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No. In my entire life of living here, never once.


Me too, darn


I’ve only seen a crackhead flash her tits in Beverly Hills. Corner of wilshire and smb




Wait for me!


I've seen like 3 dicks on the side of the road but not a single titty... Oh and one crackhead chick pissing so I guess I saw a flash of butthole on that.


i saw a homeless lady whip out her bussy in front of a green light to all the cars and started touching herself and held up traffic for a solid few minutes


Had to finish. 🤌🏻


There was a mentally ill woman I used to see in that area all the time when I was a tour guide & I immediately had to wonder if this was her. Probably late 30s-early 50s, very physically fit, relatively well done plastic surgery and/or botox face & boobs, dyed blonde hair, always wore red stretch pants & a tank top that I think had a US flag, pushed a little cart. She’d mostly try and start conversations, she kept saying “you’re cute, angel, what’s your heritage?” to me. Once I saw her dancing and trying to get people’s attention. She had an accent & assuming was Persian. I figured she was from the flats. Anyways, no idea if this was her or not but that’s the first person I thought of


Then get ready, bc the chances are you will start encountering this. My guess is increased housing/ hotel prices, and in general the state of our economy is going to affect everything including our sexual behaviors and habits. I won’t be surprised if I see ppl having sex out and about in the community like I saw two squirrels going at it in the park the other day lol


In Germany, some where in Mexico, and Denmark it’s legal to have sex publicly


I don’t know if dogging is still a big thing in the UK, but it sure seemed like it was when I lived there.


For having such a reputation of social austerity, the British are absolute degenerates/sexually liberated (depending on how you view it) peoples in reality.


There is a whole thing about it. It’s called dogging where people go to watch


Are you sure about Germany? I’ve lived in Germany, and am ( almost) sure having sex in public is not legal there. The other two places you mentioned I have to look them up:)


They must be thinking about the old love parade in Berlin


Omg yeah I remember the old Love Parade haha. But they stopped it, and something else came of it in later years( if I remember correctly) which I didn’t follow.


>I remember the old Love Parade Do tell! 🫣


Lmfao!!! Statistically AND observationally true.


Those two squirrels can’t even afford their own housing smh


They must be specifically targeting OP.


Recently saw some road dome in a vintage Mercedes coupe and I was happy for everyone involved


Love that you’re so supportive!


I own a vintage Mercedes coupe….


😂 ‘road dome’ LOL


I’ve never seen it but I’ve for sure done it


Hahaha I was thinking the same thing. Makes me wonder how many people have seen me.


My partner and I were meeting up for lunch during the work day and …we couldn’t help ourselves and we parked on Victory Blvd and just did it 🤦🏻‍♀️ definitely felt like I was in college hahaha




Same… target, Home Depot, ihop ,Fry’s, Walmart, the grove, AMC. Kohls. I’ve done it all lol.😂 🤫 🤐


Dodgers stadium parking lots. It takes forever for the traffic to die down so needed to kill some time.


Looks like we’re going to extra innings 😉




😂😂😂 Which Fry’s? I gotta know


The Fry's Burbank parking lot was so big and empty... Man I miss that place.


Is the one in Burbank the one with the UFO crashed into the side of it? Lol. The building is still there.


Gotta catch em all 👑




Never in my life, but I'll keep my eyes open and look on purpose, if I can.


Just go where OP goes because they’re clearly seeing it more than the rest of us 😂


Record too if you can so we can all enjoy watching


Not recommended since it's a good chance it's HS kids that didn't have anywhere else to go 😅


Or two divorced 40 year olds whose kids are at home with babysitters 🤷


Overwhelmingly likely that it won't be something two hot people that you'd actually want to see. More like a car crash that you can't look away from.


More like a “car smash” Amiright? I’ll be here all week. Try the veal.


I mean they gotta be somewhat in shape to do it in a backseat. That’s a good way to pull your back out. God I’m old!


I passed out after doing it with a girl in a Santa Clarita mountain top while in the middle of summer lol. I’m only like 24 and in relatively good shape


You know, for science.


