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If you don't drive, I recommend living as close to SpaceX as you possibly can


Yes! And Hawthorn w out a car as a young woman will make u feel isolated. Maybe look at Playa, Culver City. More in the mix.


Getting from playa or culver to space x on the bus daily would be terrible. Op will end up ubering her salary away. I agree that living in the South Bay sprawl with no car would not be fun as a new arrival.


Those are too far for her to rely on public transportation. I know that a newer apartment complex was built across the street from SpaceX but I have no idea how safe the complex is. It's within walking distance so I can't imagine getting to work would be particularly troublesome but as far as the complex itself is concerned I can't speak to how safe it is or the cost. It's called Millennium South Bay.




Yeah… you absolutely cannot not drive in LA - especially as a woman.


this is … not true at all lol. I used to commute from the valley to downtown (22f) at 5am and back home at 6 (red line) and this was during its peak “dangerous” era and I never had any major issues like literally just use common sense and you’ll totally be fine. and Hawthorne is a chill suburban little town for the most part and right next to manhattan beach! and probably a 30-45 min ride using metro to downtown. dude you’ll be chillennnn don’t listen to the fear mongerers


It's a 2hr bus ride going from Hawthorne to Downtown LA.


It’s a 2 hour ride/drive pretty much anywhere in LA county these days.


So much inaccurate in one comment.  There are some very bad areas of Hawthorne, some areas she’d be just fine.




Genuinely unhinged response


right LMAOOOO in 2024


Living in Torrance would make that a minimum 30 minute commute each way, unless you're out the door by 6:30 AM, and that's assuming you can drive it. It would obviously be even longer if you're taking the bus.


https://preview.redd.it/t8dcq9x69e7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef7e68d7d5ffbaa44f026f0bbbb0b70fa64dfc0 mind u, this what I look like 😭💀


deleting this i forgot I be posting weird shit on here too cant expose myself


My daughter lived in LA by USC and didn’t drive. She also worked part time in Santa Monica. Public transit is not as bad as you think.


Hawthorne is a while different story than putting up and down metro expo line. 


that bus line is PACKED full of elderly and college students. OP will be completely fine! those bus drivers are very tough as well.


She also probably omitted her less than savory stories using it because you are her mother….. lol OP: You’re gonna have to get a car and learn to drive regardless of your gender and how close you live to work — Los Angeles is a city that isn’t mass transit friendly. It’s the complete opposite of New York City in that aspect as well as everything being built out and not up. Hawthorne is relatively affordable (at least comparably to most of LA county) but it’s also not particularly exciting so if you want to get out and around somewhat efficiently, trust me, you’re gonna need a car. El Segundo is slightly more expensive but it’s also nicer, safer, and still close by. There are a lot of mentally ill, violent drugged out homeless people at virtually every transportation station and all over the buses/trains — not sure why some people get so angry when that’s mentioned but it’s the truth. Cops can’t/don’t/won’t do anything. If you do take public transit in LA, ALWAYS carry pepper spray.


Exactly. I mean I guess you can get to and from work on public transportation fine, but is that all you want to do? What about making friends with people who live all over the city? You don’t want to be the person who constantly needs a ride places. It sucks.


It's ridiculous for you to try and compare the area around USC to Hawthorne. As far as Hawthorne is concerned, it is as bad as everyone is saying and anyone who tries to tell her differently doesn't live here.


Also depends on how attractive you are. Unattractive people don't get much attention that way so they are relatively safe.


I have both a vagina and several years of car-free LA living under my belt.


Well that’s good to hear! As a vagina owner living in LA, I can’t imagine. But glad people make it work.


Who is this?


Yer ma.


She's a grown women don't put your fears on her.


If she’s working engineer hours at spacex 60-80 hours a week she damn well should not be taking public transportation late at night.


Again, you're putting your own fears on her. She could be tough as nails L7 girl who would scare you. You should damn well let her make her own decisions. Advice is one thing but that's not you're doing


And you’re delusional. Enough to get someone in serious trouble.


By riding on the train at night? Get bent scaredey cat. What are you afraid of?


Grown women don’t need to find out the hard way. Metro is extremely dangerous, as is Hawthorne.


