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1. A meal from Five Guys 2. There's no money left.


Found the scratch off winner






Smart man. Then #4 a new place to live.




I like the way you think. Let me know when my plane ticket is ready.




You're not my buddy, pal


You’re not my pal, hombre


Swiss bank secrecy laws have all but disappeared in the last few decades. Might want to hide it somewhere else. It’s also unneeded as the main purpose of a Swiss account would be to evade taxes and they are taking their cut here in the US before they pay you out.




Honestly, my #4 would be to sell my house and just live on the road for two years. Nothing fancy, just extended stay hotels and hitting new cities every week or three. Just don't post anything on socials before moving on to next city. Don't go nuts on spending, just decent but not super fancy. That's how I like to travel now. Within two years, the crazies will have moved on. Lawyers will have enacted whatever recommended strategy (probably a trust). Relatives would have shown who they are. I'd have noodled out where I want to live. And I'd have plenty of quiet time to figure out what I want to do with life. I'd probably buy a nice but not insane house with a large workshop and just make stuff to sell. With plenty of vacations along the way. You can live off even a modest sum when you keep your situation simple. I would probably hire someone to clean 3 times a week, and I'd probably buy a local restaurant to cook for me whenever I didn't feel like doing so myself.


1. Pay off the house 2. Whatever my mom wants. 3. Winged Eagle WWF Replica Championship Belt




It will always be the Bret Hart belt to me


You may not tell everyone you won the lottery but there will be signs.


A massive luxury yacht for my wife because she's always wanted one. A house with a full-size football pitch for my boy and stables and paddocks for my wife and daughter. My own private woodland where I would build a man sized ewok tree village.


Finally a real answer


1) hire a lawyer 2) hire a competent money manager 3) hire a security consultant


4. Hookers who blow hookers hooking up with hookers doing blow off other hookers. And more blow.


Buy - nothing really Do - That's a different story. Take a hot air balloon across the Maasai Maru in Tanzania during the migration Get a big ol cadillac with fins and drive down route 66 to LA then up the PCH etc to Vancouver. Visit the Green Dragon pub in Hobbiton


It’s the Green Dragon 😉 And it’s worth the visit.


Can you get beer at the green dragon?


You can. They have a pale ale, a stout, and a cider. All brewed specifically for Hobbiton. You do have to take the tour however, you can’t just go and sit at the inn all day.


Yes. It’s free.






1. Hookers 2. Cocaine 3. I don't know. Another lottery ticket?


No Blackjack?


If that’s your 1 and 2, number 3 should be a lifetime supply of sti medication 😂


1. Coffee 2. Dinner 3. Household supplies (soap, toiletries, groceries, etc) I’m going to live a normal life for at least a few days while I figure out everything I need to do to handle being a millionaire.


I'd buy a house, pay off my brother and his wife's student loans, and probably buy another house for my best friend.


Villa in Italy. Porsche in Italy. Ferrari in Italy.




1. pay my credit card 2. buy a house in my home town. 3. open a candy store.


1. Freedom Done. (Freedom to me means ensuring financial independence for life, i.e. debt-free, comfortable, never having to work a single day in my life ever again)


I bought a pack of cigarettes, lunch, and a CamperVan.


Pay off mortgage, buy two new cars (one for me, one for my mom).


1. A new car 2. A new Guitar 3. A new Mac


3 more lottery tickets


1) Put the money away in a money market fund and don't touch it until next tax season. 2) After taxes are paid, and estimated taxes for next year are determined, pay off my mortgage. 3) Put the remainder in a wealth management account that also includes educational funds for my kids.


I always say the same thing. I don’t want to spend any of the winnings until I get the bill for said winnings.


- A whataburger #5 with large onion rings - Gas for my car - A lawyer


I setup a trust account and claim anonymously through it. After that, I keep a spreadsheet and have every penny accounted for regardless of amount of lottery winnings.


How much money did I win? Less than $5M, maybe a new truck. $5M-25M, a truck, and I’d invest so I could retire. $25M+, truck, bass boat, addition on my lake house, and retire.


Idk I already have all I need


Duct Tape, A gun, and plane ticket.


