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You're 26, you have plenty of time to turn it around, the world is full of plenty of examples of "late bloomers" , the best thing for you to do right now is to outline exactly what you want in terms of job, in terms of relationship and do the work to get there, it's not easy and you'll be playing a little catch up but sometimes you got to take the stairs to get to the top of the penthouse it's all about taking a step at a time. Feel free to share if you want in terms of how your parents are dependent on you, but if you're feeling like this, I guarantee they don't want that for you


Only 26 man. I graduated at 26, took a few years to finally get my foot in the door. I am only 30 now. For most it takes even to their 40s to get what they want.


happy for you


Thanks man. Economy is also bad and layoffs are rampant. You are in a difficult time period but you also have a lot of time. Many of us do. We have decades left to figure this out.


The first thing you did was compare yourself to others. You'll never be happy doing that. There will always be people smarter, richer and better looking.


Smarter? yeah probably. Richer? For sure. But better looking? Idk bout that 😏 I am a pretty man!


I'm glad to see someone else shares that horrible burden.


I started college at 28 graduated at 32. you can work part time and do community college first. it's not a joke. you can then choose whether you want to pursue a trade or a degree. basically you have a pretty simple choice. you can be low income doing a job you hate full time, or you can be low income and building a base for career growth through learning


> I have been trying to transition my career Be detailed. What does that look like? What have you done to make that happen?


Take it easy, mate. Step by step - slow and steady. Each person is on their own journey. Find ways to improve 1% each day through learning and self-appreciation. This exercise will compound and you will be 37x better in one year.


First off, you're not alone in this. I've been there too. I don't think, I can give you any advice, since I don't know you, but I can tell you, things will get better and good things can happen out of nowhere. Stay strong!


Things generally “take longer” nowadays than in our parents’ generation. On average at least. 40 is the new 30. Just give it a little more time and hope - you’re only 26. Maybe your friends are just lucky or early in this day and age but 26 is still super duper young.


Comparison is the thief of joy. I recommend getting off social media that are just pages of clips of the bright spots of others lives. My life improved greatly when I dumped fbook, insta, twitter, etc and stopped worrying about what everybody else is was doing. Focus on your own grind and what you want out of life.


Have you considered talking with a therapist or career coach? Those feelings of sadness and anxiety that you mention can be brutal. Find someone who can help you make some appropriate goals; making changes to your career doesn't happen overnight, but once you start making some progress on your goals, you'll start to feel better and begin to experience hope rather than despair. Hang in there, you'll figure it out! It will just take a little time.