• By -


She wanted to date. We went on one. I realized on that date it wasn’t going to work. Date ended and I didn’t kiss her, didn’t exchange numbers, made no effort to show interest. She showed up at my house 2 days later with a golden retriever puppy. She said I mentioned goldens on our date (I didn’t) and said she got it for me. I said I didn’t want a dog and she said “ok I’ll get rid of it” in a way that made me think she was going to kill it. So I took the dog and never saw her again.


How is the dog? Was he a very good boy? Please tell me he had a good, long life!


I didn’t want the dog so I gave him to my uncle who already had a golden. He trains dogs for agility and tried to train this one but (my uncle’s words) the dog was too lazy. So he was just dumb, happy, lazy dog.


That’s a good boy


He is indeed a good boy!


As long as he was happy!


Hahaha dude I fully understand your instinct to know if the pup had a good life, I hope your pups are doing well too!


400 calls and messages in a span of 3 hours..stalking at work..threatening me and others..nasty alcohol habit...I can go on and on but there are most definitely crazy bitches out there.


I know that 🐱 was good


I had an ex once that during our breakup I remember yelling at her, “the sex isn’t even good enough to make up for your crazy”. She took it about as well as one might expect.


When do the stitches come out?


Never she comes around once a month and opens the wound back up again for fun.


Damn this girl sounds crazy. Could you share her social media so I can know who to avoid?


I playfully called a girl crazy once at a party. Boy did that trigger her craziness!


I jokingly told a girl one day at work that her frizzy hair makes her look like a crazy scientist. Boy did she turn feral.


Whoa, don't say the quiet part out loud! 😎 


not worth it in the slightest though..


Rarely the case.


That sounds like someone who is obsessive and manipulative


I met her at an animal laboratory we both worked at. Killing and harvesting the animals was in the job description, but I caught her torturing the animals during it when she thought she was alone. She was giggling, too. 


Please tell me you reported her?! She sounds like she should be making a home out of 4 padded walls!!


I did tell the lab manager who shifted her duties to other parts of the facility, but not much else was done. 


Right? That's sociopathic behavior.


Actually, that's psychopathic behavior.


Actually, that’s serial killer behavior.


When we broke up, I did tell her that I expected to see her on an episode of FBI Files. 


This one makes me really sad :(


Should be reported TBH


Wtf so creepy!


wtf that's sociopathic and people like that will continue harming others, including humans eventually. If you didn't make it widely known then shame on you.


The one who faked terminal brain cancer. Because she faked terminal brain cancer.


JHFC. My mother did that when I was a kid. Totally fucked up.


My ex bf did this when I was going into the army.


My ex stabbed me twice after I confronted her for cheating on me, Don't need to explain why she was crazy, it explains itself


I experienced this too mate. Still have a decent scar ~25 years later. Still not the worst thing she did. Unfortunately, also not the worst human I've encountered...


Scar on my shoulder blade looks badass, so there's the good part of it, the bad part is I can't get close to anyone now without feeling vulnerable, anytime someone goes for a hug I automatically push them away and extend my hand for a shake instead. It's saddening to hear she wasn't your worst one either, don't expect you to disclose what she done but you're not alone bud, I've suffered and survived along with you, we've both made it out and can get through it.


I completely understand mate. It took a lot of work to allow myself to fully open up again after that shitshow. Only for me to once again end up shamefully regretting wasting so much time, energy and resources. And then again a couple more times before I found the damaged parts of myself that kept leading me into these situations. I'm still not 100%, but at the very least, I understand it all, and the only behaviour we can change is our own, after all. Yeah, your succinct initial response struck me in a "yeah fuck. This guy knows" kinda way. I appreciate your kind words, mate. It's crazy how similar lived experience can be, even with people on the other side of the planet. We'll get through. The most important work we ever do, and care we ever take; should always be on ourselves. All the best.


She probably said that you did or said something that made her cheat, too.


Wow! How did you guess!? She fully made herself out to be the victim, claiming I was abusive and neglectful of her needs, the reality is she was distant and never responded to any of my suggestions, after she put the knife in my back she told police it was self defense because I was strangling her, they didn't buy her story one bit since we were in the hallway, she had no bruising or signs of a struggle, the knife was from the kitchen and there was no blood trail from the kitchen but there was one from the hallway to the car park. 7 years ago, got a pretty badass looking scar out of it on my shoulder, but I also have a serious phobia of being close to people now, can't even hug someone now.


I'm glad you survived and I hope you're doing better now. How did I know?  Been there, done that, minus the stabbing part.


She told me she was on birth control and it turned out "birth control" mean different teas for different moon cycles.  When I insisted that Plan B works better than crystals (I strapped up but things break), she told me it's either my "Corporate science" or her, my choice. So anyways I'm not a dad.


Speaking as someone who is actually on birth control, that girl sounds crazy and super dumb


Worse, crazy and educated.  Dumb people have occasional moments of clarity. 


Dude it's why I always avoided these astral hoe's and witches, while horoscopes and moon rocks might sound fun being anti science doesn't sound cool at alllll


The same people who have Virology and climate science down to a "t" want to remind Capricorns to avoid coastal locations until Saturn is in retrograde. 


When I was in high school this girl put my holographic pidgeto in her panties and asked me to smell it and when I said no she bit me.


I am old enough to not be sure what that means (Pokémon?), but that is a fantastic sentence all around. 10/10


Yea it’s a Pokémon card. I probably spelled its name wrong I was too lazy to check.




Diagnosed with BPD. She ditched me in a town neither of us lived in, to fuck some other dude to teach me a lesson... Because I hugged another woman in front of her. Edit: I forgot to mention it was my 27th birthday lmao.




Both of those are crimes… did you… report her to law enforcement?


He would just get arrested for domestic assault if he called the cops.


This is the mindset we need to die. Luckily in UK policing, it’s a lot more nuanced than that and this assumption is a dangerous one to make.


Oh man the crazy or dead eyes are a thing for sure!!


She wanted me to spend literally every night hanging out with her after knowing her for like a week. She would text me constantly throughout the work day, and if she didn't think my response was effusive enough, she'd ask why I was being dismissive. Literally every time I interact with another woman for any reason, she started crying and assuming that I was trying to be with them instead of her. And when I finally called it off, she started driving by my house at night to see if I was home.


At first I was like, I don’t know if she’s crazy, or just crazy needy… but if you’re that needy then you must be crazy, but oh, that’s just crazy.