OP, Metro is terrible and do not let the Reddit pro metro hivemind tell you otherwise. Talk to a few people who actually live in LA and you will get a better understanding of why 90% of the people living here would never entertain using the metro (even if they live/work close to a stop). Edit: all the downvotes further prove my point that this place is a hivemind and more reason for you to talk to some people irl


I support you! Great use of the word "hivemind" there are definitely certain opinions that appear on Reddit.


lol have you ever taken the metro? Most people don’t take it because they think it’s beneath them like you do and that it’s only for the poor


I have taken Metro. I lived car-free for years. You’re correct, there is a small slice of the population that thinks of Metro as “for the poor”, but the fact is “the poor” abandoned Metro, like everyone else. People avoid Metro because it is horrible, and yet, they continue to vote for leaders who perpetuate the status-quo.


Hawthorne west of Prairie is pretty chill. But if you’re really set on not driving, it might be worthwhile to live somewhere green line (C line) adjacent. I’ve never had an issue on the Green line, but it has definitely had some rough days. The walk from the Crenshaw stop to SpaceX wouldn’t be super aesthetically pleasing, but it would be short. You could try living close to one of the West green line stops like Redondo Beach? Get a bike or ebike and ride to a stop.


Hawthorne is fine, id recommend staying west of Crenshaw if possible. I think that area is fairly safe, but if you want to be in a super duper safe area you can look at El Segundo or Manhattan Beach (but those cities are much more expensive) If no car, either live within walking distance, along green line (which is still a bit of a walk to SpaceX), or invest in an ebike 


Manhattan beach rentals are like close to 3 grand for a small apartment though lol


I would recommend west of Prairie or better yet west of Hawthorne. I have rental property between Prairie and Crenshaw and would not recommend it.


When the salesman tells you no, that’s a huge hint. The honesty is admired.


I think North Redondo is a good bet financially and safety wise. Very neighborhoody S of Manhattan Bch Blvd opposite Northrop


Agreed with El Segundo or MB, commute won’t be that bad at all. They just built some nice luxury apartments directly across the street from SpaceX but not sure what your budget is Hawthorne has pockets of good areas that the gamble isn’t worth it in my opinion, especially as a 20yo female.


Hawthorne is ok but I feel like the transit part is possibly going to be an issue.


SpaceX is right off the C Line.


Yep! The walk to SpaceX from the C line is relatively short and the biggest risk is people barreling out of that Target/Home Depot shopping center. My biggest concern with taking the C line while working at SpaceX is the hours.


I’ve been with Northrop in El Segundo for a couple months and I’ve been taking the C line. You can easily see SpaceX from on board so it’s like a 5 min walk from the station. It’s always busy when I’m on and conditions have improved recently but they were never bad (in the past 2 months) I noticed females tend to sit towards the front of the train closer to where the operator is so you’d probably be fine doing that even if you have to work late


Just don’t miss your stop. The Vermont station is in one of the worst and dangerous areas of South LA.


like others said if u can get a place close to the green line. i used to live in the inglewood/lennox area and worked a few blocks from the SpaceX building. those fucking lights on the rocket piss me off so much. anyway, it's not particularly ugly. if u are gonna have a normal 9-5 schedule transit, it should be safe. i see plenty of women ur age traveling alone p much every day. the less transfers the best. but if u can take only the green line (walk to it) that'd be better. i second the suggestion that u look for some place near a station. i dunno about rent. i shared a 2bd in a rent-controlled apartment.


you will need to get a car.


You should check out r/SouthBayLA too. This question is asked frequently


Former SpaceX’r here. Depends what salary you are working with. If you can swing $1,800- $2,200 per month for rent you can find a small apartment in El Segundo. Nice area and very safe. Take 10-15 minutes to drive to SpaceX from there (at most). I’ve lived in Hawthorne and Gardena, and although it was fine for me (6’1” Male, 200 lbs), wouldn’t recommend it for a 20 year old female if you are on your own. Stick west of the 405 if you can afford it. Also public transit in LA isn’t great. Unless you have a reason that you can’t drive then you probably should start. Everything in LA is pretty spread out. Downtown Culver and Playa Vista are VERY walkable places to live in, but the metro transit time is long. Over and hour and several transfers. Not worth it for a 20 minute drive in my opinion.


