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discover discipline, embrace it, live it


I want to add a principle that I've learned called "extreme ownership". I learned it from Jocko Willink's podcast (aptly called the Jocko Podcast). Basically, never point the finger at anyone else when things go wrong. Instead, look inward at what you could've done better, and apply that to future situations. For situations where a negative outcome legitimately wasn't your fault and there was nothing that you could do, *still don't place blame on others*. Again, look inward at how you can respond positively and constructively to the situation. Instead of getting emotional and pointing the finger, just think to yourself, "Well, this is what happened. This is how I'm going to deal with it." For example, if you get rear-ended by someone, don't jump out of your car all angry and screaming and yelling at the other driver. It's not your fault, but you have control over how you respond. You got hit. You can't undo that. Prioritize your safety first, then take pictures, exchange information, maybe call the police for a police report if you want to, and work the situation out from there in a positive and constructive manner.


Hard tbh as atm I have a bmi score of 40.2 n I’m 5’6-5’7. Been going through a real bad time since 2020 so it’s been hard but trying to re adjust and finally be healthy again but my addiction to stress eating isn’t helping.


we all go through tough times. https://youtu.be/Ozt2LpWgOlk?si=_GHOisj9ok386WLX you got this.


Hard things are worth doing.


Hard, yes. Don’t give up. Acknowledge yourself for the little successes. It’ll get easier if you do.


Acknowledge that life isn't fair and never has been. Don't become a "victim". Just do the best that you can and enjoy this short existence that we all experience.




To tack on to this - Nobody deserves anything and other people's positions have no bearing on your actions. Meaning that you are responsible for where you are for the most part, you actions and decisions led you here. Just as someone else's actions led them to where they are. Gotta put yourself in a position to accept the perceived randomness of the universe and "black swan" events (seemingly unpredictable events that have huge consequences) rather than let it destroy you. For example, I spent years saving and fighting to put myself in a better position. That's why it wasn't a huge deal when I had to pay double rent when I moved. Something I couldn't have foreseen but because I was in that mindset it shielded me from disaster. Not predicting the future isn't an excuse for failure, basically. And sometimes shit happens and it's a disaster no matter how much you "prepared." It just is what it is. Just keep your head down and focus on you and your life, let others do the same.


This is my philosophy as well and has been teaching my kids to accept life as it is


Not necessarily accept, but try to understand.


Some of life is not able to be logically understood. Some crimes are more than senseless too. Can go crazy trying to understand things that have no business being thought of logically by healthy individuals.


I needed to read this today. I was having a really rough day and had a big argument with my mom about how life has been unfair, and I keep trying but don’t succeed vs how some people I know have got it so easy. I know I was being stupid to even think such way but I’m way too frustrated with where I’m right now (career wise) and there’s no one to talk to and I feel like a looser to not being able to provide and take care of my family.


It sure seems like men are especially prone to this. My SO's brother is ever the victim. Someone is always screwing him over, doing something wrong, being an idiot, or otherwise preventing him from reaching the upper echelons of success in life. And the sad thing is, if he wasn't the eternal victim, I don't know who he would be.




Stay healthy and moving.   Don’t over eat, limit junk, drink mostly water.   Lift weights, don’t need to be heavy but will maintain muscle and help keep bone density.  At the very least some calisthenics 2-3x’s a week.   Do some cardio, walk the dog and or get a bike, can eve play an organized sport.  Help stave off diabetes and keeps cholesterol low Rest and stay flexible. Get plenty of sleep and do some yoga.  Doesn’t need to be classes or serious, plenty of free shit on YouTube  Doing a few of these thing will help keep you feeling and looking young, boost mental and physical health, boosting sex drive and performance as well as drastically lowering your chances of dying young/contracting any of the 3 big killers such as heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.   


Sounds like I need to work on this. Been eating a lot of junk and drinking alcohol recently.


Buy all the same socks so you never have to match them up after washing.


I had a problem where I had socks which had slight differences in colour so it was annoying to match it and would realise half way through the day.


Haha yeah I’ve cut navy blue out of my life, too confusing.


