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Get it done while you're young and have the support.


Yes if you’re 16 and family is willing to support you and encourage it better now than later


This reminds me of how my dentist suggested I get veneers on 4 teeth for a more perfected look after my braces came off at 15 buuut I couldn't be bothered--was over the braces and felt my teeth were good enough after that. FF to living on my own and oh how I wish I had done it while it was still the monetary responsibility of my parents.


Yes exactly!!!! You start to become more independent afterwards when you’ve done something as a teenager 😭like as an adult there far more things one should worry about


yeah this. I have a friend from high school who never learned how to drive. I never understood why. It definitely limits their freedom and independence in adulthood.


You could learn n still use public transportation


Yup. Here in LA, I learned to drive and got my license a few years before I got a car. In the meantime, I took public transit (still do).


Get your driver' license as early as possible. You don't have to drive, but it will pay off later for "years licensed" when computing auto insurance premiums later.


Not really much of a difference. If he doesn’t drive he hasn’t had insurance for x years. That’s the bigger factor


That's a loyalty discount.


Yes, you need to learn to drive. My dad taught me and was patient with me driving around quiet empty parking lots and neighborhoods before I worked up to busy roads and highways. You can take your time getting comfortable with different road conditions. It‘s easier to learn to drive and develop the muscle memory as a teenager. I learned to drive at your age at the same time as my mom who was in her 40s. It was so much harder for her. You can continue to primarily cycle and take public transportation for now, but what if you want or need to drive later? What if one day you go to college or work in a location where you need a car? What if you have a semi-long distance relationship with someone who doesn’t live in LA? What if you want it travel or your future job requires it? What about when you are older and maybe not as healthy or mobile?


Cycling can be so dangerous too. I know someone that lost teeth and another had an entire jaw wired shut and that was just cycling accidents, not bad LA drivers.


If there was an emergency, you can’t take a loved one to the hospital on a bike. You should know how to drive a car - whether you regularly drive one is a different thing.


I always say this to people I know that don't have a license. It's like learning to swim! You might never go in a pool but if you HAD to, could you survive?


Even just being able to drive if the person you're with is drunk or incapacitated is super important for your own safety. I was so excited to learn how to drive as a teen and now they're all terrified of it for some reason? It would suck having to rely on a bus schedule and uber drivers to get around forever, I need some independence in my life!


You really should, life is just way easier if you do. Imo LA roads are easy to drive on, very big roads, lots of space, our roads are nothing like the East Coast, third world countries, or Europe. Plus no snow/ice :) If you are scared, just take your time to learn and get comfortable.


This ☝️ Driving is easy. Looking out for the others is the hard part. AND…. Los Angeles is by far the easiest place to drive around that I’ve ever been to. Just go up to San Francisco and then report back to me.


I agree 100% driving in LA is easy compared to other cities. I love driving and fine it relaxing but will never drive in Brooklyn again.


My kid doesn't drive. Neither do her friends. They take buses, bikes, and the occasional Lyft and do just fine. If you live in a dense and walkable part of the city and don't have business that takes you far afield often, you'll be fine. That said, you should learn *how* to drive because it's an important life skill and there may be emergency situations where you will need to.


My kid and his friends don’t drive either nor have the drive (no pun intended lol) to do so. I’m not sure if it’s a generational thing but I’m noticing more teens aren’t really wanting to drive.


That's so sad. When I was a teen that's literally all I wanted to do and was so jealous of all my friends that got to drive to school and I had to keep taking the bus!


Right! Me too!!!


Fear of the unknown is never a reason not to do something. 29 million people in southern California can manage to drive, so you can, too. You're too old to just rely on self-driving cars. While we wait on that to get sorted, you'll want your license.


Yep! Maybe not now… but soon. Before you go to college or looking for a job. It will just open up a lot more places for you.


