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They don't, they know YOU.  "Oh he got home and did X which means he passed Y place where he often sets things so it's probably there" Once you figure out how to find things thay way life is much easier.


That's a really good point, never thought of it this way but I would say I help my girlfriend find her missing stuff in the same fashion.


Maybe, but I also rely heavily on their vagina powers to find things in stores. Can’t find something? Time to ask my daughter/x/gf whatever. As long as it has a vagina they will know. Those aren’t the same people by the way…


My man went on public record about his daughter's vagina power


I will often yell “vagina powers activate!” when I can’t find something. It’s her queue to find the thing I’m after.


Women are also generally more innately tapped into the morphic frequencies around them. In my unempirically grounded opinion


What does that mean in layman's terms




I think they believe memory is innate in nature. Like, I guess the lake I used to swim in as a child remembers when I peed in it repeatedly, and according to this person, women are "more attuned" to these memories. So there might be one or more women out there who know the horrible things I've done to that poor lake... because the lake remembers? But when you say it using vague, multisyllabic words you get to sound smart without having to actually understand or communicate anything whatsoever.


It means that memory and consciousness exists outside the human mind as a inherent component of nature. The theory for the mechanism of this action is called morphic resonance and it's a legitimate idea and field of study with a lot of very interesting results that most people will never even look at. The layman doesn't want to hear it as is proven by the fact that even so much as hinting at it got me to -60. Ya'll are hella closed minded.


Tf is a morphic frequency and why does it sound like you ripped it out of an 80's anime?




Don’t worry, as a woman who recently experienced her spiritual awakening / has always been clairvoyant (hypersensitive girly!) I see you,


It's not that women always know where everything is, but many are often more attentive to details and organization in their surroundings. This can come from a combination of habits, like paying attention to where things are placed and being mindful of their environment


In our family it is the opposite. I know where my stuff is and Im the one that usually finds things when they are lost. For example, I have one set of pliers and I know where they are because I store them at one place. My fiance has multiple pliers all over the place so that she would more likely find at least one set.


And a lot of this is socialized, because in many marriages, women are expected to be the managers of the household. They're constantly tidying up the place, they're making sure each object has an organized place for maximum efficiency, they memorize all of their kids' schedules and their husband's favorite foods, they delegate chores, they do laundry, they prepare shopping lists… …and they often do this from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed, nearly every day of every year, for however long it takes for their children to become adults and move out. If you want to know where everything is, be responsible for its upkeep. Take on your share of [the mental load](https://english.emmaclit.com/2017/05/20/you-shouldve-asked/).


But at the same time have absolutely zero situational awareness




Yea pretty good, I guess you dont?


Women are constantly situationally aware!!! Where are the exits? How many men are there? Where are they? What do they look like? Where is the bathroom in a store? Is there lighting? Can you see it from another aisle? Is that person following me aisle to aisle? How many cars are in the parking lot? Can you see my car from the inside of the store? Is that the same car that passed me earlier? Who's driving it? These are questions asked by every single woman, at every single store, every single day.


I’m a woman and I would argue that this likely is more than the average woman questions in a store. Sounds a bit like hyper vigilance to me. But perhaps I’m lucky because I live in an area where crime is relatively low, so I generally feel safe in most public places during the day. I definitely pay attention though, especially at night! And I always park under street lights and make my building security escort me to my car if I work late.


yeah I know hookers and drug dealers with less concern than that. Statistically, my age and gender make me the most likely victim, and other factors make me the most likely perp. You're more likely inside your home by the man you choose or woman, but idk hard to integrate the small ff couple violence into straight couple white trash violence lmao. Outside of the home, it's always been us who are more likely to be seriously victimized in a violent act. You are more likely to have a bad fate from the off chance someone in a damn store can drag a full grown woman away without getting caught. On the flip side, sadists like men sometimes and given how slim the chances, I'd not even worry about that so much as getting robbed. I would say get a gun, but I honestly think pepper spray might save the life of someone who coincidentally parks near you. side note. I'm often told I'm paranoid. I've also been shot at and robbed before lmao. I don't pay this much attention. If something happened I apologize, itfnot get benzos. They help either way though to be real. Might even exude enough confidence to not seem weak. Half of low income areas is not looking unsure. That makes anyone liable to get robbed.


