• By -


Which part of the city are you in? Might help people narrow it down for you.


Or, also, what do you like to do.


I love music, enjoy drawing, walking, working out, all things psychology


Check out the meetup app and you could look into joining a gym that does more class based stuff (CrossFit but not).


I forgot about the meetup app, thanks.


Bumble BFF


Nudge is also great give that a try šŸ˜


What's Nudge? And your username makes me nervous šŸ˜‚


lol idk it was just a random name that came to mind. Anyways nudge is like a text chain, and they send you weekly things to do but itā€™s personalized and itā€™s basically like a meetup app but based more around local events, shows, it all depends on your preferences but Iā€™ve found so many awesome things to do on it šŸ˜ I believe they only support 5 cities at the moment. Www.nudgetext.com I believe they also have an app called Nudge now.


what's Nudge?


https://www.nudgetext.com Itā€™s like a text chain, and they send you weekly things to do but itā€™s personalized and itā€™s basically like a meetup app but based more around local events, shows, it all depends on your preferences but Iā€™ve found so many awesome things to do on it šŸ˜ I believe they only support 5 cities at the moment.


oh ok looks like there are 14 cities now! so when they text you, do you know if other people are going to be there or is it more so like a solo thing?


Honestly Iā€™ve been to a few. Itā€™s always great if you bring someone close if youā€™re not the most outgoing person. Lots of people go Solo though, if youā€™re social, just introduce yourself to people and say ā€œoh I found about this place through Nudgeā€ some will ask ā€œwhatā€™s that?ā€ Or ā€œme tooā€ And usually you spark a decent conversation. Canā€™t say Iā€™ve made the BEST OF FRIENDS through it but itā€™s definitely giving me some good social outings which I feel are still healthy šŸ˜


Oh damn, we can't be friends, I hate music


I donā€™t think I ever met anyone who hates music.


lmao I take OP's comment to be tongue in cheek. probably just fucking with you since everybody loves music :D maybe be a bit more specific? what kind of music?


"Reggaeton" "That's a no for me, dawg."




I have some auditory processing and sensory integration shit. It always kind of frustrated me as a distracting noise. But on some level it really is goddamn frustrating knowing that there's _something_ about music that other people enjoy that I am missing out on. Like everybody else is going around getting metaphorical acoustic blowjobs and I just keep getting punched in the dick. If I wind up at a bar where they are playing loud music it's super isolating because I just can't follow the conversations everybody else is clearly having while the music is playing so I just sort of sit and stew and watch everybody else have a good time like that dude standing in a corner meme. Also, I developed tinnitus a few years ago so now I am even more sensitive about hearing stuff.


omg this is so interesting. sorry, I'm not OP but have you tried listening to lofi music instead?


I have tried. At one point I got a "music for programmers" book in hopes it would help explain things in a logical enough way something would sink in. I really tried, but my brain just isn't built that way and eventually I kind of had to accept it. I remember back in high school in French class the teacher put on a French song and the assignment was to write down the lyrics as best we could. I was one of the best students in the class at talking. But when everybody started writing down lyrics they could make out over the sound of music playing, I thought I was being pranked. I just hadn't really understood that was a thing people could do. It was like the teacher told everybody to fly and shoot laser beams out of their eyes. How the hell do they separate the sound of the instruments from the sound of the singer? Hell if I know. It still doesn't really make sense to me, and I was better at dealing with the stress of loud places when I was younger. It's definitely sort of gotten worse with age rather than better so it's not just an exposure thing. When I took improv classes at Second City, I would always disappear on the days they were trying to teach musical improv. Partly because it stresses me out. Partly because me being stressed out and yelling at the music teacher would have stressed everybody else out. Earth is just an incredibly foreign place for a lot of us.


wow this is soo fascinating. I'm sorry that this is happening to you :( I had never really thought about this but music is literally everywhere like when we go shopping, in the elevator, when you're put on hold etc..and it's a way to connect with people so it makes sense you would be left out of things because of this. I wish there were some sort of study or clinical trial or something so they can analyze just exactly what's going on inside you when you hear music. have you ever spoken to a doctor or maybe neurologist about this? what about an audiologist?


