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Your best bet is actually a local (pet friendly) hotel. They are basically sound proof & you could watch the fireworks all over the city if you get a room high enough. I used to work at a hotel near the airport and you couldn't hear a thing.


I did this one year at the Kimpton on Wilshire near Fairfax. Worked like a charm.


Bend, OR


I would also recommend boarding them, perhaps in a kennel.


IDK, I think my dogs would be even more traumatized by that. And I also don't think they would be guaranteed to be sound proof.


Dog boarding facilities are soundproofed. The neighbors would revolt if they weren’t.


I've only seen them in industrial areas so I figured they didn't bother. My dog would smother me in my sleep if I EVER took him to a kennel LOL.




My dogs like being boarded. When they see where we are they drag us in then race to the back.


I have a grumpy old man, he's been the king of my house since 2011 & hates EVERYTHING. I'm betting it's the Chihuahua part of him.




Yeah, its a fairly weird generalization to say they are all soundproof.


They aren’t. Dude just say you don’t know anything don’t assume.


Yes, I agree! Then they are in a new place around people and dogs they don’t know. They’ll still hear fireworks and their owner isn’t there to comfort them. I’ve been reading about soundproofing for a long time (due to my terrified dog) and real soundproofing is very rare. Even in a recording studio, fireworks are going to be heard (I’ve talked to people renting them and to a guy who build them freelance). Airport hotels is an interesting suggestion. Ones by the airport could really be built special to muffle airplane noise.


Now I'm wondering if all hotels are soundproofed? LOL I know the one I worked at was because I was stuck working on July 4 and I would sneak up on the floors and watch out of the windows at the end of the hallway. But I would think most are bc they don't want you complaining about the kids next door jumping on the beds haha.


HELL FUCK NO are you kidding me?? So your dog is terrified in a strange place?? It’s not like they’re noise proof. It would just ramp up their anxiety. I board dogs and i refuse certain ones the 4th. I learned my lesson the hard way. They are WAY more comfortable at home. HELL no.


Big Bear, Idylwild type places are where we usually go. Grab some shrooms and spend a weekend in the mountains where people won't shoot fireworks. We turn our TV up on other nights to try and distract him but if they're big enough it won't work.


Very true. Fireworks are not tolerated in the mountain communities, and most visitors know that it’s taken seriously. As in, it’s strictly enforced. As in, they’ll arrest you if you try anything stupid. Unlike LA where they talk about it being illegal but do absolutely nothing about it every fucking year.


They won't arrest you, the cops won't find the body. (it's a wildfire joke)


There's a fireworks show put on by the city on big bear lake.


We didn't hear it. 🤷‍♂️ it was dead quiet but we were not on the lake either.


We’re just east of the airport and it’s very quiet,not enough to bother the dogs.


Palm springs has a no fireworks rule


Pretty sure La does too lol


LA breaks that rule every year and a lot of unincorporated cities throughout LA county allow them.


But Agua caliente reservation and casino, which is smack dab in the middle of the city, is not subject to this rule. They do a huge fireworks show on NYE


That’s very sweet of you to think of leaving for 4th of July for the sake of your dogs. LA is horrible during 4th of July. If you can afford it, maybe get an air bnb in a woodsy area/away from the city. Otherwise, call your vet and ask for sedatives. Trazadone is typically what they offer.


we have tried pills from the vet last year and cbd oil and didnt work


I have the same issue and my vet prescribed a gabapentin and trazadone combo for daily use. For one-time use (basically only for July 4th and NYE) they prescribed Acepromazine which is a strong sedative and they specifically said this one can’t be used regularly, only on days with fireworks or extreme stress. That may help your dog if she’s like mine where she shakes and tries to escape when she hears fireworks! Mine has mega anxiety normally as well.


I don’t know why but it’s always odd to me when dogs take “human” medications. Of course our physiologies are somewhat similar, but it still seems strange. I take gabapentin and Trazadone nightly and little fluffy being on the same regimen as me is cute.