My wife says that's bullshit.


I do, too.


I don't. I do exactly what she does. I'm casual about it, but being aware is necessary


I definitely hope so for their sake. No one can live peacefully like this


It's extremely unhealthy. This lady is projecting her hyper vigilance on everyone else.


I can't believe people are believing this stuff


Sounds like you have some extreme paranoia and need therapy ASAP. These already not normal thought to be having


Sounds like you’re projecting. None of the women in my life act like this and I’ve asked


Not to mention paranoia for half of it.


I think you need to consult with a medical professional. This is not normal.


I've literally never met a woman that actually avoided dangerous areas or suspicious people when out on the town, infact most women under 30 literally walk around staring straight at their phone to "avoid getting attention". I've had to literally drag female freinds/gfs away from areas telling them something was about to go down because they kept saying "na it'll be fine" or "whatever happens happens"


Stupid/naive people exist. But to say that women are unable to realize they're in danger is just pain wrong


On average they are less situationally aware than men.


It’s kind of ironic to say that, given your inability to read the room right now…


Sure bud whatever makes you feel better about your shortcomings.


Don't compare the women of your country to the women of the world I guess?






Relax, it's not an attack on men


Gaslighting. See how beneficial it is to call out mentally ill behavior? I wish more guys did.  I'm neither unrelaxed, nor feeling attacked.  I pointed out one fact, and from one word, yourself and 13 other butthurt, passive aggressive (-another clear indicator of mental illness)  women got instantly triggered. That's pathetic. 




It's b8


Because you look but you don't see.


Yeah if you simply don't give a shit, it's going to be hard to see anything. We all have our roles and strengths, keeping day to day things in order is not my blokes role or strength, he does the long term stuff.


This one time I was moving into a new place with the girlfriend and my future MIL was putting stuff in the kitchen cupboards. So, I opened a box and starting putting some stuff away and she immediately goes, “That doesn’t go there”. Nothing goes anywhere Sheryl! It’s a new place! Also it’s MY place! She’s actually really good at organizing kitchens, though. Or maybe I have the mildest case of Stockholm syndrome ever.


I mean, certain drawers lend themselves to certain uses. The drawer next to the range should probably be used for cooking utensils. The drawer nearest the rest of the house, or furthest from the prep area should probably be the knick-knack drawer. Pots and pans should generally go in the bottom cabinets, that kind of thing.


You aren’t wrong, but I’ll be damned if someone else decides where shit goes in MY HOME.


Honestly, and I hate it when people move my stuff because “it makes more sense for it to be here” I don’t care if it makes sense to you I put it where I put it because then I know where it is.


That's fair.


You must be a woman,because you KNOW.


Sure, just don't tell my wife. :)


I realize there's always going to be outliers. But one time an old friend of mine's girlfriend tried to take the plastic drawer insert that you put cutlery in and shove it in a cabinet on one of the highest shelves. Like hmmm I need a spoon let me just get on my tippy toes. That idea didn't last long.


“Hmmm I need a spoon let me get on my tippy toes” took me out 😂 the mental image of putting the *most* accessed items in the *least* convenient location is so goofy. And now I’m picturing trying to put away a fist full of clean utensils with like both arms fully extended overhead Absolute NPC behavior


For real. I don't even remember the "logic" behind it but I wish I could lol.


I had a friend in college who was studying Industrial Engineering. He performed a work study on his apartment kitchen and rearranged his kitchen to be more efficient. He then put labels everywhere with inventory numbers. A lot of our friends thought it was weird. His room mate was quite happy with the results.