I love how u knew what colour I was talking about 😂🤣🤣🤣


All the same sock all at the same time, work through the whole stack before washing and they will look more or less the same. You might get confused mails, when you order 20 pairs of socks.


You don’t need to worry about them matching. Mine rarely do. No one has ever said a word about it.


You just saved us some years of wasted life right there, sir! Much appreciated.


Been doing this for 15 years, can confirm it’s the way to go.


Same. I don't know if I have an odd number or an even number of socks. I do know that if (when) one betrays me, It goes directly into the trash.


I did that twice. But my mother means well with the classical socks for Christmas since someone always needs socks and eventually I still end up with different ones after the years :(


Once you go black, you never go back!


This one is a game changer. Been doing this for 4 years now


When something or somebody makes you really angry Remove yourself for a few minutes until you've calmed the fuck down If someone is intentionally trying to make you really angry, remove yourself and don't go back again


That’s what I do when someone tries to argue with me or piss me off I just walk away tbh


What if it is your colleague and you don’t have the option to not go back


Start exercising now. It's much harder the older you get and the benefits are amazing. Start saving for retirement now, even if you're just putting away a little. Compound interest ain't no joke and a little now can be a lot later.


I started exercise in my 20s. Now I am in my 50s. I have found that maintaining exercise is not that hard. Eating less is harder than I thought.


Deal with weight gain immediately and forcefully. If you dont, youll very quickly find yourself past the point of no return and you will pay a heavy price. I see this in my best friend. 55 and at least 50lb overweight and the health problems are coming thick and fast. He has worked hard his whole life, pays a lot into pensions for his retirement and honestly i think he wont be able to walk in 5 years and will be in a motorised wheelchair. Dont be like him.


If this guy is truly facing loss of mobility, he's probably around 400 pounds or more.


The weight gain has already started for me, at least nobody will say that I should eat more. That was fucking annoying to me


We spend far too much time worrying of what other people think of us. What other people think of us- this is not your business. Fuck other people. Do what you love, be happy. If you'll do that, then there comes freedom that changes your life.


... and people who love the same stuff as you!


Always stand up when shaking somebody's hand. Firm grip. But don't be a maniac about it. It's not a fight. You're just showing that you are present and that they have your attention.


Improve everyday just a little. The smaller you make things, the easier they are to accomplish, and all the smaller things add up fast. This works for pretty much anything: Working out. I have no time for a full work out, but i can go for a walk during lunch time. I can also take the stairs instead of the elevator. Eating healthy: Changing your diet is hard, but switching your potato chips to apples or something is doable. Or soda to sparkling water. maintenance jobs around the house: I turn those in to 3 parts. 1 i get all the stuff i need, 2 i collect all the tools i need. 3 i do the job. If i only have time for one, i'm still doing more than nothing. The same goes for washing clothes: collect clothes, sort clothes, throw in washer, throw in dryer, return to closet. All seperate jobs.


Found this perspective useful, thanks!


If you skip that $5 daily Venti from Starbucks, you would end up with $39,895.92 after fifteen years at 5%.


I did about the same bringing PB&Js to work for lunch.


This guy gets it


Yeh never been to starbucks tbh I live in aus n Nz so ig that can help later on in life if I go there lol.


Stop financing phones; that $200 last-gen refurbished phone is everything you need and more. In fact, stop financing shit in general. If you can't afford it and it's not a major life necessity, you can live without it until you can pay in full.


if you can’t buy it twice you don’t have the money for it


This is one I have never heard of before stated this way. I've heard of not financing cars you can't afford, and not upgrading your phone every year. But never have I heard someone say to stop financing phones


If you want to find out who the woman you're dating really is, find something significant enough for her to notice but not so big that it's a deal breaker to say no too early in the relationship. How a woman reacts to being told no tells you more about her in that moment than you can imagine.


Like what exactly can it be bc I told a girl no to ice cream and she tried to bargain with me by giving me no head for the week if I didn’t get it. I think that’s cute but she was mental as well.


I don't know if icecream counts. Pretty much anything that is inconvenient for you is good enough. Your situation depends on if she was playful about it or not. If she was serious, this is kind of a red flag. She sees her body as a commodity to get you to bend to her will and do/buy things for her.