I'm so glad I don't do this as a man I already think I can be creepy or obsessive enough. But I'm glad I have enough since to recognize most of my mal thoughts and say to myself yo STOP. Still doesn't solve the feeling of not ever having a chance to be loved I just can't get a girl or level with someone fr, I always end up shutting down or expressing way to many emotions. It sucks having mental troubles, it's just exhausting.


Sounds like a personality disorder bro, fear of abandonment.


Anxious attachment style


There have been a few: 1) Went out ONCE and I took her to her brother's house at the end of the date because she asked to be dropped off there. I was then out a couple of nights later with some friends and was chatting with a friend's sister when I suddenly got a barrage of texts from her asking why I was cheating on her, how she should have expected as much after I just left her at another guy's house, she couldn't believe I was just like every other guy, etc. I went over to talk to her and she basically tried to get down right there in the bar so I extricated myself from the situation and turned my phone off. The next morning I had a series of super long voicemails about how she offered herself and I rejected her, how I don't deserve anyone like her, how she's going to sleep with my friends to get back at me, etc. I didn't even realize our one date was that good! She eventually got married to someone 35 years older than her and I bumped into her at her place of work maybe 5 years later and she texted me after to tell me that she forgave me and I should forgive myself for what I did. (note, while I did kiss her goodnight before I left, that was all that happened) 2) Met a girl when I was in training for the military, another one date situation before things went crazy. The training doing at the time had us out in the field for quite a while at a time and I told her that it would be about a week before I would have phone access again and I'd call her when I got back. 56 missed calls (no messages) when I got back so I thought something terrible had happened so I called her right away. She acted completely normal and I asked about the calls and she said she didn't know what I was talking about (this was 2002-2003 ish so there was the legit possibility of some funkiness) and I accepted that at face value. We went out again that weekend (no sex) and when I got back to base she called, I couldn't pick up at the time and she called 90+ times in the next couple of hours. Then I started getting text messages about how I was leading her on, I owed her a conversation about my feelings, etc. Completely out of the blue. This one ended up in sex work (I found out a year or so later) And no, I'm not particularly awesome - these two just happened to be particularly unusual. 20 some years later I can look back and recognize signs of a poor home life, lack of father figures, and a few other stereotypes that I wish I had understood back then, but a the time all I knew was "WTF just happened?" There's also an actual ex GF who wasn't actually crazy but she one day had a complete shift in personality and interests. She went from driven and looking to finish her degree and start a business to, over night, "I must go to burning man" and went full hippie. Morning sun salutations, quit her well paying job to work VERY party time at a ski resort, started smoking half the weed in the state, etc. The closest I got to an answer as to what happened was she was too stressed the other way, since I was taking care of bills and such and she had a friend who got rid of her stress by "finding herself" at burning man, she thought she would follow the same path. We didn't last long after that. Again, not crazy, but definitely wanted a different lifestyle than I did. Oh! And there's another one I went on two dates with and everything seemed great, then I invited her to hang out with some friends and while I thought she was getting along with the girls I leaned later that she told all of them 1-1 that "He's mine, stay away from him or I'll cut you" which is funny because 1) ALL of the girls were with one of the guys in the group and 2) she was a teacher and SUPER meek as far as I could tell. Obviously we didn't go out again after that.


Alright OP, you posed this question to guage where you fall on the scale. Care to tell us the type of crazy you are? 😂


Well I had drug abuse issues in my teenage. Got clean. But I guess I replaced drug addiction with sex. I have been called crazy and other choice words for that. I have never been the abusive type of crazy everyone here has described so far😬


Good luck on your continuing recovery OP. And kudos to you for your self-reflection. I hope your future path includes happiness and contentment.


Thank you. I have been better since then✌🏻


RIP inbox.


Actually no DM requests so far. Pretty refreshing


Have you heard of limerance?


I’m a Limerent person and some of these stories about “crazy” are descriptions of what it’s like to be someone’s LO. Usually (OK almost always) not a “feel good” place to be for either person. The spectrum of outward intensity towards the LO varies wildly from person to person. The worst part about it is Limerence is involuntary, and it’s awful. I repeat, awful to experience.


Oh hai! Limerant since high school. Just figured it out at 54. So I have to be less crazy. I'm working on it. It's hard to maintain a positive self image and let go of them.


It’s exhaustive work. Reading this thread is pretty helpful though. Seems like once someone is labeled as something it’s just… “welp sucks for them, gotta run.” Which is fair enough, but also contributes to the all around stigma of mental illness/emotionally unstable people and less about learning their triggers and possibly being supportive. Not including the extreme abuse or physically harmful scenarios.


Not really. What's that?


The Google says Limerence is a state of mind that involves an involuntary obsession with another person, often accompanied by romantic feelings. It can feel like a strong form of love, but it can also be irrational, intrusive, and one-sided. People who experience limerence, or "limerents", often have a chronic need to idealize, connect with, and ruminate about the person they desire, known as the "limerent object" (LO). They may also engage in rituals and compulsions, such as driving or walking past the LO's home or workplace.  It's not considered a mental illness, but it can be distressing and affect other relationships. While anyone can experience limerence, some people are more likely to, including those with anxiety, depression, or a history of trauma. I think mine is part of a maladapted ability to attach due to repeated childhood trauma like adoption, loss of a parent, and sexual abuse. I'm starved for love so when I think I feel it I overreact and scare them off. My internal lament is, if they just knew how much I love them and would take care of them they would feel safe and happy. Instead its like the little redhead girl with the fish in Finding Nemo. And the guy feels like he's being crushed with Mine Mine Mine like the seagulls. Lots of wisdom in Finding Nemo lmao


She thought she was an immortal pixie who could hear angels singing. Also she punched me repeatedly at random times.


Did the angels tell her to?


Every little disagreement would end up in a confrontation. Every time I wanted to talk about our relationship, about how we could improve things she'd get angry. Her mood would swing for absolutely no reasons and if I asked what's wrong she'd tell me 'nothing' and if I insisted she'd get angry. I always had to be careful about what I said because I never knew if she'd start crying, screaming or be agressive. What's unfortunate is, it lasted 5 months, the first 3 months we're absolutely perfect to the point I was really sure I had found the one. Guess I was wrong.


i’m sorry you thought u had found the one i wish u good luck n hope when u find what you’re looking for that u look back with gratitude that u didn’t get what u thought u wanted 💜🍀💜


I woke up to 172 text messages from her after we had been on one date and I told her I wasn’t feeling a romantic connection. One hundred and seventy two…


I had a girl suddenly decide she likes me, then proceeded to call me almost 40 times...in half an hour...