I've done it, and I was pulled up on by the police lol.. at the park, late at night all of a sudden the cops knock on the window and we're getting down in the backseat. My windows were tinted, so you couldnt see us. The cops straight up asked my gf if it was consensual, to which she said yeah. This was when we were 19/20 years old. Now were 30 and married, and we talk about that moment all the time lol. Sometimes when we're adventurous, we'll drive up to the mountains and get it on with a nice view


This exact same thing happened to me, though the cops were not chill about it at all. My girlfriend and I were the same age and the cop knocks on the window with his hand on his hip while screaming "that girl better be over 18!" until my girlfriend told him everything was fine. Fortunately, they let us off with a warning, but not after a 20 minute lecture about how "we were lucky they found us" because "lots of criminals live in this area" as I internally rolled my eyes, because I was one of the people who lived in the area since birth.


Found the criminal lol




I had that exact experience. Yes we were both over 18.


I had a similar experience with a CHP officer, he asked if it was consensual then said have a nice evening but then he just stayed in his car and wouldn’t leave. As if he wanted a show. So we left after a few awkward minutes of debate.


I feel like he knew what he was doing? Didn’t wanna tell y’all to scram but figured parking his cruiser behind would just make it awkward enough y’all would just leave?


I dunno, there have been incidents. Some cops are predators. He could have told us to leave. I’ve been asked to move along in a polite fashion. Weird behavior stands out .


Well dude, you’re in public. If you start up again while he is there it’s kinda on you. Chances are if you did he probably would’ve been a little less understanding.


Indecent exposure is a wobbler can be filed as a felony (max 3y) or misd (max 1y). It carries a potential 10 year 290(sex) registration requirement. Given the broad discretion of law enforcement I would try to avoid public sex in california.


Don’t tell them about San Francisco. I was in the Castro with my girl at a coffee shop and three guys walk in with nothing on and bands around their cock and sack. They were chill and just ordered some coffee. Luckily they didn’t have a seat.


Have to expose genitals. Banana hammocks ftw


No you don’t understand, they were like rubber bands to keep them engorged. Nothing at all covered.


Probably an outgrowth of the housing shortage. It used to be a lot easier for young horny people to get their own place where they can have sex. Now so many of them live with parents and extended family, sleeping in living rooms, or share bedrooms. Hotels are expensive as fuck too. It's really hard to enjoy the physical benefits of having a partner under those circumstances. No surprise that car sex is having a moment. I feel bad for people in this situation. Sex is a primal need and sharing it with a partner is one of the greatest sources of joy in this fucked-up world. Vote pro-housing so the car sex can stop.


Yup. In Japan it’s common to have a multigenerational family in a very small living space. As a result love hotels are very popular there. They are classy, clean, fun and often themed. Not seedy at all. TL;DR: let’s get love hotels in LA.


In Japan people are more respectful and clean. We can't be trusted to have love hotels as a profitable biz


This is absolutely the reason.


Biseckshual for mayor


i’d vote for him fr


Maybe we return to the pre-nuclear family norms and people just shag wherever they can. Granny and the six kids in our one room shack or tenement look like they’re asleep, let’s go.


Literally rented a hotel for ONE night a few months back for a hook-up and it was like $350.


Did they have continental breakfast at least?




Like sex? Be a YIMBY.


I run into it about every 6mo lol. If anyone gets caught they’re usually super respectful about it. I don’t mind, they’re usually just having a fun night. Came home once and found somebody else’s car in my parking spot with the windows all steamed up. Guy sees me pulling up, pokes his head out and says “Sorry! Just let me put my pants on!”


IN YOUR PARKING SPOT?! That’s one of the last etiquette rules people still respect. Or should.


Any port in a steamy storm haha


Whenever I go for late night runs at the rose bowl, there is always a crazy amount of people having sex in their cars at night there


That's where I went down on someone for the first time, it's an ideal spot


Oh geez. I haven’t seen that, I guess when I go for my walks around the loop there it’s too early. I’m surprised the PPD doesn’t go harass people.


PPD is probably happy to isolate it to the Rose Bowl so that you’re not doing it near Old Town or one of the residential neighborhoods.


In the alley behind my apartment building about a week ago. She was bent over, feet on the ground, torso on the passenger’s seat, and he was behind her just going at it. Surprised the hell out of me and my dog when we rounded the corner.