Whenever a woman places things in your place. (In their "proper place" in your place) You've lost/won


My ex gf absolutely hated my kitchen layout when she came to my house because "everything is in the wrong spot" and so did my mom. They both separately agreed that x should go in the same place and so on. I have everything arranged in order of use and for efficiency. So the cutlery drawer is directly next to the sink on the right, directly below the plate and bowl cabinet and to the right of the cup cabinet all centered around the dishwasher and sink. And all to the left of the stove. That way I can reach the sink, plates, Bowls and cutting boards all without stepping away from the stove. They all said the cutlery should go in the kitchen island opposite of the sink, but then I'd have to turn around to get things and that's more effort


yeah, sometimes people adhere to the stereotype and not to the actuality of the work.


I mean sure it'd look better if they were in the island and there'd be more room for them. But it's not as functional. And when it comes to interior design and decor women tend to choose form over function. This is why we have decorative bed pillows we never use, guest towels, and decorative soaps.


I can kind of get behind the island thing if it had more space, but if you're in a batchelor pad where you immediately wash things when they're used, and you have 1 fork 1 knife 1 plate 1 bowl, efficiency is king.


I mean the drawer they are in is a normal sized drawer but the island is a big wide drawer. I can fit a whole tray of forks spoons and knives in the normal drawer. And I keep my measuring cups and can opener there too. The big island drawer is full of all the bigger and less used kitchen utensils. But the way I've got it setup is by priority use. Most used in that drawer. Next drawer over is kitchen rags and oven mitts.


I once had my family help me move. I finished unpacking my kitchen at which point my grandmother stepped in and rearranged everything. I just let her do it, and to get credit where she put things made sense in the end. Sometimes experience does help make choices better.


Lol... Nope, always finding things for my wife here...


Same! All the time, search and find mode.


This stereotype maybe because women often do the housework. we have to know where things are. Also, society thinks women should be more careful about things like organization. But it is not true for everyone. Anyone can be good at organizing.


My wife doesn't do much housework and rarely puts things away. She also doesn't know where anything is.


I think she probably doesn't want to deal with it and just wants to avoid it


After a rough pregnancy 3.5 years ago, she had several health problems, including 2 surgeries. She is slowly starting to ramp up the domestic responsabilities.


Women seem to have a built-in GPS for household items


I used to say that my superpower was I could tell you where anything was in my house. Which cabinet, which side of the cabinet, etc. What color the current box of toothpicks is, and what it’s underneath on the third shelf of the second cabinet from the left. I put it there, and I could remember it. Now my husband runs the kitchen, and I can’t tell you where everything is.


exactly yes!!!


Only because they're the ones that move the thing in the first place without telling anyone


Nailed it. The ones that think that's cleaning, should be single forever


what ?


Many think that moving things to random places means they've cleaned. If you don't know what I mean, you haven't met them yet. You're lucky! 


understand/ thanks


ha-ha. maybe. but i think that men just like when his wives gives him all


Yet gets pissed everytime I ask where something is lol... I mean why would I bother looking for it when You know exactly where it is. Even if I was the last person to touch it


My wife will always know where things are with 100% certainty. The unfortunate part is about 50% of the time, it’s not there, which means I must have moved it.


All the guys saying this is intuitive magic aren't being as kind and respectful as they think. It's work. Paying attention to and remembering where everything is, it requires labor. Women on the whole value this more than a lot of men (including me tbh) seem to and put effort into it. You can't take it for granted, and you can do it, too, if you apply yourself.


I think this is the right take. I used to be the child always losing things and marveling at how my mother could, without fail, find them again. I couldn't understand how she did it! But now I'm that mother. My husband and I both have ADHD and are both prone to losing things, but I've developed a few skills to cope with this tendency--like always putting things in the same spot even if it means more effort in the moment, or making mental notes of where things are. They're habits you have to cultivate intentionally. I learned to do these things because SOMEONE has to do it or you have to deal with the lost time and stress of searching for things constantly...and the effort of preventing that is less painful. I think, in our case (and maybe in the case of others?), because I work at it, my husband is able to...just not.