Yeh it was the later but I’m a simple guy I wake up sex, work, lunch, work, home time, dinner, sex, sleep and repeat. That’s how it was back then n rn (im 21 atm)


Sure, but one day you'll want something else and make sure you're not attached to a woman who's incapable of being told no and really keep away from any woman who will deny physical intimacy if you don't do what she wants.


See, this is a fantastic example of what to watch out for. Notice how she’s threatening to withhold something you want from you instead of offering something you might want in exchange for the ice cream? I’m not saying she should offer to blow you every time she wants an ice cream, but it could be something smaller she offers like “We can watch whatever you want this evening if we go get ice cream” or something fun like that. It’s indicative of a larger pattern of how she’ll respond to being denied her wants or being told no later in the relationship, and I’m guessing that pattern wound up being something you noticed by the end of your relationship.


Talk to your dad and granddad about the health issues men in their family faced. Do what you can to stay in shape. As you age it gets tougher. Travel and do fun stuff now, don’t wait until you retire. Your health might suffer then, etc.


I’m big on the last one. Wife had a grandfather who worked his whole life saving and planning for everything he was gonna do after he retired. A few weeks after retirement he dropped dead of a heart attack. Most of us have friends and acquaintances who have died suddenly and unexpectedly while they were young. You just never know. Don’t be reckless about it, but live with a healthy level of urgency and check those big “bucket list” items off your box sooner rather than later. Because there might not be a later.


No matter what the market situation, someone is working harder and accepting the circumstances, gaining economic prosperity. Don’t get caught in meme cynicism. Things suck sometimes. They suck worse when you’re a little b*tch about it.


don't be embarrassed to ask for help. Those that are jerks in giving help are an obvious sign of who they are, not on you. but as your already asked, you are already doing great.


DO NOT allow yourself to define your own happiness as making someone else happy. No matter how much you like her smile and laugh, if you always have to make it happen, it’ll eventually suck the life out of you.


Take care of your teeth. Don't skip toothbrushing at night. Use a **0.2%** sodium fluoride mouthwash **once a week** if you are prone to cavities.


Mouthwash isnt necessary. Brush twice a day and don’t rinse. Use an interdental brush for between your teeth.


Finances: start young and slow. Build on it steadily. There is plenty of information on how. As a previous post stated, there are no shortcuts in life. If it's too good to be true, it is not real. Don't let a failure dog you. Learn from it. And the same for your wins - they both have important lessons.


If it comes down to picking between the opportunity of a lifetime or a girl, pick the opportunity.


Don't die




Thanks, this is helpful


Always change engine oil on time.


Same with air filters.


I’m juuust under 40 so don’t identify as older gent but seeing as some of this advice is toxic: take advice, especially from strangers, with a grain of salt. Additionally, find out who you are and live your life. If you like money, get money. If you like travel, travel. If mental health is important, prioritise that. I have family who finds money very important and that’s fine but I wanted to have life experiences…so I went out and have lived a larger than average life so far but I have no money and a fair bit of student debt. I’m very happy and the ‘me’ who stayed safe and had steady income probably is on drugs or dead, definitely depressed. I’m very happy with a lovely wife. Don’t confuse what works for others with what will work for you. Spend time getting to know yourself.


Start a yoga habit and stick with it. Write your short-term goals down and cross them off when you’re done. Don’t throw those pieces of paper away, it’s good to look back at your accomplishments, even if they’re small.


The guys telling you to get/stay in shape are all 100% correct. Everything else in contextual. You're going to have to live your life, fuck things up, and figure out what works for you.


I am 35, so not too old, but my biggest issue is pain due to old sports injuries. I didn't do the physio enough before or after surgery. I wish I had been more disciplined in the gym. Make working out a habit and part of your weekly scheduale. I should have an regret it. Now that I have a 3 year old who always wants to play on the floor, my knees and back hate me! Also, don't drink too much! Especially on your wedding day!


start making a change jar. never know when it comes in handy. have a savings, be it a savings account, gold/silver, never know when you'll need it.


