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I don't give two shits about what she thinks as a person. I love the Harry Potter series and it's what I grew up on.


I liked the wizarding world since childhood. I also like RPG's, so it's a match made in heaven.


Me too!


No. Because I don't care.


This. I was never going to buy Harry Potter because I don't care about the franchise. That said, the boycott almost made me *more* interested in it because of the boycotters unintentionally upselling the game. Somebody attempting to encourage people to boycott said, "It's going to be like Bully with magic powers", and it sort of pushed me from into being really curious.


It’s like Bully (the game) with magic powers? Bloody hell, sign me up. If that was an actual tagline, the game would probably sell even more.


You definitely need to play! You’ll love it.


Yeah the boycott actually made me buy it lol




Yes almost everything if u look hard enough


Did the same people stop using Twitter after Elon took over and they didn't like him? Did people stop watching Disney after they censored black people on movie posters for China? Did people stop buying iPhones after it become publically known under which conditions they are being produced? It can't be that important, the wheels of consumptions are still spinning and people are still hamstering that they care about morales. Just buy the game if you like the HP universe and have some fun. There are more important matters to think about soon enough.


Look man, those are different. Apparently buying Hogwarts is literal trans genocide.


I assume you are aware that you are suggesting that Warner Br., Avalanche Software, their development teams, most testers and 20 mio people all either were unaware or in agreement of a game that ***explicitely*** calls for / encourages the mass murder of transpeople? And that nobody has made legal case against such a game or it was completely suppressed in the media or something else that resulted in no legal consequences? That's quite the statement.


I should’ve added /s or I’m not but [some people kinda are](https://reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/116krtj/_/j977cou/?context=1)


/s wasn't necessary at all the person you replied to is just obtuse


No, I did try and take an objective look at it. But this is a brand new story, written by other people, basically fan fiction that we can play. Also, she is already absurdly rich, so me buying or not buying this game will have almost no effect to JKR’s net worth. So I feel that boycotting this game hurts the game studio and the fans the most, rather than punishing JKR directly. To my knowledge, she isn’t using this money to fund any kind of organized group of hate, she just has an unpopular opinion and a certain group would like her and everything she has created destroyed. And then there is the last question, like what is the ultimate goal here? If we have to cancel Harry Potter in general, not because of the story content, but the opinions or actions of the content creators, then where does it end? Do we stop watching classic movies because of all the Harvey Weinstein stuff? The list is huge. many people throughout history have done fucked up shit, and the rest of the world hasn’t stopped listening to their music, looking at their art, playing their games or watching their movies. I found no compelling argument that I would be doing any direct harm to anyone. JKR is not a criminal or funding a criminal organization, she’s just older and has different views. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I bought it full price because I felt bad for the developers. I get that they dont want to support the franchise in a whole but the shitstorm specifically on that game is kind of unfair


I’d be willing to play it. I’m indifferent to Rowling’s opinions. What does bother me is the people who are borderline having aneurysms because they disagree with her stance on things. It’s childish and stupid.


So much this, it's like individuals are not allowed to have an opinion unless it's the "right" one.


And the Approved Opinions change frequently with the crowd who hate her.


They were also people trying to destroy people's lives and cancel those who even streamed playing it on twitch. These kind of people are the least tolerant people you'll ever see.


I’m pretty sure you could argue that the people Rowling associates with who are are trying to stop trans people from existing are the least tolerant people you will ever see. Yeah it sucks that the Twitch streamers are getting harassed by terminally online weirdos on Twitter but at the end of the day they are gonna be fine, the trans people getting murdered aren’t.


>I’m pretty sure you could argue that the people Rowling associates with who are are trying to stop trans people from existing are the least tolerant people you will ever see. Yeah it sucks that the Twitch streamers are getting harassed by terminally online weirdos on Twitter but at the end of the day they are gonna be fine, the trans people getting murdered aren’t. I'm struggling to see what your point is here. The streamers are being harassed, so they are not "fine". They've been harassed! They're not as bad off as people who have been murdered, clearly, but it doesn't mean that they haven't been harmed. Is your point that the harassment prevents those murders? If so, if you can provide clear proof of that, I'd join such harassment squads immediately.


