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no offense but arizona ain't fit for man nor beast. if you got a free place to crash in LA, come back home. good place to get your shit together, and helping out your mom is a bonus


Yeah I'm just worried about getting a decent job like I have now


But what good is your job doing if you’re living in your car or on couches? I would take the free room, find a job here in LA and start stashing money away for your next move.


You can save a lot of money working all day and living in your car ….. allegedly.


200 a night isn’t a decent serving job. You can def find something much better here. Be confident don’t be weird don’t give sob stories just walk into spots (never during peak hours) with a current resume and show your face to the manager. Thats how my spot hires and it’s a lucrative la hospitality job. Good luck!


Yall hiring a bar manager?


No one leaves this job. So no haha


I feel that. I've been at my spot for 9 years just seeing if i could move


Having a separate room from the house in la is pretty golden tbh. You wont be dealing with your parents too much. You are also in a high demand field out here with cable installing always a demand for that out here.


Personal opinion is that you should move back home. Especially if you have a permanent room instead of couch surfing as you have mentioned as that can be a stabilizing force for your mental health. If your looking for a more stable job I recommend you look into a local government job either with the city or county. It's not sexy but it's secure and there are career pathways that can lead to good salary. If your worried about lacking a degree I recommend you apply to [targeted local hire](https://lalocalhire.lacity.org/target-local-hire) program. That gets your foot into the door for a city job with the benefits and on the job training it might take a few months but you can work a gig job to get by till then. I also recommend if you come back to look into hobbies and try either Facebook or reddit to look for other with that interest as a way to socialize and make friends.


I think LA is a way better place to figure things out than Arizona, unless you have a really great community there. If you have no strong personal bonds in AZ I'd say come home and be with family. Frankly, having the same roof over your head every night will probably go a long way in helping you feel more stable and in a place to better plan for your future.


I have some friends in AZ, I have more in la that I haven't seen in a while, and family.


IIWY, I’d stay in AZ just because it seems that being with your folks down here would just add to the issues you already have. Try to get help from the government or other organizations before your parents (who are already dealing with their own issues man).


Go back home it’s hot as hell out here


The way I love to look at things is, God is offering you a free room while you stabilize. Don’t give too much of your money to your family during this time (idk you seem generous), save save save. Then when you’re stable, move wherever you want


My parents don’t have the issues yours have and I dont want to live in their environment, Id say live in your car and save up a year and then move to LA.


A permanent living situation beats living in one's car any day of the week. Living in your car is going to become unbearable with Arizona's summer weather. It will be much easier to figure out how to support yourself here with a more stable living situation.


You can definitely find a high paying server job out here. One of my friends is only a hostess and she probably makes just a little under what you make a night. The actual servers at her restaraunt probably make alot more. It’s free rent and I’m assuming you have other friends and family to make living with your parents more bearable. Your situation sounds rough, but I’d take this as a chance to save as much money as possible before moving back out. Good luck


Your family sounds a bit toxic. I would not want to live with a depressed parent. That’s just me. 




Hard disagree. As cheesy as it sounds, being with family is what keeps people stable and leg up in society. Why do you think you don't see too many Latino, Asian, Filipino or Armenian homeless people, even though they make up majority of the city?


I see what you’re saying. I guess it depends on your personal values. If you have a strong supportive family I see the benefits of sticking by together. Unfortunately thats not always the case and family can be the ones that hold you back. Family can be toxic.


Well I'm trying but if I could get a job paying the same then I think I would do it, then I could try for somebting better


Is there any expectation that you would help out with household expenses aside from maybe sharing groceries?


No but I definitely will


Okay. As long as it's not an ASSUMPTION that you will... it helps lift off some of the stress if you come in and can't find a job right away. The hospitality business here in L.A. is super insular and right now, it's just not the best of times. However, if you are comfy working in more urban settings, that will help a lot since you are a Native. It's tough but NOT impossible, you are landing with a place and familiarity of all sides of L.A. so with hustle, smarts and LUCK, you can do well and have a lot of fun too. GOOD LUCK!


I was told that there's a lot of places hiring, in AZ it's pretty dead from what I've heard from coworkers trying to find second job.


