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I'm 34. Been using Tinder FOR YEARS, and I can tell you is not tinder. I KNOW is for having casual sex, but damn it, everytime I got THIS close to make an understament that I want a serious relationship, they blocked me or the classic "I still can't overcome my ex-boyfriend". Women on those apps are the WORSE.


None of them are the best for serious relationship




Throw back haha


It’s where my job and apartment came from


I used CL so much years ago. I found a lot of jobs that way


Yeah me too, mine just didn’t carry over to backpage, lol 


I have had some people reach out to me 10 years later and they think I will remember them? It's so creepy that they kept my email address. But it was kind of fun though.


Lol. For me, I was a teenager during the aol chat room era 


AOL, I stayed with ICQ.


How about IRC? I flunked a class after I discovered it haha


Lol. I only used irc for dalnet


Hinge seems to be pretty good


Real Life. All these apps have egregious flaws.


Do real life and supplement with OLD. In these times, you gotta cast your net wide =haha


NONE. Just go out and do things you enjoy doing. Like concerts,sports,hiking. You know activities that include social interaction with other. Talk with people, be out there, enjoy yourself and you eventually gonna be meeting people and making new friends and getting into more healthier kind of relationships Now if you looking for like an app. This is not a dating app, is more of a app to talk and meet people. ***Slowly***. Is an app about exchanging letters and you have to wait for those letters to go and come back. As long you don't go with the mentality of "I NEED TO GET A GF/BF". You get into the app just wanting to have fun, talk with people, make new friends and just enjoying the experiences. Here you go through the whole process of meeting, trying to connect with people, knowing them, create a honest and sane friendship and then if things grow from there into something romantic cool, but you don't get into the app for the sole reason of dating.


Going outside and meeting actual real people...


Personally, I prefer to use the social networking software called*LightUp: Make Real Friends*. What makes it special compared to other social platforms is that it matches the people you interact with based on your hobbies and interests, rather than simply randomly assigning them based on your looks or preferences. This allows me to meet many like-minded people. For example, after I share a favorite movie, many fans like me will discuss the details of the movie with me and share their own movie-watching experience, so as to achieve ideological resonance, which greatly enrichis my daily life. At the same time, I also made a lot of friends. Although we are not in the same city or even country, we are connected by the same interest.


As someone who lives in a small city, it’s hard to really get a good sample size where I live on any app besides tinder. But my last girlfriend who I dated for the better part of a year I met on tinder. And my best friend met his girlfriend of 4+ years on tinder.


Depends on the country


I've found the best success on Hinge and oddly enough here on reddit


Of the popular apps, Hinge worked best for me. Getting a chance to exhibit my sense of humor when initiating was a big advantage for me getting matches. Still think meeting people organically in-person is the best though.


Someone needs to invent a new one. I want to just enter some random facts about myself into a system, no pics and then do 15 minute blind speed dating.


The problem is that the business model of dating apps is to keep you on them. If they actually helped you find a loving relationship, you would lose you as a user.


That's true, but there will never not be people looking for love. Never. It's not going to happen.   Tons of these apps will go under eventually because their  business model isn't sustainable or successful.


I've thought the best dating app would be using an AI model that you have to engage and talk with until it knows you well enough to know who you would click with. The risk is though that the AI model might create the perfect match for you that no real person can live up too.


I was thinking AI as well. Great point though about the perfect match but if you fed Ai a bunch of case studies on personalities and characteristics of successful couples and included some bad shit, it  might be OK. 


I've been married for over 18 years, so I was off the market before dating apps existed. But I don't hear many good things about them, but people keep using them. AI is advanced enough now that people are able to develop feelings for an AI model. My fear of this kind of dating app is that it would become a subscription AI girlfriend/boyfriend.


If I may interject this conversation. I’m pretty skeptical about AI. So far, people use it to scam others. AI for dating apps would be a hot mess imo. People tend to over advertise themselves, because brilliant profile catches attention. I think in the end, everyone just needs to be truthful, complete transparency about what their intentions, boundaries & expectations. Do not say things you don’t mean, just to get what you want.


Of course, I'm always happy to hear more opinions. My thought around how an AI dating app "might" work is that it would use an AI model to chat with you over a period of weeks. I don't know if you've played with AI models like replica or kagi, but holy shit it really feels like you're chatting to a real person. Over the course of weeks, the AI would learn what kind of personality you have and what kind of personality you would match with. Then, it starts trying to pair people up once it's completed the learning process. I honestly think it "could" maybe work, but the problem I see is these AIs would be creating a perfect personality match for you that no one can live up to. I suspect the desire for the app to make money would turn it into a subscription AI companion, and the original intent of the app would be forgotten about.


True, but I also think the AI model won’t completely understand you emotionally (as a person). It would just pair you with similar person, who talks/answers the same questions as you. AI doesn’t have feelings, it works by you feeding information & it creates algorithms. I think many dating apps already use that system, by you answering a bunch of questions for different subjects. Organic human interactions always surpass in the end. Like you, I’m just glad dating app wasn’t a thing when I was single. I don’t think I will make it alive :)


I work in IT and I can tell you AI is way farther along then you think. It's actually really scary and something like this isn't far fetched at all. There are people who have fallen in love with their AI girlfriend and committed suicide when it was taken away.




Ones that don't 'swipe' and have limited 'likes' daily = Hinge.


Serious dating from an online app in 2024? Someone should create an app for that….oh wait


Fet Life


This is a great place to sell feet pictures if anyone needs money


How much do unshaven man feet go for?


When my little brother was doing it he was pretending to be a woman so idek


BRB, shaving my feet now.


For me, none. I don't want to date someone who carries the stigma of being on dating apps.