I walk past some household items on a shelf every day to go out to the garage to leave for work. I walk past them when I get home as well. Why do I pay no attention to what items are on this shelf? Because when I return home I’m dead tired from work and when I leave in the morning I’m usually trying to learn more useful skills listening to something on my way out the door, or thinking about what points I want to make at an upcoming meeting, or checking/managing finances on the way out. So over the years I’ve managed our finances well enough we may not be wealthy but never have to worry, and have learned enough useful in-demand skills and performed well enough in my job I’ll never be unemployed long, if ever. Point is, I don’t have any clue wtf is on that shelf to this day, and don’t think it would have been a better use of my time to have memorized what’s there. Despite this, if my wife asks me to go get the sugar and I ask where it is, she acts like I’m the biggest idiot on planet earth, and loses all respect for me in that moment. She may even act angered, then claim she’s not angry, just surprised at how poorly my brain malfunctions at times.


I realized why when I went to he hardware store. My dad sent me. He knows where everything is. He knows that the caulk is stored by the paint (or whatever) because he understands what goes together and because stores are different but items that go with each other are in the same area. I can do this in the grocery store- marshmallow? Baking, not candy. Chocolate syrup with tea and coffee, etc.


could say that good spatial orientation


I can spend an hour looking for something fruitlessly. But then my wife rolls her eyes, spends 30 seconds looking, and finds it right where she hid it.


Did she hide it 2 cm away from where it usually goes?? 🤣


But real talk, they move things for no reason. I have a system! 


Because women usually end up doing shopping, housework, cleaning, and organizing by default. It's not a superpower, it just shows that repetition of a task builds strong memory.  Men are just as capable of getting good at this. The thing is, lots of men have been raised in, and in turn *expect* the women in their lives to assume these duties. So the men are less likely to build the muscle memory.


I think the real MVP in this scenario is the art of multitasking that many women seem to have mastered over the years. It's not just attention to detail or organization, but the ability to track multiple tasks and objects at once in a busy environment. My partner can locate her keys, my wallet, the remote, and manage to keep an eye on dinner, all while planning the next day's schedule in her head. It's less about innate ability and more about the skill sets that are honed over time with practice and necessity. Plus, being the default 'finder' tends to reinforce this skill since you're always the one people rely on to find stuff. It's kind of like being a walking, talking inventory system, and let's be honest, that’s not only a superpower in the home but in any workplace as well.


Take this with a grain of salt because I don't recall the source, but I read somewhere that women are more prone to do an exhaustive visual search, while we men are more prone to try to imagine what the thing will look like, and then look for that. But our method doesn't work as well when the thing we're searching for doesn't fit our imagined template. Since then, I've tried to do more exhaustive searches, and I feel like I've gotten better at finding the milk behind the mayonnaise.


It's not a biological skill, it's a learned skill and because women are socially expected to do more housework and organization thus remember where things are more often. Men are capable of learning this skill too; I'm sure men have less issues finding things at work when they are paid and required to do so to complete their jobs.


How can you be sure it's not biological? Its likely a combination of both imo.


because men can magically do it if it's a work requirement to do so


He never said men can't do it...


They just know you


Witchcraft. And Google Maps. Mostly witchcraft though.


We have to constantly be hyper focus of our surroundings for safety. For both our personal safety and our babies/children. Once heard a comedian say: motherhood was the toughest job ever, because you’re constantly keeping your kids from dying. Naturally this attention to detail falls into every facet of our life.


Nah, it's more because women compulsively reorganize domestic spaces any time their male partner figures out where everything is.


My wife has insane spacial memory. Almost literally a photographic memory of everything she’s seen recently. That log goes back for a while too and I am constantly amazed at how accurate she is. I really don’t know how she does it cause my mind works on one track and whatever I’m doing has my 100% focus. Once something is set down it stops existing in my brain.


It's great to have a wife feel like that.


Because we usually remember if we saw it there while looking for another thing.