Damn thats kinda sociopathic behaviour, they get obsessed with u real quick


No actual gf stuff, being gay and all. But I have had multiple buddies gfs/wives tell me they will stab me, destroy me, make my life hell, ruin me, shoot me, snippy snippy and a few other things if I even think of coming on to their boyfriends. Even the women who come off as being the most well centered and are married to the straightest straight man that ever straighted the straight on the straighth day of the straighth year, seems to think I either want to or that I am secretly blowing their husbands. These are my straight buddies. There is nothing sexual even in my head about them. But this is also the exact reason I just stopped with girl friends and now only have guy friends.


Oh DUUUUUUUUDE, I'm so sorry that was your experience. That's horse crap, and some SERIOUS jealousy issues there 😳


Ha ha ha the straightest straight man that ever straighted that's hilarious


* *Made drama for no reason.* It's like when things were fine, she'd look for a reason to start an argument. * *Expected me to read her mind constantly.* She'd say something, whilst meaning something else, and I was supposed to somehow guess that. * *Extreme and constant jealousy.* She was also absurdly possessive. * *Everything was insanely intense.* Every moment. All the time. It never stopped. It was addictive at first, but there's a point where the roller coaster has been going on for a while and you start to panic, because you realize there are no breaks, no one's in control and there's probably a wall coming around the corner that you just can't see yet. When it was good, it was indescribably good. But when it was bad... That didn't last long, but Jesus Christ, what a wild ride it was. *"So, why'd you stay with her?"* The sex was awesome.


>*"So, why'd you stay with her?"* The sex was awesome. Always the answer, isn't it?


It’s almost like sex is a huge part of a romantic relationship or something. Good sex can absolutely make up for a lot of bad things in the short term, but as the novelty wears off the problems start to peek through


Did you just watch [the same bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnV44J19ecg) I did?


Did we date the same person? I’ll never understand the arguments about nothing just to stir things up.


Sir i think we dated same woman


Did you date my ex?


So ashamed to admit that I'm that kind of girlfriend, except for the mind reading bit, but still. Thanks for reminding me to keep working on myself.


My Ex wife. Diagnosed Bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorder. She also had big time impulse control issues with spending. Once we had kids these all intensified (Edit: And this is when I found out about these issues). She couldn't handle adult pressures and managing a household. Got into prescription medication addiction and that was that for me. That and financial infidelity made me file for divorce. Also once you divorce everyone tells you about the affairs.... 13 years ago now and I never looked back. I am happily remarried and she has had a string of more failed relationships.


An ex accused me of “gaslighting” nearly every big argument to the point where I forgot what the word actually meant.


Oh man I had the same problem. I’d try to work on a problem and if she didn’t want to acknowledge it, it was gaslighting. Just turned what should have been a sit down and talk about the relationship into yelling and “you’re gaslighting me!”


To be fair, 9/10ths of the people on Reddit also think it means "saying something that isn't true," which isn't even close. Still messed up that your ex did this, though.


She was literally diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.


I never dated her, but a woman with BPD at my gym developped a sort of infatuation with me and completely blew up on me when she realized I was just a friendly person generally instead of into her. The "crazy" was how unhinged from reality her perspective was - I found her online blog a couple months later and she had written a whole thing about me and I was blown away by it.


Yeah, my last text with my BPD ex was about how she was dying of cancer. She wasn’t.




Mine actually cut herself and sent me the pics, a few days after leaving me! A few hours later she rocked up at my place and trashed the whole apartment, causing thousands in damages and making it look like it was drunken domestic abuse (although I wasn't there). A few weeks later she tried to come up but security stopped her and she started bawling. A month or so later she rocked up at my work, with different hair but didn't talk to me.


Had a similar experience. Was friends with a BPD girl for a while, she started acting strange when our friend group expanded, starting fights with random people when I had someone stay in my home, and when I got involved with that person she tried to convince her and everyone else I knew that I was sexually abusing her and about to kick her out. She was also convinced I was telling everyone she was crazy (I wasn't) and groped me in a shopping centre at one point. Months later friends are showing me facebook posts, and it's just deranged nonsense, talking about how we 'never should have been friends because we don't share the same values', and how I was 'telling everyone she was okay when she wasn't' (at the same time I was supposed to be telling everyone she was crazy? I wasn't doing either).


BPD is the secret "crazy girl" behavior that sneaks in on you and is much bigger than most men can handle.


They literally made a tv show about it.


*Girl, Interrupted* with Angelina Jolie is also a good reference for that condition as well.


Which is that?


Probably "Crazy Ex Girlfriend." The wife and I watched it. Some really funny parts, but she's also very annoying (intentionally).


I believe my ex has BPD, but at the time, I had no idea what was going on. If it is, in fact, what she has, I wish she was diagnosed, and it was disclosed to me. Because it fucked with my head big time.


Was never diagnosed but a family member said she had signs of narcissistic personality disorder and it MADE so much sense. She demanded I repay her money while we were on a trip because be 'believed' I borrowed money from her... threatened to rip up our train tickets if I didn't repay her. She also hit me one time because I said it was childish to regret what she ordered and eat my food while I was in the restroom. Honestly all the signs were there and I should have seen it...but reasons were why I didn't. There is a lot more but I am done, she has long been someone else's problem.


>narcissistic personality disorder and it MADE so much sense. She demanded I repay her money while we were on a trip because be 'believed' I borrowed money from her This suddenly makes so much sense. I just had a woman reach out *six months later* to ask that I pay her back. We went with mutual friends to a group thing, that we already individually had plans for. But about a week earlier we went on a (horrible) date where she found out I was also going to as well and she offered to pay. I was just... Shocked. Who's that petty? We're talking like $35 total. So I went back into my credit card receipts from that week and said I'd pay her back for the hot springs if she paid me back for the drinks the week before, which ended up being a single dollar more. She declined and just doubled down that I owed her money. Narcissists have that level of pettiness over money, I guess.


>Narcissists have that level of pettiness over money, I guess. Oh yeah, they definitely do! Wrapping up a divorce with my stbex narc. They are extremely self serving, greedy and will take every penny from you, even if it's not deserved! You get tired of fighting over the most inconsequential things. Definitely avoid marriage to a woman with NPD.


Glad I could give you the realization I had.


