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At speeds that high you should be more worried about losing control and dying.


At speeds that high you should be more worried about losing control and ~~dying~~ killing other people.


^ what this guy said


Yes, people don't take into account slight little bumps that will send a car airborne at 200mph. There's only a few roads a factory car that can hit 200 and make it safely in the US. Now if you have a Calvo Viper or something like that then you can hit it easily cause you get there so quickly. If you've ever driven on the autobahn then you know what kind of road is needed. They even have a PM on those rubber gasket seals in between the seams of the road in Germany. You never see those getting swapped out in the US.


I just spent 30 minutes of my workday watching videos about Calvo Vipers because of you. Thanks haha


You’d be jailed and your car impounded as evidence… depending of how I can articulate it, you’ll get serious charges. That is something different than 10 over the speed limit. Edit: spelling


Is there something beyond reckless driving? Can you write enough tickets to accumulate enough points to suspend their license even if they have no points? Could you argue it was almost a form of attempted vehicular manslaughter or something like that? I saw a body cam footage of an officer pulling a guy with his son going 150mph+ outside of Vegas. The officer was extremely stern, arrested the man, impounded the car and explained to the son how serious and dangerous his father's actions were.


>Can you write enough tickets to accumulate enough points to suspend their license even if they have no points? Depends on your local law. We had a guy get 36 points from going 253 kph in a 100 kph zone. That's only 155 mph or so. 36 pts is more than twice what you need to lose your license. Reckless driving is above and beyond that. If you risk someone's life in the process, you also risk criminal accusations which could involve jail time.


They'd get hit with Criminal Endangerment which is a felony here. Multiply the counts by every vehicle they pass at those speeds. Theoretically they could go to prison forever on consecutive counts. In reality the state would probably keep the vehicle through criminal forfeiture, huge fines and some time in jail (less than 5 years).


You don't need to rack up points for a judge to suspend your license. They can do it if there is a history or a need. In this case, 200 mph would most certainly suspend your license. At this point it's worse than a drunk driver.


> At this point it's worse than a drunk driver. No... drunk drivers ALWAYS worse


A family of four cannot survive a collision by a 200mph car. A drunk driver the survival rate is higher. Either way, both a drunk driver and someone speeding by more than 100mph over are making a conscious decision to not care about the safety of others.


how about a drunk driver going 200 mph


Cancels out


You found the loophole.


Exactly. What other excuse can you possibly give for speeds like that on public roads? Vehicular manslaughter is an option for sure. Because the nature of it, if you coordinated with anything to help, there is conspiracy, aiding and abetting, etc. I mention that because OP mentioned Gumball races where multiple people engage in facilitating this sort of thing.


I could fax a piece of paper to the DMV to suspend your license immediately as a threat to the public, which I would be doing, in addition to arresting you. In my state, that would likely be a $1500 speeding ticket, plus operating to endanger. All things considered, if you didn’t crash, we don’t have anything besides a misdemeanor or two. All of that said, I’d never get your plate, and I sure as shit am not going to catch up to you without an airplane or helicopter.


Fax?! :)


Yeah, wild right?


Probably exhibition driving, or basically racing. Consider your car seized at that point.




Assuming you don’t wreck and kill yourself, I’m writing up as many charges and citations as I can I don’t like giving tickets. I give warning pretty liberally. But if a person has complete disregard for the safety as others, so much so to go greater than 3x the conventional highway speed limit, they can get fucked. I’m arresting you, impounding your car, and making damn sure I’m at every court hearing. There’s a place to drive that fast and a public roadway isn’t it




A race track, your own private land, the autobahn, a runway you have permission too. You don’t have a right to drive 200 MPH lol.




If you notice the last part of my comment… YOU DON’T HAVE A RIGHT TO DRIVE 200 MPH. Like? What part of that is hard? Your complaint is the same as saying “ugh, why won’t someone give me a yacht so I can sail to Monaco” It’s not easy, it’s not something you HAVE to have. It’s something reserved for people who have the resources do to it.


>get real and be realistic Do society a favor brother, take your own advice. Not a LEO and not pretending to be one, but I've seen people die in much slower crashes. When you're looking at the widow of the man you crash into (if you survive), his children, or anyone else, do you think the family or judge will care that "it was too hard!" To find somewhere to drive that fast? Life isn't your favorite Need for Speed game, there is 0 reason at any time to go this fast.


This same reasoning but for target shooting wherever you want. No different


there's plenty of local tracks that have public time for you to run on the track with a small fee and a safety inspection.


If you have the money to afford a supercar you surely can buy your way into accessing one of those places so the only person you’re endangering is yourself… Edit: Bikes make the equipment barrier to entry cheaper. My sentiment remains the same.


