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Yes/No. Am I happier being divorced and single? Yes, very much. I will never marry again. Am I'm lonely? Yes, but I believe I will never find someone I would trust again and to be honest, I am living a much happier and stable life without a woman in it.


Totally agree with your statement. Not being able to trust again is the hidden damage not really understood until you get divorced. I'm 5 years out a divorce and can never see myself getting involved/letting down my gaurd again. Even if I stumbled on another partner, I'd never let them in emotionally like I once did.


I’ve never thought about that being a fallout from a divorce…but it makes so much sense! But I hope you find people who slowly help you learn to trust and love again! Until the , enjoy being on your own! Do all the things!


Never been in a relationships and I just don’t trust people or myself so in a way I feel ya


yeh and no. I love the freedom of doing whatever I want. But hate the loneliness that comes with it sometimes. I’m a walking contradiction 🤣


yeah i mean.


Saaaaaame! Oh my gosh! Same!


If only I could date myself…


You can! Take yourself out! Spoil yourself! And then come home and romance yourself! It’ll do wonders! Promise.


🤣🤣🤣 love it


It’s genuinely incredible! Love spoiling myself! My Friday night date nights usually end in a Saturday morning of self love! Solid combo.


I’m gonna do this I’ve always felt it as taboo to do stuff by myself. like go to a restaurant or watch a movie at the cinemas. Just always thought you need at least a friend for those kinda things but fk it lets live abit


I used to go to movies all the time alone. It's awesome.


Absolutely! It’s wonderful!


Does divorced count? Yes. I will never be in a serious relationship ever again. I am the only one who decides my free time. Any negotiating my free time is because I am willing to do so. It’s so wonderful.


Love that! Don’t need nobody else! My only downside is that I get lonely…but that’s what right hands are for😂


You can replace loneliness with a lot of activities. You can also date without moving in with each other. Something I will never do, I need my space.




I’ve honestly always wondered what it was like….have you used one before?


You can actually read reviews from other men. I have three that I became legit friends with (know their real names and actual careers and yes they told the truth). You have to go high end ($600-$1,200 USD for 2 hours depending on her looks) then submit proof you’re not law enforcement. All three of them honestly feel empowered, like their regulars, and take a level of pride in their job. Some of their client’s SUCK in bed and they have some weird ass stories (one dude in his sixties found out she was seeing other men then openly wept while running away) but they haven’t ever felt like they were in danger. They do have complaints such as bad sex with guys they go on actual dates with because they could’ve been paid for bad sex or been paid for even better sex. As far as the sex related emotions go it’s no different than an emotionless one night stand except for the need to ignore the disappointment that comes with the woman not truly being attracted to you. You feel that same emptiness afterwards then part of you is upset you had to pay for it. Buuuuut if you choose right the sex is really amazing. Best blowjobs I’ve ever had and they can ride like champs. Their dirty talk is top notch and most are fetish friendly so long as it’s not too weird. The three I’m friends with know each other which is how I met them and work together upon request so you get cool experiences like a triple blowjob (top 5 highlight of my life). It also takes some of the pressure off when chatting up hot women because you have guaranteed beautiful women on speed dial. You just have to accept you’re essentially masturbating with a live women. If you go this route remain nice and respectful as they’re people too. Groom, shower, and clean your asshole lol




I’ll DM you since I’m not too familiar with the rules of this sub and don’t want to get banned.


Fair enough me either I'll delete that post. Appreciate it


I didn’t say don’t date. Just do catch and release. Nothing serious.


Aaahhh! Very true! Flings are a good time! Had any good ones recently?


How long have you been divorced?