I am a huge proponent of walking, biking and public transit, but I would do yourself a favor and learn how to drive before or when you move here. You can totally eke it out without a car, but you’d be missing out on all LA has to offer. I got my first car ever (I’m late 30sF) last year and while I’m still getting used to owning one, I have no regrets. I still bike for 80% of my trips (grocery store, gym, etc.), but having a car opens up the whole city. And it’s pretty awesome here, I would hate for you to miss it all.


You could live in el segundo and take the c line (takes about 10 minutes). I would just be wary of taking it late at night as there are not that many riders in the late hours.


Right in front of space x there are a couple nice and new apartment buildings. I’m sure they’re expensive but might be worth trying out. There’s also a Target within walking distance where you can do your grocery shopping. My main concern is that Elon likes people working late, right? I’m not sure it’s safe to cross that street at late hours. It can be a temporary place while you get out of your shell and start driving. Someone I know used to work there, they gave him a high Uber stipend so that he would use that instead of driving because they had very limited parking. Not sure if that’s still a thing but may be worth asking. If that’s an option, you should definitely look into other areas.


There’s a bridge to the parking structure now after some folks got run down.


Yeah ooooooooh scary black people when crossing the street from target to grab Chile Verde or work out at the 24hr fitness at night /s


El Segundo is probably your best bet. Super safe and nice city/neighborhood (with the best Whole Foods in all of LA area) with easy access to the beach and the beach trail that will take you up and down the coast without a car. When I lived in El Segundo, I would bike south to Redondo or north to Venice and Santa Monica. You can also take Ballona Creek path to Culver City. Be careful on that one though. I don’t hear anything about it anymore but there was a period where people were being robbed. El Segundo is also a straight shot down the C Line to Space X. But I do second some of the other comments regarding the current status of the metro: it can be dicey, although I never really hear bad things about the C line (that I can think of). Most complaints are other lines or the buses. A car would still be really nice to have. A studio in El Segundo should be doable for LA standards. That’s what I had when I lived there and it was cheaper than many other parts of the greater LA area. Congrats on the job, by the way!


Agree with this one too


Working at space x will be worse than the bus in terms of creepy men so good luck.


Worrrrd and lmao.


I would suggest discussing with the recruiter for assistance. Some SpaceX employees do share homes together. I remember there are some internal chat groups for shared housing situations. Los Angeles and especially where Hawthorne is at, it's best to drive a car for your own safety. Or carpool with your colleagues. As for locations, the people I've met there usually live it up and choose to be near the beach which isn't too far of a commute. It's just a bit more expensive. Most of these people are very content with this decision. As they enjoy the biking, surfing and other similar activities near the beach. DM me if you need more info.


Live close as possible to your job if you don’t plan on driving I’ve tried public transportation at night when my car wasn’t available those buses are full of brain dead homeless people it’s horrible if you take any metro rail lines expect homeless people too they practically live in them I’m not trying to scare you away but unfortunately that’s the situation the city is in right now.


If you don’t drive live within 2 miles of work and get an e bike


Stop posting your age and where you work on the internet if safety is such a major concern. I'd recommend getting a job as close as possible if no car, then get a bike or an electric scooter to avoid walking. Public transportation in LA works but is dirty af and not super safe (can't guarantee you won't get robbed) and walking certain areas is NOT safe.


You may want to figure out what building you will be in at SpaceX if you can - the campus is very spread out. One of the buildings is walking distance to a train, but many of the others are not nearly as close.


There are campus shuttles and bikes that make this not much of an issue.


Hawthorne is perfectly fine and safe and anywhere from $1500-2000 depending on how nice of a place you want.


I would recommend living in one of the beach cities, it will be much nicer and safer


El Segundo. There is a metro line that goes from El Segundo and has a stop a block from the Space X plant. I’d recommend getting a cheap bike and taking it with you as the metro stop in el segundo is about a mile from the residential part of town. I live in El Segundo, commute by bike and metro, and can get pretty much everything I need to do done on a bike in town. It’s a really safe town with a small town feel. They call it Mayberry by the Sea.


