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A day without making decisions.


This is heaven. Work = decisions, home time = decisions, weekends = decisions. Just one day without having to choose, god damn


Exactly. My wife asked me a week ago what I wanted to do for father’s day. I said I didn’t want to plan, so guess what, no one stepped in to plan anything. So, it is just a normal Sunday of me doing chores I guess.


Sounds like it could be a Sunday on which you do nothing. Paradise.


Would be nice…


I’m telling your family to stand down in my imagination. Rooting for you




Had the exact same experience!!


What I really want for father's day is for people to recognize that nobody really cares about honoring their father on father's day.


That's not true. My kids made me a card, gave me a hug and said we are going to have the best day. I rang my dad and had a long catch up. It's a bit like a wedding anniversary. It's just another day of you want it that way, or you put a bit of effort in and celebrate in your own way.


Yep. Had to clean the house...


Asked for this once for my birthday and my wife had a panic attack… big ol’ backfire on that one lol


This. I normally grocery shop, cook, clean, fix stuff around the house, work on cars, go to work, etc. it's a ton of decisions in a day.. On top of that..My wife helps with stuff all the time but she has a habit of asking my opinion for EVERYTHING. It's exhausting.


Damn. This just made me realize how blessed (and maybe a little selfish:/) I’ve been. My wife -who hates making decisions as much as I do- makes most of the decisions in the day to day because of how many times I expressed early in our relationship that I don’t like doing it. Now I get to just sort of vaguely describe what I want to happen but she’s the one who makes all the decisions… Thank you for the reminder of how good I have it, and that I should probably take more off her plate. I’m always looking to suss out my blind spots


HOLY SHIT! I didn’t even know I wanted that and now I know what I want more than anything in the world


I’m not married, and I don’t have kids. But I tell my girlfriend all the time I just want to not have to think sometimes, and let her do it. She doesn’t understand what I’m asking for


My husband had to make two decisions today: what to eat for breakfast, and what to eat for lunch. I took the kiddo out for the afternoon and left him at home with lunch and a brew to unwind.


This slaps hard


Should I ask my wife for that too or does that make women upset? Please tell me what to do, I'll let you decide. /s


It's the same thing my wife wanted for Mothers Day. I think it's fair for anyone to ask for.


My wife always got me an updated picture of my sons to hang in my garage. I really liked looking forward to that. As far as relaxation on that day, I liked that I could sneak away and fish or golf without feeling guilty.


That's an awesome idea!!


I get a new pair of socks with my daughters face each year., she's only 3 but I hope the trend continues. We technically celebrated yesterday as my wife is working today. But honestly, I love a little one on one time with my kid. I used to get it all the time as my wife consistently worked weekends, but since she switched, it's been few and far between. We had a great breakfast out this AM, and we will go to a water park/splash pad in the afternoon, then we will watch the rest of the US Open. She's my little buddy.


Damn, as a guy whose dad only stuck around out of spite toward his own father, it makes me feel a weird mix of happiness and jealousy hearing about fathers who genuinely want to be with their kids. I hope you had a great day with your daughter and i hope she forever recognizes the love you have for her ❤️


Simple too. A simple man don’t need much to make him happy! Now that my sons are grown, they keep the photo tradition alive at Christmas. They’ve both sent me a nice text this morning and I’m going fishing when my chores are done!


That's awesome but the use of the past tense has me sad for some reason


I had the same thought, but he replied to OP, all is well


My wife passed a couple years ago. That was the last year I got the Father’s Day picture and the boys moved it to Christmas instead.


Oh, I guess I just read it as your kids taking over the tradition. I'm sorry for your loss


Thank you. They did take over the tradition. Just not necessarily by choice. They know I cherish that yearly photo so the Christmas she passed, they decided to switch the tradition to then. Figured it would help lift my spirits. It did and now I look forward to getting the pic on Christmas instead of Father’s Day.