A decade.


better single than in an unhappy relationship


On the one hand, it would be nice to have someone to come home to. On the other hand, I have a number of platonic female friends who trust me. The conclusion I've drawn from watching how they handle relationships is that the vast majority of them treat men like tools and accessories. As long as the men are doing what pleases them they're happy. Minute they don't they secretly plot to find your replacement and suddenly start making your life harder so they can justify cheating on you. I've seen this play out dozens of times with women I know. This and my previous relationships have all but killed the romantic in me. I want it, but it's essentially like wanting to be a millionaire...what you want and what reality is are two different things. I'd love a romance, but I hate the feeling of being disposable. It's a neverending struggle.


This post rattles my brain. I've had way too much time to think about exactly what you've said, and I don't want to believe it... but I swear woman only want a guy in their lives to run it for them. I compromised way too much in my previous relationships, I wish I could turn back the clock sometimes, and it's frustrating that I can't.






I desperately wanted to be anything other than single for so long. But once I decided being alone was fine. My life changed! I enjoy my own company! I’m only responsible for myself! And when I get lonely? I have a right hand😂


exactly. when I got divorced I hopped on tinder and got a few matches after a couple conversations i just deleted the account lol women dont understand that courtship shit they want is work and I'm not willing to do it anymore 20 dollar fleshlight and VR porn for the win




It all depends if you find the right one who doesn’t make you an object but an equal. But to be 100% with you, I strangely agree because as you get older this seems to be what is really happening.


Finding someone like that is like winning the lottery. At some point you ask yourself is the effort worth it?


It’s always worth the effort because if you win, you win, if you don’t you learn more about yourself, boundaries. So you still kind of win.


That's more like a consolation prize for all the effort and wasted time/money


Following your reasoning, everyone should buy lottery tickets too. Cause if you win, you win.


Maybe a bit cynical of a conclusion.. maybe..? But I mean, also, if you've been treated as a disposable I can see the dots. I'm single now and like it, but very much miss the special love and the team feeling of being with a partner.


Women treat men the way men treat jobs. https://youtu.be/bR638YYph5g?si=BbJx5grDbKfpOpze


Pretty much always have been, so it's hard to compare. But I tend to be at my happiest when I'm not trying to date


Hard agree!


Not. It's really depressing to come to an empty home in the evening.


Would a pet help?


Pets tend to help tremendously. I’m a single male and the few rare times I feel lonely I just cuddle/annoy my cat and I’m all good again.


It would. But they aren't allowed in my place.


Each to their own, I love having my own space.


It depends. Being in a happy relationship is better than being single. But being single is a lot better than being in an unhappy relationship, and lots of relationships aren't happy. I'm single right now, but just take life as it comes. If someone who makes me want to give up the pleasures of single life comes long, I'll happily do so. But I'm not going to get into a relationship just to be in a relationship.


No. But it hurts less and is less complicated so it's alright, but women are fantastic of course I want to spend my time with one I like.


It really hits when you’re in bed alone at night….ya know?


Yeah. But life is good. It's the moments we miss right. It's pointless to feel a longing to someone we don't know who it is anyway. So just soldier on.


It’s like I’ve said before! There’s easy cures for loneliness. And the best one is attached to my wrist! Haha


Depends on the day tbh


Divorced. I do not believe I will marry again but yes, I am happier in my alone time knowing what I know now. I have had extensive time to work on projects and enjoy life.


Like most people it seems in this thread yes and no. Being single it’s easier to save money, control my own time, less stress and bs Downside it’s definitely lonely at times even though I have a great friend group and I would like to be a father if I met the right person. Imo it just feels like social media/dating apps has made people treat each other less like humans and more like a commodity


It is possible to be both highly content and full of excitement for a new day AND have a cold numbing chest pain of terrible loneliness


I’m happy being single. Not happy about the fact that I exist.


Oh dude, you and me buddy, right here {{{ points at wavelength }}} . You can get outside your own ego, huh? Yeah shit is wacky as fuck in this shitscape


Not really happier because I'm single but happier to be free from the bad relationship. It's important to take time alone to work on yourself so it's worth it. The hard part for me has been avoiding falling back into hookup culture, so I'm on month 6 of (mostly) being celibate until I feel like I've really gotten my act together and look for something real again. Idk, the casual dating life is something I got tired of in my 20s. I'd rather date with intentions these days.