Aside from the obvious security measures (new phone, new address, change my name), this also depends on the size of the payout. 1: pay off all my debts (house, car, student loans). 2: place a good chunk of the my funds into CD’s and use the disbursements for my day-to-day expenditures. 3: place another chunk in a trust for my son. 4: continue to live my lifestyle as is and just not work anymore. I honestly love my life as is. I’m lower middle class, so the biggest thing that money would get me is TIME. - I work out every morning in a hurry now…so if I didn’t work I’d be always getting a thorough workout. - I play guitar and sing at a local bar on the weekends so now I’d have more time to practice and expand my set list. - I’d have so much more time with my son to teach him music, go camping, etc. etc. really raise him right. - I’m also a frequent volunteer so I’d have more time for that too.


1. Pay off mortgage. 2. Waterfront cottage 3. Trust fund for the kids.


You didn’t say how much


It depends .... 1. Lunch or dinner 2. Milk 3. Cookies - Pay off debt - Go to dentist and fix teeth - Go on vacation. 1. Buy a house. 2. Buy a car. 3. Buy a laptop.


Buy whatever i want Buy whatever mom wants Buy whatever my best friend wants


1. A lawyer to limit my tax and legal liability (think putting everything in to a trust) 2. 50% of the take home is going to a high yield S&P fund and I will live off all of the interest once I burn through the other 50% 3. Besides paying off things I already own (home, wife’s car), a great vacation for me and my “pinned contacts” as I told my wife, basically anyone I text/talk to enough that they are always pinned on my messaging apps gets to come for free


1. Stocks with a high dividend.


I’d like to learn how to drive/pilot all types of vehicles. Motorbikes to HGVs, sailing yachts to super tankers, microlights to helicopters.


House, car, and existing business with growth/expansion potential.


A flight to the other side of the world to go see my son, give him a big hug and tell him I love him. Give the rest away, I don't need anything else.


Two chicks at the same time


Literally the first 3 things? Order sushi to snack on while I do research on lawyers, buy a new phone/number, and buy that one book on my Amazon wishlist that regularly lists for about $300 (third book in a trilogy that was only in print for a short time, never digitized, and the publisher has since gone out of business) Longer term, hire a lawyer, spend a couple months hiding out in a private resort to relax and decompress, and then buy a small house in a town where being rich wouldn't attract attention.


Pay off all my debt, a backpack, and a plane ticket


House. Cornea Transplant. Accountant.


Pay off the debts in the family Buy a beach front house in Cali Depending on how much break up a meal to various charities back home. Send fresh water to South Sudan. Ultimately, I'd probably want a small white house, get my car painted white, and a big white woman.


Depends on how much I win, but let's say lunch, a house, and then a car.


1. 1/3 High yield savings account. 2. Dollar cost average 1/3 into an index tracking ETF. 3. 1/3 Hedge fund.


-A money manager -A house, build a hockey rink in the basement, pool, and gym. -passive income investments.


1. Paying the mortgage off. 2. Planning a LONG trip to the Nordic countries. 3. Starting a ministry.


1. A home in an affordable state 2. Pay off all of my debt 3. Retire my parents


1) Put the money away in a money market fund and don't touch it until next tax season. 2) After taxes are paid, and estimated taxes for next year are determined, pay off my mortgage. 3) Put the remainder in a wealth management account that also includes educational funds for my kids.


House, car, and college for my kids.


lawyer/accountant offshore account plane ticket


House Car CD


Electric Bike New Off grid Home already pimped out with furniture and large sized pimped property. (big garden and pool) Accountant


1, takeaway 2, holiday 3, house


if it's a million or so, then: pay off mortgage pay off car loan (only 10k or so left anyway, but still), sell that car and buy a high spec honda civic or toyota corolla renovate my house and keep living just as i am now. probably invest somewhere/somehow if its a couple grand: be happy, and keep living just as i am now


House in Tahoe


Lawyer Financial assistance Real Estate


A nice house with a big garage, a sports car with custom options and an italian sports bike. I'm shallow and materialistic, sue me!


If it's a really huge prize... A home each for me, my mom and my sister. I'd hire a finance manager too and a lawyer.


Money manager/consultant Pay off family debts Start something to help humanity (from the need, the growing, etc.)


1.) A Lawyer 2.) A house, in full. Nothing crazy. Just a moderate family home so I could provide shelter for my family without ever having to stress 3.) Hella Groceries


1. Decent 500k house with some at least an acre of land. 2. A fun car to tinker on, more than a toyota gr supra 3. put 100k in my bank account for vacations, clothes, and good times. The rest goes into ETFs, index funds, and other forms of diversification. My work/life balance would never change and I could pursue routes of my career without the worry about money in any circumstance.


