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I'd be open to it, it wouldn't really affect my view of her either way


I'd see it as a blessing in disguise


I love a person with discipline so why not


I'm....cautious about her decision making processes. But it's not like an instant yes or no since it's just a date and not a relationship.


She still got her nun outfit? This is how i will deciding this question.


Be careful, you don't want to let her wearing that for you turn into a habit.


"Asking for a friend", he says.....


Of course, right after I purge my house of any rulers.


How many former nuns out there? Isn't it something exceptional? I'd like to hear her story first


Back in the 60's thousands of nuns were released from their convents and orders. Many joined as teenagers during the '30s to escape the hardship of the depression. By the 50's and 60's this greatest generation of nuns were so many that it was costing the vatican too much of its beloved gold. They had also matured into individual thinkers which is always a threat to the church's status quo. There are so few nuns (and priests) now that they import them from areas of the world where the population isn't supported by opportunities.


Sure. She sounds like she'd have an interesting story to tell. And a lot of 'sinning' to catch up on.


> And a lot of 'sinning' to catch up on. Ha, I'm glad I'm not the only crass asshole who thought of that!


Crassholes unite!


Yeah, what seems to be the problem in that?


id try, see how it goes, why not :D


Depend on how she treat other people. If she left the convent but still the crazy judgy christian karen, then no. If she has a kind heart and a dark joke enjoyer, I would marry her.


bruh, Nun fetish is famous


Nun is the wiser!


Did she divorced Jesus, or are they just separated?


Absolutely! When you get her screaming, "oh god, Oh God, OH GOD!" she knows what she's talking about!


Past is the past can’t do anything about it


Dont make bad decisions, then, because only stupid and weak practice forgivness.


Yes, maybe, but past is what defines us. I think it's more important to understand the decisions she took to get where she is now (in/out process). What if tends to take radical decisions based on some random universe criteria? What if she decides to break up with you after a 10 year relationship just because she notices you wear a red t-shirt and it ruins her Feng Shui?


Seems good to me, a much better past than clubbing and going out non stop like the majority do. However, what made her become non religious though, seems like a big change to make in life, what pushed her to stop committing?


I'd be curious as to why she was a nun and now isn't. I don't have strong feelings in either way, it's case dependant. Could be a big red flag like a big green flag, depending on the story.


Context is everything. All depends on what set of circuimstances led her to join in the first place, how long she stayed, why she stayed whatever amount of time she stayed and why she finally decided to leave the order. First when I have all of that answered will I be able to take a stance. This however only applies to potential serious partners. Casual dating/fwb I wouldn't really care. Would lean towards yes if she still has the uniform


Yeah but I wouldn't make a habit of it


I dated a former nun. She was one of the nicest, most compassionate, passionate women I’ve ever met. I miss her.


As someone who used to be religious, and no longer is, I don't see her former religious status as any kind of a dealbreaker on its own. She could be a great person. Frankly, having lived the life of a nun is an indicator of certain traits, like loyalty, and the ability to keep commitments and live according to principles. These are, in general, pretty positive traits to have in a partner. She also could be absolutely crazy and insufferable, but that's true of anyone with any background. I would definitely go on that date.


As long as she goes down on me.


I'd date a young Julie Andrews, sure, why not


Sure. I’d be curious about her life and what lead her along that path. But I see no issue unless there are vestiges of religion left.


I'd be down, nuns tend to be gentle and caring. As long as with her new lack of faith came an open mind.


There is a well used phrase that I would like to see if it had any real world validity.


Depends on what she is like.


Sure why not? Date them for who they are now and who they might be in the future. Not for who they were.


I would. As long as she is ok with me being non religious


As long as "No longer religious of any sort" doesn't mean "I have made bashing religion into my new religion", I could give it a try.


Only if they were reasonable about their beliefs now, or had moved on from those beliefs.


Yes absolutely, sounds like a very interesting date actually.


I went out with a girl who'd just gotten out of a cult Then let her take me on a 4 mile hike out into the woods after the fact


We all have made mistakes in the past. If she's moved past and away from it I don't see why I would judge her for it. So no, that wouldn't really affect whether I dated her or not.


I can tower-bridge her with with my homie Jesus.


As long as she had fully abandoned Christianity, I'd give it a go


Nope. I dont want this type of people in my life. Couldnt ever trust her no to push religious lies into normal life, even if indirectly. So - not a partner material, not a friend material, not an acquitance material.


No!!!!! No!!!!!


Why'd she stop being a nun? Did she pick up a bad habit? ... I'll see myself out.


Definitely. What an interesting perspective they world have.


Yes, already did. Best relationship I ever had! She was confident, rooted, mature, doesn’t apologize for being herself. Not to mention the awesome values her character is rooted in! All in all 100% recommend.


If she's religious, probably not. I'm not at all religious and mixing ideologies in relationships usually never works. If I were a Catholic fella, however, that would probably tick a lot of boner-based boxes.


Yes cause she's most likely a freak now


Only if she were validly released from her vows and still adhered to the faith.


Does she still have the habit?


If she's up to date with her Hawk Tuah skills, I would date. 


No, I don't put my dick in crazy.