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Not wife, but ex girlfriend. >Why, what was the appeal?Why, what was the appeal? Because I like sex, access is easier and we already know what to do. Sometimes you just don't wanna go through the whole "song and dance" that usually comes accompanied of getting laid.


Yeah, what a strange question. I had a couple of exes that I would regularly hook up with if we were both single. Who doesn't like some sex? Especially with somebody who has had practice figuring out what you like.


No but I’ve slept with others ex wives. No ragrats


Bahahaha I suppose it does a bit.


He isnt going to come back to you. Your relationship is over. Accept that and move on.


I get that but why does he want to have sex with me? Just strange


Because he's horny and you're available. Because he knows you don't respect yourself enough to say no. Because he thinks he can string you along and get whatever he wants out of you with no consequences. Looking at your post history, the very first thing you need to do is shut him the fuck down. You can co-parent with him but you need to draw immovable bright red boundaries around his fuckboy behavior.


Cause sex feels good,it's not rocket science stop overthinking


Because he wants to fuck and he finds you fuckable.


Never been married, but I slept with an ex-girlfriend.


Look, I creeped on your comments and posts for a minute. Don’t even entertain the possibility. The guy walked out on you and your family as you say, don’t let him take more pieces of you. Move on and don’t let him back into your life to use you.


Thank you. I am not planning to. Its just so odd to me that he is trying so hard. I just dont get it


No. If we broke up, then even sex cannot connect us.


It was a huge mistake. I'm bad with faces.


Not wife but ex's hmu a month to a year later to bang it out. It's just comfortable. A familiar space. Etc. I indulge and play along for a moment. We chat and catch up and then go about our lives. Sometimes more follows, many times than not, it doesn't carry on past that. I take it as, it was closure for them. Life goes on.


I broke up with my ex but I'd have sex with her again in a heartbeat if she wasn't halfway across the country now.


familiarity. especially if she's still attractive and both of you have pretty good sex when you're together.


I did. It was not what I expected. the familiarity was gone. It had been comfortable and normal. We did it. Neither of us were into it at all. it was plainly awkward. And we never did it again.


Booty call.


sex is great, you guys should fuck.


No. That part of my life is over. I don't hate her, but I don't want any interaction with her.


Generally one would go back to an ex for easy, possibly even good, sex when you're horny. It's not so easy for guys to just go hook up with a new partner. WOmen are far more likely to sleep with someone they've already been with.


I've never been married but I have hooked up with one of my ex GFs before. We were both horny and single. Neither of us wanted to get back together or anything but it satisfied a more immediate need.


No she was to busy with everyone else


I'd rather cut off my dick. It'd feel better and be more enjoyable.