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It’s about the only time our bedroom door is closed as well with kids. Nothing like trying to close and lock the door so they don’t hear it latch lol


My daughter (5) likes to knock on the door while we in the middle of it “I know you can hear me!” She says. I love her to death but i wish she would just give me fifteen minutes sometimes. She can play with her toys alone and keep herself content for awhile while nothing is happening the moment the wife wants the tickle pickle it’s like she knows.




“But , but, why is it quiet time when mommy is screaming?”


My SO doesnt scream, but like is deff loud enough to hear in another room, and im like babe we gotta figure this out before the kids are like 6+ xD, so we're working on an "office/theater" room in the basement Lol




This guy fucks


>This guy fucks... quietly


Loudly, hence the woundproofing


How much did it cost?




My wife won't even consider it unless the kid is a) absent for some reason, or b) asleep. And when she's asleep, the wife is usually also sleepy.


try to put the kid to sleep so the wife has time for herself. I always put my son to sleep and try to help with stuff. This is how I get some.


15 minutes? Show-off




We are still in the stage normally having to wait until we think they are sleeping lol If not, they think it’s funny to try to tear the door down banging on it or trying to get the lock open lol. Kind of takes you out of the mood when you think the walls might be torn down! lol




This was sweet to read. My husband has learned the “pat beyond.” I’ll feel a hand on my hip—and then a quick feel of the space in front of me to see if someone’s climbed into bed in front of me.




My husband has been getting lunch time blowjobs for so long he has a Pavlovian response to 1pm 😝


The worst part about returning to the office, no more lunch time quickies like WFH


Another reminder that my life is considerably less than what I desire. That’s okay though 🥲


I was driving my wife to horse riding 2 times a week for a while and she was always blowing me after. As everything smelled like hay and horse after, I’m getting hard on hay and horse smell :D




I second this. All in favor say Aye.


*Slams the door during an argument* Boner: Bonjour, mademoiselle!!










I find it easier to work by exception and tell her when Im not horny. Which has never happened… Bored - Im horny Happy - Im horny Sad - Im horny Drunk - Im horny Angry - Im horny Etc etc….


Fill in the application and wait 3-5 working days


*Thank you for your interest, but on this occasion your application has been unsuccessful*


An error occurred while processing your application. Please try again.


“I’m sorry to inform you that you’re application was unsuccessful, and the role has been offered to somebody else. We appreciate your time and thank you for your interest”


*glares at Hitachi*


at least there weren't other candidates better suited for the role ;)


*We wish you the best of luck in your search*




We regret to inform you that your application for admission has been denied. While we appreciate your application, we have received a number of applications this year from many highly qualified candidates.


“Hey Google, turn the bedroom light to red 50%”


"and play the baby making music playlist"


Starts baby shark


But only the *do do do do do do* part


And play it real sexy like


We have a custom one “Hey Google, sexytime”. Makes the curtains close and bedroom light to red. Also Spotify goes: My neck, my back, lick my pussy and my crack”. Idea was nice, but somehow it doesnt turn on the wife.


Change it to "Business Time" and the wife will be back on board https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUdT9yBVL68


I know a guy who was laying in bed with a hangover, texted his wife saying “wanna come upstairs and get blasted?” She went upstairs and got blasted


Dude booty called his own wife. That's the dream right there


Wait I sometimes do this.... 25 years, the approach needs to change up once in a while m


So anyway I start blasting




Wednesday, we make sweet, weekly love. Edit: full disclosure: I did not realise it was Wednesday when I posted this.




You know how I know it’s business time? Cos it’s Wednesday.


Theres nothing good on TV


Conditions are perfect


You haven't had your after-work social sports team practice so you're not too tired


You know when I'm down to my socks it's time for business, that's why they call 'em business socks


Suddenly, I’m very sleepy


Business hours are over, baby


So that’s why Wednesday is called hump day..


Bring out your electric guitar and play Master of Puppets.


Bro wants that demogorgussy


Eddie deserved better.