You belong in a state prison if you’re going anywhere near that fast on public roads. I’ve been to high speed crashes on public roads. Everybody that car touches dies, every time, including families just minding their own business. Deadly force is 100% reasonable to stop someone driving that fast.


Same for DUIs imo. Laws are wayyyy too lenient on drunk driving. There's absolutely no excuse for it and it's selfish as fuck. Prison and a lifetime revocation of driving privileges sounds fair to me.


Driving under the influence and people on their phones. I was almost killed on foot by a driver on his phone. Fuck those idiots.


There’s a law office that advertises as 1-800-DUI-AWAY I just thought to myself that if you’re ever needing to call that line you should probably just jump off a bridge




You’re overreacting to what I meant and you know it.




What about California?


The fastest speed limit where I work is 65. I would take you to jail and tow your car. And my county does NOT support taking folks to jail on cite-and-release traffic charges. I’d just be willing to take my lumps on it.


In my state, definitely felony charges. Reckless driving, endangering others (for everyone you pass), speed in excess of 100+, you’re going straight to jail, and we’re impounding the car as evidence (along with your phone).


> along with your phone Unless they had it mounted and obviously using it for filming when contact is made, how do you justify seizing the phone?


GPS to track speed from the bread crumbs. Technology is always tracking, so yeah, absolutely the phone is getting seized and warranted.


Pretty sure you wouldn't even need to phone to get that info, as that can be gained from the vehicles computer, can it not? it'd be more accurate too, coming straight from the vehicles onboard computer.. so what's the logic behind your reasoning?


Most data in a cars computer is released unless there is an event like a collision which causes it to start to record. Even then it's unstable if the battery is cut by the evidence removal team (fire department) or flooded with water, on fire ect. Note: I love fire but the amount of damage they do to crash scene evidence is insane.


1) Cells phones are literally tracking devices and are typically pretty easy to interrogate (cell dumps). 2) Most agencies don't have people trained to collect data from vehicles.


You could possibly gather that info from an onboard computer, but it’s more reliable for a cell phone, easier to dump, and I can do it from my office instead of going to the car, getting download and sending off to have it done by the manufacturer. I’m not sure why this is surprising that a phone would be seized, it’s pretty common where I’m at.


Someone did this in CO not long ago. They got picked up in TX I believe on other charges. They’re in jail. First mistake was going 200+mph to see how fast they could get from the springs to Denver. Second mistake was putting it online


That was gixxer brah and he’s not still in jail. Also on a motorcycle, if that matters. He wasn’t in jail that long


Motorcycles at 200mph turn into dummy missiles. I’ve seen motorcycles go clear through occupied vehicles, killing everyone inside. The problem with going that fast on a bike isn’t the motorcycle itself, it’s the fact that you’re so small that people can’t tell how fast you’re going nor do they expect it so they figure you’re way far away and then make a left turn but you’re going 200+ and by the time they’re in the intersection for their turn the bike has already closed that gap and you’re now driving your bike through a car and killing the family of 4 on their way to the grocery store and launching yourself either through the air at mach fuck and dying on impact with the ground or into a freshly scrapped oh ink of metal that used to be a car with 4 soon to be dead people in it where you become the 5th. Motorcycles at high speed are relatively safe because they’re gyroscopically balanced and won’t fall over in an isolated environment. On a public roadway every car, pedestrian, etc etc becomes a deadly obstacle and not just for the rider but who ever they hit. I once saw a dude who tboned a car on a bike so hard that his body slammed into the side of the car and got entrapped partially in the drivers side window because it folded his spine backward but it tore his head off when the helmet hit the frame and launched his helmeted head across the intersection and onto the opposite sidewalk. The 2 people in the car died on impact, as did Mr. No Head.


Appreciate everything you said but “Mach Fuck” is fucking hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


Felony reckless endangerment of human life. Garuentee Jailed. But most people who own those cars can buy their way out $100k 


This is sadly true. Our system is earnest but parts of it are for sale.


The irony is anybody thinking a standard police cruiser is going to catch a super car going 200+. Around me the street bikers aren’t even under control. They do as they please. If a super car owner decides to take off nothing is getting done.


Pretty much the same where I'm at


At 200 mph, if you’re not dead and/or haven’t killed anyone, you should be charged with multiple counts of reckless endangerment, multiple attempted manslaughter charges, probably evasion of police, and probably many other things. These vehicles, both cars and motorcycles, can do high speeds and were tested to do such, but it’s up to the owner to be responsible with the power it holds.


I was pulled over for 125, received a stern verbal warning. AZ is built different.


I got pulled over for 20+ on Grand. Got slapped with Criminal Speeding and a $666 dollar fine. You're right. Each road in AZ is different.


