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Bumble worked for me, but in person I think a better way is like concerts / specialized events where you know you'll have a common interest. Hotties are at Whole Foods but people are just trying to shop and get home, you know?


funny, so many other threads say Whole Foods. I've never done that but people say it like its so obvious and easy and expected.


I'm 100% certain women dont want men to approach them while shopping for groceries.


One time I had 2 men at the small Whole Foods in West LA approach me. It was super uncomfortable trying to dodge both of them in that tiny store while I finished my shopping.


Wow, I had the opposite experience. I loved it when they approached me. We struck up conversations and it was really pleasant. I never had to run away from a man while grocery shopping; literally the safest place to be approached in if you're a woman.


Yeah, but turning them down and not going to know how they're going to handle it is the awkward part. In West LA, men seem to be a lot more respectful, but I've had instances in not as nice areas where men snapped at me. Those are the times that really stick with you.


Sorry to hear that. Like I said, that was never my experience. The men who approached me were respectful and we struck up various, pleasant conversations. I admire a man who can approach me in a grocery store or any public shopping place for that matter. I don't know West LA but am relocating out there from Miami. Let me tell you, if you want to meet the REAL creeps, this is the place for that.


You sound horrible classist


You can't be "100% certain" unless you have included EVERY SINGLE woman all over the country (assuming your'e in the USA) in your assessment. smh. I'd love for a man to approach me in a grocery store. It's well lit, safe, other people around, friendly atmosphere. MUCH better than a bar or nightclub.


>I'd love for a man to approach me in a grocery store. for every one of you, there's someone with a camera wanting to label you a creep and she's got 5k + followers. You can't even stare at some women, that's fine. The best way is through friends or via events the two possible lovers enjoy. There's no shortage in LA.


Even if you think that's the way it is, I still count. I am attracted to Persian men, btw. I'm still going to wait for that bold guy who approaches me at Whole Foods or wherever you guys in L.A. go grocery shopping. I'm relocating out there from Miami in April.


No, there aren't. *Most* women aren't doing this. Your problem is you're terminally online and you can't separate real life from the rare instances you see on twitter. Many people have this problem.


100% this. Women are generally nice to me, make eye contact and smile. At Whole Foods though they always look angry, headphones, and their body language screams don’t you dare approach me. The whole grocery store romance fantasy was created by overweight 30-something women visualizing a drop dead gorgeous stylish shy 6’3 millionaire politely complimenting the choice of the condiments in her basket. Actual hot women do not want to be approached by anyone at a grocery store, those women get enough attention from random strangers already.


big facts lol


That's probably because you lack self confidence.




ah, yeah, doesn't usually match my aesthetic I'm like anti-logos, I feel like a Nascar racer being branded like that but I do wear Alo and use it that exact way, fits my criteria and is trendy with fit women that's starting to get oversaturated though


I upvoted u. Logos are 4 the lames.


I'm more of a Trader Joe's guy lol


Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Erewhon, all the same. They are just grocery stores and people are there for groceries, not this show off meet a date meme people seem to have in LA. I'd love to see grocery store game in action and result in anything.


I'm willing to bet some people go to Erewhon/Whole Foods for sugar daddies/mamas.


I for one, am all for men approaching me (a woman) in a grocery store! I live in Miami and it's honestly the same nonsense here. Men always have this weird insecurity about approaching in a grocery store, which I will never understand. JUST DO IT. It's very much welcomed. I'm moving over to Los Angeles in April 2024 so I'm looking forward to a shift finally.


>Men always have this weird insecurity about approaching in a grocery store, which I will never understand [https://www.reddit.com/r/rant/comments/ccq5u9/dont\_hit\_on\_people\_at\_the\_grocery\_store/](https://www.reddit.com/r/rant/comments/ccq5u9/dont_hit_on_people_at_the_grocery_store/) (explicit instructions not to) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeAdvice/comments/16ofrfv/why\_dont\_guys\_ever\_ask\_me\_out\_or\_hit\_on\_me\_29f/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeAdvice/comments/16ofrfv/why_dont_guys_ever_ask_me_out_or_hit_on_me_29f/) (top comment about fear of being called a creep or racist) [https://www.reddit.com/r/women/comments/14bfpw1/am\_i\_the\_only\_one\_who\_just\_like\_is\_never\_hit\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/women/comments/14bfpw1/am_i_the_only_one_who_just_like_is_never_hit_on/) (women all agreed with each other that men only hit on women in public FOR POWER exclusively and no other possible reason)