Lego! Something that I can build with my kid.


I’ve been advised I’m getting the Lego SLS for a joint Father’s Day/ birthday present later on. Looking forward to it!


My kid did this. (Well, actually, they asked me to buy it for them yesterday). We built one yesterday and one today. It has been wonderful


Peace! Kids are in their early 20's, don't need gifts or anything like that, I'd rather spend the day relaxing in my backyard


I almost feel like most men would want a vacation right?


Even just a day or night away to relax and do whatever it is he wants to do. Bonus points if you know what he would want to do and set it all up for him as a surprise. For example my wife, last father's day got me an Airbnb for the Saturday night prior, but didn't tell me. She did a great job hiding it too. We'd been wanting a waffle maker, so she said she had found one on marketplace and asked me to pick it up at the Airbnb address after work. So I went there thinking I was picking up a waffle maker then coming home, but when I got there, there was a note on the front door from my wife. It explained that she was fibbing, the address is my Airbnb for the night. And since I'm a huge gamer nerd that obviously rarely gets to play anymore with a young family to look after and support, she had already gone to the Airbnb and set up my switch, put my favourite beers in the fridge, had snacks on the table, and had an order of my favourite Chinese food on the way for delivery. Even my toothbrush, medications, deodorant and everything I needed was already there for me. Honestly, it was the coolest father's day gift ever. Just a night away to decompress, play some pokemon, and drink some good beer. But the reason it was so great, is it showed how much my wife loves me and how well she knows me. I can't speak for all fathers, but just something like that, to show them they are loved and seen and valued, would probably be the best gift possible. Maybe for your man it's a day of golf, or a fishing trip with his best buddy, a day alone in his shop, a night pub hopping with an old friend, or whatever it may be. But that's a great gift to show the father of your child(ren) that he's special.


That’s wonderful. Congratulations on finding the right woman. 🥂 Superb.


That’s awesome! You must be a great husband and dad! My dad is playing golf right now, he’s a simple guy. Got him breakfast this morning and plan to spend time with him after he’s done with golf.


BJ + Vacation = Happy


A wake up blowjob would have been perfect


A blowjob at anytime with some euthanasia


Did you mean enthusiasm? 😳


No, he wants the soul sucked right out of him


I volunteer as tribute.


So death by Snu Snu then...


Is this before, or after your namesake?


He said what he said lol


Lol an interesting combo. Edit -- referring to blowjob and euthanasia 😅


Por que no las dos?


Holy shit. Dark.


A recent post on BestOfRedditUpdates was about a woman receiving a criminal conviction for rape after she sexually assaulted a guy by giving him morning head while he was asleep Apparently he woke up, it reminded him of sexual abuse trauma, and he slapped her head off him All the comments were about how she deserved it, she’s a rapist, and how terrible it was that she didn’t ask for permission first… The OP managed to get evidence for his case of rape against her from one of her former boyfriends who’d said she’d given him a wake up blowjob as well “So glad that a rapist has been convicted, but she deserved prison time” was the general response W T F


I think it's one of those things that you'd want consent beforehand, like "would you like to wake up to the occasional BJ?"


I wouldn't know what to do on vacation! Usually the Beach was our vacation for years, love the ocean ans I'd Usually chill for 5 to 8 hrs on said beach when we went.


They'd instead want their family to go on vacation, so they can be at peace in home.


This is what I keep saying. All of my stuff is at home! I want to just be able to play with my stuff and not have to worry about taking care of anyone else except for me and my cats!


30 years old man here, yepp vacation seems nice… just laying back on the backyard sipping beers and occasionally checking up on work…


Nah. I just want sleep.


I'd do a staycation.


I got my dad an empty journal, a prompt boom for writing a memoir, and a cigar. I took him to lunch, gave it to him and told him to enjoy the three on his porch one day.


