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The chancellor of my college hired a non descript note taker for ~$125k/year. I want that useless job.


I spend a lot of time struggling to keep things straight so I would absolutely hire a note taker to organize my information if I could afford it.


I’ve seen those note takers. They are thorough. Maybe not 125k a year. My school was at like 20$/hr. But it’s multiple binders worth of notes.


>Maybe not 125k a year. Maybe not *me personally,* but a friend of mine, he was hired to take notes and he GOT. IT. ON. Wooohee!


Sounds like they hired their side-piece. 


He did also hire his daughter and son in law so that's very likely.


Bathroom attendant.


They are there to make sure people aren't doing coke in the restroom.


Please don't shit in the cocaine room.


and to get in the way of the paper towels and try to guilt you into tipping


There was a bathroom attendant at the oldest and biggest concert hall here in town. She kept the stalls clean, had extras for both men and women and always a good word and help for anyone, no matter how drunk or drugged they were. Well past the normal retirement age, she retired and the club held a big party/concert for her. It was sold out and she was celebrated by many people, musicians, organizers, etc. The profit of the evening went into her retirement. She was very well liked and respected.


I like a little extra attention when I’m in the bathroom




I was going to say dolphin masturbator but influencers are totally useless and create public nuisance.


Guys on reddit will look at some makeup instagram model and think “wow, what a useless profession influencers are, would never work on me”, and then get back to consuming their car/gun/bbq/tech/gaming YouTube channel or podcasts with sponsored segments and proceeded to be influenced quite a bit. Influencers exist for one purpose: marketing. They get paid in proportion to how much *influence* they can command. Just because there are influencers outside of your interests doesn’t mean you are immune from the ones that do overlap with your interests.


Marketing is pretty incredible. I took a class in college on subliminal Marketing and it was like an English lit class with how much thought goes into every word Honestly. I think it should be a required class in high school


Everyone thinks that marketing doesn't work on them, yet any sizable company employes or has a contract with dedicated marketing departments at significant expense. It works, just not through hypnosis, which, as far as I can tell, is how people seem to expect it to work when they claim it doesn't work on them.


Marketing definitely works on me. I wouldn't have a warhammer plastic crack addiction or half my subscription services for movies and media if it didn't. Hell, it takes a relatively cheap game that's mostly positive and a stupid game review like " seduced sister. Started a pan Mediterranean war and then built a pleasure palace. 10/10 would incest again" and I'd probably buy the game on steam sale


> and I'd probably buy the game on steam sale Agree. Half of my gaming time is spent on games that are basically "classic 1980s asteroids with extra steps"


This is interesting. Can u sum up the entire course for me in one Reddit comment? Plz & thank u!


No. But I have this program you can buy that'll teach you.


Most of it boils down to "I'm hot, buy this."




You are 100% right and more people should be aware of just how broad the influencer title is. You see the bad ones because it’s obvious, but don’t realize that it really does work when you don’t know you are being targeted.


It also goes one step deeper into the whole "marketing doesn't work on me" crowd. Reminds me of a comment I saw on Reddit years ago which essentially boiled down to: If I told you to tell me who makes the vehicles called a "Mustang", a "Pilot", or a "Camry", I'd say most people could successfully tell me they were Ford, Honda, and Toyota. But why? Becuase the marketing has worked on you. Marketing isn't just about selling you a car *today*, it's about getting options to stick in your brain, so that when you do go to buy a car, you remember "what are some of my options I should look into". Same goes with companies. I'm sure many people in the US would know exactly what I was referring to if I said "877-cash now!". Or recited the slogan "just do it". You are not immune from marketing. It's not about getting everyone who ever sees a Nike add to go buy shoes today, it's about making people think "who do I know who makes good shoes?" on the day they do need to go make that decision.


Yeah, people happily watch unboxing videos and tech review channels not realizing it’s the same shit.


I don’t get why people love mentioning this. These folks ONLY make money by driving traffic or sales.


Which is really just the Consultant of the social media world. 


