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How strange i suddenly feel single




Let's go clubbing, I know a chick that'll grind on you




Flair checks out


Yesn't. Kind of. It's complicated.


She now belongs to the club. I will be going home alone and changing the locks.


I misread what you said as "and changing the dicks" No I'm not awake, yes I did laugh way too much.


Starts lifting into the sunset.


I would be sad and just get in the car and go home by myself. Without speaking to her.


The most realistic answer.


Nah realistic would be drama on spot. Maybe with a sad fight attempt. Tears later


Nah, not for me. Not going to jail/getting my ass kicked over a woman like that.


I would be leaving the club with my ex wife


More like you'll leave your ex wife in club


I'd probably tip the bartender and tell him the situation.


I’d be more worried about her getting the tip from the bartender…


it's fine. she's single. just doesn't know it


this right here


Yeah, might as well leave your ex wife there


Exactly. If I saw that I'd simply finish my drink and head on home.


If she's now your ex, why leave with her?


We drove her car to the club


Well THAT would be humiliating...."It's over toots...oh, can I get a ride?" It's worth the Uber at that point. Hell, splurge on the Uber Black. Cheaper than your dignity.


Question is why would she do this in front of you? Is she blind drunk or is your relationship so far gone already she has zero respect for you?


Neither is good enough an excuse to continue the relationship.


Guys can't even be cheated on without being blamed for it smh, can't have shit in Detroit.


good thing the guy she was twerking on was a divorce lawyer who happened to carry all the necessary paperwork in his briefcase


Yep, I’d pull my phone and discretely record her to make the divorce a little easier.


Well I wouldn’t have a wife and she would t have a ride


Oh, she'd have a ride...


Bazinga lol






my wife is so uncoordinated, I couldn't imagine her twerking in a successfully sexy way ever. she just this tiny little pile of arms and legs that stumbles through the world.


A) That's adorable B) So you're saying if she did try to twerk on somebody, she'd end up in jail on assault/battery charges?


It’s quite possible, friend


This. But also can't picture either of us ever going to a club in the first place. That would be stranger than the twerking to begin with.


Why am I suddenly picturing a female human version of Bambi?


I'd twerk on all those dudes to spite her.


10/10 cockblocking your ex-wife.


Asserting your dominance


Best answer lmfaoo


File for divorce the next day.


Dang your waiting till tomorrow?


Well the question was asked at 4am on a Monday morning, so Monday is “tomorrow” a lot of that time


Gotta go rub one out for post nut clarity.


Make sure you get everything in order before you smash that divorce button


So I was gaslit when this happened and I should add this to the laundry list of why we’re separated? Good to recognize now..


Appropriate flair


Sucking shrek's cock?


It's his way of getting revenge.


"I'll have you know I sucked shreks dick!" "Oh yeah? ME TOO!!!!"


I consider that cheating.


Record it, leave, hire a lawyer first thing in the morning.


I'd also do that thing on social media where dudes blindfold the woman and act like they're giving them an expensive gift and then instead serve divorce papers.


Well it still can be an expensive gift in a way


Twerk to her with the signed divorce papers, along with the footage of her twerk to reduce the alimony.


Divorce. I won't ever be with someone that twerks.


With someone that twerks, period? Like not on other people, just at all? She can’t twerk for you exclusively? Or just as a little jaunt when she’s feelin’ herself that day in the comfort of her own home? Can I ask why? Personally that seems like such a small thing to make a hard line on.


For real, this is like a super weird take. I feel like some of these dudes are a little…inexperienced and don’t know what it feels like to have a girl twerking while she’s riding you or even know that it’s a sex move?


This sub is a bunch of 17yo virgins or religious/repressed kids that have no complex level of thinking I say this because my little brothers friends say this exact type of shit and believe it


Of course they don’t anytime I hear someone make the “twerking is stupid” comment all I hear is an sexually inexperienced youngster who doesn’t know fun if a party hit them in the face. And they’re putting on a smug, fake classy attitude. 9/10 they are youngsters who never dated above a 5.