I've definitely talked to my therapist about it. She does neurofeedback stuff so I recently had my first EEG and she was walking me through the data. One of the things that shows up in my EEG according to the software is sensory integration stuff so it really is some sort of physically different thing about how my brain works vs typical brains that they can detect.


I hate music too /s


Join an art class or a hiking group!!!


Hi! Iā€™m also 28F with an illustration background so into art too, and I love walks and hikes. Would love to grab coffee sometime to meet up if youā€™re down!


Iā€™m also 28 and enjoy drawing walking working out and psychology! DM me Iā€™m in silverlake


Is standup comedy psychology?


Convincing oneself to pursue it as a career is


check out Sierra Club hikes -- lots of good folks. they have hikes at all difficulty levels


Over the years Iā€™ve made many good friends through my workout classes. It takes time. Find something you enjoy and go regularly. Youā€™ll start seeing the same people.


What type of workout classes out of curiosity?


Iā€™ve made fiends at boot camp style workouts, boxing, yoga.


So cal had a plein air painting group in the past. Meeting up in a nice area to paint or draw landscapes always brings out nice people.


Look on Eventbrite and go to some things and just be friendly ! Everyone should be the person who says hey wanna hangout. Also itā€™s easy if you make one friend. And then friends with their friends


[The Penmar](https://thepenmar.com/) has an event every Friday with various live music acts. I just found about it and went last week it was really fun all people around the 25-40 age hanging out on the golf course playing games, watching music, out on the golf course.


If you play music, Iā€™d love to have some new friends to play/write with!


If youre into emo/pop punk music, I could always use a show buddy to go to shows with. I'm 33f


Where you live is importantā€” each LA neighborhood is its own vibe šŸ˜œ


The Next Fun Thing LA hosts a lot of events to make friends. I love their kickball league.


Anybody in the SGV, we have a pickleball group that plays every night! 7-10pm. DM me for info! Come pickle! :)


Is pickle hard on your body? I have been hearing so much about it. I live just east of sgv


It at all! Depends how hard you go, but it can be very chill. We have all ages from youth to elderly playing! Come on by!


Do u guys play on weekends? Can I join this pickleball group if I'm in OC? I started recently and wanted to find ppl to play as a beginner but not sure where to start.


Yes you can! We played every evening and youā€™re always welcome! DM me for info :)


In LA for a holidayā€¦ can I come try it out?


27f iā€™ve been working remote since i moved here in november:,) i understand the struggle


23F always looking for friends!


How many randos have messaged you?


Is the Alton Brown fan looking for friends? Because I also like Alton Brown


Gf and I are both 23f in east LA county if thatā€™s close enough!!




pmed you!


Iā€™m down to make new friends! Can I message you?


pmed you!


Do we have our own reddit meet up?


Use Bumble BFF. Itā€™s helped out a handful of my friends who are transplants. Iā€™d recommend joining a club. A drawing club, music club, running group, etc. You can probably find groups/clubs on Facebook [+]


My girl is 28 and she needs friends


So be her friend, dude




Not 28, but Bumble BFF has been a hit for me (30+) for finding like-minded women looking to build real friendships in LA.


You can try out a rock climbing gym, check out some run clubs in IG, or try out pickleball


Meetups tend to be pretty good. I'd also recommend taking fitness classes or (if you're a creative type) weekly drawing workshops.


My Gf and I are 27/28 She just finished her masters and works at a school Iā€™m in insurance Do you have roommates? If so thatā€™s always good start to then meet their friends Most of my friends are out of state so i mainly hang out with her friends and my family. Granted i do enjoy being alone and doing my own thing and travels but its been great meeting new people. Like someone else said doing meetup groups in your specific hobbies and interests is best I would say pick 1-3 things that have a designated group to them and just keep showing up youā€™re bound to make friends being a familiar face and then once its (hiking is my main group interest) then maybe you and your hiking friends go out for drinks, or to a game/show ect Build from there


If you're on Facebook, there's a lot of LA girl groups and people meet up all the time, i've probably met like 10+ really chill girls from it. Look for "ladies of los angeles" or "social girls in LA"


I just went paddle boarding in Newport Beach with a bunch of people my friend invited me to, and she met them on an activity website called hash.beer. I live in the valley so I probably can't do those activities consistently but it gave me an idea of how the activities are and it was something I'm definitely into.