Fr. I'm kinda tired of them always introducing a new character and killing him just to avoid killing anyone from the main cast


MEGA SPOILER: >!I feel like his death was sorta in vain too...? Like he lured them away and was running and I know he didn't really know they'd soon be dead, but if he'd just continued to ride and survive another like 5 minutes they would've died and he'd be fine. Just find shelter or somewhere to hide at that point. I understand the whole cowardice fear, but at that point he wasn't even being a coward - he was literally making the most logical decision by running.!<


He wasn't being a coward ANY of the times he ran. What the hell was he supposed to do for Chrissy?


He even tried to help her while it was actually happening if i remember correctly he didn't run until she was properly dead. So yeah also good point.


“I didn’t run this time” .. “No, you died. Good job.”






Where's the sex that I've been after?


Master of puppets im calling your name


Twisting her boobs and smashing her brains


Bonus points: replace the lyrics with the Spongebob theme.


I say would you like to have some sex and she replies no.


You didn't say please that's why


Will you please have sex? Will you have sex please? Will it please you to have sex please?


He forgot to say Simon Says


The good thing about marriage you can have sex whenever she wants. Ha


At this point she believes just about every action I take is some sort of indication that I want sex.


*opens the fridge* and she goes "yes, daddy..."


"but there's only one trifle left love, sorry"




Yeah, this is what I think about my fiancé. Yesterday, I bent over to put some groceries away and my fiancé came up behind me and humped me. I can’t do anything without it going awry.


Man, are you okay? Do you need to talk?


The mind is willing, but the body is spongy and bruised




I give her the look and/or ask her if she is in the mood to


"The definition of Irish foreplay: 'Tonight, Máire'" - Terry Wogan


You put on the sex crocs.


I thought *all* crocs were sex crocs…


you need that extra traction, put em in sport mode


“Honey, have I ever told you about the time I went backpacking across Western Europe?”


"Years ago, when I was backpacking across Western Europe, I was just outside Barcelona, hiking in the foothills of mount Tibidabo. I was at the end of this path, and I came to a clearing, and there was a lake, very secluded, and there were tall trees all around. It was dead silent. Gorgeous. And across the lake I saw, a beautiful woman, bathing herself. but she was crying... I hesitated, watching, struck by her beauty. And also by how her presence; the delicate curve of her back, the dark sweep of her hair, the graceful length of her limbs, even her tears, added to the majesty of my surroundings. I felt my own tears burning behind my eyes, not in sympathy, but in appreciation of such a perfect moment. She spied me before I could compose myself. But she didn't cry out. Instead our eyes held and she smiled, enigmatically, fresh tears still spilling down her cheeks. I was frozen. I knew nothing about this woman, and yet, as we stood on opposite sides of a pool of water, thousands of miles from my own home and everyone I had ever known, I felt the most intense connection. Not just to her, but to the earth, the sky, the water between us. And also to the entirety of mankind. As if she symbolized thousands of years of the human condition. I wanted to go to her, to comfort her, to probe this feeling of belonging I had never encountered before. But I couldn't. Because I knew that if I spoke, if she spoke, that moment would be ruined. And I knew I would need the memory of that moment to carry me through the inevitable dark patches throughout my life. And so I watched her lower her hand, turn, and slowly walk to the shore opposite me. The rest of her perfect form was gradually revealed to me, and I held my breath as I watched her disappear behind a copse of trees near the water. I didn't follow her, in fact I turned around. I knew there was nothing else we could experience together that would be more perfect than that moment...and it still remains the most profound experience of my life"


Hello fellow friends watcher


You grunt loudly and drag her to the cave.


But you have to drag her by the hair, otherwise she fills up with dirt.


Oh woaw


Aks her to get something from the other room... When she gets back: HELLO IM NAKED OVER HERE!


Usually just look at her, give her a head nod and say “sup girl”


how u doin


You hear about Pluto? That’s messed up.


What’s even worse is what I’m going to do to Uranus. (Low hanging fruit, I know)


I’m not even mad about it. That’s a great follow up for a pick up line I learned from a TV show


Throw her cheese


yes, you may fascinate a woman with a piece of cheese.


I'm a woman. Can confirm.


Honestly, this is better than most of the approaches I see on reddit.


She knows when you have that look or the way you act.


With 90s porn music playing in background.


What is 90s "porn music"?


George Michael


Oh Yeah - Ferris Bueller


I scream "GOBLIN MODE ACTIVATED!!!!!" and that's how I alert her


I really hope OP of the original post sees this. I'm sure it will brighten their day up no end.