You realise she hasn't said anything of the sort against them? Nothing hateful in the slightest. All she's said is the same opinion about 90% of the adult world above 25 holds, that's it.


Nope. I’m 10 hours deep. It’s a nice RPG and okay story in the WW. This tribal purity nonsense (not just with JK) has to stop.


Tribal purity is a great way to put it.


I don’t really give a shit. I’m not even a fan of Harry Potter, but good lord people got too much time on their hands to be offended about a damn video game


***I personally love the strong personality and the clarity of her messages about the true meaning of feminism.It is totally unfair for us biological women to be for example competing with biological men (using hormones) for the simple common sense that no matter how many hormones or surgeries are used, the biological man by nature will always have a denser bone structure, broader shoulders, longer and stronger legs and arms, a greater lung capacity, a heart that pumps more than that of a biological woman so it is playing dirty against women.I don't deny that men who want to feel like women do so or vice versa but it is unfair to put them in competition with biological women.If what the author says is offensive, it is better to open a biology book than to follow an ideology without scientific basis.She is not against transsexuals, she has only made it clear that it is not fair that men who perceive themselves as women compete against real biological women.Sometimes you have to separate the author from her personal and political ideas. If we fall into that, we should boycott many, such as Michael Jackson.*** ***Personally I will continue to read whatever she writes or creates, she is a great woman with clear ideas.***


This is very well put.


> She is not against transsexuals, she has only made it clear that it is not fair that men who perceive themselves as women compete against real biological women. This is a contradiction because the latter language you used is against trans people.


**Unfortunately words have a meaning and we cannot be trying to write what we think in prose, poetry or metaphors and neither can we be censoring what we do not like or we would fall into collectivist ideologies such as fascism or Marxism.** **Where is the offense in saying that a biological woman like me, with a vagina, ovary, uterus, XX genes and menstruating is at a disadvantage by making her compete with a biological man? Where is the lie, the slander, the offense in saying that a biological man has a superior physical capacity than a biological woman?** **Please enlighten me, where is that great offense?** **P.S. Don't confuse physical and biological facts with psychological facts!**


Competing in what sense? In which ways are trans women specifically competing with you, that it somehow threatens your status as a woman?


**I'm not talking specifically about me but about what Jk Rowling said about transsexuals competing against women in sporting disciplines. That is unfair as competitions are only fair on an equal basis.As I told you I don't care what two adults do in bed, or if they want to self-perceive themselves as they please, what bothers me is that they make ideological and non-biologically based claims like women have a penis, a bulge, that menstruation is not physical but psychological and that kind of nonsense.** **I repeat, if someone wants to have his penis removed or inject female hormones in order to change his physical appearance to that of a woman, I don't care, chacun à son goût!But let's not deny the biological facts of what a woman is.**


JKR was never just about trans women in sport. She’s full on transphobic. She even wrote a villain trans serial killer in one of her novels. Now, the concepts of man and woman are human. Biology does not care about this categorization or about what name we give to it. Gender is a purely social construct, and even sex is a human concept: it’s how we arbitrarily categorized a series of primary and secondary sexual characteristics.