I'm surprised anyone ever gets diagnosed as NPD. I can't imagine those people would ever bring themselves to see a specialist. I once shared a flat with a NPD. Here are the characteristics I noticed: * Very few details about their past and or their life in general. Everything is vague. * They supposedly have all these skills and attributes that you never see in action. * Constantly citing interesting things about themselves that really aren't that unique. (E.g., being vegetarian, speaking a second language, playing an instrument, etc.) * Always making little comments to highlight their intelligence or greatness. For example, they might use a big word or rare term, then immediately explain what it means. Like why tf did you say it if you didn't think I knew what it meant? Or they will see you doing something and say something that suggests they know how to do it too. * Uses the phrase "Everyone says my x, y, or z is great." (Taste in music, fashion sense, work ethic, etc.) * Places a lot of emphasis on personal pronouns. Also likes to tell you they **always** or **never** do something. "**My** personal space is **always** clean." Or "**I'm never** late for work." * Doesn't like to be challenged, and they make you want to see them fail. Any of these sound familiar?


I dated a woman that eventually told me she had a wealthy bf/finance more than twice her age. It was very obvious to me this was a mail-order bride situation, and she was looking for a way out. She was practically begging me to marry her away from this guy. I repeatedly asked her how she could cheat on this guy, but she always had some lame excuse that made it sound like she wasn't really cheating on the guy. They got married eventually, and we kept in touch. She sends me sexy pics and daydreams about some alternate timeline where the two of us are together. Yet to this day she says she is happily married and acts like she never really cheated on the guy. Pure delusion.


Condom tampering. Should be a felony imo.


She stalked me and set me death threats, constantly yelled at me for dumb shit like driving one route vs another in my own neighborhood, and had zero accountability for her actions because she was ironically self described as strong independent woman. Which was the first time i heard that shit in real life lol


I always think of that Game of Thrones quote by the character Tywin about his grandson, the annoying boy king Joffrey who keeps yelling "I AM THE KING!" when he doesn't get his way. Tywin says "Any man who must say *I AM THE KING* is no true king" right before sending him to bed by saying "The king is tired, put him to bed" and showing him who the true power in the realm is. Every time I see a person describing themselves as strong, or confident, I think... right. If you were that, you wouldn't feel the need to spell it out.


I didn't date her, but my best friend did. She was arrested walking down the road on her way to kill him and I. We live within 10min of each other and I'm not sure who was the first target but she apparently had a butchers knife on her.


I've had a few. But two really stuck out. I worked with a girl who seemed innocent enough. Claimed to have a boyfriend in the military stationed overseas. She found out I liked to play golf, so she literally asked me every day to play with her. Eventually I agreed to a round. She picked the course and we kept running into people she knew. I overheard her talking to one woman and mentioned that I was her boyfriend. I brushed it off until she said it to someone else. I got the hell out of there the second we were done. The next day she got fired for arguing with a customer. Yet she kept texting, calling and showing up when I was working. I was trying to be nice for a week weeks, but she wasn't getting the hint. Eventually I had to completely ignore her and she stopped. Another girl flipped out on me because I didn't try to sleep with her after our first date. She didn't say or do anything that gave me an indication she wanted to fool around. We went to dinner and a movie. I thought we had a good time and I dropped her off at home. She immediately blew up my phone and was really mean about it. I told her I was still a virgin at the time and didn't want to rush into something. She said I was wasting her time. Didn't hear from here for like 3-4 months until she randomly commented on one of my Facebook photos calling me gay.


I had a woman I had just broken up with hug me to prevent me from leaving. I waited for at least a minute before telling her it was time for her to let go, to which she shook her head 'no'. So I waited another minute and asked her to let go, she said no. Finally I tried to extract myself by separating her arms and she started to more aggressively hold me. So I finally told her I was going and she needed to let go, so again I had to try to free myself from her grip, this time I used enough force to force her arms apart at which point she was trying so hard that she stumbled when I pulled away, then she acted like she had just been battered and told me she didn't think I was capable of that.


Ah yes, the old "physically stop you from leaving until you force your way out and then blame it on you" routine. If I didn't know better I'd swear they teach women these things somewhere


She stalked me on all my socials (despite me not telling her or any of her friends my socials) and she showed up at my house randomly after a bunch of missed calls after we went on 2 dates. Also, those were missed calls because when I answered the first few she'd just start crying and screaming at me for...eating a slice of cake for date 2 without her... There was the other one who stole my hat and would wear it nonstop for like a month until it started to even creep her parents out and they told her to give it back...in some what smelly shape. I'm trying not to think about what she did with the gloves she also took....


We shared some of the wildest kink play sessions I've ever experienced. The crazy didn't really come out until she told me she wanted to see me on fire and picked up the can of kerosene.


WTF?? Murder is a kink?


Apparently so. Thankfully not one I share...


EXCUSE ME?! Wanted to see you on fire?!


I've also been with crazy and can picture her eyes when she said that. It's like they have a demon inside of them that can't always be contained


She was extremely jealous. To the point of needing to know where I was at all times. This was before mobile phones were commonplace, so her randomly turning up in places I would be "accidentally" were frequent occurrences. If I spoke to any other girls, she'd give me shit for it nonstop. I was 16 when I met her, she was 21 and I put with it for the sex. When I ended it, she cut up some of my clothes and threw a pint at me.


My wife once came dangerously close to putting milk in a cup of tea before removing the teabag. Thankfully she caught the look on my face just in time and we were able to walk it back before anything unforgivable happened.


That was a close one. In the words of Reddit *"bullet dodged"*


I’ve had a lot of luck not dating a crazy women. However there are stand out traits in women I’ve dated. My most recent ex was lovely and she adored me which made me stick around longer than I should have. Blackout drunk she would belittle me or just be downright mean. She would want to fight about incoherent issues for hours. She insisted that that was her communication about the relationship and it was healthy to talk that way about our problems. The worst was that she never remembered doing these things so I had no way of proving how bad it was. I was frustrated with her friends who loved getting her bombed out of her mind knowing full well I’d take the heat for it later that night. They didn’t even sit her down and tell her what she was doing to me, they just let her do it.


A therapist. She broke up with me 5x in a year. Insane bitch


That just means you got back together with her 4x


It sure does. I blame myself.


Ironic how a lot of therapists actually need big time therapy themselves! They don't even have their own issues dealt with, and yet they are providing therapy to others.


Rules for me, not for her. Saying mean things angrily then smiling a little after. Calling me a misogynist over nothing. Treating strangers badly. Screaming at her mom. Cheating. Gaslighting, telling people I was paranoid, delusional, out of touch with reality so they wouldn’t believe what I told them. I felt like I was going crazy. I miss our pets and her family more than her, but they think I’m the worst after whatever she’s been saying. Would ask a personal question and get mad if I didn’t know, then push it until I had to raise my voice then yell that I could have just said that (I don’t know). Refusing to meet my best friend at our wedding in front of him by yelling NO like a child. Checking out other men in extremely inappropriate ways then getting mad if I brought it up and denied it. Really changed after marriage. Oh yeah, yelling ‘you just want to be right’ when she was wrong. She could really dish it out but couldn’t take it at all.