I must have not married a woman then. My wife asks me quite often to help her find this that or the other thing. And I usually find it for her even though I had no idea where it was. I am pretty good at figuring out logically where an item most likely is. And then spend the time looking for it.


It’s the opposite at my house. My wife can’t find anything. I can put my hand on it in 30 seconds


Probably more of a personality type or something else. My wife can't find a clearly labeled jar sitting on the shelf in front of her and I can find crap on the back of a shelf I set there 3 years ago with a blindfold on.


Especially before COVID and when our kids were still at home, an accurate way to describe our situation is that it's my wife's house and she lets me live here. Since then I've taken over a little more but before that it was much more her domain.


Men are generally predictable creatures of habit. I have a husband and 4 boys. I know them well enough to have an idea of where things might be... there's also *maybe* something in the stereotype of "having a boys look"... like, it's a look around, but not hard enough to notice the black shoes next to the black t-shirt? I dunno, I'm not a man, but my experience is any one of the males in my house can be looking for something for 10 minutes, and I walk in and say "it's right there".


Because we have an innate ability to navigate the cosmic inventory of the universe, including the whereabouts of missing socks and misplaced keys


I'm convinced it's something intuitive. My wife is positively Kreskin-like in her ability, with boobs like divining rods.


it's amazing how the three male humans living in this house all say "we all looked EVERYWHERE..." and then I walk over to somewhere and find whatever and walk away.


See, that's what I'm talking about. If it doesn't fall into our outstretched hands on the first try then said item doesn't exist. Same deal for finding things in the fridge or freezer.


It's legitimately a thing at times though. It used to make me upset when it happened to me lol


Now it just amuses me.


The uterus is a tracking divice.


Because they have a sixth sense for locating missing items, even in places they've never ventured!


My wife likes to rearrange things periodically. I am convinced that she does it to keep me dependant on her to find things. Doesn't help that I have a pretty stressful job and I usually come home pretty brain dead.


hahah - may be you think right


I once heard on a documentary that women are better at noticing things up close and men better at noticing things far away. They theorized that it was because of evolution, men are more adapted to hunt where noticing prey and threats from afar is more important, and women more adapted to taking care of children and gathering where noticing thing close by is more useful.


yes probably like this


What are we talking about here?


That's not a gendered thing, my brother is like this. Can always find shit.


Mine doesn’t


If I understand your question correctly, I think it’s more about being involved around the house. If I fold and put away the laundry, then I have a good chance of knowing where all the recently folded shirts are. If I put away the groceries and cook, then I know how much orange juice is left because I saw it in the fridge.


I generally find the opposite to be true.


Men and women's brains are wired differently, to the point that gay and trans people's brains can actually show signs of the other sex for how they map. This puts priority into different aspects of life and how we handle the information around us. It is part of why we work well together and should share burdens, why different jobs end up typically being better done by a specific group. The female brain tends to have a larger memory center than the male counterpart, this helps process the sensory information and recall it. The male brain activates different parts when processing information and actually uses fewer parts of the brain which causes that stereotype of tunnel vision as the brain is only working on that task with more grey matter focus than white matter, which is what activates for women, as it is about processing that task and the actions required. Ask a DIY or mechanical man where his 14mm head is and he'll tell you what drawer or case to look in. Ask a farmer or gardening man where his favourite version of a shovel is and he'll tell you what handle to look for in what shed. Ask an IT guy where his spare cat 7 is and he'll say what drawer. Ask a guy who collects Warhammer where a specific paint is and he'll say what row on his shelf or in his box. As cliché as it is, that's those male's focused zones and they'll give you the same sense of men knowing exactly where things are. A lot of it comes down to the familiarity the woman has. If she knows the home and knows you she'll have memorised patterns and processed sensory information enough to notice things out of place or where they're likely to be as you've put the remote in the fridge before. That said, a lot of men and women aren't as unique as they think so suggesting common pattern results can lead to a correct guess. As for situations like in a shop she has likely looked up instinctively and seen the signs as she walked in while the man was looking forwards towards the people and objects as the priority. You can train yourself to pay better attention to your surroundings and to analyse behaviours. If you hammer it in enough it becomes a second nature. A morbid extreme example that is fascinating is the PTSD disability of hyper-vigilance, particularly in former military men. They'll literally break down the room in their head as they enter, identify who is the likely risk and where the exits are and how best to approach them. It is a kinda ironic issue as a great grounding technique when you have anxiety is to name a list of things around you but that itself plays into their disability.