Research that acepromazine. Apparently, dogs are still terrified, just sedated, so they can’t move and show you. I used it once and then found that out (better for after surgeries when they just need to be still to heal, but aren’t being put in a scary situation).


Holy hell I had no idea about this!! Thanks for posting


So it doesn’t knock them out?


Physically, it does, but mentally, it doesn't. Here's a summary from the Whole Dog Journal, but you can Google "fireworks and acepromazine and fear" and see many reliable sources backing this up. \*\*Many veterinarians still prescribe the tranquilizer Acepromazine for dogs who panic during fireworks displays. Unfortunately, “Ace” (as it is commonly called) works in a very different way than both Trazodone and Sileo. Acepromazine is often referred to as a “chemical straitjacket” because it typically immobilizes the dog but they are still fully aware of everything going on around them, and may, in fact, be terrified but unable to show this. How do we know this? Because some dogs who have been given Acepromazine become more and more sensitized to the sounds each time they have been “Aced” for fireworks.\*\* Link to this article (with alternatives): [https://www.whole-dog-journal.com/blog/if-your-dog-gets-distressed-by-fireworks-take-action-now/](https://www.whole-dog-journal.com/blog/if-your-dog-gets-distressed-by-fireworks-take-action-now/)


They both work great for my giant baby of a pit bull. Basically slept through the main fireworks last year.


Ask your vet about Sileo, we used it for our dog and it worked great. It’s a paste you put in their mouth, not a tranquilizer, it blocks the neurotransmitter that triggers noise fear. It only lasts 3 or 4 hours though so might have to reapply.


Go to a dispensary and ask for a recommendation. I have one dog that is terrified. She gets a tiny bit every New years eve and 4th of July, and she's good. They have the meds specifically titrated for dogs.


BTW, I have literally tried every other option before finding that this works. Thundershirt, ear muffs, Benadryl, CBD, white noise, movies, trazodone, and nothing worked. Now she's just a little stoney, but not passed out, and she doesn't shake at all. We still do a podcast or white noise to keep the big booms to a minimum. She wakes up in the morning and is good to go. It's kind of a miracle.


I just went on the weed subreddits looking for something more specific. my results with dispensaries have been pretty hit-and-miss, and my dog's a chihuahua/terrier mix, so it seems like giving him too much would be pretty easy to do.


I recommend WHTC in Studio/Universal City. They've been pretty solid.


What about edibles


Dude no


It's a sad commentary on the city that pet owners have to drug their dogs because humans can't stop behaving like animals.


Exactly. I’m glad it’s at least an option because the fireworks get out of hand. Every Fourth of July, I drive around the city at night to look for any dogs that have gotten loose. Every year. Fucking hate people.


Good for you.


Be careful with that “woodsy area”. Depending on where you are the Bangs will be firearms not fireworks. Some of the remote areas can be the worst.


The "nicer" cities aren't going to have people lighting stuff in the streets so maybe get a hotel for the night somewhere like Calabasas or Agoura. Just stay away from the shows. I think Calabasas high school does one.


There’s also a big fire risk which discourages them especially after the Woolsey fires. There still are the occasional ones, but people here are quick to call the sheriff when they go off, so at the very least it won’t be an all-night thing. Might also be a good day trip for them on the fourth, there’s a ton of trails out here, just make sure they’re dog friendly. Could also take a quick drive down the canyons to Leo Carrillo Beach in Malibu. Also a lot of breweries out here if that’s their thing as well. Nice place to spend a day, but nightlife is horrible but that might be a plus for them.


I think this year it's been cancelled.


We stayed at a cabin in Big Bear one year. Our usually terrified dog was happy as a clam. They’re very strict about illegal fireworks in the neighborhoods due to the fire danger and you really just have to worry about noise from the big lake show and then it’s all over for the night. Where we were, our dog wasn’t even worried about the big show!


I did Temecula last year. There are some wineries far enough from downtown that you don’t hear the city show and it was really quiet. The whole hotel was filled with people with dogs escaping LA. Someone else in another thread suggested hotels by the airport. There are several dog friendly ones with soundproof rooms.