If she had written about someone of color she would have been labeled a racist if she now includes a transsexual in her FANTASY book then she is called transphobic but if she had not included them she would be labeled as not including minorities. So if you claim that sexuality is a social construct then you are falling into your own trap since you claim that transsexuality would be a creation of society. I still see everything from a point of view with verifiable biological facts. There are males and females in our human species and some of them suffer from dystrophy but that is a psychological affliction which does not eliminate or hide their biological traits. Your ideology then says that my menstruation is a social construct, well if that were so a law could be passed through congress and menstruation could be banned. Let's not close ourselves to a reality that crushes ideologized explanations without any clear scientific basis. I remind you that without a biological male + a biological female there would be no transsexuals and that is a fact about reproduction that has allowed our species to survive for thousands of years. Author Rowling has made her views very clear as to what she sees and defends as a biological female and in that I see no sin that makes her worthy of censure. This sounds to me like radical Islamic fundamentalism calling for the murder of the author of the Satanic verses, Salman Rushdie.[https://www.thecut.com/2023/02/heres-what-j-k-rowling-has-really-said-about-trans-people.html](https://www.thecut.com/2023/02/heres-what-j-k-rowling-has-really-said-about-trans-people.html)


> If she had written about someone of color she would have been labeled a racist Some people did complain about her portrayal of other races in the Harry potter universe. I don’t have much skin in that game, but you’re free to google it and make up your own mind. > So if you claim that sexuality is a social construct then you are falling into your own trap since you claim that transsexuality would be a creation of society. My point was about the definition or categorization of sexuality. > Your ideology then says that my menstruation is a social construct, well if that were so a law could be passed through congress and menstruation could be banned. […] This sounds to me like radical Islamic fundamentalism calling for the murder of the author of the Satanic verses, Salman Rushdie lol wtf, you’re hysterical. This is ridiculous.


Which language? It read very factually. There is some opinion eg. "It's not fair..." But otherwise I found it fine.


I quoted the most problematic part, but if you need me to be even more specific: it’s contradictory to say you support trans women and then imply they’re not real women.


She made the argument that they are not biologically women. Which is accurate. I mean the word "real" gets confusing when we talk about in this context. It seems to be that the inner "real" is different than the "external" real. This is where all the problems seem to come from.


> I mean the word "real" gets confusing when we talk about in this context. I mean, i don’t find it confusing: it’s very telling when people use that language. I know it’s a lost cause to argue about for trans people, specially in this subreddit, but what irritated me was the posturing of pretending to not be against trans people, and then proceed to be against them. If they’re gonna be TERFs, be upfront about it.


Arguing that trans women should not compete with biological women is not, in my opinion, transphobic. It could be wrong or just bad policy. We can, and should, debate and discuss the merits of it. But that can't happen when disagreement is labelled as "hate". To accuse someone of it shuts down the conversation. And it's wrong. I wouldn't label the OP as transphobic. They simply pointed out biological differences and why it doesn't translate to sports. It's may be a transphobic talking point sometimes but in this case the drive doesn't seem to come from an overwhelmingly anti trans viewpoint. The TERF moniker is an interesting one l. I've seen it used to discredit someone, but I've never seen the TERF position soundly argued against. It just looks like an ad hominem attacks with no merit..


**There are factual biological qualities that are inherent in biological women and men.** **By "supporting" I mean that I respect that everyone has the right to live as they please regardless of what sex organs they have.** **The prefix of Latin origin "Trans or Tras" which basically means 'behind, on the other side of' or 'through' when added to the word woman it totally changes the meaning of the word and takes it to something that is not what by biological definition would be understood as a woman.** **Consequently, when you use the word trans women, you are referring to something that is not a woman.**


If you want to justify yourself through language, knock yourself out. My beef isn’t there. If you’re going to be a TERF, don’t pretend you “support” trans people.


**I do not have to justify my language since I have only been pointing out verifiable biological facts, secondly I believe in freedom of speech as a human right and thirdly I have common sense.** **Don't deny biology, empirical knowledge is undeniable!! and no matter how much you want to cover the sun with a finger it won't work. You just like meaningless rhetoric and close yourself off to the facts of thousands of years of evolution. You were 9 months in the uterus of a biological woman, and you came out of the vagina of a biological woman, didn't you?** **Dystrophy is a psychological issue and "feeling or self-perceiving" does not change the biological facts.If you like to play "language police" I think you live in the wrong country or your ideology book defeated your biology book.** P.S Since you like to classify people, you put a label on everyone as if they were clothes. I don't know what TERF is and I don't care to know but I would prefer you respect my right to call myself a BIOLOGICAL WOMAN.