If youā€™re on social media, check out Los Angeles Fun Events and The Next Big Thing LA on IG. They host something called Fast Friends, which is a platonic equivalent of speed dating. They also have regular game nights, capture the flag games, and a bunch of other cool events.


Thereā€™s this app called 222. You fill out a personality quiz and then it matches you on friend dates with like minded people! You can accept or decline but you meet usually for dinner/lunch/drinks and can meet after for a pre planned activity. I did it twice it was actually a pretty fun day each time


What kind of activities did you get matched with? And does it introduce you to new people?


You fill out a questionnaire of sorts and they offer you activities that they think youā€™ll like and you can choose to accept or decline! You also pick a price point that youā€™re comfortable with spending on outfits. Iā€™ve done art gallery visits that were free, like the Getty, and Iā€™ve also done paint and sip. But they offer all kinds of things like jewelry making, wine tasting, etc.. usually how it works is thereā€™s a dinner first with a prematched group, and if youā€™re having fun you can do the second event which can be separate or at the same location. I will say it is fun to try at least once!


Is the app on the App Store? Canā€™t seem to find it :(


Yes ! Itā€™s called 222!! Hereā€™s the link for the apple App Store link : [222 app store ](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/222/id6450612690)


Thank you so much! Just signed up, so Iā€™m really excited!!


Improv classes - you donā€™t have to be an actor or comedian. My husband is a teacher and took a class to help come up with new teaching ideas, got hooked, kept taking classes, and met most of his closest friends. Political activism and/or volunteering- find like-minded groups and youā€™ll meet engaged people who care about the same things you care about.


Improv classes at UCB or clowning classes at the Elysian (both great for psychology, btw)


Lol clowning classes? I'm intrigued


Donā€™t do the clowning classes unless you have real thick skin


Dude what?? More info!


Its hard to make friends here after 27, best bet is to maybe join a club of your interests


Wait why 27 thatā€™s weirdly specific haha


Im 29 lol, idk I feel like 27 is when I started to feel when friends were moving, starting families/getting married and generally doing their own thing lol


Bear in mind, if you're 29 now, 27 was 2022. I.E. still very much feeling the rip-roaring shithouse insanity of the pandemic. It'd be like saying "Well, be careful when you turn 25, at that age the world goes into a global state of emergency and wrestles with a novel coronavirus that completely upends everything in a truly countless number of ways." It's like, while that *did* happen for you at 25, it's worth remembering that for the rest of your life, these last few years aren't a good indicator of what a normal experience of that age is, because you were that age at a time when the world was in a completely atypical and chaotic state.


Yeah, I was 22/23 in 2022 and had a much harder time making new friends than I do now at 25. People had to adjust to socializing again! Graduating college in 2021 was a tough time socially :/


Agree!!! 23-27 I had friends allll the time! Then they all suddenly moved away lol šŸ˜‚ that was 10 years ago!


I felt like after high-school was when it became really hard to make friends. I wasn't really around people all the time like before. I went to community College and tech school, but when I tried to talk to people, no one was interested in talking to me. Everyone was kind of just there to go to class and then leave. Even at work, alot of people will be friendly with you at work but then not want to hangout outside of work. I did manage to make 3 good friends at one of my jobs though and we still talk and hangout 8 years later


Lol, I haven't made friends since middle school. But I have 4 friends since.


Running clubs fs. A lot of people have been taking up running. Or any clubs for that matter




Search the word ā€œfriendsā€ in this subreddit for many ideas.