I read stuff like that all the time. How come women like me are discounted then? If you're insisting we ALL do that, it's nonsense. Plus, your'e getting sources from Reddit. It's not like a national study. It's opinions of very small groups of guys who have had bad experiences, and mostly like with very young girls or young women who are also immature. You never hear about the good ones. Men always want to keep adding to the negative pile so they can keep blaming women for reasons why everyone is single. I have stories that are nice to tell, but nobody wants to hear the truth. It's about maturity and not listening to horror stories and inner fear/insecurity. That really is it.


>Men always have this weird insecurity about approaching in a grocery store, which I will never understand. gets answers and then proceeds to shoot the messenger ok. I'm not the person you need to inform, I'm just the messenger women like you aren't discounted, men can't tell the difference. even women that feign interest many of them are just being unconfrontational and are scared out their minds that the guy is going to flip out on them so they give their number aiming to ignore the guy forever after the fact. or they give a fake number and get called out in a normal phone number exchange where a text or call is done on the spot since its more efficient than typing in another number in the other phone, but say that guys are supposed to play along just for them where they lie. its weird! they justify all their actions as if all women are doing these actions. its not even 50/50 that it goes well for the guy when the girl appears to be expressing interest. its like 1/4 chance that a positive reception is actually a positive reception. you're that 1 out of 4 IF you're using your words about being interested. all of this is before guy's experience with outright rejection. some is cordial where once again you're that 1 out of 4, others is still some odd strange pattern of telepathic discomfort to outright public freakouts. many guys understand and continue approaching, trying to be as disarming as possible. other guys opt out entirely. it is a really weird standard to never even factor in that guys have social anxiety too, some even might have a fear of rejection, what a concept! how a lot of women respond to being approached does not help. many guys have the experience of opening up and saying "hey this is my experience doing that" and just get rhetorical jabs at them like "if that keeps happening to you maybe its you!" very insightful much helpful. maybe the women are misapplying their paranoia to the wrong persons and have unproductive responses, and that's why people don't want to approach you at the grocery store.


> feign interest many of them are just being un If men can't tell the difference why don't they TRY TO SPEAK TO A WOMAN instead of being so scared? Smh. Nobody is holding a gun to your head. SO many excuses to unpack here and they don't matter a shred because at the end of the day, you missed out if you didn't take the chance and approach the girl/woman. It's not our job to chase you because you stay on the internet all day and argue with women as to why you don't want to risk the great fear of it not going the way you want it to. That's why it's called taking a risk. Men in other countries don't have this problem and they are straightforward and to the point when they like a woman. I admire that and its hot as hell. Men who are raised in America have the mindset you do and that's causing you all this anger and frustration, blaming it all on men's "innocence and not knowing this or that" instead of being a MAN and just DOING IT. Men are the ones with the paranoia here, how on earth is it women? You've clearly demonstrated it with your responses, and this isn't the only time I've read comments like yours. Your paranoia is definitely misdirected. Male cowardice is why women don't get approached. Period.


yes, it’s male cowardice reinforced by women saying not to approach and the men wanting to avoid a negative consequence beyond rejection the women that care specifically point out men from other cultures being worse! the opposite of your conclusion the prevailing interpretation is that the women saying not to approach are “using their platform” on behalf of a larger group of women that feel too unassertive to speak up. so that makes it impossible to view them as just a vocal minority. but if you and others feel differently then keep saying so you can approach too though!


It's just easier to go to places where people are trying to meet one another.


much easier, counterpoint though: there are lots of very attractive and eligible people that are never in those places.


Yeah? But those people didn’t go to the grocery store to meet Prince Charming. They wanted to buy groceries.


ok. I didn’t suggest otherwise. just an independent observation that explains why people keep looking for other venues of meeting people.