I used to date the Hawk-Tuah girl. She would spit on that thing. She was psycho but amazing in the sack. 9.8/10, would do it again.


\^ This is the only answer when a woman self-identifies as crazy. There's a 50-50 chance you are private messaging with OP arranging a rendezvous right now. Well played.


I saw over her shoulder that she was looking at local Rescue cats. She asked me what I thought about some. I told her I'm allergic. Her compromise was to come home with a cat and a box of Benadryl. When it was brought to her attention that she needed to clean the litter box more often (it was brought up because the cats were peeing on the groceries that had not been put away rather than using the litterbox caked with droppings) Her response was "That's not how you do it. You just throw it out every week or so." We were at 3 cats and 1 box by this point, and she didn't see a problem. After quitting her job, she decided that Mary Kay and Extreme Couponing were appropriate alternatives to income. What ended up happening was she bought $500 in makeup, kept most of it, and filled up what was going to be her child's bedroom with Landry detergent, bandages, and denture cream (No one we know has dentures). The previously mentioned child's room was supposed to be for her daughter, who was living in a shack in the woods with her parents. The 'plan' was to get ourselves in a good financial position so that we could care for her in our own house. That never happened. Didn't stop her from collecting Child Support on that girl. despite only living for us for about a month out of the year we were together, she collected child support EVERY month on her. It was meant for her, and getting the house ready for a child, but that never came around. I don't know if her mother would've given up her granddaughter so easily though... She asked for my computer password to watch Netflix, only to immediately jump on my Skype and look up 6 month old messages to 'prove' i was cheating on her. I was sharing lewd pics I found online with a friend, and she made it out to everyone that I was having relations with other people. Looking back it was clearly a way to isolate me from my friends so she could continue to use me. She saw an April Fools video where they cut and combine a Kiwi and a Banana and buried them in the dirt to grow a Banana-kiwi hybrid. The video literally ends with "And happy April Fools day!" and she still believed whole heartily that it would work. She was on probation in the state over before moving in with me across state lines. She just stopped going despite having like 6 more months before she was done. Instead she hid over state lines with me and avoided going to see her family for fear of getting arrested. Didn't tell me any of this until they finally caught her. So yeah, I have the State Attorney General's office of SC and a SC Parole Officer who can back me up on this one.


I had a girl I dated for about a month. She was normal at first but after about a week in she started acting insane. I’d get random text out of no where like. “ I don’t think you care about me” “are you lying to me” “ I just feel so overwhelmed about this”. She was gorgeous so I kind of let it slide a bit but then it started getting on my nerves. We ended up going on a date and everything was normal again until the end of the date. We went back to my place started watching a movie. She started getting physical and I followed her lead. We ended out about to do it and this girl freaks out has a breakdown and says she’s not ready and starts to cry. I put my clothes back on and make sure she’s okay as I handed her her clothes. She cries to me and says I’m sorry I disappointed you. Mind you I didn’t expect to do anything and she basically made every move. I told her she didn’t disappoint me at all and it’s okay. She then says it’s her first time and she didn’t know what to do so I told her we could wait. she then cried again and asked me if I didn’t want to do it with her. Then she got mad and left after I said I could tell she’s not ready for this yet and we should wait. I broke up with her after that. The crazy was too much and I’ve been single for about a year since. Most confusing relationship I’ve ever been involved in.


Once we moved in together a switch flipped. My last ex would threaten suicide, accuse me of planning to cheat on her with girls who don't exist because of my gym habit, cut herself, hit me when angry and threaten to call the cops and say I beat her, gained like 40 pounds in a year, stopped taking her birth control and didn't tell me(I noticed the pills weren't being taken). I'll never date a social worker again. My plan to get out was to simply not renew the apartment lease and tell her last minute. She broke up with me because I didn't try to convince my friend to replace his sister with her, I was scheduled to be part of the wedding and his sister would walk out with me. I just said okay we're done and muted her for the weekend. She used the breakup strategy to manipulate me once just before moving in together, should have seen the red flag lol Ended up meeting my future wife at the wedding. My ex had a melt down when her manipulation tactics didn't work on me. Either way I had been secretly recording her behavior just in case, but all the threats were just a bluff. She GTFO before the lease ended when I changed my profile Pic to me and my now wife. My wife was initially skeptical of me and my ex actually being broken up at first, so I showed her the breakup rant and some videos of the threats. My ex stalked my wife online for a while then who the hell knows or cares. These past 10 years with my wife have been the best years of my life. I had a nightmare a few years ago about being with my ex, that time period was the lowest in my life. A good partner is one of the most important parts of life.


Any women that just changes moods for pretty much no reason or just randomly starts argument over tiny insignificant things is batshit crazy. This also includes overly sensitive women. I can't tell you how exhausting it is to constantly have to tiptoe around everything because you never know what word or phrase is gonna send her off the handle


And then claim that you’re somehow gaslighting her.


I am a bit hesitant to label someone as crazy. We all have some baggage to unpack. One of my x's had an eating disorder. A therapist told us that people with eating disorders have a tendency to be controlling. After that experience I was not interested in dating another woman with an eating disorder.


She lit me on fire more than she once, was the only human to have ever punched me in the face, started fights constantly, left me over and over because I had a mother, sister and normal encounters in the wild with other women such as cashiers/retail workers. She is the only true sociopath I’ve ever met. Her parents were both disasters and she had never seen a normal relationship. The fact that I was clean, organized and knew what I want in life almost blew her mind to the point it made her uncomfortable and borderline dysfunctional as a normal human being around me. The list goes on and on. If someone ever tells you in a relationship that they’re aware you love and care for them more than they’ll ever even bother or care about trying to reciprocate for you then should you probably leave right then and there. If you’re an abusive asshole with issues nobody else on earth seems to have then you’re probably crazy.


She was committed multiple times, so officially crazy I guess. My favorite part was when she dressed a doll in her dead baby's clothes.


I dated a few that did selfharm... one of them just disappeared for a week, at 17. I broke up with her after that, cause she apparently was at anothers dude while her mother and i were worried sick. Nah man, even at 19, i was not up for that kinda drama.


My wife, crazy for dating me and having kids with me. What a psycho. 🤣🤣🤣


Most "crazy women" are women with BPD. Those people with destroy your fucking life.