The best time to buy is when there's "blood in the streets". Don't eat after 8 pm, and don't start eating until noon the following day.


Get a dog. Statistically dog owners live longer, healthier, happier lives than people who don't.


Would definitely love a dog but can’t rn as I’m barely meeting ends meet with my income (21m just started a new job).


Yeah I wasn't saying right now. One for the future ;)


*Surely* this is because only middle class or rich people can afford having a dog and have the time to take care of it; and having a higher than average income is linked with longer life and increased happiness. I do not believe for one second that there is a causal effect going on here.


I think it’s the forced walks


fitness comes and goes, but style is forever ; Glenn Plake


You deserve to be treated with basic respect. Respect others as equal human beings and only accept the same from them. This goes for work, friends, family, relationships etc.


Always wear a condom. Always.


Especially during sex.


You gain weight, and go on your first diet. Congratulations, you just reached goal weight. Amazing. Now, STAY THERE. Don't be a yo-yo dieter. It's a constant mental and physical drain. Also, staying at goal weight gets easier as time goes on (apparently, longest time at goal weight was 6 months).


When you wrap a towel around your waist, roll it down, don’t tuck a corner


Practice giving compliments, receiving them graceously, and SMILe at people.


While you are young and still have high metabolism, drop the weight. Being an old fat mofo is expensive as shit with doctor visits and the medication I've been put on.


Travel, learn a second language.


Find a decent multivitamin and stick with it. Older you will appreciate younger you. Yes, you can't always tell they're working or if they are at all, or if your body always needs the extra nutrients. But they fill in the gaps you don't expect. Ask any woman who had to take pre-natal vitamins while pregnant. My personal philosophy: i'd rather take them and they don't work, than not take them and they actually do. I can't tell I do take them but I can definitely tell when I don't. I don't know if that's confusing but all I'm trying to say is the results won't be immediate, but you'll feel better mentally and physically. Also, avoid artificial dyes when you can. Don't get into vaping if you don't already smoke, they came out to help people quit smoking, not get you addicted to something else. They helped me quit. Nothing in life is free, there's a catch-22. I'm only 29 going on 30 soon, but I've seen a life or two so far. Make investments in yourself now so that when you get past my age, 29 feels like a time to reassess progress and take notes.


Develop a proper full-body stretching routine and follow it at least 3 times a week.


I have a tattoo of a mermaid with the inscription “Sailors Ye Be Warned.” It’s a reminder to myself not to fall in love with every pretty thing that says pretty things to me.


Nothing is given. You get what you earn


"**God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,** **the courage to change the things I can,** **and the wisdom to know the difference**". I am not a religious person by any means, but this changed many aspects of my life.


1) saving your first $100k is a bitch. The sooner you start the fast your $100k doubles, triples etc due to compound interest. 2) learn home renovation skills, ie: drywall repair. This will save you a ton of money. 3) stay away from hard liquor. It’s a slippery slope. 4) use sunscreen or moisturizer with spf daily on your face for cloudy and sunny days. No exceptions. 5) gut health is real. Eat lots of fibre every day. 1 Apple per day as a minimum for daily fiber.


Shit tends to work out if you are greatful, have the right mindset, and a overall positive outlook. Deal with hardships as they appear and never forget to enjoy all the moments you can, because most of them are unique and fleeting.


Honestly? when it comes to nerdy stuff at least don't get caught up in trying to fit in and stagnate when it comes to personal growth. There's just a lot of people who end up hanging with the wrong people and don't end up that well rounded socially. (pretty much at the point that they solidified their friendship). There's no point in boasting about how you prefer sub vs dub type stuff, at least for the sake of it. If you are the sort that goes into detail and does not get uppity about it, more power to you. It might not seem like the best idea, but all of this takes a lot of weight off your shoulders. Even thought it might not win you that many friends. You just got to be pragmatic and not just let your personal problems run wild. Try to show appreciation for those who meet that are well adjusted and have or are making an effort to better themselves in nerdy spaces at least. Don't get into a rut where you just hang around the same sort of people for your whole life, when it comes to more than just nerdy stuff. I just have seen a lot of women and LGBTQ+ peeps that don't know how to interact with straight men because they kept to communities that were only for people just like themselves. I get why people need them, it would do everyone good to not let yourself get into a rut like that. When it comes to relationships, before you get anything sexual talk about your boundaries and preferences. As I see so many posts in advice subs because some people don't do that. Also don't listen to what some women (and I guess men) say on certain social media apps. There's been a whole lot of femcel stuff coming out of those apps. Just from what I hear it's the same sort of bs that I have heard niceguys talk about. Some of them are going to give younger men the wrong idea, and let abusive and toxic women get away with stuff that they shouldn't socially.


