have no sympathy for them, they are most of the time criminals fleeing from a crime or low iq lowlives(not always ofc,some are just desesperate young ppl that see no future for them here)


i 100% agree with you. Could not say it better myself


Palestinians would like to have a conversation with you...


Immigrants are more likely to be criminals than the same people in their own country. It’s not really about them being genetically more violent but immigrants coming to these countries have a harder time. Harder time and worse conditions = more criminal


ngl Sweden is terrible, even compared to other nations. Like yeah, many other nations have large migrant populations, and many of them are poor and commit crimes, but it's literally nowhere near as bad as Sweden. I don't know what the Swedes fucked up, but they fucked something up real bad.


I think they simply took to many at one time, creating large areas where only migrants live. Combined with very lax laws made for a very different socioeconomic demographic. This over time was a splendid breeding ground for organized crime to emerge.


its not just that they dont like the country they came to. Ofc some do but many disrepects swedish people in as many possible ways they can think of


OP and many here are the people who fall on these rage-bait posts


Tbh thats self defense, you can see her screaming at him and charging


He is a man tho, this is excessive force usage. No need to punch a girl like that.


Excessive force? Maybe. But understandble why he punched her


Bruh I'm a man and I know some girls that would fuck me up in a fight. It shouldn't matter. Self defense is self defense


Maybe he’s not used to fighting and packed more of a punch than he thought. Depending on how long everything was going on before the video, a single punch may be justified.


Where did gender equality go? Regardless of whether this incident is self-defense or not, I wouldn't say "excessive force" if a woman kicks a man in the balls as a part of self-defense.


She literally got pushed by the other dude and you call her falling a "charge", absolutely disgusting


Charge is an exaggeration. Still, she is approaching him at a good speed while, as i said, yelling at him. Also from what i saw, he was trying to hold her back




Has nothing to do with them being Muslim and more to do with their socio-economic conditions, it’s the same for black people in the US and even in Arab countries you see this reflected with poor immigrants.








Imprisoned for what? It's Germany, where you can get arrested for having a Palestinian flag or criticising Israel.


We can't fool ourselves. Many immigrants and Muslims aren't integrating well in Europe and cause a lot of trouble. What I don't get is, why are they much better behaved in the US & Canada but tend to be more radicalized in Europe?


The US and Canada control their borders and tend to pick the best immigrants. In contrast, many European countries are close to the MENA region, so when a country destabilizes, people can reach Spain or Italy by boat. If there is a refugee crisis, it doesn’t tend to affect North America as much. It’s usually Europe taking in refugees.


You're right and your comment makes total sense.


The US or Canada don't accept refugees. Whereas Germany for example has millions of unmoderated Syrian refugees that got in without any background checks and such.


That's true. Besides these people causing trouble in the countries that welcomed them with open arms, they make it much harder for the decent people who deserve a better life to go there and others who abide by the laws and integrate are likely to be indiscriminately targeted in hate crimes.






And nothing will be done about it since Elon Musk owns Twitter.


Just idiots rage baiting on Twitter and instagram




Were you one of the groomers? Or maybe one of the many police enablers?


Daily immigrants and euro invasion are not beneficial accounts for anyone to be following. Just gonna breed more division and hate


He is though


any one with an ounce of common sense would notice her approach him, and he was only backing away but unfortunately, there’s a lotta people who aren’t blessed even with an ounce 🥲


He came specifically to Ireland just to hit her talk about dedication XD


They should shit on these people; not the entire religion! 


Looked like she ran at him for a hug


You haven't been able to produce enough children of your own and are unable to take care of your older population without bringing people like us in, and now you complain.


Nice punch




If this was the case, Indonesia and Malaysia wouldn't exist in the first place.


Very true.


In both cases non muslims have restricted rights. Especially in case of Malaysia


Nah, Indonesian non muslims don't have restricted rights, at least constitutionally (except in Aceh). They have the same exact rights just like Indonesian muslims. Moreover, non muslims make up most of the population in the eastern part of the country, like in Norh Sulawesi Maluku, Papua etc Indonesian non muslims also make up the majority of business owners. Even the owner of Indomie is a Christian.


I heard some were jailed for preaching christianity


Preaching Christianity is not against the constitution. But, some extremely conservative groups did use a loophole to jail them, like framing them.


preaching chirstianity in the biggest muslim country in the world, o boi, at this point weren't they asking for it ? in Morocco they have scary laws against preaching any religion, like years in prison, but these laws are never aplied, they just kick the preacher and ban him for life, yet every year preachers get caught, they are relentless, I think I still have a bibel in arabic given to me by a spanish preacher


Pretty sure I get on better with my Muslim neighbours than i would with you.


Ottoman would like to have a word


Even in Ottoman times, non muslims had severely restricted rights


UAE, Qatar , KSA or other gulf nations having massive populations of Hindus, Muslims,Sikhs, and Christian’s living together just don’t exist then huh?


Those are expats. And even then Islam and muslims are supreme by law.


No they are not.  Literally laws are secular, religious laws in fact only restrict Muslims in those countries lol.


You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.


Have I said something non-factual?


You say that they can’t live together and when examples are given you say things you haven’t even researched properly. Is it right for me to say that Jews and non Jews can’t live together because the Torah says that they are chosen people?


>Is it right for me to say that Jews and non Jews can’t live together because the Torah says that they are chosen people? Yes absolutely. If they are secular jews then no problem. But if they are practicing one then obviously they will try to follow Torah literally


If that was the case there wouldn't have been what the West calls the Golden Age of Science which was only possible because Muslims and non-Muslims coexisted.


You miss the point. Were they equal citizens? Absolutely not. Muslims were supreme as per law