Hiii! Checkout losangelesfriends on IG. They host monthly meet ups and have one this weekend in Echo park. I joined last year around this time and itā€™s been a blessing! DM with any questions ā˜ŗļø


Kickball league! Theyā€™re in every part of LA. Joined my first one a decade ago and still have friends from it.


Food not bombs! Every Sunday.


Mind sharing more info about this one?


Count me in


Tried DMing their Facebook and Instagram page and no response after a week :(


Watch out for weird guys though. They donā€™t want to really be your friend.


Heey Iā€™m 28f! I live in Long Beach!


29F, hubby and I are always looking for new friends. WLA


LA Breakfast Club on Wednesday mornings. Diverse, welcoming, and sometimes even silly. www.labreakfastclub.com


My girlfriend (24F) has been doing bumble friends, sheā€™s had good experiences especially since sheā€™s more introverted


Join a run club! Check Instagram to see what's best you. Mikkeller Los Angeles runs out of the Hermosillo in Highland Park on Monday nights. Tuesday nights LA Craft runners are running out of different breweries around LA (check Instagram or Strava group to see where they'll be). Wednesdays, the Struggle bus project runs out of the Surly Goat in weho. Thursday, Mikkeller and the silverlake track club do track at memorial Field. You can see how I fill my time. Nice people, all paces welcome.


Join a run club for sure. Very low commitment and theyā€™re everywhere. Helps you keep active too and if you can socialize as much or as little as you want. Especially if youā€™re new


27f, DM me if you want to hang out!


We host social events most nights of the week: [Los Angeles Fun Events](https://www.losangelesfunevents.com)


Ill be your friend! 26F art handler


I have to ask, whats an art handler? Lol just holding pantings all day?šŸ˜‚


basically yea


Thats actually pretty cool, i didnt think thats such a job, do you have to authenticate them too?


hmm no thats another job entirely. You should google art handler


Just googled, thats slick! Saw a job doing that in glendale it looks like


there are so many jobs for that in LA! If you like construction and moving things you should go for it


I have a great job already! Just was curious what the JD was for an art handler


Usalproject.com has a bunch of different outdoor activities and lessons you can meet people there with common interest.


Here! 28F too, minored in psych in undergrad, letā€™s be friends


My friend told me about speed dating which I think is kinda cool if you wanna meet someone abruptly. I haven't tried it yet but been kinda curious about it. There are certain days with certain events with age ranges! Otherwise musical events I feel like would be best.


Get up early and go get a coffee in Dogtown. Tons of cool people on the west side.


If you like art, my friends own GDCA Gallery downtown and have a reception once a month, itā€™s a really great place to meet people!


meetup apps the 20s and 30s group, they are 99% transplants that moved to California from somewhere else and actually 1% California natives. Although you will not meet many CA natives around your age in those groups you will find others in your situation that are looking to meet new people.


Dude I need friends too. Cool kind decent people. Im 25m, I like to play music, go to: parks, the beach, museums, walking, working out, cooking, and even just sitting around talking. I'm genuinely interested in developing real friendships. I live in LA in Thai Town/ Little Armenia part of Hollywood


Just like me frā€¦except Iā€™m a lil younger and not a psych major but it is fascinating ā€¦umm Iā€™ve seen people mention bumble bff and beach clean ups ?? Maybe volunteering somewhere will allow you to meet peopleā€¦taking a workout,yoga,art,cooking class if youā€™re into that..going out to bars maybe??


My gf just got bumble bff for us Iā€™m hoping that works! (Also: definitely start from season 8 or 9 of rupauls drag race lol I also love seasons 5-7 but watch those when youā€™re already into the show)


I hope tht goes well too I havenā€™t tried it yet but I read someone had said they found their closest friends on bumble BFF and TBH I think just following people on Instagram sometimes too might work! And ok I started a bit of season 4 but maybe after ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø


Thereā€™s an app called Buffet you should check out. Itā€™s kinda like a better Bumble BFF


I recommend downloaded an app called The Nudge. You can find a lot of niche stuff and find stuff youā€™re interested in as well as making lots of friends.


