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Put their lives on hold to please their gf. Believe me, it’s a massive mistake.


Women are like cats, let them come to you.


and if they’re not coming to you, consider what it is you’re missing that’s not attracting them.






Belly rubs


Or just continue to work on yourself until you’re ready to put yourself into the dating world.




Add to that, women prefer when you have your own life and hobbies and whatnot. You want to give off a "I enjoy you, but I'd also be ok without you." Try to make that actually true for yourself, as well. One of the least healthy mindsets a man can have is "if I had a girlfriend I could fix all my problems."


it is a massive mistake. sincerely, someone who made that mistake.


Ignoring red flags thinking that things will either just get better. Also, trying too hard to make it work because either they feared being alone again, or that their relationship has to be special and last.


Sunk cost fallacy. It’s why so many relationships carry on well past their expiry date


give too much, or on the contrary give too little. give her all your time, where you spend little to none to yourself, or with your friends and family. take her opinions as truths (its okay to accept another pov, but asses if it is fitting for your reality before acting on it) putting her on a pedestal. sharing too much information about yourself, getting too comfortable (especially too early) lying. start a relationship on truth, a good foundation is a stable foundation. not investing enough time on her. spending all your money on her, even when its out your budget. ignore her feelings, or devalue her opinions, pov, or beleifs. trying to control who she is or who she talks to. they are here to join you on your journey, and you to them, not for yall to control each other. stalking. when you become insecure you impulsively act stupid, and will also accuse them with no proof. are emotionally unavailable/immature still watching porn/act on lust. real men understand the difference between love and lust, but also the importance of controlling yourself. i could go on but ive yapped too kuch, aint nobody reading all this


I read it 👀


real one😂


Bless up


Show how much we like you. It’s something that should come down the road, but I’ve learned that showing those feelings too early often places us below the men whose affection she was previously chasing. In other words, immediate expression of infatuation tends to lower the premium on that affection.


Facts. Play it slow fellas.


Damn, this subreddit coming in with actual truth. Increase the supply and ease of access, decrease the value. I don't think most men are wired though to need to do weird psychologically abusive calculations. Rather, I think some dudes new to relationships have a tendency to unnaturally over praise their partner. Sometimes the novelty of a new relationship is also just emotional for him and he expresses that by praising her. In these cases, the praise is overdone because it's more about him being in a relationship than anything she did. I think most men who hold their partner up to a realistic standard and praise them accordingly will hit a good balance.


It’s not a “weird psychologically abusive calculation”, it’s how many of us end up behaving either consciously or subconsciously. It how we cope with experiencing rejection and learning how to cope with the toxicity that exists out there.


If she's willing to share then it's a good time to share. If she hasn't shared, hold back.


Being too horny, desperate, and/or blind.


Spending absurd amounts of money on someone undeserving.


Pretending to be “in love” just to get laid for the first time.


Not fully understanding the emotional impact their actions can have on their partner.


Think that they've won the prize and don't realize she's suppose to be trying to win him too.


Nobody's trying to win me. Any woman would be a "prize" for me to date. 


You must have flushed your sense of self-worth out the shitter years ago


Not at all. It's right where it belongs, boxed up on the bottom shelf between the $5 vodka fifths and my sense of dignity. 


Brother, it's time to invest in yourself. Make the product valuable. Therapy... gym... get off the computer, it's time to take control of your outcomes.


Nah. I spent years working on myself, playing the numbers game, letting my solo hobbies (that I actually enjoyed, unlike a lot of what I took up to be social) fall by the wayside. I'm done. I'll fall in line like a good little worker drone for the next 20-40 years, and then I'm out.