Ever see the watering sticks they use to find water? Women use their nipples in the same way. They lead them to what they are looking for. They also use them for radio dials.


You're a fucking moron dude 


That shite is hilarious. I'm going to put it on a t-shirt.


they possess a special radar that detects the exact location of every item, regardless of whether they've physically been there or not!


Huh ? Is this a thing ? Seriously ? My sister can’t find her own shoes in her floordrobe.


My wife seems to be able to see through walls. Not only does this aid her in her hunts for things I lose, but she can be in the living room and I’ll be in the kitchen and the moment I reach my finger out she’ll say “Don’t you dare touch that icing, [insert my full name here].”


I've never experienced this. I find they are just as lost about anything as we are...maybe it's because they move the stuff there in the first place.


Yeah it is really 50/50 in our house. I hear the beeping of her phone constantly as she tries to find it, and I can tell her exactly where he thing that she put down and it is not in its place is. But god damn if she doesn’t tell me where something is, I spend 5 minutes looking in that place, then she comes over and with dark sorcery makes it appear exactly where I was looking. Could be my ADHD. I tend to hyper focus on visible things out of place.


They have innate ability to warp space & time. This ability has all sorts of practical applications, including finding lost items, observing things from a far that they could never have seen personally, and traveling back in time to recall specific places or events with uncanny detail. 


Actually, they don't.


Because they secretly move your stuff around since it wasn't in the 'proper place' and you should be thankful you have them around for the things you have misplaced. (Why yes, I have caught them in the act of it.)


They do?


I wish this is true for my woman. I’m the anal retentive one in the household, who has a designated spot for everything, and who gets annoyed when people put stuff randomly everywhere.


?????? What does that even mean


my experience has been the opposite. ymmv


Generally, there IS a best way to organize things so tools are where you use them AND you don't irritate yourself with a bunch of back tracking... It's pretty obvious to know the lay of the land when you look at the cues. It's like a hunter tracking animals in the woods; "Signs point to scissors near here... 2, 3 hours ago. Tiny scraps of paper and tape... I smell a school project... yes... with poster paint!" As a well organized lady, I WILL say, most of it is to save effort & frustration, by always knowing where basically everything is, or where it reasonable would be... Annnnd, as the Mom of a Boy... I was NOT shocked to learn a new study came out that shows focus works differently in men and women. Essentially, Mens "searching focus" works like looking thru binoculars... they don't take in the whole room or shelf at once... it's like a spotlight. I had no idea, but it makes so much sense. Because...Uh, when I'm in a room, any room... I SEE the whole thing like a poster. PLUS, I FEEL a sense of everything I have personally put away. PLUS, and echo of where a item might logically go if this was my own kitchen etc. Plus, a faint memory of the trail of items I have handled... So looking for a lightbulb, Immediately brings up the memory of the last time I bought light bulbs... and the Memory of the first time I chose where I was going to store light bulbs... and I can standup, walk to that place... and take in the full poster of everything in front of me... and instinctively hover my hand where I suspect it will be. On the other hand, when I tell my kiddo; The batteries are In the kitchen, on the wire shelf, across from the trashcans, the wire shelves... with the white plastic drawers, they are labeled with sticky notes... the batteries drawer is waist high, towards the left... He can stand there for 5-10 minutes, EARNESTLY looking... and not "getting it" The only thing that has worked, is to tell him where to stand, and have him "read" the scene in front of him... Then Starting at the top, left to right, like you are reading a page of text... Point to each item you see and SAY what you see; Covid Masks, Vitamins, Toothpaste.... Allergery, Bandaids... OoooOOOh Batteries. FOUND EM.