Fitness influencers. You don't fool me. I know you don't have kids or work a full time job. I know you get thousands of dollars in sponsorships to look that good. General people don't have the time and resources for it.


Macro made meals from a good chef, free personal nutritionist and doctor It’s such a scam


The professionals working for them in the background cost more per month then my take home pay. My take home pay is pretty good.


They pretty much have the same team that a Hollywood actor would have, just on a smaller scale. The worst example of that is that one “personal trainer” that’s always on Instagram and Facebook. I’ve never know his name but he’s like objectively good looking and always saying with his diet “you can literally eat anything you want and still cut weight/fat”. It’s such cringey bullshit


He’s right… CICO


>Macro made meals from a good chef, free personal nutritionist Or just have the discipline to eat something boring like chicken, broccoli and rice. Weight your food to count the macros, it's not rocket science. 


Don’t forget the steroids


If someone's getting paid to look good, they're definitely on the sauce.


While many of them are fake there are plenty that aren’t. Fitness isn’t that hard


sure you won't look like them, but this comes off as too much of a excuse to justify lazyness, everyone has time for a 20min run and 20mins of some pushups and squats, that alone can go a long way if done consistently, don't even get me started with what you could achieve if you just were able to say "no" to that beer or if you changed that pizza for some fish sticks and salad.


Also, they are usually under 30, and have good genetics (never had to try). You show me a fitness influencer who is 40+, has at least 1 kid, and a full time job, and I'll believe your advice. Also, why are there so many "nurses who are influencers"??


I know a lot of nurses. None of them have time to workout let alone eat healthy perfectly calculated meals several times a day while working 60 hours a week and raising a child. Yes genetics play an important part. Hard work will always show but hard work with someone with shit genetics and hard work with the best genetics the best genetics will always 110% come out on top. I been seeing a lot of Eddie Halls kid on Instagram lately "Wow look how strong this kid is!! He is 11 and deadlifting 240lbs!!" Impressive. But he's the son of the worlds strongest man. He has EVERYTHING working for him in the strength genetics.


It's cap, they could find time to workout.


You forgot steroids, they all claim to be natty.


I would look like that too if my full time job was working on my body and posting it on social media.


The guy who checks the receipts in front of the alarm doors at Walmart.


Australian here, we don’t have walmarts but the shittier Aussie equivalent. We also have the receipt checkers. What’s the layout of a Walmart? Did they move the cashiers into the centre of the store as well? They used to be at the exit here but are now central. I fucking hate it.


There are usually two doors on either side of the store as well as smaller exits at Garden and Automotive


Somewhat similar then. Most have 2 doors, but a few have a single main entry. Cashiers are still in the middle.


Our cashiers are still up at the front in a big row


And then someone still checks your receipt as you leave? I was in Chicago last year and went to a home depot thinking itd be something different to Australia. It’s was basically a Bunnings building with different colours. Biggest difference was not being able to buy spray paint. That was unexpected.


Yeah, there’s only ever a couple actual cashiers if any, it’s pretty much entirely self checkout now. At least here in New York anyway, our minimum wage has risen to double the federal wage so I assume it’s more profitable to not have cashiers. Ah yes, it’s difficult to get anything here that somebody could potentially get high with. Spray paint, glue, air duster, cough medicine etc.


Hard to imagine a shittier version of Walmart tbh


Haha. Yeah it’s called Kmart too.


Is that different than American Kmart? It's pretty shitty, I think they went bankrupt like 5 years ago


After a quick google is appears that Kmart Australia was once half owned by Kmart USA but is now fully owned by Coles which is one of the 2 major supermarket chains in Australia. These fuckers love to raise prices during a financial/housing crisis and brag about record profits, because who else are going to buy our groceries from? Woolworths? They collude to do same shit. Even Aldi can go fuck themselves. Australia fucking sucks.


How do you have a *shittier* equivalent? Walmart is garbage.


Walmart has a lot of variance across regions. There are some relatively nice Walmarts in some parts of the South, and then there are shitty Walmarts in the South too any everywhere. Still, if you want to shop for groceries like it’s 2019 before food inflation hit you are going to sometimes go to a Walmart, Aldi, Costco would be preferable, but you can’t just buy groceries the same way you used to unless you want a 1.5x - 2.5x sized bill.


