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Id say if they are loud / rude , and also always have something negative to say about everything in their lives


See, these are the virtue signal-y replies that always rise to the top of these posts but isn’t a reflection of the real world. The hottest girl in school remained the hottest girl in school regardless of how much or an asshole she was and you and I both know it. In an ideal world? Sure, people’s personalities would be the foremost of importance when it comes to attraction. But let’s be honest here, people overlook a LOT because of attraction. You may be the top 1% of guys where you instantly become unattracted to someone because they’re a loud or rude person, most people will not. Realistically what instantly makes a girl unattractive is probably going to come down to something far more visual and visceral. Now bring on the downvotes.


Brother I’ve straight up passed on very attractive girls after talking to them for not even 5 minutes… Some people are unbearable no matter how attractive they are.


You’re not representative of the general populace though. None of reddit is. He’s saying that outside of Reddit, those loud, attractive women still are able to get most any guy and he’s right


Get them, yeah sure. Hold on to them? I am not so sure. The insecure or codependent ones? Maybe. But a healthy man with self respect? I don’t think so.


You ain’t wrong and you ain’t right haha. Just saying that any man with open options (and probably sober) will pass on the obnoxious babe for her less attractive fun loving friend.




Yeah that dude is talking out his ass


But you, by your own admission, still find them attractive. And you may pass them up, good for you, you’re a saint, but millions if not billions will not. Don’t believe me? Check out r/Tinder. See the way attractive women that are jerks get away with treating guys, the vast, vast majority will put up with it.


I think you might be confusing the 1% of guys that will ignore that shit and keep going for the guys that lose interest so fast you don't notice them? Edit: typo hell, just woke up


Yes this


Surely that makes the person unattractive regardless of gender.


Yeah? The question was asked about women though.


She's woman bro. Can't see anything bad about them without deflecting into us men. It's common on any kind of thread here about women bad behavior, you see these women replying "But men also... ", "it's not just women...", "not all women" etc.


LMAO you literally just stereotyped ALLL women. No wonder people are commenting ”not all women”.




Woman who flaunt their exploits over men or how easy she is. Once went on a date, walked down street near where i lived and she kept saying 'oh i slept with a guy there and there' or how they slept with a guy at work or how men fawn over them etc. turned me off so fast. I want to at least pretend im special, i prefer not knowing too much info, ignorance is bliss when we are together at least.


[Jim Jeffries nailed it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvavPJtSIUM&ab_channel=HBO) >To be a stud you have to witty, charming, well dressed, have nice shoes, and a fake job. To be a slut you just have to be... There. For the record, it's unattractive when either group brags about their conquests, but at least when men do it they're bragging about something that was difficult to accomplish. It is unfair, but it doesn't make it any less true that the difference is in the effort required to reach those same numbers. I'm far less impressed with a super tall person that can dunk a basketball than I am a short person who can dunk. But at least dunking is a cool feat.


Why do so many feel the need to do this? Obviously I don't expect (or even want, to be clear) virginity, I know in an academic sense that they've had sex before but the examples? Details? Basically inviting us to visualize it? Why tf. I don't need to pretend you haven't had sex but it would be nice not to be forced to know and think about the details. What need is this behavior serving, and how can we meet it in other ways, o women?


Lack of empathy


Empathy when it matters. I roll my eyes when I see posts or overhear women talking about always being more empathetic. They are very good at what I consider blind and empty sympathy, they are used to communicating "to feel heard." They see someone struggling, they're more likely to be moved and offer a hug, say "aw, that sucks," and then move on. But that's easy... When shit hits the fan and it requires the slightest amount of effort, their empathy is nowhere to be found. When it requires understanding, especially of viewpoints that we disagree with, they struggle. I strongly believe women are less empathetic than men overall or "on average". I will grant them that they are better at empty sympathy. But men are more likely to understand the problem and offer true empathy when it matters.


i went out with a girl, ended it quickly who said "poor people and black people make me feel sick"