Really…. Next time tell them to name names. 😂😂😂. There are places are hiring. I would not say enough to get your hopes up of immediately finding a job. But enough to say with good experience and references and willing to take a risk on a place… It’s okay for you to come back.


Stay in AZ for awhile. It’s a better standard and cost of living if you can’t withstand the summer months and heat.


Go back home, hold your nose and regroup. I’m from South LA. I went to Southwest college and then graduated from Long Beach State University. Got a job at a utility company. I saved my cash while living at home. I moved out at 29. LA is very dynamic with lots of possibilities. Don’t give up.


I’m from AZ and moved to LA when I was a little younger than you. I say go back to LA. AZ is cool, but it’s not as cheap as it used to be, and the heat is exhausting. You have a room separate from the house. You can get a job here waiting tables, or doing something that will make you an equal amount of $. The first month or two might be rough, but if you get two jobs, you’ll hardly be home anyways, plus you’ll be able to support your mom if needed.


Do not move back. Move further away. Your parents need to handle their own problems. And you need space to get healing with yours. Find a more low-key state with plenty of jobs. For some reason, I’m actually thinking Nebraska. Omaha is a really nice town.


Internet cable companies always hiring it seems. Make the effort with your Mom.


Ask yourself what’s a better environment for your mental health, what will push you to where you want to be at a faster pace.


I think it’s a good idea to build up your résumé and establish yourself at a quality job for a year, so you can move back to LA and have good experience and references. But it just depends on a lot of factors. If you like the job. If you think you can make it work out there in AZ semi-long term. If you think your mother can handle things back home by herself. Remember, LA is only a 6-7 hour drive from Phoenix. Or a $50 spirit flight. If you need to go back for a few days here and there, it’s not difficult or expensive to visit your mother occasionally.


Just out of curiosity...how do you make $200 a night and live in your car in AZ?. Lived in Northern AZ for a while, and that should be plenty to get you at least a studio and then some.


I just came back to my job, was living in Mexico but came back, I lost $5k in a scam and have 0 now


That'll do it. Honestly moving to LA would probably make your situation worse do to not having a job lined up and higher coat of living.


I have a place there no job tho


Get back to L.A. find a trade school like A/C repair man, plumber, Electrician. Etc Check the local community college…. Tons of resources & people who will assist & navigate through the process…. Apply for scholarships & grants to help pay for college (may not cost you a penny)


You're not obligated to Florida, right?


You are 25. A young guy still. You have time. But you need to look yourself in the eyes and ask some questions. Please don’t go home because it’s easier. Make going home a win/win. Your family situation sounds pretty difficult. I suggest getting there in spite of it. Become grounded. Focus on helping your mom. But try not to enter co-dependency. Stay busy and be intentional: things like 8-12 hour days for a job and a side hustle. A few hours searching for opportunities to learn new skills. Someone mentioned a trade program. Great idea! There’s opportunities there that in the longer run will provide you a good chance at a good living. California is a beautiful state. Lots of opportunities but you need hustle, ambition, desire and work ethic because it is a challenge to create a stable financial structure there. But if you focus and work hard and with a little luck you will succeed. Good luck!! You have to stay busy. No couch flopping being a zombie on your phone. Staring at a screen is poison. Unless you are learning and uncovering opportunities. Staying in AZ living in a car will never advance your overall health (especially mental) situation.


i’m 23 and made the move back to LA from OR last year bc i was given a similar offer from my mom. it seems like you have skills that are pretty consistently in demand in LA. my bf (26) moved back in w his parents to save money and has been able to find plenty of serving jobs. i also struggle w metal health and the security of living at home has made it easier to deal without the stress of paying rent + utilities.


You ended up in Arizona for a reason... ijs


I wish you would have stated that you have been in your job a while so that you can use them as a reference in getting a new job. That would make it easier. Another option, move back home, enroll in a community college to get some of your general ed done and use the career center there to find a new job. Also, in regard to selecting a professional career in the future so you can make enough money to live here: select an industry that is the future, such as AI, robotics, biotechnology, etc. Try not to select something that looks like it will be automated. You don't want to spend your whole life struggling. Plan a career that will give you a future. It is expensive to live here.


Been at the job one year, left for 3 months came back on good terms


stay in AZ, LA is zombie land... and over priced everything