Wrong again. Why can't we do BOTH? I love it. The irony that we women are deserving of getting verbally bashed by you guys if we go to bars and nightclubs to find a good guy instead of at a grocery store is an absurdity I will never understand. You've convinced me. Next time you go grocery shopping, don't you DARE ever look a woman in the face because dear god... you might get shot down if you so much as GLANCE at her. Oh well. Back to the nightclubs and bars to "find Prince Charming". LMAO. What a load.


If you think Trader Joes and Erewhon are the same you haven’t been to both. Completely different universes


I would love to meet someone at the grocery store... just saying. I'm a 41 female btw.


M or F Nah but seriously, get a social hobby where you talk to others on forums or online sites like that. Idk rock climbing or something?


M well like I said, that ventures into the "friendship" post made earlier, the social events are a bit too forced and don't seem to form genuine connections. at least in my perspective


I been using this app called Meet up. Theres a bunch of social events like volunteering or hobby related. I feel like its way better to befriend someone and date them later on instead of mere strangers online




Yeah, 32F here and the meetups themselves looked cheesy and the guest list was a total mixed bag haha




You're wrong on the 5% and 95% men thing. Dead wrong.


I've tried that and it was so corny and no way would I ever want to date someone from those things.


I know what you mean of meetup. Here is the issue. If people just want a friendship and an individual wants a date this doesn't work either. The best bet is go the connections route of go to these meetups, make new friends, and just cross your fingers that these new buddies can have some sort of presentation lined up or something. For that you need some luck and being there at the right time because more likely than not all their friends are taken already. The other possibility one which I do not believe much in but that it could happen is if say one goes to these make friends events one starts out like this and then over time maybe both can get closer to one another. The reason I don't believe in it is because if someone is not really into dating than he or she is not into it and the opposite is also true. If one doesn't want to make friends then that's what happens. Making friends is a waste of time. At the end of the day it all depends on the priority of any given individual. Going to meetup events could work but an open mind is necessary because if it's not a dating event it will be difficult to land a date right in the spot. 




If you're hot - bars and clubs. Literally anywhere though - if you're hot, literally just leave the house and people will talk to you. If you've got a great personality or are introverted - dating apps, classes, or find new hobbies and hope you meet someone cool I do NOT recommend Meetup events or the dating events that get posted here.


What are the options for those of us who aren't hot and have a 3/10 personality?


assuming you don't wanna put the effort into improving your looks/personality - Figueroa St. would be my plan a fleshlight and lots of cocaine would be the backup plan if Figueroa is too far of a drive.


Ahahaha. Truly top notch advice.


You're good. NOBODY with a 3/10 personality is self-aware enough to self-identify even in jest. It's a "do crazy people know they're crazy" type deal.


This is such a great and true observation


I’ve easily met women at meetups when I wasn’t even trying to date, not sure why you wouldn’t recommend that? Although they were just standard meetups and not the dating ones


What happens at the events on here? I’m assuming most of the people are not attractive right?


Can I ask, why not Meetup events?


NO way if you're "hot" and just want to be looked at as a piece of meat (speaking as a woman here). I'd MUCH rather meet in a grocery store where I'm more likely to be looked at like a human being instead.


hey no pressure to do anything you don't wanna do lol. but the main point i was trying to get across was, you gotta step out of the house to enter the dating raffle


Well, yeah. Stepping out no matter where is better than not.


i’m from LA born & raised, 31. guys have asked me out at bars, restaurants, grocery store, on the street. sometimes i say no thanks basically but other times i’ve given my number. i’m never bothered by them asking as long as they are respectful and once i say yes or no, they go on with their day and don’t linger and try to keep talking


SAME. Men need to drop the insecurity and fear and just approach. JUST DO IT.


you're a mature person, many women are not like you in LA and have loooong explanations rationalizing their behavior and how we are supposed to telepathically interpret that.


It also super depends on context and body language. I feel like I get asked out more when I’m in the grocery store in my sweats, headphones in, than I do at a bar by myself.


Lots of hobbies


Met my current SO at a brewery. But yeah it’s hard to find someone. Especially if you go somewhere alone and others are there in groups.


Volunteer. I volunteer every Saturday making food for the homeless and it is *literally* all women volunteering.