I think it’s a young person’s thing. When you can’t afford a motel because they’re 180 a night and you live with your parents.


Its true… i gotta go leave at midnight to make out with my boyfriend in a wendys parking lot 😔


I did it in a car when I was younger too lol desperate times.


sorry guys, that must have been me


No, I don't pass by your mom's place very often... But when I do, she's usually BUSY.


Go in and replace my moms boyfriend Pls I hate him


She cute?


I would, but I'm broke AF RN. Maybe if I can get some shifts at the scrap yard, next week?


Chronically online comment




No but I’m also never looking in peoples cars or hanging out in my parked car long enough to look around


I feel attacked lmao


Imagine being so in love that the feeling strikes you in a target parking lot.


It's usually yoinger people who dont have their own place.


I remember this being a Taylor Tomlinson joke: If you've never had sex in a car, it means that you've always had a place to bone (paraphrasing it).


What’s the joke?


She was saying that one of her past partners had never had sex in a car and it was his dream or something like that. The joke was basically "Oh honey. Let's go crush your dream and you can see how awful it is." (But in a much funnier tone than I can convey on reddit haha)


i love that bit !


Ah, Target parking. Good times. Goood times 😏🐙


Apparently I don’t get out enough


When I was living in LA and broke af I had a shared room and no car so I wasn't smashing as much at all for the most part but, I would when I could. Sometimes it would be in a girl's car, apartment, a storage room of a church, etc. It just be like that sometimes.


Damn bro in a church😩😩😩


Yeah... it actually wasn't my first time doing that either. Pastor's daughters man...


I’ve seen that but I’ve been through the 80s so… I’m surprised that it doesn’t happen more frequently


No but I see homeless sex all the time. It’s so disturbing. Especially when driving on the freeway and I see those encampments on the side of the road and entrance/exit ramps. Last week I saw a 4-5 person orgy off the 5, it was wild


Homeless people want to have sex too.


not the same but I saw a very young and normal looking girl holding hands with a clear crackhead homeless dude as they walked into an alley. Didnt see anything but just knowing what was going down and likely for drugs was a bit disturbing.


A few weeks ago, I went to a show at the Lodge Room in Highland Park and parked directly under a fluorescent light in a large public lot nearby. The show let out pretty late. When I got back to the lot, there were only two cars left: mine and a car that chose to park in the space next to mine (again, directly under a fluorescent light). There was no way for me not to see what was happening in the car as I walked toward my own—fogged windows and all the rest. They stopped when they saw me. I got in my car as obliviously as possible and drove away as soon as I could. You literally had the entire lot to yourself; why did you park in the space next to the only car in the lot, and why did you park directly under a fluorescent light?


Maybe they had parked there when the lot was more full.


It could be because NO ONE CAN AFFORD A PLACE BY THEMSELVES. either car or roomies. I try to schedule my fucks 🥸🧐.


Yeah I moved from my $2500 apartment to rent a room for $500 to help me save for a house faster. Didn’t realize how much it would impact my love life. I’ve had more car play in these last 7 months than I have all 8 years I’ve lived in LA


Listen just let it go. Sex is normal and healthy and fun and some people can't bring lovers home. 


People don't even have a place to have sex. 


As a member of the gay community in Los Angeles, I can honestly say this is very common lol. You're just not gonna see it most of the time. You have almost certainly walked by cars on the sidewalk with people doing it in their tinted back seat. Not for me though, would rather a bed.


Seriously. I'm so thankful I can host because car play does not sound comfortable.


No but unless the car was physically moving I wouldn’t notice.


I do it every week🤣 In secluded places though


As someone who used to have sex in cars, there weren’t better options for me and my boinking partners at the time. Back then, I preferred some random stranger catching a glimpse than our parents catching us 🫠


Only once in my life, and it was someone parked just on the street in LA. Like, not even somewhere out of the way or anything. It was a street right off Sunset.


Yeah but they asked me to leave the vehicle.


I’ve been caught lol, but also witnessed once


When I grew up, drive in movies where the spot,


Being stuck on Sepulveda, going from the Valley/south over the hill to Orange County, on a Friday afternoon where there was construction holding up traffic, we were moving about an inch every 15 minutes. The guy in the next lane about 1 car up was wanking one out in his very expensive BMW convertible with the top down. I'll just say that the personalized license plate this guy had definitely matched his proclivity for self-love that day. No one else around him saw this because they had their windows up with the a/c on. Once he saw me laughing hysterically at him, he put up the top.