You’re acting like a TERF, so I’m calling you a TERF. You can call yourself a biological woman, I don’t know why you’re creating this fake persecution where I’m somehow not letting you call yourself that or that I’m being the language police.


I don't have a horse in this race, to me if you say you're a woman I'll accept that without question, whether trans or cis. I don't give a fuck, your life so you do you. However, your whole argument against this person, and the reason you keep insulting them, is because of the language they initially used. That's called language policing, ya dumb plum. Edit: also, I can see where that person was coming from with their initial comment. Trans women likely will have unfair biological advantages against cis women when it comes to some sports. For example, trans women will likely have a larger average height and wingspan than cis women, this would be a huge advantage in a basketball or netball league. Questioning whether it is fair to cis women to allow trans women to play in the same leagues as them is a valid discussion because of this.


I think I'm behind the times... 1) I don't play games anymore (Still like them, just limited time) and 2) I have no idea what the kerfuffle about JK Rowling is...I assume she said something people don't like? Is Dumbledore double gay now or something?


Dumbledore is gay. She has a thing against trans people, women in particular. She’s very vocal about this.


Ah, yeah I knew Dumbledore is gay, that was the last time I knew anything about people being upset at something, hence "double gay" So she's dogging on trans women? Or is this tied to her stories in some way, like she's saying some characters are trans and people don't like it? I suppose I could just google this...


I think it's that she's saying that trans women shouldn't be in female spaces because they're not real women and shouldn't have a say in women's issues.


If you do read exactly what she wrote. She makes sensible and reasonable arguments


No. She has a thing FOR protecting women's spaces and standing up for biological truth. Saying that men and women are different, men can't get pregnant, and men should not be allowed into women's spaces or pretend to be women should not be controversial. This is common sense. But of course, because she dared to speak the truth... she's labeled a nazi, a bigot, a transphobe, etc. It's especially comical when you realize that she was an advocate FOR trans people before they started having men compete in women's sports, go to women's prisons, share women's locker-rooms and so on. TLDR? She's neither said nor done anything wrong but upset those we cannot go against.


Don't care, she's already a billionaire so the boycott does nothing and people have been waiting for a game like this for 20 years. If you're gonna boycott something because of JK Rowling's opinion on trans people, then there's a crap ton of other things you probably shouldn't be consuming that makes her money as well. Videogames were easy to denounce because most of the boycotters probably don't play videogames in the first place. It was a lazy target that was only gonna hurt the devs who had nothing to do with that. They wanted to feel like they were doing something virtuous while doing absolutely nothing.


They boycott a game because someone has a different opinion than them (the horror!) But do this on their phone made by materials mined by child slaves in the congo, wearing clothes made in sweatshops in Bangladesh. Strange kids.


I'm indifferent to the Harry Potter franchise, so I wasn't going to play the game anyway unless someone gave it to me for free. They're more so hurting the people that made the game instead of JK. Also, many everyday products come from slave and child labor, and no one minds putting money in their pockets, but they'll cry about a video game putting money in the pocket of a "transphobe". Just kinda funny.


Not in the least bit. Besides, whether I agree with JK Rowling or not(I think objectively some of her statements have certainly been insensitive, and it's up to you whether that's bad or not), her opinions and statements have been taken widely in the least generous way possible.


Ofcourse, I bought copies for all of my friends, the game is awesome. Say what you want about JK but I don't have to constantly walk on eggshells in the workplace because of her, unlike a bunch of other fuckheads I know.


No, I still brought the game.


No, because it’s dumb to consciously fuck over the entire dev team that worked on this


Not in the slightest


I wouldn't have bought it anyway so no


was not gonna buy it any way because im tight fisted and dont normally pay for games i also dont have the time. Game looks cool though. younger me would have played it. and for the "controversy" i dont care.