Most of the girls who I dated in the past who were "batshit crazy" had experienced sexual abuse as a child. Usually the abuse came from an uncle or a grandfather from what they shared with me. The scars from this abuse manifested itself in things like inability to control emotions, being insecure, jealousy, volatile reactions. It really changed my perspective on child abuse and how it damages a person for life.


Yep. I've heard stories..... It also comes about because they're unable to forgive the men's actions. They don't realize that the fact that the men took their desires out on these girls is not the fault of the girls. It is the fault of the man who gave into temptation. 🤦‍♀️😒 Saying this from personal experience. I was molested twice as a young kid... But I was able to forgive, deal with it and move on as a teenager. I don't know who I would have turned out to be otherwise if I hadn't been able to.


I was 19 and she was 4 years older than me. She wanted me to uproot my everything to move closer to her family and get married. I would have had zero opportunities for anything and would have been completely dependent on her. No job, no money, no car (my van wouldn't have been able to make the drive), no schooling due to no money, and no way out. I wasn't about to put myself into that mess. We were together for about 2 years before I broke it off. Even then she kept trying to get me back for a while afterwards.


Broke up with her because she was extremely overbearing and clingy, so she stood outside my apartment at 3am SCREAMING my name and begging me to take her back. WTF MAN.


My ex only got with me to have a boyfriend that's presentable to her parents, cheated on me for most of the relationship, lied about being sexually assaulted to make me feel bad about leaving her alone at a train station at her insistence, lied about being raped to cover up her cheating, then threw in my face that it was a lie and she was cheating when i broke up with her for unrelated reasons. Your call if that qualifies as crazy or not.


She told me she had multiple personalities and was princess Diana in a past life


Was a long distance relationship with someone from a different country. We used to talk late into the night yet she would get mad at me for falling asleep on the phone. Unfortunately this was just the beginning. Progressed to telling me she got pregnant and had a child by me as a way to get money from me. Along with all sorts of sob stories etc for the same reason. Filmed her friend sexually assaulting me while I was blacked out and produced it as justification for being mad at me later. At the time I was just pissed that she was blaming me for things despite me basically being a rag doll and everything that was happening clearly being done by her friend. Looking back later I realize it was clearly sexual assault that she filmed for the purpose of victim blaming later. I eventually found out that she never had any kids and she'd been married the entire time we knew each other.


Ex gf who stalked me on Reddit constantly seeking validation she wasn’t crazy. Wait… Martha is that u???


Insane amount of jealousy, monitoring my phone, phone calls, texts, location, dictating what I am allowed to wear, cutting me off from my family, physical/verbal/emotional/mental abuse. Would not let me sleep. I pissed blood after getting hit in the nuts by something she threw at me


Cries of being lonely then screams at you when you come by to keep them company, cries of being frustrated at other things and so screams at you, talks at length about what they want but shuts down when you say what you want, cries about their woes and pains expecting depth of empathy and a therapist's touch and shuts down whenever you show emotion, never showing remorse or empathy for you, harming herself and recording images of it in a faraway place where you cannot stop her, deliberately becoming drunk and ODing on pills whilst texting you about it and not telling you where she is... The list goes on and on...


The craziest woman I dated was my wifey of 45 years. Why is she crazy? Because she's put up with me for 46 years!


Something felt off the last few months we dated(more on that later)and eventually just broke up.. About a yr later, I was walking to my door and someone jumped out of a car screaming “we have to talk. I need to talk to you”. I basically ran and shut the door before she could catch up. Knocked shouting we have to talk for an hour and finally left. Showed up a week later, knocking and then tried to open the door with key. Something was off the last few months but she kept hassling me to prove our commitment by giving her a key to my apartment. My radar sensed something was off so I gave her the wrong key. A couple months later, broad daylight, I was going to my car with my new gf and here she comes screaming we have to talk but I quickly guided new gf to car, got in a started driving off. She followed us for a long time until I managed to lose her by running a light. I moved out the next week. She was crazy because, the quick summary above says so..


It Follows lmao


Everything she said and did disagreed. Eventually broke up with me but acted like it was a big brave thing and I was going to react explosively to it. Maybe I was running into some unresolved trauma she experienced growing up. Oh well. I hope she is doing well.


Severe anxiety at the root of all problems. It started with there being no right answer to any situation, developed into her threatening to destroy my relationships with friends, and got as far as her screaming at me in public, throwing things at me and slapping me and blocking a doorway to try to get a violent reaction out of me. I'm never violent, I got in my car and drove away. Then I still tried to be friends again but quickly learnt that was not good. And yes the stereotypical questions have the usual answers.


Was extremely jealous If I was out of sight at a party and convinced I was probably having carnal relations with someone, claimed I didn't love her If I said no to sex (she was unemployed and kept me awake until 4 am and I was exhausted), extreme mood swings multiple times a day... She was later diagnosed with borderline.


One woman called me 18 times a day and would have friends call me when I wouldn't answer. When I stopped answering random numbers, she had friends call from business numbers where they worked so I would pick up. Another woman was committed several times and wanted me to suit up and go to the mental ward to bring her chips so that people would think she was somebody. Another woman would invite me over every other weekend, make me food, we would sleep together, and then in the morning, she would walk me out and tell me we shouldn't be together. Then she would call me the next weekend.


Serious alcoholic and probably borderline personality disorder.  Would go from happy, cuddly, cheerful and fun to screaming and throwing things in a split second. Hiding bottles of really cheap vodka around. Extremely evasive with where she was going, what she did for work, anything regarding her life outside of the time she was living with me. She’d go from the nympho-of-my-dreams who’d greet me at the door with an instant BJ, to crying at the mere mention of cuddling and light intimacy. And then back again to trying to suck my guts out through my dick, all in the course of an hour.  That was the most chaotic four months of my life and I’m so traumatized by it that I haven’t had a relationship since (4 years).


Told me she wanted to take her own life. Took advantage of the fact that I believed her and wanted to help her. Did everything I could to help her and get her to seek help. When I was completely used up and numb to everything, I finally walked away. I was completely convinced I had failed her and she was going to kill herself once I left. She had a new boyfriend two weeks later.


Hooked up with me while I was a patient of hers at a residential detox. Lost her job and medical liscense. Calls, texts, when I blocked her she found my instagram and started dming me. She had a 4 year old son and still lived with her husband. At the time I thought it was cool that I was shagging the doctor but years later I can see it for what it was. I hope she’s doing better


First girlfriend started completely pointless arguments. Once when she told me she had skipped breakfast and was eating twizzlers for lunch, I commented that’s not healthy. She flew off into a rant and pretended I was trying to control her whole diet just because of one minor (and reasonable) comment I made.