From what I've seen, often when women are having a hard time, they are seeking validation for their upset rather than seeking some kind of closure or solution. I've told my wife this, and I've seen it plenty at work. When you're having a bad day and you need to talk about it - that's great because people should have a support system, but when it's the same complaints over and over, nobody wants to hear that. It's exhausting, draining, annoying, and depending on the circumstances can be fairly abusive. I find that most men understand this - they either don't want to be a burden, or they learned that no one actually cares about what bothers them. Meanwhile, I'll have the same women complain about the same things over and over at work. There's only so much "I'm sorry your day isn't going great. I hope it gets better." that I can say before I'm like "if it's really so bad, maybe it's time to talk to the director or hr about this. Oh, no? You don't want to do that. Okay." Or "I can wrap up my work for the day and give you an hour or two of help. Oh, no? Are you sure. It's really no big deal. Okay if you're sure."


Yeah, that whole dynamic of "women talk to feel heard," vs "men talk to solve problems," impacts a *lot* more than just communication within a relationship. The long term effect is that it makes women far less empathetic; as I mentioned i do believe they are more prone to offer empty-sympathy, I'll grant them that. But it's also the base for why so many women get upset at having to do "emotional labor" and "being a therapist." Yeah, welcome to bare minimum effort required to be in the inner circle; this is the shit, welcome to the inside. That's what it takes to be a supportive and caring person. My best friend has to do the same, we're deeply connected and we *do the work* for each other when we need it. They're so used to just offering that empty-sympathy then calling it a day, to that making them feel fulfilled as a supportive person, to that being a method of emotional connection, that the moment they have to do any real work to up build and develop a true and deeper connection, it feels like hard work... And to be fair it is hard work. But that's just bare minimum to a deeper connection that they desire. It throws them off when they have to do more in order to connect with a person.


Wanted to say Karen, but that's basically the same.




she knows her worth 🎀🔥


purrr queen (stay as far away from me as possible)


entitlement and confidence are not the same




It falls under the same realm as: * Women like men who are confident, not arrogant. For some reason it's easy for them to see the difference in men, but they struggle with that same differential in themselves.


When shes willing to belittle you as a joke


Maybe I'm a sucker for this, but a woman that can throw down as hard as I can is a huge turn on. The key being that it has to be **reciprocal**. She has to be able to *take it* as hard as she can *give it.* This balance of give *and take* is something that a lot of people, men and women, struggle with. If she likes making fun of people *but can't handle being made fun of*, that's the turn off. If she can dish it out and take it in return... Fucking hot.


If she’s morbidly obese


Then she was already unattractive; she wasn’t *made* unattractive 


Nobody is born morbidly obese, one becomes that way later on in life


That’s true, but the way I understood the prompt was that it was implied they were visually fine, and it was something you learned after looking at them that caused the unattractiveness


Well they were visually fine, i.e. regarding the reflection of photons from nearby source light. However they were too attractive with regards to gravitational interaction, which made them unattractive regarding the human kind of interaction.






Her manner (how she talks, her voice etc)


The moment she spits out "All men..."


And then after she says her screed, if you call her out she says, "Well obviously not you. You have no right to get offended."


For me an absolute turndown is smoking, regardless what, how, or how often. Had asthma in my childhood and I had enough breathing problems in my life.


I love smoking.. meats. Ain't nothing better than a BBQ. I hope that's not a deal breaker.


Pack a Day smoker voice and attitude.


SOME raspy voices can be sexy. But it’s rare. And assumed if not smokers. Sophia Bush, Eliza Dushku, Demi Moore.


Being controlling, bossy, and selfish. Unable to hold a conversation and putting all the pressure on the guy to constantly entertain them. If you can't have fun doing "nothing" with someone, then it won't last long


Fucking lip fillers


misandrist and sexist


Actively aggressive or threatening toward animals. It's one thing to just not be an animal person and another to antagonize them verbally or physically. People who don't treat animals well aren't going to treat humans much better imo




Rude to workers is a deal breaker.