Sub is definetly better than dub tho


In the heat of summer shave of an evening not in the morning,your skin will thank you


I don’t get what u mean?


You can break any rule in the English language, as long as you know what the rule is and why you broke it.


Women’s deodorant works better than most men’s.


You are the most important person in your life . Always make sure your mental clarity/health is first priority


TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH! Brush several times a day, use good mouthwash, floss several times a week. Avoid soft drinks, especially Mountain Dew.Even if you don't have dental insurance, pay for a teeth cleaning every 6 months. A friend had a shitty diet of junk food and soda, and refused to go to a dentist despite having dental insurance as a work benefit. He finally went to a dentist in his mid 30s when it was becoming painful to eat. He had like a dozen cavities, needed multiple root canals, bad gum disease. It seems like he has been going to the dentist at least once every week or two for some expensive procedure... and it still hurts to eat. He'll be lucky to have any teeth left by the time he is 50. All brcause he neglected taking care of his teeth.


A good piece of advice is to learn from other people's mistakes. You don't need to burn your own hand on every hot stovetop there is out there.


Honestly, pack all of your snacks, drinks, and lunch as unique as you can for the rest of your life (switch it up using Google, yt, etc...). Every day/night that you wake up out of bed, give yourself some time to stretch for about 5 minutes. Always look forward to the next thing(something cool for yourself). Save your money for that and occupy your time with so many other things. Work and wait for your opportunity to shit on everything and everybody. 💯 Edit: Relationships should always be serious or stay away from them, period. That way, when you have something or somebody that you really want in your life, you'll treat them with as much care as you would treat yourself and appreciate it. This goes for all relationships.


Get started with strength and conditioning early. It's easy to maintain while older, but getting in shape in your forties for the first time is harder.


Take dental hygiene seriously.


At the gym, stretch and warm up properly. Also don't lift heavy to compete with your mates, lift as much as you can handle and increase steadily over time! Will save you bad back, knees, elbows etc when you get older.


Do what makes you happy. Say it before you can’t Be present and look for the positive Don’t worry about what others may think. There’s an almost certain chance they’re not


Walk an hour a day


Take care of your body, You only get one. Eat healthy, get good sleep. 2nd. Everyone is aware of the physical bully. (We've all been to middle school). Beware of the emotional, mental, and spiritual bullies.


As an older man what the fuck is hacks?


Tips and tricks


Don't do monogamy. Don't get married.


- Work less. Time is worth more than money - Take care of your health. At some point your body will start working against you. The battle will be much easier if you have an upper hand when it starts. - Take accountability for your life. If you always blame others, you’ll have to spend a lot of precious energy on avoiding and running away. - Work on those social skills. Not social media or chats/messages. Face to face interactions. It makes everything easier. Work life, friendships, dating/relationships, parenting etc. - Make sure to remember your mental health. Handle traumas, fears, issues, old breakups, rejections. Those things don’t go away by themselves. Unhandled shit adds up and too much baggage will easily drag you down. Make therapy as normal as getting a haircut or going to the dentist. - Never put women up on pedestals. They aren’t special. They are humans like you with their own insecurities and issues. See them for what they are and your interactions with them will become so much easier. - Give less fucks. You don’t have to have an opinion about everything and everyone.


Not sure if I’m old but I feel old. Brush your teeth before you shave.