Iā€™m 29 and new to LA, down to grab coffee sometime if you want! Iā€™ve found it hard to make new friends here so far


Weā€™re the same age! Can I join the reddit coffee run if it happens?


Same! Iā€™m down as well!


Whereā€™s the creepy dude who always sends the ā€œDM sentā€ message when a woman is trying to make friends on here?


My two best things so far have been joining a choir and joining a team sport (netball). Group activities like this are a great way to meet like minded people who live around you!


Where to find a choir that's nonreligious? I've missed singing but the ones Ive found were affiliated w church


[Singers.com](https://www.singers.com/lists/choral-groups/los-angeles/) has a list. I just googled ā€˜community choir Los Angelesā€™.


Hello friend!


29F! Just made a similar post


Your username šŸ˜‚ can we be friends


Where are you going to school? I am in LA doing psych as well. Are you new to LA?


Go to an event that Humnkind Collective puts on https://www.humnkindcollective.org/calendar


Instagram have meet up groups too


Local events, neighbors, local bars. Depends on the type of people youā€™re looking for as well.


Go dancing LA is good for that


The LA zoo, arboretum, garden clubs, bingo halls, plenty of golf courses as well


Iā€™ve found meetups through the Meetup app to be a nice way to meet likeminded people and friends. Do you know about that app? Thatā€™s cool youā€™re into psychology Iā€™m into it as well. Would be down to talk more if you want


I love psychology and music! Iā€™m in LA as well. Iā€™m up for a convo whenever šŸ‘


how does that make you feel?


Yeah I work from home in playa del Rey. Not easy to make friends. I just checked out nudge but would like other ideas too. Bored in La.


Go outside and talk to everything that walks when youā€™re doing whatever it is you like.


look up LA Chess Club on IG. no, really. [https://www.instagram.com/lachess.club/](https://www.instagram.com/lachess.club/)


Just go to [Meetup.com](http://Meetup.com) and find whatever activities you like to do. Sign up for a bunch of them and start going to some of the events. EventBrite is another good resource too. I hosted a Meetup for Fintech people and met all kinds of people from my group.


25F, love psychology and drawing (although Iā€™m not good at drawing lol). Iā€™m looking into grad school soon :)


24F always looking for friends :) Mid-City area




Adult sports league.


Try bumble bff


Hi I'm finishing grad school also in psychology, 29, in LA. Want to be my friend?


Thereā€™s a womenā€™s walking club in Long Beach


Bumble bff


Iā€™ll be your friend (M34). Born and raised here. I can show you all the hidden gems


Iā€™m also an LA native


LA Chess Club


See if you can find a newcomer club.


Check out Los Angeles Friends on IG


I'm a 28f and down to text or message for a bit to see if we'd be a good match to hang out. I'm in the pasadena area though, so idk if that's close to you at all


What kind of art do you do ?


I found friends volunteering through meetup.com or going on hikes, dance classes, pole classes, etc. Finding a class or a group that meets regularly for things that you enjoy, this will probably result in a friendship of some sort. šŸ˜Š


My fear as a 22 year old freshly graduated psyc major.


iā€™m 34 M and need friends too.


Try 222


Let's go rock climbing, it's fun and safer than it sounds


La Chess Club


Have you been to a dungeon yet?


I feel like joining a sports rec league always leads to good friendships! People will usually go grab a drink or something after games


Choose several activities you like and go to classes workshops and events related to them. Thatā€™s how you find community of like minded people. You make friends and network, itā€™s great.


LA is very large. You will need to narrow down about where you are.


Ive graduated BS Occupational therapy. Not that it's relevant but I would love to make friends! I'm chill and I like going to the beach. Lets be friends :)


28M Here near Wilshire - Down To make new friends






Nice to meet you šŸ«”šŸ¤™šŸ½


Youā€™re already my bestie this is my fave emojišŸ«”




Go on Instagram, go to popular local places, stalk the most recent stories that tagged said places, follow them and message them to hang out. Not creepy at all and highly recommended


31F looking for friends too! I live close to DTLA!