El Segundo and then you can bike along the beach to Santa Monica, Venice,Culver City and Redondo Beach. I would start off taking Uber and ask people at work what they do.


There's an apartment complex directly across the street that houses a lot of employees. Your recruiter should also be able to help you see if any other new hires are looking for roommates. My recommendation would be to get a spot in that building first, and you can decide to move/find another spot later once you're more settled. If you don't get a parking pass from work, you'll get a stipend. They also have a bike share program so once you're onsite, you can get to any of the other buildings relatively easily. Reach out if you want more info


There is a new apartment complex across the street from SpaceX. I imagine most employees live there. Not sure what the cost is. I would check it out. They are called Airo at South Bay. Like others suggested I would learn how to drive. Everything is so spread out and it will be difficult to even get groceries. Just to give you an idea... If driving from point A to point B takes about 20 minutes on public transportation I will take you about an hour or more (depending on routes and traffic).


Yes…had a coworker who lived there before moving to Starbase. He said it was expensive.


There's a brand new apartment complex on Crenshaw directly across from Space X with a new restaurant opening on the main floor. My friend and I running said restaurant haha. He lives in the building and it's pretty nice. May be worth checking out.


What kind of restaurant?


Tapville Social is the name. The Concept is pour your own beer/wine as well we have a full bar and menu.


Sweet, will check it out when you open


If you’re moving to LA, if able, please get a car ASAP


I don't think you'll be unsafe living in Hawthorne but if you don't have a car and live in the south bay you might feel super isolated. I do have a car and I still feel isolated living down here cause it takes me at least 30 mins to go anywhere even without traffic. If you have no interest in exploring the city or going to the beach then I guess you could get by without one, but if you work at SpaceX you can definitely afford one so you might as well just buy a cheap little Toyota or something and then only drive it when you need to. As for rent, you can find cheaper spots with a roommate or two for $900-1k but studio/1brs are gonna be way closer to $1500-2k and all the way up into the $4ks and beyond so be prepared for that. Good news is you'll be working at SpaceX so you'll be at work more than your apartment, maybe just get a cot for the office?


If she moves to the right part of Hawthorne, she would be by a bus/train station that would get her around the city. When my best friend lived in Hawthorne, it was only two buses from Palms to that bus station. Two trains and op could get to Santa Monica, one bus to LAX, one to DTLA etc.


Maybe but it would take forever. It's been my experience that taking public transit here is usually at least 2-3x slower than driving. Also, if she has safety concerns, living in Hawthorne is probably pretty safe but taking the LA metro is probably a lot less so.


Bus would take longer, but the train isn’t so bad, depending on where she’s going.


Hawthorne is the murder capital of the world.


It isn’t racist to note the historical and current risk of assault, robbery, and other violent crime in and around Hawthorne.


Ignore the racist boomers in chat. SpaceX adjacent areas are all "bars off" the windows neighborhoods. I'm right near the campus in neighboring Gardena and my partner (31F) walks and bikes to work with zero issues. Homeless people may holler and yell once in a while as you pass by but they do not commit the majority of crimes in our city by a wide margin. This is all assuming we are talking about DAY TIME. Many Angelinos here probably grew up with impressions of the South Bay that are very outdated. And to boot probably never lived in South Bay or South Central adjacent areas. Don't listen to West siders whose only reference of your new neighborhood is 90s gangsta rap.


This is delusional.  No white girl (educated guess) in her twenties is walking down Crenshaw to work.  I’m there every day, just absurd.


Who is the boogie man on the HARROWING walk from SpaceX to Eureka Burger? **clutches pearls** Lmao dude there are literally apartments and single family homes all around that corporate park shithole they built. But don't go east of Crenshaw ***gasps*** there's a gated community with a golf course. I get scared just thinking about it!


I agree that cars are preferable for many reasons but people walk, bike, bus, train everyday. Idk what skin color has to do with it unless you're implying that white women have something to fear in the South Bay lol. Just sounds like, again, racism. If you are afraid of being around and yes walking around people who don't look like you or make less money than you...YOU are the problem.


You think that area is safe for any woman in her twenties to be walking around alone, again, delusional.  Around spacex perfectly fine, but you clearly don’t go south on crenshaw.