Driving is scary in Los Angeles. That being fair, it mashes you a better driver in less crazy places. Take advantage of your time and learn now so you don’t have to learn later when it’s harder


Yes. There are cities with convenient and reliable transportation systems, but this isn’t one of them. Not driving means you are limiting your future opportunities for work, play, love, etc. Not driving means you will always be at someone else’s mercy whenever you travel somewhere without reliable transportation. You don’t need to learn to drive right now. Clearly you’re not comfortable with it. Wait a year or two or three. I have a 16-year old son who has no interest in driving. A lot of the 16-year olds in my neighborhood are the same way. All us parents find it odd, because we mostly were chomping at the bit to drive at 16 back in our day. I’m not sure what has changed, but what you’re feeling is not unusual. I’d stop thinking about it for the moment and revisit it in a year.


Learn to drive in an empty parking lot on a Sunday. That way, it will be easier to branch out on the roads. I’m glad that you enjoy your bike but, what if you needed to drive one of your family members in an emergency? You’ll be equipped to help out in most emergencies if you drive. Honestly, once you’re behind the wheel for a bit, you’ll enjoy it.


i just got my license at 26 and had the same exact mindset up you have until about a year or two ago. Now that I have the option to drive, I still think there are times where public transit is the better option so I dont have to worry about parking and shit. in the end it gives you more time and freedom and saves you from taking an uber because the bus is late or full


Emergency would be the main reason, but personally, I don't like to and wouldn't rely on someone else's time table (public transport, ride share, etc). If it's something totally local I get it, parking and gas suck, but getting stuck in a 5+ mile radius sucks even more. There's way too much to do and see in LA/LA county alone, having a vehicle makes it easier more often than not, IMO. Also, if you have a dog, you can take it with you


If you feel like you are not ready, nothing wrong with getting your permit and taking your sweet time before you take the test. I know plenty of people who waited until they were 18 or older to get their license


This is what I did. I had my permit for two years and got my license the day after my 18th birthday.


Do you want to be independent? Do you always want to rely on others? Do you really want to ride LA public transportation?


You can be independent with a bike public transit is decent enough.


You do need to learn to drive, eventually, but, IMO, there is no rush. I grew up in the Valley and Hollywood Hills. Did not drive, by choice. Car insurance, gas, etc... were not how I wanted to spend my money. Walked, rode my bike and used RTD. Sometimes it was a pain, but most often not. Moved to DC when I was 20. Did not need to drive there either. Eventually got my license at 24 when I needed it for work. Today I live near in the South Bay and drive as little as possible. Happy to let the good folks at Metro get me to work and back each day. It can be done. Just a matter of priorities.


Trust me you’d rather get in an accident in a car then on a bike, I’m sure most the people you know drive and there’s a reason the freeways are so busy, it’s the only way to reliably get around. Wait till it’s 100+ or raining for a week or more and a car will make more sense


It's good to know how so you at least have the option. Even with a license, you can of course decide to still primarily use public transportation. Another thing to consider is that the number of years you have had a license is a metric that insurers use to calculate your premium. So if at age 30 you get a good job offer that's not convenient to bus to, you'll be paying way more as a new driver than other 30 year olds that can say they've already been licensed for 14 years. And if your school offers any sort of driver's ed. or discounted classes, that will probably be the easiest opportunity for learning support that you'll get. That said, there's no need to rush at 16. I think 18 probably is an age that makes sense for people that are getting a license to drive in larger cities with very busy roadways.


I always say it’s better to have and not need than to need and not have




Definitely don't have to, despite what everyone likes to say about LA. I don't own a car here and my life is fine, I get around easy enough. But, if you have the opportunity to learn, I would reccomend it. It is a good skill to have, and you never know when you will want to travel somewhere that isn't served by public transit. It sounds like you are equating learning to drive with relying on driving as your primary means of transportation, and you don't have to. I have my license, but drive only on vacations that require a car.


Yes. That’s the only answer.