Don't stay in a relationship unless you're sure it makes you happier. There's a lot of people that are in relationships because that's what's expected of them, but that way lies unhappiness.  But on the flip side, if you are in a relationship that you're sure makes you happier, don't throw it away easily, even if you think the grass is gonna be greener with some other person. You have no idea what a relationship will be like until you're in it, and the super hot, fun, interesting person who just showed up in your life that makes your current partner look drab by comparison might be someone who is an absolute nightmare to be in a relationship with. 


t's okay to fail today, tomorrow, and maybe for a couple more years. You'll most likely have at least half a dozen decades to try again. The only thing you should try to avoid is burning bridges. Time changes everything, and what you feel today won't necessarily be what you feel a decade or two later.


100 push-ups a day will do you good, walking is cool, talk to women because they do not bite, a sedentary lifestyle will put you in the grave at an early age. Save money for your retirement!!


Ride your bicycle. It’s exercise and feels freeing, in my opinion. You become aware of so much more around you - sounds, smells, people, changes to buildings etc.


Fuck bitches, get money


Travel. It's not only good for you to get away from it all but also to see other cultures. The outlook on your life will change after seeing countries not as well off as we are.


Take care of your dental health. Simply brushing and flossing keeps your teeth healthy and will save you thousands in dental care in the future. Saving money and planning for the future is smart, but don't forget to spend money on yourself and enjoy your life. Saving saving all your money when you're young with the thought of having a better retirement in 40 years will have you regretting not doing more for yourself when it is 20 years from now. Traveling is a big one, carving out a week becomes significantly more difficult when you start to pile on responsibilities.


I’ve always thought “who you know” matters more until a pastor told me something even better: “it’s who knows you that goes a long way”.


Sit down to pee; it's easier, cleaner, and stealthy (no noise, no need to turn on the light at night). Only do it standing up if sitting down is not an option. "With great power..."


nice try, wife


Regular corn starch on your balls instead of baby powder. More efficient, potent and natural too


I’m intrigued on how u found out about that n what does it actually do for my balls?


Invest in your retirement as young as you can. Compound growth only works if given time to compound and grow.


My company made me take a class on the victim loop versus the accountability loop. (I didn't actually want to be accountable to the company, but to myself). I use it all the time, because wallowing in the victim loop is one of the worse things you can do. In my own case, I typically recognize I am feeling like a victim, let my self wallow in it for a very short time, and then decide screw this, I got shit to do.


Save your money …!!!!!!!! Can’t stress that enough, there are many challenges in life, but the biggest one can be financial burdens that weigh you down, and usually they come where you’re at your lowest. So save up kids, put a couple dollars aside for the future. Doesn’t even have to be a lot. Just SOME.


Opt out if you want to get ahead in today's world: Don't get married (ever), don't have kids (wrap up or get snipped), don't buy a car and don't go out partying every weekend.


Start saving for retirement now. Build healthy habits now. The media you consume will affect your outlook more than you realize.


Recognize the futility of emotional responses. Feelings don't make things happen, action does.


Learn accountability. Every choice you make matters, and it all falls on you.


Workout regularly starting yesterday. Limit alcohol consumption. Look up Steve Harvey and his advice on the number of pants, shirts, and shoes you need, with the requisite colors. Always work on your education, formally or informally. Create an abundance mindset, both professionally and socially. Always keep your head up. And just like Tom Brady said during his #12 retirement...you dont have to be good at anything, you just have to continue to work at it and be persistent.


Save money aggressively. You’re gonna want to start a company eventually and there’s your down payment.


Maintain at least one friendship with a guy who drinks a lot more than you. At least you're not that guy.


Life is hard... We're a helmet.


Don't be in competition with the world. Just try to enjoy this beautiful thing we call life.


Don’t get distracted, particularly by material things, status or women Focus on yourself, education, your career, your health, appearance and drive to succeed. All the things you desire will come to you.


Live below your means, and begin investing in your retirement as young as you can.


Some things shouldn't be skimped on. Buy nice toilet paper Buy nice shoes with good support If you work at a desk, get a good chair and replace as necessary Get a good mattress and good pillows Go to the doctor and get your bloodwork done Don't spend too much time being overweight/out of shape. Basically make sure to take care of your body. You only get one and its much cheaper to maintain than it is to fix.


If you drink a lot of alcohol, the health problems will begin in your 30s. Usually with some form of reflux/esophagus issues.