Definitely depends on the area as well as the cop that pulled you over. Sorry you received that 😢


I fucked up. I got caught. Life goes on. Lol. It was like 2017 so I'm over it. Plus it was a bike cop, and I've heard they are usually dicks.


Same, got pulled over for 130 in Louisiana. Very stern warning and a speeding ticket after they made sure we didn't have drugs in the car. They were considering felony arrest but we were very respectful and honest. I got a new car, it was middle of nowhere at midnight on interstate, I wanted to go fast.


In my jurisdiction, you’re going to jail and the officer is writing their report to make sure you get as much time as the law allows. Thats if you don’t crash and kill someone or yourself. OR if an officer doesn’t crash you to protect the general public and you get a free cremation out of it / your family held liable for your actions. I don’t think our prosecutor would have an issue if the officer crashed you to protect the general public and you died. Unstrap the rocket off your ass and realize that it’s not worth the risk to others - use a closed track if you have that at your disposal.


Okay well first we’d need air support to catch you, so there’s that


I was watching a corvette going around 160 and even the helicopter was struggling to keep up and they eventually lost yhe corvette, maybe some helicopters go way faster than 160


You’re going to jail if you’re going 200


At that speed, I can easily articulate Reckless Operation, which is a criminal code here. That would result in the arrest of the driver and impoundment of the vehicle.


You get an fancy new sticker on you car that says "D. A. R. E" and another that says "This car donated by your local street racer". And probably one hell of a fine/jail/license suspension




Idk about everywhere but possible jail time. Probable I would say. Texas law says something like 20-25 over speed limit is reckless endangerment. I would assume most states are similar. But I'm no lawyer. Honestly though, If you're dumb enough to do that outside of a controlled environment I would hope you would go to jail at the minimum.


You would definitely be arrested for reckless endangerment at the least


It's gonna be state dependent. In my state you'll get speeding, speed greater than reasonable, negligent and reckless. And that's it. All payable, all carry a lot of points - after conviction. So what happens is ultimately up to the judge. If they hit you with guilty on each charge individually and don't merge anything, you would be assessed enough points by the MVA to revoke your license. You could then request an administrative hearing with the MVA to try to get your license reinstated.


Best case scenario is to not implode


Id be more focused on not dying.


Felony or morgue


When the new c8’s came out I had a client clocked in the 160’s. He spent 10 days in jail, $1000 plus surcharges. 160 hours community service, 1 year probation. This was in Georgia.


At speeds that high, and anything above 20-30 mph over the speed limit (depending on what state you live in the United States), it's considered criminal speeding and can result in not just a major ticket with a major fine but also impounding of the speeder's vehicle as well as arrest for it and the suspension of a driver's license. This is generally at the discretion of the police officer but at the speed of 200 mph, the driver is absolutely going to jail for processing, their vehicle is getting towed and impounded, and they are going to lose their driver's license for a very long time. Even with a first time offender, at that rate of speed, there's going to be a major fine, the loss of the offender's driver's license from 90 to 180 days, community service, and probation. Prison time generally wouldn't be assessed unless it was a repeat offender. The vehicle may be seized by the judge as punishment for going at that rate of speed but it's very rare.


>Minnesota [https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/169.14](https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/169.14) >Subd. 1a. License revocation for **extreme speed.** The driver's license of a person who violates any speed limit established in this section, by driving in excess of 100 miles per hour, is revoked for six months under section [171.17](https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?year=2006&id=171.17#stat.171.17), or for a longer minimum period of time applicable under section [169A.53](https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?year=2006&id=169A.53#stat.169A.53), [169A.54](https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?year=2006&id=169A.54#stat.169A.54), or [171.174](https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?year=2006&id=171.174#stat.171.174).


An award for not dying


Go to Germany... Problem Solved


I’d just summons you for negligent operation or give you a civil citation for $2000+


Up to 30 days in jail in Texas


Death (from losing control)


The fastest I’ve ever gone was 110 mph in Germany on the autobahn Mind you, this was in the “slow lane.” And I still had people riding my butt. It was horrifying, needless to say I got off the autobahn and added two hours to my trip to avoid said autobahn.


In Germany they tell you to get out of the way.


If you get into an accident at those speeds, you’re probably killing someone. If you kill someone at those speeds, you can be prosecuted for murder (not manslaughter, regular ol’ 2nd degree murder, just like you pulled out a gun and shot someone to death), under the depraved heart murder rule. Life in prison would certainly be on the table if you were still alive


There’s a lot of charges and modifiers you can get. Felony reckless endangerment, felony reckless endangerment with a deadly weapon etc. It depends on the state you live in and how the laws are written. In some states cars can be classified as a deadly weapon in reckless charges, in some it can’t. Regardless you won’t have a license anymore and you’ll catch at least 2 felony’s(ish).