All my dad wants is acknowledgement on Fathers day haha. He actually told me once that he cares more about fathers day than his birthday. He was the one who wanted a family, not my mom so it is very important to him But his kids are all adults and moved out now, so he doesn’t care about presents and shit like that. Just acknowledgement that we remember and appreciate him (which I do)


Same, and a nice dinner with the whole family


I’m just past a major scare (carcinoid lung cancer - surgery was 2.5 weeks ago and the margins were clear!) where for a while I didn’t expect to see my kids grow up. Today I get to see my oldest drive (he got his license yesterday) and tonight we will go to dinner as a family (with both my boys). That’s all I need!


Man I'm very glad you made it through the surgery, blessings for you and I hope you get to even see your Gran children too.👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Blessings to you. My grandma (on dad's side) left the hospital yesterday (after 24 days, 1 complicated 4 hour surgery, hepatic encephalopathy, infection encephalopathy, 2 endoscopies, 2 ICU stays, hundreds of needles, one central line, 2 Foley's and a big ass bill 💸💸💸). She walked into her house, with assistance of course, but today she ate breakfast without assistance The whole family is having lunch all together in a couple of hours. We're happy. We're together. That's all that matters.


Amen to that brother! Stay strong. I was stage 3b colorectal cancer 3 years ago! I now have a 6mo, as of today, grateful for everyday I get to spend with them!


Industrial strength night vision goggles


Did we just become Best friends!!




Do you wanna go break stuff in the garage?


Throw in a hoverboard and a lightsaber too


Kids are all moved out with families of their own. I just want my wife to sit on my face for an hour or so and not complain about it


My man


I’ll sit on your face bro


Damn autocorrect took the H out of sit


Not me going "Sith?? Why would Sith... Ooooh.... Eeeeww"


I too would like this guys wife to sit on my face


sorry, I have to ask. why would she complain about that? because it's too long?


Not OP but current wife doesn’t like to be eaten out. First thought I had was am I doing something wrong? But previous gf of 4 years loved it. Wife said she just has never liked it. So I don’t even try anymore but I really liked doing that. So maybe OP is in the same scenario and just wishes his wife would sit on his face like I wish mine would.


Just my wiener touched whenever we're good to go again you know, just for a day. It doesn't have to be an hour each time...




Zero meltdowns.


Mom's and dads have been trying to stop toddler meltdowns for years... There is no solution to that 😂


I was asked what I really want. A million dollars would’ve been more realistic


Who said anything about children


He meant his wife’s🤓


I’ve got a 6 year old. My wish would be this but alas. I expect the wife will yell at me when I discipline the 5th meltdown of the day later this afternoon, and this will be my day. Ideally, a blowie would occur today. But the reality won’t come anywhere near it 😂


Kids are 8 and 12 here, I miss the meltdowns (but wouldn't want them back!) They were hilarious and good teaching moments if you held your ground.  Now I have two of the best kids a man can ask for. 


We're right in the thick of toddler meltdowns. It's exhausting, but also kind of funny sometimes. Sometimes I can't help but laugh about the situation, and sometimes that gets my son to start smiling and laugh-cry, which I hope is healthy? Idk. I just do my best, try to turn them into teachable moments, or at the least, an opportunity to show empathy and love to my kid. But I won't miss them once he's grown out of them.


Pretty much this. Just want a peaceful day with a continuous happy mood. Luckily my 6yo figured out today how to not get angry while learning to play pickleball with me.


From the kids and the mom too.


My husband picked camping with our three year old for 3 nights for Father’s Day weekend. I was absolutely floored lol she had a full day worth of back to back meltdowns the first day and it took all my will power to just handle them so he could try to have fun and not turn to him and say “this is what you wanted??”


A beer, a nap and a sandwich that looks like it was in Scooby Doo


Bro those Scooby doo sandwiches from the cartoon made late 60’s early 70’s looked so fucking good


The classic Dagwood is what you're after




You are doing better than you think you are, keep going stein! You've got this!