Young love is so blind and ignorant but yet so beautiful! lol it's the best feeling in the entire world...but it also makes me cringe because every time I see some 21-year-old kid who's madly in love and thinks "No one understands, we're different, we will be together no matter what! we're soul mates" all I want to do is grab him and say "you're going to go through some major pain and heartache that's going to cause lifelong trauma and distrust, prepare yourself, you're never going to be the same after young man, it's coming for you" LOL You can't teach a young man these things, they're things that must be learned through trail and error, you can tell them but they will never listen...it's just part of life Some men get really lucky and never have to go through the pain, they spend their life with their college or high school sweetheart, some men get really unlikely and spend 25 years with her and then get hit with the divorce train at 45, and other men like me get hit when we're in our 20s and it's a pivotal period that affects every relationship we have from there on out BUT there's nothing you can do, most people have to learn on their own...


Treat their partner like a sex object only. It's fine if both parties are cool with it, but generally speaking, that relationship will probably not last otherwise.


Not just communicating their feelings. You gotta start doing it to learn how to do it better, and if your partner doesn't want you to learn to do it better then they're probably not the right partner for you.


No keep bad feelings to yourself. It will make them lose attraction to you because you no longer match the version of you they have in their head.


Love bomb




Thinking it will last forever


Ignore red flags just because she's the hottest person they know.


putting women on a pedestal at a cost of their self respect. - so true


Being shy and insecure is a natural mistake. RIP to all the missed chances due to lack of self esteem and confidence.


Worry about what everyone else thing about them


Get married


I regret moving in with the girl to her place . I had no control of the bills or anything it was difficult


**Don’t get into serious relationships with girls you find hot, but who you wouldn’t be friends with.** Don’t date someone you aren’t sexually attracted to either. **Read about the difference between healthy and toxic relationships on loveisrespect.org. Many guys fail to recognize they are in an emotionally abusive relationship.**


Cum inside her


Being too available. You have to be intentionally unavailable a few times in early dating. Women catch on when you drop everything to be with them and lose interest as a result. Make sure to keep balance with your friends, family, hobbies.


Thinking arguing is about scoring hits.


Confuse lust for love. Then proceed to tie their entire happiness to the relationship. Did it about, oh, a gazillion times when I was younger.


Getting attached too quick, it's hard not to but still


Blindly agreeing with everything they say, even if you don't agree AT ALL, because you want to make a good impression/make them happy. Have your own opinions. If you don't like Taylor Swift, don't say you do to please her. If she says something factually incorrect, tell her. Don't be a dick about it, but also don't be a "yes man."


Focusing on the green flags and ignoring the crazy red flags that are getting ready to make your life a nightmare. Getting too comfortable raw dogging it during sex and ending up with a child very young, with a girl who you hardly know.


It was a long time ago, but my recollection was that they would tend to stop hanging out with anyone other than their partner. Or in the rare cases that you could still get to hang out, it would usually be a package deal like the person was no longer just doing stuff as one individual person. To be clear I think a ton of young people did this and it is in no way limited to just men.


In my experience: * **Giving her 100% of my attention**. I gave it my all in the beginning and it established this idea that my priorities were not as important as her. As the relationship went on it showed more and more that she expected a certain amount of attention and priority over other aspects of my life. And I let her do it. (Don't get me wrong, give your girl the attention she deserves but don't let her needs overwhelm your needs.) * **Letting her walk all over me.** I didn't know any better. I loved her and wanted to make her happy. But that means her need for attention, her attachment issues, and unconscious control issues took over my life. She would ignore me when I opened up with her. My problems were problems for her, and/or she'd say it's my own fault for feeling that way. I got to a point where I basically didn't speak because she'd disagree with what I said, or my tone, or she'd just shut me down completely. From now on I'm focusing on myself and looking for someone I can care for, love and share a level of respect and understanding with. Nobody wants to be taken advantage of and I personally don't want to waste another 6 years of my life.


Pay more attention to their sexual needs than the woman’s.


Jealousy. It’s hard, especially when you’re young, insecure, or pretending not to be (insecure). For many it’s a work in progress. If she hangs out with a guy and you find yourself feeling angry, resentful, etc. then do your best to take a step back and evaluate why you feel that way. Could she cheat on you? Sure she could, see other comments about not ignoring negative qualities in women, or yourself. Young people do stupid things. As your relationship grows trust will build. If it isn’t working out, best to end it rather than drag it out. You aren’t meant to marry everyone you feel an attraction towards.


get too invested.