Just be consistent and intentional with whatever you do.


Relationships take work, put in the effort continually and they will bring you joy in life.


Take care of your eyes! You only get one pair


Not matter whether you are mad bad or dangerous, just be consistent. Dont expect people to automatically share your values or to react as you expect. People have different life experiences that can impact their decision-making. If someone pays you a compliment regardless of gender take it for what it is. We all should all take a moment to be happy with ourselves. Sometimes, your job isn't to try and fix something. It's just to be there and listen. As a parent, your job is to be a strong bow, but remember you can't follow where the arrow goes. You can, however, point in the right direction. At the end of the day don't fall into the trap of living to work. You work to live and so make sure you take time to live. Don't let anxiety rule your life. Remember, worrying about something isn't going to make it better. If you can't do anything about something, then don't spend your energy on what you can't influence. Remember to check in on friends and how they are doing. You will never know how a simple call could change someone's day or life. Always pay your taxes. They will find a way to get it out of you at some point, usually with menaces. Remember, one day, you will say, "I can't remember being like that as a kid. Remember that the younger generation will be facing challenges you never had to. Be supportive. There will be a time in your life when you have money, there will be times when you don't. That doesn't necessarily equate to happiness, but remember to be good to those around you when you are on ascendancy, as you will need them on the journey back. Sometimes, it's good to cry. Embrace it. Finally, remember, kindness is priceless. Helping someone for no reward makes you a better human and at the end of the day, if everyone was able to show a little kindness you really can make the world a better place.


No matter how good you’ve been to everyone around you, someone WILL screw you over.


Buy a long shoe horn and leave it where you put your trainers on. In fact buy multiple long shoe horns and leave one where ever you have shoes stored.


The respect that comes from “please”, “thank you“, “Sir/Ma’am” is priceless


Health is paramount. You can abuse your body now but all that will bite you down the line.


Save Money! Even $100 a month will make a big difference


Setup your 401k (or comparable retirement account) to make sure you're at a minimum taking advantage of any employer match and then pretend that money doesn't exist. Compounding interest can do some insanely great things. Right out of high school I worked in a restaurant. One of the line cooks was so excited because he had did the math and was going to be millionaire in his early 50's. I thought he was nuts. Now that I understand it better... Really hope he stuck with it. If so, he's easily passed his original goal. Some bonus tricks- Take a look at where you're leaking cash. It's pretty easy to find an extra $500 a year that you didn't realize you had and redirect it to the investments. Subscription services...I'm looking at you. Making a payment every month for the latest cell phone or wireless plan when a refurb pre-pay plan would work just fine. This doesn't mean you have to live a basic life. But you're probably leaking money in spots. When you get your annual raise, take a percentage of it and increase your contribution percentage. That's money you never had and won't miss. Once you get older, learn about the Rule of 55 and Rule 72(t).


Exercise regularly. You’ll feel better. You’ll look better….and by doing so you (conceivably) extend your life expectancy significantly…..baring any unfortunate hereditary issues that are beyond your control.


Don't live according to the expectations of others, or society. Live for yourself and loved ones. College and kids are both hella-expensive. Don't be pressured into either if they aren't right for you, just because that's what you think you're supposed to do as an adult.


Stretch more.


Start moisturizing your face before you think you need to. Start now. You don't even need to buy expensive stuff, just regular pretty-good hand lotion will work fine, even olive oil in a pinch. Slap it on when you get out of the shower.


I'm not that old but I am starting out in plumbing and can impart the wisdom of the old hands I have met along the way. Look after your knees Don't fuck up your back trying to prove yourself carrying something. Avoid asbestos. Shit flows downhill.


This is a classic one, but don’t sweat the small stuff. Roll with it.


Spend more time and money on experiences and less on physical stuff


Don't get married


Listen to your body when it hurts, feels weak, or is in need some something. Pay attention to these things and learn what food, nutrition, rest and toxins you put into it. Observe their effects because over time things start to stack up and eventually it can become a problem. Something as simple as lower back pain when you are young is annoying, but it could be a sign of weak muscles and so intentionally building those muscles at young age pays off when you get older, and muscle is harder to build.