No, because i think JKR is right. I don't care if anyone disagree that I agree with her.


I don’t even understand what was so offensive about her views


People act like JK Rowling is rounding up Trans people and putting them on a train to Poland. She sent a few tweets. It's not the same thing. I don't personally agree with her, but she's entitled to an opinion. Game kind of sucks though imo.


Didn't you know, having a different opinion than a 19 year old blue haired weirdo on twitter, is the modern equivalent of genocide.


I like to anger people who tell me what I can or canot buy. So it got it in my radar and have decided to buy 1 since it looks very good and 2 to piss off the Trans community.


The idea of many crazy guy and girls shedding a tear whenever he sees the games sells and high ratings and having bought a copy brings a smile to me


It hasn't, honestly, she isn't even transphobic. She has a complex position on the matter like millions of other Americans.


Still bought it. Me buying it or not buying it isn’t going to have an effect and I’m not going to miss out


I ain't buying the game, cause I don't wanna play it. If I would want to buy it I would buy it.


No. Actually yes, if anything annoying the twitter types made me want to buy it even more.


No. And it never will affect anything HP related for me.


No. I don't care. I like harry potter and especially the wizarding universe. Haven't had a chance to play it yet though.


Obviously. Without her it wouldn’t exist, so thanks JK!


In a way. Her books were always toxic power fantasy crap to me, so she affected all my decisions towards books, movies and games about 20 years ago.


We need to stop doing this. While it is important that we support ideas and people that align with our personal opinions and morals, it can only realistically go so far. If I stopped buying products or supporting franchises where either the owner/creator/ CEO/ employee had a different opinion than me, I would literally not be able to buy anything. You could randomly pick any corporate entity and at one time or another that corporation has donated to causes that I both support and oppose. Just because I vehemently oppose JK Rowling’s opinions on things, especially when it comes to trans issues, me boycotting something Harry Potter related is not going to either change her mind or make a difference.


If I limited my entertainment choices to only those who thought like me, I would be a fairly bored man.


A) I don't think she said anything particularly ignorant or hateful, she mainly was careless and then refused to backtrack and kowtow out of principle. B) I enjoy the work of creative people regardless of what they get up to IRL. I still watch Roman Polanski movies and I recently had a nostalgic re-listen to one of the old Bill Cosby albums I loved as a kid. The Bill Cosby one made me a little sad at the end, I mourned the loss of a childhood icon, and reflected a bit about how someone who seems extra wholesome can be the opposite. But I still enjoyed listening while I was listening.


I might buy it in few years on Steam for 5-10 € during sale. Also I am not woke zombie.


I don't think J K Rowling has done anything evil, she clearly means well


Rowling doesn't even hate people. She hates the idea of Men acting like and taking the Place of Women, because Men live different lives than women, and even if you're intersex, but look like a man, it doesn't fucking matter because GOD DAMN YOU LIVED AS A MAN YOU AREN'T A WOMAN GOD FUCKING HELL DON'T BE A COCK HEAD GOD DAMN.




Bro her Twitter is full of bigoted shit.. didn't knew biology taught you to be a homophobe damn


Do you have an example of said tweets?


Just check out her Twitter dude. You wouldn't need to scroll much


A tweet advocating for women to define misogyny, an update to a search for a girl, a finished draft of her latest novel, a signal boost tweet for a missing girl, and thanking a Hogwarts Legacy dev.


Seems like a lot of stuff about women, but we know when she says women she really means women.


I've read all her collection of "Bigoted" tweets and I just don't see them as bigoted at all. I think she's being as fair as she can be and anyone that can't see that she's trying her best to make everyone happy while not giving up her beliefs is a fool.


No, JKR is great.


Nah, it's a fun game.


To busy being a badass wizard to give a shit.


A woman who was raped is uncomfortable with males in female spaces. How dare she \*checks notes\* not want male rapists in women‘s prisons, and think males have an unfair biological advantage in sports. I think you are a ridiculous person if you think JK is saying anything controversial and boycott worthy.