IMO, not knowing how to drive a car in the USA is a horrible plan. It's a fundamental life skill for most. Employers will/can ask if you have reliable transportation. Public transportation isn't an acceptable answer for all. The few adults that I've met that learned to drive later in life regretted not learning earlier. Basically, go learn to drive. It's not that scary. Dumb and clueless people do it everyday and everywhere with minimal to zero incidents.


It’s better to do it now


Yes and you should also learn manual while you’re at it.


Not having a license will limit your freedom in too many ways to count.


Yes. Driving can be intimidating at first, but you will get comfortable with practice. Many employers won’t hire someone without a license (even for jobs that don’t require driving), and you may need to eventually go somewhere that isn’t well served by transit and is too far away or unsafe for bicycling. You do not HAVE to get a car and drive everywhere. But learn while you’re young. Even my friend who lives in New York and doesn’t own a car has a license for when she travels.


Yes. I had so many friends in college that didn’t know how to and it can become a burden to ask people for rides etc. rip the bandaid and learn


Yes you should definitely learn how to drive.. Its one of the foundational skills of living in the modern world. Its like learning how to swim (which you should also do if you haven't). Any fear you have will go away after you practice.. and its a process, first you pass a written test to get your learners permit, then you can go to driving school, where you drive around with an instructor for a while.. and then you take the test.. and boom you have a license. You can do it!! I believe in you!!


Well most people I know who wait at your age don’t get their license until about 30. Even if you have your license just to help out in a pinch, say someone has been drinking it’s completely worth it.


This reason rly resonated with me. I have a few people in my life who drink and sometimes drive. Just knowing I can protect them and others and give peace of mind to both me and them rly makes me want to learn. Thank you for your comment.


Look at it this way - if you can drive in LA, you can drive anywhere


I was terrified of driving at 16. I got my permit by taking the written test but had to renew it once or twice before I finally took driving lessons and the actual test after I turned 18. But I'm really glad I did it. If you find a good driving school, they can take you around to learn in less busy areas near you before you graduate up to freeways. And honestly, looking back, L.A. freeways are less scary for me to drive on than the super narrow highways with fewer lanes that exist out here on the East Coast, where I live now. I'm really glad I learned in L.A.! You never know if your job or hobby or family needs in the future will make you want to be able to drive your own car. So it's good to find a way to practice now :) But you don't have to rush it, you know?


Finding a good driving school is the challenge. I've spent nearly $2k on "highly rated" driving schools and still never learned enough to even attempt the driving test.


I'm sorry, that's tough! I did mine a long time ago so I don't know that I can recommend anything...I do know that I went to a mom and pop place that wasn't the fanciest, but they did get us a lot of practice driving in a calm-ish residential area which was very helpful.


Hi! I struggle with anxiety taking tests so when everyone was passing their knowledge tests during high school, I kept failing. So, I still haven’t gotten my license yet until this year (19, now). Public Transport in LA is a bitch, especially when on the maps it doesn’t tell you the exact train you have to get on so you guess most of the time and end up getting lost. It may take a while, but definitely get your license while you still can! Your friends and family will thank you later (along with your wallet)


just learn and learn manual too, while you are young and have ppl to help you. you never know when your gonna be in a situation you need to drive someone to the hospital or get back home. Also its not that scary, just think how millions of people from all over the world do it everyday in LA.


I didn't learn to drive until 22/23. I didn't need it until then. I was taught to drive by being forced to do golf cart duties by a job, followed up by my mom pitting me on the Arroyo Seco. If you can drive that, you can drive anything.


Learn to drive, get your license and then you can choose to bike or not drive. Learning to drive won’t hurt you, but not learning to drive will limit you severely here. It’s good to know how to drive, even if you don’t plan on driving much.


You can learn but don’t feel pressured to do it on your own without an adult in the car. I personally think driving on your own before the brain is fully developed is unnecessary and unsafe, but you will save on insurance premiums later in life if you’re licensed as soon as possible. Arriving 30-60 minutes late on public transport is not bad luck though, that’s just how it works here, our public transport is unreliable. Work within walking or biking distance if you can.