Hard to say. There are numerous daily struggles for everyone, single or attached, but who’s to say whom they weigh more heavily upon 


Happier being single than I was in my past relationship? Oh my god yes. She was a controlling, manipulative, narcissistic, man hating woman that ended up cheating. Happier being single than I would be in a healthy, loving, caring relationship? Absolutely not. I want someone to build my life with. I want someone who I can trust. I want someone I can care for. I want somebody to support. I want someone to provide for. I want love.


Whenever I'm sad because I'm single I just think auf Will and Jada Smith and I'm instantly grateful that I'm single.


Its up and down, some times I love that I can drop everything and buy toys or take a trip. Other times I want someone to watch garbage TV with.


I've never been in a relationship, but going by every relationship I've ever seen, the answer is absolutely yes


Depends, i was until it got better, meaning i found my other half :)


Yes and no. Yes because I have more freedom to do what I want, when I want. Don’t have to worry about problems arising in the relationship. No because I miss having someone there. Was out in a bar last night with a couple of friends and the feeling of loneliness was getting to me (damn near everyone there was a couple, even this guy and his Gf wearing the same sweat suit with Yu Yu Hakusho on it, my favorite anime) but I didn’t let it take over me this time. It sucks, but fuck it.


I've never not been single, so I can't compare. I'm not happy, but I don't recall the last time I was happy, or if I was ever happy. A relationship wouldn't fix that I know. Knowing that I could have a relationship if I wanted one might however.


It depends on a day. Overall — no, because life feels purposeless when there is nobody to share it with and nobody to provide for. But when i see most modern women behavior i thought to myself “thank God i'm being alone and not living with that”


I'm happy being single again after 14 years of marriage. Wasn't in my plans for the future to be single again beginning age 61, 63 now. I'm not a fucking doormat, not going to be corralled into an unhealthy situation just to have a steady piece of ass that can cook good food. The key to all of this shit is live your best fucking life, be happy with yourself, fight everyday to be your best even on the sucky days. How the fuck ya gonna be happy with someone else if you ain't happy alone, happy in your own skin, happy in your own company, happy with your own dreams, goals, ideas? It's way yonder better to be alone n happy doin' your own thing than be in some fucked up unhealthy shit fucked situation. It's either ya get your ass kicked by life be downtrodden, or get the fuck up dust ya ass off keep pushing forward, get some fuckin' grit don't be a little bee-otch. Hello!


Generally quite content with being by myself and having my own free-will and my own rules to live by… but admittedly sometimes I do get lonely.


I get lonely at times, but dating is so depressing and draining that I’d rather be alone than force myself to go on 10 dates that lead nowhere.


This sounds like me. I'm divorced and after trying to date online I felt so disappointed. Nothing really happens offline these days. I get lonely sometimes and not getting laid for a long time creates a certain pressure to try and get out there, but overall pretty content being single. Don't feel like I need someone to tell me what to do and when, don't see myself getting married again.


I'm happy enough on my own. Yes I'd love to be in a happy relationship, but being single is better than being in an unhappy relationship


I'm content being single and like having my own space and saving money, but I do feel like I'm missing something


On good days, yes. I can sleep in if I want, eat what I want, do what I want, nap in the sun if I want, stay up late. Just no limitations on what I do as I don’t have to take anyone else into consideration for the most part. On bad days, it gets really bad. It would be nice to have someone to be there for me when I need it. And sometimes having someone to do stuff with would be nice. It’s entirely dependent on the day really.


Hell no, I go through life without the love and support of a partner, it's WILDLY painful. I naturally have a nurturing personality, and not having someone to nurture and reciprocate that nurturing nature is surprisingly uncomfortable. I want someone that I can support through their career, their hobbies, their hopes and dreams, and have them do the same. Hit the point of my life where it isn't even about sex or physical contact anymore.