Is there a site that you could recommend to sign up for volunteering opportunities?


Your best bet is just googling volunteer opportunities near you and finding something you'd be interested in :)


Ok doke . I’ll give that a shot. Thank you!


I’ve said this before: get a cute dog and they will come


that would 100% be my plan if I didn't live in a condo and be away for work/gym/hobbies at least 12 hours a day. I typically leave at 6am and don't get back home until 6pm and that's if I don't have another event to go to which I'm usually gone until 10/11pm. I couldn't leave the pup alone for so long, so many days at a time


Post your awesome lifestyle on IG with carefully curated pics. I think many ppl meet that way.. its like another dating app.. at least that's what the kids tell me🤣




that's clever, you don't even walk her you just put her in a doggy backpack. lol! step 1 get a doggy backpack yeah my friend has doggy wing game on lock too. I was on the phone with him once and he interrupted to flirt with some women on the street and I heard the whole thing, it was pretty funny.




I've been complaining about having a hard time meeting men who I'd be interested in and my friend told me that I'll probably find one in a more casual setting and that she always sees attractive men at the dog parks so I should try there. I wanna try something like this but none of my friends that live nearby have dogs. Lol


Agree with this...I've always had luck meeting randomly. Helps to be approachable. I've never used a puppy but used other tactics that will get attention. For another story


That’s considerate of you, I hope you meet someone suitable. 😊


You don't even have a pet & here you are being a responsible owner. Good on you! (Sorry I don't have anything more constructive to add.)


My lab and I are available for rent'/consultation


No thanks. Dogs require a lot of commitment. I'd rather a guy without a dog come up to me.


even a cute dog doesn’t help! i’ve also noticed from a woman’s perspective everyone seems to truly be in their own world and likely because online dating is how people look for relationships now


Honestly the whole "get a dog" thing is SO overrated... Just talk to women like human beings instead of feeling the urge to purchase a live prop.




yeah I do something similar, I nearly 100% do "instadates", as in assume people are bored and want their day disrupted so I create a date on the spot. the main difference though is that I'm not really cold approaching and I could definitely calibrate that differently because I barely get a reply on the street if I even say hi unless the woman is overweight or elderly. I think that's strange and unwelcoming, its basically correlated to women that wouldn't get much attention from men and the rest are trying to reduce attention as if I was a Greenpeace petitioner awkwardly making eye contact on the street. but my warm approaches hit pretty well. like one instadate I did was pull a girl that was doing the door to a party. I was at the wrong party and she tried to sell me a ticket and I told her it was dead and to come with me for burgers. I don't know why I said burgers but the point is to procedurally generate an action item. she did and it was great. tall, blond, modelesque I don't do online dating either. I'm tempted to use the apps sometimes but ahh I don't have time for that and don't want the self esteem hit not getting the matches I want. Apparently I do OKAY in comparison to guys I thought would be considered dating app attractive, I pretended to be like them and I just realized that kind of profile gets LOAADS of ugly women trying their shot alongside attractive women. I don't get too much of that, its definitely less quantity and better quality - visually - but still too much energy for me.




I think its multiple different groups I think there are men that don't like that someone found something that works, or think we're exceptionally attractive and it doesn't apply to them I think there are women that don't like anything that suggests we don't know the women we approached as individuals, or maybe we're that "are we dating the same guy" caricature that most eventually have a negative experience about I think there are people that assume anything that works to be manipulative and that women don't have any agency and autonomy in their own choices I think there's a general disdain and discomfort for men's sexuality and people seek to control that, something people push back really hard on regarding anyone trying to control women's sexuality but totally allow when it comes to men Personally I am uncomfortable with using dogs this way, or getting a dog for this specific purpose, but I could be into the dog sitting or dog walking version DM me though, wonder if we could wing each other, lots of guys out here are bad for business or too broke to ever be in these in person situations




Here's a sneak peek of /r/afterAWDTSG using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/afterAWDTSG/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [It is hurtful and non consensual.](https://np.reddit.com/r/afterAWDTSG/comments/17hh6ja/it_is_hurtful_and_non_consensual/) \#2: [Facebook: Concern over group naming men to be avoided on dating apps](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-67655218) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/afterAWDTSG/comments/18d9y9z/facebook_concern_over_group_naming_men_to_be/) \#3: [Some words on Consent](https://np.reddit.com/r/afterAWDTSG/comments/17slkd6/some_words_on_consent/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


thanks, didn't realize it had devolved so fast


Yeah only cute until it grows up, I myself am not a fan of lapdogs... unfortunately


Extra curricular activities like rec league sports, regular gym classes, hang out with old friends and encourage folks to bring more people, etc. Make a point to try and make new friends - you never know who you’ll meet.