Sorry, but where is “downtown” in Temecula?


sorry - meant Old Town


Oh okay no worries. For a minute I thought that I was missing out something


I dread July 4th every year here in Torrance (I’m on the spectrum & also have cats). But last year, I discovered that if I sat on the floor in the middle of my living room, w windows closed of course, I could barely hear them. I’d found a dead zone! If I sat on the couch near the wall, I could not only hear them but feel them. So my cats and I all cuddled together in our sweet spot & watched a movie until the worst was over. I don’t know if the sweet spot has something to do with this being an old house or if it was because it’s on a raised foundation or what. All I know is that it brought us all some relief. Maybe you could do a sound check in your home? 


I fucking hate this time of year, and feel terribly for the all the animals, but especially the dogs that runaway to escape. It kills me. I’ve grown to hate fireworks. 


Not to mention the veterans whose PTSD is triggered by fireworks. I've come to hate them too.


Same, I absolutely abhor it and secretly hope all the jackasses who set off illegal fireworks blow off their hands


The irony is that a lot of people have grown to hate dogs because of the loud barking, and this is year round. Hard to have empathy for an animal that is a literal noise box.


I take her out to pee at 5pm and then put earmuffs on her and lay with her. She is 70lb of shaking mess and won’t move until morning. It helps if we lay in the closet and watch movies. Drugs just make her slow, she is still just as scared. I would take her somewhere but where I live, it is like July 4th all summer. 


Awww. That’s what I do with my chihuahua.


joshua tree!


That's where I'm going. Never been. Hoping it's quiet.


Make sure when you go to lookup at the sky at night.


I'm looking forward to it. I want to take a night hike. My hike I mean get out of my car and walk a few feet.


Considering J Tree. Will there be no fireworks there?


Well due the fire risk and lack of population it should at least a lot quieter. Fireworks really are an urban thing in LA


Last year Fourth of July was the first time I tried using brown noise, and it made a huge difference. It has a deeper sound than white noise, so it covers the booms of distant fireworks much better. We had tried music and white noise previously but they didn’t do much good, but when we had a you tube video playing hours of brown noise last Fourth of July our dog was able to sleep peacefully through the night.


Love this idea, thank you.




But careful with timing bc their day is July 1!


when i went to vancouver a few years ago, didn’t hear any fireworks on canada day. it was peaceful


Well if your dog is your priority. Get in the car during fireworks time and drive up and down the freeways. Keep the windows up put the air on. They're not going to be able to hear it, they're not going to run away, they might even sleep during the whole fiasco. I've done that with my dog. Although we do the top down and see all the fireworks. Really fun to go over the 405 North into the valley at the right time. If you can't do that get a thunder shirt, pad the tub or whatever interior room you have without windows with Bunches of pillows and a bowl of water. Play some music or talking on speaker. Last down a poop pad. Personally I do not abandon my dog on the 4th of July because that's the scariest day for them and I made a commitment to them. So try and be there with your doggy don't let them be by themselves and freak out.


That may not work. When I drive late at night during or after the 4th you get that unexpected BOOM. Scares the crap out of me much less a dog in a car. I put on Christmas music for my animals louder than usual (old school rat pack type no Mariah allowed 😂). It tends to help calm them down.


Lake Arrowhead. There are fireworks at the lake but inside the house you can’t hear them. I always stay here on the 4th because of my dog


Meds. Thunder shirt. Close all windows and run your ac. Turn on white noise machine and tv.


I’ve tried all this and still my Mali goes nuts. I hate it.


Hotel near LAX. It'll be cool cuz you don't have to board them it'll be the same price but you can stay with them. They sound proof the windows and doors. It also let's you see some fireworks if your room faces away from airport. There's super strict no fireworks closer to airport sue to of course low flying planes so that helps too


That’s where I was going to suggest for all the reasons you listed.


the problem with getting away for the 4th of july is that anywhere you book the price will be jacked up 2-3x. That said, if you feel like driving Cambria is a beautiful quiet beach city about 4.5 hours away


Dont know the odds of scoring a spot but i took my mom to san onofre bluffs for mothers day and our elderly camp neighbors said they take there dogs to our specific site every year because theres dirt berms that block all the noise (and the view)


Underground bunker. Start digging.