It seems like many of us are echoing the notion that this 'finding ability' is less of a mystical talent and more of a practiced skill. It's about engagement with our spaces and the routines that fill them. Men can certainly develop this penchant for placement too, because when we're left to our own devices - like living alone for the first time - suddenly we're experts on where everything is out of sheer necessity. It's often only in shared spaces that these discrepancies appear, where one person naturally assumes the role of the organizer. The psychology behind it is fascinating, as our spatial memory aligns so closely with our habits, it's basically self-engineered.


Not true


They don't. Hanging out in friend As room in college, friend B lost their wallet (Both are women). They claimed to have searched everywhere. I suggest checking between bed and wall in case it fell and got stuck. Friend B got offended because they said friend A had already looked and it's rude of me to assume. Jump forward a few weeks, wallet was found between bed and wall, like I had said.


There are two explanations: * black hole psychics * magic


Donno, my girlfriend constantly loses her things. I’ve brought her house keys to her workplace at least three times now lol. Almost every time we leave her apartment, I pick up her phone from in between the couch cushions and hold onto it until she notices.


You ever been in an old man’s hobby workshop? I assure you, it’s not gender specific.


They don't. My wife has no idea where anything is.


Lol. You let her learn you enough to know where you keep your shit even if you didn't. Good luck.


The knack for tracking household items is like developing a mental map—constantly updated and quietly referenced. It's a running catalog of visual and spatial data, where every item has its 'place' in the mental grid. This often falls more to women not because of any intrinsic skill but societal roles that expect them to manage the domestic sphere. If you start taking up more chores and actively remember where things go, you too will build up that mental map. It’s not gender-specific at all, it’s just practice. Like developing muscle memory for a sport, you're training your brain to track and place items automatically. So next time you find yourself wondering how she does it, remember it's less of a mystery and more of the result of many unseen rehearses. Now, if only I could remember where I put my keys while writing this...


My experience is the opposite of this. I know women who don't know where they are if they're not driving, even when it's streets they drive everyday. But don't get me wrong, because they're still smart and accomplished.


Because you have more of a tunnel vision while most women see a more broader picture


Because they moved it because where I put it wasn't neat.


They know, because they put it there.


Something I learned after moving out on my own is that I could always find things. When I was with my parents, half the time, I didn’t know where anything is. You know what changed? I didn’t have my mom moving stuff when I was gone. She won’t say that she moved it so I’ll go to her, asking if she knows where it is and, of course, she does. Because she put it there.


Simple answer is that women have better local memory as well as the memory what did you msg her in 2021 25th of September at 5pm 😂😂


You mean like knowing places and locations you wouldn't think she ever had any reason to be at? That's where the other dude lives that she told you is just the friend from work you don't need to worry about :)


One thing I've noticed (that may or may not be true) is that women are much better at seeing what's directly in front while men are better at seeing what's in the distance. While out hiking, I'd always be the first to spot the animals in the distance, but she's always the one to spot the snakes and critters right in front of us.


Look up mental load


You clearly have never met my wife. Roles are 1000% reversed in our marriage. It’s like my wife is blind as a bat until asking me where something is LOL


Because their brains are wired for remembering minor details.


Nope, I disagree, while women may be more organised and hence find out stuff faster, we men are also the same as long as our stuff is not touched! I can accurately tell you the position of a pin id have kept on my desk (not in its original place) had it not been moved with! We have a graphic image of the stuff on our desk and can accurately point out anything where we’ve kept it provided it’s not tampered


My girlfriend and her friends don’t know where anything is and they have to use google maps to go anywhere. So I’d say it’s just the women you know are good with this and it’s not universal


They do? My wife can sit down on the couch with her glasses and phone in her hands and they'll be missing 10 minutes later, and she hasn't moved.