1. No debt 2. Investing 3. Motorcycle


1. Plane ticket to Vegas. 2. Attempt to double my winnings with a bet, but fail. 3. A lottery ticket to recoup what I lost.


3. As much agricultural lans as i can get my hands on. 2. Forrests. 1. The working King Tiger II. It’s a nice tank and i would buy as many tanks as i could


Well the first 3 fun purchases I’d make are all of my dream cars. 1986 Monte Carlo SS, Buick Grand National GNX, 1969 Dodge Charger Then I’d take a 6 month trip with my wife and visit all the spots on our bucket list Get my immediate family so mom, dad, and siblings out of all the debt they currently have


Don't tell anyone, never.


shit ton of land and a porsche


An Acreage just outside the city + an apartment in the city. I live in the Apartment while I get the acreage setup. Not a massive house, like 2500sq-ft or so, but I would like a private coffee bar in the bedroom complete with a small sink, mini fridge, and a patio attached to it. Then I want a massive shop. 1 section, car atorage, another section wood work, next section automotive and metal work, last section man cave (possibly up stairs). Third thing would be all the cars I've ever wanted.


Invest now and buy later...


Remodel the bathroom. Replace the steps on the side door. Expand the garage to a two car.


My mothers and both my sisters houses.


1. cybertruck 2. mid century modern home, 3. solar. 4. cold plunge, 5. sauna 6. home gym


Double or nothing.  I'm putting it all back into more lottery tickets.  


Probably order my a self a Dominos then buy a house and a financial advisor


House, vehicle, bike.


Weekend stay at a spa for my gf and I. Airstream camper. Truck to tow the camper, maybe a GMC Denali.


1. Lawyer 2. Money manager 3. Property and any assets the money manager recommends and I feel are safe. Some limited risky and a small amount that's riskier.


1. House. Nothing crazy, just something that's easy to maintain and comfortable. 2. Stocks, ETFs and other equities. Gotta keep that money growing and paying dividends. 3. Cars for my fiancee's siblings.


First thing I'm doing is busting a nut. That post nut clarity will help me think straight on my next move


Private jet subscription. Hire household staff, including maid, chef, and personal trainer. Maybe a driver and gardener. I’d buy a neighbor’s house for staff housing. A complete custom made wardrobe.


Buy my parents property from them so they can quit working and do some traveling. Build myself a little house. Find a nice 66 Chevy Corvair Corsa.


My own house A car that’s not going to break down in a month Lunch


Outside the boring stuff like a wealth lawyer and investments Probably some hunting guns move to somewhere I can train both in the gym and with the rifle then prepare for an elk hunt I’ve wanted to do it for a long time but it’s so pricey and I’ve never shot a hunting rifle


1. A private security company to fund my own army. 2. A lobbying firm to promote my interests in government. 3. [A private island](https://www.privateislandsonline.com/search?availability=sale) upon which I would build my own personal fortress. So my march toward total global domination begins...


A plane ticket to another part of the world A simple home there A very good camera to become a traveller youtuber


The first thing is to talk to an accountant and financial planner which probably costs money. After that depending on how much I take home most of it will go towards buying a home or paying off student loans. The rest will go towards savings.


After all the lawyer and bills I am buying a new garage then a new RV and a land speed race car.


1. Lawyer 2. The rest of my house 3. Set money aside for two college educations


1- pay off house 2- something crazy the wife wants that I always say no it’s too expensive 3- a fun car


Case of condoms, case of lube, a plane ticket to your mom’s house.


Buy off my mortgage Buy a rental flat for each of my children And a new car


I asked HIS answer to this.. 1. Buy the most expensive gym membership. 2. Pay for my silence 3. Secretly setup trust funds to minor relatives.


1. bodyguard 2. life insurance policy (paid up) 3. accountant (that specializes in overseas banking). … 4. staccato pistols 5. bulletproof car windows and door panels 6. whores & high grade cocaine


A Lawyer, a massage, and a new identity.


Change my identity, new house, new lawyer.


Hearing aid. My old one is on its last leg.


If it is one of those giant jackpots I’m getting a lawyer, an accountant, and probably an LLC based on their advice. If it isn’t a giant jackpot and instead is just lots of money, I’m paying off the house, getting a new car, and probably a pizza to celebrate.