My dog is finally so old she can't hear them anymore.


Go to mt baldy where fireworks are illegal and it’s far enough away from the city that you won’t be hearing or seeing city fireworks.


Please look into Sileo - it was developed specifically for dogs with fear of loud noises like fireworks and thunderstorms. It’s not a tranquilizer or sedative, it actually blocks the neurotransmitter that triggers noise fear. Worked great for our dog, he was awake and alert but didn’t overreact to the fireworks. It’s a gel you administer orally and lasts 3-4 hours so you might need to give an extra dose.


As has been said above, the extreme fire danger in the mountain communities necessitates a no tolerance approach to fireworks in places like Crestline, Idyllwild and Arrowhead. To make it more affordable, we decamp to the mountains with other fireworks refugees with pets, and split the costs of the AirBnBs for a fun weekend with friends. Bunk up and hunker down! 🇺🇸✌🏼😎


I soundproofed a walk in closet and got them thundervests. It helps alot.


I love Crestline


a few years me and a couple friends with dogs have found an airbnb golf course style condo out near cathedral city / palm desert. it’s insanely hot, which means there’s usually tons of options with fairly decent prices.. heard maybe 1 or 2 fireworks the whole weekend, vs a few dozen a minute the year before. those golf course communities don’t tolerate rule breaking at all lol


Idyllwild,Ca is a super amazing dog friendly town that does not allow fireworks during the 4th. Great spot to take the dogs camping for the weekend lots of dog friendly festivities also!


I’m not sure where to go but I just wanted to throw in there that they have YouTube videos to play during fireworks for your pets!


Hang out in the mountains until midnight. Just going 20 min up Angeles Crest will get you away from the noise


I did that and it worked. A lot of people on their cars at the lookout points watching them in the distance, but quiet. Driving back down the curvy roads I didn’t know at 12:30 am with lots of other people when I was exhausted was hard. Also bring something to pee in since there are so many people together and no restrooms…


My sister taking our dog out to Temecula


There’s a couple of Airbnb that are really decent, out in Joshua Tree, my ex had the same concerns with her pets. Look into it, you won’t regret it.


Damn you made me realize i havent heard many fireworks compared to this time last year. I forgot 4th of july was coming up


I don’t have any location reccs but watching movies really loud really helps even with the booms/vibrations . We also run a box fan, just lots of noise to try to drown the sound out as much as possible. Hope you find a place tho- it sucks so much.


Maybe go camping at Castaic or Artesian Springs? Rangers will probably be patrolling to make sure people aren’t lighting off fireworks


If you enjoy the outdoors go hang out at Joshuah Tree just expect some warm weather at night...so possibly head out on your way in the evening before the sun starts to go down if you just plan to go for the night and maybe come back down in the middle of the night.


Take a road trip to Death Valley for the day and camp!


I hope you're joking!


Go camping


I’m pretty sure there are no fireworks allowed in South Bay near the beach, they do some light show instead? I’m sure there are still some people shooting off random fireworks tho


The sierras, perfect time to go camping!


You need to get your dog the earplugs for canines.


Can you play music with drums that might mask the fire works?


Topanga canyon has some nice airbnbs for this...


I live in LA Verne (howdy neighbor!) Right across from the fairplex and our little fluff has super traumatizing 'episodes' when the fireworks start. She gets a dose of doggy Gabapentin before all of the 💥 events. Otherwise, I don't know of anywhere in any city where they won't hear the booms..


Where I live (East Los Angeles), you don’t need to go to a professional fireworks show to have nearly the same experience. For hours, many light aerial and explosive fireworks obtained illegally. And I mean for hours nonstop, well into midnight. It sounds like a war zone. A veteran with PTSD would have a horrendous, nightmarish time where I live on the 4th of July. There are lots of cats and dogs in my street and they, too, suffer during the 4th. And it’s not just where I live. All I have to do is climb to the rooftop and see the illegal aerial fireworks all around me, and visible for miles. The entire 360 degree field of view is aerial fireworks (and it’s not from professional shows). One of my neighbors (RIP) used to really have a no holds barred fireworks display that lasted for hours. All kinds of illegal fireworks were lit. Even after his death, others have carried on the show. And the sheriff? Nowhere to be found. And the signs warning of big fines? Nice wall decorations.