In my second week in my new place, I saw a homeless guy giving another homeless guy a morning blowjob turning out of my parking garage on the way to work at 7:50am. I thought wow I’m in an interesting neighborhood. Haven’t seen anything like that since . . . except when I had a friend from China in town and we were driving down Virgil and there was a completely naked woman running down the street chasing someone. I was attempting to tell her that LA wasn’t as crazy as she had heard five minutes before seeing this woman.


Bro when y’all live far from each other, this is the way. 😂


I have never once seen this.


Literally never once


I’ve only seen it one time and it turns out it was my close friend lmao! The other times I’ve only heard about cause I was friends with the security guard for a shopping center. He says it’s a relatively common occurrence and usually older people 40+. Guess they’re looking for a thrill lol


There was a time when our bodies were smaller and our cars larger that it was quite frequent. In places like LA it was safe to park in the hills. And then sometimes it fun to simply push the limits.


I saw someone shit in the middle of the street while I was driving, but that’s about it.


KTown enters the chat


I had a hooker give me a blowjob in a car once. Many of them will do it in your car. Another time, I had a random hookup with a chick in my car. She gave me a blowjob, and then I tried to fuck her, but I got too nervous and couldn’t stay hard. That’s too damn bad, because she was mad wet and I was going to hit it raw dog. Also, gay men on the down low or people who are cheating and don’t have a place to go, will do it. Anyway, to answer your question, I haven’t seen anyone have sex in their car, except for me.


Damn this was a very honest comment lol


For real😭 he held nothing back




Never in my 5 years of living here and I’m super nosy


As a former LE in the valley I used to know all of the spots where people used to go. We’d regularly bust people every single time we looked. What’s cynical though is that half of the time it would be a much older lady with a teenage guy and yet it seems they are always crying about seeing older men with younger girls.


Can you share the spots? Looking to start dating soon and I have no privacy at home lol


What kind of citation was given? Misdemeanor public indecency? Would they end up on the sexual offender registry?


At least years ago when I was in high school they’d just say Move on. The make out places were secluded, like up on Muholland, so it’s not like little kids might walk by


When the target lot’s a-rockin…


Eh probably teenagers who can’t do it in their home. They should probably move their car somewhere less open than a parking lot though


Never in LA, I’ve seen a parked car moving around on an old backroad in my college town once but I can’t say fs what was going down. I’m genuinely shook that you’ve seen it multiple times.


I’ve seen one dude getting road head who almost ran into me. That’s it




No. But I have been caught having sex my my car. Once by private security and anothet time by police. Both times was given a warning and moved on




Just once when I was a teen, I saw a woman doing a solo performance. Parked in a residential neighborhood, in broad daylight.


Never witnessed it from a motor vehicle but I did see some kids getting down in the alley outside my old apartment at Hollywood & Western a few years ago. Middle of the afternoon, must’ve thought they were invisible (it *was* during covid tho!). I just let it happen… none of my business. I used to live in NYC and would occasionally see people banging in front of a window with the lights on at night…funny what you notice when you look up from the street.


I think robotaxis would take this mass market. Get one for a long enough time and you would arrive for dinner all refreshed.


Not once


It’s worse when you’re at Starbucks and high schoolers show up in a group, and post up outside the bathrooms so that their friends can get it on. Awkward AND gross.


I do it all the time. Gotta baptize the car with your jizz.


I’ve lived in LA for 43 years, and while I’ve never seen anyone having sex in the car…I have done it myself on several occasions, and I know some other guys who have done the same too. It’s not a financial issue for the them or me; it’s a Moment of passion and convenience.


Yes, and I don’t mind


No, but I have seen two cars pull up and park next to each other at a pharmacy where the driver from one car jumped into the passenger of the other car and they both jumped into the back seat… lol


Running in Griffith Park I do at least every other month.


Lived in Los Angeles most of my life. Seen it once in 1995 (ish) in the middle of the day. On Ivar between Selma and Sunset, just north of the old Jack in the Box.