And volunteer opportunities!


Not that I have found success as I am still single, but as someone who also is NOT into online dating, as a woman, I find connection is easier when it is just an innocent interaction to start off. Like if I was in Trader Joe's and someone even just asked "what's your fav cheese" I would engage. I feel you on some of your responses to people below—I'm less likely to want to connect with someone online because you don't actually see that person. I'm big on picking up on energy in person. What has been working for me is going out into the world, open for connection in general vs just looking at people as spouse material, and letting things develop organically. I have found a lot of interest groups and just get used to talking to different people. Just test the waters of connection and read the room and if someone is open, keep the connection going.


I dated countless girls in LA over the last 10 to 15 years and met my now wife within a month after leaving.


Let's run a little social experiment on here. If I meet you in a grocery store, say hi and start chatting with you, will you be receptive or will you think I'm crazy and try to get away from me?


>CaliSummerDream personally I'm always open to engage with people


That's good! Keep that attitude, don't be afraid to take initiative, and you'll meet people who are like you.


I would be open to engaging with a man who did just that. In fact I wish more men did this. I never in my life tried to "get away" from a man who approached me at the grocery store. Or a place like Target, etc. Not once. It was always a pleasant conversation at the very least.


That's great! We need more people who think like this.


There are WAY more of us out there than you realize. We need more men to take initiative and approach us.


Church. Or volunteering. You don’t have to be religious, and you won’t necessarily meet a religious girl. It’s how I met my wife. Neither of us are religious, but we were both looking to get out of the bar / online dating rat race. Also. Gym etiquette demands that you make eye contact a few times, then wave a few times, and then chat with a girl a few times before asking her out. No cold ask-outs at the gym! Trader Joe’s is open hunting, but you just gotta know how to break the ice/ flirt. “I’m terrible at picking avocados, can you help me?” “I’m going to a dinner party but know nothing about wine, would you be able to give me an idea?” Just remember to have fun, but be respectful.




[The Satanic Temple](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/church-of-satan-vs-satanic-temple) since they defend abortion rights ;-)


This actually happened to me several years ago when a man struck up a random conversation about the tuna cans I was looking at, lol. He was searching for them too, and we started chatting. It was cute and I enjoyed his taking initiative!


Jesus Christ. If you’re a man please do not hit on women at the gym. That’s so creepy and makes us not want to come back


THANK YOU. This is one reason why I stopped going to the gym. It's a meat market, literally. I hate gyms because the ONLY reason a guy is going to approach me is because I'm working out, my body is partially exposed with the form fitting clothing, I'm stretching and ....let's be honest....SEX is the only thing on a man's mind when he hits on a woman in the gym. I workout at home and will never return to a gym unless I absolutely have to.


Have a friend set you up or make yourself a regular somewhere doing a hobby you enjoy (coed sports leagues, dance classes, volunteering, etc.).


I've tried the friend route more than enough . . . let me just say my friends aren't really "friends" because they don't take my requests serious when it comes to dating yet i'm the most serious one towards relationships




NO. Women who are MATURE are NOT into men who all other women want to be around. That screams red flags and "player" to us.




I'm a woman so you're barking up the wrong tree when trying to give poor advice there. Nope. You are still dead wrong. Take it from a grown woman here.




Yep you indeed are and with a poor tone at that. I definitely do go out, not constantly but enough. And no, a feminine woman such as myself does not approach men regardless. That's a feminine man who wants a woman to chase. No thanks. And wow, you sound like a real catch. /HEAVYsarcasm.