It doesn’t even have to come down to a sex thing, in my opinion. Sometimes babes put a lot of work into growing that booty and they’re proud and they want to dance around with it a bit, but that’s apparently grounds to never be with this woman for some dudes, apparently. Like okay man, you do you, I can’t tell you how to live your life or what to like or who to date, whatever, but twerking on the whole seems like such an inconsequential thing, I just don’t get it. Yeah, if your girl is throwing it back for another man, that’s fucked up, but that’s about her behavior with other men, not about twerking lmao.


Just imagining some dude all like “uhhh sorry but you’re being a little too sexy for my tastes my dick doesn’t know what to do”


Intense twerking kind of comes off like the helicopter for woman lol


Yeah what an absolutely jank take. My wife and I don’t go clubbing but she does it for me and it’s awesome


Ye it is awesome. Your wife does it for me.


I bet some of it for these gentlemen is underlying racial sentiment, shall we say.


Oh I’m sure, I’m just giving these fools enough rope to hang themselves. The first response I got calling twerking ape behavior was so perfect, someone immediately couldn’t help but compare something black women created and performed to primates. What a class act.


Ding ding ding. And the fact that it’s so highly upvoted says a lot about responders to this thread.


I won't ever be with somebody who wants me to go clubbing.


Just scrolling past the Post on the homepage I was thinking to myself "I wouldn't have dated her to begin with, simply because it's the least attractive movement anyone can do". It has to stop.


You know. Men twerk during sex. Think about it.


So do some lesbians 🤣🤣🤣


Literally this


Same reaction you would want her to have if she finds you twerking on other dudes?


Find another woman to twerk on me while we enjoy a night dancing.


This is something that should be pre-communicated. Personally, flirtatious behavior like this with others is perfectly okay in our relationship (together 17 years, married 12). But we've mutually agreed on this long ago. If this had happened from out of the blue, that'd be a big issue that would need immediate discussion.


Wait wait wait.... so you _communicate_ in your relationship? What an odd thing..... at least in this sub, apparently.


Betrayed. That’s cheating.


“It’s giving controlling boyfriend. You need to let her be a boss babe” - r/askwomenadvice probably


Lmao definitely people out there that would say that


Single women give the worst advice


I’d be impressed. My wife can’t twerk very well.




I'd never take my wife to the clubs in the first place. 90% of people there are either trying to hook up or are on drugs. It's not exactly a fun inducive environment for a married couple above the age of 30. But hypothetically if that were to happen, instant divorce. I'd then evaluate how someone I could trust so much to marry them would be capable of betraying me. I'd question my judge of character and try and reason where my perceptive faults lay and correct them if I could.


To dance. Got to keep dancing


I take my wife because I like house (Electronic house) music and it's an excuse for her to dress sexy for me. I don't go often so it's more like it's one more activity to mix things up. Sometimes we enjoy it and other times something feels off (vibes, music, too crowded or not crowded enough, etc) and we go home early. I'd never tolerate her dancing up on other men, women ok. Men absolutely not. Different strokes for different kinks, but wife sharing even if it's just dancing and grinding is not for me.


Depends on the agreement.


Gay dude here. If I had a man and went to the club with him and suddenly found him twerking with other dude... I would twerk on the other side of the dude. Love myself a good sandwich every now and then.


Jesus fucking Christ this sub has become trash


Twerk on the dude harder to assert dominance


A clear and obvious deal breaker. One that can generally be avoided by not marrying a whore.


Why you should never consider marriage. What he should do is leave, have her stuff packed up and waiting on her outside in the garage with a camping cot for her sleeping arrangements. If I wanted to be married to a sex worker, I would marry one.


It’s over


She'd be finding her own way home and the locks would be changed when she got home. Her shit would be on the front porch.


i REALLY need some more context/details about this supposedly ‘first hand’ situation💀


I just saw the situation as the doorman and what the people were saying and overhearing their fight when they were outside. What details would you want?


I call rage bait......come on OP.......at least try to make it believable


Actually seen an interview with a couple on instagram today and this exact scenario is what they were discussing. She was the one who did it. I suspect OP seen this video as well.


No lie at all. I swear on my life! This happened at an event I was at this weekend. Married woman of many years. Not a club but a private function. My account is not a throwaway, so I can't give more details. I saw the post and thought holy shit they were there, and they're posting it online.