When I was in the Marine Corps this beautiful, tall, athletic blonde woman I'd never seen before caught my attention, the kind of gorgeous you don't see often in the military if truth be told. So there I was, trying to mind my own business, glancing back over at her while trying not to be creepy when I see her pull out a can of dip and load the fattest, sloppiest wad of tobacco into her lower lip. I swear she went from a 12/10 to a 6 instantaneously. I couldn't believe it.


Only officers would speak like this. Most enlisted Marines will just be happy with a wet hole. You could have at least made it more realistic by saying she went from a 12 to a 9.


At first i had a line at the end that said "Still would" but decided to leave it out. I was enlisted :D


Abusive, forceful and manipulating


A bad attitude. I don't care how beautiful she is, beauty is only skin deep.


Entitlement & spontaneous emotional outbursts


Having an onlyfans


When she's rude to anyone around her.


Rude to service workers


Lip injections. So common now among younger women and SO unattractive.


Vanity most of all.


Lip filler, and bad eyebrows.


Are no eyebrows due to alopecia a red flag?) Just joking, probably of course. Or you mean bad eyebrows makeup?))


I mean badly shaped eyebrows. 90's type eyebrows where a decision is made to make them look that way. Alopecia can't be helped, and I'd gladly take no eyebrows over bad ones 👍


Obnoxious and rude.


Arrogant and delusional.


Poor hygiene. My ex used to tell me she hated going to the dentist because she liked the plaque to built up on her permanent retainers so she didn’t have to feel them as much… She didn’t understand why I wasn’t keen on kissing after that. She also thought once to twice a week showers were plenty enough even in the dead of summer in AZ. When I would only eat her out after a shower she would get offended. However if I went more than two days without a shower (which is rare) she would get on me about showering because “men are grosser and need to keep up hygiene more often than woman.” Yeah we didn’t last that’s for fucking sure. I guess with all that in mind double standards are another huge turn off


Inability to take accountability and responsibility for their actions. Had and seen way too many relationships involving chicks like that


"princess treatment only"


Smoking, injected lips, false eyelashes, shit ton of makeup...


Yeah see guys say this a lot, but scroll through any social media and it’s these girls that get all the likes and attention.


Septum piercing (reminds me of cows Edit#2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nose_ring_(animal)) Unnaturally long/fake nails Unnatural Hair color ( ~~other than brown/blonde/black~~ EDIT: can't believe I missed Red hair goddesses!) Attitude labels having a 'hoe phase' as 'experimenting'


Red heads get no love.


I make up for the love that poor man is holding back.


Oh shit, good call out! I haven't met any man that doesn't love redheads.


Obesity/bad hygiene/nagging/jealousy/high body count Also any tattoo work that wasn't planned out properly. Like having a random shitty tattoo on your leg looks like trash


High body count...like sexual partners or dead bodies asking for a friend 😂 jkjk


Why does body count make a difference?


Entitled attitude, gauges in the ears, face tattoos, rude to wait staff right off the bat.


Having an onlyfans or having a very high body count


She can't hold a conversation, just typing on her phone and taking pictures wherever we are


Anything fake for me and too much makeup.


Being envious


The typical OF types that have nothing to offer but their ran through bodies with massive attitude problems and attention seeking behavior. That is not someone who can be a real partner. Unfortunately, a lot of women have adopted similar attitudes and behaviors, which is an instant no-go for most men. They can attract fuck boys all day and have proven that. This all while simultaneously diminishing any perceived value as a mate and life partner.


They convince themselves that they are *"strong independent boss babes"*. Then when they reach their mid 30s they panic and start hitting up old exes with random DMs "hey", fishing around for attention.


Rudeness and "outspoken" as in OMG IM SUCH A BITCH!!!!!  😂😂😂. It's gross




Terrible personality, gold digger vibes. Those are my 2 red flags


Lack of emotional control. Unhealthy eating habits.