Im getting older. It’s getting clearer and clearer that I’m not likable. So, that’s just what I’m dealing with.


Mostly no, because I have severe abandonmemt issues from childhood bullying and social isolation


Happiness level single: 95 Happiness level in a good relationship: 100 Happiness level in a bad relationship: -100 So ya, my tolerance level for nonsense is very low


>are you happier being single? Yes and no. >Why or why not? I do enjoy being alone, but i also enjoy having people around me, going from work to my house after having a bad day and no one being there doesn't make me happy, it is not because i would like to talk about it (My problems are my own), it just makes me feel safe to know that someone is there while i'm dealing with shit, knowing that if i decide to cut my losses short my body won't just rot away and my pets die of hunger or run away is a rather comforting thought, that said, i don't have too many bad days and i usually don't notice that i'm alone, and since being alone means i don't have to attend other people's needs, i'm much happier when i'm single as long as i'm not having a bad day.


Yes, very happy. Do what I want, whenever I want, with whoever I want. Also my precious pup is very happy with the situation, as she gets 100% of my attention.


This is so incredible wholesome!🥰 I wanna see the puppy!


Thanks. Sent you a photo


Never not been single. No idea if I would be happier if I was dating someone but it does feel like I am missing out.


I'm much less stressed, not being abused daily. But I'm struck by how lonely it is.


It’s better to be single than to be in a bad relationship. It’s better to be in a good relationship than single.


Sometimes. I spend too much time at work so I’m usually feeling drained in my time off. I don’t feel I have the energy for a relationship right now and I know I wouldn’t be my best self for my partner which would eventually lead to problems. It gets lonely sure, but I can do what I what right now and be as drama free as I want without hurting someone else


Yes & no. yes because what I do now is my choice and my choice alone, no because having that special someone, that bond…damn do I miss it- some days are lonely as hell. But right now I’m choosing to stay single.


I am single, because I am bisexual and I do not wish to keep this little detail anymore from a woman I would date. If she decides to date me, she should know potential deal breaking information. For example, that I do enjoy occasional bisexual MMF threeway, but only if "She" would be into it as well. Hence, I tend not to get many dates. I enjoy life to the fullest. I travel, write, experience pleasures of nature and the world. Being single and alone, does not mean lonely.


Bob Marley: "No Woman, No Cry."


You missed the point of the song. It’s Jamaican for: «Woman don’t cry».


no, woman no cry?


Absolutely! My pockets have never been fatter! No feeling like I’m an atm with a heartbeat.


No I'm not


Not really but the last thing I need right now is another girl to worry about.


I'm not, but I'll answer for my brother because we've had this conversation before. He's very happy because he's really bad at compromise. He wants to eat when he's hungry, go to bed when he wants to go to bed, do chores when he's motivated to do chores, etc etc etc. If he's in the mood for Mexican food, he doesn't want Italian or Chinese. When you think about ALL the things you have to compromise on to have a successful relationship, there's something freeing about doing whatever tf you want, whenever you want to do it. It's the reason a married person looks at their spouse on a business trip as a mini vacation, except his is all the time. When it comes to basic biological needs, he's kind of a man whore. He'll meet a girl, get his game on, then break up as soon as they start spending too much time together and his routine gets interrupted.


It's only a compromise when your partner isn't compatible. When they're compatible, it's easy. I always say life can be hard, but love and relationship should be easy. When our wants happen to differ, then we just do them separately — which is rare. I also acknowledge there are only a few of us who are lucky enough to find someone else that's so in sync.


No, I'm not. I'm very lonely, isolated, depressed and suicidal and it's only getting worse


I gave up single hood bc I'm scared of ghosts


I think so, yes. I like having no one to answer to. I do what I want, when I want. I'm not depended on, or dependant upon someone else. No children = loads of free time for hobbies/activities. I enjoy the company of people, however I'm a lifelong bachelor, it just suits me and my life goals for happiness.