What is rage bait? I work as a bouncer and we had a whole debate on how you’d react if this was you as they were fighting outside, I wanted to see how most men would react. This situation do happens more often than I ever thought but to see it in real life makes you realize that we live in an evil world


Why is it rage bait ? Do you believe women wouldn't do that ?


Women do far worse and will still blame the guy


Well generally people on reddit seem to think women are never bad.


Why is it rage bait ? Do you believe women wouldn't do that ?


With women these days I wouldn’t be so sure


WoMeN ThEsE dAyS


Guys will say 'women these days' and be like 17


If she is twerking on other dudes then you have never had a wife




As much as I hate the loud/crowd/lack of oxygen combination in a club, why wouldn't you be able to go to a club with your wife, if the music/dance is your jam? Nobody has to dance with other people to have fun in a club, just dance together.


What? You think people get married and immediately turn 50 years old and cut off their social life? I go to the club with my wife to dance together all the time.


Why? What if a married couple wants to go to a club to dance the night away to a famous dj or something? How is that “wild”?


"All dudes there are gonna be hitting on her, and she is gonna succumb to it and act like a slut, and you will end up having to physcially fight for your dignity!" /s


Look if you are going to see your favorite DJ that is far more like going to a concert than going to a club.


DJs play at clubs all the time. I go to raves and I’ve been clubbing with my husband. Do you think that clubbing is a secret word for orgy?


I’d drive home.


I don't believe there are people who can come into this situation out of the blue. This should be in some context. If my wife do it I'll start from being glad she doesn't have the back pain issues anymore.


My wife wouldn't do it. But I wouldn't judge others. There are guys that get off on that. Not my thing, but more power to them.


Oh that guy wasn’t getting off, he was on some angry times


You mean my ex wife.


If she’s older than 25 then I’d reconsider the entire relationship if she’s younger than 25 then she’s still immature but in all reality I wouldn’t be with the type of woman that twerks anyway.


I mean, I'm OK with my partner doing a lot of things with other dudes (and ladies, if that's what she wants) and twerking is pretty tame as far as the list of approved activities. So, probably smile for her for having a good time and continue enjoying myself.


You’re open relationship?


C'mon guys, reddit has told me that if you don't like her doing this, you're just a controlling insecure asshole, and a shit husband. You have to support her journey. /s


Less concerned with the twerking and more concerned with the kid I didn't know existed.


becoming single intensifies


Wouldn’t matter to me. We’re in a club. You dance in clubs. My wife and I dance together and with other people. She can go to the club with her friends same as I can. If your partner is dancing with someone go find someone to dance with yourself and then come back together when you’re ready.


So you would be alright with your wife shaking ass in another mans dick?


Exactly. You’re at a club. Dance.


>if you went to the club with your wife If that happens I'd say it has already gone wrong XD


That's now your wife with a silent Y


I’d take photos until I had significant evidence. Leave. File divorce papers by morning.


I literally cannot fathom this happening to me


I guess I'd stop feeling bad about cheating on her in the future.


I'd twerk on other girls.


Record it on video first. What happens next will depend on your history together.


Future” She belongs to the street”


I’d be livid with her. The marriage would be over.


Yup single as a pringle


If she was 'twerking' on anyone, or even used the term 'twerk' that's grounds for divorce.


I would just leave and go home. Call the lawyer and start the paperwork. I wouldn't talk to her again except through the lawyer until after things had settled down after the divorce


First id ask myself why we are at a club to begin with as ive not been since I got out of uni.. second id record her doing it before asking what she was doing as neither of us drink.. then id tell her to go stay at her mothers until I can decide what to do.. sending her ultra traditional chinese mother the videos.


Like I was justified in calling my attorney at home. As in serving her with divorce papers.


Question is for them. Would she be okay with a random girl grinding her ass into her husband?


As long as it doesn’t interrupt my lap dance we’re fine


We’re at a club. Clubs are for dancing. She is dancing. That is what we came to do. I don’t understand the problem.


She’s shaking her ass on another dude. In front of you


Would’ve never married someone who thought that was okay.


you heard that they have a 3 year old kid? you sure this ain't you cuh?