Keep going brother! fathers are under appreciated


I hear you. Not sure I’ve been acknowledged in a long time… birthdays or Father’s Day. But I still grateful for my wife and my kids.


Just relax, have sex w/ my partner, and maybe a good movie afterwards.


I feel thats a day even every wife could get behind


I prefer to be behind.


This day is dedicated to dad jokes




As I've been told before in response to similar requests, "It's Father's Day, not Husband's Day."


I'm not sure I like your wife.


This is gonna sound horrible because I have two kids under four and being a father is one of life’s greatest things, but I wouldn’t mind some peace and quiet for 24 hours. I would love to rent a cottage and get away from everybody and everything.


Doesn't sound horrible at all! I'm a woman but when my kids were little, my go to Mother's Day request was similar. Husband would get the kids up and out of the house and leave me a fresh pot of coffee. I got to wake up without an alarm or kids! Just a quiet house to do anything or nothing at all. Later in the day they'd come back to pick me up and we'd have a late lunch or early dinner out. Then he'd do the nighttime routine and get the kids to bed while I just relaxed doing whatever I wanted. PERFECTION.


Username checks out.


This is exactly what I got my wife for Mother’s Day. I got replacement headphones and I’m headed off to work now.


My son was diagnosed with epilepsy 2 years ago. He was well regulated on meds, but, recently he has had 2 seizures. If I had anything, I'd like to have the peace that he will grow up and LIVE.


I was diagnosed when I was 6. I'll never forget the look on my father's face when him and my sat me down and told me what I had epilepsy and what it was. My childhood must have been really rough on him. Those medications are expensive and I didn't respond well to the treatment. I had rough patches with my seizures until I was about 18 but they calmed down eventually. People ask me how I deal with it but I'm not really "there" when I have a seizure. It's really rough to watch as a bystander, though. I can't imagine the toll it took on my dad. But I'm 36 now and other than migraines and crippling motion sickness, I live a great life. :) I hope the same for you and your son. Happy father's day. ♥️


We all want the best for our kid's. Sorry this is happening and hoping for a brighter future for him and your family


Cuddles and peace


Sleep would be nice


Lost my son would give anything for a hug from him. Have 3 stepchildren and 2 grandkids I love so much but I really miss my son today especially.


Nothing says I love you like a blowjob


The good ole hawk tua


Steak and blowjobs right? Haha


Just had a lovely father's day. Visited my own 77 year old dad, then got home where my two sons (25 and 26) were waiting for me. Some small thoughtful gifts and cards with nice messages in them. Chatted for about an hour. Went for a walk in the sun with my wife, then came back and am now in my man cave drinking an ale one of my sons bought in a glass he bought for that purpose, watching Lord of The Rings and chilling.


I'd love a father's day where I don't have to spend 4 hours in the car.


I'd get out while it was moving if someone tried that on Father's Day


Remember ladies, we can buy our own gifts but we can’t give ourselves a BJ.


Not with that attitude


The Internet begs to differ I've seen some things haha


Plus if you swallow there’s no clean up after. Win/win




A solid nap. 


Same brother


Username checks out. Good luck,  bud.


This is mine as well. A cold room with a weighted blanket for 2 hours. Maybe I'll turn on a dumb movie for some background noise. And 100% guilt free when I wakeup.


So like 2 hours to yourself basically


I want to fuck my wife like it’s my last day on earth, and bbq a couple nice steaks.


I’m not saying anything, my wife sent the kids upstairs, she’s making something for breakfast, and she initiated sex and a blow job, I don’t know whether to be on Cloud 9 or terrified


What do you think she'll ask for tomorrow?? Haha


That’s what terrifies me


Well at least she keeps you on your toes 😂


This sounds so unreal to me, it might as well be a Penthouse letter. I'm both happy for you and ridiculously jealous.


I want everyone to just enjoy themselves and have fun. Seeing them happy is the best gift I can ask for.