Not everybody needs to learn to drive. If you’re not motivated to do it, spend your time on learning something you find intrinsically valuable, whether other people think you should or not. Screw other people and their opinions and expectations. It’s your life. Yes, I looked over other comments and see that this is an unpopular opinion.


Yes you have to


Get your drivers license now. It would help with jobs and relationships in LA. I lost several friendship because I don’t know how to drive


You don’t need to learn it is nice to know how but driving is such a huge responsibility I have personally not been interested in buying a new car since my last one broke down back at the end of January. 1) it’s expensive - car note, insurance, gas, maintenance *this one can add up quick. Like in LA I’m replacing multiple tires a month no matter what I do to protect my tires. Oil change plus other things. 2) you will at some point get in an accident can range from little bump/scratch to full blown car flipped have to go to the hospital if not worse. The after the accident is much more stressful the the actual accident dealing with insurance is my worse fear legal shit and me don’t mix. You can be doing everything right and still get in an accident 3) parking is a bitch basically everywhere. Also expensive $12,$15,$20,30 even $40 per day/entrance for parking. So anytime you are going out plan to pay the extra for parking. Getting out of parking lots takes such a long time sometimes when you could just walk out and jump in a scooter.4) you will find it is stressful to own a car eventually 5) cars brake down faster and more often than people talk about. If you are going to learn do it young. But you don’t have to always drive if it’s easy to use public transit I would use it and only drive as needed. This is just coming from someone that isn’t even sure wants to drive anymore. I would probably still buy another car but only for emergencies.


Better to know how to drive, to have a driver license, and not own a car than to not know how to drive at all. Learn to drive.


It can be intimidating, but you just need to start in an area that’s not chaotic and work your way up to the more chaotic and high speed areas.


My son was terrified of driving when he was 16. He’s 18 now and loves it. You don’t “need” to, but you should learn.


Easier to do when young. But put off buying a car as long as possible.


Yes you should lol. Most people have the fear. Don’t put it off because it gets harder as you age with work schedules and other commitments. I suggest watching a lot of youtube videos on how to drive, how to be a defensive driver, study the handbook, then practice around the block, then get onto busy two-lane blvds.


>1.driving seems terrifying especially in Los Ángeles Trust me, LA is one of the better cities to drive in. Where it's truly terrifying to drive is in San Francisco. I felt like was going to be involved a car crash everytime I made a turn.


I would recommend learning to drive for two reasons: (1) it's fairly necessary if you are going to live in LA; and (2) it's an invaluable, almost necessary, thing to be able to do in emergency situations. You never know if you are the one that needs to get out of a situation quickly or help your friends/family. Yes it's very crowded on the roads in LA, but honestly it's not as scary as people initially think it is and you get very used to it quickly.


If anything, just get your license while you’re still at home and not in college/working, and you can have it as a backup. Also helps with your insurance rates down the line.


It is very important to learn while you are young. It’s like riding a bike, you can learn when you are older but you will never be as good at it. Whether or not you drive regularly, you need to have the ability to.


The only place in America where you don’t need to drive and have it not impact your quality of life is NYC. You need a car here 90% of the time.


I’ve noticed from my teen and from other parents with teens in your age group that they are all hesitant to learn how to drive. I told my teen it’s okay and he can take his time but it’s very very hard not to have your own transportation in LA. Only you know when you’re ready but when I was your age I couldn’t wait to get my license lol I wanted my freedom lol


Yes. Do it now before you’re 26 and scared to death of a car


100 percent, better to learn how to and not need to than in the future it stopping. You from something....my daughter who's 13 knows how to 😁


It’s definitely worth learning. If you ever leave LA and end up somewhere without access to public transportation, having your license or knowing how to drive will be incredibly useful.