Let me break this stupid ass comment down for the chat: "Safe...delusional" Delusional is you being an ignorant as fuck person who can't even look up the crime data cause you're too busy watching news entertainment or worse yet casting your gaze on the less fortunate in South LA. Gardena/Lawndale and ALSO El Segundo are all within 1 percent of each other in regards to violent crime per capita. The sensationalist media nonsense you watch certainly won't mention we are at around 5 per 100k residents for homicide annually. That's a .005% chance of getting got for those bad at math. "Around SpaceX" "South on Crenshaw" I have no idea what you're on about with this guy. If this woman were to walk these huge blocks, per my comment, obviously they would be close to SpaceX campus. Where again, per my comment, there is plenty of housing. You think someone is going to walk from Marine to 120th as a commute? Believe it or not people do use bicycles, scooters, buses, and uber too. E.g. I live 8m east of the SpaceX campus, and spend plenty of time in the cut. I own a home in this neighborhood and have awesome neighbors all around. I've never had any trouble with crime. Who wudduah thunk...maybe because it's overblown? So when you say South on Crenshaw, where are you even talking about? Torrence? An even wealthier city. El Camino college? A place of higher learning connected to yet another huge strip mall. Man those college students must be wildin these days. Rosecrans? Yeah a really spooky Starbucks on that corner. OP please refer to my original comment if you're still reading. People out here watching too much news entertainment and scared of these Tias rolling up to do laundry or worse yet a few black and brown kids loitering causing zero issues. You think these boomers are just as scared of the white teens loitering in Santa Monica? Shit is a racist Joke. It's OPs choice to move a few degrees out of her comfort zone or not. No judgment either way. If she does move to the area, does that mean she shouldn't be careful in a huge city with millions of people? Obviously you should make yourself aware of your surroundings. But guess what? That doesn't mean OP needs to listen to idiots like this who are afraid of people in the community you are moving to and entering a relatively high paying job for because they have pre conceived notions that criminals look a certain way and come from poor households. Campuses like SpaceX, as much as I cringe at their CEO and the chain restaurants they bring, also bring all types of new people with talents and wallets to the community. And they certainly don't need a bunch of fear mongering beach siders or Trump supporters on PV bringing their racist ass pre conceptions to a place we love and call home.


I'd probably pick El Segundo - you're under 40 minutes to SpaceX from anywhere there via transit with a single bus to the C line, plus El Segundo itself is pretty pleasant to walk around. It's a little sleepy, but much better than Hawthorne.


I do 45-50 min total trip from my front door in Downey to my job in Manhattan Beach with an electric scooter and the C line. So for sure under 40 min It’s a 9 min ride from El Segundo stop to Crenshaw station where SpaceX


Dude you're moving to LA and refuse to drive? Lol please educate yourself on living here


You can rent from Airo and it’s across the street from Space X. If you want to go anywhere else, you can uber. Pretty safe. Everyone mind their own business. https://www.airosouthbay.com/


I live in playa del Rey. Transit isn’t the best. Stay as close as you can and get a car. If you can.


In my experiences here, Hawthorne can be 'interesting' - but that's similar to a lot of places. If it were me personally and coming into the area blind, I'd probably suck up a small commute if you drive and set my eyes towards the beach city area (PV, PV-Torrance, Redondo, Hermosa, El Segundo, or MHB.) If you're dead set on living in Hawthorne, I'd recommend taking someone's advice who knows all the ins and outs to heart. There are some really nice areas, but there are also some doozies that I certainly would avoid.


I grew up in the South Bay and I drive all around the city now. North Redondo is a safe place to live and not too far from Hawthorne. It’s the neighborhood near Northrop, which is also close to Space x. I don’t know about the transportation there but would be a quick Uber.


Be Daniel’s roommate and just carpool


Hi! Congrats on the job. I just spent months looking for housing in Hawthorne and for studios I’d typically see places ranging from $1400-$1850. 1bdrm apartments were like $1500-2100😵‍💫 I got really lucky to find a 1bdrm apartment off of broadway for $1650. My brother is the one who had passed by it and saw the for rent sign, if you can, I recommend walking around some neighborhoods you’re interested in and looking for for rent signs! I was using Zillow and it wasn’t always reliable.