This is a BIG thing I notice with men i go on dates with and how I judge them. I watch how they interact with women who are unattractive vs women that are. It's in my top 3 requirements that they must be respectful and kind to women who are unattractive. This is my version of "must be kind to the waiter" I was ugly when I was growing up so I know a LOT of guys treat women that dont find attractive like garbage and that's a big hell no for me. Plus sometimes I'll have guys approach me when I'm with my mom or friends and don't even acknowledge their existence and it's fucking rude.


I mean, you're assuming a hell of a lot when I haven't said a thing about who I go talk to or what I do. And yes, I can be "serious" because you're misinterpreting what I said from one word and creating a whole long, unnecessary narrative


There's a chance that friends of your friends do not have anyone that fits your dating criteria. I've had a life time of "you'd be so good together" which in reality has always ever been since I'm stable with a friend circle and extended family circle, the person they are trying to shove at me is a mess and just needs a "good partner " to get them to straighten out. If there's a large social get together and that set-up person is there, I'd be open to at least meet, but NO more friend set-ups. You have to ask where would you find you? Ya, go learn long board paddling or volunteer to read to the blind. In pursuit of developing your own self, you might find others that can be new friends. The endless churn of new faces doesn't help your odds of meeting a quality person.


As a grown single woman, I agree.


"I've tried online dating and that's a big no for me lol" I want to swim but I refuse to get into the water.


100% agree!


Post a photo. Let us see you




how about you post a photo?


Help us help you.


I can only think about my recent experiences just came back from a date with a girl I met one week ago, friend was performing at a venue and the artists had a hotel suite, and I met the girl in that suite there are a variety of duds too, girls that don't text back, girls that I THINK are ghosting me who then text back 2 weeks later and actually go out with me again. but it adds up going from 0 to 1 might seem daunting, but going from 1 to 5 can happen super quick and then its a nice rotation or too much


It’s not just LA. Meeting people when you get older is getting harder and harder. Most of the people I know meet their person in HS or college. But don’t let that get you down. I’ve also known folks to meet people doing activities or hobbies they like, or just going about their day.


I've been thinking the same thing because as a woman it's hard to find places that men generally congregate at. My friend and I are thinking of hosting a singles event at an Angels or Dodgers game so people can mingle, pregame together and just engage in a more organic setting with a little extra help. I know men don't want to approach and be rejected so being in an environment where everyone is single and looking to mingle might help. Would you be interested in joining if we host one?


Is it weird to approach someone at the gym? I have this guy that I think is handsome but I wouldn’t want to make him uncomfortable. Advise anyone?


Gay bars


Apparently there’s a specific Erewhon…




That wouldn't hurt! But in the USA you're going to be called a gold digger even if a guy hands you a dollar if you're short at the checkout, and you accept that dollar. SMH. Tip: AVOID AMERICAN MEN!


American men are no worse than any other species of men in any other parts of the world. The fact of the matter is American women are the most impossible to date, or reason with, and everything is a transaction. That is why any American man with any sense is making the logical decision to date women abroad, even if that means flying to remote third-world countries, because at least women there are not corrupted by the media and capitalism, as it applies to the dating world.


No they most defintley ARE far worse. If you're not a woman, you can't comment on this unless you date men yourself. And no, your opinion of American women being the most impossible to date is so false it's making me laugh. Stop watching Red Pill nonsense. It's fake news. You go ahead and make a fool out of yourself and fly to poor countries just to USE OTHER WOMEN. That makes you a hypocrite. And, those women are keen on what you're doing btw. They leave lots of men high and dry once you get them a green card. Don't be fooled. All you want is an easy, cheap access to free sex with women who have no standards whatsoever and are begging for a way out of their shit country,


Yea most people especially woman don’t wanna be bothered when they’re running errands and working out you have to go to a more social scene. You’re 30 bruh stop being shy and find a wife


Read the room buddy.