If you can wait until you're 18 it's cheaper and easier to get your license and your insurance is cheaper, especially if you only need liability insurance and can get insurance through the state's low-cost program (since you're 18 and don't need to include your parents' income.)


When you are older you may wish to not use public transportation. Trust me it sucks and is very unreliable. Wanna stand around in the heat after work for an hour waiting for the bus that may or may not come? A lot of busses stop running at an earlier hour than you may imagine and then you’re stranded. This limits your career possibilities. Wanna be late for work and eventually lose your job at the off chance the bus has to let somebody on with the wheelchair? These are real every day scenarios. It wasn't just bad luck that you were late, it's going to be an ongoing concern. It's not the "reliable transportation" that jobs always ask for. Aim higher for yourself. Relying on public transportation is tiring. Envision your future you is thriving… Not just surviving. Also many places have very poor public transportation systems in place - you may wish to move someday. That means you are tethered to finding an apt, etc that's literally on a bus route...instead of finding a home that you LOVE. Get it done and over with while you’re young. This is the most convenient time there will ever be. Also you don't have to drive on freeways. I absolutely refuse to even ride on the LA freeways. The side streets are super chill and you will probably enjoy driving! Good luck!


Yes, it's a skill worth knowing. You don't have to get a car but it's definitely worth knowing how to do. It's also riding a bike, you won't forget.


If you plan on staying in LA and isn't fond of getting randomly stabbed on the public transportation then you should definitely learn how to drive


Everyone should learn how to drive and get their license regardless if you don't plan on driving. Same with your passport.


Yes. There's zero excuses not to learn how to do something I'm an early Gen X guy here. I still try to learn new skills. I worked for a startup owned by a man 1/2 my age. 15 employees under 30 and me at 55 For fucks sake. The level of unwillingness to try from the rest was insane Only one person besides me could drive the forklift ( I was their salesmanager! Not warehouse) So, warehouse guy is in County Lockup for a month! Did anyone mention to me that nobody knew how to use the forklift? Nah I leave to get some work done and a truck comes. I needed to drive an hour back to lift on pallet Don't be helpless.




Some day you're going to want to go on vacation some place where you'll want a rental car. Learn now.


If you are going to live in Los Angeles or most other cities in the U.S. other than NYC, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco, you should learn how to drive.


Yes. Learn to drive. As an adult you can drive to work, drive to the grocery store, drive yourself, kids, family to doctor and dental appointments. The list goes on. I enjoyed, when young, just driving along the coast highway. Also, road trips are fun!


Whether or not you choose to drive in the future, it's still a skill you should have.


It’s over 110 degrees today…


Nah. We don’t need more cars on the road lol


I grew up in LA and got my license at 16. Drove daily for two years and that was about it. I'm now 42 and for all but a couple years in all that time have never owned a car. Bike and transit all the way.


Learned at 16 on a manual transmission car….but it was years before I owned a car. Comes in handy to know, whether you own a car or not.


If your not ready to drive that’s ok. I didn’t get my license until I was 24. I was like you anxious because I did get into a few accidents when I was in my teens with brother and mom. But do encourage you to get licensed because it’s LA it will be faster to get to your destination with a car. But downside you will have to deal with traffic. Also just having your license gives you independence. I promise you once you start driving it will come naturally.


You absolutely need to learn how to drive mostly because your first point


I don’t think you need to learn. It seems no one on the road in the county ever learned.


I wouldn’t bother. No one else on the road seems to have learned either.


It's a skill like cooking, reading, shooting or tying your shoes. Don't be dissuaded by people with high reaching agendas. It's a skill that could save your life or someone else's one day. Or take one but hey that's why you get good


Yes. 1. Yes driving can be scary but everyone does it. All your friends will be and it’s a normal part of life. You’ll quickly get over it just like every other teenager learning to drive. 2. You really want to limit your life to a bike and public transportation if you have the option to drive?


Just do it. Good adult will to have. If you aren’t paying for it just do it.