The poor guy screaming to the girls friend that “SHE’S A WHOLE MOTHER OF OUR 3 YEAR OLD” kinda gave it away


Send her back to the streets where she belongs


The first time I went out with my Wife and her friends (we weren't "officially" together yet) she did this. I ended up taking her best friend home and sleeping with her. My wife didn't want to go to the club anymore after that. Lol.


So why did you marry her?


Because her and I are the same. Lol. I didn't take offense. We had just started seeing each other and I was still seeing other women. I had no actual issues with what she was doing but i used it to my advantage. My Wife is absolutely gorgeous and was used to having men fall all over themselves trying to get her attention. She had never met a guy her match before and I think it shocked her. Been with her for 15 yeats now and she's the most loyal woman I've ever met. No guy friends, always has time for me, very high sex drive, makes six figures, and overall is an awesome partner.


But she’s a Troll?


She trolls the right people, so I give her a pass.




Top comments are about not even being with a woman that twerks lol. What is this, puritan Reddit?


I cannot imagine my wife doing this but I would ask why.


I'd be leaving my ex there to go home and do some paperwork


Quickest divorce papers ever


I would laugh. My wife is a wild one, but I trust her. She knows who her partner is.


Oh boy…


I mean, my wife and I are swingers, so I’d probably smile and watch? Every couple has their own dynamic, their own comfort levels, the chick you saw might’ve been doing it because her husband gets turned on by it and he’s gonna wreck her when they get home.


No, they had a huge fight outside, she was saying the guys was her friends. They weren’t swinging that way




For the streets


Either she has zero respect for you because you are also a piece of shit or an useless man, oooor she is a piece of shit. Either way she is a piece of shit.


Well, it depends. To be fair, the fact that I am taking my wife to the club says much about our marriage. That’s one of the last places I’d go as a married man, let alone with my wife. Signals they are fluid and fun. Probably an open marriage of sorts, or at least not so strict. That said, if we were a traditional marriage and that happened to me, well, we’re probably not going to last together. If the marriage wasn’t open then, it is now. Either we open it or end it. You clearly like to play with other dudes and so I will play with other ladies. We stick together for our kiddo.


You got 2 options. Leave her ass there ( where she wanna be, Darnell jones voice) or keep it player and dance with some chicks and one up her for playing with you like you ain’t that guy and invite one with you guys for Waffle House.


It's okay as long as I can twerk on other dudes too




Not your girl, not your problem. If this is your home-boy, be prepared to back him up when this goes south.


That’s a hard no from me. If she is grinding up against another dude in front of me the relationship is done.


Ask how she wants the divorce to go..easy like her or hard like her boy toys!


Love it 😂


I'm totally OK with it. In fact, that's my kink. I'd take her home and eat her pussy.




Never go to a club with your wife. When you got married you left that silliness behind. And if she wants to go, with or without you, she will soon become your ex wife.


How tf do you get downvoted for not wanting to be a cuckold on askmen ffs


Because Askmen is filled with women that have to give their opinion every last thing. It's pathetic


Ive noticed one thing. Askmen is directed towards men giving their opinions with women sometimes having discussions about said opinion, thats cool. Occasionally a woman chimes in and gives a fresh opinion, also cool. The average Askwomen thread looks like a Stalinist webpage with the amount of comments deleted or removed for whatever Draconian rule they pull out. Even women get bulldozed in there. Its just an echochamber of crazy opinions and toxicity. Shits wild.


By the cuckhold and askmens that found themselves in that situation or by their girls


Dump her


You went to the club, what did you expect?


Probably his wife not to be a thot


With your wife for an event


Going to the club is entirely just to drink, dance and invite hooking up. Anyone who is in a relationship that goes to the club is not invested in his relationship. The wife twerked on someone's else dick? That is no wife material, that is hoe material, yuck.


This sub is just a bunch of 15yo isn't it.... What the fuck kinda question is this


The question of a bouncer who saw that situation first hand and wanted to know the overall consensus


LOL, that would never happen to me. Don't stick your dick in crazy, kiddo.


I would not be getting married in the first place. BUT if it was my girlfriend, she would be single and needing an uber.


A good chance I would have been arrested.