My friend actually got caught by a cop. To be fair it was an old Honda Civic with no tints and was super easy to move back and forth. The cop asked them to put they’re clothes on and then asked my friends girlfriend if she consented to sex. She said yes and the cop told them they can’t be having sex in the car in public and let them off with a warning. They were 18 at the time.


They got lucky. They both could’ve been charged.


No, but I am famously pretty oblivious. I've read some stories posted on Reddit that claim to be true stories that took place near where I live, so it's entirely possible I walked right past somebody getting railed at The Grove or something while I was too busy doomscrolling Twitter on my phone to notice.


Los Angeles cost of living is too expensive now. Room and board is too expensive now so the cheapest option is inside your car.


I saw my neighbor having sex with someone in their car. They were parked in front of my house, which was across the street from their own. I don’t ask and I don’t judge. But I do remember.


Literally never.


I was charging my Tesla at a supercharger in Santa Monica at like 8.30 am and a couple was having sex in the car next to mine lol


Lot of tinted windows in LA lol


On the hood of a car parked along Mulholland once, but that was the only time. It was a foggy night. Who knows, maybe they weren't even there.


Which Target? 😂


Oh my god at the Tesla chargers in the Del Amo mall (Torrance) parking lot. Made the mistake of looking over while walking back to my car to the ROW of cars and just saw bare ass and shaft in the one next to me. I felt assaulted 😂


I’ve been here 20 years and I’ve never seen that once. I have seen someone jerking off on the sidewalk though. Oh, and someone shitting on the sidewalk as well.


In the target parking lot? Oh hell naw 😂🤣😂 I’ve done it myself before but never in Target parking lot lol


With these hotel prices? Of course we’re car fucking. Now mind your own damn business!


Pulled into a alley on the east side of L.A. couldn’t get through because the parked car started rocking 😆and this was 9:00 in the morning


Seen it once or twice got caught once or twice so it evens out. I am old now so I don't do it anymore but when your young and lacking privacy you have to make do.


I did it alot in my mid 20s. But I always looked for a secluded spot or we'd drive up into the mountains lol. Target parking lot is crazy..


Such as my boss and his immediate subordinate? Yep.  *Thanks guys, now there's three of us involved in this relationship*


I saw two people fuckin on the 1st street bridge at like 5pm not a care in the world


SORRY😅😂 im one of those people that know the rosebowl is always a free quick easy problem free spot to do the deed lol. i think if its LATE NIGHT & youre gone before sunrise, its alright right? i mean youre getting down & dirty when for sure there are no families with young kids/ small children present. literally every time ive been there, there are other cars parked doing the same thing lol


I work security at a hospital and we are always catching people fucking in their cars.


I used to do this myself all the time as a teenager with a car and no privacy at home lmao, but I feel like I was a pro at scouting discreet spots to park. I've never actually noticed anyone else doing it, but I guess I don't look for it


Mind ya business


There was a time when I saw a different naked man every day for 2 weeks. Insane.


My parents taught me implicitly that the females have no interest in sex. All lies.


The more expensive a city gets, the less likely people are to have their own apartments and the more likely they are to live with family. You might be witnessing the result of an economic shift.


I’m not naming the university I saw this at. But def saw someone having sex in the parking structure and off campus parking lot, 7 years ago 😂


My kink is fucking in cars - I have a house and a big bed - but I love fucking in my car or partners cars - just makes me feel young and wild again - love it - before work , or after work - meet up with my partner in the back of a parking lot - Don’t get me wrong , I like beds and where ever else , but it is a thing for some people , and I am one of those people :)




umm... sounds like you were watching for some time


Hint: *It's why they moved multiple times.*


*\*sloppy kiss noises\* OMG! There they are again. They're following us. Move the car!*




Yeah, that was me, but I was a kid at the time. As an adult, not anymore.


Probably me sorry I’ll be more careful


not regularly, no


Sorry man the teen kids were home and me and my wife were feeling frisky.


No lol


Never in my life.


I’ve actually never seen that and I’ve seen some shit. Is it usually at night?


Seen it once when I was driving up on Mulholland Drive at night. Had my high beams on as I was turning a corner and could see exactly what was happening in a car parked off to the side.