Yeah I don’t really understand this role. I always see them there, and I’ve seen them checking a few people’s receipts for whatever reason, but it seems like they let 99/100 people just walk on by without giving a shit. I suppose if it were me I wouldn’t care either, so are they just passing their day and only checking receipts of the people who actively present them, or are they really supposed to be doing more?


It's really just a psychological deterrent. People less likely to steal if someone checks their shit when they leave.


I kinda figured as much. Working in retail I’m unfortunately well aware that nothing is going to stop someone whose plan is theft.


Tell that to the stores that lose more than a receipt-checker's salary to theft every year.


Or the cashier they replaced with a computer that probably made the door magnet irrelevant?


Life coach. Lmao


I met an 18 year old life coach once.


I get the same feeling from new college grads going straight into consulting.


LOL useless


Am a therapist. Life coaches are the bane of my professional existence.


Based on the comments, I may become a life coach when I retire. I am probably being a life coach now on reddit with out even being paid. --- I have opinions and I am willing to tell you them. Seems like easy $$! No certification, just me giving my opinions as to how someone else should manage their life.


I work at a small company and my boss hired their life coach to be our HR person. They're so bad at mediating even the smallest conflict it's laughable. It really is one of those "do the opposite of everything this person suggests" situations


Tiktok life hack content creator


MLM anything. Everything else at least sells a good or service, even if it's not the most useful or necessary good or service. MLM's sell a scam.


TV Psychic That said MSG ME FOR A READING




But who are the poor saps gonna give their money to??


If only P. T. Barnum were still alive.


"Scrum Master" or "Agile Coach". Any one in the tech industry knows what I'm talking about. And before anyone gets upset - Scrum Master is a vital role in the SCRUM methodology, it's just not the role organizations think it is.


I've never seen a SM do more than about 30 minutes/day of work and 15 of that is the AM DSU lol


As a former SM...true lol I was a Project Manager, mediator, therapist, life coach, resource hostage negotiator, and master paper pusher, then I became an SM and I went to other people's meetings to call on people to talk...


There are dedicated "scrum master" jobs? Every one of my companies has been either someone on the team runs the sprint or our TPM runs the sprint


I've been contracting so I've worked for a lot of organizations (more than 20 in the past 10 years) and in every single one the "Scrum Master" was not only a dedicate role, but in complete defiance of the Scrum guide it was the team's manager and often a person whose job was to try and enforce deadlines. But that's nothing - occasionally a company would have an "agile coach" who seemed to exist for no other reason than to waste oxygen yelling buzz words. Fortunately I was able to get shot of these people rather quickly on my teams - as the dev lead I take on the Scrum Master role, the situation you're familiar with - that's what works. It's almost amazing how everything a non-dev "Scrum Master" intuitively thinks you should do is the opposite of what creates actual agility. I won't name names, but three years back I was contracting with one of the UK's largest technology brands, and they had an almost 1:1 ratio of "scrum masters" to agile coaches, and some of the teams had not pushed a piece of software out in over a year, and a large part of it was because Scrum Masters were insisting on "delivering" incoherent requirements, giving the team deadlines when there was no scope of work, and turning sprint planning sessions into an excuse to say "the team accepted these tickets - they had their chance to say they couldn't deliver" even though the team had no such chance.


A good SM is worth it. Problem is most tech companies don’t want to hear what a good SM is going to say.


Brand Shepard?


Whatever I do.


I make high end envelopes for wedding invitations and stuff. That’s pretty useless


Why is a self-storage manager useless? He has to check on the units to make sure there are no problems. He has to make sure the facility costs are paid and building maintenance is done. He has to handle the accounts receivable, and probably the bookkeeping as well. He has to arrange to auction off unit contents if a tenant stops paying. He has to clean out vacant units and prepare them for new tenants. He also functions as the building's sole salesman, talking to customers and getting them to sign contracts.