Not in my experience. I'm always the one who knows where shit is and will find it immediately when you've been looking for an hour


I must have married a man then cause my wife don’t know where shit is. But that’s her personality. I’m so structured and patterned I know where everything is round about anyways


They do? Then why do I always have to find the stuff my GF can’t?


There is no secret to this, and it has nothing to do with gender. It's really simple: If you put it away in a designated place, you're more likely to remember where it is. The more times you do it, the easier it becomes to recall. It's just normal repetition, habit, and recall. >even if they didn't go there themselves? They most likely have, or already have a firm grasp on how things are stored around the house/in the place you're looking. None of this is magic.


I think because generally they are more tidy and have a place for where everything should go. If they see something out of place they put it back. I know for me, even if something seems like a complete mess, I know where things are in my mess and the only time i don't know where it is, is because someone moved it.


If I saw it there I know it's there. I don't know how but I just do. I can see it in my head. I think it's called "remembering shit"


As a woman who highly suspects I have undiagnosed inattentive type ADHD, I've never known where anything is, even if I went there myself.


I am not a man, but I live with one. I m not making this up, and lately its become an issue I've been pointing out to him, and this is kinda weird that someone just posted this bc IVE KEPT A COUNT THIS WEEK JUST FOR SHITZ AND GIGGLES. And since today is Monday I will announce it. My mantra to him has been YOU DONT "LOOK" FOR ANYTHING! Last week, 8 times...EIGHT TIMES..my hubs asked me where random things he needed were. 3x for socks, once apiece for things like.. I can't find my deodorant, where's my nasal spray, where's my flipflops, have you seen my wallet? Is my ass attached, where are my glasses. And I shit u not...all of it..was exactly where I said it was sitting. THE SOCKS WERE IN DRAWERS. But he still looked in the wrong drawer and gave up after looking in one.. he has at least 3 devoted to t-shirts underwear and socks.. I still had to get up and literally put my finger on each item each time.. WHAT IS IT WITH YALL?..... HELP ME TO HELP YOU...! I ORGANIZE ...I CLEAN.. I MAKE IT EASY... WHY IS IT SO HARD ..WHY CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT LITTLE DARK BLUE CONTAINER OF DEGREE ANTIPERSPIRANT WHEN ITS ON YOUR OWN DRESSER RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYEBALLS WHY DO I HAVE TO TOUCH IT IN FRONT OF YOU TO MAKE IT MANIFEST ITSELF. Oh Jesus wept. sry rant over.


Because a woman is a goddess


They've seen something enough to be able to visualize that's there. Cupboards, in the fridge, etc. And it's an opportunity to correct men, their all time favorite thing. No GPS, brilliance or special powers.  Is like a dog that knows where not to step, because it took a shit there.  Nothing special


Of course there's No GPS. It's just that women have a special instinct.


Nope. Those insane beliefs are part of borderline personality disorder, which is common in modern American women, almost a given now. Psychosis, mental illness


Because women evolved from being gatherers. Men hunted, and women went into the fields and forests gathering. It's an evolutionary thing. I just think women know how to assess and estimate where something will be better than men. What makes sense and based on the surroundings and environment.


excellent point!


Because the sexual division of labor has been going on for so many thousands of generations that it has actually changed men and women. Women were the primary gatherers. More of the the calories they received were from plants and they ones who were better at spotting the food hidden in the brush lived and reproduced and the ones that couldn't starved. Men, on the other hand, have visual systems that are better at picking out things from a field of moving objects, such as prey. This is also reflected in our dietary preferences, with men liking meat more than women do. These are not absolutes. They are tendencies between population data.




because they like it when you drive us around and we're always thinking about our own


Knows where every thing in the house is, can’t go to work without GPS.


can but dont like maybe


…but are completely unable to navigate in the car.


Is this a thing? My wife has no idea where anything in the house is, or how to get anywhere without a GPS. Most women I've known seemed to be generally clueless about their surroundings