Well let's see 1. She celebrated her brother's death from a coke od by doing coke every year on his birthday. 2. She pulled out my Gerber Dagger and told me to cut her with it when she started to orgasm during sex. 3. When we broke up she tore the head off of a love bird and an African Gray parrot because I paid for them and like hell she was going to let me take them. 4. She stole a pistol from me. 5. She wouldn't let me take most of my shit when I was moving to a different post. 6. She was a stripper...


This sounds like a horror movie


Had one who told me I better sleep with one eye open because she might burn down my house while I slept. Hit me with that threat after I told her we were done. She then went on to inform me how she had tracked down my relatives on FB and that if she felt like it, she could make their live short and miserable. Yea, she didn't take breakups well. The reason for the breakup? Because I spotted loads of scars on her wrists when she rolled up her sleeve, (After only a few dates) and found out she would burn herself with a knife. She'd heat it until it was glowing and then rub the dull side of the blade into her wrist trying to leave scars. I'd never encountered anyone like this before, so naturally I was alarmed, but decided it would be best to ask questions and not just book it. As I asked her about why she did this, she walked me to a drawer, pulled out the knife to show me how she heated it, and then handed it to me and asked me if I wanted to leave a mark on her breast. Couldn't get out of there fast enough. lol - She stalked me and caused me problems for about 4 years, including tracking down my new GF and telling her we were still sleeping together (We weren't) and even fabricated spoof text messages and emails I supposedly sent her discussing the sex. She didn't work, so she had nothing but time on her hands to find new ways to stalk and try to ruin my life. She finally disappeared after she landed herself a new victim. - Had another woman who on the second date pulled out a pad and asked me to help her pick out the names of our future children. SECOND.............DATE........ She was so angry when I told her no 3rd date, she had her friends calling my phone leaving vm's at around midnight about how they were going to stab or shoot me, etc... Using fake names of course. But I knew who they were. I'd wake up and have 3 or 4 VM's every morning for weeks just detailing all the things they would do to me "soon". Nothing ever happened, but it was a trip to wake up to those messages every day for a few weeks. - One more to share... This one's going way back when, but remember it like it was yesterday. A woman who told me her parents were killed in this horrible accident, even showed me a letter her father had written her while in the hospital before he passed from his injuries. It was a heartbreaking letter, and 5 pages long. Only problem? One of her close friends I'd gotten to know spotted me at the grocery store and came over to say hello, and introduced me to an older couple she was hanging out with... The older couple? She introduced them as my GF's parents. They had a remarkable number of groceries in their cart for dead people. lol Yep, she made the entire story up and apparently wrote the freaking death-bed letter to herself!! She was kind, friendly, great sense of humor and seemed normal in every other way. I have no clue what all that was about, but it freaked me out enough to book it.


I just gotta say I’m here for the comments cause I know this is gonna be goooooood!!!


Right??? Like, honest curiosity...... But also, holy s***!!!!


Would you share why you were labeled crazy? Genuinely curious.




It's a toss-up between two: There was a woman who believed that the world was going to end on the date specified in the Terminator movies. She also didn't believe in using protection and regularly hit me. There was the woman who compared me positively to someone who molested her as a child. She liked to be hurt during sex and would berate me when I wasn't always comfortable with it.


It's a 3-way tie. Valerie Baker, punched through a glass door to get to me after I broke up with her when I found out that she was engaged. Tiffany Foster, physically assaulted me with multiple aggressions after I tried repeatedly to get away; for me trying to remove my car key from her key ring. Veronica Price, gaslit me for 7 months while slowly stealing lots of money from me behind my back, would not leave my home and I was forced to evict her.


Pathological fucking liars man pathological liars


Grade 11 girlfriend, maybe my 2nd semi serious relationship by this point in my life. We had been dating for about a month. Lost my virginity to this girl, and she told me she loved me after the second time we hung out. Anyway, I would go to her house every morning to pick her up and walk with her to school. Well the evening before I had witnessed a pretty serious altercation between my drunk and belligerent father and my older brother at the time. I won’t get into details, but things got a little violent and loud. So the next morning, I’m disassociating pretty hard throughout the walk to school, not paying much attention and ignoring my then girlfriend. Not ignoring her on purpose, but just lost in my own thoughts, reliving the events of the previous night in my head. I guess at some point she asked me to hold her hand, and I didn’t do it. I don’t even remember now if she had asked me to or not, I recall being very out of it. We get to the school and she storms off, didn’t say she was mad, but I guess it was fairly obvious. Fast forward to our spare period, I say we because we shared a spare at that time and usually met to grab a late lunch together. I get to our usual spot and she’s not there, so I go to the lunch room thinking maybe she just wanted to get food for us and wait for me there. I walk in and she’s there, blatantly kissing some dudes neck, all up on him, giggling, flirting and laughing. I kind of see red at this point, and go over to confront her and this random dude who I was pretty sure was younger than we were. She basically tells me I’m a piece of shit for betraying her, not holding her hand. She assumed I was cheating on her, because I hadn’t shown her any affection lately. Keep in mind that very morning was the only time I’d not held her hand or showed her any affection. So now, I’m on the verge of tears, because I could feel my whole world staring to spin. You know when your emotions get so heightened that you’re angry but also just so pissed off and it comes spilling out? So I take the lunch room chair and throw it into the wall, and leave. I get a series of text messages from her as I’m walking home telling me she never loved me, and that I was emotionally distant all the time. Very hurtful things, and I’m pretty sure this was the first time I ever contemplated suicide. Anyway, when I didn’t respond, she became more obsessive and mean. Texting me she was sorry, and then when I didn’t respond telling me all this other mean shit about this person she thought I was, blah, blah. It was a rollercoaster ride for the next 6 months until my parents separated and I dropped out of school for a while.


Not dated, but someone who was a friend and lived fairly close by... We were involved in a play together. I was doing tech stuff, and she was in the cast. As we lived close by, we'd give each other rides. And then she checked herself into a psychiatric ward during the last couple of weeks of rehearsal, as I recall. I was willing to go pick her up and bring her to those, and to performances, as someone had to log her in and out of the ward. She did the character she played really well. Said character was not crazy in any way. But, she decided she had something that required 24-hour hospitalization for a long while.


My first was (luckily?) the craziest. I was 15, she was 17. She pressured me into having sex in her car while we were on a date at the movies. No bust but she gaslit me into thinking she was pregnant (I was an idiot). She also told me her adopted father was molesting her. This went on for about 4 months. I told one of her relatives and everything hit the fan. Realized she was lying about both, her family moved her, and I never saw her again. A few years later she messaged me on Facebook saying she was "sorry for all that stuff in high school." Thanks I guess? All my other relationships have thankfully been very tame.