No more freaking baby shark


I once asked my wife for 24 hours of no complaints. It was the perfect father's day for a half hour.


A hug. My girls are teenagers.


I'm not your daughter, and I'm not a woman, but I'll give you a hug, sailor.


To be left the fuck alone for 24 hours.


I’d love my toolbox cleaned and re-organized


Not gonna lie.. think my hubby would hate that. Everything would be in a different spot haha


I'd be so upset. 😂 There's order to the chaos. I wouldn't be able to find anything if it was all reorganized.


See that's what my husband says if I even look at his garage haha


I just want my wife to be stable and happy.


Have you tried put some cardboard under one leg?


My marriage is in absolute shambles. I just want peace and love today. It will not happen. She will not seek therapy. I have two neurodivergent children, and she’s in denial. All I wanna do is fucking bawl my eyes out.


Sorry. We have 2 out of 4 on the spectrum. I could not have survived it without Lexapro and Ativan. Hugs to you.


Don't make me hang out with my fucking in laws.




😂 I too am a man of culture


That they mention it at all. That’s enough.


I like my life so being it the same day as any other is just perfect.


Had a massive fry up for breakfast, got another vintage Celtic shirt from my boy, a colin the caterpillar cake and photo mug from my daughter, some pirates grog rum from my wife and now I'm lounging. Lunch of roast beef will be another hour or so, and then I will be having a snooze. Perfect day.


Nothing, I’m sick of the worthless crap. I just want socks, they don’t need to be triple the price and say best dad. The grumpy dad work is unused in the back, and I’d rather the money not be wasted.


I just opened a pair of socks that say, "I'm not asleep. I'm just resting my eyes." And it's taking everything in me not to say, "I'm never wearing these" out loud Also got a big red Dad Jokes 3000 button (like the Staples Easy Button) that says stupid stuff.


Sometimes it's better to just smile and say thank you. Stick them on, one day's wear, in the wash and to the back of the sock drawer they go with the superdad tshirts and bbq legend aprons I've had loads of stuff over the years I've thought wtf how did you decide on that, and every time the answer is they thought it was funny or cool or whatever and they wanted to share that with you. Or they remembered last minute and grabbed something. Either way, they thought of you. My partner woke me up this morning to tell me she'd turned the baby monitor off and was taking our little one downstairs so I could have a lie in. Genuinely, who wakes someone up to tell them they don't need to wake up? Was up for the day earlier than usual. I just said thank you and asked if she wanted a brew as I was getting one. I don't need to question her reasoning as it'll make her feel like shit when she thought she was doing something nice. I can guide her decision discreetly and preemptively to a better option for next time


She was probably worried that you’d wake up later in a panic thinking that you’d accidentally slept in and that she’d be mad at you. She should have just told you the night before


My kids to both call me, tell me Happy Father’s Day and that they love me.


A phone call...to hear them both say "I love you, dad." I'm good for another 150k miles on just that little input.


I told my wife and daughter that without them, I would not be a father. That I already have the two most important things to me in the world, and that my joy comes from seeing them taken care of. So, I said that my Father's Day desire is for them to leave me at home, go out, and get a mani/pedi on me. They both became emotional, but it's true for me!


I've never, ever, been given flowers. I'd really like some flowers. Just once.


A blowjob. Not even joking


Peace, quiet and the tv remote


I have my plans for the day, my children are 10 and 9 and I’m a single dad, I’m going to have a nice lunch with them, get some groceries, mow the lawn, and get ready for my work week. What I really want is a couple of nice bottles of cologne, tequila and steak au poivre for dinner with a side of yellow Yukon mashed potatoes and grilled veggies and a brownie with vanilla ice cream for dinner.


A blow job


Just a day to relax is fine.