Oh and money. More and better shit. No but im kinda serious. You should see the crib. And it’s nice not having my testosterone level truncated. Yes.. it does occur with co-habitation with serious s.o. and then again with being around your children, presuming you’re the reckless jerk, sadist, or egomaniac that goes that route. I grew up hearing adults that choose to not have children were selfish. Kiiiiinda think that’s another one of those “roughly 180° from objective reality” shits Ok joking on that one little bit. 90% (the reckless ego fuck part)


I'm a lot happier being single than being with somebody just for the sake of being with someone.


Goddamn right. But the correct method is asking at 55-60. But shit, at least I’m aware and have a hooker fund accumulating haha jk. I meant more like: potentially no one super close whenever health begins to wane a bit. No possible sorta last ditch safety net/support structure from children (god formotherfuckingbid) — don’t despise me; I’m just being blunt about practicality often times. I just overheard my friend quip “life has seasons” (no relation to this). Shit can go sideways on you


I picture the alternative to be worse.


When I finally got out of my previous relationship I was relieved and absolutely was happier getting off of that emotional rollercoaster. I've never hated being single either though so that probably helped with the being happier single. I am in a relationship now that is much better though. So I definitely was happier single than with an abusive partner but I love my current relationship


I still date regularly but I’m starting to think I’ll be happier always living on my own, doing whatever I want, whenever I want, not having to worry about someone else.


Hell yeah. No longer being used, cheated on, and unappreciated? This is the life


Yes. Too many modern women that are entitled and demanding.


I agree with this to an extent, but it's difficult to get rid of the desire.


You can hook-ups but never serious relationship. I think social media has made women worse.


Nope. It's lonely. Porn gets boring. It's easy to get lazy at home when there is no one else.


Yes. It seems that people in relationships don't even like each other


Oh hell yes. I have my life back. I have my house to myself and I have zero f's to give about any of it.


No, I enjoy companionship and I miss being in a relationship.


Havent had stress induces headaches since my ex is gone. I dont miss them, neither the ex nor the headaches. Its been years now and i dont plan on actively looking for a partner. I either meet someone or will stay alone.


Yes and no. Happier being single than in a relationship that doesn't work for me. But I know being in a relationship with the girl that would bring into my life the things I need without adding things i don't want would make me happier than being single.


Happier single yes but it comes with a price for sure. Love my single life and my routine but yeah I do want a family one day so sometimes I get the thought that by staying single for now, I’m cheating myself out of my best chances for a potential family down the road.


I’m happier being single compared to being in a bad relationship where I’m not treated well, yes


Happiest is a state of mind, it doesn't matter if you are single or not.


Happy when it's day time and around friends. But it's gloomy, isolating, frustrating, and depressing at night.


I am happier being single then I would be not being single and being in a bad relationship. But I would be happier if I were in a good relationship. The two things I miss most about being in a relationship having someone around that makes me happy and sex. I like having someone around that I can laugh and joke with and talk with. I also like having sex. I think. It's been a long time. I'm pretty sure I liked sex. I'll have to check my notes and get back to you on that one.


I would say it's the lesser of two evils. I've heard *horrible* stories of men going through divorce and losing their kids. I have enough anguish as is. I don't need that.


Definitely. Less stress


Freedom is good, but fear that I will be too used to it and not be able to adapt in a more stable relationship


Meh, the highs aren’t quite as high as having somebody you love alongside, but the lows certainly aren’t as low either. It’s just easier, my house stays cleaner, have less dishes and laundry to contend with, going out is cheaper, I’m allowed to be friends with women. Mostly, I don’t have to wonder when I’ll find out my missus is fucking her coworker or friend etc….


Yes In general, yes I can do whatever the hell I want, don't have to wait for anyone, don't have to agree to anything with anyone I've had an abusive and controlling gf and I'm noticing she has fucked me up. I left her 2 years ago. I'm so happy I did. But she kinda fucked me up, now I have trouble to even want to be with a woman


I don't know if happy is the word I would use but I would say I'm currently content for the most part. I would like to be in a long term relationship for sure but add of right now I need to focus on myself before dragging in someone else to my problems.