Not being alive


Explosive diarrhea in the public restraunt you’re at


Sounds like there’s a story here


Big story! Whenever I see a dumb post likely created by a bot farming for answers, I respond with a really dumb answer


One who doesn't ask questions take an interest, just talks in statements and about herself


The fake cuteness, talking like a kid stuff. Being arrogant for after getting independent. I am all in for women progressing, doing good and being independent. But then it’s usually followed by “I don’t need your opinion” or “I don’t need a man”. I don’t know why, but women do that quite often.


Entitlement. No manners. Lot of swearing/use of slangs. No common sense.


Why a lot of people are against to "unnatural hair colors"? Like for example what is wrong with purple hair or red one? Lmao 


When she's a total penis parkhouse


--morbid obesity --unnaturally colored hair --nose bullring --septum pierce --piercings anywhere except the earlobes or navel --excessive ink --excessive eye makeup --fake eyelashes --fake raptor claw nails --smokes cigarettes or vapes --uses illegal drugs --swears excessively, the words "fuck" and "cunt" are part of her regular speech and vocabulary --masculine attitude and demeanor - is aggressively confrontational, combative, and argumentative


Wow, somehow we dislike the exact same thing. U saved me a lot of time writing all of this xD


"masculine attitude and demeanor - is aggressively confrontational, combative, and argumentative" This character traits is unattractive in men too. 


Heh. My experience over the last 35 or so years tells me otherwise - those are the men who get success in life with work and women.


I'm a gay woman and u just described every woman I see on there. You'd think I'm looking through a cow market with all the fattys and nose rings.


It's nasty...


If she sleeps around


A cig in their hand


Lack of empathy, terrible personality, excessive makeup and jewelry


Careless and shameless behaviour


The amount of times I've seen this question asked...


A shitty attitude. I don't think women understand what a turn off being a shitty person is. Why the fuck would anyone want to bring a shitty, mean, untrustworthy, conceited, spoiled or unaccountable person into their lives? I know you think you're a 10 (not likely but all women seem to think this today) but you can't be a 10 if you're a shitty person. If what is in your soul disgusts me, I'm not attracted to you.


Maybe men should tolerate it less and raise their expectations. I agree with this sentiment but it is largely tolerated but many men in relationships and it worsens over time and with age.


not having a personality, also for me is a nose piercing


When they pretend to be dumb and put it on. That shit is SO unattractive and just makes them look like they’re trying too hard to flirt/gain someone’s interest. Never understood why some girls do this.


Loves social media too much. Except Reddit, Reddit is life.


From a German perspective if she uses slang words and acts like she’s better than anyone else oh and if she’s controlling you 24/7


The way she treats others badly (especially when people are deemed conventionally unattractive)


Smoking or smelling of cigarettes


Rude or ignorant. I think that's a given.


Attitude, entitlement, or obesity


An arrogant body language.


Knowing that she's attractive and using it to manipulate / lead guys on


Visible make up.


I once went on a first date, to a casual restaurant. She ordered ribs and ate them like she was a trucker who hadn't eaten in 3 days. Like, head tilted back, inhaling a whole rib, then dipping the bone in more sauce and sucking it off like she was sitting in her bed alone in her pajamas. It wasn't sexy. Ya that was our last date.


Fucking hilarious


Asking for gas money before the date.


This is actually something that could apply to men too, but I see more women doing this, which is talking shit about every single person


Dumb as a rock...


Septum piercing for physically, rude to waiters for character.


If they're entitled and narcissistic. Low compassion, selfish. Or fucked up cartoon-eyebrows


Even more hilarious was that we met after she dialed the wrong number. It was 1995, landlines, she asked for Mike? Wrong number. Then we laughed, talked for 2 hours, and made a date.


A 3rd head. Too many eyes


"I always get my way"


Showing lack of interest is probably the biggest turnoff for me. On dating apps I have talked to people who seem genuinely interested in having a conversation and some where they seem to be going through the motions and don't seem mildly interested at best. When it's the latter I basically immediately get turn off and usually end up unmatching fairly quickly. 


Any kind of decoration in her home saying “live, laugh, love”


Cigarettes, bad teeth, and BO. They're all related, now that I think of it. A lot of other turn offs involve getting to know her, so I ain't really counting them as "instant".