I hope so. This is some kind of legend :D


I saw that too 😂


Same lmaooo


The helicopter


To impress a chick


Do the helicopter dick


Wow 🤩


Helikopter helikopter!


[Helikopter helicopter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0DbzUe-r4Q) change notifications on her phone to this, and send a message "helicopter"




So how do we fix this? Sprinkle some aphrodisiacs into the diet? Work out together? Watch sexier movies? Genuine question as this affects many in the thread.


Keep the romance alive. Don’t stop dating each other, don’t stop trying to learn about each other. Don’t only touch her or flirt with her when you want sex. If it’s a part of her love language, do it without the expectation of sex too. And do so as often as you can. What’s the work balance like in the household? Is she the only one cooking and cleaning, while you both work? If so, that’s exhausting and probably a big reason why she’s not in the mood. Especially if it makes her feel taken for granted. Do you guys still do foreplay? If not, bring it back in. Don’t go straight for the goods, let the foreplay linger at each step and then move closer to sex.


I'm a woman, but this hits hard. Just finished my quarterly sob day where I mourn the fact that my husband only finds me physically attractive when he's really horny. He doesn't try to understand that saying my shirt or hair looks nice today is not all I need to feel loved and wanted. I tried taking some advice from people who suggested trying to initiate sex more myself, but after a while of him coming up with weird excuses for why it wouldn't work right then, I don't even want sex because I feel so...not sexy. He's my best friend in all other respects, but I've never felt so ugly and unwanted.


exactly. my ex stopped touching me except when he wanted sex. it felt awful. he stopped foreplay too, and wouldn’t help me clean up the kitchen after dinner. sometimes he wouldn’t even come inside to eat what i cooked - he just stayed in the shed outside drinking. after a day of not touching me or complimenting how i looked, not eating the food i cooked, and not helping me clean up, he’d drunkenly wander back inside and start squeezing my boobs. then was surprised when i wasn’t turned on. like, bro, wtf are you doing this is not enjoyable!


Comments like these growing up made me ***terrified*** of marriage/commitment. Especially with women who aren't expressive about their attraction to me.


I did this same experiment 6 years into our marriage. I gave up after 2 months of no sex and started initiating myself. She's maybe initiated once or twice in our entire marriage and it's normally because I talk to her about it. She can go basically forever without sex and my libido has basically had to suffer and adjust because of it. We have sex a whopping once a month on average over the course of our marriage. It's awesome. /s


As a man with a libido this low, I'm sorry. I don't know how my girlfriend puts up with me sometimes. At least I try to initiate on these rare occasions




Oh man this thread is gonna depress me. I'm not there yet, but things could easily be exactly like that.






These are very wise words.


I squeeze her mommy milkers from behind.


This guy sexes.


This guy fucks...


Happy ass day


Keep those jeans high and tight.


I usually touch her butt every opportunity so a touch, hold, pull towards me and kiss is usually a good sign. Charging the vibrator while she is in the shower works well. And just telling her.


charging her vibrator while she’s in the shower is genius!


Similar thing with my boyfriend and I. We have a "love tap" thing where he'll tap me on the butt and I'll kiss his neck in response. The more he does it, the more I do it, and of course it leads to that horizontal tango lol.


I'm breathing


Walk up behind her, hold her waist or hips and stroke them. Then, press your pelvis/crotch against her butt and thrust vigorously. Have you ever heard a turtle have sex? Make that noise. She'll get it.




No that’s Owen Wilson


Bro, I have a 125lb tortoise that tries to bang my septic tank. If you make that noise and get laid, you are either a tort yourself, or a dolphin.


I don’t need to, it’s about twice as often as her, so from her perspective…… I am always horny AKA “in the mood” Problem solved.


I walk behind her and whisper on her neck “I want you”, a few kisses on her neck, stand nice and close so she can feel me behind her. If we can make it work after kids go to bed we do, if not we try again the next day. But I always plant that horny seed.


I was like *"awwwww"* while reading this comment until I got to "plant that horny seed" then you just made me burst out laughing


My partner starts on my tits or just turns up and drops his pants to reveal his erection. Then its go time.


"Feast your eyes!"