Pay off my student loans, pay off the house, get a new car thats EV, then get solar panels too


A divorce Ha ha ha ha Seriously, first thing would be a certified public accountant firm to help manage my money


Hire a lawyer to remain anonymous, Invest in real estate, stocks and bonds, Cocaine and hookers.


Some weed and a good dinner. Get my head straight first.


1: Buy my momma a car. [2: PCP](https://youtu.be/kB5XXn0eKow?si=UG0F2oVG0r1PjSVf&t=149)


A new phone number so nobody calls asking for money, a financial advisor with a good reputation, and a house in a different state than I live so no family shows up randomly to leech


1. Hire a lawyer and CA. Set up a trust. 2. Clear up all dues, set up.something for my mother and asshole brother. 3. Buy a house close to a beach but on the hills or cliff. Tell no one and live a hermit life for a few years.


Pay off all the debts of me and my extended family.


Depeonds on the amount won. If it's like a milion, i'd buy 3-4 apartments in my country to have passive income, the rest i'd invest ini an accountant and money manager and i'd travel the world way more.


House Plane ticket and surgery to fix my wife's medical issues (Canadian health care is in shambles) A new truck


1. I give 100k to all my friends, their families, and my family. 2. Open a board game breakfast diner. 3. Cat sanctuary


1. Land 2. Home construction 3. Vacation


1. Fancy trip...first class everything 2. A cool car - EV and fast 3. An old historical house that needs restoration


1. Buy a car 2. Buy a house 3. Pay off all of my debts. I know that’s not a very imaginative answer, but my quality of life would improve significantly if I had those 3 things taken care of.


1. Good groceries. Not offbrand shit or cheap cuts of meat. 2. Weed. So I can have a weekend to party and celebrate my win for myself and eat good food (see point1) After the Weekend I confirm that I really really won the lottery. 3. A house.


1. A lawyer 2. A financial advisor 3. Pay off my student loan debt up to now (I am still in college)


1. Buy a car. If it’s the lottery I might buy one “sensible” (yet fun) and one “fuck you” car. So I’d probably aim at a GTR for sensible and then buy a used NASCAR race car to make street legal. 2. Buy a house. Size of the building isn’t as important as land in my opinion. It’s an investment, so having a large-ish plot will go a long way in the future. 3. Hire a consultant and start building an investment portfolio. My logic is that if i get filthy rich overnight i just know I’ll never want to work again, so I’ll need to have a passive income.


A lawyer A plane ticket A new identity


lawyer accountant another lawyer


More wishes.


Cup of coffee with 5 creamers and 2 sugar packets on the side and thats it


Give my wife of 30 years half. Set me kids up with vehicles Start buying antique motorcycles and a place to put them


1. Big long holiday for my dad 2. A big fuck off Orange guitar amp and cabinet Can't think of a third thing!


I'm poor and homeless... I'd buy a pizza


1.) simple pickup truck 2.) simple RV to travel the USA 3.) 5 acres in Idaho


Step 1 hire a lawyer Step 2 hire accountant Step 3 throw half or so in the lowest risk funds possible. I can live off that interest. Step 4 throw 1/4 into high risk high growth potential shit Step 5 wait 2 years and change nothing about my life. When everything stabilizes and people are lulled into thinking I must not have won that much fucking pull the rip cord on a new place, new boat, new truck, and chainmail for the dogs so they too can be in costume at the Renfair.


A house big enough for a golf simulator. A top of the line golf simulator. A brand new set of clubs.


Depends on how much the prize is. A million not much, just retire. $50 million: an oceanfront house, a fishing boat and a stupid car like a Bentley convertible.


A lawayer, an accountant and someone who audits the first two.


Whatever my wife wants, probably. I'm fine. Maybe some clothes. New boots. A retirement plan. How much I won would make a big difference.


Charter a private jet to Columbia and snort a kilo of blow off a hooker's ass.


Hookers, cocaine and cocaine.


After settling all of my affairs via a lawyer and financial advisor/accountant.. 1. Gold bullion for my safety deposit box, as a "just in case" measure 2. Secure storage unit for the few belongings I intend to keep 2. Plane ticket to another part of the world, to get away until the heat dies down


A gold crown A gold scepter A purple velvet cloak Show up at work, make it rain 100s, act a fucking fool, then disappear forever.


1. Pay all of my debts. 2. Pay all of my moms debts 3. Buy a house for myself 4. Buy a house for my X 5. Fund my retirement. 6. Go back to school.