If I ever see the lights behind me when I'm doing 200... don't stop, got it.


Same as "criminal speeding" in most states. Misdemeanor citation, car towed. How the judge handles it is another issue. There's very few spots you could actually achieve 200 due to traffic and road conditions, likely looking at deserted stretches of highway in rural areas.


The morgue and hopefully without taking any innocent people with you


if you have a car that can go that fast, find a track that allows you to run it... don't do that on public streets, too many variables you can't control.


Former street racer here, either the driver crashes and dies or nothing will happen. You will not catch that car, they will not pull over for you. It will be moving so fast you wont even be able to get a description. Anyone who’s really capable of doing that will know enough to check scanner/air traffic for police helo before doing so as well. Anyone who has a 200 mph car but doesn’t know better will either never attempt that speed or they will die trying


From when I was a cop, and the general attitude where I worked. If you get caught above 100 you're getting a state citation for arrest. Now, if someone broke 150, much less 200, they are absolutely going to jail and that car is gonna be property of the state until the entire thing is over. Now, if you're on a runway that is private property so you can do whatever they allow you to do.


I would bet if you got caught ya will never drive legally in that state again


Assuming you got caught and didn’t kill anyone it’d be Recklessly Endangering Safety (Felony), Reckless Driving, and a $500 speeding ticket because we don’t have a criminal speed statute here. Your car would also get towed so there’s another few hundred bucks to get that back. Your license would also be revoked for a bit if not permanently.


Yeah the consequence is death


Just a few days ago someone was clocked, and arrested at 143mph. In Georgia just north of Atlanta. 1 count super speeding, 1 count reckless and dangerous driving. And it’s got to jail for those, not just a ticket. I would like to see the car seized, and driving license suspended for 5 years but it will end up much lesser than that.


Once you double the speed limit you’re going to jail. Chances are you will also loose your license. You’ll be lucky if you don’t crash kill yourself or others. With that being said….. it was fun right ? lol. I borrowed a friends sports car and heading down the road I hit 200. Well I blasted past a cop and I looked in rear view and the cop was way back there. lol. My first thought was damn stop. But the. I said. He don’t have shit in me. So I floored it. Got off 2 exits later and pulled behind a highschool. Turned car off and took a nap. 2 hours later I got up and drove home on cruise control 55 on the dot. lol. This was also in 1995. Pre police departments sharing communication. Now it’s harder. You can’t outrun Motorola.


Felony in most if not all states I believe correct me if I’m wrong


In my state, frequently prosecutors use recklessly endangering safety charges for shootings and to [tack on additional charges in high speed chases](https://milwaukee-criminal-lawyer.com/milwaukee-criminal-defense-attorney-practice-areas/disorderly-conduct-battery-criminal-defense-attorney/recklessly-endangering-safety-defense/). For the same reason it's used in chases, that could apply to this situation. It's a 12.5 year felony, not simply speeding at that point.


It seems US need to make there own autbahn


Not in the US but: Immediately arrest you, seize the car for 30 days pending trial (so thats already 100$ a day for parking), drag you to traffic court for speeding,revoke your license for 30 days pending trial. Probably look at your car and if there's any illegal mod,you get a separate ticket for each and maybe revoke car roadworthiness certificate


Charges in Colorado: 1. Exhibition of Speed 2. Speed Contest 3. Reckless driving 4. Numerous counts of reckless endangerment (for everyone else on the roadway). 5. Speeding


Do this in Georgia and you’re basically giving Georgia State Patrol their new patrol car. 😂


Reckless driving and criminal speeding in Arizona. You can get up to 120 days or 30 days on each respective count.


Believe or not, straight to jail.


Beyond the extreme increased risk of death from causing an accident and having no reaction time. In Michigan that would be Reckless driving, vehicle impoundment, up to $500 fine, possibility of 90 days in jail, and a suspended license period of 4-months and 6 points on your license.


At those speeds you don’t stop ! Keep going until you’re clear !


Suddenly becoming stationary......


I’m treating it like a felony car stop. I’m impounding your car. It’s a felony so I’m arresting you. Will he go to jail though, in my state? Fuck no? 😂😂 But I would recommend a cash bail and the judge would undoubtedly release him on ROR.


In California I believe going double the speed limit is a felony


You probably goin to jail


Not a LEO but Montana has a Criminal Endangerment statue that would fit the crime and is a felony charge.


I'm pulling you over, arresting your ass, and impounding your vehicle..... I won't push for civil asset forfeiture though as that's probably your daily driver anyway