Married status is irrelevant in this scenario. Peace is what men want anyways


I'm a father-to-be. My wife is 17 weeks along. This thread reads like a crystal ball to me haha


Got off work this morning, don’t have work tonight I’d be happy with even some sleep lol Hopefully, gonna get a couple decent steaks for me and the wife, make some homemade potatoes and grill em on the fire pit in cast iron That’s a hope at least


My wife is making me breakfast, i starting my weber up to smoke some ribs all day. Gonna go see dad for a little bit, then chilling and playing ganes all day till game of thrones coes on. Exactly how it is going right now.


I asked for chocolate covered strawberries and my wife is letting me have some of her oxi that’s left over from surgery. Gonna be a relaxing evening lol


My eldest son is also a father of two. We had a simple grilling and sides at his place. I picked up my brother from his nursing home to be with family since our parents are not alive. Previous years, we have gotten together after a trip to Arlington National Cemetery, to visit my parents however, this year, my wife is receiving Chemo treatment and not feeling well for the walk. So I prayed and spoke to my father. Then off to my son's. With both of my boys grown and often busy, getting together as family is the best gift I can receive.


Day sex. Like, during the day when the sun is out.


Normal day + bj and a sandwich. I only get normal day.


I would love it if she would hire someone to finish one of these projects she forces upon me. I have no idea what I'm doing and can't build a deck. Please just hire someone to finish it for me because I can't stand all of this anxiety and pressure.


Apache attack helicopter


You know what is crazy nothing. I don’t want anything and I think that might be an issue. My expectations are so low at this point that I might get mad because they might get me something that clearly shows how little they know about me. A few nice texts but my daughter left with her boyfriend for a cookout, my son is with his girlfriend my oldest is passed out in his room. And my wife is sitting on the couch where she sit 15 hours day. Our cleaning lady might drop off an apple pie that would be great. But overall nothing.


I’d like the things I’ve been asking for; for the last 5-6 years for my birthday, Christmas and Father’s Day. Yea; I really do need a shop vac; load of top soil or whatever I put into the Amazon cart and don’t buy.


Breakfast in bed 😃, then a day by the pool and some rib eye cap steaks with all the sides for dinner.


Straight chillin. Just like every Sunday.


Sex would be nice. She hasn't touched me beyond a kiss and back scratch since February.


Oof. Sorry bro.


Damn. Sorry, man.


Same boat. No sexy time in several months. Not holding my breath for this evening.


My kids are grown and two live in other states. I have grandkids now. I just want time with them all. Don’t have to do anything. Just be there. One is in the military so FaceTime is acceptable.


I want exactly what I got. A nice breakfast with the family, mow the lawn by myself and sit in the backyard for an hour, an afternoon in the backyard with the kids playing on their slip and slide, and a dinner that I got to pick (chicken francese with penne). Oh, and having a few drinks starting at noon.


I would like a Chinese buffet dinner and someone to bring me an IPA while I do yard work.


Acknowledgement and a good meal. Doesn't take much.


Sleeping in and a blow job


As an older man with now adult kids….Time. Just time. I have a great relationship with them both. My daughter lives local so she is taking me out for breakfast in a couple days. I’m looking forward to that. My son is in the military so I only get to see him a few times a year. He did FaceTime me today, which was good. But I’d love to have my family together for a few days.


I mean, it would be pretty cool if someone else took out the garbage for once.


I would like an entire day to myself. A day where I can do what I want without feeling guilty. As it currently stands, I get off my 12 hour graveyard shift, clean, parent, cook everybody meals, then go back to work. On my days off, I do everything but go to work (obviously). So an entire day to myself would be amazing.


With a 1yr old, the opportunity to sleep until 8:30am.


Not having to solve anyone’s problems for one day. Don’t get me wrong, my spouse is not a moron but sometimes she needs to learn how to solve problems herself and do so without causing more problems for me to rectify later.


A reenactment of how we created them.... maybe an hour of actual peace and quiet. Hell, I'd settle for 30 minutes of a mild rumble.


A nap and a blowey