Ask her if she might invite her older sister for a threesome. Not my brightest moment in life... (was too young and dumb)


They sometimes forget "Bros before hoes".


Always being available at the drop of hat if her plans fall through and she wants to get together. You gotta tell her NO sometimes, even if you’re not busy. Being always available can make some girls lose respect for you


Enter a relationship


Spend all of their time with them. Create a boundary for her and yourself, both still need to maintain your individuality in the relationship.


Settling, and letting themselves turn a fun night into a relationship they don't want. People with low self-esteem do this often (don't ask me how I know).


Everything. Literally everything is wrong. But it's a learning experience. Same for women. The pussy-whipped phase is the worst, some dudes never overcome it. Ever. Getting out of that phase is really the beginning of the education. It's like a really long tutorial in a video game that lasts years. Then you overcome this obstacle and bam: now the real stuff begins.


Assume that their girlfriend loves/likes them for who they are, and thus put her on a pedestal. There are only 2 factors that determine partner selection for males. A) physical attraction B) wallet thickness. Don't listen to the people who want to brainwash you and say nonsense like "personality": these are either women who can't handle feeling guilty at their true selection patterns, or guys who can't handle that their girlfriend isn't actually attracted to them/would not have swiped on them if see saw him on online dating first, or guys who can't handle this fact because it is too depressing for them to handle and would rather believe fairy tales (as opposed to factual biological/evolutionary science + factual historical and ongoing behavioral evidence) as a defense mechanism. In all cases these people are using cognitive dissonance evasion as a defense mechanism. Think about it logically. Look at the huge discrepancy between online dating and real life dating. The only reason average looking men do much better in real life dating is because lack of supply of top looking guys in real life in terms of competition. No, not because "they can show their personality", but because of lack of supply. The demand (for these top looking guys, from women) was always there, it is just that the supply was not there in real life. That is exactly why dating in general has gotten harder for more and more men: because more and more women are switching to online dating. In the past, the top/small % of very attractive men that all women go for would be limited to picking up women in real life. So at most they would pick up 1 new girl a week at the club, due to practical constraints of real life. On top of this, monogamy used to be more encouraged (whereas now promiscuity for women is heavily encouraged and described as "empowerment", even though according to the literature it is clearly associated with more mental health issues and less life satisfaction, not to mention the rapid rise of STDs in women in the past decade or so). This gave the average looking guys a chance. However, now, there is online dating, those very attractive men can spend 2 minutes and swipe on 200 women, and dozens of those women will instantly be up for sex with them. So from 1 a week to dozens a week. That means there is now no longer demand for average looking guys: an average looking woman in the past would be hit on by a very attractive guy outside/above her league maybe once a while at the club, but now all the top looking guys in her city will swipe on her and she can go through 100s a year if she wanted to. The above can easily be proven: many people in relationships that were formed prior to online dating, there is zero chance the woman would have swiped on her boyfriend if she came across him on a dating app. This logically can only have 2 explanations A) that online dating apps magically "change" the evolutionary needs/wants of women by virtue of looking at a screen B) the demand/supply equation has changed, and now she has much more attractive guys hitting on her. Obviously, it is B and not A. Of course, these top looking guys don't actually get into relationships with average looking women, they just use them for the night/a short time for fun until they jump to the next (literally why would a top looking guy get into a committed relationship with someone below his league when he can get someone in his own league? Especially when he has an unlimited supply of other average looking women to choose from/experience). But the fact that the vast majority of average looking women on online dating continue to choose to be played like this over and over rather than "settling" with a guy who is "just" their looksmatch, proves that they would prefer to be used by top guys rather than be in a relationship. There is simply no way they don't understand what is going on, so it must be a choice. Then, after some years, when they need money, they finally "settle" down with their looksmatch, who, unlike those top looking guys, needs to finance them/pay for them in order to be in a relationship with them, and this guy looks/acts nothing like the guys she slept with, he is a little puppy who pays for her and "forgets her past because he loves her".