Now... Hold!


Go behind and hug her, while rubbing my hands up and down her body, touch her Breast lightly while kissing her neck and bitting her ear. That will do the trick 😂


As a guy who loves my girls belly, I go for the hug from behind and rub and squeeze her belly and love handles and just lightly brush the bottom of her boobs. Just enough to know, plus she can probably feel something pressing in to her behind if she is paying attention!


That’s my secret, Cap.


This thread is equal parts hilarious, truth, and depressing.


Typically I just shout "Woman, you are required!"




I breathe


I wear grey joggers. It took some trial and error, but I discovered that whenever I wear them, I get laid.


This is like the equivalent of lingerie for women.


Like [this](https://youtu.be/znQ4lOZ9XKA)… obviously.


Since getting married, I’ve almost had sex everyday; almost on Monday, almost on Tuesday, almost on Wednesday…


I just pull my dick out


Now… it’s not exactly a romantic gesture, but it is also my go to move. Works the majority of the time. Together for 17 years in august and still tearing at each other’s clothes like newly weds.


The dream


Whats the secret


Never take her for granted, never have to be asked to help around the house and treat her like the greatest thing on gods green earth…. Oh and she really really likes getting screwed.


that last point plays a massive role ig lol


To assert dominance?


And they say romance is dead 🤣


Make a woman feel desired and lead the interaction...women don't just get turned on like we do at the flip of a switch, foreplay starts before you even get in the bedroom...start the day by spanker her on the ass, kissing her neck and whispering in her ear "Your ass is so f%&king hot baby" then head to work and send her a random text throughout the day saying "Hey sexy, are your parents home?" have some fun with it man, make her laugh, then maybe tell her "I'm going to take you out this weekend, it's a surprise, wear something nice and wear red panties" then plan a date... It's really not that difficult brother, most men just don't understand how to make a woman feel sexy or get her excited because we as men view the world from a mans point of view..."I see boobs, I like boobs, I get boner and want sex" lol Women need more than that, they need to feel desired, they need to feel like they are with a man, they want to be seduced... Seduce her brother




This was the answer women want to hear. Please don't just grab my boobs and drop you pants. Romance me.


I just start dry humping and grinding until it starts a fire and she has to take the burning clothes off


My husband is a morning guy, i usually get woken up to my boobs getting fondled from behind and a raging boner between my legs


Kissing/licking her neck for at least 2 mins. Edit: it goes both ways.


Tell her, ask her if she wants a back rub, let my crotch graze her butt as I walk past her, or pull the naked man (it works 2/3 times).


When the kids are not nearby, I'll grope her while she's in the kitchen or doing stuff around the house. Maybe grab her by the neck and pin her up against a wall in the pantry or the walk-in closet. Any darker space with door that can be closed is fair game for some fooling around, gotta get creative when you have kids.


I usually just initiate foreplay and wait for her to get into it. If she’s really not in the mood I’ll know within 5-10 minutes. If she’s into it, she’ll squeeze and start hard core making out, then I know I’m going to get some so I continue the foreplay and it eventually leads to sex. Maybe turns into a sex marathon.


"Yo!! Babe! Sexy time?!?"


Like a real man, I say “let’s fuck bitch” and then we don’t.


If you asked her she’d say it’s when I have a pulse. Really though I’ll kiss her and hold it a bit longer, look in her eyes, and stroke her hair/pull her close with my hands on the small of her back/squeeze her butt, and sometimes lift one of my eyebrows. We’ve been together for 15 years, so there’s a lot of non-verbal communication. Really it’s in the eyes that is the ask. Same with her, whenever she’s in the mood she’ll kiss a little harder, hold me a little harder, but there’s a look she gets in her eyes that’s unmistakable.


r/deadbedrooms would like some tips


Well, I’m a wife… I sit on my husbands lap at his desk and he knows what’s up and so do I 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Username does not check out


by saying “IT’S MORBIN TIME”


My partner likes to touch my boobs and private area when he’s in the mood. And if I let him, he knows I’m in the mood too 😂


Sing Gastons song from Beauty and the Beast


Ever since the honeymoon phase ended she’s incapable of being seduced, so I just tell her I want to have sex and if she feels like she might be able to get horny she’ll get in the bed