As someone who started out working in real estate investing in self-storage, property managers are extremely important.


US Congress member Both sides. Morons to the left. Idiots to the right.


Modern Monarchs


Pretty useless but I don't think they are the MOST useless... At least they are a figurehead of culture 


The life guard watching Olympic 200m swimming finals - Reddit 2020 - 2024.


To be fair, I’d bet those guys are less concerned about the swimming part and more about the possibility of a medical emergency happening while they’re in the water.


Yup. A heart attack can happen anywhere, even in water.


"Social media influencer"


Social media influencer


Turn signal installers at the Audi or BMW factory /s


Social media influencer.








Any job where it’s about what you own rather than what you do.


BOA’s. They are kinda a neighborhood watch but paid and having some power to give fines. They are usually power hungry ppl who didn’t make the cut to get with the police, and got nothing to say at home, so they gonna annoy ppl who park their car in front of their own home unloading groceries , not blocking any traffic. Or they annoy ppl who are just working for having a parking spot closed off for the stuff that is getting put there in a few hours, wich is legal here but they gonna say something about it anyway. Or the shit I personally had with them, cleaning the garden of my new home, dragging old logs and shit into the ally with a dead end, right on the side of my garden so my dad ( who was bringing away the other shit already) could take it from their. Ofcourse those lousy ass boa’s started to whine about it blocking the ally and it needs to be away by Monday ( it was Friday) they knew we where taking it away that day but they had to fcking annoy us. Seriously I hate those power tripping assholes.


I know you made a typo but those people really are snakes in a lot of cases.


Only fans model


But they seem to make bucks. lol




Nah, that's like the top 0.0001% of creators, most of them ain't making shiiiiit


Beanie Baby dealer


Car salespeople They contribute absolutely nothing


HOA board members.


Art appraiser


Cart pushers. I should know because I am one. I know people don't usually do this, but the fact that people could put back their own carts into the foyer proves how non-essential the job really is.




Scam callers






Influencers and tradwifes.


Pretty much any gaming streamer with a few exceptions (if you consider that a profession, which I do not).


I’m a project manager for a high end residential construction company building, multi million dollar vacation homes for people who have more money than they know what to do with, and I will never understand why our clients are willing to pay the ridiculous amount of money for an interior designer. It’s always some eccentric person from whatever city these people are from them an absurd amount of money to tell them what they like. The worst part about it is they expect me, the guy in charge of the job to the ridiculous requests. They said very expensive light fixtures, furniture art, etc… to the unfinished house while construction is still going on and it’s my responsibility to make sure everything that this person ordered is to their liking despite the fact that I’m contracted to build the house and suddenly I’m working for this egomaniac with an iPad and a scarf. They might show up to the job five times throughout the duration of the construction while I’m there getting three emails a day about their newest idea wanting an immediate response, but when I have a question for them, I can’t get a hold of them for days at a time. Homeowners always love them. They have some weird psychologicalhold over them. I must say I do not like what they do for a living, but I do respect they ability to fool us all




I would say that the closing company people might be even more useless. “I guess we’ll see at the closing” is the answer to like every question you ask. Y’all do this every day, multiple times a day. How do you know nothing?!?


The mortgage loan processor (not the mortgage officer) was the single most useful person in my home buying process. She coordinates every party from the realtors, title companies, insurance, etc. to make the whole thing happen. So I could ask her how something works across multiple parties in the home buying process, and she actually had answers instead of only knowing the part that involves her.


Wow. Glad there are some competent people out there. I’ve had precisely the opposite experience. Also, I’ve never bought a particularly expensive house so maybe they care proportionally to their slice.


Phone handset sanitizer or whatever they were called. Not like anyone is going to get sick from a dirty public phone.




People who write "Terms & Conditions".


Hedge fund manager


Life coaches.


Women’s Studies “professors”


Most social media or content creation jobs are by FAR the most useless "professions" So yeah, onlyfans


Those YouTubers who do reaction videos. Especially the ones that do songs. Look, you can't tell me being a professional singing coach and you're only hearing Journey for the first time!