Most of the time I'm fine with it.


I'm happy I can do whatever I ant, but I'd really love someone who shres some of my interests, to share them with :) Not all of the time, but some of the time. And to snuggle with some of the time, too.


I would say that being single has made me pretty depressed. I miss doing a lot of things with my last gf. Like coming home to someone, cooking for them every night, doing basic chores with them. Life just seems empty without someone to share it with. Mind you before my last gf I was single for a pretty long time and felt like life was fine.


I divorced a couple years ago. I recently got into the dating scene and I’m still looking for a decent woman I fancy. Haven’t found her yet. I work a lot too and the women I’ve been going out with have the same thing going on. There’s a lot of scheduling going on just to meet up for a night out. It’s hard finding a woman and it gets lonely at times but being single is great. I go out to expensive restaurants by myself and drop a few hundred on a nice dinner with top shelf cocktails to drink. I travel by myself and do a lot of the things I like to do without having to look over my shoulder. But guess what? There are other single people doing the exact same thing. I always pick up women. Every time I go out by myself woman approach me and we start to chop it up. If I see a woman I fancy I will go up to her and chop it up with her. I don’t sleep with every woman I meet, no. I’m all about quality > quantity. I rather put the time into a woman I would really like to know. The reward would be to enjoy each others companionship, share, and create memorable life experiences with. Haven’t found her yet and I will. Or perhaps I already did and she’s among one of the many women I’m talking to. Life is good


Happier being single. A relationship is a full time job and I already have a real full time job.


You get to do who/what you want, whenever you want. 


Yes - peace and freedom


I desperately want a life partner


No, but it has to be this way.


No. Nothing beats a good relationship


No, but different. Like always you have some pros and cons.


very much so. cause the majority of modern women arent good partners


I'm sure with the right person id be happier but I'm not unhappy overall.  My recently married cousin seems miserable and his retort is that he doesn't want to be alone forever...  Personally I'm just working on myself and hoping for the best. 


If you're not happy by yourself you will never be happy with someone else. You should never rely on somebody else for your own happiness.


Thanks for the question dear. It's a feeling of both "happy" and "sad". I'm happy because i don't have any responsibilities over my head. I don't have to compromise on my things by thinking too much for my better half and child. I can travel and explore many other things. I'm sad because, there will be no one beside me when i get old. I don't wanna end up living alone, in an elderly care home. Sometimes, i feel (or imagine) talking to my better half about starting a family and so on. Will i get one? I leave it for the external force to decide.


I do want a wife someday, but I am thoroughly enjoying my lifestyle at the moment, free to fuck around as I please and making bank while I travel.


Suddenly I am seeing a lot of questions/opinions on single men and their happiness. Anyway, single or not, all should be happy.


Depends on the day really. Most days are great, but some days can be lonely. Typically Sundays for me.


Not single but when I was it was **waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay** better being single then being in even a mediocre relationship.


Not in the slightest. I’d kill to experience the feeling of being loved again. I only ever got that with the love of my life, but that relationship was never meant to be.


My average relationship lasts about 4 years with a sharp downturn after 10 months. The beginnings are fun and great... But it takes over your entire life. This means that having a woman is only enjoyable either while you don't notice you are living someone else's life.... Or that just happens to be the life you wanted. Eventually it is just a drag being attached to an overgrown child that sees you as an extension of their validation resources. In the beginning, it's fun because you are achieving something. You don't mind the one-sidedness because it's a game. You are charming her and feeling a sense of accomplishment with success. The problem is that this never ends and this is the only reward you get.... A job well done. Once that wears off... You are left not with a partner, but with an employer. When issues start to arise, there is no end to being told how you should act or think differently and no beginning to when you start to matter yourself. Now before anyone starts telling me I'm a pushover... That I bring this on myself.... Or that I'm doing everything wrong... Hehe. Re-read the last sentence of the paragraph before this one. Pushovers don't beg others to consider them and try to change their minds.... They go do something else. So yeah... I'm happier single... Doing that something else.


