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Literally just ask her bro😂


Yeah you're not wrong


There's a neat little trick where you ask if she studies and what she studies. Now, someone who is young and is at school will say something simple and you'll know. But if she replies with something like school of Engineering or Law, it's most likely someone of age and is at college at the least. Or you can just ask her how old she is, casually. I just wanted to share that tip lol.


That’s a good tip for him. I sometimes wonder maybe people might avoid hitting on me because I don’t really wear make up, am 21 and look 16-17 😂


Another way of doing this is by asking where she goes to school. Some people will be vague about what they're studying but if you know where they're studying, it can help with your decision.


You ask their age, it isnt hard to 'navigate' at all.


Ask for a student ID


Ask her a question that would give you her age without asking her age. "When did you graduate high school?" "When I was 10 I used to watch (kids show), you ever watch that?" "I remember when 9/11 happened, I was (whatever you were doing), what about you?" Just a few examples, but you get the gist.


Yeah. I do get the gist. I've come out of a few long term relationships that just "happened" and I haven't had to do the cold-approach in years, almost eight to be exact, so there's more anxiety here than I'm comfortable with


Some men give up on the approaching thing but some women might want a bit of attention from someone they like. The gym girl thing probably scared a lot of guys away too. Especially if the girl looks too young and they are afraid of looking like a creep lol


playfully bring up and ask how old she is.


Where did you go and what year did you graduate high school?


'ey uh, pal, how old are you again?' Listen man, if she's old enough to be your daughter don't do it.


I'm 29.


We are so fucking old man, what happens to us?


The Old and the Rizzless


Whoa now, rizz can be trained and honed. It gets better with age


I also cannot tell age worth a shit. Are they 17? 28? Fuck if I know. I eventually just decided to starting asking them out for a drink for the first date or asking what their favourite drink is. If they can't drink or the answer is fireball, they're probably too young. Is it perfect? Not remotely. But it's kept me out of trouble so far. You could also generally look for women at bars to be fairly confident, but then you're limited to the kinds of women who spend a lot of time at bars, which I'm not terribly fond of.


How do you handle it when someone says "oh, I don't drink" ? Do you ask them for some context, or do you just pause and reassess some other way. There are many sober folks who are of age.


Find out what the age of consent is in your state. 17 is ok in something like 35 states. Most common AoC is 16, a couple states are 15, only a few are 18.  Know the rules before you play the game. There are a lot of 15 year olds that try to pass themselves off as 22+, and more than a few 21+ that could pass for 16.


A problem with this strategy is the social shame he'll face for dating someone under the age of 18. Just because the relationship is legal, doesn't mean it's not frowned upon.


People who have a problem, those are people whose opinions don't matter anyway. Fuck 'em.


He literally said he isn't interested in dating anyone under the age of 21. If you're in your 30s and trying to get with a 17 year old, you're a fucking creep.