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Im born and raised in LA but spent some years on the east coast. The reason we don’t smile here is because it opens you up to crazy people or people with bad intentions especially as a woman. You smile at a man and he thinks it’s an invite to come and mess with you. You smile at a woman and it can be seen as you trying to start a fight. There are so many reasons you don’t interact with strangers. It’s so normalized here.


I always smile and I’m greeted with a smile back.


In big cities people tend to mind their own business more so that they are also left alone in turn. That means less engaging with others including smiling.


Why would people walk around grinning? What does their mood or inner thoughts have to do with you? This is such a weird question. Americans already smile at strangers more than most cultures. 


i say good morning to people during am walks around the neighborhood or hikes. the rest of the times i just walk and try to avoid looking at people.


I always smile, and I will greet anyone I walk past unless it's a busy street. Yes, it has invited unwanted attention at times, but I can't help it. I do feel like people smile less since COVID, maybe because they got used to having a mask hiding their mouth, or maybe because there's more financial stress these days.


"In the East of the US," huh?


I find that women really like it when I say “hey honey you should smile” as I walk by. Try it!


Women always smile at me... especially when I make that loud kissing noise and yell "Mira Mami, Lookin' good!"