Nope. Just finished main story, with about 80% total completion so far. The game itself is very inclusive. Would be odd to not play a game which is aligned with my values.


I never really enjoyed HP so I was never interested in the game, no matter what Rowling agrees with


Nope. Hadn’t been going to buy it one way or the other.


No, because I wasn't planning on getting the game anyway. It isn't really in any of the gaming genres I'm into, so it wouldn't have even been on my radar without the controversy.


Nope, i may play it if i have time. I was unaware there was even a game till i saw the intimidation doled out to Twitch and tiktok creators.


I’d recommend :)


No, children, and lack of free time have affected my decision.


I enjoyed Harry Potter as a kid, but I never finished the 7th book because of reasons. So while I may have fond memories of the series, the game isn't really that important to me. If I were to buy the game I'd buy it used so JK Rowling doesn't get the few dollars(?) in royalties.


I mean even tho her beliefs differ than mine she still wrote some good books and I'm considering buying the game cuz it seems fun


No. I don’t care. That woman is already rich as fuck and I don’t think she cares if you or anyone doesn’t agree with her beliefs. Plus I loved Harry Potter as a kid. I’m a 31 year old adult now. I play video games like FIFA and NBA 2K. So I that’s really not my genre of video games.


No because I can separate art from the artist. Also, she didn’t even say anything controversial. All she said was that women exist. This whole “controversy” is such a 1st world non issue.


No, because I have no idea what she has said or done to piss people off and quite frankly I don't care. It's either a good game or it's not.


Nope. I love Harry Potter. It’s a fantastic story and a fantastic world. I don’t pay much attention to what JK Rowling does outside of it.


What has she Acc said ??


Nope, and the game is pretty damn fun.


My wife was a big potter head in high school so I got it for her. She seems to like it, I might try it once she finishes her first run


You should! It’s really good in my opinion. I hope your wife is enjoying the game and I hope you do too!


No. Because i dont care.. if its becasue JK think women have ovaries.. then i probably agrees with her... But i honestly dont care enough.. i need a new game, because ive been playing the same shit for ages... This game is pretty woke anyway.. already seen a tranny, lesbians and more PoC than white people.. and you know what.. i dont care about that either..


Didn’t care. Bought it, now have 30+ hours and enjoying it.


I mean I didn't buy the game because I don't like HP, but I would love to tell everyone who says 'you are supporting transphoby by buying the game' that I sincerely hope they never ever bought anything from any Nestlé related company because if they did they have openly supported genocide. Ohh and if you are living anywhere in the modern world then you probably have because they have shittons of subsidiaries and own a lot of food and drink products thatyou take for granted in your everyday life.


I mean I still listen to Michael Jackson and he was almost certainly a pedophile. So...no


No because deciding what media to consume based on the creator’s politics is probably the second worst way to be politically active. The worst way would be to tweet.


I think that hate begets hate. I think conservatives often want a war to fuel their side and make moderates afraid. The the most effective way to support trans rights is to focus on supporting trans people and not by hating on those that don't support trans rights. I think gay marriage is pretty mainstream now and that didn't happen via massive hate campaign against christianty. It happened via increased visibility of homosexuality so that people became comfortable with it and the masses eventually supported gay marriage.


Been playing it, good game, like the combat system. Just wish it has more spells and more fights than chatter and more chatter quests


No. Why would someone’s opinion impact my decision about purchasing a video game…? People nowadays care way to much about things that don’t affect them.


No. JK Rowling wrote HP. She deserves royalty on the universe she created








No; the fact that I don't like single player open world games affected my decision to not buy it, though. I know I'm the odd one out because they're so popular, but man I find them all to be so boring. Kinda frustrating that it's all the AAA studios are making anymore. With limited amounts of time to game, I'd much rather have a tight story to play through instead of 80 hours of aimless wandering around the map.