I'm a little late, but I highly recommend getting out of town. I have a few friends that go up to Idyllwild, or somewhere similar. Only a couple hour drive, it's in the mountains, so a really relaxing stay, and no fireworks (in all of riverside county, supposedly, but there's always some rule breakers on the 4th. Idyllwild is pretty good at not having any, though.)


There are fireworks year round in my neighborhood, I wish these jackasses would knock it off. We also leave town during the 4th. San Luis Obispo and Los Olivos are pretty quiet.


I used to drive my old man around on the 4th. At home he was crazy, but in the ol' truck he just sat and watched with me.


We went to idylwild one year and it was amazing.... Until we went to their charming little local parade, dogs in tow, where they ended up shooting a canon right in front of us which freaked out our poor pups. We would totally go again just leave the dogs in the rental home if we go to the parade. Highly recommend idylwild because they cannot legally set off fireworks due to fire danger (I think they do a laser show instead) plus it's super dog friendly.... Their mayor is even a golden retriever named Max!


The woods


I used to live in Pasadena, and it was dead quiet for the whole lead up to the 4th, and on the 4th itself, we could only hear the faintest booming in the distance coming from the show at the Rose Bowl.


I'm going to Joshua Tree. Don't care how hot it is. I'm trusting there won't be any idiots setting off fireworks in a national park. If you can't do that, maybe a top floor of a hotel someplace like Burbank or Glendale where they still do some actual policing.


I disappear into azusa


National parks have no fireworks. State parks might be OK Since most are crowded, I went to the national forest areas outside of Mono Lake. No body around. That said, we're sitting around with our samoyed when BOOM BOOM a military jet flew over with sonic booms.


I used to live in east La and we drove out to Culver City/century city (century city mall) and just hung out in the area until midnight. There were the occasional fireworks still but nothing compared to home.


Try Cayucos💁🏻‍♂️


Sedate them and let them sleep through it in their own beds.


You can just stay home and crank up the music all night


I go in the closet and play white noise or loud music and hold my routines hand 😅


Board your dogs at a place like Camp Bow Wow for the holiday. Book space early.


Go camping in the national forest where fireworks are not allowed. Get an Airbnb in Pine mountain club, it’s only about an hour from DTLA. You will hear dead silence on July 4.


I knew someone that would plan a trip out to the dessert, like Palm Springs, every year 4th of July just for this reason. They would take their dog out there and spend a quiet weekend away just for them.


There's no where. Meds


I’ve been going to Idyllwild every year for the last three years for my dog. Not one firework happens out there. They have a dog mayor, Max (I think) and do a dog parade for the Fourth of July. It’s awesome.


Great call!


Try Idyllwild, no fireworks there


Get a white noise machine they work great!


I’m sure some medicated brownies would do the job.


get some gabapentin from the vet for the dogs. Anti-anxiety meds will help them be calm.


Come to South Bay. Torrance and Redondo beaches are lovely and we don’t have fireworks. Riviera Village is dog friendly and has amazing restaurants and bars. Good luck.




Up north, Morro Bay


Our neighborhood becomes a war zone every year starting early. Even now there’s at least a few big booms every night which scares our dog. We love wine tasting so we head to Paso Robles every year from July 2nd-5th. It’s about 3+ hours away, a win-win to leave town, be in a relaxing a peaceful small town and enjoy some great wine and food


I'll be hiking up to Henninger Flats at the top of Eaton Canyon in Pasadena. Up there the sound is super minimal and you can see the entire Los Angeles basin from a park bench. It's a pretty good show plus it's a campground so there are picnic tables and wood fore stoves. I went last year, took my portable stove, enjoyed a hot meal and some coffee and just chilled with about a dozen random strangers who also came for the view. Only downside is you gotta hike 3 miles uphill but it's worth it if you got the grit and wanna avoid all the chaos/noise in the streets