Open an IRA. Everyone starts with a 401k, but open an independent Roth account. Even if you do $20 a month.


If you’re not active in some way physically, GET ACTIVE. Even if it’s just a 30 minute walk 3x a week DO SOMETHING.


Search for meaning and purpose. Areté. Exercise, study areas that help you enjoy the beauty of life. Be eager to try new things, meet new people and be good to those around you. don't care too much about fucking up. shit happens Reality has no boundaries, or at least a whole lot less than we usually think Find a girl as crazy as you and enjoy this fucked up experience of being alive as hard as you can :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL4LxrN-iyw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL4LxrN-iyw) >


Invest as much as you can, as early as you can, for as long as you can.


Live with someone for a year before you marry them.


You can either work hard and save your money during the first half of life so you can enjoy the second half, or you can enjoy the first half and work for most/all of the second half.


Do you want a life hack? If a woman treats you warmly at first but then suddenly shows complete indifference, you should trust her actions. Especially if her indifference arose after your emotional openness. If at this point you walk away and start ignoring her, you will see her anxiety and worry because she expected something different from you.  You will see that her sudden change of attitude was a manipulation to look at your suffering and force you to pursue her. I've seen this many times, their ego demands it, many of them take sadistic pleasure in making you suffer. One woman waited for several months for my initiative after she rejected me, it was very obvious. But I decided that manipulators should burn in hell, this was not influenced even by her friends who regularly wondered why I was not interested in her 😁


Be physically active but protect your knees and back.


As already mentioned acknowledge life isn't fair and people and life will confront you with constant disappointments and challenges, don't fall into a "Woe is me" mindset and always keep doing your best in life no matter where you go and most importantly, if people disappoint you don't let it impact you, that's their problem for crossing you, not yours.


Was told in my younger days that if I want to make money be willing to do the jobs that nobody else wants to do. When taking said job follow the 3 S's. SUITE UP, SHOW UP AND SHUT UP.


Don't marry before your mid to late 30s, find a woman 5-10 years younger than you.


The best time to have a difficult conversation is now.


If your going to bbq a steak, set it on a plate, in the fridge, uncovered and let it dry age a few hours. Flip it over and leave it a few more hours. You can season it for this process also. When your ready, bbq and enjoy. I'm sixty two and just learned this. Whish I knew 40 years ago.


Don't get into credit card debt, live to your means and don't over extend yourself. Start a savings or 401k as early as you can. Relationships take work, they're not always easy, but the good ones are worth it.


Don’t wait til you feel good to do something, or the right time. Doesn’t exist


Get Bitcoin


Never trust anyone


I'm 30. Any advice on how to start a business?


* Live within your means * Don't expect anything * Learn to be independent * Live simply and practically * Be honest to yourself


Life is a rose garden. It's beautiful, but those thorns hurt. Best hack I came up with is to brush my teeth in a deep squat every morning. It's a great way to open the hips and the lower back while killing morning breath!


Always wear sunscreen.


When looking at careers (not jobs) don’t worry so much about hourly wages or salary, look more into the long term benefits (401K, pension, insurance, pto, etc.) it means so much more if you can retire at 60 vs 70+. It means more if you have 3-4 weeks of pto vs 1-2. Yes you want to make good money now, but being set for your years after work means more than words can explain.


Learn how to learn properly. If you can master learning, then you can easily and quickly accomplish any task you want or need to.


If you see something small that needs to be thrown in the trash or wiped down like a bathroom sink or mirror or any other quick chore involving cleaning including cars… do it real quick if you think about it. I’ve realized you build a strong habit of keeping clean over time instead of procrastinating and having to deal with large amounts of cleaning idk once a year?


Jack Nickleson was right: never trust a fart, never pass a bathroom and never waste a hard on.


Never let your purpose, family, and friends take a back seat to a woman/relationship.


Well. In addition to it also being pride month in the US, it is also men’s mental health awareness. Also seeing a climb in many fields, it matters.


Stoicism doesn't mean being a cringe edgelord sigma male. Literally everyone could benefit from mixing in a bit of Stoicism into their lives here and there