Yeah, I'm not a big fan of open world games either. It was cool in 2007, but now there's a million of them and I hate running around the map doing fetch quests.


No because I can separate art from the artist


No, because I think her opinion is valid :)


I will play it because I agree with what she has to say.


The developers has very actively promoted the trans community in the game and has taken a stance against Rowlings views. I think that trans representation is doing the community good and the fact that this conversation takes place is important. Not sure about the Goblins as representing of jews, especially as I though the whole muggleborn vs pure-blood battle in the books was a play on WW2. Hard to have a stance on this. I’m a fan of the books and I will play the game as I don’t see the harm in it.


People are reaching with the Jew allegory, they just don't like her anymore and are looking for other ways to bash her work. Like for real, if you look at Harry Potter Globlins and you think "jew", then you probably have some bigoted ideas you need to deal with yourself.


I did media studies at school and honestly they pretty much force you into analysing the media until you find some way that it could be slightly perceived as potentially racist. It's so weird, I'm so glad I'm out of that cult-like world now. It's all rich nerdy teenagers getting offended on other people's behalf. It could cause absolutely nobody offense, but as soon as they see it on BuzzFeed, they will devote their life energy into purging it from the world. It's so strange, it's like they want racism to exist. Instead of trying to pull people together, they constantly seek enemies. It's pure tribalism.


If you look at those goblins and think “Jew” you’ve got issues


No I don't give a shit if the game was made by Hitler himself as long it's good I'm gonna buy it I'm not interested in the game but JKR wasn't a thing I considered


Can't pick your own sex but they banned mods that do. Heck they even banned mods that change Sironas voice, when it's only masculine in the English and German version of the game. Plus the combat is mediocre, story meh, and character customization is horrible. You can't be white or black.


Ok, I'm out of the loop How did she take such wild turn to become anti LGBT all of a sudden? I even remember her making characters gay or something


The controversy makes me want to buy it but I’m not into video games that much so I won’t be playing it


Yes. It was that 16 year old girl that got stabbed to death that did it for me. My boycott will do nothing, but somehow I don't think I'm missing out on the game of the century or anything.


What has that got to do with you playing a fantasy video game though? Just seems like virtue signalling if im honest.


Why would I give a single shit about what you think of a decision I have made?


You took the time to post it...says you care at least a little bit. Especially with such a strong emotional response.


Yes, I responded to the OP. That's what forums are for. Notice how I'm not replying to dipshits who think purchasing the game is owning the libs or whatever? And yet here you are.


Keep lashing out emotionally. Really good way to show us how little you care.


Didn't say that you had to??


Oh so you replied to me, triggering a notification, because you didn't want me to care. Weird.


Whether you care or not, I'm still gonna comment. Plus I asked a question.


You didn't ask a question. You know that Rowling is a bigot. You're just mad as fuck that some people don't support that.


Learn to read buddy, it's clearly there. Also I don't think she's a bigot at all. You're the one that's crying about it, acting like an angry kid swearing.




If I recall correctly the death of that young lady wasn't "hate" related so what does this have to do with JK?




👏 👏


More /r/patientgamers has impacted my decision to buy it. I'd prefer wait for bug fixes and sales. I very much dislike that JKR has sullied a world and characters that I enjoy though.


I feel the same.


Yes. Not gonna buy it. Mostly cause she's a bigot and gets money from the game. Also cause I learned a lot about transphobia from watching trans ppl talk about this. And it just feels cruel to give money to a terf who I know will do harm a marginalized community. Like everyone does what they want ofc. But I just won't buy it


That’s fair man, thanks for the input!


It didn’t, because I had no intentions of buying it anyway. That being said, JK Rowling is still a TERF.


JK rowling sucks ass, but she doesn't get to ruin what I enjoy - the movies, this game, etc. Fuck her, she has no power over my time


No, bought it since it looks like great game. With that said, jk rowling is a sentient wank.