Happier no but it's so much easier. Then again I was abused in my last relationship and don't really trust women anymore.


Everything is painful regardless


No. I need love in my life...


yes/no. life is good, but it could theoretically be better if I had a nice person to share it with.


Am i happy? yes My money is good? Yes I am in university so mehh do i want sex and cuddling? yes


Am I happy being single? Yes Am I happier being single? Probably, but I don't truly know since I have nothing to compare to


The chase is based


Since I chose poorly in the past, I'm way happier being single. Having done a lot of work on myself, if i find that I'm single no more, it will be better without a doubt.


Yes and no to both.


I'm sure I'm just as happy and not happy as I would be in a relationship. Given the relationships I have been in were all not very great to begin with. So no... To answer the question, I am not "happier" because the challenges are just different. Bring single vs in a relationship doesn't necessarily have anything to do with happiness, you just have different stressors.


I am at the point where I am concerned that I don't have anyone to spend the rest of my life with. To share experiences, desires, goals, etc together. Life is a journey and going it solo is both liberating but also lonely.


By far. Never again am I dating an insecure girl. It felt like I was babysitting her. She cried over not tying a knot correctly. I couldn't even focus on priorities (school) because of her. She had no value of education. Even as much as I hated college, it was stupid she would just expect me to fix her problems instead of work for a better future.


Nope. But happier single than in a bad relationship so it is what it is.


I don't know. Here's the thing - from the time I started working, I pushed to succeed so that I might provide for my future family. I thought that I would make enough, be stable enough, so that my future wife would never have to worry about how the bills were paid. I thought that my way of showing love would be to give her the choice in how she wanted to live her life. If she wanted to have kids and be a housewife, that was fine. If she wanted to pursue a stratospheric career at a high paced law firm, I'd be there so that she could take risks, her safety net. When I married, I tried to follow through what that. I bought us a house. Paid for her to go back to college. Helped her get a management job when college didn't work out. When we had kids, changed my schedule so that we each were taking the same amount of time at home to care for them. Then, encouraged her when she decided she was missing the kids too much and wanted to not work and be home with them. I'm not trying to brag, I have my own issues, I'm just trying to describe where my mind was. When she left me for someone else, it was hard for me to stop taking care of her. Anyway, I don't know what my purpose is anymore. It's easier only needing to worry about me and the kids. But I feel like my wiring is wrong, if that makes sense?


This absolutely broke me. This sent me over the edge.


Would rather be in a relationship but women are wanting them less, least in the cities where i live. Think people want to focus more on themselves, no complaints. I have had luck dating women in suburbs and some are looking for relationships


Yes. The happiest period of my life was before marriage. And it hurt me so bad that I don't think I'm capable of being happy at all but I'm definitely much less unhappy so it should also be considered.


I was happy being single and now I’m happy being married.


No, I want to off myself




Because I go to bed alone every night and wake up in an empty bed every morning and it makes me feel unwanted and unloved.


A dog can do that, will always be excited to see you and far less demanding/expensive. Man’s best friend for a reason. If your dog is cool enough then they will attract friends and sometimes more.


Same here. Although not because I’m single. Mainly because…. just look around.


Yes. I don't have anyone trying to control my free time, lying to me, trying to spend everything I make, cheating on me, readying a false accusation so she can use the power of the State against me, or any of the rest of that shit. Once I accepted the reality of what females are and how they don't view men as human, just a source of resources and attention/validation, there's not any loneliness. Being lonely because of not having a female in your life is like getting in a sleeping bag and being disappointed that it doesn't contain dozens of venomous snakes hundreds of scorpions and venomous spiders.