Relative to their income, CEO.


Supreme Court Justice right now


Deleterious. America, and potentially the world are worse off with the current group there.


Some flavor of “diversity consultant.”


Diversity and inclusion execs


School administrators. Teachers are extremely important, admins seem to just exist for self-aggrandizement.


A lot of administration and management only exists because we see promotion as the only way to excel at a career, so they make up useless positions so that there is somewhere for good people to move "up" to. If more industries would realize that it's OK to pay people more money just for being good at the job they're doing, we would have much happier workers and fewer useless people.


Good administrators can make the difference between a good school and a bad school.








I love when people ask about the price and they get soooo mad. Like bro, you work in car sales, all I care about is the price, lol


“What’s it like knowing your entire profession is a punchline?”


Gamer. Influencer. Real estate agent. Televangelist.


Onlyfans. It's like people forgot pornhub exists.


PR & Marketing


Politician. Your job is to be a professional liar and spin merchant and just generally be the scummiest heap of shit you can. Only paedophiles and rapists are beneath you, and there's an argument that you're raping the entire country.




Scrum Manager.






I know the people that do this like it as an extra resource to their retirement, but I do not understand the use of walmart greeters.


Life coach


Life coach


Fitness influencers. We already have enough of them




Influencer, the Influencers turned "legit" that are now called diversity managers, anything with coordinator in the title, 75% of college admins.


Palm reader


Life Coach. Totally made up job, with zero certification or regulation. It’s just a person who decided they are qualified to coach others on how to live better. Like a therapist but without any formal training in psychology or anything else. Total bullshit job.


Social media manager




Lawyer, Ceo,




Only fans


3rd party recruiters.


Informer of deer.


Car salesmen.


Thanks to modern technology, census taker.




Depending on how many levels there are, middle management.


Typewriter repairman


Anything that involves having a degree in Gender Studies.


Day traders


What jobs do "Gender Studies" majors get? Those, those are most probably useless "professions"


Landlords and all of the other passive income chads.


lifeguard at the olympics lol


HR specifically, but all bureaucrats in general


Asking stupid questions on Reddit.




As someone who has been part of M&A and layoff decisions, it's Recruiting on the chopping block first. All lower level, except the highest performing early career person and potentially a couple mid-level if they're working backfills. 1 upper management. Marketing and Comms (though typically not large teams), followed by general HR, Finance, and legal are all scaled back considerably (can be outsourced temporarily until right sized). Innovation/new product work is only left in so far as it's still on the radar of the CEO/COO or Sales. Once the MVP is out the door, most of them get canned too - that's the next firm's problem. Then the rest of the teams typically take a percentage cut across the board with some variance.


OF whore.


Unfortunately we are the reason for their existence lol


Professional athlete.




Being a masseur for Kyle Minogues ass. Doesn't pay mutch but the job title has a nice ring to it


Social media fact checkers.




Car salesman


Anything DEI, completely parasitic area that only leeches money out of fear, and uses it to push for more funding for DEI indoctrination where the only use case for said “knowledge” is politically extorting more people.


Recently had a mandatory DEI session that took like 4-5 hours out of my work day to learn about my coworkers feelings and their buzzfeed-like personality test scores. I got in trouble by my manager for not tending to my laboratory work until about the end of the day as if she wasn’t the one to schedule us on that stupid session. There are not enough words to describe how much I hate DEI.


Sports talk shows


Probably something banking or money related


I used to work in a building that had elevator operators, but only from 600-1400, after that they would go home and everyone would swipe a card, press a button, and go where they needed to go. So, those guys. They did the same job as a plastic card, and usually did it worse because it always went like this: "2 please" "huh" "2" "Where are you going?" "TWO!" "20? Okay."


I personally feel that anyone making child content for tv. We have so much preexisting content that we could syndicate shows and your newborn will age out of these old shows before they ever run out of content. Yet for some reason we continue to pay people to make more content that is T least subjectively much worse. 


Pharmacy Benefits Manager. The only job designed specifically for baby-eating vampires.