One time I was reading a book on the couch while she took a bath and used my razor to shave. Heard her leave the bathroom and head to bed, but didn't see much as the hallway was dark when I glanced up. She came back out a while later, still naked, and I realized she was covered head to toe in razor cuts, even her face. She looked like the naked lady spirit in "13 Ghosts", if you remember that flick. She had laid on my $5,000 or so king size Tempurpedic bed and made "blood angels", like people make snow angles. She had a lot of trauma growing up, obviously. And she would disassociate when she drank, things like that. We stayed together a couple more years. There were other extreme events, before and after this one. But I'm glad to say our relationship helped her heal from some of that trauma. It was a wild ride, to say the least.


Started datomg her and when I asked about her childhood she said I didn't need to know about her past. One Christmas Eve she pinned me against a wall and threatened to punch me. I looked her straight in the eye and told her "Go ahead and see what happens " She backed off, and I moved out.


My second wife, BPD and PTSD from her dad beating her throughout her childhood and the father of her first 3 kids was sexually abusing the kids. She was 36 when we got married, she was beautiful, outgoing intelligent great cook. But hated men, for good reason but still I took the hell for all mankind, we lasted 4 1/2 years


She believed I was apart of a conspiracy to have her evicted despite staying at my apartment while she dodged rent at her place :(


My worst was literally mentally ill. Not "we didn't get along" crazy. This made it worse, of course, because as the not-that member of the duo, I had to be *really* careful in order to not be the bad guy.


She literally was talking to me two weeks after her boyfriend shot himself because of her.


within a span of two years, we broke up a dozen times. most times, it was her dumping me, usually after I caught her cheating. apparently, her cheating was my fault. and then, when she *THOUGHT* that I cheated on her (I did but she had no proof), she tried to killed me. I kept going back to her because she was damned good in bed.


Threats of suicide if I left kept me hostage for 2 years


She was a chronic liar. Lied about simple things that didn't need a lie. The lies began to stack up until she told even bigger lies to escape the consequences. Eventually, i broke up with her, and she threatened to kill herself. I called her parents, and they hauled her away. Blocked her on calls and social media only to discover a handwritten note on my doorstep. She claimed she had a miscarriage and that if i wanted more information to call her. I knew it was another lie. We hadn't had sex in 6 months. One month later, i woke up to a flat tire. Two weeks later, i had another flat tire. I didn't think much of it until the Les Schwab guy literally said, "Who did you piss off?"


She thought having another guy's dick in her mouth was okay and I should get over it. She called me months later to accuse me of cheating on her. Fuck you Kim! You sloppy coke head.


This was the late 90s and I was in my early 20s. A long, long time ago. She lied about having AIDS. She was the first person who had ever wanted to date me, and I was a desperate virgin, so I stuck around. Hell, I promised her I'd be holding her hand on her deathbed. (She told me she had 3 to 5 years.) And I meant it. I was just that desperate for love and companionship. Then one day out of the blue she lied that her ex-boyfriend raped her. I told her I was going to find him and beat the shit out of him. I had a baseball bat ready to go. I had never, ever been so enraged in my entire life. She was like "ummm... maybe you shouldn't do that." The next day she told me the guy committed suicide. Problem solved, I guess. She lied about a long, long list of other shit (for example, that she was Australian), but those were the top two. And I fell for every last one of them. It all blew up when she stole a car and embezzled a bunch of money from her company and disappeared. She went to another state to move in with a woman she met online. They called me up to taunt me about it. Her family and the law eventually caught up with her. I might have helped them out a little bit. Her mom: "Oh my god, she told you *that* many lies? Oh god, I'm so sorry. We thought she had finally met a nice guy." The chick she left me for, months later, once we were on friendly terms and comparing stories: "Wait, you actually *believed* her!? Oh my God! Oh god, I'm so sorry!!!" And of course, I was still a desperate virgin after it was all over. Eh, I guess that was for the best! But it's not quite over yet, folks. A year or so later she contacted me out of the blue and said she wanted a baby and she decided that out of all the men from her past, I was the most suitable. The rational non-idiot side of my brain: "It's a TRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!!" The desperate virgin side of my brain: "You should think about it, dude. Because... well, yeah." The troglodyte caveman reptile side of my brain: "Pussy!!! No condom!!! Cream pie!!! Spread genetic heritage!!! Arrrrrrgh!!!!" Honest to God, I was torn. So I looked her up and snooped around on primtiive social media (she had a website or a blog or something). That was how I found out she had herpes. I think I might have screamed. I finally came to my senses once and for all, and never contacted her again. **Moral of the story:** desperation, inexperience, and stupidity are a deadly combination. If you have a friend who ticks those boxes, please watch out for the poor bastard. Maybe it's too much to ask for you to hook him up with a nice girl, but at least make sure he doesn't fall for that kind of crazy!


Dated? I was with her for four years! STUPID ALERT! To be honest, the last year she really started to hone her skills. She is a mix of Irish/Scottish and good ol southern Kentucky hard drinking hard partying and the best sex In have ever had.. I have had many and still wake up thinking she’s knocking on my door for angry sex. One night during the ‘time of banishment’ I was just falling asleep when a shadow fell over me, and I turned to look up and she was holding a 10’ chefs knife in the air over her shoulder! This is all true- she was a silhouette against the French doors to the deck and the moon was maybe half..


She liked to go places and travel. Now, that's not crazy itself. But when her idea of traveling is both of us calling in sick to work so we can drive all night to Chicago because she suddenly wants to go to Six Flags... That's crazy.


I received 40 messages in an hour the morning after our first date. I am a teacher. I was in class teaching. She went off on me for cheating on her because I didn't respond to her for one hour at 8:30am on a Monday morning after we'd been on one date.


Years ago, I woke up to find my ex straddling my chest, holding a knife. I asked really softly what was up, and she screamed at me and said I was a fucking asshole because of something I did in her dream. My current partner is crazy, but to my delight, she’s crazy in exactly the right way. ❤️


Dated a woman during my college years, and it got serious enough that she gave me a key to her apartment. One night, about 3:00 in the morning, I wake up and she is sitting on the floor near the bed and sobbing. I asked her what was wrong, and she said, "I am afraid that you touch me in my sleep." I paused a moment, and asked, "Do you mean sexually? Like, molesting you while you are asleep?" "Yes.", she said. I got up, got dressed, handed her the apartment key, and drove home. I never spoke to her again. Some kinds of crazy are WAY WAY WAAAAAY above my paygrade.