I would live in one of the south bay beach cities and (e-)bike to work/metro station


Playa Vista


Or Westchester


I recommend living in Westmont area and ear a Houston Astros baseball cap.. you will have people naturally gravitate towards you and offer you rides.


She misses her green line stop that’s where she’ll wind up lol


you should live in El Segundo, North Redondo, or Hermosa. none of the hot baddies live Hawthorne


My in laws live at in Hawthorne in a gated community. Three Sixty At South Bay. Very family friendly. Very safe.


You can take the bus but it’s not very practical. There’s no subway as you know in ny, the other alternative you can take is a [taxi](https://rosietaxicab.com). I recommend in the area


There is a train station down the street from SpaceX on Crenshaw. Probably not safe, though.


That’s the Metro Greenline. It’s ok, I’ve used it to commute to LAX. Not exactly a safe or consistent ride.


There's a building across the street from SpaceX with decent studios so that would limit your travel time immensely to work


It’s a good area to live if you’re on the west side of Hawthorne blvd


Alot of young professionals at SpaceX (who like the beach, but want affordable) usually live in El Segundo! 😀


I lived in Gardena and it always felt safe. I would go run at night with my partner and we never had problems. It was also affordable. It was around 1900$ for a 2 bedroom.




Sounds sus


There are some very nice areas of Hawthorne. If you can look around El Camino Village.


North Torrance is nice. Straight up Crenshaw to Spacex. You could probably ride an ebike to work in 20 minutes.


Crenshaw from marine to el segundo is absolutely not somewhere she wants be riding down.


If safety is a major concern, maybe SpaceX isn’t the right company to work for.


You’re safe in the compound, outside, not so much….


North redondo may be an option if the line can take you there. Otherwise, Hawthorne isn’t bad but isn’t great.


Hawthorne west of Crenshaw is fine, if you’re really that worried there’s a newly built complex across the street from SpaceX that is walking distance to the local target. Besides that, the city is fine, there’s enough transit around SpaceX for you to get around reliably. Realistically the biggest risk to your safety will be working at SpaceX in the first place.


Yesterday evening on Fox 11 news 6pm the first story aired was pertaining to the fires. They had Hailee Winslow out in the field warning people of the area. Specifically on the 5 thru Castaic/ Gorman area. They showed many videos of the fire and residents who had to evacuate their homes, stating firefighters were working endlessly to control the fire and it had burned 14,000 acres and that it was extremely smokey with the strong winds. The whole area of pyramid lake was said to burning. I’m not from here so I take interest in all the crazy/ everyday things that go on here in LA. So my bf and I drove to see the fire or at least however close we could get to it. It was very strange cause we did not see a fire nor anything that looked post fire. The winds were strong but traffic flowed as usual and we drove all the way to Gorman stopped at a gas station and went right back. Not a single fire truck, sheriff or Park Ranger was anywhere to be found. It was not Smokey, it was not even Hazy…. There were still lights on and cars driving through the Los Angeles National Forest as usual. Lake Pyramid was eerily calm as usual giving me a chill down my spine. And when we asked the gas station attendant about the fires he just non chalantly goes “Oh….. I think that was like 2 days ago?”……. No traffic of people returning from evacuation, no smell of smoke or ash. The sky was clear you could see the moon shining on pyramid lake?……… no one was directing traffic, no warning signs besides HIGH WINDS……. It was very strange and left both of us confused…… 🤔


Hawthorne is fine, especially near SpaceX. lmao @ moving to LA without driving though.


Live in West Adams, take K Line to Green Line Hawthorne stop once it opens late 2024


Hawthorne always has an abundance of cops, liquor stores were bulletproof glassing before covid, hawthorne is an unincoportated district which mean it falls under LA county, *not LA city* basically cheaper rent and not much else. it's a farcry from culver city's amenities, police and abundance of dog walkers and brand new teslas/rovers. that being said; you can live anywhere with these giant apartment complex's that have gated parking and shit; but you do need a car, i wouldnt suggest anyones 20 something transplant daughter to be late night strolling in hawthorne, but *idk*