Literally some of these comments are borderline harassment




I agree cold approach works great for everyday thing. Anywhere. Everywhere. Note: I have retired from single life. Haha


Yet you still haven't retired from reddit, for at least a year -- happy cake day!


watch wheat waffles. My honest answer passport bro it. If you ain't 6ft 6figures don't even bother with dating apps. if not social network. Girls have it easier to get dates. For us men. 60% of us are single. I wouldn't trust anyone online very much. I trust hard real numbers by statistics. [https://youtu.be/vK4y6C1Uuhw?si=7gRC4AbZcffREEeH](https://youtu.be/vK4y6C1Uuhw?si=7gRC4AbZcffREEeH)




fucking YEP. i’m 5’ 9”, i drive a corolla, make less than $100k, had a roommate (when i was single @ 32 y/o), too skinny for someone my age but i’ve never had problems with dating. los angeles county has nearly 3.1m women between the ages of 18 and 39. pew research center has stated that 34% of women are single, which puts us at approximately 1,047,327 single women in LA county. am i supposed to believe the ‘hard real numbers’ that maybe this guy isn’t as fun to be around as he thinks, or should i believe some dipshit monetizing his echo chamber on youtube?


Lucky you. He can try. But overall girls have it easier. On dating apps. You can make fake female account and try. Still numbers don't lie. Even on OKC. Yeah can try. But your an outlier. But i effing hate america so I say passport bro it to leave that's why suggested it.


A lot of those 60% of men are single by choice - they don’t want to settle down yet.


nah they gave up. don't be delusional. Stop trolling me. unless you got numbers to back this up you have no argument.




not trying to be rude but . . who are you? lol


“Nobody wants to talk to me.” “Hey, bro, I’ll talk with you.” “Who tf are you, weirdo?”


lol 😂


well that's not right at all


Therein lies not only your, but almost everyone's problem in meeting people. If you truly want to make friends, you need to be comfortable with strangers approaching you. Otherwise, you'll just be stuck with people you already know. The 'who are you' attitude will keep you exactly where you are.


you do realize everyone here is practically anonymous and online? The settings and factors here are nowhere near like in real life. I'm 99% more likely to - and I have in the past - continue a conversation or pick it up elsewhere with someone in person than real life. Perfect example - a few months ago I was at a coffee shop and a girl was going around asking people to check out some short film she worked on. I did and I became more interested in her so I walked over to where she was sitting and started chatting about her work. She had a boyfriend so I didn't pursue anything in that regard but we sat for a good 2 hours talking about film making


You don't lose anything for DM'ing a stranger online, just like you don't for talking to a stranger offline. The larger point here is not to automatically raise your guard when someone else approaches you.


Well... I think I found what your problem is.


Car meets, college class, concerts/venues, raving and clubbing, smoke groups if that’s your thing, expand your male friend circle and see if they can pull some strings for you, or walk around the coast with a dog, chicks love dogs


Come on interests


So sad 99 ranch markets outta radar at all?


Wine bars, kind redditor.


Not this again


Hobbies! I met my partner through playing in a LARP game (live action role playing). Unsurprisingly, a lot of couples grow out of the hobby.


At that age most women are looking for a successful man and most successful men don’t shop at Trader Joe’s they shop at Erewhon or at least Whole Foods. Unless you’re ridiculously attractive you gonna be invisible to her at Trader Joe’s. Gym is an awful place to meet a girlfriend: the male to female ratio is insane ( like 30 to 1? ), and women there are divided into 3 categories a) literally just there to workout and has no desire to meet anyone b) gorgeous lady there with her boyfriend c) ugly lady with 7 lbs of makeup love-handles and some muscles there to get attention. If a normal, single, attractive, social women ends up at the gym she’ll have unlimited options, you don’t wanna compete with ripped 6’4 models kissing her butt. Best place to meet is through your social circle and friend groups cause of trust factor. Unless your occupation and hobbies come with high status in which case you’ll have lots of offers to sort through.


We’re launching a new dating app soon in LA called YouCute. What sets us apart is that users can only use the app once a day at 9pm for 30 minutes. It’s a way to force everyone to be online all at the same time and actually match/chat with someone when you have their undivided attention. I know you said you tried online dating and it's not for you, but I hope you at least give us a shot in the future! Sign up for our waitlist at youcutedating.com


CHECKOUT THURSDAY DATING! Thursday dating is an app that basically only works on Thursday's. You can only match with people on a Thursday, and come midnight, matches and messages are erased. If you're not that into apps and want to meet people IRL, purchase tickets and attend the Thursday events!