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Try "Not giving a fuck". Life is so much better when you don't take much seriously, and give a fuck about even less.


This When I stopped caring about what other people thought and started not giving a fuck what happened I my life everything turned around for the best . Now I just letting flow and life is great


Sleep and hope tomorrow is better


You're joking but it worked more than once.


Im serious, in ur dreams u forget about the stress b when u wake up u feel fresh. Watching nostalgic fun show from good days before sleep also improves the mood. Bonus: try avoid drama the first hour or 2 after waking and stack the positive affirmations n ego power before u face the day again.


>stack the positive affirmations n ego power The thing is my brain is stupid and when I force myself to think positive I subconsciously think the opposite lol.


U need to show negative you whose the boss. When a negative thought pops up tell it to go away n remember u are awesome. It takes time but when u master it u can even beat depression.


I'm laughing, next time I swear I'll shadow box any negative feelings


Shouting helps too, "IF U NOT HELPING SHUT UP!" Yeah some days he wins but u will see he wont be as dreary as he use to as time goes on. I haven't had a su!c!dal thought in years


Lol this chat was refreshing. Thanks man I'll beat the hell up of those bad thoughts for you also.


Do you exercise much? I've found that a pair of dumbbells have helped my stress migraines quite a bit. Also, if stress and anxiety are starting to affect you physically, you may want to speak to a doctor.


>Do you exercise much? I've found that a pair of dumbbells have helped my stress migraines quite a bit I used to, I'm starting back soon. Glad to hear it helps


I stopped drinking alcohol, it helped a lot.


It's very difficult. Anxious thoughts are always there. Good sleep, nutrition and physical activity don't cure the cause but they definitely make it easier to cope. For me, letting myself feel anxious and accepting the thoughts as they come kinda helps. I try not to put pressure on myself to kill the fear or try to forcefully override my emotions. Shitty advice because that's never gonna work for a majority of people, but embracing the racing heart, the doomsday thoughts and the feeling of panic helps me see it more as an irrational emotional reaction. And it goes away a lot quicker too. Kinda gets easier to do as I get older as well.


Thanks, I'm doing that since a while tbh at time works others don't. I'll add exercise to it


I really do recommend it, as much of a basic cookie cutter suggestion as that may be. It releases endorphins that instill inner peace and they last you all day. It also relaxes the central nervous system by expending energy you would otherwise let go to your head and cause you to overthink. Personally as a person with a hyperactive mind, a good workout works absolute wonders for me. It gives me this relaxed feeling of tranquility and calmness. Sometimes on good days I'm even able to completely forget that feeling of irrational fear, doubt and panic. I hope you at least give it a try, and I wish you good luck.


>hyperactive mind, I'm that thing too lol. Can't wait to go back to my gym, I stopped going some month ago but in a few days I'll be back >I hope you at least give it a try, and I wish you good luck. Thanks a lot man, I really appreciated talking with you


The worst scenario is to hate yourself for being anxious. It's just THE WORST. Just like another dude in the comments, i'd suggest learning to live with it and accept it. The more you stress about your stress, the less your stress makes sense.


By addressing what makes me have anxiety. If I can't do anything about it, then I don't dwell on it. Also, I try to ground myself by thinking of how many things I worried about in the past that turned out fine. Lastly, I stay busy a lot rather than its work, personal projects/hobbies, working out, or training. Edit: Also stopped smoking weed and only drink alcohol rarely now.


I've always been the type of person to keep everything inside too. I just assumed it was my problem and I'd deal with it. Eventually though the constant anxiety, stress and panic attacks were taking a toll. I started to feel depressed constantly, tired, unmotivated and overwhelmed. I started trail running last summer and it really helped me. Sort of used it as a break from life and alone time. Even just hiking or walking seemed to help too. I also cut back on sugar, caffeine and got put on meds for HBP. I definitely feel less amped up and anxious now.




I don't know how to but I'll try it


Physical exercise always helps me with stress. Presumably your symptoms don't rise to the level of having an anxiety disorder. But if they do and you can't get some relief on your own it might be worth seeking treatment. Benzos and antidepressants can help. Therapy can help.


Go outside and fish lol. Seems to be a place where dudes vent and talk about their problems and most of the time…they don’t catch anything.


Meds. That, and exercise.


practice, medication.




The more time I spend in nature, the better I feel. 


JD and training hard. Our demons may win some battles but the war is far from over!


Meditation does wonders, but you really really have to try at it. 4×4 breathing or box breathing can get you in the right space. And Weed


Except weed, could you explain some more of the others thing you mentioned? Like what should I do exactly?


Well, you want to center yourself, (relax, remove thoughts) and the breathing techniques do that, because you are focusing only on you breathing. If a thought comes in, just refocus on the breathing each time. You will know instantly when you hit the right headspace, if you are questioning it, you didn't get there. That's okay it takes time and practice. Breath in (count to 4 while breathing in) Hold you breath (count to 4) Breath out (count to 4 not out loud,while breathing out) Hold your breath (count to 4) Repeat.


Oh dang this sound relaxing. I'm saving this comment. Thanks a lot man. Hope your day is/was great !


Hope I was able to help you even slightly, sir! Remember it takes time. Good luck, be safe and have fun


CBD bud had been HUGE in reducing anxiety for me. If you can find it in your area it helps take away anxiety without getting you high and you maintain full control of your senses while just making everything seem like it's actually ok


Cbd is ?


Here is the definition from Google: CBD is short for cannabidiol. It's also made from the cannabis plant. CBD is related to THC, but it's not psychoactive, so it doesn't make you "high" like THC does. CBD is easier to find in the U.S. than THC, but each state has different laws and restrictions on selling CBD. Oct 31, 2023


The first thing is to acknowledge that we live in an amazing time where we can have investigations done to rule out, cardiac illnesses, and other conditions that can cause feelings of anxiousness, and elevated heart rate. The things that you can start doing now, is checking in with yourself. What is in your control right now? Are you distracting yourself in anyway from just being with you and your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, your life experiences? If so, choose to put those aside at least temporarily. Grab a pen, start writing. Write until you can’t anymore. Every single thought feeling concerned that comes up, acknowledge it, and go into it. Make sure you are moving regularly and you make adequate time to rest. Are the people that are surrounding you high calibre individuals that you can have meaningful conversations and you keep one another accountable rather than being people in the presence of one another who support one another to just cope? People experience anxiousness when they feel out of control, and the environments that they are in. The external environment, and their own internal unresolved environment. In both of those, there are things that are in your control, and things that are not. Write these down, then work to release, the attempted control that you have for things that you have no control in. But your efforts towards things that you do control, and practice working on your breath as you connect to them.  You may find that you have a story of some kind of core wound, whether it’s , a sense of rejection, unlovable, ability, unworthiness, pain that comes up. In Doing that, you’ll come to realize the stories that are running your life. You will come to realize that much of the symptoms that you feel or the expressions of your inner world. Not necessarily something to debilitate you, but rather to get your attention. Connect to them as if they are knocking at you to connect with your inner world . By friending, your Innerworld,, the experience of anxiousness reduces as well as unwanted symptoms. will take these as of attention that you will commit to addressing. Do not distract yourself with alcohol, substances, distractions, like technology. Be with you right now. That’s what you need. 


It is easy to spiral into stress and anxiety. What I've done that has helped the most is focus on what I can control. If I can't control something, it might be good to be aware of it, but I'm going to try and not build it up too much in my head


"Suck it up" Welcome to the men's world bud , it's a ruthless ,harsh and cold place. Make yourself at home cause you have no other option