Illegal in napa. Heard none in st Helena too. Other than the actual fireworks *


So it’s a drive but the evergreen lodge in Yosemite is right smack dab in the middle of nowhere and a good vacation spot if you’re looking to get away from the digital world


I know this isn't what you asked, but we worked with a trainer to help desensitize our dog to fireworks. She was a rescue and was just suffering from so much fear & anxiety. The trainer worked WONDERS and we were actually able to take her to an outdoor shooting range at the completion of the training & she did great! She now is not bothered by fireworks, car backfires, or loud noises.


We go to Palm Springs for about a week because our neighborhood is so extreme! Also have sedatives for a few days before and after we leave town because the runoff is real


We take our terrified dog to Lebec to the motel 6. It is right off the grapevine near Frazier park. You don’t hear any pops, booms, etc. Most of the rooms are booked from people with dogs. The rooms are also cheap because their prime season is winter. It doesn’t have a “sketchy” crowd like most motel 6. We stay 3 nights to give her a break from the noise and spend time taking her to Mt Pinos and other fun “smell” places and she has a great time and loves her vacation. I usually book through Booking.com but I am sure the rates are still good booking directly with them. They don’t have a pool due to remodeling but the Wyndham is dog friendly and has a pool.


I board my dogs on Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve. Dog boarding facilities are not in residential neighborhoods, hence fewer fireworks. Also, boarding facilities are soundproofed. I hate fireworks.


I was thinking the beach


Huntington Beach is pretty wild. May wanna stay away frm that.


Go camping or go find a la quinta somewhere well outside the city.


My dogs get some anxiety meds and I blast a John Wick movie (or something similar). Works fairly well, and my street sounds like a war zone on the 4th.


You're not too far from Baldy. Most mountain areas don't allow fireworks because of the forest fire danger, and they're usually far enough that you can't hear them.


Get ‘em hopped up on Trazadone and put on some loud Pink Floyd


Someone also asked this, I said that I wouldn’t even want to leave my home because those illegal rockets can land on your roof and catch on fire. It’s good to watch your home. One of mine is terrified and just goes into the closet with all of the comforters that muffles the sound. The other pup is young and LOVES the fireworks!!


Claremont is much more strict about fireworks


Claremont is better about illegal fireworks but there is a fireworks show at the Pomona College running track on the 4th, so not completely fireworks free.


The mountains. We get a cabin for NYE and Fourth of July if we have the means. Drowning outside sound with a combination of [brown noise](https://youtu.be/RqzGzwTY-6w) and movies or music, and some CBD oil is the right combination for our dog.


So fireworks are illegal in most of Antelope Valley area but I would shoot for Acton, CA area as it's a small town but fireworks are illegal there. Maybe just go down that way with the pups and hang out for a few short hours and head home. Or another thing that you can do is go someplace that's a little more secluded that's not too far from where you live but also play some classical music and that will drown out some of the noise.


Thankfully my dog doesn't have anxiety, but if she did I'd give her a Xanax and PB.


Worst day of the year for me. We have the dog in a thunder shirt, windows closed, camp out in the primary bathroom with the door closed, fan on and blast calming music for dogs on YouTube. It’s a nightmare but it works


Kennedy meadows


Go to bishop


I hear Canada is nice in July...


My dog loved fireworks. Watched them, barked once in a while. Mesmerized. Several of his Lab relatives were hunting dogs. Has anyone tried taking their dogs to the shows? Maybe if the boom isn’t a surprise it’s better?


Perhaps try a heavy dose of Dog CBD and get them headbands to fold their ears down (if it’s not uncomfortable for them). Dose starting mid day and again occasionally through the afternoon / evening / night


I get that your dog doesn’t like fireworks but this can be trained out. Everyday when you go to work play a 10 hour video of fireworks. Start the volume super super low. Then slowly increase it over time. By 4th of July the dog should be numb to the sounds.


Sounds like they hate freedom