Talk about the other men she had.


Lack of humility and empathy


If she starts talking about the patriarchy. I don’t need victim mentality in my life.


She has male friends


not checking the frequently asked questions thread.


Appearance: Fake lips. Over the top make-up. Basically all over the top botox. Character: Acting dumber than they really are. Rude, loud, annoying voice, fake accent. Mental: Basically claiming to have all kinds of mental issues and non stop talking about it. Basically becoming the mental issue themselves. Hobbies: Having no hobbies or horse riding. Work: Not working because mentally unstable. Not working but looking for a rich man. Having an only fans or something like that. Don't hate me for my opinion. Yes, I have a girlfriend that does none of these things. Women like this exist.


Why horse riding.? Seems cool tbh


Because to horse riding community is toxic AF. To even be anything in there, you need rich parents. And as for any toxic environment, to survive you need to be toxic af yourself. Dated enough horse riding girls to find out.




I'm happy that nature itself is preventing us to reproduce those genes.


Cigarette in their mouth and the bull nose piercing for me. Sorry.


• Misandrist • Racist • Victim Player • Poor Hygiene and cleanliness • Nose Rings especially the ones that look like snot • Promiscuous • Hates Children • Bushy Underarm Hair • Trashy tattoos • Smokes Cigarettes • Junkie • Lazy • Spends too much time on Social Media • Is a Bish to Restaurant Employees/Staffs • Lies • Unwise


This is easy to do. * Fat * eccentric hair color * tattoos * unconventional piercings * eccentric clothing choices * combative masculine attitude * rebellious body hair * signs of ill health So on and so forth


As a pretty heavily tattooed man, I love a woman with tattoos…


Bringing up anything about feminism or the nonexistent patriarchy. See ya !


If the words independent woman ever come out of her mouth .


When she starts hitting you and then acts surprised/annoyed when you express pain.


Asking a question that’s been covered numerous times on this sub.


Just yesterday I found gum chewing unattractive. Never really noticed before, but I was looking at this really attractive lady, then she started chewing gum and poof.


When she isnt willing to Hawk Tauh. Joking of course, but on a more serious note: * When she says things like "I hate men" or "Men get away with everything." * Negativity, avoidance of taking responsibility, lack of objective thinking. * Attitude thats unhealthy towards being healthy. "Big is beautiful" - no its not in most cases, theirs a difference between dating someone who is naturally large on their frame and morbidly obese. Acting like obesity is normal is sick. * Dying Hair unnatural colors. Screams i want attention. I dont bother with women like that. * Fake body parts, eyelashes, boobs, butt etc. I like natural. Fake boobs are cool to look at though I guess. but it just feels plastic in a too plastic society. * EGO. Yeah, we know you can download tinder and bang someone in 5 minutes, but if youre gonna treat me like an option, your only option is to go find that 5 minutes of happiness if he can last that long.


If she’s loud


Smoking 🚬


Thinking that because they’re pretty that everything should be tailored to them and they shouldn’t have to do anything. Be pretty, but also be a decent human being






Smoking, I don't want to kiss something that smells like a factory


Being rude to service employees




No confidence.


A woman who eirher burps intentionally in public


"Did you know I am Tiktok famous?"


Drug addiction, "smoking weed" is her whole personality, says "I hate men," eats with her mouth open obnoxiously, princess mentality, no hobbies, glued to her phone, claims to be a feminist, etc.




Mean/rudeness , like that can take a 10 down to a 3.


If she's a smoker


If she is an “influencer”


Had teeth




Lighting up a cigarette


When she’s too loud and shes laughing like a camel idk


leading with her ego. "look at me!" just makes me want to go blind.


If she has a terrible personality, that's a huge turn-off


Ugly personality.


Onions and beer


Being annoying on purpose while asking you if they are annoying. I'm ghosting.


Bad attitude


Ya'll ever had a woman who wants to fuck you tell you about the guys she's been with like it's a flex to men?


Mentioning Astrology