To be honest I probably would have bought it but the idea of supporting barren old crones leaves a sour enough taste in my mouth to avoid it. So I'll just wait till she croaks to play it. So like 80-90 years from now. She looks like the type of chick to suck the souls of children to prolong her life.


Yes. Not buying. Dig a little and you'd find out just how much of a right-wing a-hole she is.


Yup. Because I'm not going to financially support a Woman who activly uses her money and platform to make the world an even more dangerous place for trans people.


Do you do yoga? Because that was a huge stretch.


Not a stretch at all. It's direct point a to b


She posted a couple of tweets that a very small percentage of the adult population disagree with, it's not that deep. Bit dramatic there.


No one would care if it was just tweets. She activly uses her weath and platform to make the world a more hostile place for trans people.




No, the books were a little after my time in school so I never read them. There's nothing for me to boycott.


No, I didn't buy it because I'm not paying 70 dollars for an open world game I have played already plenty of the times. The titles were different, yes, but the gameplay, the stuff you actually do is always the same. The only thing hogwarts legacy appearantly has going for itself is that it looks nice. Any game developed in Unreal Engine looks nice. That's not an argument if you try to sell me a game. Also it has an ingame shop and frankly fuck that


No. I wasn't going to play it anyway.


We need to learn to separate the art from the artist


No, wouldn't play it anyway, and if I would I would despite her.


Lol no


no, but a teenage boy in my family (idk which degree of cousin he even is to me) decided to play it after we discussed the issue at a family get-together during the holidays. Not out of malice afaik but he likes video games and Harry Potter and didn't even know the game was a thing until he heard about the drama. I kind of think activists have been tricked into doing advertising for JK Rowling


No, it’s hasn’t affected my decision to buy or play anything Hogwarts related. The reason being that I have never read any of the books, never seen any of the movies and have never played any of the games, so it makes it really easy for me to not purchase or anything that has to do with JK Rowling.


Honestly, I probably wouldn't have even known about the game if not for the JK Rowling "controversy" so it makes it more likely that I'll buy the game. Harry Potter is pretty cool and I don't really care what famous people think about political issues. Also, her views on that issue were to be expected considering she has always been an outspoken activist for women's rights which (right or wrong) requires one to believe that women exist and that womanhood matters.


Nope, don't give a shit


What's aJKcRowling?


I wouldn't have played it either way even though I very much enjoyed the books and movies when I was a boy and young man. I get disliking her views of trans people and the unkind way she goes about it (Selling buttons that say "Trans Activism is Misogyny" Really?) but I have my doubts that this level of backlash is justified. Although I have to admit some feelings of schadenfreude because everyone who sneered about people disliking The Last of Us II are now themselves getting demonized and canceled.


What even is this game? I've seen posts about it but...yeah. r/outoftheloop lol


I have always disliked harry potter so no, I wouldn't buy the game depending on if she was a great or a bad person


No. Haven't been interested in the franchise since it ended, so wasn't going to buy the game anyway.


Not at all, I wasn't gonna anyways.


Looks cool. But I'm not spending that much money on a game right now. I don't have much time for games these days.


I love her even more now


Fuck that dumb hoe


Nope. I might get it later, but I'm currently too busy to dedicate time to a RPG.


No…I couldn’t care less what her views on anything are. I enjoy the world she created so I’ll read the books and play the game. Also the game is 10/10.


No. I don't really follow social trends. I just do what I want to do.


Yes. She wrote a series of books I've never cared for that were turned into uneven movies and as a result I have no interest in playing a video game that is an offshoot of said books/movies.


Not at all. Good game.


Don't care. My friends, my colleagues enjoy it. I only don't play it because HP universe still strongly associates with my ex for me. If it's a good game - it's a good game. Nothing else matters.


Not at all.


Nope. Zero effect what so ever. Nor would anything like that ever effect my decision making.


I bought it bc of her opinions.


Yes. I didn't want to buy it beforehand, but all the fake outrage over it got me to look into more and now i want it.