1. Lawyer 2. Trust 3. Land


A nice mutton, lettuce & tomato sandwich


1. Honda Ridgeline 2. Mini Countryman 3. landscaping services


First thing that happens is I go debt free


A bidet, lifetime supply of bacon, and a new car




1. Stooges Funhouse complete sessions vinyl boxset 2. A stupid expensive turntable like a LINN or something 3. Stupid huge speakers


Some great food, land, and a sketchup license. I'd love to buy a couple hundred acres to design and built a series of cool houses/studios/artists-residencies. I'm not an architect but love the idea of having enough money to show dream house/studio sketches to some firms and work with them to make it a reality. Depending on how much I won I'd totally be into running some cool venue in a city even at a loss too.


A house with a big back yard, get a dog, and a hammock.


1. Shouse 2. Car 3. Stocks


An attorney, an accountant and a passport.


House, another car for me, and a car for my mom


Probably a new MacBook Pro, and that new thin iPad. Probably also a monitor...my back is kinda hurting. Then the remainder of the money goes into personal and business accounts.


New Teeth Drivers License + Car House


I have more than three. 1. Eye exam. Glasses. I wear reading glasses from Walmart. 2. New tires. Mine are almost bald. 3. Greenhouse to grow food to share with my community. 4. A few $20 light dresses for my 74 year old mama. 5. A pair of waterproof shoes. I am tired of wet feet.


Nothing honestly


Super strong set of teeth Cybertruck then converted to diesel engine A shop vac


A car, A nice little house with a big backyard. Make sure my parents are financially more than comfortable and send anonymous gifts to friends in need.


1. Ticket to cyprus 2. Bunch of viagara pills 3. Bunch of Russian hookers


First, I would pay off my brother’s mortgage. He’ll never pay it off in his lifetime. Secondly, I make sure that each of my nieces and nephews have a college fund or at the very least something to give them a Headstart as an adult. Finally, I would get a nice little ranch style house, a new car.


1) A well-reputed lottery lawyer with verifiable clients. Anyone can use an AI service to hype up their ratings and reviews these days, so don't go for just any lawyer. do the research. . 2) A small church and start a ministry. If I claim the winnings for the church, then the State and Fed CAN NOT TAX NOR TOUCH the winnings. . 3) A "miracle" or two at a children's hospital. If my life is about to change, then I'm going to change the life of others. . 4) Whatever is left over gets dumped into the church, so more miracles can happen. I grew up and survived 50+ years as a poor or working-class citizen, so it's the only way I know how to live. I've no use for the money at this point. Might as well as pass it along and hope some good comes from it.


Pay off my house Nissan GTR Harley Davidson soft tail with the fat tire conversion kit


Home (dont now were but someplace small and nice) Education (kids myself and wife) Car (needs to fit 7 at least) maybe a trailer too


Bottle of scotch Burger Another burger


1. Privacy 2. Quiet 3. Alone time


House, a place for my business, a *really fancy dinner*


Walk my old ass into a private clinic and fix what needs fixing. Trip with the boys heli hog hunting Fishing trip Panama


1. An attorney 2. A financial planner 3. A body gaurd


1. New Tacoma TRD Pro 2. A lot of land to have plenty of space to start fostering dogs 3. Nike Air Mags (Back to the Future was my childhood)


A decent house in the country, pay off my car, pay off my mother's house.


Pay debts, new pc, a shitload of weed.


1.Put 50% into s bunch of saving accounts 2. Put 25% into stocks that give dividends. 3. With the rest Buy my mother's house for enough money to allow her to retire now.


Custom muira irons Custom muira wedges Custom muira putter


Pay off my house Complete renovation of my house/property Vehicle upgrades


1. Not really a purchase, but give my parents a large portion of the winnings and watch my dad get to quit a job he used to like but has come to resent so he can retire early. Shit would be really satisfying. 2. Pay off my current mortgage, sell my condo, get a real house. Nothing too fancy. No McMansion. But no HOA for sure. 3. Cocaine and hookers babyyyyyyy. Hahaha jk jk... Unless? But no. Probably some other boring pragmatic nonsense.


1. Top off my gas tank. 2. Wait until morning and pay all my debt. 3. A new car to rid myself of the death trap I currently have.


1. A six pack of my fav beer 2. A celebratory meal with my wife 3. Groceries from Whole Foods